Alternative History
The L'Uniona Homanus Timeline
Europe: 1220-1340 (467-587 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus) 1310-1376 (557-623 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus) 1376-1422 (623-669 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Asia: 1104-1310 (351-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
North America: 1324-1361 (571-608 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Mesoamerica: 1269-1310 (516-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Africa: 1155-1310 (402-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)

The Journey of Pontius Crispian[]

Brother in law to current Emperor Diocletian, Pontius Crispian ascended to the rank of captain in the navy at the rise of the new Emperor. Crispian was commissioned to determine the length of New Africa. The area that had

A Statue of Pontius Crispian in Rome

been surveyed already by the Romans, Otojomouise and the Zulu was detailed enough but the Romans wanted to know how much land existed in the vast territory that they believed to be populated only by small pockets of tribes. Crispian started his journey by moving south below the colony of the Siddharthists in the Rio de la Plata. Knowing how violent the natives of that region were Crispian prepared himself with firearms and his associate ships were also armed in case of attack. The new iron-sided ship developed in Londinium had been produced by the new Corporatia Cantium Ferriae (Kent Iron Corporation) in Britannia was used by Crispian and this company was also given a lucrative contract to experiment with improving defensive technologies. The Kent Iron Corporation was also historic for being the first to be established with a charter from the Emperor that lasted indefinitely and did not need to be renewed.

Captain Crispian when he was sailing to the territories south of the Siddharthist Colony he noticed that the people in that region were especially tall. He named these people Patagons, after the mythical race of giants in the mythology of the Romans and Greeks. The region of Patagonia was the first to be recorded by Captain Crispian in his official records. Pontius Crispian moved around one island and saw fires from the natives of that regions who he believed intended to scare his ships away by lighting their coasts on fire and trying to choke and blind them with smoke. Crispian named this area the Terra d’Ignita or land of fire. It should be noticed that the use of the word ‘di’ to mean ‘of’ rather than the genitive case or other older forms of speech moved into the higher class form of speaking rather than only the poor and minimally educated in the Empire.

following the Terra d’Ignita, the land began to move north and this was the southern edge of the continent.
South America Pontius Crispian One

Location of the places which Captain Crispian sailed around up until his arrival in Melipulli in the Mapuche Chiefdom in Green.

Crispian, knowing that he had found what he looked for intended to turn back but he soon encountered the terribly fierce winds and currents of this region. He name the cape the ‘Promontorium di Tempestium’ or ‘Cape Tempest’. Out of these harsh waters Crispian moved north still along these very unfamiliar coasts and eventually came across a totally new and rather civilized people who called themselves the Mapuche.

The Mapuche[]

The Mapuche and the Roman Captain Crispian met in 1312 (559 AD) and Crispian stopped and made a camp near the small southern village of Melipulli (Puerto Montt, Chile). The native people of the city moved a regiment of soldiers from this area believing that these people were hostile. When the leader of this regiment met with Crispian they noticed that the Romans were not of any known group. Their light skin made them look like the gods of these people and some began to worship them and follow their ships as they moved. One benefit of these people was that many of them learned at least the rudimentary Latin language. Over the course of around three years the Mapuche in the southern region and the Roman legions of Captain Crispian built such a relationship that people from around their nation were coming to visit them. The Chief of the Mapuche in the capital city of Mapocho had built up enough power in the nation that he demanded that the lords of the city of Melipulli move the Romans to the capital.

Mapuche Chief Rimac II

Chief Rimac II

The current Chief of the nation, Chief Rimac II, wanted desperately to meet the new and tantalizing foreigners. He also believed that if they were divine that they would assist him in new conquests. Crispian came into Mapocho with his ship greeted with revelry. A parade down the main street facing the palace with tons of citizens cheering at the notorious celebrators reminded Crispian of the Empire. When Chief Rimac and Crispian met they discusses, though with some difficulty in translation, their home nations. Crispian described his home as being far beyond the harsh seas and that he has traveled on behalf of his Emperor in search of new lands. Chief Rimac II replied stating that the Mapuche would be a friend and ally to the “Romansuyu” or people of Roma. Chief Rimac II and Captain Crispian forged a peace with these people and Crispian stated that he needed to continue his journey. Chief Rimac supplied the Romans and they set sail for the Tastil and Chimu to the north according to what they learned while among the Mapuche.

