Alternative History

Iraq (officially the Kingdom of Iraq) is a nation located in the Middle East and a member of the British Commonwealth.

Kingdom of Iraq
OTL equivalent: Iraq
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Anthem "The Royal Salute"
Capital Baghdad
Largest city Baghdad
  others Assyrian, Kurdish
Religion Islam
Ethnic Groups
  others Kurdish, Assyrian
Demonym Iraqi
Legislature Parliament of Iraq
King Ghazi II
  Royal house: Hashemite
Prime Minister Ayad Allawi
Area 454,892 km²
Population 42,494,420 
Currency Iraqi Dinar


Following the Fascist Coup in Britain, pro-British forces rapidly declared the Kingdom of Iraq as an independent nation within the British Commonwealth, this was not without controversy with Iraqi nationalists proclaiming the Republic of Iraq.

See Colonial Wars

After a long and bitter insurgency the Republicans surrendered in the summer of 1941 after which the short-term stability of the Kingdom was assured but Republican sentiment would continue to haunt Iraq.

In the late 1950s the sentiment continued to grow in power culminating in the 1962 Iraqi Coup, in which elements of the Iraqi Royal Army attempted to seize power and proclaim a republic. Whilst they were initially successful, forcing the King to briefly flee to South Arabia, Commonwealth forces intervened and restored King Faisal II to his throne albeit with some constitutional reform, paving the way for the first Iraqi elections in 1964.
