Alternative History

This is the timeline for Plato Succeeds. There are no plans to take the timeline into the 20th or 21st centuries at the moment until plans have been worked out what to do with such advanced technology. If anybody has any ideas, the author would be happy to consider them. The author will also be happy to debate any issues seen in the timeline. BC/AD dates are used as in this timeline, Christians use these dates as invented by Dennis the Small so are used in Britain and its territories. Other cultures may use their own calendars.

Ancient world[]

380 BC: Republic is published. Generally accepted, the greater effect is seen with Plato's pupil Aristotle. Instead of creating a long list of mental differences and being overall negative (though claiming that women must be happy for society to be happy), Aristotle agrees that there can be potential for Plato's ideas to be put into practice. Nevertheless, Aristotle still remains more in favour of democracy and promotes virtue ethics over the "form of the good." 343BC: Upon being appointed the teacher of Alexander, the son of Philip II of Macedon, Aristotle encourages him to put govern Macedon on Platonic lines. However, Aristotle remains hostile to non Greek barbarians like the Persians.

336 BC: Alexander becomes Alexander III of Macedon after somebody murders Philip. Just like in the OTL, Alexander embarks on the conquest of the Persian Empire, but this time takes Plato's ideas into account. In the meantime, Athens has seen a growing all round liberation movement organised around the priesthood of Athena, when much of the clerical and secular population begin to realise that having a female patron yet having female inequality is simply irrational. Other Greek cities (who are already more balanced) decide that if the "intellectual capital" is not only seeing sense but improving, they should too. Athens' great rival and the "military capital" Sparta (even after the defeat by Thebes and Macedon decades earlier), famous for it's relative egalitarianism among the free population (helots can do what they like, just do as we say) decide to up its game by fully opening up the military, initially by training women as a reserve force.

Alexander Plato

323 BC: By the time of Alexander's death, Plato's ideas have spread to other Hellenic colonies and across Southern Asia. This soon spreads to Rome. There, the culture is more hostile to the lib movement: Romulus forbade women to drink wine (allegedly) and most original Roman women were kidnapped Sabines. The whole basis of Roman society is based on a mass abduction (whatever morals were at the time). Also, no voting, no official political status and no joining the army (or even riding and using the sling). The Diadochi realise that the only way the Kallipolis can be imposed on Rome is through force. In this timeline, the Diadochi are the same as in the OTL. chaos theory hasn't fully set in yet. However, all are trained to be philosopher-kings rather than just ordinary rulers. Seeing that the Kallipolis should not be divided, the Diadochi unite in a confederation based on individual aims.

275 BC: Having presented a united front, the Diadochi have been able to muster enough manpower and resources to fend off multiple attackers, such as Gauls and Romans. The main enemy is the Carthaginian Empire. The first female commander to reach Alexander status is Pyrrha of Epirus (a female counterpart of Pyrhuss, now chaos theory is setting in), who becomes a loose cannon. Pyrrha responds to a distress call from Greek colonies in Italy regarding Roman aggression. Resolving to emulate Alexander and finish off another enemy of the Hellenes, she invades... and wins. Admittedly, the Battle of Heraclea results in a Pyrrhic victory, but eventually, Rome itself is taken following an actually useful victory following the Battle of Asculum which allows the Epirans to go on a wave towards Rome, accompanied by assimilated Samnites and Oscans. Fortunately for the expedition, a fifth column had developed in Rome by Kallipolic missionaries pre Epiran invasion start a riot in Rome, drawing attention away from the advancing army. This allows a swift invasion and occupation of Rome. To show that the Kallipolis was a liberation, Roman women are encouraged to drink wine, practice riding and other previously forbidden (allegedly) things. Moving on to Sicily, Pyrrha threatens the Carthaginian presence, but is killed in Syracuse.

272-146 BC: Seeing the Carthaginians as the new threat to virtue and democracy, the puppet Republic of Roma and Epirus engage in several wars. The Romans had a war in 264-241BC and had briefly allied with Carthage against Pyrrha. In the end, Roman Kalliope philarchon Scipio Aemlianus defeats Carthage, but puts his spirit for war and desire for the Punic threat to end that he orders what is effectively genocide, leading to him being replaced by the Gracchi brothers. It also causes a rise in the price of salt. Since there are no people in the new province of Africa, colonisation is implemented.

