Alternative History

After a series of victories by British forces at the conclusion of the French and Indian War, Britain adopted a policy that the Thirteen Colonies should pay an increased proportion of the costs associated with keeping them in the Empire. Britain imposed a series of direct taxes followed by other laws intended to demonstrate British authority, all of which proved extremely unpopular in America. This taxation led to a massive and successful uprising in the Thirteen Colonies which led to their independence, a great loss for the British crown.

But what if the British didn't impose the taxation laws on the Thirteen Colonies? What if they instead taxed the Province of Quebec? What if, as a result, the British were able to hold on to Their British America?

Differences from OTL[]

Due to the harsh taxation in Quebec, an uprising would take place to get independence from British rule. The "revolution" would prove faulty, and the British retain their colonial holdings in North America. The lack of incentive for independence in the Thirteen Colonies would lead to a return to the status quo for the colonies. However, to curb the risk of future uprisings, the British passed a series of land and legal reforms which would give more representation for each colony in Parliament. As the years passed, the colonies would eventually enjoy self-governance as separate and independent states, and there would be no major central governing body like the United States or Canada, here.

In Europe, the lack of a successful revolution in the Thirteen Colonies, coupled with an embarrassing loss in the fight for Quebec independence, would lead the French Revolution to be quickly stomped by the crown, ultimately leading France into a semi-isolationist kingdom. The Napoleonic Wars would not cripple Europe, and as a result the Spanish crown would remain in power. The idea of a monarchical self-governance would stick throughout most of the world, and Their British America would lead to a new world...

Articles of Interest[]
