Alternative History


Free France's founding

On Jun 22, 1940 France had surrendered to Nazi Germany. Vichy France was a French led puppet state in Southern France, it often collaborated with the Nazis, leading many to disapprove of it. Though many just began to live life with the new German and French leaders, a few stood up to the Nazis and became Partisans, or rebels. Free France was one of those Partisan groups. It attacked the Vichy Government often. It ambushed trucks carrying Frenchmen to fight, shipments of resources, and once in a while, diplomats. Almost all of their targets were heading toward Germany, or just came back from Germany. Every once in a while, Free France would get enough resources, guns, and men to rise up and take a town, however in 1944 Germany had sent a large number of outdated V-1s to Vichy France. These were used against the Partisans and their towns. They went back to the country side, however a large number of them moved north, where they faced a rival group claiming to be the successor to the French Government. They were the Paris Partisans. Their was fighting among the four states near or in Northern France: The Germans, Free France, and the Paris Partisans. The Vichy government also fought along side with the Germans, because unrest was spreading South. This continued for six years, until 1950 when most of the French population, regardless of the group they supported, rose up against the Germans and the Vichy Government, and because most German troops here had been sent to keep the Soviets out of Poland. In Berlin, a Nuclear bomb had killed the Führer, leading to a civil war in the Nazi Party. The French Partisans began a massive campaign against the Germans, which worked well. All German soldiers had mutinied and went home, were killed, or were captured. The victory was celebrated, but a civil war now existed in France as three major groups were fighting for control. The Free France movement had officially declared its independence, and controlled most of northern France, excluding Paris. The Vichy Government had all of Southern France, a better military, and a working infrastructure, undamaged by warfare, as most rebels had already been kicked out. The Paris Partisans were a city government, only controlling Paris. They manage the day to day affairs of it. Several attempts have been made to kicked out the PP, but they have all failed. Free France began rebuilding infrastructure and setting up elections. Many Frenchmen moved here for freedom and because the Vichy Government was cracking down on rebels.

Early Years of Independence.

The winter of 1950 was a horrible one, with many people dying. It wasn't freezing temperatures that killed many, but the lack of fuel to heat their own houses with. Many people collected firewood, but in the urban areas their wasn't any available. The next year was better as the government had establish guarded roads to and from the coal mines that were open. Now that it was Spring, people started to grow foods again. Some empty houses were cleared out in order to get some land in the cities to grow some food. Cars weren't as readily available because many resources were taken by the Germans during the occupation, so cars were expensive and simply unaffordable for many French citizens. However, some leftover supply trucks have been used to get stuff around. A Car factory, Atlas, has come out and began building cars using pre-war models, as these are the only designs available. However, because of a lack of suppliers, salvagers have been hired to get the needed resources. A proposal for a steel mill to be built has been thought of, but for now supplies are plentiful and it won't be needed until later. However, there are serious oil shortages, and there simply isn't any around, since most was taken by the Germans when they went home. Ethanol gas has been researched, but still won't be ready for a while. The 50s is often thought of the "lost decade" since the government could not organize the recovery efforts. The Government was united when they were fighting the Nazis and other Partisan groups, but now that they were gone, or not a threat, they couldn't agree on a law. It was constant bickering, until they got a strong leader named , to take charge and lead the nation into the 60s.
