Alternative History
États-Unis, les tribus et les peuples associés de l'Amérique du Nord (United States, Tribes and Associated Peoples of North America)
Timeline: Dutch Superpower

OTL equivalent: Most of OTL USA excluding the North East and Alaska
Flag of États-Unis, les tribus et les peuples associés de l'Amérique du Nord (United States, Tribes and Associated Peoples of North America)
Flag of États-Unis, les tribus et les peuples associés de l'Amérique du Nord (United States, Tribes and Associated Peoples of North America)
(and largest city)
New Orleans
Language French, English, Dutch, Iroquois, Lakota,
Religion Roman Catholic
Government Confederation
President of the Confederation John McCain
Majority Leader of the House of Representatives Chief Red River
Established 1795

The United States, Tribes and Associated Peoples of North America is a confederation of French or English dominated provinces (States), provinces controlled by Native Americans (Tribes) and Provinces controlled by races not native to the continental US who aren't Anglo-Saxon or French (Associated Peoples). It is one of the world's largest countries and had prior to the Anglo-Dutch civil war had an almost unrivaled domination of the Americas. Since its defeat in the civil war and the humiliating occupation that followed America has reemerged as a Regional power, once again backing the Anglo-Dutch in their operations in the Middle East and Central Asia and campaigning to re-gain its position in the UN Security Council.



The First Origins of an independent North American states originated in the late 18th century when American nobles and philosophers met clandestinely in Philadelphia in the court of the Anglo-Dutch Governor's. There they plotted and organized the American government to hamper the actions that the Anglo-Dutch government in Amsterdam wanted to be carried out. Because of the long distances and the time it took for orders and messages to travel from the UK to America the American Governor effectively ruled most of North America without interference from the government in Amsterdam.

However, the continued wars between the Anglo-Dutch and the Indian States in the Sub-Continent were a constant drain on Amsterdam's coffers and in the late 1700's the government in Amsterdam order there Philadelphian counterparts to raise Taxes in order to pay for the Anglo-Dutch Army's wars. The dissent that had been fermenting in the city exploded at this, the Anglo-Dutch Militia found itself hard pressed to contain the riots but the death of the King and King William VI's plans to ingrate America into the Union put and end to an Independent American State originating from the Anglo-Dutch colonies.

The French Colony of Louisiana though was still a hotbed for political dissent, unlike Amsterdam Paris had not intervened in the running of its American colonies and Louisiana had become a hotbed of dissent against the government in Paris with high profile republicans fleeing there in order to plot against the French government. Frustrated with the continual failure of radicals in France itself to overthrow the monarchy the exiles in Louisiana began to plan the creation of the most radical government that the world had ever seen. Radicals met with representatives from the US's Indian Nations and presented them with elaborate gifts and praise, promising them the wealth of the colonials and their fearsome technology in exchange for collaborating with the radicals.

When the revolution broke out in Mainland France, the government in Louisiana sided with the French monarchy and the radicals saw this as their chance to overthrow French rule and establish Louisiana as an Independent North American state. With assistance from the few outright republicans who had not accepted King William VI's treaty of Union the local militia overthrew the French Colonial administration. The Anglo-Dutch then stepped in when the radicals made moves to ally themselves with the French Republic in Europe, mobilizing the Union Army in North America and stationing it along the border with Louisiana as well as replacing the leading French Radical Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau with the Native American Chief Nescambious who was more amiable to co-operation with the Anglo-Dutch and a well regarded member of French Colonial society.

Napoleonic Wars[]

The newly independent United States instantly became the largest nation in North America, albeit one of the most sparsely populated. For the most part it was controlled by Native American tribes with the exception of a few coastal cities and towns dominated by the French and mixed race individuals. The Anglo-Dutch, while initially hostile to the Idea of an independent nation in North America embraced the newly independent country and backed it with significant military force as a prevention in case the French government decided to retake what had been theirs. In exchange for the huge backing afforded to them by the Anglo-Dutch the Americans made an empty declaration of war against the French Republic which had become increasingly successful in Europe.

This would prove to be a costly error, After Napoleon had driven the coalition forces in Europe back to the homelands and the Anglo-Dutch out of the Netherlands he decided to embark on the most dangerous naval expedition ever yet undertaken. Nearly two hundred thousand French soldiers in a huge naval fleet were taken by transport from France to North America with Napoleon hoping that control of all of North America would force his last remaining enemies in the Union to agree to a permanent peace treaty.