146 BC: The Kallipolic Confederation now stretches from India to Iberia. The Bactrians begin to consider moving into China. Missionaries have already been operating there, however they are unable to adapt the Republic to Chinese culture. Plato's work is to be accepted in it's entirety or not all, and not at all is unacceptable. Societies may keep their gods but Platonism is a way of life.

145 BC: Turns out there was no need for the Bactricians to invade- the Han Empire is on the offensive. It seems that Confucian leaders do not want a philosophical rival in the Middle Kingdom and when spies reported the Bactriians plan, a preemptive strike was ordered. An army of 100,000 was approaching the border, while the Han Empire declared war on the entire Confederation. Unfortunately for them, Rome is now a full member and pushes for war... total war. Reason says that the un-utopian foreigners must be forced to submit. They started it. The Eastern members send whoever they can spare, which results in a mixed collection of phalanxes, crossbowmen, legionnaire, horse archers, hypaspists, cataphracts, cavalry,chariots, warbands, peltasts, elephants, and various forms of artillery. Before even arriving in Bactria, internal conflict has resulted in around 5% of the strike force being unable to serve.

14 BC: In Rome, Gauis Julius Caesar Octavianus becomes philarchon. So what?

0: In Judea a child is born. Not that anybody outside Bethlehem or Nazareth cares.

12: Widespread shock and horror as the philarchon of Parthia, Vonones is deposed in a civil war. Artabanus III takes over but is himself eliminated when the Guardians restore Vonones, who brings in Palmyrans and Macedonians to support him.

33: During the reign of philarchon Julia the Elder (the fact she's the only biological child of Augustus is irrelevant and she also avoided the fate of her OTL counterpart of being banished and dying) and her husband Tiberius, along with the other philarchons of the Confederation hear of a disturbance in Jerusalem. Apparently, somebody called Jesus (or maybe Yeshua) has attacked the Temple and begun to reform Judaism. He seems to be fairly egalitarian, which may be useful or perhaps not if he undermines the Guardian/Civilian balance. It's also possible he was that child born in 0 that hardly anybody cared about.

98: Marcia Ulpia Nerva Traina (aka Trajan) takes charge. Yes, chaos theory has struck again. Trajan became philarchon due to a new system invented by Nerva. The current philarchon chooses an heir, known as Caeser, while the incumbent is called Augustus. Trajan appoints Vibius Sabinus as Caeser (who is married to a Publia Aelea Hardriana). As well as eliminating the never integrated Dacians as a threat (earning a Column, a Market and a Forum), Trajan also teams up with the other Eastern members to finish off the Confederation-Chinese War. This has drained every empire involved and meant that Northern Europe, including Britain has not been brought under full utopianization, though some tribes have adopted some Platonic aspects, these include the Iceni, Silurians, Belgae and Arverni. The Indian Subcontinent is the main battleground. Trajan decides to personally lead an army in the style of Alexander and take a different approach to China rather than use the Silk Road. This required a march through Hsiung-Nu territory.

108: Now in the thick of it, Trajan begins to push for a swift victory, until told that's what both armies have been trying to do for the last 253 years. Both sides are locked in a stalemate, strategically and technologically. Both can counter each others troop types, both can invent new devices which can be countered by other devices. Some parts of the Indus Valley are completely uninhabitable. In a sense of irony, only the Platonic Chinese take The Art of War seriously and some are suggesting a ceasefire between the Platonic and Confucian worlds. Trajan opposes this, claiming that the Hsiung-Nu allies were promised thrill and booty and that promised must be fulfilled. Eventually, it is decided that the Hsiung-Nu will be bought off (anyone who objects may die, though the fight could constitute thrill). The strength of Trajan's army, combined with the all new equipment, such as automated artillery, longbows and Greek Fire grenades. Diplomatic talks are eventually initiated.

110 Plato

110: After the most difficult negotiations ever, since 223 years of war produces a degree of enmity but also a desire for peace, an accord is struck. The Chinese will remain Confucian and the Confederation will remain Platonic. The Chinese may expand over the north of Asia and Europe, the Confederation is granted the south. Africa will be decided when the time comes and the same applies to any newly discovered continents, if they exist.

112: As it happens, what is meant by North and South is stretched to the limit. The Confederation, via the Romans and Thracians take Gaul and Britain, while Egypt goes for Arabia, except the Empty Quarter, the Parthians try the same.

