Alternative History

 Siege of Uzyx[]

Siege of Uzyx
Part of Imperial-Union Galactic War
Post apocalyptic
Uzyx after battle
Date December 17 - 30, 1897
Location Uzyx, Union Administrative Center, Galactic Union
18h 06m 05.32s, –30° 43′ 57.5″
Result Strategic Imperial victory:
  • Financial heart of Union captured
  • Economic crisis of Galactic Union
  • Large economic boost of Empire

Strategic Corporate defeat:

  • Corporate Military Corps destroyed
  • Corporate military forces annihilated
  • Imperial influence over corporations increased
Uzyx territory of Delta Exclave annexed
Byzantine flag Roman Empire
Spaceship and Sun emblem.svg Corporate Military Corps
Spaceship and Sun emblem.svg Galactic Union
Commanders and leaders
Stratégos August von Mackensen Uzyx commander Armi vin Nayar †
Uzyx director Nihilus vin Nihar †
Units involved
27th Imperial Strategic Army
Remnants of Corporate Military Corps
Uzyx garrison
27th Army:
  • 50 Destroyers
  • 150 Corvettes
  • 5,000 F/B
  • 20 million troops
  • 200,000 tanks C-74
  • 150,000 tanks Alarich
  • 350,000 battledroids
  • 800,000 IFV
  • 2 million artillery
  • 125,000 small aircrafts
  • 10,000 Mecha V
  • 100,000 Genome Warriors
  • 200,000 BT-115 Bio-Weapons
  • 500,000 BT-104 Bio-Weapons
  • 600,000 BT-122 Bio-Weapons

Corporate Military Corps

  • 1 million mercenaries
  • 5,000 armoured vehicles
  • 7,000 battledroids
  • 4,000 small aircrafts
Uzyx Garrison:
  • 66 Destroyers
  • 172 Corvettes
  • 7,226 F/B
  • 5.5 billion troops
  • 5 million tanks
  • 7 million IFV
  • 8 million artillery
  • 2 million battledroids
Casualties and losses
27th Army:
  • 3 Destroyers destroyed
  • 2 Destroyers damaged
  • 7 Corvettes destroyed
  • 16 Corvettes damaged
  • 2,105 F/B destroyed
  • 892 F/B damaged
  • 1,7 million killed
  • 710,000+ wounded
  • 15,525 destroyed tanks
  • 56,104 destroyed battledroids
  • 47,822 destroyed IFV
  • 0.8 million artillery destroyed
  • 15,000+ aircrafts destroyed
  • 715 Mecha V destroyed
  • 4,211 Genome Warriors killed or wounded
  • 965 BT-115 Bio-Weapons killed
  • 122 BT-104 Bio-Weapons killed
  • 1,722 BT-122 Bio-Weapons killed

Corporate Military Corps:

  • All forces destroyed
Total destruction of Union Army
893 billion killed or wounded civilians
Uzyx ecumenopolis ruined, 27 quadrillion Hp ($1,35 quintillion) damages


Siege of Uzyx was opening battle of Second Delta Campaign and also final strike against remaining bastion of Union in Delta Sector. However, situation about Uzyx was highly complicated.

In December 1895, Emperor Constantine XIV pledge to corporate officials that Imperial Military will not besiege and conquer Uzyx and so, Uzyx will be spare of Galactic War destruction.

In Summer 1896, situation changed. One of remaining loyalist corporations - Corporate Authority gathered all of their mercenaries and fully supported anti-Imperial forces.

Corporate Authority also led strikes in to deep imperial space, similar to those made by Empire and since Summer 1896 to Late 1897, Corporate Authority BattleCorps executed over 20,000 sabotages, strikes and hit-and-run actions against Imperial Military and infrastructure.

When Corporate Authority seize Uzyx assets, finances and resources owned by other corporations, especially pro-Imperial corporations, Uzyx fate was sealed and Emperor Constantine XIV ordered stratégos August von Mackensen to invade planet.

Uzyx, in that time, was among most important ecumenopolis of Galactic Union and whats more important, it was one of three official capitals of Union with Posat (military command) and Yokaas (political capital). Uzyx was heart of financial affairs, commerce, trade and economy of Galactic Union and despite destruction occured during orbital bombardment, Empire was able to seize enormous resources and assets.

Order of Battle[]

Imperial Forces[]

Imperial Forces were composed of reinforced 27th Imperial Strategic Army, prepared for new Delta Campaign and remnants of Corporate Military Corps.

Their forces were much smaller in comparison to Unionist garrison (1 Imperial troops on 275 Unionist troops), but were more developed and on higher technological level, especially after introducing Mecha V Class.

Imperial Forces were supported by Imperial Aerospace Armada support of 50 destroyers, 150 corvettes and 5,000 F/B.

