Alternative History

Previous: Find Other Allies in Europe (CYOAH)

The nations of Britain, France and Soviet Russia decide that Himmler must be stopped now, before he can consolidate power and become too strong. The begrudging Allies meet at Malta, and plan their invasion of the Nazi state. D-Day is set for 3 weeks, enough time for the Allies to get everything ready, but hopefully not enough time for Himmler to eliminate all his political opponents and to get his army on a level that it can challenge them.

The Allies launch, and roll across the border despite the resistance of the army. Many troops simply surrender, rather than fight for something they do not believe in. However, as the allies go deeper into the German Empire, resistance starts to harden. The Himmler propaganda machine has gone into effect, making the soldiers believe that the Allies are going to do all the bad stuff they did at the end of WW1, and worse. Fortunately, it still is not enough, and the German Army is still underequipped, even with all factories on full production. The Germans fall further and further back, fighting even more fanatically all the way. Many famous cities are destroyed, and much of the civilian population has become refugees.

As the death knell of the German Empire rings, the alliance of nations begins to break up. Both sides start letting politics take precedent over military matters. Each side wants to come out on top in the battle of influence when Germany has been finished. Who will triumph in the end, and gain the influence necessary to dominate political events for years to come?

The Soviet Union

The Western Allies

Germany takes advantage of their disunity to launch an offensive

Created by: Azecreth 17:39, February 15, 2011 (UTC)