The Tastil and the Chimu[]

With the Tastil and the Chimu the Romans met a very different story. Rather than being celebrated by the Tastil as they had been treated by the Mapuche, the Tastil were very hostile to them. They knew that they came from
Roman naval Battle

An artists depiction of the Battle faced by the Crispian and the Tastil

the Mapuche and believed them to be traps or spies sent by them. Their large ship was feared and the people ran from the harbors. The King of the Tastil declared that an invasion was happening and that they needed to respond. Unlike early conflicts with men like Columbus in OTL, these natives were not outmatched in terms of weaponry by such a great degree. The Romans were surprised to find that the Tastil had firearms and believed that they had somehow gained them from either the Sinicans or some other people of the old world. The Tastil fought very effectively. One of the technologies of the Mesoamericans that had been recently introduce to the other Mesoamericans was the flamethrower of the Uaxactunese. Though they were only test models the Tastil destroyed more than three of the Roman ships when the attacked the vulnerable and poorly plated sides of the ships. The Romans, who ran from these people, reported them as being very violent. Nowhere is the word ‘savage’ used and this displays more of a respect for the natives than could be said in OTL. The Romans collected themselves and moved towards the Chimu.

The Chimu were somewhat in the middle of the reactions of the Mapuche and the Tastil. The Romans weren’t trusted by the Chimu by any means and there were escorts for them everywhere they went. Word had spread quickly around these Andean civilizations about the journey of a strange foreign fleet throughout their seas. The Chimu escorts gained enough notoriety from the common people that the Romans believed that they were being looked at with more awe than suspicion. When Captain Crispian met with the King of the Chimu he developed enough report with the Captain that the meting had a much friendlier aim than the Romans had received from the Tastil. The Romans also learned more about these natives people than they had in any other of the nations they visited. With the maps and some of the history that had been gifted to Crispian the Chimu and the Romans now had a stable relationship. The Romans set out towards the Maya and Uaxactun who they knew had just engaged in an extensive war. The Romans hoped to build enough of a relationship with these civilizations that the Romans would have a more secure station in the new world.

The Final Landing[]

Crispian landed in the Maya city of Zac Tzicnal (Golfito, Coast Rica) where he was again met with a large amount of celebration and welcome. Crispian was taken to the Chief of the Maya, a man named Mecatl who inherited the leadership position after the fall of Tikal. Crispian was led around the nation, as Mecatl believed that this could
Crispian Landing in the Maya territory

The Areas that Crispian landed in the Maya Empire as well as the location of the Roman Colony by the time of his return.

further establish his dynasty among his people. Here the Romans learned of the very thin isthmus that separated the seas. Crispian was persuaded to stay in the Maya territory and stall his movement towards Uaxactun, as the Maya did not want their enemy getting in contact with such an apparently powerful and perhaps holy person. Crispian’s ship was moved across the thinnest area of the isthmus and the Maya were in such awe when they say it that some would hold their prayers when it would pass next to their nearest road. When Crispian arrived at the other end of the Maya Kingdom he departed back to the city of Lurium along with a party of Mayan diplomats who would meet to establish relations with the Romans.

The Maya became a very large trading partner after the return of Crispian in 1315 (562 AD). The Romans and the Maya both moved into Northern New Africa and shared a border with each other with which to facilitate a trade relationship as well as through the ocean. The Romans began a whole new series of expansions after Crispian returned. Headlines circulated throughout the Empire about his encounters with the polite and the violent natives of New Africa. Books about heroes conflicting with these native civilizations became very popular and over about two decades a spirit of nationalism swept the Empire. Unity was widespread and the people were enthusiastic for territory. One of the projects that had begun was a move to conquer all of the small islands being discovered north of the New Africa colony. This new sea that became known as the Calinagian Sea after the Kalinagan natives, as they called themselves. Similarly the Maya had a much wealthier and more powerful standing among the nations of Mesoamerica and commanded much more favor than any of the other nations that the Romans had or would come in contact with in the new world.