224: The Parthian Empire is destroyed when internal dissent caused by the Sassanid faction (but sped up by the Palmyran assault on Ctesiphon) is able to seize power and drive the Scythian immigrants from power. Seemingly unaware of the Kallipolis, they claim all areas that used to belong the Achamenid Empire, which leads to another war. There are enough Platonic elements to undermine the Sassanid efforts though- most support for them was over ejecting the Parthians, not for starting wars. The treatment of peasants, just dragging them from their livelihoods whenever the empire wanted is worse than the Guardian/Civilian balance. This means that when the Bactriians, Palmyrans and Egyptians decide to finish the threat in 256, the and is re-assimilated as the Persian Kallipolis.

313: Constantine takes over and becomes a Christian. This does not have much impact on the world.

410: No hostile army has been inside Rome since the Epiran conquest, but now there is one. An Arian Goth named Alaric was made philarchon on the Visigoths, a subset of Rome. However after a degree of mistreatment by the city he admired so much, he resolved to force the issue. Breaking hte convention that the Guardian and Civilian classes are balanced, many workers are transferred to the military and 3 sieges take place. Rome is not as powerful as it once was, with the real Roman Kallipolis now being the Constantinople Kallipolis. Once Alaric breaks through, a restrained sack devastates the capital, though the Goths are careful to avoid causing so much damage as to break faith in Christianity. With the Western Empire broken, the East takes precedence. A combined Platonism-Christianity spreads through Western Europe.

476: The Roman Kallipolis is destroyed by the Visigoth philarchon Ododacer. There are no other barbarian invasions. The Huns/Hsiung-Nu were eliminated as a threat when unlike with Carthage, reasoned consideration resulted in genocide. Steppe nomads were pacified and warned off. Odoacer attacked as he believed the Romans were no longer serving the greater good and to establish a utopia for his own people. Since Rome was never important since 400, the practical effects are minimal. Symbolically, the Romans were one of the key supporters of the treaty with China and now with them gone for certain...

The Middle Ages[]


532: General Belisarius goes east, not west (like in the OTL to reconquer the Roman Empire) to start another war with China without informing the other members of the Confederation. With the Constantinople Kallipolis on the move through Persia and Bactria. Since China hasn't reunified into the Tang (or any) dynasty yet, they'll prove ripe for conquest if they don't get their act together.

534: the Chinese reunify temporarily together the moment Belisarius starts making strikes against them. Unfortunately this isn't soon enough and Confederation tech is way more advanced (China was so war exhausted in this timeline that they weren't able to make the progress they did in the OTL, whereas the Confederation did, mostly the Platonic Chinese, living in peace with their neighbours). Surprisingly, Justinian has massive support for this course of action. However the war only lasts 4 years this time, as the Chinese were ready and didn't have to fight such a diverse force. The so-called support didn't translate into material aid.

1000: a proper industrial revolution is now possible and goes ahead.

1066: in a shock turn of events, the selected replacement philarchon of Britain, a William of Normandy is usurped by Harold Godwinson. By 25 December, this injustice is corrected.

1090s: the philarchon of Papal Rome, known as the Pope starts a war against the eastern Kallipolic Confederacy. Some members such as the Moors, Arabs and Turks have become unusually aggressive and restricted access to the city of Jerusalem. A Crusade or Jihad or whatever a culture or faith may call a struggle is launched. This lasts 200 years, with nine primary wars and some smaller ones in between, like a load of peasants led by Petra the Hermit (chaos theory) and some children. 1215: John of England had abused his powers too much, so had to be stopped. The barons drag him to Runnymede and make him behave by signing a Great Charter.

1220: the Chinese, seeing the Confederacy divided, send the Mongol leader known forever as Genghis Khan to attack, with extraordinary success. The invasion is eventually called off. At the same time, a recon fleet goes the wrong way and ends up in the New World. What is California in the OTL is claimed for the Middle Kingdom even though they didn't even have Japan.

1485: Henry Tudor takes over the British Kallipolis. In time, leadership will go to Guardian Anne Boleyn (B0L3YN), Civilian Thomas Cranmer, Civilian Jane Grey and Civilian Mary Stuart.

1492: the first confirmed sighting of the New World for the Confederation (though Christoforo Columbo never got it into his head that his poor geography had got his crew onto an all new island chain next to an all new pair of continents rather than just the Indies, just off from India, even after everybody else realises it after comparing reports of the "Indies" from sailors following Columbo and those who went the usual way). There were reports for centuries of another land, but they couldn't be independently verified even with the advanced shipping available.

The Age of Division[]

1518: The monk Martin Luther writes his 95 Theses about what is wrong with the Confederation and how it can be reformed. His ideas are adopted by much of Central Europe.


