Alternative History
German Empire
Deutsches Reich
Timeline: Miracle at Marne Revamped (Map Game)

OTL equivalent: Germany, Poland, Various African nations
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Gott mit uns
Capital {{{capital}}}
Largest city Berlin
Other cities Hamburg, Munich, Cologne
  others French, English, Russian, Various African languages
Religion Protestant
Ethnic Groups
  others Polish, Hungarian, English, French,
Demonym German
Government Federal Monarchy
  Legislature Kaiser: Wilhelm II

Chancellor: Georg von Hertling

Population 82,456,670 (Only includes White German population) 
Currency Mark


For many years Germany remained a disunited area spread across various kingdoms, duchies and states which culminated in multiple alliance systems, and under a Napoleonic system saw thriving nationalism and an increase in a unification typed movement. Following various movements following the Napoleonic wars and the Congress of vienna the Balance of Power policies were adopted in which out of the the German Confederation was formed. This confederation eventually culminated in the North German confederation led by Prussia which led to a more unified but Prussia dominated movement in the Germanic kingdoms and territories. The Franco-Prussian war broke out in 1870 which led to a North German confederation victory which officially formed the German Empire led by Prussia and with the exclusion of the primarily Germanic Austria.

German Imperial Early years[]

The German Empire consists of 27 territories (most of them ruled by royal families). While the Kingdom of Prussia contains most of the population and most of the territory of the Reich, the Prussian leadership became supplanted by German leaders and Prussia itself played a lesser role. Its three largest neighbors were rivals Imperial Russia to the east, France to the west and ally Austria-Hungary to the south which has recently undergone a Civil war. Germany industrialized rapidly after 1850, with a foundation in coal, iron (and later steel), chemicals and railways. From a population of 41 million people in 1871, it grew to 68 million in 1913. From a heavily rural nation in 1815, it was now predominantly urban.

the German Empire operates as an industrial, technological and scientific giant, receiving more Nobel Prizes in science than Britain, France, Russia and the United States combined. Finally in a culmination of Germany's previous 40 years of work and development ended up being everything it needed and ended up Capturing Paris during the Central-Entente war, and taking more eastern territory from Russia.

Following the capitulation of France and the treaty of Paris which granted control, of French Equatorial Africa to a certain point, all of Gabon, and Madagascar to the German empire which in mid to late 1916 signed the Treaty of Versailles which saw no losses for the British empire, minor losses to the Russian empire, and upholding the losses of the French colonies to the Germans. The Treaty of Versailles was also forced to uphold, at behest of the United States, the Treaty of the Cessation of the Congo in which Germany in exchange for Belgium's neutrality in further conflict and freedom of occupation, which was done to formally end the war and prevent the US from cutting trade among other things to the Entente.

Post War[]

Almost immediately post the the German empire began to consolidate its gains and preparing unprecedented of resource gathering ability in the colonies as well as abilities to increase the colonial population to increase the profitability of the area. Seeing the issues of the future Germany began a process of improving relations with its allies from the Central-Entente war, but did end up with an annexation of Austria and a few surrounding areas due to their issues stemming from the war, and Hungary taking up the mantle as a Kingdom in close alignment with Germany and many of its newly created states and vassals from victory during the war.

With all this, the rising of an influenza which killed an estimated 150 to 200 million people worldwide and with a central focus of about 63 million dead in Africa, as well as the closing of much immigration to the US by the government ended up forcing the almost 25,000 to 30,000 people per year looking to start up a new life in the colonies. The fate was truly sealed for Colonial expansion when the lack of African labor, and the introduction of the Krupp corporation to the Congo majorly and other divisions of it moderately to South-West Africa, Tanzania, Gabon, among other colonies to a lesser extent called for expanded labor for these colonies, which could easily end up as well paying jobs for being new in the Colonies. By 1923 a regular immigration amount was being met in the colonies and nearly 250,000 people resided in the German colonies particularly South-West Africa, and the Congo.

Colonial Empire[]

The German Colonial empire was born out of the policies of which dated back to the trading policies of the Hanseatic League and the "Place in the Sun" in which Germany was forced to play catch up.

Many Germans in the late 19th century viewed colonial acquisitions as a true indication of having achieved nationhood. Public opinion eventually arrived at an understanding that prestigious African and Pacific colonies went hand-in-hand with dreams of a High Seas Fleet which was for the most part realized by 1916. 

Germany in itself is seen as a new colonial power but manages to have one of the most modern, powerful and economically viable colonies due to the construction of Infrastructure such a telegraph lines, Railways, and multiple industries many of which are developing into local industry with German colonial workers and settlements extremely similar to the homeland that could be considered miniatures of Homeland counterpart cities.

The Policy of a new Germany in Africa has as recently as 1921 become more popular and with the end of the influenza in which the US heavily limited immigration, most German immigration per year has flooded to the colonies who are ever expanding, and ever in need of new work.
