Alternative History
Kingdom of Mane
Timeline: The Kalmar Union
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
(and largest city)
Language Manneh
Farima Bonokai III Kpanna
Population 4,121,000 (est) 
Independence 1789
Currency MCY

The Kingdom of Mane, Mani, Manneh is a large authoritarian monarchy in West Africa. It is bordered by Kaabu, Mali and Akan. The capital is Kenema and the population is around 4.1 million.

The Head of State is Farima (King) Bonokai III Kpanna.

The official language is Manneh, though in reality the country is a linguistic patchwork.

It uses the Mane Cowry (MCY).


The origin of the Manneh people is somewhat obscured however shaky Portuguese records show that an army calling itself Manneh or Mane was slowly conquering the tribal nations along the 'Pepper Coast' by 1525, seizing the tribes' territory and installing themselves as their new kings, until they were finally routed on the battlefield by the Susu.

Their expansion halted, in the 17th century the various clans began to fight amongst themselves, splitting the by then extensive Mane territory into feuding states. At the same time Islam began to make inroads into the region from Susu traders coming from the north. It would be an Islamic clan which would reunite the country in 1789 thereby enforcing the religion on the entire region.

The northern portion was named 'Sierra Leone' by the Portuguese who orginally mapped the coastline, and they and Aquitaine would setup mainland trading forts on the coast, dealing (unfortunately) mostly in slaves. Much of the workforce of the Portuguese colonies in the Azores and Verao would be supplied via their outpost. Luxembourg took an island in Rokel Bay in 1658, managing to hold on to it whilst the declining mainland forts were captured by Mane warlords. Denmark set-up a rival island trading depot in 1717. The Álengsk-run trading island of Nýljóneyja lies just off the northwest coast. These three trading outposts would only remain in their respective hands following military standoffs with the new reunified kingdom and the signing of treaties which will eventually revert ownership of the territories to Manneh control in the mid-21st century.

Generally distrustful of the Christian European and Leifian powers, which it assumes has designs over its mineral wealth, it has accepted limited assistance from Granada and Potiguaraland to help build efficient mines and build railways and modern ports. That the majority of this 'help' disappears into the pockets of local strongmen is a frequent cause of friction amongst its supposed partners.

In 2015 a revolutionary mob killed the reigning king, his son and chief minister. Officially the title of king passed to the elderly Bonokai III Kpanna whilst real power in the towns in Manneh dominated areas was seized by the army. The country meanwhile is in a state of civil war between revolutionary militias, often from the non-Manneh tribal groups and the Manneh-led army. A large number of minorities have fled to neighbouring countries or to the trading outposts hoping for asylum.


Mane is a authoritarian monarchy currently in throes of civil war and normal government is suspended. Even during peacetime there is no democratic process and government is tightly controlled by the king and his close council. It is partly a desire for more democracy and autonomy for its tribal areas which has led to the current crisis.