The Mayan-Roman Expansion[]

The Mayans and the Romans began a series of joint expansions. The Maya and the Romans split the islands of Cubao (Cuba), Taino (Hispaniola), Arawakao (Jamaica), The Tatian Islands (The Bahamas), The Naucratian
Maya Rome Expansion labeled

The Areas that the Maya and the Romans expanded into together. Notice that the islands of Cubao and Taino are split.

Islands (The Lesser Antilles), and Boricua (Puerto Rico) between themselves and intended to move out into the OTL southern United States. The Romans and the Maya were making such great advances by working together that they both had a much more vast extent of territory by the end of the year 1353 (600 AD). The Diocletian Peninsula (Florida Peninsula) was in the hands of the Romans and the mouth of the Mississippi river was discovered by the Mayans in the year 1331 (578 AD). It was named the Macatl River after the current King of the Maya people. The other areas conquered by the Romans and Maya were the coasts surrounding these areas. The Maya held the areas of the Louisiana Coast and part of Mississippi and Texas while the Romans controlled the areas of Florida, part of Georgia, and the coast of Alabama. The completion of this project was made by the year 1353 (600 AD) and would mark the reigns of both Emperor Diocletian and King Macatl in their nations.

The Second Great Alliance[]

Second Great Alliance 600 AD

The Areas of the Second Great Alliance after their earliest expansions.

In the year 1314 (561 AD) the Zapotecs and the Uaxactunese were expecting a visit from the Romans as they had been rumored about for some time. When that move did not come some in these nations dismissed the supposed appearances of these men to be fictions and rumors of delusional people looking for attention. However once the Maya proved to be making new advances in their technology as well as becoming incredibly wealthy and expanding beyond their former abilities, it became clear what was happening. In order to combat the alliance of the Maya with the Romans the Mesoamericans sought to set aside their differences and unite against a common enemy trying to monopolize on the power in that region. The leaders of Uaxactun, the Zapotecs, the Xochimilca, the Mexica, the Tepaneca, the Tlaxcalan, the Meztitlan, the Huastecs, and near the end the Chichimecs came together to found the Declaration of Eternal Unity and Strength which sought to set up a coalition to defend their common goals. The Tepaneca, the Tlaxcalan, the Mexica, and the Xochimilca who had expelled their leaders and who then went to establish the Meztitlan, Huastec, and Chichimec Kingdoms declared an end to all animosity between their nations. This organization was fought over greatly and mostly about the problems of the past. Eventually the nations agreed that their fighting was becoming increasingly irrelevant as the Maya and the Romans began expanding everywhere. The treaty was

Maya-Rome and Second Great Alliance in 600 AD

The Central American World at around the year 1353 (600 AD)

agreed to and ratified by all these parties of the first of the year in 1330 (577 AD). {C}The first order that the Second Alliance made was to secure their border by extending it to the edge of the Maya territories around what they called the Macatl River (Mississippi River). Through the vast and largely empty desert grew the new Alliance which called these desert provinces called Tonatiutl meaning lands of the sun god. The Second Great Alliance, though it was admired by historians later for the fact that these many nations came together, had several internal problems with regards to management.

The most surprising solution that was reached during the long conventions held to write the Declaration of Unity was to provide for a government that did not include a king. It was designed after the Tepaneca Republic as none of the individual states would allow themselves to be lorded over by a King from any of the other nations. The legislature of the Second Great Alliance was named the Congress of the Nations and was made up of the dukes, nobles, and leaders from the individual kingdoms. At first the only thing that they were able to agree upon was to have expansions and to have the leading generals and officers of each of the nation’s militaries head this coalition of forces. Over time individual militaries for the member nations faded into time.

