Alternative History

Sea Otters can't live that far north.

Lordganon 17:33, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

What was the point of the otter thing? Baconton 22:02, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

The POD here is that sea otters live further north - which is impossible without a warmer climate, which is not part of the timeline. OTL, they dont live further north than the Aleutians because of the cold. And here they have that being the case, which is impossible without either a major change in the climate, or sea otters, neither of which is present.

Lordganon 22:33, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

The point of the sea otter thing was to make a reason for continued Russian Expansion into the Americas, I know that Sea Otters can't live that far north in OTL, but I kind of wanted to make an alternate evolution if that makes sence. Where a new subspecies of Sea Otter was formed, I do admit though that the Sea Otter POD is pretty unrealistic with a pregnant Sea Otter and all, I might change it a bit, but over the course of millions of years I do think that they could have adapted to colder climates if the right conditions arouse.


For starters, sign your posts in the future.

When I left the message, all the POD was was the pregnant sea otter thing, which made no sense. But now you have it with them slowly moving north after food it makes more sense. Though, it still qualifies as ASB, but less so.

Also, please remove that blasted underline - it makes the thing very hard to read.

Lordganon 01:51, December 6, 2010 (UTC)

@Lordganon I do see the whole point of the sea otters being ASB. It wasn't originally part of Russian America Expansion. I think I've made the sea otter POD as realisitic as I can, I never really liked it either. The sea otter POD would have also created a massively different situation in the Americas as the Inuit (specifically the Inupik) would have probably been more involved in that area and created a mildly to completely different situation for indiginous OTL Alaska which would have also had effects on colonization. Thanks for giving me this perspective on it as I probably wouldn't have noticed the ASB aspect of the first POD. Also since the divergence was 1 million years ago the ice age would have had a huge impact on the sea otters too. It could have also had an effect on the first inhabitants of the Americas as they passed through OTL Alaska. I'll try to come up with another reason for Russia to expand into North America. I feel that rather than trying to make the sea otter POD less ASBish, making another reason for Russia to expand into North America would be easier and more realistic. Also thanks for pointing out that the underlined text made the POD's hard to read I suppose that since there aren't very many of the POD's the underlined text ins't very necessary.

Bofriu 00:03, December 14, 2010 (UTC)


Is there a reason that communism is so huge in this TL instead of failing due to the fact that humans can't pull off communism without it being entirely corrupt and disastrous economically? There is no explaination, just suddenly all these countries that OTL either became republican dictatorships or democratic republics are becoming communist states.Oerwinde 01:08, January 1, 2011 (UTC)
