Alternative History

The agreement between the combatants of the Western Front in the War of 1914 ended the hostilities with the Peace of Milan.

Agreements are made about:

Prisoner of War[]

All the parties agree upon the release of Prisoners of War and the remains of fallen soldiers.

Flemish Free State[]

All the parties recognise the Flemish Free State based on equality of nations, north of a line determined in negotiations between the German Empire and the representatives of the Flemish Free State. The Flemish Free State will not be allowed to unite with the Kingdom of the Netherlands without an agreement been made with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, France and the German Empire. The nations of this treaty will uphold the neutrality of the Flemish Free State.


France will handover their land on the African continent south of the equator and south of German Cameroon to the German Empire. This contains of the colonies of: French Congo, The Comores and Madagascar.

The French Colony of Tunisia will be handed over to Austria-Hungary. Peace of Milan Africa

The Regions of Lorraine and Nord-Pas-de Calais together with the city of Belfort will be handed over to the German Empire. The German Empire will pay France one million Golden Reichsmark over 20 years as return.

Peace of Milan Europe


The Kingdom of Belgium is a defunct nation. The Flemish people have spoken out in favor of independence. The Wallon part and the Belgium colony of the Congo will be handed over to the German Empire.


The Grandduchy of Luxembourg will enter into the German Empire.

Demilitarisation of the Rhine[]

France and the German Empire agree upon demilitarisation of the German area west of the river Rhine, and the French departments of Picardia, Champagne-Ardenne and the French Comté.

Peace of Milan Demilitarisation
