Alternative History
Archive Fourteen:
1530 - 1539
Archive Fifteen:
1540 - 1549
Archive Sixteen:
1550 - 1559

This page is an archive for the Principia Moderni III map game, from 1540 to 1549.


PMIII 1540

A storm damages the spire of Lincoln Cathedral in England, causing the tower to be partially knocked down. This leaves St Olaf's Church, Tallinn, in Estonia as the world's tallest structure.

Investors in northern Germany and Russia begin raising money for a possible navigable summit level canal between the Alster, a right tributary of the River Elbe, and the Trave, a river flowing into the Baltic Sea. The project, although costly, would potentially allow ships to bypass the Øresund.

  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Infante Nuno Manrique de Lara marries Teresa Suárez de Figueroa, daughter of Lorenzo Suárez de Figueroa, Lord of Zafra.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers.
  • Netherlands: With the war in Naijira going into its second year, the 10,000 strong Royal Army prove more then capable in dealing with the overwhelming Naijiran forces who outnumber them at least ten to one. The New Model Army proves devastating as they march into the Naijiran Empire and hold back the ties of imperial forces with superior firearms and military tactics. Despite this their are casualties as Netherlander forces advance on the Nigerian river. The Royal Navy and marines begin engaging in raids and pillaging along the Empire's coastline. Working in co-ordination with allied forces some Dutch troops fresh from Europe are dispatched to begin fighting in Western Africa and in the coastal invasion of the empire. Much of the Naijiran coastline in Cameroon and the lands east of the Niger River are put under occupation and plans to add the lands to the Dutch African empire are made, while widespread pillaging begins in large settlements which fall to Dutch guns. As relations increase with Malacca and other Malay states so does the influence of Dutch trade. Dutch activities in the Orient continue to grow as their ties with local rulers steady improve. Trading in slaves with the Indian states continues to increase. The East India Company continues to produce large profits for the homeland, and Batavia slowly grows and more and more European houses are built in the city and its surroundings. The first westernized Sunda unit is formed under the command of Dutch officers. Naval and military expansion continue in the homeland as the new model army reforms move ahead and more frigates are made. Cultural and scientific development continue. The wealthy elite and middle class continue to make a massive profit and with the news of success in African adventurism and the national imagination go wild. The Guiana colony expands a total of 20 pixels from each side of the colony toward Paramaribo 10 pixels on each side. More sugar and tobacco is produced as land is allotted to their production. An offer to help the Bengali reform their army is offered.
  • Vorlayacor: Further expansion continues as the western and southwestern borders grow by 25 pixels each. Two more doraks are manufactured for military purposes; they are fitted with simple cannons and will be used for protecting the twenty commercial doraks. Roughly half the population demands independence from Spain; Jarvan sees no way to prolong this more than a few years without catalyzing a rebellion.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nation around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance, and protection. The Parliament, sensing an opening for the first time in decades in West Africa, declares war on Naijjira alongside the Netherlands and other opportunist nations (I'm assuming Albion and Austria) and deploys its forces to the fringes of Oyo sending nearly 35,000 troops combined with its personal bloc pertaining to the entire Empire of Hispania. Siege cannons are brought up from the armories in the Kongo. With the war in Nigeria continuing the Spanish troops lay waste to huge swaths of the population building makeshift catapults and throwing diseased corpses into the city walls of many encountered cities. The Spanish troops in general with their allies link up with Moroccans and push through the interior ot Niijira pillaging as they go burning entire cities to the ground and leaving hundreds of thousands dead if not more. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons, and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish navy reduces to a fleet of about 500 ships selling old but still relevant equipment to states such as Italy, Savoy, Genoa, and Morocco. The Spanish Fleet, however, begins to modernize seeing the necessity to include smaller more mobile ships develops its own class of frigates (fregata) opting for two versions, an extremely fast and maneuverable one with only one deck of guns equalling to about 36 guns in total. and another longer but larger two-deck frigate with 46 guns. Almost 30 of each class are put on order to phase out older more redundant ship classes. The War galleon is also fixed up to be relatively more aggressive and to field more than 60 guns in total.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troop amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.2 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 170 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Italy deploys 15,000 troops to the Kongo on orders from the Colonial Authority. The Italians declare war on Nijiira and assault the fringes of Oyo along with Spain and the Netherlands.