Alternative History

Name Change[]

Dear Lordganon,

Why was 'Imperialism' forcefully changed to 'Alternate Imperialism'?


Mscoree (talk) 03:45, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

"Imperialism" is a general definition term. Because of that, and its eventual usefulness for a disambiguation page, I changed the name slightly. Lordganon (talk) 03:59, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

I Understand. Thanks for the hastily explaination. Mscoree (talk) 04:01, December 30, 2012 (UTC)


Fixed the edit made by 'SpanishSpy' regarding the correct spelling of Hedgedomy.

Not entirely sure what 'copyediting' is but I'm sure this is just some weird misunderstanding.

Mscoree (talk) 17:02, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

Firstly, copy-editing is improving grammar, spelling, format and the lay-out of articles and their images. Secondly, hedgedomy is not a word. The correct spelling, as SpanishSpy edited, is indeed hegemony. --XterrorX (talk) 18:35, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

Well this is awkward...Anyway thanks for the clarification. I apologize for any confusion I caused. Mscoree (talk) 22:47, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

No problem. Editors like SpanishSpy and EoGuy do a great job at copy-editing articles, but it never hurts to double check if you want to be absolutely sure. ;) --XterrorX (talk) 23:36, December 30, 2012 (UTC)


  • Make Nations List
  • Make Map(s)
  • Make page for each war
  • Make page for each nation
  • Figure out how to get Austrian Empire flagicon and replace Austrian flag
  • Add to timeline until it reaches present
  • Add government information for each country
  • Write history for each country
  • Add footer templates for countries
  • Make a page listing templates
  • Find more stuff to add to the to-do list
  • Open up Alternate Imperialism for public contributions
  • Make page for rulers
  • Make page for each ruler
  • Add the history of Great Britain (and other nations) to timeline
  • List all the kings of Great Britain (and other nations)