Alternative History

If this happened in the 60s, the whole world would be affected, except for the communist countries. Meaning that communism would assert its dominance over the globe. Canada would collapse as well. Most of Europe would fall to communist governments. Some US states would be communist. The Soviets would retake Alaska, British Columbia, Yukon, and Nunavut. Eventually they would seize Oregon. China would seize Hawaii. Possibly take over Japan, which, by 1965, would have each island as a seperate nation. The Soviets would take Hokkaido maybe and the Kuril Islands. Most of Africa and the Balkans would also turn to communism.

This doesn't work as a States of America game--it looks more like Communist World to me.

IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 02:43, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

I liked the Civil War era one. That one was fun. Enclavehunter (talk) 02:45, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

Hell to the yes. You were California, yes?

I don't really like the Dean Sims-era Great Depression games. They very nature of those was implausible. As is this one, for the most part. Either way, NEW YORK WILL ALWAYS BE MINE! Mwahahahahahaahhahaa!

IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 02:47, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

I loved that one too. I was Virginia. Do you guys want to try and get that one going again. Give it a fresh start? CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 02:49, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

But Herr Fuhrer, you got taken over in that one! What say ye we go and play that one right now? Let's not let it end! If you want to do it, it's here.

Or we could start it all over here.

IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 02:51, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

I know. I was doing so good too!. But then for whatever reason, my activity on this site dropped like a stone and I was conquered. I'd like to start over and have a fresh start CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 02:52, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

I was California. Plan turned into an fiasco after capturing Nevada, because I had like three enemenies, while planning to have none. Plus I want to play my dad's home state. Enclavehunter (talk) 02:56, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

So do you guys want to start over?Start fresh? CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 02:59, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

You can bet my donkey and William Seward's chest yeah! IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 03:01, July 27, 2012 (UTC)


Based on the nation claims now. Added a few others from last time. Like a joint RNE- Massachusetts, and NFR, an FSA.

Let's just copy everything from that page and put it on this page. The introduction, algorithm, and person thing. Everything except the game, map, and nations. Let's go to the 20th Century with this one! IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 03:04, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

Alright so who wants to volunteer to do this? haha :D CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 03:13, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

YAY! I loved the last game! Pity it died... The Royal Guns (talk) 08:50, July 27, 2012 (UTC)

AN idea for the map... The Royal Guns (talk) 08:43, July 28, 2012 (UTC)

Can you find a new map or take the map from the old one? CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 11:29, July 28, 2012 (UTC)

I would but a lot of nation claims are different this time.

The Royal Guns (talk) 13:29, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Room for one more?[]

You guys have room for one more mod/mapmaker/player? Finally back from my leave and ready to go. This will be my only running map game, so I can put all of my effort into it. (Plus, don't mean to toot my own horn, but I built a lot of States 5, so I know how this runs). CourageousLife (talk) 01:08, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Yes. And use this map instead of the other one please CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 05:31, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

States 5 Reloaded Base

So like this? The Royal Guns (talk) 13:42, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

States 5 Reloaded Idea

Hows that?

Some parts I really like, but others, not so much, such as the union between Virginia and West Virginia (W. Virginia has already suceeded from Virginia). There were historic sucessionist movements in Mexico, so maybe those could be used. I think for Canada, it should just stay united, as it is still under British rule. Some of these unions seem good, but others could be revised. CourageousLife (talk) 13:58, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Plus the fact that Mexico and Canada are not going to collapse immediately after the US. They'll struggle on for a couple more years, and then possibly collapse, or possibly become a superpower in america. CourageousLife (talk) 13:59, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Not to intrude or anything (I am interested in playing), but a problem I see in every one of these States of America games is Canada. If the game is set in 1860, why does Canada have 2012 borders? I recommend Canada is changed to look like this. And I doubt Canada would collapse, per se, the provinces would just likely not unite (it was the US that caused them to unite, really). And another thing I'm not understanding: if the US split because of the CSA, why would the CSA not be united in the map? ChrisL123 (talk) 16:15, July 29, 2012 (UTC)
Wasn't there always a strong secessionist movement in Quebec? If Canada did break apart, Quebec would be the first to go. I like this map but it seems we could get a more accurate map CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 16:21, July 29, 2012 (UTC)
The situation of Canada in the 1860s went like this: there was no Canada. Not until 1867. There were just several British colonies, shown in the picture I included in the link. Quebec wasn't a part of anything, just a colony of Britain. The only reason the provinces of Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia united was because of the United State's expansionist ways, the threat of their takeover, and the fact that a united country would organize their military more. Without a "United" States, there'd no longer be a threat, and they could stay separate as a colony of Great Britain (and thus couldn't "break a part"). I'm sure, however, that Quebec might one day revolt (again) for independence, but as history shows, their odds don't look that great. ChrisL123 (talk) 16:28, July 29, 2012 (UTC)
I'll change the map to include that version of Canada. Plus, this is the time between the states suceeding and the CSA forming. That's part of the POD, I believe, that they don't form the CSA right away. So, the southern states are suceeding, and further sucessions of the northern states can be based on the weakness of the union. CourageousLife (talk) 19:40, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Can we please do it the way we did last game? No existing unions, that takes all the fun out of the game. The only thing that seperated our SOA5 from the other SOAs was because we had to make our own conquests instead of having ones that already existed. Also, we had Upper and Lower Canada and Rupertland in 1860.

IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 17:26, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

I agree, but not even the CSA? I mean, if the USA splits up, it's their shining moment; they get to stay united without fear of an imposing power threatening their independence. ChrisL123 (talk) 18:03, July 29, 2012 (UTC)
Last time we didn't have the CSA and I don't think we should have it now. The fun in the game was that you could choose a state and make your own destiny. That's what I liked about this game CommanderOfTheFourthReich (talk) 18:35, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

They only united OTL because they feard the USA crushing them if they stayed alone. No USA, no need for unity.

IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 19:49, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Also, Territories should not be playable. At least not until the Union dissolves. Also the untaken states should not be called nations until they officially seceed. And Canada, well since Chris wants to take the Upper, he can, but I don't think British North America should be playable at all. Thoughts? IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Syngraféas Enallaktikí̱ Istoría, Dic mihi lingua Anglorum. 21:38, July 29, 2012 (UTC)

Ok, then. Idea 2.0 The Royal Guns (talk) 08:53, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

States 5 Reloaded Idea2

Idea, 2.0.

Guns, just leave it alone. We'll mod event them in, and it's not like the states will all suceed at the same time. Plus, Mexico will take a while to break down. CourageousLife (talk) 12:20, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

Hey, we have to have a starting map. This is just the breakdown after turn 4. BY then, I guess the US should collapse.

By the way, whats the update rate? Update once a year, 5 years?

The Royal Guns (talk) 12:28, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

This would be the base map, I guess. The Royal Guns (talk) 14:07, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

States 5 Reloaded Basemap map

Ahem... the original base map... showing canada in 1860.

I've fixed the above basemap. Note again that there was no such union of Canada until 1867, and it's likely there never will be in this game. Also, West Virginia ceded in 1863, so... ChrisL123 (talk) 13:56, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

Uhh... does "fifty four Forty or Fight" sound familiar to you? Canada was already that large, not as tiny as you put it. And in this game, as has actaully been stated, West Virginia secedes immediately after the Virginian secession (though I agree that they shouldn't).

That was the Canadian breakdown circa 1860. Note, most of that is British claims.

BTW, Canada isn't going to breakup unless we have another British Invasion. So I'd probably choose another nation.

The Royal Guns (talk) 14:07, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

Like I said before, pre-1867, Canada doesn't exist. What I've highlighted was Upper Canada (who I am playing; the other players of the game don't want other British colonies playing.) And yes, I've heard of 54 40' or fight, but that wasn't between Canada and the US (because, like I said, there was no Canada), it was between the British and the US. More specifically, the colony of British Columbia.

Until the BNA Act, those modern-day Canadian territories were all British colonies and in no way were united (British North America merely refers to the individual colonies of North America.) And the only colonies united into Canada in 1867 were Upper and Lower Canada (Ontario & Quebec) and Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The others were added a few years later. If the US breaks up, they have no threat of American takeover and will probably never unite. ChrisL123 (talk) 14:20, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

OHH ok, now I understand.

No, this shows British control, not Canadian control. I'm refering to it as Canada, but not as a united colony.

They don't unite, they're still controlled by Britain. As is Upper Canada. How are you going to play against them? And if there is a British- American remanant war, then that area will probably be annexed, like in the previous game.

The Royal Guns (talk) 14:28, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

<*Ahem Ahem*> I present the base map CourageousLife (talk) 16:31, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

States 5 Reloaded Base 2


I feel that the states would leave in chunks. In any case, there should be a starting RNE. After all, the states were all really closely tied together. (BY the way, I just ditched California in favor of Mass, so this may sound a bit biased, but I said it even before i sweitched).

The Royal Guns (talk) 08:49, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

How are dominions and territories played in PM? I think that would be a good base to go off of. You make a good point. Another thing- Mexico and Central America- should they be playable? I am against Mexico going into the game, because it is much stronger than any other playable state/nation on the map. As for Canada, unless a mod event occurs and the colonies rebel (without unifying), then they shouldn't be playable. CourageousLife (talk) 01:08, July 30, 2012 (UTC)
There should be a RNE, after all they always had pretty close ties. Maybe we should start in 1861?
The Royal Guns (talk) 06:04, July 30, 2012 (UTC)
In either case, those states won't leave the union right away. Just keep that idea in your brain and we'll act on it when the game starts. CourageousLife (talk) 12:21, July 30, 2012 (UTC)

Ze Game.[]

Vell, since ve have ze map, ve should get started, yes?

The Royal Guns (talk) 09:49, July 31, 2012 (UTC)

Ze Rollback[]

Vell, now zat ve have rolled back, vhen shall ve start?

The Royal Guns (talk) 15:44, August 11, 2012 (UTC)

Can I adopt this game please since ot hasnt been updated in a while? (DeanSims: Talk) 04:07, January 11, 2013 (UTC)

No. It's Commander's game. He's the one who just started the rollback on the rollback. IMPERIAL NY-SPQR 1Regen Flag Fegelein! Fegelein! Fegelein! 04:29, January 11, 2013 (UTC)

Thank you ^. You guys let me know when you want to start. Do you want to wait for more people or just go? CommanderOfTheFourthReich 02:50, January 14, 2013 (UTC)

WHAT WHAT WHAT! No one told me! I'm in!

Need some map game, now I've quit PMII. :PThe Royal Guns (talk) 20:33, January 14, 2013 (UTC) 

Do you guys want to start? CommanderOfTheFourthReich 20:56, January 14, 2013 (UTC)