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships. Savoy deploys nearly 5000 troops to Morocco for the colonial authorities drills. Savoy moves with Morocco on the West African state declaring open war.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships. The Genoans supply nearly 5000 troops to the Colonial authority drills near the Kongo. Genoa declares war on Naijiria and moves on the West African state with its allies.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50. Morocco readies troops nearing 10,000 in its areas in preparation for a widescale drill from the colonial authority. Morocco instead conscripts the resident knights hispitaller into its army providing an extra 20,000 troops along with allied troops from Savoy and moves one the West African state declaring war.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this. Kongo readies itself for war but stands off allowing the more capable powers of getting involved in the war.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km. The Mapuche Area begins to see a notable increase in Castilian settlers, mostly farmers who begin to build special areas to employ the Inca farming methods.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 650,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km through disorganized territory just north of it with Spanish settlers paving the way. The Colonial authority sends a fleet to explore the now named California coast looking for an area to found a new colony along the Central or Northern California areas.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 230,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlersThe semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 20,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The Colony itself expands by 5 px
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. The Navy offers to sell frigates to Rome. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. In Eire, Bran is appointed as Emissary of Britannia and begins traveling Europe, eventually going to Rome and then Croatia. Irish nobles express concern as their King's health starts to fail due to the heir's mental state. Due to continued instability in Eire, as well as public support on the side of the Crown, Britannia steps in and removes the Irish monarchy. Eire is considered a client state of the Empire, the government begins the long transition, made easier due to the incredibly close ties between the two nations and Eire's treaties with Britannia (formerly Albion). Overseas, the Empire of Britannia enters into the year of fighting against the Oyo. The invasion force of 20,000 men from the Empire continue to assault the enemy making gains in Benin and other areas. King Richard announces the birth of twin boys, Named William and John. The news is somber, however,, as he announces that his wife, Queen Jacqueline, did not survive the birthgiving of her two young boys. Funeral arrangements are made and a large state funeral is held throughout the Empire. The Parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. A non-aggression pact with Spain is offered in hopes of continued co-operation.
  • Hispanian Dip: We agree to an NAP and also request that our two main nations proper embark on bilateral trade with our two home countries.
  • British Dip: The extended offer of trade between our home nations is accepted.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colonies of Nuaphail and Banche Esterno both expand 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit. War with the Oyo continues.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and West. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in twenty-five elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. |onte's population rises to over 45,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX enrolls at the University of Brussels and begins taking all possible courses related to literature, the classics (Greeks and the Romans), languages (French and German) and architecture.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville. The French hear the war declaration of the Dutch and follow, declaring war against Oyo. France also responds to the Banche esterno diplomacy by sending 1500 French soldiers in order to avoid invasion and extending an alliance to them. followed by an alliance with Croatia to strength the political ties in Europe.
  • Croatian diplomacy: The alliance with the French is accepted.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Netherlander Dip: Under the request of WIllem I of the Netherlands the French are invited to discuss the following treaty in the city of Namur. Namur
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. Envoys were also sent to various tribes in OTL Northern and Central Australia for their respective tribal leaders to discuss the sale of arms to them in return for a pledge of allegiance. (Tribes should cover at least 400 px land in Central Australia, Mod Response Needed). A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize too had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
    • Mod Response: You will need to be more specific about which tribes before a response can be given. Callumthered (talk) 09:29, June 21, 2014 (UTC)
    • The Gurindji, Walpiri, Warlmanpa, Ngarti and Mudbarra tribes according to this map: − I would also like to ask how some states have been able to make contact with me despite the year being 1700 when they are [not?] supposed to. Ayutthaya and the Dutch had a lot of influence in the region (SE ASIA) but I don't understand how the Chinese have been able to make contact.

