Alternative History

Closed Timeline

Communist Uprising

1818- Karl Marx is born.

1820- Friedrich Engels is born.

1830- Karl Marx attends Trier High School where he studies philosophy and literature. Here he then meets a man named Alexiy van Dern who is a fanatical socialist who teaches Karl about corrupted capitalism, effect on industrialization and private ownership on society. 

1836- Factories across the US stop after workers strike for better and healthier working conditions but the President ignores this and sends the federal troops to arrest or shoot the workers.

1845- Marx and Engels move to America (instead of Belgium like OTL) for better opportunity and freedom to spread their work.

1846- Karl Marx enters politics and soon becomes Mayor of Manhattan.

1848- The Communist Manifesto is published. Karl Marx becomes Secretary of Treasury. Francois Isaac de Rivaz internal combustion engine automobiles become mass produced thanks to newly discovered oil.

1849- Friedrich Engels joins the Chartis movement in England and leads it. He turns it into Communist Movement and leads some revolts at London factories, sparking revolution.

1850- Karl Marx influences workers all around the east coast of the United States (mainly Manhattan). The Communist Revolution begins. In London the Chartis movement begins its revolution and spreads throughout the UK but British prime minister Lord John Russell expelled Engels out of England. While the revolution in England failed, Karl Marx gets control of Manhattan and becomes its leading light. Manhattan becomes Manhattan Commune, the first Communist state in history.

1855- US recolonizes Communist Manhattan.

1861- Southern rebels attack Fort Sumter, two days later President Lincoln declares war on the Confederacy. On November 8, USS San Jacinto destroys the British mail packet Trent carrying Confederate diplomats. After seeing the Union aggression, Great Britain and France declare war on the United States.

1865- After a bloody civil war, the Union and the Confederacy sign a peace treaty which the rebel states will return to the USA and Union President Breckenridge allows this. While the North bans the institution of slavery this also begins a period of segregation and apartheid against black people. 

1874-81- Growing anti-monarchy terrorist movements and government reactions.

1881- Tsar Alexander II is assassinated by revolutionaries, People Will, and is succeeded by Alexander III. Gustav Trouve invents the first electric car.

1883- Karl Marx dies. First Russian Marxist group is formed and becomes the Bolshevik Party.

1883- Nikola Tesla moves to Russia.

1894- Reign of Nicholas II starts. With oil prices going up Nikola Tesla invents an electric car that can go faster and cheaper then regular petroleum cars. Russian government buys his cars and mass produces them. The electric car industry begins to replace the oil-based car industry throughout Russia and Europe.

1889- President William J. Bryan sends a secret emissary to deliver an ultimatum to Spain: grant Cuba's independence or face US military action in all Spanish territories. Fearing for the security of its last colony in Puerto Rico and its status as an empire, Spain reluctantly accepted the terms, and thus war between Spain and America was avoided. Cuba's and the Philippines' independence is granted by a reluctant Spain.


  • The Labour Party is founded in the UK.
  • E.M. Foster, a New Imperialist proposed a plan to make the British Empire into a single federal state among the colonies. This will make the basis of the British Imperial Federation.


  • Tesla begins construction on the Wardenclyffe Tower in efforts to created a world wireless system hoping to solve the world energy problem.


  • Tesla tests his Tesla Tower to the Russian government by powering half of Moscow 50 miles away. Impressed, the Russian government funded his work and begin producing the towers.

1904-05- Russo-Japanese War; Russia loses the war.


  • Russian Revolution of 1905 begins. Lenin and his Red Army conquer Russia and executed the last Czar. Leon Trotsky tries to make a two party Communist government with Lenin. Lenin approves believing it for the better good. Menshevik and Bolshevik parties ruled the Soviet Union together.


  • With the White Russians retreating to Siberia near Tunguska, Lenin orders the Red Army after them. The Entente powers Great Britain, France and the United States send reinforcements through Siberia and the Black Sea. Fighting continues for another three years.


  • White Allies forces make their last stand against Red Army forces at Tunguska. The Red Army, just a hundred miles away marches until they hear an explosion, the Tunguska Event occurs. Half of the red forces are killed or wounded but the Allied forces were completely destroyed. 


