Alternative History
POD: Corsica is never purchased by France. The highest ranking diplomat gets sick and dies and France and Genoa decide to call off the negotiations.


Napoleon di Buonaparte is born in Ajaccio on Corsica on 15 August 1769. The son of minor Italian nobility, he had greater opportunities then most Genoese boys. At school he was particularly learned in geography, mathematics and history, specifically that of the Roman Empire. At the age of fifteen he took the opportunity to train the the militaries abroad. He learns in the French, Prussian and Swedish armies, where he picks up on the importance of artillery. Few pay attention to the young Corsican boy but the few who do realize his genius.

This genius comes in handy in 1792, when the newly-formed First French Republic launches a limited invasion of Northern Italy, thus forming the first coalition to counter France. Napoleon, now in charge of Genoa's armed forces, turns back the assault.

By 1793, Napoleon commands the Italian legion, which is composed of the armies of the north-west city states. This is independent of the Austrian armies in Italy but both serve the same campaign goals.

When massive French invasions are launched towards Italy and Germany, Napoleon's Italian legion is merged with the Austrian divisions operating in Italy. The French success in the Low Countries and Germany, and the crushing of her armies in Italy, cause Austria to quit the Anti-French alliance in early 1796. Despite the nominal stop of support from Austria, Napoleon's Italian legion continues to cause large difficulties for the French in Italy.

Because of Napoleon's tactical victories and its escape for the destruction, new recruits and volunteers flood the Legion. This fills Northern and Central Italy with nationalist sentiment. This also causes a supply problem for Napoleon, not being able to clothe, feed and arm his troops. The British help him by giving him all he needs plus money.

Napoleon is granted shelter in Naples in 1797, which the French army hasn't reached yet and where he meets Elena di Mattergioni whom he marries shortly after. He consolidates his political and military power. He does this by assuming supreme command of all Papal and Sicilian armies and by gaining popular support for a 'One Italy' movement, which seeks to unite the various states of Italy and expel the French and Austrians.

Two years to the turn of the century and most of the fighting is in the Papal States and central Italy. Napoleon achieves several tactical victories but overwhelming French armies forces him to make a calculated withdrawal to Rome. The French make a critical mistake by stationing many of the troops in Italy near Venice. Most of the French Armies are fighting it out on the central German plains.

Across the Atlantic, the shipping conflict between France and the fledgling United States exploded into a full blown war, with the Senate authorizing President Adams' declaration of war in December.

In early 1799, before the French arrive, the Pope declares Napoleon 'The King of all Italians'. Napoleon sallies out to meet the French before they arrive. He takes his entire cavalry force and ambushes the French army. His cavalry chase the entire French army up a mountain where strategically place artillery batteries rain fire upon. Not only does Napoleon gain complete victory but also valuable information concerning French strength and positions in Italy. After this crushing victory Napoleon and the Pope issue a joint "Declaration of National Unification". All the lands of Italy are unified under the Emperor of the Latins (Buonaparte, naturally). The rest of the year is spent expelling French forces.

An American naval landing at Port-au-Prince ensures to capture of the French portion of Hispaniola. At the bloody Battle of New Orleans Captain, later General & President, Andrew Jackson achieves a complete tactical victory. This not only earns him respect and the nickname "The Little Caesar" (due to he being only 33), but it earns the country control of the Mississippi river.


In 1800 Napoleon is working to reform Italy. He divides the lands he controls into regions, provinces and districts, each with their own local government. The legislative body is the Senate. Each Senator is elected from regions. He replaces the aristocracy. He woos England into recognizing his new country. By 1803 though Napoleon has built up an army of 250,000 men and in March 1804 he leads a decisive attack on the French port of Toulon. In June France pleads for peace and at the Treaty of Grenoble all of the Cote d'Azur and Alpes regions are ceded to Italy. In February 1805 Napoleon orders a fleet of 10 ships and 3,000 men to capture the Balearic Islands and amazingly this operation succeeds. In March a force of 70,000 men attacks and captures Toulouse and all of Frances Mediterranean Coast. The French try to recapture Toulouse but this fails at the Battle of Rodez. After several other engagements the whole of Frances influence in Southern Europe is destroyed when in May Napoleon himself captures Bordeaux and a month later at the Treaty of Lyon all of Southern France is ceded to the Latins.

In September 1805 officially all of Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Tuscany, Rome and Southern France or Pirenei - Alpi are formed into The Empire of The Latins and Napoleon is proclaimed Emperor. In January 1806 The Empire of The Latins enters into an alliance with Portugal and in April an amphibious landing takes place against Spain at Barcelona and Valencia. Within 7 weeks Latins has overrun all of Valencia and Catalonia but by early June the offensive loses momentum and at the bloody Battle of Logorno all Latin's advance into Aragon is halted. But on July 1st a Portuguese Naval pre-emptive strike against Cadiz really comes in handy and in less than a week Portuguese troops began to advance into Galicia eventually taking Leon in late July. On August 5th the treaty of Madrid was signed which ceded Galicia to Portugal and Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon to The Empire of The Latins which entered them into the Empire the same day.

On December 23rd 1805 Napoleons first son Carlos Napoleon di Buonaparte was born and made prince of Rome. Of course Napoleon had disbanded the aristocracy but in the thrill of being a father he made an exception of his family.

In March 1806 Latins invaded Illyria and Dalmatia and In April Greece after demanding the allowance of the Ottomans . Then a long period of peace was to resume. The Emperor entered more regions into The empire of the Latins all of the Italian peninsula, Illyria, Dalmatia and Greece. Then in October 1807 at the treaty of Istanbul all of the Balkans were ceded to Latins in exchange for a large amount of money. In February 1808 Napoleons second son Napoleon di Buonaparte II was born and made Prince of Pirenea - Alpus. In April 1808 though a rebellion in Aragon led by Manuel de Godoy was at first successful until crushed by General Ventenrio.


In June 1808 Napoleon re-established the aristocracy as titles that did have no actual power and this more or less continued for the next three years until in March 1811 the Turks attempted to invade the Balkans succeeding in capturing Thrace and keeping it until a counter attack by Duke Victor of Sardinia in June. In January 1812 the first coalition was made against Latins consisting of France and Britain but right from the start the cultural and political differences made working together very hard for these two countries. In February 1812 the Anglo - French fleet pretty much annihilated the Latinian fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar. One month later Austria declares war on the Latinians in an attempt at restoring their power over Europe but when their commander in chief, Fieldmarschall Kienmayer defects to the Latinians in May it is clear that things are not going their way. In 1814 a peace is signed not just with Austria but with France and Britain too.






1861 The Confederates elect Jefferson Davis to be their President and two months later he leads them in a war against the Union. At the beginning it seems certain that there will be a quick Union victory, but after the relief of Richmond in November it seems like the war may last longer.

1862 General Grant leads the Union forces back toward Washington whilst burning anything Confederate he finds: houses, crops, people etc...In June Confederate troops besiege Washington and the Union capital is moved to New York.

1863 In July a Confederate army under Lee wins a great victory over the Union at Gettysburg. Then he heads west towards St Louis and on arriving there he gets his revenge on Grant. He completely destroys St Louis.





