  • County of Oldenburg: 1540 is a generally happy year in Oldenburg. All of society is thrilled by the news of the birth of the twin princes, Wilhelm and Johannes. The joy is tempered by the subsequent news of Queen Jacqueline's death. There is a week of mourning for the young queen who captured the heart of the court, and Countess Adelheid tracels to Britannia to attend the funeral and to console her son and new grandchildren. During her absence, final preparations are made for the colonisation fleet to Neu Norderney. The twenty families are all assembled in the port and all their worldly belongings stowed aboard, along with supplies, tools, seeds, livestock, gunpowder and trading goods. Upon the Countess' return, Sir Conrad is installed as Lord of Neu Norderney (effectively heriditary governor) and the two colonial ships depart the Jade Bay with the OHG's usual North Sea Fleet. Much of the population turns out to watch their departure, including the Bishop of Osnabruck. After many weeks, and stopovers in Neu Baltrum, Neu Borkum and Neu Bremen, the fleet arrives in Neu Norderney in Flagstaff Bay. A third and final flagpole is erected alongside the others, as well as another plaque which reads: "In 1540, Lord Conrad von Oldenburg and twenty families arrived in this bay to establish a colony of Oldenburg." After the formalities are completed, the settler families and the crews of the North Seas Fleet begin constructing a settlement around the pre-existing whaling outpost. By the departure of the fleet, the colony consists of a wood-walled settlement of ten houses and a few tents. Lord Conrad decides to name the settlement Jacqueline, after the countess-consort who will be so sorely missed.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The University continues to do well, with more students partaking in courses. The prince-Bishop plans to send a priest and three monks to the Neu Norderney settlement to help convert the natives and to provide pastoral care for the Oldenburger inhabitants.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: The military grows at an all time high due to new technology and nationalistic ideas. The sultan, valuing education, is inspired to start construction of the University of Malacca. We begin Influence of Brunei (Turn Two of 20). Opinion of the sultan by the public at an all time high, seeing this as the start of a period of prosperity.
  • Suri Empire: Builds up its military. In the meantime, more mosques are built.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: Continued attacks by pirates on both Japanese and Chinese shipping is denounced by the Emperor who declares that this is due to the unwillingness of many of the Japanese Daimyos to relinquish such a profitable business. The Ouchi and Shoni clans are singled out after pirate captains, under torture, reveal that they were sponsored by these Daimyos in return for a cut of the profits. Interestingly, these captains mysteriously go missing whilst waiting for execution, leading some to believe that they were paid by the Emperor's religious police to give false testimony and then released, as a pretext for Japanese unity. However, the Emperor does not deign to comment on this, and his central authority is such that no one may voice their suspicions. The Imperial Army, already mobilised, is sent in to both states, along with siege equipment left over from the First Ryukyu War. At the same time, the navy is sent to block major ports and to capture all enemy shipping. Algo to follow. The subversion of the Uesugi population continues. Year Four of Ten.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: It is another busy year for Hamburg. The colonization fleet arrives in Neue Hamburg in April. A few weeks later, a group of natives attempts to raid the settlement, but are pushed back thanks to the colonists superior firepower. Realizing their people need more protection and opting to leave nothing to chance, 300 troops from Mecklenburg and 700 troops from Hamburg, all volunteers, are shipped to Neue Hamburg. In addition, twenty warships are stationed at the colony, mainly for further exploration and additional protection, forming the basis for the Hamburg Borealian Division. With re-inforcements arrived, the colony expands 4 px. The HTSC then starts strengthening their outpost of Neue Braunschweig. Back home, Duke Friedrich II is pleased with the growing interest in a canal to bypass the Øresund. But he is unconvinced on the Alster idea. He sends a group of engineers to inspect the area, they send word that the marshy terrain would make it difficult to build and operate a canal (in OTL, the Alster Canal was only navigable between 1529 and 1550). Friedrich sends letter to the investors, arguing instead for the Trans-Holstein proposed by his father thirty years ago. While he waits for their response, construction of the Cross-Holstein Canal, to be officially named the Kiel Canal, begins. To assist, he calls in much of the Navy's Baltic Division supply of gunpowder to blast away the earth. The design he settles on is several hundred feet wide and twenty feet deep, allowing for good sized traffic through it. It is expected to be completed in five to seven years. Then the nation is saddened to learn of the passing of Queen Jacqueline. Duke Friedrich sends his personal condolences to Britannia and King Dietrich.