Alternative History

Key :

NATnf: Native American Territories never fall

(OTL): Our Time Line

(POD): Point Of divergence

(Alt-H): Alternate History

(Alt-HTL): Alternate History Time Line

I.Ind.C: Indian Independent Commonwealth

NA.I.C: Native American Independent Commonwealth

Native American Territories never fall is a time line based off an (Alt-H) Starting at The Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794. NATnf is time line which does not dramatically alter U.S.A History but rather puts Native American U.S.A relations in a very Peaceful Diplomatic (Alt-HTL) Were by Native Americans are given the options of creating Their own countries or after (Alt-H) January 10, 1812 create I.Ind.C's. However within the (Alt-HTL) Many of the Native American Countries For some reason fail and opt to become I.Ind.C's.

It is also known that within this (Alt-HTL) all major events in U.S.A and World History Occur however they are slightly skewed.

For Exsample

  • Louisiana purchase still happens but areas of the purchase are ceded to native Americans.


  • Wars in Texas against Mexico are fought with a U.S.A-Native American alliance
  • Civil war contains I.Ind.C's on both sides
  • The bad guys in WW1 and WW2 are the French, Spanish or Italians not the Germans
  • (OTL) Famous crying indian TV PSA Never needs to be created or has a different context in the (Alt-HTL)
  • The CEO of BP in (OTL) BP oil disaster is a Black or indian British man in the (Alt-HTL)

Alt-H Factors[]

  • The Battle of Fallen Timbers (August 20,1794) outcome is Native Americans (Indians) Western Confederacy win U.S.A loses
  • (OTL)The Treaty of Greenvill, is replaced with (Alt-H) Treaty of Maumee
  • (Alt-H) Treaty of Maumee Establishes Native American (Western Confederacy only) Country of Maumee and American Immigration into Maumee. Note: This can be used as a jumping off point for other Native American Tribes, Nations, Collectives & Confederacys but not for any tribes within the (OTL)Western Confederacy circ August 20,1794
  • (Alt his) January 10,1811 Treaty of Ohio Creates The New U.S.A political division territory entity's called Indian Independent Commonwealth.

Our Time Line Pretext (OTLPtex)[]

The Battle of Fallen Timbers (August 20, 1794) was the final battle of The NorthWest Indian War American Indian tribes affiliated with the Western Confederacy and the United States for control of the Northwest Territory (an area bounded on the south by the Ohio River, on the west by the Mississippi River, and on the northeast by the Great Lakes): The battle, which was a decisive victory for the United States, ended major hostilities in the region until Tecumseh's War and the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811.

The defeat of the Indians led to the signing of the Treatyof Greenvill in 1795, which ceded much of present-day Ohio to the United States. Before withdrawing from the area General Wayne began the construction of a line of forts along the Maumee, from its mouth at present day Toledo to its origins in present day Indiana. After Wayne had returned to his home in western Pennsylvania the last of these forts was named Fort Wayne in his honor. Its location is the site of the present day city. Behind this line of forts European ancestry Americans settled the Ohio country paving the way for the creation of Ohio state in 1803. One veteran of Fallen Timbers who did not sign the Greenville treaty was a young Shawnee war leader named Tecumseh, who would renew Indian resistance in the years ahead.

The (POD) (Alt-HTL) Transition[]

The French hoping to gain better relations with the Native Americans helped train and supply the Western Confederacy with weapons which led to the battle of Falling Timbers, being a decisive victory for the Native American tribes of the Western Confederacy, ending major Waring hostilities in the region and Tecumseh's War and the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 never took place.

The defeat of the Americans led to the signing of the Treaty of Maumee in 1795. Which led to the formation of the entire Northwest territory into the multi-tribal Confederate Country named Maumee in 1796 & by 1797 peaceful Immigration of Americans and previous settlers began.

(Alt-HTL) 1805-1812 Crash, Desolution & Indian Independent Commonwealth[]

Crash of the first Native American country[]

In the year 1805 the Economy & stability of Maumee started falling, this being due to heavy influence of American immigrants and the neighboring country of America to westernize. Another major factor in Maume's instability was that they had no backing for any form of western Monetization.


After many attempts by native and immigrants alike to save the country of Maumee it fell.

Indian Independent Commonwealth[]

Then on 10th January 1811 the country was formally dissolved by the signing of the Ohio Treaty With The U.S.A.

On 10th January 1812 Maumee was admitted into the U.S.A as the first Indian Independent Commonwealth.

Conspiracy theory on crashes of Native American Countries (free indian lands)[]

During the USA Westward expansion many Native American Countries established inevitable dissolved. Before, during and after the U.S.A civil war many ideas and theories formed on why the Native American countries kept falling

1920 Offical name change of Indian Independent Commonwealth[]

On January 10th 1920, due to racial acceptance and the realization of the British territory of India, the United States entities known as Indian Independent Commonwealths were renamed the Native American Independent Commonwealths.