Unionist Forces[]

Unionist Forces were composed of local garrison and reinforced by militia and poor trained recruits, however, they had large armoured and robotic army.

Commander of garrison was Armi vin Nayar, while "director" (appointed chief) of planet was Nihilus vin Nihar. Double-track and unclear chain of command during battle and tension between commander and director became crucial for Imperial Military quick and cost-less victory.


In first phase, Imperial Military used ecumenopolis-character of planet and initiated massive large-scale orbital bombardment of planet, especially economical centers.

This was surprising tactic, but it was based on Imperial Security Service intel about situation on planet and about disputes in planetary command. When economic centers were damaged and bombarded, director vin Nihar ordered to sent Unionist Aerospace forces to attack Imperial Military and prevent continuing bombardment, while commander vin Nayar predicted decoy character of this bombardment.

Vin Nihar commanded most of corvettes and sent them in to nearly suicide mission, while Imperial Military split in to halfs and one half moved around planet and landed on the far side of Uzyx, which effectivelly paralyzed all real Aerospace defense forces of Uzyx.

Bombardment occured for nearly 72 hours and after few futile and painful attempts of Unionist Aerospace Forces to counter-attack Imperials, all Aerospace resistance was broken and surrendered to imperials.

Imperial Military focused on civilian centers and later on military infrastructure, supply routes, command and control centers and fortresses in their indiscrimating bombardment. This was able, as all non-Sigerans, non-Okarans and non-Lyasans left planet in months before invasion, shortly after victorious First Delta Campaign and defected to Roman Empire.

Despite that, Empire and Corporate Military Corps had casualties. CMC were used by Empire for landing and securing landing areas, which led to total destruction of all CMC forces and securing military dominance of Empire over corporations, while Empire lost numerous landing crafts under heavy anti-aircraft fire of sparsely deployed AA laser guns and SAM batteries. Their deployment prevented effective orbital targeting from imperial warships and Figters/Bombers were used for elimination of these AA guns/SAM batteries. Nearly three thousand Fighters/Bombers and more than 15,000 aircrafts were lost as well as many land

Imperial-Union Galactic War
Early Phase

First SkirmishTrade Route RaidsCygnus OperationBattle of Gliese-581g
Union CounteroffensiveBattle of Proxima Centauri
Battle for EarthSolar System Campaign

Rise of the Empire
Imperial Deep StrikesEmperor MissionFirst Delta CampaignBattle of Kepler-296eSiege of UzyxSecond Delta CampaignPerseus OperationBattle of Bernard Star b

Fall of the Union
Galactic Core InvasionSiege of PosatUnion ResistanceGeneral Disintegration StrategyReconstruction Era

forces suffering artillery fire.

Uzyx defense was well organized with high morale, despite their situation, because of their front-line commander vin Nayar who was not only very popular among troops, but he was also skilled tactician, military strategist, supporter of overall development and improving stagnating Union Military and was responsible for fortification and defense capabilities of Uzyx.

After battle, imperial troops captured vin Nayar command center and found out dossiers and personal logs, where he highly praised August von Mackensen and in his last log, he said "... we will not win, but I am proud to be defeated by genius like von Mackensen. I am only hope they will rule in better ways and style than we." For first ten days, Uzyx defense was effective and caused numerous casualties for Imperial Military, especially artillery corps and battledroids had high casualties rate.

On December 27, 1897, Imperial Military bombardment hit vin Nayar forward operation base defending old highways connecting 994th and 995th Planetary Districts. Vin Nayar died in bombardment and defense collapsed, as vin Nihar was incompetent, unpopular and poor commander, rather political and corporate executive. Only 8 hours after his appointment to command, he was murdered by his troops, which only worsened situation, as chain of command fall in to chaos of faction infighting between local commanders, every each enough self-confident to attempt usurpe command and led Union troops in their last hours.

On December 30, remaining pockets of Uzyx garrison were destroyed. Planet was purged by Genome Warriors and by Bio-Weapons breeding to hunt down Sigerans, Okarans and Lyasans. These Bio-Weapons and Genome Warriors were able to find and kill all remaining troops.


During battle, property, assets and finances in value of 27 quadrillion Hp ($1,35 quintillion) were destroyed. Imperial Military seized property, assets and finances in value of 11 quadrllion Hp ($550 quadrillion, or about 8% of imperial economy in 1897), not counting nearly 80 billion civilians sold to slavery or sent to labour camps for restoring planets destroyed by war and especially those suffering by "punitive expeditions" of Union Army. Slaves were sold with average price about 450 Hp ($22,500) per person with revenue about 36 trillion Hp ($1,8 quadrillion).

About 893 billion civilians were killed or wounded. 95% of planet surface was destroyed or damaged by orbital bombardment and ecosystem collapsed for next nearly 50 years.