Murales Rivera - Markt in Tlatelolco 3

The Capital city of Tlatelolco

Eventually the government of the Alliance became triumphant in its goals but only with considerable compromises. The Revenue Compromise declared that the raising of revenue (ex. taxation) was under the ability of the Congress of the Nations. The Second Great Alliance grew into stability thankfully due to great politicians like Chiconahui who led the Congress of nations during its earliest stages. He personally wrote and negotiated many of the policies that became common place in the laws of this Alliance and focused on them ratehr fairly and equitably though he was himself a native of the Mexica Empire. The capital of the Alliance moved through cities over the early years but eventually settled in the city of Tlatelolco near modern day Mexico City. It was set aside from any individual member nation but it remained surrounded by the four Aztec nations. Despite this the Zapotecs and Uaxactunese led many actions because they were the largest members.

The Nixkamich River (St. Lawrence)[]

The Qochata Kingdom in North America needed a way to break free of the stagnation in their economy and the apathy of their people. Trade was not expanding and similar feelings were felt by the Qochata Allies and the New Huritian Chiefdom. To combat their own stagnation they chose to establish a new and more dynamic trade
Whole North America after Qochata Expansion

North America after the expansions of the New Huritians and the Qochata up the Qochata River

agreement between the two that would play on each other’s weaknesses and strengths. The Qochata, being heavily forested, were experts at the production of wood and boats especially. The New Huritians became the first to make an iron factory of any of the native people’s and their weapons were renowned for their precision and resilience. This Alliance was fortified in the year 1310 (557 AD) and went on without much of notice by the rest of the North American nations. The Alliance eventually also fell into a stagnation when their economies became so intertwined that any depression or jolt in one would have potentially disastrous effects on the other. To keep each other in an expansion policy the King of the Qochata and the Chief of New Hurit began building a new fleet of ships that would expand up through the Nixkamich river and hopefully the Huritians and Qochata would be able to profit from new conquered lands.

Moving up the river began in the year 1346 (593 AD) and six years after in 1352 (599 AD) the Qochata landed on the island of Heirland in the Cimbrian Colony of Vinland which is OTL Anticosti Island. The New Huritians laid claim to the small island but the Cimbrians quickly came from the medium-sized city of Leifang (Port-Menier, Quebec). The Qochata and the New Huritians believed that the Cimbrians were only another group of natives but their manner of speech was entirely different from any of others found by the Qochata or the New Huritians in the lands surrounding the Nixkamich (St Lawrence) River. {C}

The Cimbrians had been concerned with their explorations of the Baldwin Sea (Hudson Bay) and the northern areas but were surprised to find an exploring group of people who appeared to be ratehr civilized coming to them. The leaders of the expeditions were told to have their leaders brought back to this island and they would be escorted to meet with the Governor of the New World Colonies in Cynewerg, Cynland (St John’s, Newfoundland). The two native groups chose to send one of their lackeys out to this meeting suspecting the Cimbrians of setting

Extent of the Cimbrian Alliance in the New World by teh time of their meeting with the Qochata and the New Huritians.

up a trap. The Cimbrians having never see the natives before were non the wiser. The arrival of the natives in Cynewerg was not met with note by most of the population. Trade went on as usual and the Cimbrians did not make any spectacle of their arrival. The men posing as the leaders of the New Huritians and the Qochata were transported in an unassuming Cimbrian ship into the port where they were led to the Governor’s Mansion. Many native people lived among the Cimbrians, some were slaves and others were fully integrated citizens, and so seeing native people was not uncommon.

The meeting between the two leaders was very informal and the Cimbrian Governor hardly looked up at the diplomats. The Chiefs expressed that their governments were very developed and that they wanted to establish a trade relationship with the Cimbrians that they had recently come in contact with. The Cimbrian governor asked several questions about the military of these nations and also inquired as to how many Native American chiefdoms there were. The Cimbrians dismissed the natives after the Governor believed that he had enough information on which to proceed with his plans. The natives returned and did not hear from the Cimbrians for some time. The story that the natives had met with some foreign power beyond the Nixkamich River spread through the many chiefdoms but many chose not to believe them and called the New Huritians “cowardly liars” and were trying to “create fear and irrationality throughout the chiefdoms. The Qochata and the New Huritians chose to continue their expansions and securing their gains as they had planned to do. Some small scale trade took place but never anything major between some natives and some Cimbrians.