In 1813 after a protracted three month siege Napoleon seized New Orleans and most of the east coast of North America. The Anglo-Dutch army was still mobilizing in New England and the French continued their relentless advance into the American Heartland. Under the command of General Author St Clair the Continental Army carried out almost continuous strikes against the French in order to buy the Anglo-Dutch the time they needed to mobilize. Once they had done so and the French army had been reduced by disease and attrition St Clair struck comprehensively defeating Napoleon and driving the French out of North America once and for all, forever securing the existence of an Independent North American state.

Westward Expansion[]

The United States had won in the Napoleonic wars but it had done so without the help of almost two-thirds of its population. The distance between New Orleans and the farthest outpost of French rule on America's west coast was colossal and messages could take months or even years to reach far flung outposts. The most famous example of this came at the end of the Napoleonic Wars when an Indian Army almost two hundred thousand strong arrived just as the French had been comprehensively defeated by St Clair in 1814. While the native Army did help with the final mopping up of the French St Clair famously lost his temper yelling at the Chief in command of the army that had he and his men walked just a little faster several thousand American lives could have been saved.

The problem was that the movement of men from east to west and vice versa depended entirely on the usage of rivers and trails that were badly mapped, if mapped at all that often presented large navigational issues for the men and women that traveled along them. Although the Jesuits had attempted to put together maps of the region during their missionary work they were barely accurate at best and at worst hardly resembled the region at all.

It was clear to the Government in New Orleans that a clear unified map of North America had to be produced if the United States could ever be governed effectively. After the Napoleonic wars had ended the government dispatched three expeditions to travel from east to west making maps of the continent as they went and establishing expeditionary posts and roads along the way to finally allow the easy transportation of goods from the west to east coast. The thirty year expedition produced the most detailed maps of the continent to date and established the foundations of the modern American transport system. When the last soldiers and Cartographers reached the Pacific and dug the final of section of road that covered the entire continental US they were also marking out the path of the last great trans-continental railways.

The development of railways was what turned the East-West expedition from a mapping expedition into the single largest movement of people in American history as hundreds of thousands of Native Americans, free blacks and Frenchmen followed the railways west and established towns and villages across America as they sought to find a new life. This expansion westward soon brought the United States into the territory claimed by the Mexican Empire and the Mexicans were less than happy with the Idea of the American's taking land that they considered to be theirs.


In 1845 the American and Anglo-Dutch governments signed the American-Anglo-Dutch Alliance, promising that either country would support the other if another country (Mexico or Russia) attempted to expand there territory. The Americans were the first to exercise there rights under the treaty when the Mexican Empire, fed up with the almost complete American domination of the western half of the continent launched a devastating assault on undefended American settlers.

The Mexicans had counted on being able to deliver the government in New Orleans a comprehensive Mexican victory before they could respond. Unfortunately as soon as they had gotten wind of the Mexican attack the American army had rushed troops from California and the mid-west along railways to the southern front. This delayed the Mexicans enough to allow the rest of the American (and Anglo-Dutch) army to mobilize and to carry the fight into Mexico. Instead of having the complete victory they dreamed the Mexicans instead found themselves in a war with the Americans and the Anglo-Dutch. Mexico was outnumbered and outgunned but the Empire continued to fight on until 1847 when Anglo-Dutch and American troops captured Mexico city and forced the Mexican government to sign a peace treaty.

The second time that the treaty was enforced in the 1800's was substantially more controversial. In 1859 the American government, under pressure from the global community and the Anglo-Dutch agreed to outlaw slaves within its territory and ordered there emancipation. This angered several plantation owners in the eastern states who marshaled there forces and declared independence from the government in New Orleans. This turned out to be an unmitigated disaster for the slave owners. With the assistance of the Anglo-Dutch the American army mobilized and crushed the dissidents within six months, consolidating the Alliance and confirming the US and the Union as North America's two controlling powers.

The World Wars[]

The alliance between the united states and the union would go on to form the bedrock of the Imperial Alliance, An agreement between six nations that each agreed to defend each other in the event of aggression from another power. Signed in 1900 the Imperial Alliance all but guaranteed the USA would be tied with the other five powers in any wars that they might be involved in.