  • Polish-Soviet War begins. Lenin appoint Stalin to command the southern front and capture Polish-held city of Lviv. But during the Battle of Warsaw Trotsky forces were engaged with strong Polish forces led by Commander Wtadyslaw Sikorki and was losing the battle and needed Stalin's forces to help capture Warsaw. Stalin agrees to redirect his troops from Lviv to help (but in OTL he refused). On March 6 Warsaw was captured and later Polish forces in Lviv surrender. All of Poland was under Bolshevik control will be use launching point for Communist guerrillas. Stalin was credit for this victory and received Workers Red Banner Medal. When he returned to Moscow some general criticized him for abandoning the Siege of Lviv but was defended by Trotsky. After that both became best friends.


  •  The first Wardenclyffe Towers are built on the Spanish coast and New York completing the trans-Atlantic wireless energy powering every house in the East coast and Western Europe. This new energy source is called Telectric.


  • Chinese nationalists come to power and overthrow the Qing Dynasty and exile to Manchuria. On October 3, 50 Wardenclyffe Towers are built around the world powering every building and electric cars with antennas.


  • Due to the extremely low price of Telectric energy and the massive loss of revenue and jobs in the traditional energy industries soon caused the world economy to suffer and enters the Great Depression.

Great War


  • Communists seize power in Serbia. The assassination on 28 June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by Communist sympathizers, sparks tensions over Europe. French forces invade the German protectorate of Togoland in West Africa. The Great War begins. 
  • As the war rages Communism is secured in Russia as the remaining parties are crushed in a series of bombings.


  • Germany invades France. The British Empire remains neutral while the United States enters the war.


  •  Vladimir Lenin officially declared the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics, or the Soviet Union


  • The Soviet Union invades Austria-Hungary and captures Vienna.


  • After the Soviet invasion and the decisive victory by the Allies at the Battle of Paris, Germany requests a ceasefire with Britain, France, and the Soviet Union. The Great War finally ends in favor over Soviet Union crippling Europe over the next few years.

  • The Treaty of London is signed and the Great War officially ends. Germany abandons its military rule and established a democratic provisional government in order to meet peace talk conditions. A key point of the Treaty of London calls for the formation of the Council for Economic Assistance Organization (CEAO). The organization is formed to encourage all European nations to work together to establish peace.

  • Border Wars begins after Mexico attacks the USA.

Interwar period


  • The Communists come to power in Germany and led by Rosa Luxembourg.  
  • March 9: The Comintern is founded.


  • Hitler moves to France and starts a nationalist movement, the Vichy French Forces. General Charles de Gaulle tries to look for foreign help and the USSR steps in.


  • Hitler is killed on a plane crash over the French countryside and the Vichy French Forces are dismantled.


  • The French Civil War begins.


  • Joseph Stalin comes to power over the and eventually becomes head member over the party and makes all other members follow his world views. No one tries to fight back.


  • Stalin begins his Five Year Plan. Stalin moves war production to Siberia. Joseph Stalin's first plan was to rebuild Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad into super cities. Rail lines are being built starting from the Siberian railroad to Moscow and all of all of the Soviet Union and eastern Europe offering cheap and safe travel.
  • As part of Leon Trotsky plan of military build up, the Soviet Defense Mandate builds a wall on Russian/European border called the Red Curtain.
  • rIn Germany, recovery from the Great War to a full member of the Soviet led-Council for Economic Assistance Organization solidifies support for the Weimar Republic government. They easily win reappointment in the Reichstag general elections. The National Socialists' party's extreme agenda is ridiculed and marginalized.


  • Vichy France, Mexico, Italy, Brazil, Romania, and the Republic of China sign the Iron Pact Treaty (Axis).
  • Construction on the House of Soviet. It will be the tallest building in all of Russia and will be completed by 1955.


