Alternative History
Argentina People's Republic
Republica Popular Argentina
Timeline: Red Sun Setting

OTL equivalent: Argentina
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Argentina
Location of Argentina
En unión y libertad
Anthem "Himno Nacional Argentino"
Capital Buenos Aires
Largest city La Plata, Cordoba, Rosario
Language Spanish
Religion None (Catholic no longer State-Supported)
Government People's Soviet Bureau
President Jorge Ferreyra (Worker's Party)
Vice president Raúl Alberto Lastiri Peronism)
Population 29.000.000 
Independence from Spain
  declared 9 July 1816
Currency Argentine Peso
Organizations Warsaw Pact

In 1973, Argentinian President Gral. Juan Domingo Perón was killed (December 20) in his deathbed by an assault strike team sent by the military opposition, causing a massive social uprising that cause the Argentinians massively supporting the Left Politics wing and Under the threat of a Civil War and a subsequent military Intervention by the United States, to forge a strong alliance with the Soviet Union that evolved into the annexation of the "Republica Federal Argentina" into the Warsaw Pact.  

The Year is 1974. The "Republica Popular Argentina" (Argentinian People's Republic) is running through his first month of existence, and the World is at the brink of a Global War. (April) Unlike in Cuba this time the Soviets managed to quickly install fifteen ICBM's in the Argentinian territory almost forcing a Nuclear War. However, the UN Mediation managed to prevent that.

The Soviet stagnation period is coming to an quick end, now that the Soviet Union possess a powerful stronghold in America. Unlike in Cuba, this time USA is unable to enforce the "Monroe Doctrine", due to the strong support the Argentinians profess to the New Government and his Anti-USA policy.

In the USSR Leonid Brezhnev has been deposed from his charge due to a Stroke he suffered during February 1974, His successor Alexei Kosygin, has a strong policy in matters of reinforce Argentina and use her as a new commercial business: The New "Àrgentinian People's Army" composed mostly of civilians and the new "Bureau of Workers" directing the re-industrialization of the country.


The Government is now based on a socialist single-party Communist system ruled by the Communist Party of Argentina (previously banned by the military). All of the political power and authority is currently being dictated by the USSR, with little real power being concentrated in official local government bodies and organs. All the lower-level authorities directly reports to higher level authorities and so on. The Executive Branch is represented by the President and the Vice president, as well as their ministers. Originally, the legislative authority was vested in the Bicameral system of Senadores and Diputados. However, the system is being renamed Central Legislative Committee of Argentina following the same system as the previous (Bicameral) but no longer accepting other's parties unless these recognize the Soviet; this organ has the authority to enact legislation, amend the constitution, adopt new administrative and territorial boundaries, adopt the budget, and establish political and economic development plans (usually dictated by the Kremlin). In addition, parliament also has to authority to elect the republic's executive branch and the Council of Ministers if the current ones were unable to fulfill their roles or the People's will demands it.



The Soviet regime believing in the planned economy, introduced the Sixth Five-Year Plan in 1974. This Plan has proven to be a remarkable success, and can be likened to the "wonders of West German and Japanese reconstruction", but without foreign capital. While the Soviet regime still put more emphasise on heavy industry over light industry, the light industry sector all is witnessing good growth ratings. The increase in capital investment and the expansion of the labour force, also benefited Argentina's economic recovery; the workforce had increased from one million in 1969 to 1.8 million in 1976. Argentina's economic growth is only comparable to Ukraine's. However, Consumer's good are also being increasingly produced to paliate the now closed system by the USA embargo. To paliate the increase in energy consumption, between 1956 and 1972, to meet this increasing demand, the government built three new nuclear plants.

