Alternative History

On the 27th September 1529, around 125,000 Ottoman Soldiers began besieging the city of Vienna, a major stronghold for the Holy Roman Empire. Commanded by Grand Vizier Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha and Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent himself, the soldiers managed to inflict some damage on the city however as the time passed on the prospects of victory began to drain out. The Sultan tried once more in a "all or nothing" gamble attack, however this simply led to a disaster which caused the Christian Coalition to emerge victorious. While this did not destroy the Empire it halted Ottoman advances in Europe and when the Ottoman Army under Grand Vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha tried besieging the city again in 1683, they lost almost half of Ottoman Hungary and the Empire fell into a steady decline. Now this all leads to the question "What if the Ottomans Won?" This timeline will explore the the consequences, the politics and how different the world would look like if the Ottomans won. So without further or do: Welcome to Ottoman Vienna!

This timeline is currently being produced by FranzJoseph24. Please do not edit without permission on ANY of the pages unless you are editing historical accuracy or grammatical mistakes. If you have an idea please post it on the Talk Pages.Thank you.

POD (Point of Divergence)[]

The Ottoman Army which arrived in late September had been depleted during the long advance into Austrian territory, many soldiers were in a poor state of health once they had arrived, this was worsened by the fact that the soldiers fit to fight were light Cavalry which were ill-equipped for siege warfare. Not only that but the army was lacking heavy artillery and camels. Seeing this, the Sultan and the Grand Vizier send orders for supplies, artillery and overall a more equipped army to be sent up to Vienna. Meanwhile the Army waits for the supplies and re-inforcements to arrive, this gives time for many of the army to recuperate and negotiations begin for the cities surrender. While these negotiations fail, by the time they ended, the Ottoman Army had recovered from the march. However it was getting later in the year and the supplies had not arrived, fearing the winter and the Austrian army using the Ottoman waiting time to their own advantage, the Sultan orders the Siege to start and on the the 17th October 1529 the Siege of Vienna began.

The Ottoman Army attacks begin with a streak of success, many of the walls were breached but by the 27th October, Ottoman luck began to run out. Austrian Garrison attacks weakened the besieging Ottomans and unreasonable snowfall made the battle unbearable for the soldiers. This along with assaults on Ottoman mining operations forced many Ottoman troops to capitulate. Some fled the battle others simply gave up. Morale also failed as the Grand Vizier also attempted to flee from the battle. When the Sultan discovered this he executed Ibrahim on October 31st. The armies fell into chaos without a leader and all hope was lost. After convening the official Council, the Sultan dictated that a "all or nothing" gamble attack would be executed to simply weaken the Austrians before retreating.

Extra rewards were offered to the remaining troops and the assault began on 10th November, coincidentally the new army and the artillery the Sultan had ordered finally arrived on the 12th November. Within days the Ottomans broke through the city. They engaged Wilhelm von Roggendorf defensive garrison ultimately defeated the garrison despite heavy casualties. It soon became clear that the Ottoman forces had won. The mercenary relief force leader the Count of Salm fled the city and Roggendorf soon joined him. With no real resistance against them, the Ottomans swiftly captured the rest of the city.