In 1904 the Russian and Japanese Empires went to war and after an accident involving Russian Ships firing on a British fishing fleet the Union invoked the clauses of the Imperial Alliance dragging Europe and the world into the largest global conflict it had so far seen. The US however was interested in only one of its opponents. Mexico had emerged from a long civil war and now for the first time had the resources and numbers to deal with the United States.

The American's mobilized quickly and met the Mexican army several miles north of Mexico city which was where the frontline would remain for the best part of a year as both sides exhausted thousands of lives trying to break through the others lines. The key moment came when the American army under the command of Brigadier-General Pershing launched an all out artillery assault and infantry/cavalry charge that broke the Mexican lines and allowed Pershing's forces to take Mexico city and force Mexico to cede to all land north of the 30th parallel to America. The US remained out of the rest of the war with its involvement limited to the Atlantic fleet which for the most part acted as a subordinate to the British Home Fleet.

In the post-war period America escaped much of the financial disaster that engulfed the world as it became increasingly isolationist under a series of Nativist presidents who cut out America's trade with foreign powers outside the Imperial alliance and severely limiting its engagement with even the Anglo-Dutch union. Furthermore attempts to force Japan to abide by its unequal treaties with the United States resulted in the First and Second Pacific Wars that saw the USA and its South American allies comprehensively defeated. This caused the US to sink even further into isolationism and some predicted that it would be surpassed by Brazil as the dominant American power.

When WWII broke out the United States initially refused to honor its alliance with the Anglo-Dutch but this angered even the Isolationist President Taft who despite members of his party voting against the war authorized the deployment of American troops and brought America into the war on the side of the Union. For four years America's involvement was limited to the use of ships and planes seconded to the authority of the Union Navy and Air Force but in 1936 together with the Union the Americans put together a force to cross the Bering Straits and invade Russia.

The invasion of Russia would prove to be the USA's largest involvement in the war and was certainly the most costly. In co-operation with the Japanese and the Anglo-Dutch the American army crossed the straits and went on to form part of the Imperial army that fought its away across the far east, seizing Vladivostok before going on to take Moscow and force the Russian government to surrender. At the end of the war America's rewards were slight, they gained a few French Caribbean holdings but in comparison with the Spanish or the Ottoman's Americans rewards were almost non-existent. Therefore as the cold war began to be fought America refused to join the Union's new North Seas Alliance and withdrew from global contact, becoming a staunchly isolationist nation.

The Cold War[]

As benefited its new isolationist status the US sat out of much of the cold war, while it backed the Union in its standoff against Spain around Cuba and deployed troops as part of the NSA force in Italy it remained for the most part staunchly isolationist and was the last nation to join the new United Nations. Economically this benefited America as investors from all sides saw it as the perfect place to invest in as it would be one of the few superpowers spared in the event of an all out war between the NSA and the Algiers Pact.

America enjoyed a golden age under the Democrat President Lyndon B Johnson who won five elections between 1956 and 1972 and his successor Chief Running Bull who won three more elections before finally being beaten by George W Bush in 1988. Johnson and Running Bull turned the United States into the most economically successful nation in the world, thriving off the back of global tension American companies became the largest producers of most electronics, vehicles, ships and planes. This funded Johnson's expansion of the state and the establishment of the most modern welfare state in the world .

Furthermore the United States re-established itself as a major superpower defeating Japan in the third Pacific war in a war that re-established American control of Hawaii despite major losses to a significantly larger Japanese carrier fleet. Limited American involvement in the South American war also demonstrated that the USA was once more dominant on the North American continent, using its considerable naval power to hold off an attempted Spanish reconquest of South America.

America could not compete with the Union though and when the the Cold War came to end America found itself in economic competition with the Anglo-Dutch that it simply could not win. In Bush's first term the American economy slid into recession as it suffered the effects of competing with the worlds largest and most powerful nation. The Union's access to the Commonwealth Free Trade Area doomed America's attempts to compete and even as the Union slid closer to Civil War America slid closer to economic disaster.

