Alternative History

The treaty with signatures.

The North American Treaty was a treaty signed after the fall of the United States of America, Canada, the New American Revolution, and the want of new nations on the North American continent. The meetings and discussions were discussed in several cities in the continent, Toronto, New York City but most were held in Chicago. The main people discussing and drawing out the lines were politicians and revolution leaders.

Meetings and delegations[]

First Part[]

The first meeting on the treaty was on June 14th, 2006 in New York City were Stephen Harper, George Bush, Polar Alliance leader Abedabun Istu, Senator Hillary Clinton, Senator John McCain, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Premier Ralph Klein of Alberta and Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.

The first part of the treaty was discussed and set out by these members. They stated that the governments of Canada and the United States would be dissolved and new nations with recognized governments would be put in there place. Also in the first part of the treaty it stated that the governments would have to give basic human rights and have democratic forms of governments.

Second Part[]

The second meeting took place in Toronto on June 20th, 2006 were top cabinet members of both governments tried to draw new lines of the countries. Though the first plan failed, they were able to add to the NAT that the governments would have to include some of the former regulations and social laws that the previous nations had which were basic laws.

Third and Fourth Part[]

The third and fourth parts of the treaty were agreed after three days of discussion in Chicago from June 22nd to June 24th. The third part stated that each nation could host a military yet could never declare war on any nation in the Northern American continent. The fourth enacted the American Union a parliamentary body based off the European Union, which had minor economic, social, and war power but served as a forum for trade and peace. All nations signed the treaty and joined the AU and would send elected officials to the AU Parliament.

Fifth Part[]


New outline of the countries.

The longest diliberations were along country lines from June 29th to July 5th in Chicago were the new countries would have juristiction over. Abedesun Istu's goal of an independent Polar nation was reached as the former states and territories of Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut became one nation. Two days were spent in discussions with Denmark and Greenlandish officials, afterward the nation was signed off to the new nation and was apart of the newly formed Polar Republic. Due to Quebec's cultural difference the nation of Quebec was formed the same cultural differences led the region of New England. A group of atlantic canadian provinces formed Acadia as on the opposite coast northern california, Oregon, Washington and British Colubmia formed Pacifica. A group of Mid-western states formed Libertas a word for liberty as a group of mid-atlantic states formed Huron, while a group of western states formed West America as the western provinces formed West Canada. In the south the former states of Arkansas, Lousiana, Oklahoma and Texas formed the new nation of Texas while the other southern states formed Dixie. Finally the southwestern states formed California. The nation of Hawaii was also formed, after joining no other country, and later joined the American Union.


The NAT is considered one of the modern marvels of diplomacy and communication. The resulting aftermath led to all nations becoming very happy and content with the new rules, laws, and nations. The American Union and it's Parliament, though some disagree with its reach of power, is also considered an amazing forum for peace and trade.

International legacy[]

The legacy internationally is mostly felt around the Caribbean and European areas. In the Caribbean, nations feel that no matter the size and political discource, a solution can be reached between sides. Some nation's have movements to join the American Union and feel that through trade and cooperation, modeled out in the AU, those nation's could become a major international trading partner. In Europe, during a global recession, euroscpeticism did rise, but not to a large scale and movements of sepratism did rise around the continent. 
