Alternative History

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First developed by Danish philosopher Rikard Blomqvist, Rikardism is the belief that everyone should be paid compared to the severity of their needs. Property is owned publicly and is administered by the government. It is the idea that people receive equal shares of money for their labor. Wealth is redistributed so that the upper class is equal with the middle class. It's designed to bring the poor to be equal with the middle class as well. It is sometimes called Communism, but is mostly called by its proper name.

There are many branches of Rikardism. The branch described above is considered the fundamental Rikardist government. It is known to many historians as the Levelism branch of Rikardism. Here are the others:

  • Redistributism - the government keeps a tight control on business, and can tax individual people differently. (governments with this type: Ottoman Empire)
  • Equalism - basically the same as Levelism, but instead, the more hours you sign up means the more money you get. (governments with this type: formerly Bohemia)
  • Haltism - a hypothetical branch, which claims that the government should be able to "freeze" general income for people when they are in a depression, in order to keep the differences between the classes to a minimum.
  • Freedonism - a basic branch, this claims that all jobs should offer the same amount of income. This has failed, because of people not wanting to do the dirty jobs. (governments with this type: formerly Saxony)