Alternative History
United Kingdom
Timeline: The Arrow that Missed

OTL equivalent: The British Isles, Iceland, Northern France, mainland Denmark
Flag Coat of Arms
Flag Coat of Arms
Location of United Kingdom
Location of United Kingdom
Capital London
Largest city London
Other cities Paris, Copenhagen, Brussels, Glasgow, Dublin, Amsterdam, Manchester, Caen, Rekjavik, Poiters and many others.
Religion Catholicism (branch, Anglicism)
Government Constitutional Monarchy
King Harold XII
Prime Minister Jonathan Smith
Population 194,000,000 

The United Kingdom of Great Britain, France, the Danemark, the Netherlands, and the Icemark is a state in Western Europe. It is one of the World's four superpowers, but it is slowly declining. It was initially founded in 1656, with the Treaty of Dublin , between Austria, Brandenburg, Eire, and Angland. (Only the latter two were included in the union)



The original nation in the United Kingdom (founded in 927), it is also the most populous and the richest. In 1074, Normandy was added to Angland, as well, later on, as parts of the rest of France. However, at the Act of Union, France below Normandy become a province it self. In 1091, Edmund the Hammer added Wales, as well as lower Scotland (up to Dumfries). It was one of the signitaries at the 1656 Act of Union, which formed the United Kingdom via a Pact between the Netherlands, Angland, Eire, Brandenburg, and Austria. The end result of the treaty was that Eire and the Netherlands (Loither) were accepted into the United Kingdom, while Brandenburg was allowed to leave the HRE without Anglish or Prussian intervention.


Alba (also known as Scotland or Strathclyde) was gradually annexed between 1103 and 1176. The Process was begun by Edmund the Hammer, son of Harold Godwinsson, but he died early into the campaign, leaving his 14 year old son, Edward III in London. Four years after his ascension, Edward led yet another army into Alba. At that point Strathclyde and the Scots were at war. Edward intervened in the war on the Scottish side and conquered part of Strathclyde. Ten years later he came back and this time fully conquered both Strathclyde and part of Scotland. He died in 1167, and thereafter his successor (Aethelred III) launched a final invasion, that conquered Scotland. It was as he returned from this campaign that the rebellion in favor of Henry I occurred (Henry was the grandson of a bastard child of Edmund the Hammer).


Danemark was annexed to the UK following the Treaty of Berlin, which ended the Fourth Baltic War. Danemark was given to the UK after the collapse of Scandinavia due to the death of King Christian IV at the Battle of Copenhagen.; the Scandinavian Union's collapse also resulted in the freedom of Vinland from their control. 


Eire was conquered by the Anglish twice; first by Henry I as he took over Angland. He spent ten years in Eire between 1189 and 1199, and conquered much of it, leaving his son, William, as Regent. After William's death in 1203, his middle son went to Eire with another army and conquered it in two years, between 1204 and 1206. Henry died soon after in 1207. 

The second takeover was following the Treaty of Dublin. Though this meant that the Regency endorsed Anglish control of Eire, in fact the Regency had little control outside Dublin, and so the Anglish had to reconquer the nation.