  • Albert Einstein moves to Soviet Union and proposes the Atomic Bomb to Joseph Stalin. He is convince into developing nuclear weapon, and soon starts the Tunguska Project.
  • More than six million people die in Ukraine and Eastern Europe because of the planned famine, Holodomer.
  • President Al Smith creates a paramilitary force called the Minutemen forces and begins to put political enemies in concentration camps.


  • Soviet spies are sent to England to steal plans over the A-Bomb project.
  • France adopts aggressive foreign policy and annexes Belgium.


  • The International Socialist League is formed between Soviet Union and Germany.


  • Nevile Chamberlain signs peace deal with Stalin.
  • Germany hosts the Olympic Games, bringing with it the largest number of participating countries ever. Soviet Union noticeably takes part - perceived by the world as an "admirable" acknowledgement. Track and Field star Jesse Owens becomes the first American to win four gold medals in a single Olympics.

  • President Roosevelt removes the US Pacific Fleet from Pearl Harbor.
  • Stalin completely industrializes the USSR.


  • The USSR and Germany invade Sweden.
  • The Spanish Civil War is over with a Republican victory after Soviet intervention.
  • German and Russian scientists developed the first ICBM, the R-1 rocket (OTL V-1).
  • France signs a non-aggression pact with Spain.

Great Patriotic War


  • September: Vichy France invades Germany. Great Britain and Poland declared war on France. Great Patriotic War begins.
  • Japan attacks the Aleutian Islands starting the American-Japanese Border Conflict (1939-1942). The US revise War Plan Orange and retaliates against Japan.


  • February: British launched a pre-emptive strike on France by invading through Point-de-Calais, but it ends in quick defeat. 
  • July: Italy and Romania invaded Germany. 
  • August: Although French bombing destroyed many factories and military stations the U.K. retains most of its military-industrial strength, contributing more to allies' war effort.
  • September: France launches Operation: Bonaparte, invasion of the United Kingdom. Commonwealth troops fight on in Asia and Africa as Free British Forces


  • February: Japan attacks the USSR and European territories in the Pacific Ocean.
  • June: The rest of the Axis powers invaded the USSR


  • January: The US officially declared war on Vichy France, and agree to to deliver troops and supplies to British Army. The British/American forces launches Operation: Boadicca as part of the liberation of Great Britain.The Brazilian navy attacks Miami and New Orleans. 
  • February: US military launched Operation: Monroe, invasion of the Northern coast of Brazil. 
  • March: London is liberated by American/British/Canadian soldiers and French forces retreat back across the English Channel. Britain returned to full military engagement against the Axis in Europe and Asia afterward.
  • August: The Warsaw Uprising and the Berlin Uprising take place. This diverts French forces from the Eastern Front. French forces are halted at Stalingrad as winter sets in.
  • October: The Slovak National Uprising takes place. Unable to defeat the rebels French forces retreat from Slovakia. 
  • December: The British Eastern Army advances through the Caucasus to join Soviet forces to victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. The battle for the city ends after 265 days of fighting with large casualties on both sides. After this victory, the US extends the Lend-Lease program to Soviet Union and later Spain.


  • January: After the French defeat in Russia, the united British/Soviet forces launches Operation: Firebird, the liberation of Eastern and Central Europe. Romania and Hungary switch sides and join the Allies, officially forming the United Allied Coalition.
  • February: Soviet forces liberated Ukraine and Eastern Poland. Joseph Stalin allows US ground forces into Russia to aid them in the fight against the Japanese Army, while in exchange for massive supply of material and goods.
  • March: British forces take North Africa in two months liberating the people from the occupying Italian forces, leading to French defeat in North Africa. They begin immediate evacuation. After the defeat in North Africa, Italy leaves the Axis powers letting Allies forces move freely through the Italian peninsula.
  • December: Berlin is liberated by Soviet-led UAC forces. The German military is remobilized and contributes to the war.


  • January: President Roosevelt sends the Second Bill of Rights to Congress. 
  • May: As part of Operation: Market Garden, D-Day is launched on the Spanish coast of Catalonia by British and Commonwealth forces. Simultaneously, Russian ballistic missiles begin bombing Paris. Though the fiercest fighting continues, the French government still won't surrender.
  • October:The Soviet Union launches Operation: Osten-Sacken (Soviet invasion of France). 
  • December: British armor units and Red Army forces jointly conquer Paris and much of France with the aid of French Communists. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin gives permission for the world's first military use of an atomic weapon against the French city of Vichy in an attempt to bring the European theatre of war from the Great Patriotic War in the Europe to a swift closure.