The Civil War[]

With the countries economy in such a bad state it was not, therefore, that surprising that as the Union Civil War broke out Bush jumped at the chance to restore America's economic supremacy that was offered to him by Prince Juhan. In retrospect the decision was fatal but at the time the war looked to be a short one. In exchange for economic recovery all Bush had to do was to commit the American Army to invading Canada and would only be opposed by a militia that barely had the numbers to control its own citizens, let alone the might of the world's fifth largest army.

The difficulty was that the North Russians and significant parts of the commonwealth backed Beatrix and flew in troops and other support to help her army defend Canada. Instead of a quick victory America was dragged into a long war and was driven out of Canada proper by the beginning of 1996. Bush refused to consider surrender at any point and the United States itself was invaded from the west and the east. The loss of the remnants of the American fleet at Scarpa flow only made things worse as the Union began almost constant bombardment of the few sections of the American cost unoccupied by the Union.

The American Army fought a holding action under the command of General Konstantine whose tactical skills bought them the time needed to reform the American military and launch a counter attack against Beatrix and her allies. Konstantine's reforms allowed General Riemers Tank Armies to drive back the force of Marshall Zhukov in the mid west and to force the Anglo-Dutch armies in Canada from advancing beyond New England. Konstantine's work was undone, however, when the Juhanite forces that had previously supported him were withdrawn to Europe to defend the British Isles from Germany.

This allowed the Beatrixian forces to resume there assault and they swiftly defeated the American Tank Armies in the mid-west and began to press on Washington. Konstantine intended to force the Anglo-Dutch to work their way through the city piecemeal and inflict heavy casualties on them. However he was overruled by the president who ordered the city burned to the ground. Konstantine refused to carry out President Bush's orders, he had opposed the war from the beginning and had supported the Democrat Chief Silver River against Bush's Nativist party and Condoleezza Rice's Libertarians in the 1996 elections which the Democrats had won before Bush suspended the counts and declared himself the victor. As a result he was dismissed from his post and held for court martial, several aspects of the American Army also refused to carry out the president's orders but were cowed into submission through the court martial and execution of several prominent officers and NCO's.

The defense of Washington was an absolute disaster, with the fires preventing the Americans from forcing street conflicts the Anglo-Dutch and Japanese swept through the city, forcing the Americans to retreat to the Potomac river where they attempted to flee on American transport ships that were on the river. Before they could do so however Anglo-Dutch warships loyal to Beatrix broke the American blockade and destroyed the fleet at anchor.

Desperately the Joint Chiefs recalled Konstantine and appointed him supreme commander of the American Front. Konstantine met the Anglo-Dutch in force outside Richmond where he succeeded in inflicting such high casualties that Marshal Zhukov agreed to meet Konstantine to agree a negotiated surrender of the remnants of the American Army. President Bush attempted to overrule Konstantine's surrender but was overthrown by a military coup by Admiral John McCain who went on to negotiate a surrender for the rest of the American Armed Forces and sign a peace treaty with the Anglo-Dutch.

Post Civil War[]

In the treaty that ended the American involvement in the civil war McCain agreed to submit the USA to occupation by Anglo-Dutch troops for five years. Despite the official Anglo-Dutch military rule control rested primarily with collaborators with the regime with certain areas, in particular, California and the mid-west effectively functioning as independent states. The west therefore prospered under Anglo-Dutch rule while the south and the east were subject to a stricter military rule.

Abroad aspects of the American armed forces served as mercenaries and as the American Corps of the Anglo-Dutch army. Konstantine became a renowned mercenary commander whose American Expeditionary Force became one of the largest factions in the early days of the war on terror with there services often being sought by those countries that could not afford there own army of an equivalent size.

After five years of Anglo-Dutch control the Anglo-Dutch left America and returned control to a civilian administration with an Anglo-Dutch electoral commission left behind to oversee transition to a new presidential administration. Konstantine was approached by the Democrats to represent them in the 2005 elections and he agreed to stand, beating Rice by a significant margin. Konstantine, while an able general and foreign policy expert was not an efficient administrator. His government took the US into the War on Terror and recovered much of its lost international prestige, domestically his administration was unable to bolster the American economy which was still suffering from the aftermath of the occupation. As a result in 2009 the democrats were thrown out of office and the Libertarians under John McCain took the presidency for the first time.

McCain's administration has seen the USA's industrial output almost double and it has entered into a period of economic expansion almost unrivaled at any other point in its history. The USA looks poised now to once again recover the title of “Superpower”.