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: With the infrastructure somewhat rebuilt, Croatia now begins to focus on its economy primarily. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The ships are to be sturdy enough to be able to travel to Britannia safely. King Petar Krešimir, knowing that he is yet to gain the full trust of the Croatian nobility, takes a wife from the family of Frankopan, the Knyazes of Krk. However, the current heads of the Frankopan and Šubić families, Stjepan II and Pavao III, make plans to delete various nobility in Croatia, primarily the Gorjanski (Garay) family as well as the Hrvatinićs, Kneževićs, Nelipićs and Tomašićs. The King, knowing that he could use this for himself, starts the Croatian crusade against the Bosnian heretics which shall be in reality used to eliminate political enemies in Bosnia and Zachumlia. Joining in on the TAT Agreement is offered to Italy, Lombardy, Austria, Ragusa, Montenegro and Albania.
    • ​Hispanian Dip: We accept on behalf of Italy.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade since the conclusion of the Hungarian War. Drunk with victory, Theodore III becomes popular with the Roman nobles and people for his success at expanding Roman authority and territory. He is given a triumph in Constantinople for his success at overcoming the Hungarians, making this the first triumph in centuries. Most of the forces are returned home where they begin to rest after a hard fought campaign. The recent spat of expansion has put the royal court on edge, as they are equally as eager to maintain their new lands. The war gold from the Hungarians is put to use maintaining or expanding loyalty to the Roman state in the new lands along with the promise of Roman citizenship and the full equality of all citizens before the law. Faced with a higher level of multiculturalism in the Empire never seen since the Komnenos Dynasty, new laws are drafted to ensure that ethnic minorities will not suffer unduly and to further encourage their loyalty to the Roman state and the Roman national identity. To encourage the minorities both inside and outside the Empire, Theodore III grants citizenship to all living within the Empire's borders. Atlantis becomes a full fledged settlement with a permanent population. Trade thrives there as trade goods from Borealia and Hesperia flow through the port. Galleasses begin to be modified to allow them to sail out into the open ocean. A scout fleet explores OTL Puerto Rico in search for new lands to settle for Rome. The islands are claimed but no settlement is established, only stone markers. The request of both Croatia and the new protectorate are approved. 900 troops will be sent as well as five carros and a modified galleass with 300 additional troops and supplies to re-inforce Bermuda. The offer of the British is accepted and payment is en route. The first British frigate arrives at Constantinople, and the Roman government decides to attempt to build more based on this design.
    • Albania: The military continues to expand in case of any violence from the end of the Hungarian war breaks out in Albania's borders.
    • Ragusa: The republic celebrates the victory of the Ragusans against Hungary and the addition of new lands to the republic. Trade opens up again with the outside world and soon Ragusa's costs of entering the war are destroyed. The navy continues to expand to enable trade around the world.
    • Egypt: The Kingdom of Egypt faces another threat to its rule following the defeat in Ethiopia. Sensing weakness, a group of Muslims has risen up in open revolt. The Roman forces as well as Egypt's own armies are able to defeat the rebels, but the revolt makes it clear that integration will take more time. To this end more Roman-esque laws regarding religion and ethnicity are put into place. Due to the war, no expansion into the Sinai takes place this year. Faced with growing costs and more attention back home, Egypt agrees to sell Singapore to the Netherlands for trade goods and the most recent firearms. Gentle persuation like lower taxes are used to convince Muslims to convert to Christianity.
    • Cyrene: The new lands from Hungary are integrated. The local authorities begin to offer more gentle means of converting the population, and also do likewise for nationality and culture.
