Alternative History
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Media in the No Napoleon timeline.




  • War and Peace - a 1869 novel by Russian author Leo Tolstoy. It tells the story of an alternate reality in which the Russian Empire joined the Coalition in the French Revolutionary War, causing Napoleon to avoid catching disease. Russia and Prussia face a great loss, Prussia and Austria forced to create a buffer state of Poland, and the three eventually join a second coalition, this time having Napoleon invade Russia and heavily defeat them, causing widespread uprisings.
  • The Campain - a 1924 novel by Canadian author Ralph Aquin. It tells the story of a francophobe and Americanophobe family forced to leave their home in Kingston during the Canadian Campaign and commit various crimes and face challenges to safely migrate to Winnipeg, Assiniboia.
  • Defiance of the Clients - a 1936 novel by Italian author Alphonso Mussolini. It chronicles an alternate history situation where a revolutionary lead the French client states to rebel against the French puppetry against them, and eventually gained European support enough to crush the French republic, restoring monarchy, the theocratic Papacy, and Prussian-English supremacy in Europe.




  • Hetallies: World Series - a Japanese anime series by Hidekaz Himaruya. The series focuses on several major events in world history, mainly the World Wars and the Cold War, as well as a sub-story that focuses on earlier history. The name is a portmanteau combining hetare (ヘタレ, Japanese for "useless" or "pathetic") and the English word, allies (referring to the allies of the world wars).


  • Red Awakening - a 1998 American war film directed by John Milius. The film is set in an alternate 1960s, where the Soviet Union and her allies are victorious in World War II, and a new bloody war is emerging.


Vive Napoleon world map (No Napoleon)

Map of the world in Vive Napoléon!

  • The Alternate History Wiki Althistory includes several timelines with point of divergences that change history in some ways. Timelines include:
    • Vive Napoléon!: Napoleon avoids disease in 1797. His presence in the signing of the Treaty of Campo Formio causes discrepancies in the treaty, and a second French Revolutionary War breaks out. Napoleon again leads the nation to victory, and soon goes onto conquer most of Europe. The timeline is notable for having the most number of articles.
    • Allied Victory: In the late 1800s, the British and Prussians help in a coup to overthrow the Mexican republic and introduce a monarchy, along with helping modernize the nation. When World War I arrives, the Allies win the war after tough Mexican intervention in the United States. It causes the break-up of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the loss of France's title as a great power, and the United Kingdom, Prussia and Russia to be the most influential nations in the world.
    • 1963: Doomsday: A false alarm in the Acadian Missile Crisis causes full-out nuclear warfare, and the world tries to recover from the tragedy.
    • The Green South: An unexplained event causes Antarctica to lose its ice sheet, making colonialism much easier. Through the World Wars, France had dominated most of the continent.
    • Viva Louisiana: Spain does not switch sides in the French Revolution, and Napoleon's army swiftly defeats the country, before he goes into Italy. Though he does catch the disease and eventually pass away, the Treaty of Campo Formio forces Spain to give up its colonial possession Louisiana to France, creating a new era in French colonialism in North America.
    • Great Green North: The Greenlandic ice sheet melts, granting Europe with a new and closer land to colonize. France has one of the largest possessions on the island.
    • British Quebec: The Lower Canada Rebellion is a bust, and the greater addition of land causes a blow to the Americans in the Canadian Campaign and even their defeat.
    • Early World War I: The French decide not to attack and conquer the Hawaiian Isles in the Pacific War, causing a prolonged war. The war eventually reaches Europe, Africa and most of Asia, causing an earlier World War I and eventually a complete redrawn map of nations.