Alternative History

The National Union Party (1861-68) is seen as a temporary name for the Republican Party by many historians when it can in fact be seen in a different way - as its own party. During the 1861 election many voters were dissatisfied with the Republican Party and new parties were gaining ground; the Unionist Party and aged Democratic Party yet due to the severity of the war even they were lacking in the public's trust. Thus in 1861, members of the Democratic and the Republican parties came together in the name of National Union to create a new party in hopes of preventing the nation from further tearing itself apart. While Lincoln was not present at the new party's convention he (a Republican) was chosen by the convention to run alongside Democrat Andrew Johnson in the election and accepted; winning a second term in office during 1864 election.

In OTL he was assassinated as Booth uttered the worlds "Sic Semper Tyranis" and Andrew Johnson became President. Andrew was impeached shortly after having held what has been considered one of the worse presidencies in the history of the United States (refused to recognize the Cuban Republic's independence from Spain, refused to protect freed slaves, and allowed the states to enact Black Codes).

In this timeline not only does Lincoln not get assassinated but the National Union Party endures forever changing the face of American politics for the party's sixth of 11 resolutions reads; "Resolved, That we deem it essential to the general welfare that harmony should prevail in the National Councils, and we regard as worthy of public confidence and official trust those only who cordially endorse the principles proclaimed in these resolutions, and which should characterize the administration of the Government."

Under such a platform the National Union Party would have established a single party state in the Americas. This timeline explores this and the effects it will have on the world as the party evolves, grows and develops through the decades. To clarify this will be a Single Party State following the same patern as North Korea; there are multiple parties but they are all part of the National League putting them in alignment with the National Union party which leads this association of political parties in the United States of America.

Differences from OTL[]

  • A notable difference in regards to American history is the recognition of the Republic of Cuba (which freed it's self from the Spanish Empire and declared the abolition of Slavery in Cuba) by the United States of America shortly after it's independence thus improving initial Cuban-US relations.
  • The United States Army has been desegregated sooner in this timeline then in OTL.
  • A long term difference is that people in OTL associated with the Sons of Confederate Veterans or who have spoken against Slavery as a cause for the War do not hold public office. Many monuments to the Confederates do not exist either.
  • Gun Control legislation is more abundant as the National Union Party's aim is to prevent another uprising and one way to do that is to diminish the people's capacity to war against the government. As in OTL State Militias are more regulated; in this case the SC Guard for example doesn't exist having been fully enveloped by the National Guard (the Federal Militia). Thus diminishing the state government's capacity to revolt against the federal government. This regulation of the militia and laws aimed at disarming the general population are done under the 'a well regulated militia' interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. With 'a' being deemed singular. As one can imagine this view is challenged due to the 'security of a free state' part of the 2nd amendment of which the National Union party has the most trouble.


  • Refer to the members of Congress as reference to see if Lincoln would be able to pass voting legislation where in people of any color could vote if literate. Be sure to research Lincoln's view specifically to define what his aim in legislation will be in regards to voting rights. Keep in mind that such still has to go through congress and you must know how each member will vote on said issue.
  • Map out re-admittance into the union based on Lincoln's 10% plan and examine weather or not a planter aristocracy will return under an employee-employer relationship as Radial Republicans feared.
  • Work to expand the National Union Party post Civil War by examining the politics in various states. An important note regarding Single Party states is that more then one party can exist under said system so long as they are part of the leading party's coalition- North Korea is an example of this. The National Union Party will operate under said system with those parties in it's coalition being active with the coalition being centered around the party's resolutions. Said coalition is the National League.