Alternative History

A separate but contiguous timeline detailing the development of weapons technology in the Superpowers world. The only mentioned events are unique advancements in weapons technology, not minor improvements on existing weapons or the spread of technology to other countries. In general, a technology is noted with its Latin and English names, even when not invented by Romans. This information is not 100% accurate. Don't use.

Country of origin is indicated in parentheses: Roman Empire (IR), Mayan Conglomerate (MC), Tawatinsuyu (TS), Mongolia/China (CH), or Arab World (AW)

5th-10th centuries[]

Magna Ballista Shell

Magna Ballista Shell, made of cast lead with a steel-tipped head Dated to 1017 CE

5th century

  • 419: Gunpowder discovered by Quich'en Chon'le Mayapan (MC)
  • 437: Independent invention of a Chariot (MC)
  • 443: Fire siphons invented by Thracian merchants (IR)

6th century

  • 510's: Francisca throwing axes designed by Germanian smiths
  • 590: Pyrobolum silexis (flint bomb) invented, first fragmentation grenade (MC)

7th century

  • 666: Independent invention of metallic weapons (MC)
  • 673: High-pressure fire siphons invented (range >40 meters) (IR)

8th century

  • 724: Celerite arquus (semi-automatic crossbow) invented (IR)
  • 734: Testudo Invicto, a man-powered tank, invented by Archaedavincus (IR)
  • 747: Magna ballista, a mechanical heavy artillery, invented (IR)
  • 751: Invention of Sagittae Flagrantes (OTL Hwacha) by the Mayans
  • 788: Invention of Pyrobola Insidiae (OTL Land Mines) by the Mayans

9th century

  • 828: Handheld fire siphons invented for personal combat and boarding ships (IR)
  • 850's: Gunpowder is independently discovered (CH)
  • 872: Calanum (cannon) invented as a siege weapon for psychological warfare (MC)
  • 880's: Gunpowder spreads to the Japanese Isles
  • 897: Independent invention of a two-row galley (bireme) for warfare (MC)

10th century

  • 917: Onerarius (galleon) invented for long-distance sailing (IR)
  • 945: Celeballista, a fully-automatic mechanical artillery, invented for an anti-infantry role (IR)
  • 956: Invention of a double-barreled calanum (MC)
  • 979: Fistulara pyrobola (grenade launcher) invented to lob explosives great distances, first firearm (MC)
  • 998: Fistulara ignitabola (smoothbore matchlock or musket) invented (MC)

11th-15th centuries[]

11th century

  • 1017: Flint-lock mechanism invented, allowing for fistularae silexes (flintlocks) (MC)
  • 1019: Evolution of the Deluctatis combat style (IR)
  • 1054: Process of forging Eastern steel weapons arrives in the West (IR)
Japanese matchlocks

Japanese fistulara ignitaboli from 1486-1522

13th century

  • 1226: Mongols accidentally wipe out the formula for gunpowder in China
  • 1262: Coclius silexis (flintlock rifle) invented (MC)
  • 1283: Creation of a Testudo electrika, obsoleting man-powered tanks (IR)

15th century

  • 1462: Pyrobola navis (naval mines) invented by the Japanese
  • 1483: Fistulara ignitabola (matchlock gun) invented by the Japanese

16th-17th centuries[]

Superposed flintlock

Design for the Roman four-shot coclius silexis

16th century

  • 1536: Maya copy the design of the Roman Onerarius (MC)
  • 1549: Inca steal the Maya's smoothbore musket design (TS)
  • 1553: Fistulara silexis is sold to Rome by the Inca
  • 1559: Multishot coclius silexis invented with four available rounds (IR)
  • 1561: Cartridges of prepared rounds are invented (IR)
  • 1564: Romans copy the concept of a calanum from the Maya (IR)
  • 1572: Coclius convitia (percussion rifle) invented, easier to use than flintlocks

17th century

  • 1609: Romans trade the Khmer designs of fistularae silexes
  • 1621: Testudo maris (ironclad) invented to replace outdated onerarius designs (IR)
  • 1646: Electric-cap rifle primer invented to improve reliability of percussion caps (IR)
  • 1648: Coclius silexis invented independently in Japan
  • 1661: Muscovites buy Roman designs for fistularae silexes
  • 1677: UCC buys Roman designs for fistularae silexes
  • 1678: Danes are handed Maya designs for coclii silexes
  • 1691: Coclius volvo (revolving rifle) invented, able to hold six rounds (MC)
  • 1697: Romans steal Maya coclii volvos (IR)
  • 1697: Mongols copy Maya designs for coclius silexis, handing it to their allies the Ottomans (CH)
  • 1699: Polybolum (maxim gun) invented, employing recoil-driven bolt replacement for 340 rpm (MC)