  • The Malta Conference occurs, deciding the post-war of France and Japan. The Allies of Great Patriotic War (Soviet Union, Great Britain, the USA and later the People's Republic of China ) divided Japan into two occupied zones. The Allied nations agree that free elections are to be held in all countries occupied by Vichy France and the Soviet-occupied Balkans. In addition, the new Collective International Union (CIU) is to be established to promote world peace and security. Soviet Union becomes the first country to build a nuclear bomb. A month later British scientists are able to make a nuclear bomb. In fear of annihilation neither country uses their new WMD. The plans are sent to the USA to build their own bombs.
  • The US blockading of Japan begins.
  • President Roosevelt dies and Henry A. Wallace becomes President and Robert Taft, his Vice President. To honor the former President, Congress passes the Second Bill of Rights.
  • The Strasbourg Conference ends with the Strasbourg Agreement that organizes the division and reconstruction of Europe and Asia after the Great Patriotic War. New boundaries of France are agreed. Before the agreement to divide Japan into four zones (Malta Conference), the four nations also decide to split Japan's capital, Tokyo, into two zones as well. As well, nuclear weapons will be authorized for use in the year 1945 to 1947.

  • Operation: Archangel is launched by British special forces, saving hundreds German and French scientists from Stalin's death camps after the fall of Paris.The British had captured and relocated to England all the scientists and equipment found in Peenemünde, among them Edneer Ness and the plans and pieces of the prototype rocket bomb. Peenemünde and Soviet advance troops are then (intentionally) obliterated by friendly fire, so that they cannot challenge the emergent British technological advantage.

  • The USA honors its agreement to invade Japan and join the United Allies forces, within three months of the victory in Europe, and President McCarthy commences Operation: Downfall (the invasion of Japan) on November 1 1945. In accordance with the Malta Conference agreements, the Soviet Union also invades Japanese Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. 

  • Hokkaido is taken under Soviet control directly, while northern Honshu later becomes the Democratic Republic of Japan. Korea comes under complete control by Kim Il Sung. Wallace, as an anti-imperialist, decides to aid Ho Tši Minh in his struggle against France.


  • Operation Coronet, the invasion of Honshū at the Kantō Plain south of the capital, begins on "Y-Day", March 1, 1946. Coronet was the largest amphibious operation of all time, with 25 divisions, including the floating reserve, earmarked for the initial operations. The U.S. First Army invaded at Kujūkuri Beach, on the Bōsō Peninsula, while U.S. Eighth Army invaded at Hiratsuka, on Sagami Bay. Both armies then drive north and inland, meeting at Tokyo on March 7.

  • Soviet leader Joseph Stalin gives permission for the world's second use of an atomic weapon against the Japanese city of Toyama in order to try to secure a swift Japanese unconditional surrender in the end of the Great Patriotic War.

  • The Japanese surrender to the US on board the USS Missouri to representative General Douglas MacArthur in Tokyo Bay.
  • The North Vietnamese invade South Vietnam and France has had its own Communist revolution at the ballot box, leaving the U.K. isolated in an increasingly "red" continent.
  • French Civil War resumed between Communist and Republican forces.
  • The British Empire becomes racist and more imperialistic in a post-war world. British pilots break through the sound barrier.
  • The last American forces leave Europe as part of President Wallace's post-war demilitarization plan, later called Wallace Doctrine.

Cold War

Main Arcticle: Cold War


  • Prime Minister Churchill announces Churchill Doctrine starting with the giving of aid to Corsica, Egypt and Greece in order to prevent Communist movement.
  •  Japan becomes divided into two zones each occupied by UK and Soviet Union. Tokyo is also divided into two parts. 
  • Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov outlines plans for comprehensive industrial program of economic assistance for war-ravaged countries in Eastern Europe and China. This will later be known as the Molotov Plan.
  • The French republican government is exiled to the island of Corsica.
  • The USA government forms the Pan-American Union, establishing a hegemony over the Americas.
  • The British Empire is reformed into the Imperial Federation.