The Blue Turban Rebellions[]

A series of speeches had been made by men traveling from the colony in the new world to the allies of Sinica. These speeches were very bombastic and included discussions on the injustice of the Sinican government in their treatment of the people of the other nations. Though Sinica was by far the largest of the allied nations they only provided around 55% of the population of that country because many of the Sinican people were not upset.
Zhimindi cities

Major Cities of Zhimindi

enough with their situation at home to immigrate the long journey which it was to the new world. Sinican officials declared the largest Sinican settlement to be the capital of the colony and they strong armed the other nations into agreeing to these terms. The city of Luofeng 洛封 (Port McNeill, British Columbia) was made the capital of the joint held province even though it was only the third most populous city. The other two were Savandri (Ocean Falls, British Columbia) a mostly Khmer, Thai, and Lao-Cham settlement and the second largest New Sundapura (Ketchikan, Alaska) a mostly Javanese settlement were left out.
The clear unfairness at this policy left many of the people of the Khmer Kingdom, The United Kingdom of
Zhimindi Split

The Split of Zhimindi into a Srivijayan portion (Blue) and a Sinican portion (Red)

Lao-Cham, The Java Republic and the Thai Kingdom with a sour taste in their mouths with regard to their relationship with the Sinicans. Despite this the leaders of these nations knew that being allied with the Sinican Empire was a better option than trying to manage their expansions alone. This feeling soon waned. The cities of Savandri and New Sundapura were growing quicker than Luofeng and it was becoming a de facto capital. The Khmer, Thai, Javanese, and Lao-Cham felt that their nations would have a better chance in the world if they did not allow themselves to be beholden to a large Empire. In response to this they joined an alliance between themselves and pledged to support their areas of the Zhimindi colony. Being a large power in the area these Kingdoms, though much the same tactics as the Sinicans, the South Asian Alliance, as the four nations of southeast Asia chose to call themselves, also gained the support of the remaining members of the Sinican alliance in the region.

These actions alarmed the leaders of the colony in the new world as well as those in Asia. The Japanese were pleased to see this development because they expected these nations to take on each other which would leave


The Blue Turban Rebellions, when more sovereignty was gained by the Non-Sinican parts of the New World Colony.

both of them depleted. The Sinicans, still being as shrewd and calculating as they had been, saw past the feelings that were most present and engaged in a more peaceful and reasoned diplomacy with the new Alliance in Asia. Empress Shunhua 蕣華 and he court of eunuchs oversaw the third in a series of female monarchs that was unheard of in the Eastern world. Accepting this position she assured her people that she would not lead them to a costly war, though some in the nation seemed more than eager for battle. The fact was that the eunuchs were preparing for a battle unlike one ever seen before.

The Second Srivijaya Empire[]

Second Srivijaya West

The western portion of the Second Srivijaya Empire

Caricatures of the Southern Alliance had been circulating and they were called the “Second Srivijaya Empire” in reference to the predecessor to most of those nations. The Alliance was not managed by a leadership structure and operated with the consent and acceptance of the individual governments. It was not an Empire but this characterization led to changes in the public discourse of the alliance. The Kings and other leaders of the nations were calling for a stronger government to manage their vast amount of affairs and to show the rest of the world that their nations were not to be discounted from the political stage. These feelings of nationalism when combined with the desire for unity and power made the nations for what they named the Second Srivijaya Empire.
This nation, formed in 1363 (610 AD) under the leadership of Emperor Phaektra of the Khmer Kingdom, demanded
Second Srivijaya East

The Eastern Portion of the Second Srivijaya Empire

that their portion of the new world colony be separated from the Sinica portion to the south. They demanded independence that the Sinicans were reluctant to grant but did so anyway. The Eunuchs and the leaders of Sinica bustled together to put their secret plans into action and were intending to be ruthless in their execution.

