Alternative History

The Trent Affair occurs and a war erupts as the American Civil War becomes an international spotlight. All events before November 8, 1861 shall remain the same so no further change in the timeline of the American Civil War.



As the civil war begins tensions spread between the Union and Britain after certain events unfold in late 1861.


On the the 8th the USS San Jacinto intercepts the British mail packet Trent and also capture two Confederate diplomats who were trying to convince Europe to recognize the CSA. British and Union diplomats try to work out the problem before tensions spill into war. The Americans were happy of the capture but the Brits were furious. Negotiations went into the next month.


As the British built up their army and navy so did the Americans but they were all ready fighting. Men from both sides met to resolve the situation. As negotiations went on it was asked that Charles Wilkes, the captain of the San Jacinto, to release the diplomats, Mason and Slidell. He refused. Lincoln quickly sent a message saying he disapproved of the action and demanded they were released also. Britain though was growing impatient and poised to attack if necessary. Meanwhile France slowly found that the diplomats were also going to head to France. France was not as angered because they were not heading to France first. France though was not willing to jump into any war now but if it had to it would side with the Confederacy. Meanwhile the US was at work trying to prevent any war and was trying to convince France to join a war against Britain in case Britain sided with the Confederates. By the December 31 war was imminent as both sides prepared.



As tensions continue to rise the US needs to convince both sides to not join the civil war on the side of the CS but on January 14 and 15 the British and French join the war on the side of the CS. Since both are close to US borders especially France since they are the controllers of Mexican Emperor Maximilian 1 and the Mexicans aren't exactly allies of the US.


In February Grant captures two forts in Northern Tennessee and by April will head to Shiloh to fight a Joint force of the CS and allies. To the east British and French troops are landing in Virginia and other CS states. As they arrive naval battles spring up across the Union naval blockade and ships are being engaged that are heading toward New England but is actually to distract Union forces from learning of the Canadian-British force heading toward New England. Meanwhile McClellan is defeated outside of Richmond and quickly escapes Virginia before he suffers more losses. He receives re-inforcements soon but they won't be ready in time for the upcoming Battle of Washington. As more troops arrive from Europe across the CSA, French forces are slowly advancing into California and New Mexico Territory but with a Union Army that is causing problems for the French. In Shiloh the CS and allies are winning the battle against Grant but he continues to fight as he believes he will win this battle. When the battle ends Grant is retreating with his army to Fort Henry and Donelson. By late April the CS and allies are in the streets of Washington battling McClellan and what is left of the Army of the Potomac. The government is already gone and is in Philadelphia waiting to hear the results of the battle. To the north the British have been spotted near Buffalo and the Union Army immediately has troops sent to engage but they are quickly seen running back to Buffalo as the British march toward the city with thousands of troops to the couple hundred that went to engage. By mid-May Grant's Army is obliterated at the forts and is forced to retreat to Cairo, Missouri. In the west everything stays the same as a stalemate becomes reality but in DC the CS and allies have taken the city and are marching toward a town called Antietam in Maryland. This time the Union swore it would be ready. Meanwhile, the Brits captured Buffalo and begin to head east toward Albany where they plan on steam rolling toward Philadelphia. One month later the Union is in dismay as the CSA and her allies have surrounded Philadelphia. The US government was unable to flee fast enough. What is left of the Army of the Potomac is now defending the capitol. The army is weak and fragile after the Battle of Antietam, which they lost, and if it loses the capitol again they will have to surrender. Meanwhile, the blockade is over as Union ships go down in flames and the British secure the sea. To the west, Grant's Army is defeated again and he flees to St. Louis. Other border states such as Missouri, Kentucky, and West Virginia begin to see the CSA march into the rest of the Union. As the weeks go by the CSA and allies have taken Albany and marching farther into the border states while Philadelphia continues to starve. Lincoln and the government consider surrender as they are surrounded and are on their last bit of rations. On July 28 they learn of British landings on Long Island and they make a vow that if by August 10 the British aren't out of Long Island then they will surrender. 13 days later the British are 5 miles from New York City and the Union surrenders. All across the CSA church bells ring, fireworks go up in the sky and rifles are fired into the sky ceremoniously. All nations meet in Havana to discuss a peace treaty. The meetings are held from August 18 to August 25. The Treaty of Havana is made and it does many things that change the map:

  • The United States, France, Britain, and all other nations must recognize the Confederate States of America.
  • The borders of the CSA will include all states that seceded along with New Mexico Territory, Missouri, Indian Territory, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and Delaware.
  • And lastly the US can no longer invoke the Monroe Doctrine or intervene in Confederate or any European nations affairs anywhere in the world.(More info on treaty can be found in link above)

The treaty is signed into law by September 1 by all nations involved in the conflict (France, Britain, US, CS). The treaty also gives the CSA the city of Washington DC. The US now has lost a part of its nation but quickly uses political tactics to mess with the CSA.


The US quickly initiates its political tactics when they begin to pass amendments to its constitution that give equal rights and ban slavery. They are of course aimed to create slave rebellions in the south. The tactics don't really work at first but by late October the tactics are working as slaves rebel in South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. The Confederacy doesn't realize it at first but the US has instigated these rebellions to make the CSA look bad. Meanwhile in Europe, the British and French begin to get back to focusing on its colonies, internal affairs, and of course those in Europe. In the CSA the weakened army is trying to put down these rebellions but it is really tough since most of the army has bad supplies or are experiencing massive desertion. The US tactics are working well, for now. In Europe tensions are quickly building as the world faces possibly a war between France and Prussia over matters that may affect the world forever. As the year ends the new nation of the CSA is already experiencing problems from its ideologies and more are soon to come.


As the rebellions across the CSA are put down the USA, meanwhile, begins to rebuild its cities that were damaged in the war. They also begin to hire more European generals to help train their army while further modernizing in case another war with the CSA ever arises which more than likely. Though as the first Africans are freed, violence arises between whites and blacks. The CSA tries to quiet it down but it is failing to keep it from spreading around. In Europe France and Britain are beginning to resort to their old ways as they threaten each other and their alliance is over as quick as it started. The CSA finds itself further in a knot when Britain threatens to not trade with the CSA if they continue to trade with their enemies. The CSA is unsure of what to do. The USA, meanwhile, is trying to recover from the debt that has come from the war but is quickly finding ways to make the much needed money. Though their is a mostly equal society in the North the people have become more racist as they blame blacks for their sorrows but they are still accepted. Meanwhile, other nations are turning away from slavery including Brazil and others and those that use serfdom in case people began to get the idea of a new nation so they give them there freedom but it does not guarantee equal treatment. These events will affect world events for decades as slavery dies away and freedom spreads around the world. The events become known as "The Second Shot Heard Around the World" since it affected the world greatly.


Though the freedom has spread equality is still not widespread. In the South rebellions continue and slaves are suddenly hastily freed as the deadline is shortened to 1880. In Europe the Poles begin to get noticed as their rebellion against Russia becomes a revolution as support among Europe rises for the Poles. Meanwhile, Spain tries and fails to capture old colonies. To the south a war erupts in South America pitting Paraguay against Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. The CS of course has ambitions to one day control much of the land to its south so it decides to intervene on behalf of Brazil and her allies. The US can do nothing so they sit and watch as a war erupts to the south. The US decides to initiate a rebellion in Canada to make the CSA look bad as they seem to be the cause of all this rebellion and war. In June the Poles have taken strongholds of the Russian Army in Poland. Soon much of old Poland and Lithuania are secured as the Polish Rebellion becomes the Polish Revolution. Prussia and Britain begin to secretly supply the Polish with much needed supplies as the Russians continue to lose battle after battle.