  • January 20: After President Henry A. Wallace defeat in the presidental elections, Thomas E. Dewey becomes President of the United States with Earl Warren as Vice President, hoping to restore the country to prosperity and greatness while promising America to return to isolationism.
  • In Italy, the Communist-Socialist alliance win the 1948 general election. While in Greece, the Civil War goes in favor of the Communist-PDG. France too, is falling under the influence of the Iron Curtain, as French Communists become increasingly dissatisfied flimsy French Fourth Republic .
  • Stalin signs the Molotov Plan into effect. By the end of the program, the Soviet Union has given 10.2 billion Soviet ruble in economic assistance to China and European countries.
  • British Prime Minister Winston Churchill orders the blockade of all land routes from North Japan to Tokyo, in an attempt to starve out the Chinese and Soviet forces from the city. In response, the two Communist powers launch the Tokyo Airlift to supply the citizens of Tokyo by air.

  • A Communist insurgency in Malaya begins against British and Imperial Federation forces.
  • With the help of German scientists, the Soviets launch the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1.
  • China begins its industrial revolution under Chairman Mao, they also begin investing in their own space program.
  • All of Indochina gains independence from France after a Soviet endorsement. Molotov Plan aid is spent on economic development as it was intended.


  • Czechoslovakia Revolution: Communist Party takes control of Czechoslovakia, after President Edvard Benes accepted resignation of all non-Communist ministers. Communist-inspired guerrilla movements begin to spring up across Europe and Latin America.
  • UNTO (United Nations Treaty Organization) is formed between Belgium, UK, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Brazil.
  •  Iceland is invaded by the British Empire. Britain begins to build the largest air base in Iceland, Albion Air base and secure Greenland for future colonization.
  •  In Japan, the British zone merges with the Republic of China zone of control to form the Federal Republic of Japan, with Kyoto as its capital.
  • The Soviets declare their zone of Japan to be the Democratic People's Republic of Japan (DPRJ) with its capital at North Tokyo.
  • The first British artificial satellite is launched, call Victoria and radio-broadcasting "God save the King" in Morse Code.The USA follows months later with Explorer 1.
  • North and South France is reunited into the Democratic Republic of France with a policy of neutrality, with no conditions on economic policies and with guarantees for "the rights of man and basic freedoms".


  • South Japan invades North Japan, beginning the Japan War. North Tokyo, the capital of North Japan, falls to South Korean forces. 

  • China secretly builds its own nuclear arsenal.
  •  Robert Schuman dies in a car accident, and his idea of a united Europe is never realized.
  • France recognizes the independence of Indochina now the Socialist Republic of Indochina. Ho Chi Min is elected President of the Republic.


  • October 10: Joseph Stalin signs the Collective Security Act, announcing to the world, and its Communist powers in particular, that the U.S.S.R was prepared to provide military and economic aid to "proletarian peoples."


  • February 20: China, North Japan and much of South East Asia is under Communist domination. Thailand,  Indonesia, and South Japan become the last remaining democratic states in Asia. The remaining Pacific islands allied with UK and begin to send sending military support.
  • March 5: After the death of Joseph Stalin, Soviet Union went through a period of collective leadership between General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, Premier Georgy Malenkov, and Chairman of the Presidium Leon Trotsky with a large amount of support from the Politburo. Trotsky was replaced by Vyacheslav Molotov in 1955.


  • The Ireland Missile Crisis begins.
  • The People's Republic of China invaded Taiwan and overthrows the Kuomintang government.
  • Nassar, Egyptian nationalist, failed to oust the pro-British King Farouk and is sent into exile.


Bundesarchiv Bild 183-30483-002, Warschau, Konferenz Europäischer Länder...