18th century[]

Protanibolum lapsi

Roman coclius lubrico from 1775

  • 1704: Romans and Inca take technology Polybolum designs from Maya (IR/TS)
  • 1712: Ballista pyrobola, a true howitzer, is invented (IR)
  • 1718: Ammunition magazines invented, maximizing the capacity of firearms (IR)
  • 1721: Japan receives primitive Roman testudo maris and polybolum designs
  • 1725: Steam-driven testudos mares invented to compete with the Classis Imperialis (MC)
  • 1730: Vastator (destroyer) warships are built, raising the magnitude of naval warfare (IR)
  • 1737: Perditior (dreadnought) warships are built, raising the bar even higher (IR)
  • 1767: A Nitrogenous explosive (nitroglycerin) is invented (MC)
  • 1770: Electrically-cycling polybola invented (IR)
  • 1771: Coclius lubrico (bolt-action rifle) invented, shared with the Maya in good faith (IR/MC)
  • 1775: Inca develop their own Testudos Mares
  • 1782: Polybolum (Vickers gun) technology takes a leap forward, using gas-recoil bolt replacement (IR)
  • 1785: Fistulara lacera (shotgun) invented


Protanibolum laxa

Design of Rome's original fistula lacera

  • 1803: Muscovites derive their own ballistae pyrobolae
  • 1810: Mongols derive their own testudo maris (MC)
  • 1818: Industrial testudo invented, incorporating industrial-era weapons and technology into all systems (IR)
  • 1820: Caelus tercialae (triplane) invented, first powered aircraft (IR)
  • 1829: Caelus dualae (biplane) invented, improving the efficiency of tercialarum (MC)
  • 1831: Foundation of the Legio Caelis Expansionis, the world's first air force (IR)
  • 1836: Polycoclius (fully automatic rifle, e.g. lewis gun) invented (IR)
  • 1830: Foundation of the Holy Maya Air force
  • 1832: Japan is given Roman caelus tercialae technology
  • 1838: Pyrobola incendia (fire bomb) invented, fueled by the newly-formulated compound, napalm
  • 1842: Caelus unicae invented and given to the Maya
  • 1845: Foundation of the Imperial Nippon Air force


Modern testudo demonstration

Demonstration of the Constantine-Medium Testudo to the media, 1818

  • 1854: Caelus deliquia (bomber plane) built (IR)
  • 1857: Zulus copy Roman fistulara lubrica technology (non-rifled)
  • 1858: Invention of armed and armored quachikuna (zeppelin) (TS)
  • 1866: Combustion-driven testudo invented as a heavy war vehicle (MC)
  • 1869: Japanese are handed designs for testudos by the Maya
  • 1878: Romans invent their own original pyrobola incendia (IR)
  • 1881: Plastic explosives invented, triggered by an electrical pulse (MC)
  • 1886: High-powered fistulara pyrobola (rocket-propelled grenade launcher) invented (MC)
  • 1893: Creation of a gerulius caeli (aircraft carrier) to ferry military planes around the world (IR)
  • 1894: Invention of the tormentillus (flying bomb), shortens to tormens (IR)


Inca Yaguara heavy tank

Inca Yaguara Heavy Tank, built 1927

  • 1900: Invention of a military submersible (TS)
  • 1903: UCC and Nunavut jointly create ironclads
  • 1909: Melista (helicopter) invented (IR)
  • 1911: Invention of an Armored Behemoth (Landcrawler) (CH)
  • 1911: Khmer develop their own coclius lubrico
  • 1915: A research radionerva projector (laser) is invented for non-military use
  • 1920: Contra-caeli ballista (AA-gun) invented (CH)
  • 1924: Inca combine aspects of Roman and Mongol Testudos into their own design
  • 1924: Sifocaelus (jet aircraft) invented through Project Aetna (IR/MC)
  • 1927: Aecies-Aegis radionerva (point-defense laser) invented for defense against tormen and artillery (IR)
  • 1927: Packing for viral agents in artillery shells is developed (TS)
  • 1928: Japan receives sifocaelus technology from Rome


Aztlan explosion

Aztlan, the first Fusion Bomb Test


  • Inca develop their own caeli dualarum
  • A radiation bomb is invented for biological warfare (MC)
  • Torpedoes invented (IR)
  • Danes start producing their own Testudos
  • Teledirigibilis tormentilli (laser-guided missiles) invented (IR)


  • Reactive testudo armor invented (IR)
  • Creation of the first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by the Global Powers in WWII (IR/MC)
  • Pyrobola atomos (atomic bomb) invented by the Powers
  • Nuclear ICBM's are built, ushering in the nuclear age (IR)


  • Danes develop their own caeli unicarum from the Inca dualarum design
  • UCC copy the Inca testudo design