1533: Anne Boleyn begins to notice that the Roman Church is going the way of old Rome, getting more corrupt. 16 years before, German Christian Martin Luther had advocated a reform back to the basics of Republic and the Bible and was condemned as being the real corrupter. However, the Netherlands and parts of Germany agreed with him, now so does Britain, officially. Opposition came in the form of Admiral Henry Tudor (TU00R), who is arrested and executed.

1558: 30 years earlier than in the OTL, it is decided that a naval strike will finish off the heresy in England (claim European fundamentalist fanatics). Destroyers, battleships, submarines and aircraft carriers are deployed. Unfortunately for them, the troubled island of Britain and a bit of land in Northern Europe have even better craft and better leadership, though not as much ammo. Also, God, who "breathes and scatters" the Confederation Armada, is also viewed as a British combatant. The British have pulled through.

1588: the Confederation builds a spacecraft and send both manned and unmanned probes into space. Britain also has a go and 5 years later, Francis Drake is the first man on the Moon (not everybody believes this). The Chinese also have a send spacecraft up and plan to build a space station.

Plato world

1605: terrorists from the Confederation try to blow up the reason and rationality centre of the British Kallipolis, known as Parliament. However a tip off means the primary target, philarchon James, is never in any real danger and the hyper-gunpowder canisters are discovered and destroyed 12 hours before Parliament is due to meet. However, the Confederation is making inroads back into Britain, an effect that will be seen soon...

1642: a war starts between the philarchon and Parliament of Britain. However, sympathisers in Europe prevent the Confederation from interfering as Europe is in a 30 Years War. China completes its space station, it is known as Tiangong (Heavenly Palace), located in a powered geostationary orbit above the Gobi Desert (so that if it falls straight down it won't harm any major settlements). However, Platonic Chinese infiltrators have ensured that it is unarmed and cannot pose a threat to Earth just in case the station is moved and used to attack the Platonic nations..

1666: a fire breaks out in a London bakery but is soon put out. Meanwhile the Dutch step up attacks on Britain after the two begin a trade war. In Thuringia, a rival space station, known as Raumstation (Space Station) is completed and spacecraft assemble the facility above the North Sea. It is also unarmed.

The Downfall of Confucianism[]

1700: for 208 years colonies were being set up in the New World by both China and the Confederation. Now they meet, clash and fight. Natives are caught in the middle, from Confucian to Platonic to neutral tribes. South America remains low key though as dangerous terrain such as the Amazon Rainforest keep the 2 sides from large scale conflicts. That's not to say they don't try.

1776: some colonies try to break off from the European Kallipolic Confederation after the wars with China end, and fail.

1790: inspired by the earlier attempts by the colonies to break free of apparent oppression, the French start to overthrow their leaders. They were corrupt and exploiting both classes for their own selfish ends and caused widespread poverty. A violent revolt takes place and the French Kallipolis was made a full democratic Republic.

1800: by now, Earth has a base on the Moon, a place that had been ignored during the past chaos. Speculation arises over whether the Kallipolis should expand to the stars. China becomes weaker.

1842: China is defeated by the Kallipolic Confederation and absorbed. After 1987 years, the state of conflict is over. Supplying the Confucian empire with opium helped a great deal. Now all that's left is Japan, parts of Africa, Oceania, North America, South America and Antarctica. Japan however was mostly Platonic already and considered by some to be a member of the Confederation. This is not world domination though, quite the opposite. The Confederation by now is simply a descriptive term, like Christendom in the OTL, it has no real meaning. Multiple countries, nations and city states follow the utopian ideal, but are not united. Even the Moon base could claim independence, if it didn't have to rely on supplies from Earth until it develops self-sufficiency.  

Leaving Earth?[]

1860: a way to travel to Mars and back safely is devised and 13 years later, such a mission is launched. Meanwhile Japan is officially taken by the Confederation.

1888: a serial killer stalks the streets of London, but is caught and eliminated. The identity has never been disclosed. At the same time, Guardians and armed Civilians have broken through the defences of the last pockets of resistance and brought Platonism to all parts of the world. Again this is not world domination.

1890: population problems appear for the first time and seem serious. Guardian Auxiliaries and Civil Scientists are ordered to find ways to terraform other planets, asteroids and moons. Work is also made to create space habitats, both stations and other moon bases.

1900: at the turn of the century, the Chinese Territory is permitted to become a Kallipolis, but still contains foreign garrisons.