Warsaw Convention:Creation of the Warsaw Pact

  • Soviet aid to Syria begins.
  • Republic of France joins ANTO and begins rearmament.
  • May: The Warsaw Pact is founded in Central and Eastern Europe and includes Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union.
  •  The United States Space Administration (USSA) is formed.


  • With increasing anti-black sentiment, the USA outlaws Jim Crow laws.
  • The 1956 Soviet economic reform, widely referred to simply as the Trotsky reform or Liberman reform, was a reform of economic management and planning, is carried out between 1956 and 1971. It was characterized by the introduction of capitalist methods of management, increased economic independence of enterprises, associations and organizations, and the extensive use of methods of material incentives.
  • Hungarian revolt against the Soviet controlled government begins.
  • The first space station of its kind, Salyut 1 is launched into space by the USSR.
  • United Kingdom organizes its own space expedition in the wake of the Red threat. Julian Amery convinced Prime Minister Churchill to formed the Ministry of Space Agency or M.S.A.


  • The U.S.A cuts military expenditures but soon suffer a crisis of overproduction, culminating in another great depression.
  • A coup in Iraq, the July 4th Revolution, removes the pro-British monarch. Iraq begins to receive support from the Soviets. Iraq will maintain close ties with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War.


  • Fidel Castro seizes power in Cuba, supported by the USSR.
  • The Great Leap Forward begins in China. Chairman Lin Biao of China begins more extensive trade with the USSR, though tariffs are considerably high. The funds go towards the Chinese Industrial Revolution and it becomes a great success boosting agriculture/industry in China.
  • South Africa join UNTO.
  • After the partition of Indonesia, it becomes divided between the People's Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of Indonesia.


  • The Tokyo Wall is built.
  • The Chilean and the Guatemalan governments are overthrown by socialist forces backed by the USSR.
  • The first nuclear battery is mass produced.
  • The Wage reform in the Soviet Union of 1960–1962 becomes an economic success as it was able create a stable and predictable incentives system.
  • British pioneered manned spaceflight, in a reinforced and pressurized cabin and in rocketplane named Britannia, becoming the second nation to do so.


  • A British MIS-sponsored invasion of Cuban exile seaborne forces land in the Bay of Pigs and Cuban nationalist forces attack Havana. The Cuban War has begun. In what is dubbed a "Police Action", the U.S.S.R enters the Cuban War. The Collective International Union votes to send forces to Japan to aid North Japan. The United Kingdom cannot veto, as it is boycotting the Security Council over the admission of Republic of China. Eventually, the number of countries operating under the CIU aegis increases to 16: Austria, Germany, Columbia, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, Poland, Italy, East Africa, Vietnam, and the Soviet Union.
  • Yuri Gagarin becomes the first person in space and first to orbit the Earth when the Soviet Union successfully launches Vostok 1.
  • United States passes the Universal Workers Rights Act (OTL Civil Right Act) for the purpose of ending racial segregation in workplaces.


  • Nationalist forces captured ballistic missiles causing a missile crisis which lasted four weeks. The Soviet Union led Warsaw Pact forces and enter Cuba to aid Fidel Castro forces. The world is faced with the closest of nuclear war as Soviet submarines armed with nuclear bombs are confronted with UNTO Navy.


  • Mexico intervenes and invades Cuba, pushing back the Red forces. General Geogory Malemvok orders nuclear bombing on Mexico City, but was forced to decline the order because of UNTO nuclear forces being deployed in the Caribbean Sea. The Treaty of Miami between the Warsaw Pact and Mexico is signed. Cuba would remain under Communist control and Soviet nuclear missiles are shipped backed to the USSR. British diplomats are sent to Mexico to convince the Mexican government to join ANTO. The next day Mexico joins UNTO.
  • MSA begin construction on a space station (1963–66) named Churchill Station.


  • Australia joins ANTO in an effort to support a better relationship with the rest of the remaining democratic free countries. Australia is finally able to end the famine after the Imperial Federation sends aid after Cuban War.
  • March 30 / April 1: A military-led coup d'état failed to overthrow democratically elected president João Goulart in Brazil which leads to Brazilian Civil War. Goulart's proposals, such as land reform and bigger control of the state in the economy, were seen as "Communist", though he was from the labour party.


