Alternative History

Romans (Latin: Romani) are an ethnic group native to Italian peninsula and citizens of the Roman Republic. They are largely based around the Mediterranean Sea, specifically below the Arno and Reno rivers on the peninsula. Romans near-unanimously follow Jovism as a religion, and the religion plays a large part in daily life. Romans speak Latin, the only surviving Italic language and the parent of many languages in the region.

A small Roman diaspora exists throughout Europe and in minor enclaves all throughout the world. During Rome's near three thousand-year history, its people have contributed greatly to the fields of philosophy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, medicine, engineering, linguistics, the social sciences, law, literature, the visual arts, music, and film. It could even be argued that the Romans have founded many of these very fields of study, science, and art.


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A portrait of Marcia Junia.

Romans have strong Mediterranean features which exemplify themselves with light olive skin tones that do not widely stray from the Caucasoid phenotype of generally white skin; though with a tanned, slightly bronze complexion, in contrast with the northern, pale Nords and Gauls. The faces of Roman woman boast somewhat round facial features with large eyes and soft, almost porcelain skin that is generally free of blemishes and other imperfections. Roman hair is can either be straight or occasionally curly, with a chestnut, brunette coloration; while their eyes have a tendency toward brownish-black hues.

Physically, Romans are relatively short compared to their northern neighbors. However, this does not mean that they are stout. Men are well-built but not overwhelmingly so, given their day-to-day work which tend to keep the average Roman male in physical fitness. Roman women are likewise well-built, but are more feminine than their male counterparts with supple frames and wide hips. Men almost always boast some form of facial hair given the cultural attitudes of the Roman people, while female Romans remain neatly shaved and trimmed.


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A portrait of a Jovist priestess.

Nearly all Romans follow Jovism, a denomination of Paganism, as the polytheistic ethnic religion of Rome. While modern adherents use the religion to define themselves as a people, early Romans adopted the religious practices of peoples brought under and integrated into Roman rule, such as the Etruscans or Greeks.  

The earliest of of Rome's religious institutions could be traced to its founders, particularly Numa Pompilius, the second King of Rome, who negotiated directly with the gods. This was the foundation of the mos maiorum, "the way of the ancestors" or simply "tradition", viewed as central to Roman identity. Eventually, the religion of the Romans underwent extensive reformation in the 3rd century based on the life and teachings of Apollonius, who lived two centuries prior.

During his life, Apollonius denounced decadence and greed, healed the sick, gave to the needy, spoke as a law-giver, was condemned by Roman authorities, and upon his death, he seen as the savior of the world, given to the world by the gods.














