Alternative History

The Kingdom of Hawaii is a monarchy in the Pacific Ocean. Since it gained its independence from Britain in 1959, it has been a ferverent British ally, and supported Canada in the North American War.


After the Final Civil War, Hawaii fell into chaos, as the collapse of the federal government destablised society and brought long-repressed ethnic tensions to the forefront. The Hawaiian Civil War, between American immigrants and ethnic Hawaiians, ended in a plea for annexation to the British Empire by both sides, in order to restore order. Hawaii became a protectorate under the British Empire in 1934.

The British administration aimed to distance Hawaii from its former status as a US territory. To this end, Theresa Owana Kaohelelani Laanui, a prominent member of the Hawaiian Royal Family, was 'restored' to the throne as Queen Kaohelelani I in 1940, although most power was still held by the British Governor. Kaohelelani died in 1944, and was succeeded by her son, Prince Robert Kalanikupuapaikalaninui Wilcox, who took the throne as King Kalanikupuapaikalaninui, and presided over Hawaii's independence in 1959. Even after independence, Britain has maintained naval bases in Hawaii, and the monarchy have been accused of being puppets for British interests.

Even after independence, Hawaii remained poor. In order to support the state budget, the Hawaiian government leased several islands to the Russian Empire for use as naval bases. This has forced Hawaii to tread a delicate line, diplomatically, between its traditional British allies and Russia. King Kalanikupuapaikalaninui's comments regarding the Russian alliance may have lead to his assassination in 1967, although no Russian link was proved. He was succeeded by his teenage son, Owana Ka'ohelelani Mahaelani-rose Salazar, who rules as King Ka'ohelelani to this day.

During the North American War, Hawaii sent an expeditionary force to the Great Lakes Confederation to fight the Communist Union of Michigan. After the Russian attack on Pacifica, Hawaii declared neutrality, in order to avoid antagonising the Russians.

Government and Politics[]

The monarch exercises near-absolute power under the constitution. In practice, however, the monarch's powers are limited by convention. Legislative powers are held by the bicameral Hawaiian Parliament, which consists of an appointed House of Nobles and the House of Representatives, which is elected based on property qualifications. The Kuhina Nui serves as head of the legislature, in a position roughly equivalent to the New England Chancellor or Pacifica Prime Minister.

The House of Representatives is largely divided politically along ethnic lines; the Home Rule Party represents ethnic Hawaiians, whereas the Republican Party is largely elected by Anglo-Hawaiians.
