Alternative History

The Five Four Incident (Finnish: Viisi Neljä Tapahtuma; Japanese:五四事件; Nirandogo: ヴぃいしねぁじゃじけん), also known as the Swedish Protests of 1947 (Swedish: Svenska Protester 1947) were a series of protests occurring in most of the Autonomous Prefecture of Suwēden with-in Finland. The protests ended with the establishment of the Republic of Suwēden, Finnish Vassal State, by Shogun Eleonoora Anaberal on 1948年5月4日.


Ever since the fall of Sweden in 1889 and the fact that Finland was able to obtain much land from Sweden, the first protests against Finnish rule happened in 1890, just a year after the fall of Sweden. Soon Finland had given much land to Denmark but managed to crush the protests in Eastern Sweden, and so Finland kept that slice. Empress Yuyuko Seppänen promised the Swedes in the Eastern Sweden under Finnish rule some autonomy if they didn't revolt again. In 1891, Shogun Aya Tamminen gave some of Eastern Sweden autonomy, and turned it into the Autonomous Prefecture of Sweden.

Since then, the Swedes were satisfied for a while. But as time went on, and the promotion of Norse Paganism in Finnish-occupied Sweden, the Swedes slowly started to get annoyed of Finnish rule. This got worse in 1926 when Wandaarando, under Nipponese control, begun lobbying and wanting their Sweden back. Hearing that, both Finland and Denmark condemned the Swedes in Wandaarando and told Nippon to ignore them. Nippon did ignore the Swedes in Wandaarando, but soon in 1927 some of the Swedes from Wandaarando moved to former Sweden and attempted to spark up an independence movement there. Empress Sonja Komeiji responded by blockading Finland and sending all Wandaarando ships back to their nations, and Denmark responded by destroying the Wandaarando ships.

In 1928, Empress Sonja Komeiji complained to Nippon for not dealing with the Swedes in Wandaarando and that they escaped to cause problems in former Sweden. Nippon responded by saying that they are peaceful separatists and not the kind to start riots.

However, since then, instability grew in the Finnish occupied Sweden and it slowly grew. Eventually, the Swedes begun the protest in 1947.


The Swedish protests happened mainly in the Autonomous Prefecture of Suwēden, and every town was filled with them. Soon, Shogun Toyotama Jaakkola got annoyed by the protests and soon sent lots of tanks and military to crush them.

By the second month, the Swedes begun to march in the streets with some fighting against the Finnish military. Some Swedes also managed to steal a few of the Finnish weapons and use it against them. However, some small towns were easily crushed by the Finnish Imperial Army.

By the fifth Month, on the fourth day, the Shogun had ordered to crush the Swedes. Later, tanks started running through Kyujigöku and Mäyöhigä and soon some massacres happen, resulting in the death of at least 2400 Swedes total, with another 4500 injured.

As time went on, the Finnish military slowly retreated, as Rin Kivimäki, leader of the Finnish Imperial Military, sees no point in brutal killings of the Swedish protesters and was angered by the Shogun's request.

End of the protests[]

In 1948, Shogun Toyotama Jaakkola had planned out and pushed the Ethnic cleansing policy and begun deporting Swedes to Denmark. However, the Finnish government cabinet, as well as Empress Orvokki Komeiji, had grown tired of this brutal killings and by the fifth month, the Empress fired Toyotama Jaakkola. However, the Shogun refused to step down and continued ordering the military to shut down the rebellions. This didn't work this time as Rin Kivimäki begun bringing back more of the Finnish Military. After much pressure by the Finnish government, Toyotama Jaakkola quickly resigned and managed to flee to Käwäshiro before the Finnish Police would ever get to her.

Shortly after Eleonoora Anaberal became Shogun of Finland, she managed to end the conflicts and rid of Toyotama Jaakkola's actions. Afterwards, Shogun Eleonoora Anaberal proceeded to make part of the Autonomous Prefecture of Suwēden into a Finnish Vassal State, and soon the Republic of Suwēden was formed with it's capital at Märsta.
