Alternative History

This Isn't ASB-War[]

Actually, this Scenario is ASB-Random, but not ASB-War, Requirements to categorize it ASB-War is when there are many wars or unlikely wars happening, however, the paraguayan war was real, and this scenario is about if Bolivia would have entered the paraguayan war, if someone will categorize it ASB-War, it will removed, so don't start a edit war, Regards

Likercat (talk) 11:22, August 16, 2014 (UTC)

Completely wrong about what that category consists of. The number of wars is irrelevant - it is what they themselves consist of that is the question.


Unrealistic pace of fighting, mushrooming of the conflict is a bit much, random events involving European powers and Mexico (and the Mexico bit qualifies it outright for the tag), and the armament production in Bolivia (which is completely unable to do that) for a start.

Don't remove it unless you fix it.

Lordganon (talk) 23:20, August 16, 2014 (UTC

FYI I Don't Work att this anymore

Also if you stumble up on a unfinished page from Nordica (My and rex's TL) Please dont delete it, we have a hard work on it