  • Alaskan rebels gain their independence from the USA and becomes the Free State of Alaska. Russian forces invaded Alaska and capture Anchorage. Supported by Canada, Alaskan rebels attack Red forces. Before the war escalates, United States forms a peace treaty between ANTO, Alaska and USSR. Alaska is divided by the Free State of Alaska and A.A.T. (Alaskan Autonomous Territory), an occupation by the USSR. In October, Alaska looking for future protection joins ANTO.



  • To honor the victory of the war the House of the Soviets is completed in Moscow.
  • Israel invades the Golan Heights and West Bank. Jordan and Syria soon declared war but are quickly defeated by Israeli air force ending the Six Day War.


  • East Tokyo, Japan is gripped by student unrest which is blamed on capitalist elements. Twenty-two students are killed after Red forces are sent to put a stop on suspected rebellion uprising.
  • With growing race riots in London the British government adopts the apartheid policy and passes the law across the Federation.
  • Prague Spring occurs and is at first suppressed but is then supported by the Soviet Union. Reforms are made in the Czechoslovakia Communist government and soon every other Eastern Bloc country end their authoritarian governments begins an era of reforms known as the Autumn of Nations (1968-1971).
  • The New Economic Mechanism (NEM), a major economic reform, is launched in the People's Republic of Hungary.


  • The Soviet Union become the first to landed on the moon. 
  • The United Kingdom becomes the second country to land on the Moon. They begin to build an outpost on the moon called Excalibur Base that can hold 25 people and complete the space station Black Star.


  • The Red Curtain is rebuilt. It now holds nuclear missile silos and fortress towers every ten miles. The Red Army begins the largest military production in history in fears of losing its territories in central Asia and eastern Europe.


  • UNTO secretly sends diplomats to Egypt and Saudi Arabia for a peace treaty with trade on the last rich oil reserves.
  • Tiangong 1 is launched becoming the first Chinese space station.
  • Nikita Khrushchev dies.
  • Bangladesh and Indian joint forces, supported by the Soviet Union defeat Pakistan in the Bangladesh Liberation War. Bangladesh is officially recognized by the Eastern Bloc.


  • The British launch their fifth satellite, Ariel 4. Within six months they are able to launch a manned spacecraft into space heading to Mars.


  • The Soviet Union begins on a missile satellite program called Red Star Initiative. Spy satellites become an abundance over the USSR, watching for undesirables entering the country or fugitives fleeing it.
  • China launched two lunar orbiters, Chang'e 1 and Chang'e 2, and intends to land a rover on the moon to retrieve samples. 


  • USA is the third nation to land a man on the moon.


  • British airplane designers at Aerospatiale Industries invented the first turbojet-engine supersonic transport, the Concorde.
  • China joins Cominform.
  • As part of the Red Star Initiative, a missile defensive system is built over USSR and later its allies' countries.


  • The Soviet Union and China make a joint effort to send a man to Mars. Chinese establish a small research station on the Moon.
  • Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to save its crumbling Communist government from Islamic rebels.
  • After months of failed negotiations, Vietnam invades and deposes the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and installs a pro-Soviet government.
  • The Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Alliance is renewed after the Soviets stopped supporting Vietnam's invasion of Cambodia.
Space-station-concept art

Freedom Star, space station built by ANTO


  • India and many other Middle Eastern countries have nuclear capability.
  • Argentina invades the Falkland Islands, starting the British war in ArgentinaThe United Kingdom invades Argentina to oust Leopoldo Galtieri, resulting in the increase of . 


  • Strategic Fortification Commission (SKF, or "Space Wars").
  • November: Exercise Iron Fist 83 — British anti-aircraft misinterpret a test of Warsaw Pact's nuclear warfare procedures as a fake cover for an actual Warsaw Pact attack; in response, British nuclear forces are put on high alert.
  • Soviets developed a highly advanced spy satellite called Red Eye. The Red Eye can intercept ANTO communication and broadcast images to TV and radios to other countries. 
  • Ford Nucleon is the first nuclear powered car invented.


