Alternative History

United Federation of Greater North America
Timeline: A French World
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
In God We Trust
Capital Washington D.C
Largest city Greater Boston
Other cities Lesser Boston, Hartford, Adamsburg, Linconshire
Language English
Religion Protestantism, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism.
Government Federal Republic
Population 600,000,000 (1988) 
Established 1776
Currency Dollar


The United Federation of Greater America is a Federal Republic. It is split into three branches: the Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

-The Executive branch is made up of the President and his cabinet. The Executive branch is far more powerful in this timeline, where there are no impeaches, and unlimited terms. With the ultimate vote power, a President is allowed to create a law, at any point, without any need of an actual vote. This power may only be exercised once every eighteen months. Unlike OTL, the President must be a District Head, elected by the Federal Congress. There's no electoral vote.

-The Legislative branch has been split into multiple categories, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Federal Congress. The first two are the same as they are in OTL, but the Federal Congress is something new. This is made up of the Heads of Federal Districts. They are the only members allowed to make up an amendment, along with the President, and Vice-President. No vote from Senators or Congressmen are required. The Vice-President is the head of the Federal Congress.

-The Judicial Branch is pretty much the same as OTL, except a much weaker version. In the late 1800s, the Judicial Branch lost their power to declare laws unconstitutional, and any ruling can be vetoed by the Executive branch.

Political Parties:[]

Federalists: Since the dawn of the U.S.A and well into present-day U.F.G.A, the Federalist has dominated politics as a strong right-wing power.

Dixiecrats (Minor Party): Born from the remains of the Democratic-Republican ticket in the mid 1830s, the Dixiecrat party was known for its betrayal of the Union, and was never again a major party after the Uprising War.

Socialist Party of Greater Canada: Originally known as the "Free Canada" party, it was made following the Canadian War, where Canadians tried to fight for their freedom politically. It wouldn't gain power until the 1850s, and would since then be one of America's strongest left-wing parties.

Rights of Citizens[]

Unlike OTL, rights have vastly differed here. Votes are not given to everyone, but to only the rich. Things like medicare, and job security do not exist. Also, there was never a women's rights movement, due to Dixiecrat era, which completely smothered anything civil rights movement instantly.


The Canadian War[]

In the early 1800s, British ships captured American ships and sailors, forcing them into work against the French navy. This heavily plagued by the Republican-Democrat party, who led the nation at the time. Finally, in 1812, America, under James Madison went to war against the British.

Early on, America took heavy blows, losing one fifth of its navy, and a tenth of its northern militia. By mid-1813, America was on the verge of being overwhelmed on its northern borders. Months later, on September 5, 1813 Great Britain surrendered to Napoleon. Shortly after, French forces arrived to relieve America. With the flow of British troops ending, only Canada proved any threat, and the American-French allies took it by storm.

By 1815, Canada was defeated, and in the Treaty of Mexico City, it was divided between America and France. While France claimed Quebec, Ontario, and New Brunswick, with the United States laying claim to the rest.

Slaughter at Toronto[]

Late in the war, General Andrew Jackson of the Union forces arrived in Toronto. After missing most of the war while stationed in New Orleans, Jackson was riled for a fight. It was said that when the general spotted a group of 'Frenchies', what the French-backed militia were called, he opened fire, killing them. When French regulars arrived, Jackson's troops opened fire at them as well. At the end of the day, thirty French lay dead. Napoleon was outraged, demanding Jackson's head.

Madison was able to defuse the situation, fortunately . Though this included sacking the general, of course. Jackson was later known as the 'Butcher of Ontario' for his actions.

Election of 1816, 1820 and the Era of the Kings[]

Due to Madison's handling of the Canadian War, the Republican-Democratic party fell in disfavor with the Union. The Federalists nominated Rufus King, who won against Republican-Democratic candidate James Monroe in a hearty landslide. 