  • Invention of a tormentillus interficio castra (bunker buster) (IR)


  • Ballista electrika (railgun artillery), nicknamed bellectrika, is invented (IR)
  • Mongols create their own caelus unicae (CH)
  • Tormentilli contra-caeli (AA missiles) invented (IR)


  • Ballista radionerva (laser artillery) invented for line-of-sight fire alone (IR)


  • Two-stage liquid particle bomb (fusion bomb) invented (MC)



  • Maya produce their own nuclear ICBM's (MC)
  • UCC develop their own caelus tercialae


  • Independent invention of a liquid particle bomb (IR)
  • Invention of the caelus subintrus (stealth plane) (MC)


  • Pinch technique for initiating particle fusion is pioneered in Japan and sold to the Maya (MC)


  • Derivative invention of a pyrobola atomos in Japan
  • Invention of a deliquia subintra (stealth bomber) (IR)


  • Majapahijians receive testudo and caelus unicae technology from the Danes


  • Coclius electrika (coil rifle) or electroclius invented, a substantial leap forward in firearms technology (IR)


  • Mongols develop their own caelus deliquia (CH)
  • A-4 Heavy Vulcan and A-5 Phoenix ICBM's go into production (IR)


  • Cubagua develops its own primitive testudo
  • Humanity's first orbital missile platform is launched (IR)


Hercules explosion

Computer Simulation of the energy and particle spread 0.5 seconds into the planned Hercules Detonation


  • Mongols develop their own pyrobola atomos from Japanese designs
  • Zulus develop their own caelus unicae from old Roman designs


  • Development of the Mongol nuclear bomber
  • Production begins on the A-100 hypersonic scramjet, a significant advance over any other aircraft in the world (IR)


  • Foundation of the Zulu Imperial Air force
  • Invention of a EMP missile for knocking out electronics without destruction (IR)
  • Invention of contra-caeli radionerva (AA lasers) (IR)


  • Largest explosion in human history, Hercules, goes off on the Moon (IR)


  • Cubagua develops its own caelus unicae from Inca designs
  • Lorica carbonata (armored exoskeleton) invented, protected by an outer layer of carbon nanotubes (IR)


  • Coclionerva (laser rifle) invented (IR)


  • Electric reactive testudo armor invented (IR)


  • 1960
    • Rome decommissions the last of its fission-type pyrobola atomos (IR)
  • 1961
    • Prosthetics successfully bring a wounded soldier back to the battlefield (IR/TS)
  • 1962
    • Danes produce their first gerulius
    • Creation of a nuclear-powered testudo, using a fission reactor (IR)
    • Electromagnetic artillery station is built by Rome for the Danes in Greenland
  • 1963
    • Creation of a nuclear-powered submarine (TS)
    • Invention of holographic targeting computers for aircraft (IR)
  • 1964
    • Creation of the Danish Particle Bomb
    • Beginning of the Inca Militias Program (TS)
  • 1965
    • First detonation of a Nuclear Shell (nuclear artillery) by the Danes
    • Creation of the first Orbital Kinetic Artillery Station (IR)
  • 1966
    • Destruction of a second civilian target by a particle bomb
  • 1967
    • Construction of the first Castri Astrarum, strategic space installations (IR)
    • Creation of the Zulu Particle Bomb
  • 1968
    • Creation of the first Liquid Particle Reactor Powered Tank (IR)
    • First instance of "Space Ground Warfare" after a mentally unstable soldier on the Moon is put down by other guards in Heliopolis (IR)
    • Law passes banning the placement of nuclear weapons in space except by the Alliance of Earth itself
  • 1969
    • Creation of the first Danish Submarine


Mini Nuke Africa

A-126 crash into Australafrica coupled with an overload of its nucleonic gamma reactor


  • Completion of the Magnum Ballistarium Aetherium (orbital nuclear artillery) by the Alliance
  • Completion of the second Castrum Astri (IR)


  • Invention of the ballista atomos, or propelled nuclear artillery, by the Danes
  • Invention of the Jason, coclius atomos (nuclear rifle) (IR)


  • Invention of the first sifocaelus to use a nucleonic gamma reactor propulsion system, the A-126 (IR)
  • Construction is completed on the largest Gerulius Caeli in the world by the Japanese, the Peninsula-Class Carriers


  • Mayans begin to utilize protanibolum electrika technology for warfare (MC)


  • Launch of the first Seraphim Laser Defense Satellites (IR)


  • Start of modernization for Cherubim missile satellites (IR)


  • Birth of the first human to be genetically modified to the extent of being noticeably transhuman (TS)
  • Completion of the Alliance Military Cloning Facility, meant to create the organization's Clone Army (TS)



  • Creation of the SC-34 Gunship, the first space battleship (IR)