Alternative History


Tensions between the four powers of Britain, Germany, Russia and Japan reach breaking point when the British Ambassador to Iran is killed by a Russian agent. Britain gathers her forces and declares war on Russia. Seeing their chance to eliminate Russian influence in East Asia once and for all, Japan follows suit and attacks through Korea.

At first, Russian High Command is confident of victory, but a surprise campaign that rams through north China by the Japanese and ends with the destruction of two Russian Armies in Outer Mongolia compromise the Russian’s ability to fight the Japanese until large amounts of reinforcements arrive. Along with the utter destruction of their Baltic Fleet by the British Navy leaves the Russians both impotent against British domination of the Baltic Ocean and unable to prevent Japanese troops reinforcing those in China.


Seeing its chance to destroy Russian influence in Europe once and for all, Germany declares war on their rival and marches east, several other nations following suit. In the one actual bit of foresight shown by the Russians during the entire war, a huge mechanised Army is there to greet them. The plains of the Ukraine and Western Russia soon become the sight of dozens of pitched tank battles that slowly head east.

In China, a joint British/Japanese attack into Central China utterly destroys the remaining forces loyal to the Tsar in the Battle of Beijing. With most of Eastern China now under their control, Japan declares the nation of the Kingdom of Manchuria (Under the Japanese Emperor) to be Allied to them. Afghanistan is another disaster area for the Russians as tribes supplied by Britain completely harass their forces to death. Unable to make any breakthroughs into India via the Khyber Pass, the Russians face a bloodbath on all sides.


With now all of East and Northeast China under their control at the end of January, the Japanese start making hints to Britain about perhaps going to the negotiation table with Russia. Britain convinces them to wait until the campaign season is over and the German offensive is finished, hoping that the position of strength would be even greater afterwards.

It isn't. At Smolensk where German armies gained a huge victory 25 years ago, this time, a huge German army is surrounded and butchered in late March. Before long, the Russians turn the tables on Germany and launch a huge counter-attack west. Seeing the weakness of their old enemy, France declares war on Germany and seizes Alsace and Lorraine. The Netherlands also declare war on Germany and start making incursions across the Rhine. Coupled with an astonishingly swift counter attack by the Russian Army that reaches into Austria in the south and Poland in the north, German High Command authorises the completion of their secret project to attack the French out of sheer desperation into getting more time.

In October 1942, the French city of Orleans is obliterated in the World's first atomic blast. The sheer shock of what has happened stops the Russian offensive in its tracks, fearful of a similar fate for one of their cities. Using that breathing space, the German Army prepares to counter attack.


The final year of World War Two would see an honest fear of Germany by all parties. The bombing of Orleans had crippled the French military morale and shocked the Netherlands into retreating back into their borders. During the first two months of the year, the World waits with baited breath as to what’s going to unfold. Thankfully, Britain took the radical step of publicly declaring they would enter peace negotiations for all concerned. All nations jumped at the offer, thankful to be pulled back from the brink. Negotiations lasted until May and took place in Blenheim Palace, donated by former Prime Minister, Winston Churchill for the occasion.

The Blenheim Treaty was signed by all Nations involved in World War Two and laid out the following stipulations:

The German/Russian border was to be redrawn with Poland being split between the powers. Everything east of Danzig would become a part of Russian territory while Germany kept the rest.

All Nations would recognise the creation of the various Nations that sprung up after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The colonies of the Netherlands in Asia would fall into the hands of Germany.

France would regain the regions of Alsace and Lorraine.

France was to lose all it’s colonies to Germany apart from Algeria and certain Caribbean Islands.

All parties were to recognise the Kingdoms of China as legitimates nations.

Afghanistan was to become a British protectorate.

The Treaty was signed with a good deal of relief by all parties, thinking the worst war the World had ever known was now over.
