Alternative History
Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Краљевина Југославија
Timeline: French Brazil

OTL equivalent: Most of Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Most of Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Yugoslavia
Location of Yugoslavia
Један народ, један краљ, једна држава
("One nation, one King, one country")
Anthem "National Anthem of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia"
Capital and largest city Belgrade
Other cities Sarajevo, Zagreb, Podgorica, Ljubljana
Language Serbian
Greek Orthodox
  others Roman Catholic, Protestantism
Demonym Yugoslav
Government Constitutional Parlamentary Monarchy
  Legislature Belgrade Parliament (Chambers of Deputies, House of the Senate)
King of Yugoslavia Peter III
  Royal house: Wittelsbach
Prime Minister Ivica Dačić
Established As Kingdom of Serbia: March 6, 1882

As Kingdom of Yugoslavia: December 1º, 1918

Independence from Ottoman Empire
  declared 1804
  recognized July 13, 1878
Currency Yugoslav dinar
Organizations United Nations

The Kingdom of Yugoslavia is a nation in the Balkans that was assumed by the German dynasty after WWII, as a prize to the Greeks and Germans, and being a way for the Yugoslav government to recognize the Greek expansion over part of former Yugoslavia. 
