Alternative History

Men would continue to have the majority of labour jobs due to their physical stature, women would simply be in the positions of power such as lawyers, businesspeople, and politicians. This would also cause huge differences in the makeup of nations and such due to women dying in childbirth in the middle ages and therefore ending their family line rather than the male ruler simply finding a new wife to continue it. Also, women tend to be less controlled and more devious, yet just as ambitious as men, leading to more wars. So in other words there would be a drastically different dynastic makeup in europe, as well as a large group who largely rejects the idea of god being a woman. Christianity would not have become the official religion of the Roman Empire as the idea of men being inferior would not be acceptible to the Roman Emperors and therefore the spread of Christianity would have been severly limited, not having near the power it did.Oerwinde 22:25, September 19, 2010 (UTC)

Utter Nonesense[]

This anonymous editor displays no sense of the dynamics of either history or humanity. In the first century AD no Jewish girl would get away with teaching women to be assertive over men, much less claiming to be God incarnate. The girl would certainly not be named "Janethios" (a male endiing to the name!), but might me named something like "Janesia." If her name meant "Savior" as in reallity, it would have to have a Hebrew form with a feminine ending.

One way she might be able to influence history, if she actually was divine, would be to superhumanly resist the Romans, calling down angels from heaven to do her bidding. She would not be acting as a savior but as a judge (like Deborah of old). In this she could set up a theocracy in Judea. From there she could direct the affairs of history to assure that woman were never trampled upon again.

The point is, the writer does not get the point. Jesus did not teach that women were inferior, and his followers did not promote the predominent belief that women were little better than beasts of burden or slaves. Even Paul, who taught the proper roles of men and women, cannot be said to have taught the inferiority of women. He taught that all people - male, female, Jew, Gentile, free, or slave - were equal.

And by the way, the way "alternate history" works is that the only time line is the one in discussion. If we speak of timelines "splitting" we are going into "science fiction" and "alternate universes." A fine line, one that I don't always follow when discussing time lines, but a point to be made nonetheless. SouthWriter 06:25, December 4, 2010 (UTC)

I Agree Utter nonsense[]

A woman preaching that women are superior to men would have been killed immediately. Also, men superiority was established long before the time of Jesus Christ. And Jane is a name that did not exist in that time. Frankly, I think this article is a load of bulls**t. PitaKang 22:25, December 13, 2010 (UTC)

Daughter of God[]

If she was the daughter of God, God would use Her powers to make everything work out for Her daughter... including women become dominate over men.

Iwaschris 00:56, June 28, 2012 (UTC)