    • Serbia: The Serbian people rejoice as the Romans win the war and the Hungarians are driven out of the country. Most Hungarians flee, fearing retribution, and most Croats do likewise. Any Serbs deported from the country are offered incentives to return. The Serbian royal court makes its capital at Skopje and enthrone a new king from the Dusan dynasty to lead the country. To help the country heal, the infrastructure and fortifications are repaired or improved.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: As the great and aging sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, continues to further centralize the empire, he also continues the vassalization of Jalay (Turn Three of Seven). As the passive state of Islam has seemed somewhat worthy, his son, now leading the armies, Sulimen, wishes to make the nation more aggressive. After years of debating and a new outlook on the growing world, aggression may be the answer to swift conquest. We attack OTL Iraq (the dark grey region above Mansuriyya Caliphate). The new region becomes a vassal, and begins to be slowly annexed into the empire. The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. We begin vassalizing Medina (One of Nine) Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. With the recent succession of Burjid, we begin to instead start vassalizing Jalay (Three of Seven). We accept trading rights with the Mansuriyya Caliphate, although we also wish to make them a proposition. If they agree to change their government to a Sultanate rather than a Caliphate, based solely on religious affairs, we will grant them claims in Middle East, as well as recognize them. We will also make them our number one ally and fight side by side with them. With the great growth of the Sultanate, Suleiman the Magnificent sets his sight on a new prize, one much more different from his own, a Christian nation which has for a long time pervaded his nation's advances, and stole their land. Although the Sultan must wait a few years before is allowed to attack this rivaled nation.
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the empire.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 120,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Karaman (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the infrastructure is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the empire.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the empire.
    • Damascan Regent (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 98,000 and hopes to surpass Antioch one day.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the new vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Regent a handful of years later.
  • Italian Colony thing: (Sky asked me to post for him) Immigration continues with more people coming in from Europe. The colony continues to expand north along the coast.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is more fully understood. A new cannon design that allows for more mobility of the device, allowing it to be moved across battlefields, rather than being static once placed, is not working correctly and will need some time to be fixed.
    • '​'Hispanian Dip: We offer to help and advise the Bengalis in their design for a new cannon
    • Bengali Diplomacy: We accept the offer of the Spanish and allow in some Spanish military advisors to help in the design of the cannon.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 844,000. Economy improves. Medical research continues. Peru, Chimu and Sican are developed. Anti-Spain riots settle down, though a strong anti-Europe sentiment remains in the empire. Population of Cuzco stands at 145,000 people, the largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 99,000, making it a distant second to Cuzco. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 70,000. Fourth Largest is Peru, with 55,000 people. The smallest of the Golden Cities, Sican, has a population of 30,000. Occupied Chiribaya is established as an interim government in the conquered territories. As the Sapa Inca's son, Apeac, has hit the age of 18, we send him to Spain to learn about the culture and history of Spain, making him the first Inca to willing go to Europe. The Sapa Inca's palace is attacked by workers, who align themselves with the Anti-Spain rioters ... He suffers a broken arm and cracked rib. Cuzco's infrastructure, which has been ignored in the process of developing Peru, Sican and Chimu, has degraded noticeably, causing conditions in the city to plummet. An Inca scholar predicts that this marks the beginning of the migration away from cities in the Inca Empire. Backing up his prediction, for the first time since the end of "the Great Plague", the population of the golden cities has had small decline rather than Growth. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca, and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood.