  • January 6: Israel is able to build up a secret military arsenal under the eyes of the USSR and ANTO.
  • January 20: Colin Powell is inaugurated 40th President of the United States. Powell is elected on a platform supported to the concessions of détente and promising to bring the country back to American greatness.
  • March 11: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes leader of the Soviet Union.
  • August 6: Coinciding with the 44th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Vichy and Toyama, the Soviet Union begins what it has announced is a five-month unilateral moratorium on the testing of nuclear weapons. The British Parliament applauded the dramatic move and follow suit. 


  • Russian scientists are able to make the most powerful nuclear bomb ever created, the Red Dust. It's tested on the USA border near Canada. Canadian officials are able to confirm the explosion which is 20 times more powerful then ever thought possible.
  • After seven years of brutal guerrilla fighting the Soviet war in Afghanistan is over with the Soviets victorious and Taliban rebels eliminated.
  • Cominform conference convenes in Havana, Cuba. 


  • Small militia formed in parts of Texas attack government buildings.
  • The Iraq-Iran War comes to an end after huge nerve gas attack on Tehran by the Iraqi forces with Soviet backing. Soon Saddam orders the invasion of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia creating the United Arab Republic.
  • July 1: United Kingdom hands sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.
  • China sends a Mars probe (Yinguo 1) in 1987 on a mission with the aid of the Soviet Union.


  • The Red Eye satellite broadcast The All Mighty Soviet Union speech to radio communications all over the world bringing in a Red Scare to ANTO.
  • At the end of the Yalta Summit, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and UK prime minister Margaret Thatcher declare that a long lasting peace has begun. Many observers regard this summit as the official beginning of the end of the Cold War.


  • June 9: After the collapse of the Meech Lake Constitutional Accord, the province of Quebec in Canada experienced a rekindled wave of separatism by Francophone Québécois nationalists, who sought for Quebec to become an independent country.
  • August 1:The state of Texas becomes independent.
  • August 2: Mexico invades Texas, beginning Gulf War.
  • October 3: Japan is reunified.
  • British Prime Minister Michael Foot declares the dissolution of the Imperial Federation and the formation of the Republic of Great Britain.


  • October 30: UNTO is officially dissolved
  •  August 19: Bush coup attempt of 1991. The Bush coup occurs in response to a new union treaty to be signed on August 20.
  • December 25: Mikhail Gorbachev, after receiving a phone call from British Prime Minister Michael Foot, delivers a Christmas Day speech acknowledging the end of the Cold War.
  • December 25: Michael Foot resigns as Prime Minister of the BIF. The Union Jack flag is lowered for the last time over the Buckingham Palace. The Republic of Great Britain, successor of the United Kingdom, assumed the UK's rights and obligations and is recognized as its continued legal personality.
  • December 26: The British Parliament recognizes the dissolution of the United Kingdom and decides to dissolve itself.
  • December 30: The Congress of Berlin was a conference of leaders of European states and China chaired by President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, and held in Warsaw from December 1991 to June 1992. The objective of the Congress was to settle the many issues arising from the European and the semi-dissolution of the United States of America and Great Britain.

Contemporary World 


  • ​The 1995 Quebec referendum on sovereignty is accepted. Quebec becomes an independent country with an economic association with Canada. The proposal is narrowly approved by Quebec's voters by 50.4% yes and 49.6% no.


  • After the Treaty of Santo Domingo, the Greater Antilles of the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Cuba are united into the Antillean Confederation of Cuba.
  • The Trans-Global Highway began after the construction of the Bering Strait Bridge is completed.


  • Soviet President Putin, in his speech to 30th Congress of the C.P.S.U., described Pakistan, Sweden and South Africa as " an Axis of Evil whose attempts to develop weapons of mass destruction would no longer be tolerated."


  • United States invaded Georgia in response to Georgian aggression towards civilians and attacks on South Carolina. Both USA and Georgia were condemned internationally for their actions.
  • The Global Positioning System and the Global Communication Network (OTL internet) is placed under international control, and is made free for every person to use.
  • The Soviet Central Asian Wind Farm is completed. 