The Eunuchs[]

The Eunuchs originally intended to use the allies to the south to mount another Sino-Japanese war and they would get the Japanese to capitulate their mainland territories or their colonies. The Japanese and the Sinican colony had grown to clash with each other in small areas but never on a full scale. With the growth of nationalism for the Second Srivijaya the eunuchs decided that their best position would be to give in to the small demands of their allies in order to pursue their larger goals and expect that the allied nations would support the war effort. The Sinicans moved into Hainan in 1365 (612 AD) and this was the start of the War.

The Fourth Sino-Japanese War[]

The Battle for Hainan which began in 1365 (612 AD) was intended to secure an early victory and morale booster for the troops of Sinica. Moving into the island from the southern shore, under the leadership of one of the highest

Siege in Hainan during the Fourth Sino-Japanese War

eunuchs, was a new tactic unexpected by the Japanese on the island. That being said the fortifications on that island were more than impressive. They seemed nearly impregnable. Since the Japanese had gained it they had built shelters for the residents and walls and barracks around the island.Regiments quickly move to the area of battle but were surprised at a new invention that the Sinicans had made. They had combined the missile and the grenade into the rudimentary rocket propelled grenade. It was not as powerful as OTL conceptions but it was impressive in fighting against the high walls of Hainan. Within less than two weeks the Sinicans took Hainan and with that they could mount a much more successful campaign through Asia. The Sinicans quickly regained their losses in the south western coast and reversed the large gains made by Japan after the Third Sino-Japanese War. The Second Srivijaya were now faced with a decision to side with the SInicans or the Japanese. The clear choice of the Emperor elected after the reunification of he south east Asian nations was to Sinica but he had fallen ill and died childless in the year 1368 (615 AD) son after the gains of Sinica had been fortified in a new treaty with the Japanese.

The War of Srivijayan Succession[]

Sinica, Japan, and the Srivijaya Empire were once again the largest powers in Asia. With the rivalry between the Sinicans and the Japanese re-ignited by the Fourth Sino-Japanese War the Srivijaya were left in the position to

A depiction of the amount of force the Srivijaya were expecting.

found an alliance with either power and thus determine the fate of Asia. The Srivijaya had long been partners of Sinica but with recent tensions they began to reconsider whether the partnership was truly fair. The Srivijaya had decided to hold elections for the new Emperor but the problem with this was that each candidate had different opinions on how to proceed. The Srivijaya had remained neutral for five years from 1368-1373 (615-620 AD) but the Sinicans and Japanese were tired of placating either side with gifts or offers and it became clear that neither side could gain a clear victory through elections. The democratic process broke down in the Second Srivijaya Empire and the two sides used the wealth of their respective allied constituencies to raise an army. The powers also solicited aid from the Sinican and the Japanese Empires but the results of their intervention were completely unintended.

The Divide[]

King bisaya

King Bisaya

The Japanese, having a strong and well-founded Alliance with the Kingdom of Sulawesi near the center of the Second Srivijaya Empire, used this Kingdom as a base to split the two sides of the War of Succession. The Japanese Ally, King Bisaya of Borneo, was pushing to become Emperor with the support of the smaller islands. Borneo had always been a religious Kingdom and remained the only area in Asia with a majority Thenmobist population, the religion of the first Srivijaya Empire. King Bisaya had the support of the smaller and less developed regions of the Empire. Out in the Lapita Admiralty, the Commonwealth Republic of Vanuatu, The Motu Kingdom and the Tanimbar Kingdom the other candidate was seen as an aristocrat. King Trieu Minh Vuong of the United Kingdom of Lao-Cham was very fond of the Sinicans and had developed a very Sinican looking system of government. The nobility of his kingdom as well as the Thai Kingdom, Khmer Kingdom and Java Republic became very aristocratic and opposed to the issues of the farmers throughout their own kingdoms. This divide was very exploitative for the Japanese and Borneo already had at least half of the Srivijaya Empire protected by the Japanese Navy.
King trieu

King Trieu Minh Vuong

The Sinicans, who were now only ostensibly led by the Empress Wenxian 文獻 but actually led by her eunuch advisers, in support of King Trieu Minh Vuong planned to move into the Borneo Kingdom and attack their opponent directly but were surprised when they needed to fight the Japanese once again. Because of this it is often disputed whether the War of Srivijaya Succession was separate or part of the Fourth Sino-Japanese War.