Inspired by Napoleon, King enacted the Army Training Acts of 1818. This caused the Union to create an army of measurable size, and accurate training, rather than to rely on local militia. King would also pass the Federalist Accords in 1821, after being re-elected. This established an extra tax on all non-Federalists. This caused a large influx of voters joining the Federalist Party. Due to a heavy Federalist Supreme Court, this was not ruled unconstitutional.

Election of 1824- Butcher versus Prodigy[]

In the election of 1824, multiple candidates ran for presidency. Representing the Federalists were John Q. Adams and Henry Clay, while the Republican-Democrats were represented by John C. Calhoun and Walter Leake. A third-party also ran, the War Hawks, spear-headed by Andrew Jackson, himself. The Federalist Praty once again won by a landslide. It was reported that Jackson left Washington D.C calling it "a load of bullshit!"

This election marked the downfall of the Republican-Democratic Party. What was once known as Jefferson's Legacy was now the laughing stock of America.

Manifest Destiny and the Indian War of 1826-1829[]

Midway through Adam's first term, troubles arose. Settlers quickly overtook the continent. This went on until 1826, when a group of settlers disturbed an Indian Tribe. Tensions rose between the two groups, and a battle broke out, leaving the settlers slaughtered. 

Adams had no choice but to get rid of the problem. Union soldiers soon overran the Indian Menace, as they were known. Unfortunately, in late 1827, the Indian Menace resorted to guerrilla tactics. It wouldn't be until 1829 that the Indian War would end, when President Henry Clay recognized their independence as a country, Iroquois (Illinois).

Death of John Q. Adams, and reign of Henry Clay[]

After the election of 1828, in which the Federalists won once again by a landslide, John Q. Adams fell sick, and by January of 1829, succumbed to his illness. Vice President Henry Clay took up the mantle of president. Quickly into his term, Clay established peace with the Indian Menace, revived the National Bank of America, and quickly dragged the U.S out of a recession. Clay also used his presidential powers to purchase both Texas and Chihuahua from Mexico, creating the state Hamilton, with the capital, Adamsburg being erected just south of the border.

Henry Clay was one of the most popular presidents of the era. He was able to forge peaceful relations with the new nation of Iroquois, and Spanish Cuba and Puerto Rico. Under Clay, American trade increased threefold.

Federal District Act of 1830[]

In 1830, Clay enacted the Federal District Act, which grouped multiple states into a single Federal District, where it would be led by a Federal Head of District (which would be a Governor in one of the District's states, elected by the combined states' Senate). The western "Canadian" states formed the "Canadian District", while the Easternmost joined the New England District, along with Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania formed the Philadelphia District. Delaware, Maryland, Washington D.C, and Virginia formed the Columbian District. The Carolinas and Georgia formed the Southern District, and finally, Ohio and Kentucky formed the Western District. Hamilton was left alone as its own district.

Dixiecrat Era 1832-1844[]

When Clay chose not to run for a second term, after coming down with an illness, Federalists from all over scrambled to take the spot as candidates When the election finally came up, James K. Polk was the front runner.

Facing James K. Polk was John C. Calhoun and Walter Leake, running under the States Rights ticket, also known as the Dixiecrat party, a branch of the old Democratic-Republican party. Tired of the strong right-wing Federalist party, and inspired by Calhoun's charisma, the Dixiecrat duo won by a slim margin, signifying the first time in almost two decades the Democratic-Republican party had a president.

First term in office[]

Early on in his first term, Calhoun realized that he couldn't fight against the still Federalist majority. Unable to remove the Federalist Accords set up by King, Calhoun soon learned his lesson and focused on issues that were agreeable to the Federalists.

In 1833, Calhoun was able to propose and pass the Stud and Ownership Laws, which dictated the federal approval of men to sleep with and impregnate multiple women, especially those without children, to help cultivate the nation of free people. This law did not apply to women, and actually forbid them from extramarital affairs. 

