Alternative History

The Ruso-American War[]

The Ruso-American War, also known as World War III, was a conflict between the United States and its NATO allies and the Soviet Union. The war lasted under one year, starting on October


Europe after the Ruso-American War

20th, 1962, and ending on July 8th, 1963. The war was the first war between nuclear powers, with both sides using nuclear weapons. The war was catastrophic, with over twenty million killed and five million wounded, missing or captured. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Moscow, which formally ended the Cold War.


Following the end of World War II, the Cold War created international tension throughout the world. The spread of communism throughout Asia and Central America, as well as the snowballing arms race, were sources of conflict between the United States, the Soviet Union, and their respective allies. Despite its conflicts, the Cold War had not spawned a declaration of war from any nation. However, on October 19th, 1962, U.S. President John F. Kennedy visited New York City to give a public speech about the escalating war in Vietnam. At the speech was a group of Soviet special agents who had infiltrated the U.S on a mission to force the U.S out of Vietnam. The group entered to the crowd and opened fire. Over 100 people were killed in the attack, including President Kennedy. The Soviet forces were compromised by C.I.A officials and executed. The attack shocked the nation, resulting in a public uproar demanding war against the Soviet Union. The new U.S. President Lyndon Banes Johnson, under pressure from a war-mongering public, asked Congress for a declaration of war on the Soviet Union on October 20th, 1962. The Soviets, having not expected a direct military conflict with the United States, declared war on the U.S. the next day. Both sides mobilized their forces and awaited attack.

Progress of the war

After declaring war, the U.S deployed forces from home, as well as forces in Vietnam, into West Germany. In West Germany, U.S forces prepared for an invasion of the Soviet Union and awaited NATO forces. France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, West Germany, Spain, Italy, and Greece deployed forces to West Germany. By November 7th, NATO forces had mobilized and invaded East Germany. However, the Soviet Union, along with the Warsaw Pact nations, deployed forces to East Germany to confront NATO forces.

The war began as a stalemate. Neither side could land a decisive blow. NATO forces won a decisive victory at the Battle of Bratislava and pushed back Soviet forces. NATO advanced into Belarus. At the First Battle of Minsk, Soviet forces stopped the NATO offensive. General Richard Ryderson, the U.S commander of NATO forces, urged a second attack, despite criticism within the united force. At the Second Battle of Minsk, Soviet forces were pushed back into Russia. The NATO forces advanced and won another victory at the Battle of Kiev. NATO forces then prepared for a direct assault on Moscow. Now desperate, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev ordered the use of nuclear weapons on NATO forces. Despite its apparent costs, the Soviet Union launched nuclear missiles at the NATO forces in Ukraine.

The nuclear attack devastated the NATO force, killing over five million people. The world, especially the NATO countries, were outraged. The United States decided to retaliate with its own nuclear strike. On July 6th, President Johnson ordered nuclear missiles to be launched at the Soviet Union. Within hours, major cities throughout the Soviet Union were attacked. The nuclear attack devastated the Soviet Union, killing over ten million people. The nuclear attack, coupled with a failing defensive line, forced the Soviet Union to formally surrender on July 6th, 1963. The war was over with the United States and NATO emerging victorious.


On July 8th, 1963, world leaders met in Moscow to formally end the war. The Treaty of Moscow forced the Soviet Union to dissolve and set up democratic governments in the former Soviet states. The fall of the Soviet Union informally ended the Vietnam War. It also forced Russia to pay huge reparations to NATO countries. It also downsized the Russian military and forced the Russian government to dissolve its nuclear program. The treaty brought about a new world order. The use of nuclear weapons became a war crime and global nuclear disarmament began to occur. New European and Asian nations emerged, such as Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. Finally, with the Soviet Union's dissolution and Russia devastated, the United States became the world's sole superpower.
