Alternative History
World Imformation Network!

Logo of the new World Information Network

Welcome to the new webpage of the World Imformation Network!

We are here to present to you all the importent news history and updates our world has to author so don't stop here! Feel free to explore.

Some links to get you started:

Modern World history page part 1 --General Timeline from 1712 to 1855 (From Beginning of French hegemony in Europe to the Chinese Revolution and the Burning of Tunis)

Modern World history page part 2 --General Timeline from 1855 to 1901 (From the Invasion of Spain to the end of the Great War)

Modern World history page part 3- -General Timeline (From the scourge of Europe to present)

This group is spnsered by: Freisetzung!

The German national Investment Council


Sponsers of the world imformation network