In 1834, Calhoun tried to pass the Land Vote Act, which for every hundred acres owned, the household's man was given an extra vote. Those with under a hundred acres of land were given no vote at all. This severely limited the nations voters. The Federalists were able to veto this. Later in the year, Calhoun modified the law, giving it the alternative of every thousand dollars, the man was given an extra vote. The Act was passed.

Also, in 1834, Calhoun was able to add Iroquois to the Union through "proper persuasion", being backed up by a large army.

"Hamilton Incident", Mexican War and Second Term[]

In early 1836, a group of Hamiltion militia of Mexican descent, known as Mejiis (Meh-hees) mistakenly wandered across the border into Mexico. Crossing a band of Mexican militia, both groups opened fire, and many were killed. The surviving Hamilton militia were able to escape and relayed it back to Adamsburg. Quickly, the Hamilton Reserve Forces, led by General Zachary Taylor mobilized and attacked the Mexican city of Nogales. Taylor and his forces leveled the city to ground, killing thousands. On his return to Hamilton, Mexican forces attacked and slaughtered half of Taylor's men, including himself. 

When word finally reached Washington, Calhoun declared war upon Mexico. And, so, began the Mexican War. Leading the Union Army was General Winfield Scott, and his aide, Lt. Colonel Robert E. Lee. The two were known as "Pigeon and Osprey" throughout the Union.

Scott was able to cut through Mexico in half. By late 1838, he had razed Mexico City, and had killed President Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. Unfortunately for the Union, the Vice President of Mexico was none other than former American War Criminal Andrew Jackson.

After being jailed for two years for his actions in the Canadian War, Jackson returned home to find his wife in an extramarital affair. After she separated from him, and he lost the election in 1824, Jackson left the U.S and became a rancher in Sonora. After a few years, his ranch extended into a small town, La Tristeza, and he trained a militia. Santa Anna had heard about the American, and had him appointed as a Commander of a garrison in Sonora. Eventually, Jackson became his right hand man.

Calhoun, who had been re-elected by a substantial margin, offered a peace treaty with Jackson to end the war, Jackson refused, and mobilized guerrilla tactics on Winfield Scott and his forces. Soon, Scott was holed up in Mexico City, the city he had earlier been ordered to attack. It was reported that on March 4th, 1839, that an Apache Scout hired by Mexico had climbed up two stories and crawled into the window of Scott's residence. As Winfield woke up and got out of bed, the scout fired five rounds from his revolver into Scott. Three hit his upper back, one tore off his right ear, and the last hit the back of his head. Lt. Col. Lee, who was in the room adjacent to Scott heard the shots, rushed in and killed the scout. Scott was rushed to help, and, while surviving, faced permanent brain damage, and blindness. Lee was promoted to Colonel, and given full reign of the army.

Meanwhile, Jackson raised as much of an army as he could, and led them straight into Hamilton, cutting the state in half. Mejiis from Hamilton who were dissatisfied with the U.S.A joined forces with Jackson and captured Adamsburg.

Sam Houston and the Fall of Jackson[]

Sam Houston was born in Virginia in the year 1793. Joining the Union Army in 1812 at age 19, Houston fought against the British, and later Canadians. At the war's end, Houston, dissatisfied with the U.S.A retired to the frontier and joined a Blackfoot Tribe. When the nation of Iroquois came to be, Houston was granted as many rights as anyone else. When Calhoun "persuaded" it to to join the Union, Houston publicly displayed his dissatisfaction, and drove many white settlers out to the borders.

When the Mexican War first started up, many Indians joined both sides. Houston and a group of Blackfoot Indians joined the Union Forces as Indian Scouts. After helping lead Scott's forces until 1837, Houston tried to return north, where he ran out of food, and was forced into the employment of a rancher, Stephen F. Austin. 