  • Russia: The nation of Russia begins trading along routes routing through the nation of Novgorod and its vassals, and the nation of Pskov. Money collected through trade and taxation is saved this year in the Muscovite treasury in case of an emergency. Trade routes are established between the nations of Poland, Hungary, Rumania, and the Roman Empire, and we promote friendly relations with all these nations. We become closer to Novgorod through trade, relying on Novgorod for safe land routes into our northern territory. The nations of the Ukraine continue to be vassalized. In case of attack we expand our military, recruiting free levies from our cities to protect local regions of our nation. Pikes and crossbows become common equipment in some units after they begin to be produced locally to outfit local regiments. Bowmen continue to be an essential part of our military to provide support for melee units, with some gunpowder weaponry being used. In major cities Kremlins are upgraded and outfitted with modern equipment and dedicated garrisons to combat any threat or invasion. The largest Kremlin, located in Moscow, is especially upgraded, with new walls being added that are wider and can hold cannons. Italian architects are also invited to our courts to design certain aspects of the city. This turn in our nation and vassals is dedicated to economy.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Madagasikara continues to develop its unique culture, under the guidance of King Ignacio. Ignacio also continues to focus on the full integration of all of his states as fully Madagasikaran lands, including al-Swahili. The spice trade continues to fuel the economy of Madagasikara, and trade blossoms greatly. The work in shipyards to construct the most modern navy possible continues with great success. Many Madagasikaran merchants lobby for continued construction of a navy in addition to using Spanish merchants to transport the goods, a rising field is becoming a merchant. Trade with Europe continues to expand immensely. al-Sumal is invited to join the Madagasikara League, and they accept after years of alliances. Soon after they join, we begin to influence their government in Mogadishu. Ship-building along the west coast of Madagasikara continues to pick up as a vital industry, but competition from Coastal Madagasikaran states begins to also rise. Namibia expands along the coast by the maximum amount. It is decided that Maputo should also come under Madagasikaran control, and it is vassalized. The census is taken this year, and the population is near 6.2 million. Economy turn.
    • Mozambika sees Madagasikaran culture pour into former Mozambikan lands from former Pembaran lands. Sofala continues to develop closer to Madagasikaran culture. Sofala is quickly evolving into a powerful trading center, with access to both the north and also to the south. Ignacio and his cadre of advisers work tirelessly to ensure that Sofala will never leave Madagasikara again. Kilwa, under some military control, experiences massive conversions to Christianity as missionaries pour into the city. Introduction of Latinized Malagasy begins in earnest, although a more Swahili dialect is implemented to ease the transition.
  • 'Mansuyrrian Sultanate:The Mosque Model, the nationwide construction of mosques, is finally finished. With the Mosque's Models completion, there is a surge of support for Sunni Islam and thus nearly all of the Sultanate's people are Sunnis. Another positive thing emerges from the completion of the Mosque Model as well, such as an infrastructure boom. Under the Mosque Model, the mosques become the centers of new towns (being the centers of new towns, they are also the centers of art, education, science, and culture and thus new towns emerged organicly. With the new towns emerging, roads were also constructed between these towns, which finally connected to Baghdad. As a result of the infrastructure boom, there is also an economic boom as well as a result of the thriving of internal trade. With all this accumulation of positve things, (surges of support for Sunni Islam, infrastructure, economic, cultural, and science booms) there is ultimately a surge of support for the Sultan, and thus a Grand Parade is held in the center of Baghdad. With all this money flowing in, we are able to use this money for two main projects. The first main project are to build up the military, which is needed in this new era of war and conquest. The second main project is to construct the Grand Mosque of Baghdad, in order to accumulate all the hard work and greatness under the Mosque Model for Allah. 'Mil turn.
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to economy in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them.
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to economy.
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy.
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to economy.
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders, and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several bimereiches and caravels begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the South Imperial Sea. A small fort begins construction, overlooking a primitive port, constructed to better facilitate trade ships.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 40, and his brother, Radu, now 39, continue to solidify the government. Much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. The economy swells as the vast riches of the Carpathian Mountains become Romania’s alone. The farmlands of Transylvania begin to stabilize and production starts to return to normal. The Danube grows as a highway of commerce, thousands of barges travel up and down its length transporting people, materials, goods, and ideas. The spread of better sanitation systems, first introduced to Constanta by the Romans, causes a slow increase in the average lifespan. As much as 9.5% of the nation has reached basic literacy, and the Moralists promote education of commoners by priests, in order to give everyone the opportunity to read the bible. Education among the elite is becoming almost mandatory. The mining sector continues to expand; Iron, salt and coal mines dot the landscape. Coal is produced for metalworking and heating. These mines provide the resources required by the foundries and traders on the coast. The growing mines require more processing facilities, which spur more development along the coast. More large shipyards open and the lumber industry continues to expand to supply the shipbuilders. Leverlock muskets continue to grow as a major export. The gunsmiths of Romania begin to gain a reputation for good-quality, reliable weapons. This fame pushes the smiths to experiment and create better variations on leverlock muskets. The creation of many skilled jobs allows a small middle class to grow within the nation. Constantius and his wife Phillippa continues to raise their son both Vladimir and Lilliana continue to learn. Radu has a son, Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrate to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy grows similarly to Romania.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Ossel-Wiek also continues developing their economy.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military. Itzapam expands 50 px along the Pacific Coast.

