Alternative History

Timeline: Myhistory

OTL equivalent: United Kingdom, Ireland and the Faroe Islands
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of Britanian Empire (Myhistory)
Map of Britania (in green)
Capital Westminstria
Largest city Westminstria
Other cities Londonia, Eblana, Cardida, Ledesia, Edinburghia, Birminghamia
  others Greek, Welsh, Gaelic, Scottish, Cornish
  others Greek Orthodox, Caloth
Demonym Britan
Government Authoritarian, Constitutional monarchy
  Legislature parliament
Emperor Casus Yunas Britanicus Durnesis
Prime Minister Harry Spencer
Established AHC
Currency (Britanian) Pound sterling (£)(BP)

The Britanian Empire, more commonly known as Britannia, is a island nation located in Western Europe. The Britanian Empire also compromises mandates and trading posts ruled or administered by the Britanian Empire. The Britanian Empire is not be confused with the Kingdom of Britannia.


Chalist' rev

public unrest in Westminstria

When Terra was colonized the British Isles were a divided country. On one side we had the Britains who were in favor for a new Terran leader and rules. On the other side we had the followers of King Charles III who preferred to follow the same rules as in the real world and thus no basing there lifestyle on the Classical Antiquity, the Renaissance and the Nationalism era.

So the first years Britannia was considered a dual monarchy with the revolutionist Terrans having their capital in Westminstria and the concervatif 'Charlists' having their capital in Londonia. Although strongly outnumbered, the charlist attempted a coup d'état on the 25th November 9 AHC. After their defeat they were forced to live on the isle of Man, who would become the Kingdom of Britannia.


Britanian parliament

Britanian Senate building


The Houses of Parliament

Britania is a Authoritarian, Constitutional monarchy, whereby the Emperor is the Head of State and the Prime Minister is head of the parliament. The Executive power and the Federal legislative power is vested in both the government and the Emperor. The people has some influence over the government through the senate, although they have a veto-right its more an advisory body of Parliament.