When Mexican forces invaded Hamiliton, Houston and his Blackfoot comrades saw a chance of gaining recognition for the Indians. Stealing guns, food and horses for Austin, they set for Adamsburg. Reaching a hill that overlooked Adamsburg, Houston waited for three hours, until finally he saw Jackson exiting his residence. Houston fired one bullet, killing Jackson. This act shocked the Mexican forces, and her army fell apart soon after.

Houston was be given the rank of captain in the Union Army, and a full pension. After he retired shortly after, both parties gunned for him, but he refused, and ran for the Governor of Iroquois, like every other Iroquois governor, independently.

For his part in the assassination, Austin gained a large renown in Hamiliton, and was elected Governor in an emergency election.

Mexico was split into its multiple states, and entered into the Union under military control.

The Leake Recession[]

In the election of 1840, Walter Leake and Stephen F. Austin ran on the Dixiecrat ticket, after Calhoun's retirement. Pleased with the outcome of the Mexican War, they were readily elected. 

Finally, a non-Federalist party was close to becoming the majority in Congress. That was until in 1841, when the Recession struck. Public outrage boomed against Leake, "the man who never did anything"

For the next three years, Leake attempted to fix the problem, but to no solution. Finally, in 1844, Leake took his own life in the Oval Office, suicide via gunshot wound to the head.

Austin became president for three months, before the election of 1844.

Federalists back in power[]

Election of 1844, Presidents Polk and Houston, and Iriquois politics[]

When President Calhoun 'admitted' Iroquois to the Union, a large number of Dixiecrats entered the state. Soon enough, the city of Jonston was born (where OTL Chicago lies). Despite Jonston being a hub for all northern Dixiecrats, they failed to gain serious power in Iroquois, due to the large independent Indian vote. The Dixiecrat party only ever gained one seat in Senate, and three in Congress.

When Sam Houston ran for Governor in 1842, he was courted by both the Dixiecrat and Federalist parties. Like his predecessors, he chose to remain independent. It wasn't until 1843, when Houston reconsidered. With the recession at an all time high, the Indian population in Iroquois suffered severely. Many were lower-class denizens, and were threatened with foreclosure. Houston decided to fix this problem himself. Unfortunately, he had no support out Iroquois. Thus, he joined the Federalist party. He held a severe hatred for the Dixiecrat Party, for one, forcing them into statehood, and for the recent recession.


In 1844, James K. Polk and Sam Houston ran on the Federalist platform against the incumbent Dixiecrat President Stephen Austin, and Senator James Buchanan. The election was short, but quite brutal. After the Leake recession, the public was loathe to trust the Dixiecrat party, and they quickly lost their numbers in Congress. James K. Polk easily won by a landslide. Throughout the election, though, Polk had been battling against a severe bought of tuberculosis. It wouldn't be until early 1846 that he passed away.


In late 1845, Union settlements in the Indian territories (OTL Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska) were attacked by Pawnee raiders. The war lasted three years and was as bloody as they came. When Polk passed away in the December of 1846, the war fell into Houston's hands. Houston, an honorary Blackfoot, and rival of the Pawnee gave Brigadier General Lee fell reign to crush the Pawnee Threat. Houston ended the Second Indian War shortly before being re-elected again in 1848. The Indian territories were divided into four states, Sioux (Northern Nebraska), Lakota (Southern Nebraska), Kiowa (Oklahoma), and Houston (Kansas). The new states and Iroquois formed the new Indian District.


When Houston was re-elected in 1852, he was the first President to serve more than two terms (ten years). Houston went down as one of the Union's greatest Presidents.

President Buchanan, Coyote Republic and the Canadian Liberal Party[]

In 1856, Philadelphia District Head James Buchanan was nominated as President on the Dixiecrat ticket. Buchanan was the first District Head appointed President. Under Buchanan's presidency, the Dixiecrat party gained a larger following in the Indian District, especially, and ironically, in the heavily Pawnee-populated Houston. 