The Battle of Java[]

Java was one of the larger islands of the Second Srivijaya Empire and the Japanese supported King Bisaya was moving in from the southern tip of the island with reinforcements of Japanese ships behind him. In less than three months more than half of the island was under the control of Bisaya. Within less than 2 weeks the Japanese forces and King Bisaya had taken the island of Java.

The Khmer-Sinica Campaign[]

The Khmer Kingdom remained the most populous part of the Second Srivijaya Empire and following the loss of Java, the Khmer began using this strength. The Khmer had often been an ennobled people. They reluctantly joined the second Empire but knew they could thrive alone and separate. The Khmer were a large part of the new world colony and fought for independence so they would dominate that area rather than Sinica. The Khmer knew the same would be the fate of the Srivijaya Empire, no matter what the outcome, allowing them to force whichever outcome they wanted. Already having a group of treaties giving the Khmer the power they wanted from Sinica, the Khmer mobilized their powerful armies alongside Sinica to take back the new Empire.

Srivijaya succession

A relief of the War of Srivijayan Succession

The Khmer and Sinicans had another benefit coming to them as they moved against Bisaya and the Japanese forces. The Japanese military leaders and the leaders under King Bisaya bickered constantly about how to proceed after the capture of Java. Th Japanese, who became very indignant during these arguments, often said that King Bisaya would be nothing without the Japanese and that they demanded his full yield if he wanted Japanese assistance. The southeast Asian leadership would reply that this was their land and that they knew the area better than the Japanese and that if the Japanese wanted an ally in this region then they ought to treat them with respect. The Japanese sometimes joked that it would be easier to just conquer these islands outright and this caused more than a few examples of tension between the soldiers of Japan and King Bisaya. The Japanese leaders knew better and never expressed these opinions openly but be that s it may the two armies were stuck on the island of Java until a strategy could be worked out.

This delay gave the Khmer and the SInicans the best possible chance to regain a foothold in this area. The Khmer worked out their policy and the SInicans would pursue a separate one as well as reinforce the Khmer. The Khmer would move into Java from the south, the least defended portion of the island. The Sinicans would move around into the island of Borneo and attempt to set up a fort of some kind there so that they could attack Bisaya himself. The Sinicans feared that if they killed Bisaya before attacking the Japanese and making some victory then the Japanese would find some other leader to take his place. Despite this the Sinicans and Khmer continued.

The Battle of Borneo and the End of the War[]

The Sinicans moved onto Borneo where the intended to take as many of the large coastal cities until they found King Bisaya. The southern cities of Banjarmasin, Pontianak, and Balikpapan fell first but all sources pointed to the
Indonesian cities

Cities of Borneo

northern cities. By the end of 1376 (623 AD) the Sinicans had taken Tawau, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and the largest city in Borneo, Sarawak. By the time Sarawak had been taken the Bisaya supporters were believed to have fled to the Philippines. The Japanese Navy believed that the war was now too expensive to purse. Despite their capitulation, the resulting treaty provided that the new Srivijaya give no trade restrictions to Japanese businesses. This provision would prove crucial in the years to come.


The L'Uniona Homanus Timeline
Europe: 1220-1340 (467-587 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus) 1310-1376 (557-623 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus) 1376-1422 (623-669 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Asia: 1104-1310 (351-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
North America: 1324-1361 (571-608 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Mesoamerica: 1269-1310 (516-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)
Africa: 1155-1310 (402-557 AD) (L'Uniona Homanus)