Alternative History
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Mexico Grande - North America - map

North America, 1910

Mexico Grande is a timeline, in which Mexico instead of the United States became a superpower.


  • Early 1770s, King George III, appoints a "Governor General of British North America" and convenes the Continental Congress. In a proclamation he states that North America will eventually be given autonomy and representation in the British Parliament.
  • 1782, the Continental Congress breaks up. The delegates of the Southern Colonies pass the Proclamation of Independence. The Independence War begins.
  • 1783, the southern colonies form the union known as the United States of America.
  • 1786, the ceasefire agreement is signed, which asserts the status quo of the breakaway colonies (to the south from the Hudson River). Active colonisation of the territories between the Appalachians and the Mississippi begins.
  • 1795, the United States allies with Napoleon's France and the war resumes. At some point the United States controls most densely populated areas of British North America.
  • 1812, after the United States suffer several major defeats, new ceasefire agreement is signed. The United Kingdom finally recognises the independence of the United States. A boundary of is defined: Massachusetts goes to the United States, and the Upper New York (later known as New Yorkshire) to the British North America.
  • 1815, after Napoleon is defeated, Louisiana refuses to recognise the Bourbon monarchy and proclaims independence.
  • 1816, the treaty of alliance between Louisiana and the United States is signed. In the next years Louisiana becomes flooded with emigrants from France and colonists from the United States.
  • 1836, after the Texas revolution, Texas proclaims its independence from Mexico as the Republic of Texas.
  • 1842, Texas is invaded by Mexico. To avoid forced incorporation into Mexico, Texas joins the alliance treaty and along with Louisiana becomes United States' allied republic. With the United States' help, Texas retains its independence from Mexico.
  • 1843, after the war with Texas and the United States is lost, Santa Anna's government is overthrown in Mexico, and the Federal Republic of Mexico is proclaimed. It becomes a catalyst for a new era of reforms.
  • 1853, the Parliament of the United Kingdom passes the British North America act and establishes the Dominion of Canada.
  • 1853, the city of Culiacán becomes new capital of Mexico.
  • 1857-1858, the Yuda War between Anglo-American Mormon settlers in Yuda Territory and the Mexican government forces.
  • 1860-1862, the American Civil War. In response to the Southern-States-dominated government's attempts to centralise the country and to effectively legalise slavery in all the territory of the United States, the Northern States declare their secession from the union, and formation of a new nation: the Free States of America. The union army wins several battles, but when the Free States threatens that it will ask for British protection the Southern government is forced to sign ceasefire agreement.
  • 1861, Mexico invades Central America. The armies of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are defeated, but Mexico fails to organize effective control over the territory. Eventually Guatemala becomes the only Central American country to be annexed by Mexico. The same year Britain delegates its protectorate over British Honduras to Mexico (formally annexed by Mexico two years later).
  • 1864, the Free States and the United States sign an alliance treaty.
  • 1867, Russia sells Alaska to Mexico for ten million pesos.
  • 1868, after a competition for a new style of the nation, the Free States of America changes its official name to "the Union of Fredonia". From then on the United States of America becomes informally known as "Usonia".
  • 1869, Vera Cruz–San Francisco railway is completed.
  • 1870, the United States, Fredonia, Louisiana, and Texas sign the confederation treaty and become members of the North American Confederation.
  • 1888, the United States undertakes to emancipate all slaves until 1898.
  • 1896, Panama, supported by Mexico, splits from Colombia. The same year a joint Mexican-German company buys rights to build the Panama Canal and to control the waterway.
  • 1897, A joint British-American company buys rights to build the Nicaragua Canal, as an alternative to the Panama Canal.
  • 1898, Mexico annexes Islas Havayas.
  • 1898-1899, Spanish-Mexican war. Mexico supports the revolution in Cuba and Puerto Rico, and Spain is forced to recognise their independence under Mexican protectorate.
  • 1900, the Philippines proclaim its independence from Spain. The new republic becomes a close Mexican ally.
  • 1908, Cuba and Puerto Rico join the Federal Republic of Mexico.
  • 1908, Official opening of the Panama Canal.


Federal Republic of Mexico[]


North American Cofederation[]


Members of the Confederation:
