Alternative History

Map Contest 7 (Open): We Shall Do This For Mother Russia![]

PoD: In the Russian Civil war, the Whites defeat the Reds. White Russia goes on to establish itself as a major world power.

Challenge: Create a map of the world with a White Russia. Be sure to include labels, map keys, subdivisions of countries, etc.

Time Frame: Two weeks, October 14 - October 26

Voting Starts October 25, 0:00 UTC

Sleepless Night of the Eastern European Country -Kogasa[]

World as of 2013.

In this timeline, the White Russians win the Civil War and prevented Communism from gaining a foothold. Meanwhile in the late 1920s, the United States turns Communist. Russia also improves its relations with Japan. Soon when the Second World War comes around, the Russians fight against Germany as normal. Japan doesn't attack Pearl Harbor and thus the United States doesn't enter the war in the Pacific. Soon in 1945, Germany is defeated and split as usual, while in Asia, Japan is successful.

The Cold War emerges with the Russian-Dai-tō-a Alliance against the Paris Pact on the other side. The Russians and Japanese manage to stay a step ahead of the United States, and manage to get a Man on the Moon first. Soon in the 1980s, the Paris Pact falls apart, Communist West Germany falls under Democratic East German rule, and the United States collapses in 1989.

By 2013, the European Union composed of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Benelux, Germany, France, and Russia.

The Superpowers in the World are Russia and Japan and both maintain a close alliance. Mexico, Brazil and India become the new potential superpowers.

The Main Characters in the Touhou Project are Aya Shameimaru and Mononobe no Futo.


  • Maybe have the United States be still around but only consisting of seven, eight (I know they have names, too lazy to type them out) Florida and New England maybe? :L 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 12:11, October 20, 2013 (UTC)
  • No, they collapsed for good, sorry. However, there is the Commonwealth of Independent States that was established. Meanwhile Illinois and New England could eventually merge into some sort of Union State, but that's about it. -Kogasa Miko THPW2 Flag of Europe 2013 October 20, 14:37 (CET)


For the Motherland! - Scraw[]

For the Motherland! Labelled Map (Map Contest) Obviously, the Tsarists win the civil war. This has great impacts on World War I, bringing greater gains to a democratically reformed Russia, and imposing greater land losses on Germany and Austria-Hungary. This, in turn, causes less gain for France, which soon collapses under a Communist revolt. The Communist wave sweeps through Germany and then Austria, while Russia continues to make more groundbreaking democratic reforms. During this period, Japan launches an invasion of China, conquering it while it is still in massive disarray.

Tsar Nicholas II has another son, Alexander, and he goes on to rule as Alexander IV in the days leading up to the Second World War. The Comintern Pact is formed by France, Germany and Austria, while the Allies are Russia, Italy and Britain. The war starts as France invades Belgium and Luxembourg, while Germany invades the Netherlands and Bohemia with Austria. The British and Italians quickly jump to their defense, with the Russians following suit. Japan, seeing an opportunity to make greater gains than it already has, invades Russia, dividing the Russian attention on two fronts. Soon, the Comintern conquers its neighbors and next launches a massive blitz into Italy, crippling the Allied war effort. All hope seems lost until the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, dragging the United States into the war, revitalizing the Allies. Soon, the Comintern is defeated, and France is divided north-south (Britain-America-Russia) while Germany is split east-west (Russia-America). Russia also sets up puppet governments in Korea and Japan, while taking much of China. 

Soon, a Cold War develops between America and Russia. Britain slowly begins to lose its colonial empire, and India is one of the first. Russia and America both see a chance to gain a new powerful ally. However, when India begins to have internal tensions, America backs off, while Russia supports the rebels, eventually creating Pakistan, which invades and conquers Afghanistan. When Bengal then proceeds to revolt from Pakistan, America supports this, creating a giant tension sphere in the Indian region.

Since France has been divided and conquered, its colonies overseas begin to slowly receive independence. One of the first is Indochina. Indochina quickly collapses into several different states which war against each other for five years in a great war known as the Indochina War (1947 - 1952). Vietnam emerges on top, controlling its neighbors and invades Siam, conquering it as well.

In the next thirty years, many events come close to bringing a nuclear apocalypse on the globe. However, in 1983, the Irish rebel against the British, after centuries of British rule. The Russians publicly support the Irish, causing great tensions between east and west. However, despite American efforts, Britain crumbles and leaves behind Ireland (Russia), Scotland (America), and England (America). Canada was also a major battleground, with the Quebecois fighting for independence. In the end, Canada as a whole becomes a part of the United States, ending all possibility of Russian influence in North America. Other former British countries fall into either camp.

Today, the world is a massive firecracker waiting to explode, while American and Russian leaders continue to try to make peace. But will there be peace? Ever?


  • I thought this was a democratic world ... 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 19:43, October 16, 2013 (UTC)
  • It is ... more or less ...             Regen Seal   "I can feel your anger. It gives you focus ... makes you stronger." 
  • Scraw, make a template for that Sig! And there would be a cold war between democratic powers? 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 20:08, October 16, 2013 (UTC)
  • I did make a template, damnit! And yes, that's the jist of it.
  • ... I was being sarcastic, as in why would there be a cold war between democratic powers. :P 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 20:23, October 16, 2013 (UTC)
  • A Cold War doesn't have to be a battle of ideologies, just one to come out on top.
  • '"I did make a template!" Posts redlink.' Umm what.         Centriflag   Flectere si nequeos superos- Acheronta Movebo! 
  • Happy now?
  • No, Scraw. You lack imagination. You made a template and call it 'Scraw's Sig'. When you are done learning, oh Padawan, you shall call it 'The Sig of Darth Scraw'.         Centriflag   Flectere si nequeos superos- Acheronta Movebo! 


The Unexpected Communists ~Imp[]

You would have thought a White Russia would have led to a peaceful world. How we all were mistaken, how we all wish this had been so.

The Romanovs had managed to get away from Russia - in one piece, fleeing to Britain and leaving the fate of the nation in the hands of revolutionaries. The Reds did have an assault at the Romanovs planned, or so historical sources say, but their successful escape would mean the Reds could not kill them. Many believe this opportunity missed out never helped boost the red morale, and crucial white victories would lead to the establishment of a White Russia.

But Lenin would return to the country that freed him, and he would use the weak government as a scapegoat to launch a Communist government in the nation. He would succeed and create the Union of Sovereign Germanic Republics - establishing a new power. The nation would, under him, become something of a novelty and would grow in strength. A Communist revolution in Austria, then the Netherlands would firmly establish Communism in the region.

Exiled Royal Families would run to the United Kingdom, which would quickly take over former Dutch territories in the name of the Dutch Royal Family, and establish a greater control over all those states. The Americans would watch in horror as the world suddenly turned a lot more imperialistic. The Anglo-American Naval War of 1828-33 would damage relations for a long time to come, and lead to the loss of Canada as a British dominion.

The Americans would be forced to find new allies - the Russians. Helping them rebuild and providing them with key materials to mine and industrialise their economy, the Americans would begin the process of creating an alliance which would hold until the present day. However, isolationism could grow in both the powers as they worked on internal matters - especially Russia. Colonisation of the East in great numbers would be sponsored and the spreading of Russians all the way into Kazakhstan would take place. America too would sent millions north to set up new towns and establish new lives.

By the 1950s, the world had too many powers capable of destroying each other. And that is exactly what happened. The Second Great War would begin, killing tens of millions and accomplishing almost nothing. The British would ally with the Japanese and the French; the Germans would form their own bloc and America and Russia would stand on the sidelines until Alaska would be invaded.

Post-war would be difficult. India would be lost to a workers revolution - establishing the Socialist Federation of Bharat. Japan would be forced to stay in Manchuria, Korea and the home islands as its empire was lost and it was forced to sign a treaty stripping them off most of their military. It was either that or attack by two military powers. Britain would keep its empire in Africa and Australia as well as Indonesia, but would lose whatever possessions they had in the Americas. Germany would expand the influence of Red and create a large number of puppet states in Europe. Russia didn't take part much in the war. It joined toward the end as a matter of honour to help its ally but apart from that were petty much sitting out the war. It helped them, they were able to sell to both sides and become powerful once mobilisation and re-equipping of the army took place.

By now, too many wars have been fought. Proxy after proxy war has led to countless deaths. Various economies of the world are powerful, with the Aryan alliance between Germany and India giving a lot of scares, while Russia and America continue to be side by side. And then there is Britain. Never losing hope, it transformed itself into a conservative Imperial Federation. It industrialised all of Africa, while giving them Imperial British citizenship. The Federation sustains itself, and still make a threatening power. But they know well they got lucky. The Americans tested their first nuclear bomb 8 months after the war finished - the Russians a year after that. No one really know the future of the world.

I just hope we someday manage to sort out our differences ...



Dots and Dashes  -Callumthered[]

Dots and Dashes world map

World in the 2010s

On the morning of the 12th of March, 1917, the president of the Russian Duma, Mikhail Rodzianko, sent Tsar Nicholas II an urgent telegram: "The situation is growing worse. Measures should be taken immediately, as tomorrow will be too late. The last hour has struck, when the fate of the country and dynasty is being decided." In OTL, Nicholas never received that telegram, but if he had, what could have been the effect of those dots and dashes?

At midday on the 12th, Tsar Nicholas II made a public announcement, in which he abdicated in favour of his son Alexei. Executive power for the remainder of the war was to be in the hands of the Duma, led by President Rodzianko. He resigned from his post as Commander-In-Chief and disappeared, many believe he disguised himself as a common soldier and died on the Eastern front. 

The newly-empowered Duma acted decisively to quell the Bolshevik-led insurgencies in Petrograd and in the countryside. Vladimir Lenin, who, assisted by the Germans, had returned to Russia to lead the insurgents, was shot by Imperial police. The Duma appointed General Brusilov as Commander-in-Chief on the 15th of March, and he traveled straight to the front to co-ordinate a reversal of Russian losses. 

