Alternative History

Urolmak, (Officially the Socialist Independent State Of Modern Tsarist Urolmak(Sometimes abbreviated to SISOMTU)) is a socialist post-soviet state in Northern Asia. It is famous for the Ural weather attack and contains the Ural Mountains and the Aral sea. It is also the leading country in urology (The science of diseases involving peeing.).

Socialist Independent State Of Modern Tsarist Urolmak

Capital Feodoria
Largest city Echagon
Official languages Russian and Komiani
Ethnic groups
  • 74.5% Russian
  • 8.4% Tartar
  • 6.0% Others (Unspecified)
  • 3.0% Ukrainian
  • 2.1% Udmurt
  • 2.0% Mari
  • 1.9% Komi
Demonym(s) Urolmaks
Government Technocratic parliamentary semi-republican elected tsardom
• Tsar
Feliks Dmitriyev
• Dtars
Vasily Dmitriyev, Zakhar Dmitriyev and Valentina Dmitriyev


Urolmak is derived from Urol (a mispronunciation of Ural) and was originally called Uralnoc from noc, the Czech word for night (Because of the Ural weather attack making the sky look like night most of the time). It was first called Urolnoc in 1958 by western-Russian races migrating there for a better place to spend the Cold War. In 1994 the name was changed to Urolmak as the weather improved. At the beginning of the Cold War it and the countries around it were simply known as Northern Asia and before that the Ural Region and stone. Ural most likely came from the Turkish word for island.


Urolmak is split in half by the Ural Mountains with the Belomas Plain on the west and the Western Siberian Plain on the east. These coressponds to the political zones. The Ural Mountains and Vaygach Island belong to Urolmak, while Novaya Zemlya is part of Belomasakafia.The major river basins are the Ural, Ob, Kama and the Yenisei River Basins. Urolmak's biggest lake is the Aral Sea.



Urolmak is a Tsarist Country, run by a Tsar who has limited power. The Tsar of Urolmak is currently Feliks Dmitriyev, semi-elected in 2004. In the Urolmakian Tsar system there are five main things: The Tsar, the Dtars, the Urolmak parliament, the representatives and the Public. The public votes for the next Tsar in an FPTP vote, (which will be the children or the siblings of the current Tsar) and the votes for each Oblast are passed onto the representative for that Oblast who then votes 80 votes for the next Tsar. The if the representative likes 1 potential Tsar 3 times more than the other potential Tsar then he will vote 60 votes for the one he likes more and 20 votes for the one he doesn't like as much. (The representative is elected by the people in a FPTP vote every five years.) The votes then go to the House of the Urolmak Parliament in Feodoria where a complicated set of things happens to the votes. The Dtars get 2 votes instead of one and can vote for themselves. The votes are counted up in the Urolmak vote counting room and the Tsar is determined.

Foreign Relations

Urolmak is part of the Russian Union and the Fruit and Vegetable Contract Group, having signed the Fruit and Vegetable Contract of Northern Asia and Europe or FVCONAE, which states that members of the group will give fruit and vegetables for free to other countries that signed the contract under certain conditions (e.g. the receiver must have productivity in the lower half of all the other countries that signed the contract.). Urolmak is a large producer of minerals and in 1995 the then Tsar of Urolamk (Dominik Igor Dmitriyev) successfully established Beryl as a unit of currency for minerals in Eurasia (probably because at the time the East Ural beryl mine31 had just found a massive seam of beryl in the ground.). Urolmak is also part of the Arctic Community Council and the Northern Asian Space Union, a yet unsuccessful attempt at launching a space program.

Political Divisions

Urolmak is Divided into Oblasts and Regions. There are 9 Oblasts: from most to least populous: Echagon, Feodoria, Ural Basin, Industrial, Aral, Polar Ural, Carna, Oceanic and Putorana. There are 108 Regions in Total, giving each Oblast an average of 12 Regions. Urolmak is also divided into three geographical Zones but this view is not generally excepted. In the gallery is a map with grey lines representing the borders between Oblasts.


Urolmak is divided into three geographical Zones which do not fit with the Oblasts.They are the West or Political Zone (west of the Urals) The Ural Zone and the East or Siberian Zone (east of the Urals). The west Zone corresponds to the Belomas or Eastern European Plain, the Ural corresponds to the Ural Mountains and the East corresponds to the Western Siberian plain. Zones are sometimes referred to as Topoficies.


Each Oblast has some power, a Representative and a Minister, who oversees certain things like transport, community needs, environmental issues, building infrastructure, fishing, farming, mining and storing and producing electricity. The Tsar has the power to change some of the things the minister does but only if some 6 or more minor ministers agree. Each Oblast has a parliament for that Oblast and a Capital City. In the parliament there is the representative, the minister of the Oblast, the minister of micromanagement and some minor ministers which are the minister of farming, the minister of the environment, community needs, food, education, transport, sewerage, relations with other Oblasts, pollution, hospitals, health, mining, money, air travel, radioactive waste, recycling and electricity. For a full list of people in the Urolmak Parliament, see List of people in the Urolmak Parliament. Each minister has a respective shadow minister. The seats of the Oblast parliament are usually in a horse shoe formation with the Minister of the Oblast at the front, facing the concave of the horse shoe, the Representative and the Minister of Micromanagement on the ends of the horseshoe, facing each other on opposite sides and the minor ministers making up the arch of the horseshoe, usually in many rows. Urolmak has the largest politition to public ratio in the world, with an average of 1 out of 10 people being a Politian.


Exports and Imports

Urolmak's economy relies almost completely on mining with the exception of manufacture and the export of lichens. Urolmak also heavily relies on the Fruit and Vegetable contract of Northern Asia and Europe because of largely depleted soils and being in the taiga belt. Large farming villages have developed however, around volcanoes and take advantage of the fertile soil there. These villages are self-sustaining and mainly do low-level trade with each other, companies and sometimes places outside of Urolmak. More farming can be done in near the south of Urolmak but droughts are common. In 2007, a mining boom occurred as a result of selling Novaya Zemlya to Belomasakafia and constructing mining machinery with the gold.

Urolmak has the richest supplies of minerals in Northern Asia so exports mainly consist of Iron, Chromite, Beryl, Asbestos, Bauxite, and Quartzite. Some other mineral exports include limestone, schist, gold, Maganese, Silver, Sulpur, nickel oxide, platinum, emerald, amethyst, rhodonite, diamonds, jasper and aquamarine. Urolmak does exporting and importing of Natural Gas.Imports to Urolmak include lots of food ranging from wheat and fruits to livestock to be used for meat and dairy products. Coal and electronics are also imported and also oil.


Industry in Urolmak mainly consists of infrastructure such as railway building, car making, building construction and ship building. Since the near economic collapse in 2005 Urolmak's economy has been expanding at a fast rate. Ships in Urolmak can be constructed in one of three places. One is the Arctic Ocean which is usually frozen and only suitable to ice breakers. Most ships are constructed in the Caspian Sea which is shared by many countries so some ships are constructed in the Aral sea which is entirely surrounded by Urolmak. The Aral sea does have some drawbacks as it is slowly draining due to a soviet irrigation system for farming cotton. The irrigation system was damaged by bombing in the 1970s, slowing the shrinkage of the Aral sea. The sea is still shrinking as some of the irrigation system continues to operate but hydrologists say that if it wasn't damaged the Aral sea would have disappeared or at least gotten very small by 2010. The shrinkage of the Aral sea is a widely discussed topic in Urolmak and beached fishing ships have been discovered lying within the past extent of the Aral sea.

Map of Urolmak