After the Canadian War, President Rufus King had passed the Canadian Enforcement Laws. Under these laws, born-Canadians could not run for office, and for the next thirty-three years, only one-fifth of all Canadian states' votes were counted. In 1825, Gordon Drummond, the last British-Canadian Governor-General of Canada created the Liberate Canada Party to combat the Federalist regime that kept them under martial law. While widely unsuccessful in the early years, the Liberate Canada Party soon began to meld into a liberal rights party. When Drummond retired in August of 1840, the party's name had changed to the Canadian Liberal Party, fighting for equal rights. In the aftermath of the Mexican War, many new citizens joined the fledgling party, after being reduced to martial law. The first Canadian Liberal to run for President was John Abbot in 1856, being the youngest man and first "Canadian" to run for office. After the Canadian Enforcement Laws ceased to continue in 1847, Abbot was elected the first native-born Canadian Governor at the age of 29 in 1849.

And, while the Canadian Liberal Party was quite minor, in the early 1850's, they were receiving a large following in states such as Iroquois, Kiowa, Hamilton, Kentucky, and New York. One such follower was a Kentucky-born, former Dixiecrat Iroquois Congressman, Abraham Lincoln.


Born in Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln moved to the Iroquois country in 1829, to work as a trader between the small nation and the surrounding U.S states. In 1832, after the admission of Iroquois into the Union, Lincoln became a Dixiecrat lawyer in the city of Jonston. At one point, he ran for Congressman, in 1842, and was narrowly elected. After the Leake Recession, he ran against another of Iroquois' Dixiecrat Congressmen, Stephen Douglas for Senator. The Dixiecrat Drawl, as the debates were later known as, proved how effective a speaker Lincoln was, as he argued against the old Dixiecrat policies. Still, Douglas was elected, and Lincoln went back to law.

In 1850, Lincoln had gone to a Canadian Liberal Convention, and the group appealed to Dixiecrat. The next congressional election, Lincoln ran for Congressman under the Canadian Liberal Platform.

The Coyote Republic[]

Because the Canadian Liberal Party fought so hard for equal rights, it was only fair that it fight for freedom against slavery. A sub-division of the Dixiecrat party opposed this They were known as the Coyotes. The Coyotes were largely based in the southern states of the Carolinas and Georgia. A big advocate of the Coyotes was none other than President Buchanan's Secretary of State, Judah P. Benjamin. The Coyote Cause rallied against the Canadian Liberal Party starting in 1855. Multiple party members were targetted by assassination attempts, including Abbot in 1857, though, like many of the attempts survived.

The Election of 1860[]

In 1860, one of the most controversial elections in the nation occurred. Four parties ran, the Federalists, led by Hannibal Hamlin and Franklin Pierce, the Northern Dixiecrats, led by Stephen Douglas and Lewis Cass, the Southern Dixiecrats, compiled largely of Coyotes, led by Jefferson Davis and Judah P. Benjamin, and the Canadian Liberal Party, led by John Abbot and none other than Congressman Abraham Lincoln. 

Abbot won the election narrowly, thanks to the large northern backing. 

The Uprising War[]

On January 1st, 1862, led by General Jonathan 'Stonewall' Jackson, a garrison of Coyote-supporting Union troops stormed the city of Washington D.C, and by January 3rd, had captured the White House, and President Abbot along with it. Jackson demanded that Abbot resigned, and hand over control to the Coyotes. Abbot refused, and on January 17th was executed. On January 20th, the entire state of Virginia was captured by Coyote forces, and Virginia (or Coite [Co-oite!]) as known to the Coyote), Georgia and the Carolinas had formed the Coyote Republic.

Fortunately, Congress was out, and Lincoln was visiting relatives in Kentucky. When he heard the news, he appointed Jonston as the temporary capital and command center. There, he appointed General Robert E. Lee, one of many Virginians angered by his state's capture, as General of the Army.

Early on 