With the Russians remaining in the war, German submarine warfare was directed away from the Atlantic to the Baltic in an attempt to assist the remaining Bolsheviks, who had established a government in Finland. This resulted in the Lusitania not being sunk by German U-boats. Without the outrage of the sinking, the USA never entered the war, however, continued to supply the Allied forces. 

After over a year of stalemate, the Allied powers began the famous "Great Offensive". Masterminded by Brusilov, the offensive was an immense, last-roll-of-the-dice attack by the Allies. The simultaneous Russian attack on the Eastern front and the Franco-British attack on the Western front was too much for the overstretched German army, which began a long, slow retreat. Realising that Imperial Germany was doomed, and fearing for his own throne, Bavarian King went into negotiatoions with the Allies for a separate peace, in return for independence after the war. Although the French were not particularly impressed, the Russians granted the request, seeing that Bavaria pulling out of the war would provoke civil strife in Germany, which Germany could not afford. In September 1918, Bavarian forces surrendered to the Allies, causing panic and confusion amongst the German forces. Another two months of desperate fighting culminating in revolution was enough to defeat the Germans. The provisional German government surrendered in mid-November. 

In the post-war settlement, Russia gained Galicia from Austria-Hungary and Prussian Poland. The Bolsheviks in Finland were summarily defeated. Austria-Hungary was divided along ethnic lines into German Austria, the Kingdom of Hungary (with Kaiser Karl as king), Yugoslavia (headed by Serbia) and Czechoslovakia. The Ottoman Empire was divided between Greece, Russia, Britain and France. 

After the war, the Duma passed a new constitution, solidifying its powers and limiting those of the Tsar. Alexis II (as he became known) died in 1923 due to his haemophilia, and was succeeded by his elder sister Olga. Germany and the former Austria-Hungary were hit especially hard by the Great Depression of the 1930s, leading to the rise of the ultra-nationalistic, militaristic Iron Guard in those countries. In 1937, Germany and Austria underwent Anschluss, and led by Chancellor Rommel, began demanding back the parts of Germany lost after WWI, and for an Anschluss with Bavaria. In 1940, Germany invaded Bavaria, starting the Second World War. Rommel's forces quickly took Bavaria, the Low countries and Northern France. Russia and Germany engaged in the devastating Battle for Poland for three years. In the Asia-Pacific, Japan was also making territorial advances, taking much of China and South East Asia. The bombing of the American fleet in Hawaii brought the US into the war against Japan. After four years of fighting, the Germans were crushed by the Allies, and the status quo was restored. The war in Asia, however, would drag on for another two years before a Russian nuclear bomb could be dropped on Nagasaki, which, followed by the Russian invasion of Hokkaido, ended the war. Sakhalin, Korea and Hokkaido were annexed by Russia, and Manchuria and Japan were made Russian puppets. 

Russia's seemingly disproportionate gains turned American sentiment against their former allies. When Communist revolutions in liberated Eastern Europe threatened Russian dominance in the region, the US sponsored and armed the rebels. In China, the pro-Russian republicans defeated the Communists, who, supported by the American Navy, retreated to Taiwan and established a government there. In 1950, the USA detonated its first nuclear weapon, launching a nuclear arms race. That same year, the British lost control of India. After the ensuing civil war, the subcontinent was divided into the democratic and Hindu-majority Republic of India, the Muslim minority-controlled Kingdom of Hyderabad, and the Muslim-dominated People's Republic of Bengal. The success of the Communists in Bengal (the first of its kind in the world) resulted in a wave of Communist uprisings and revolutions in the colonies of South East Asia, most of which were supported by the USA. This was not for ideological reasons, the USA supported the regimes purely because they were opposed to Russia, and because doing so increased American influence in the region. For the rest of the century, Russia and the USA engaged in nuclear arms race, proxy wars, trade embargoes and covert operations against one another. The British, having lost their Asian possessions, worked on securing an influence in Africa, establishing dominions out of former colonies and maintaining a high military presence there. Britain's strong focus on maintaining what remained of the Empire (in the form of the British Commonwealth) resulted in the bloody Falklands War against the American-backed military regime in Argentina. The resounding British (and Russian) victory allowed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to remain in power (many say undemocratically) for several decades. Russian Empress Olga died in 1979 and was succeeded by her son Alexander IV, who attempted to enter into negotiations with the Americans about nuclear disarmament and the loosening of trade embargoes. 

In 1999, a wave of peaceful Russian-backed demonstrations in Communist Europe (i.e., the Balkans and Italy) led to the collapse of the American-backed regimes there. In the 21st Century, the US has well and truly pivoted towards the Pacific, propping up its faltering puppet Communist regimes in South East Asia and Central America. Russia is known to all as the world's leading superpower and for many, a symbol of freedom, peace and stability. 



  • Sorry the description is so long, I wanted to make everything clear, but I may have achieved the opposite! Also, apologies for the spelling mistakes which I fear may be multitudinous.Callumthered (talk) 04:15, October 21, 2013 (UTC)
  • Nonsense! Much clearer than mine! It is good to see another user come back to the iconic Map Contest - the first stage in getting other users back. If Chris arrives on the scene though - that would be pretty dealy LOL. :D 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 14:05, October 21, 2013 (UTC)