  • One - I didn't let you into my country to study them and nobody in Europe outside of a select few have even encountered the tactic. And, you posted waaaaaaaaaaaay after this turn is completed which is a no go. -Feud

Sorry, I am posting from a mobile, of which the lack of a proper keyboard generally gives way to error. I have moved my post to the current year and will make the necessary amends on said post. Right Tosser (talk) 03:12, July 6, 2014 (UTC)


An Algerian pirate force surprise attacks the island of Gozo, Malta, taking several Spanish and Italian citizens hostage.

  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers.
  • Madagasikara continues to develop its unique culture, which is an ever-changing mixture of Spanish, Malagasy, and Bantu cultures. The unique make-up of the culture emphasizes hard-work, and as such a number of farmers are starting to make great amounts of money as a result of their labors. Ignacio continues to focus on the full integration of all of his states as fully Madagasikaran lands, including al-Swahili and the newest member of the Madagasikaran League, al-Sumal. Ignacio decides to use the tactics of one of his ancestors and has all of the firstborn sons of traders, powerful farmers and nobles of the coastal nations study at the University of Mahajanga for at leas two years. The spice trade continues to fuel the economy of Madagasikara, and trade blossoms greatly. The work in shipyards to construct the most modern navy possible continues with great success. Madagasikara continues to influence the government in Mogadishu, both culturally, economically and politically. Shipbuilding along the west coast of Madagasikara continues to pick up as a vital industry, but intra-national competition from Coastal Madagasikaran states begins to also rise. Emperor Ignacio begins to note an increase in Spanish settlers, and is quite pleased by this development as they bring their latest technology with them. He begins to campaign in Spain, Itlay, France, Rumania, Austria, Milan, Croatia, Georgia, and Rome to get more European settlers. Namibia expands along the coast by the maximum amount. Maputo is finally vassalized this year, and is integrated back into Sofala. Military (and naval) turn.
    • Mozambika sees Madagasikaran culture pour into former Mozambikan lands from former Pembaran lands.
    • Sofala continues to develop closer to Madagasikaran culture. Sofala is quickly evolving into a powerful trading center, with access to both the north and also to the south. Ignacio and his cadre of advisers work tirelessly to ensure that Sofala will never leave Madagasikara again, especially now that Maputo was added back to Sofala.
    • Kilwa, under some military control, experiences massive conversions to Christianity as missionaries pour into the city. Introduction of Latinized Malagasy continues, although a more Swahili dialect is implemented to ease the transition.
    • Madagasikaran Diplomacy: We invite the Empire of Hispania into the Madagasikara League in order to represent Cape Ferdinand.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. Envoys were also sent to various tribes in OTL Northern and Central Australia for their respective tribal leaders to discuss the sale of arms to them in return for a pledge of allegiance. (Tribes should cover at least 400 px land in Central Australia, Mod Response Needed. The Tribes Are The Gurindji, Walpiri, Warlmanpa, Ngarti and Mudbarra tribes according to Australian Aboriginal Map). A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
    • Mod Response: The Gurindji and Mudburra tribes accept Marrikuwuyanga overlordship. (I feel that the southern borders of the "Fitzmaurice" and "Arnhem" regions should be the farthest south that the Marrikuwuyanga can advance. This is because the "Desert" areas are so sparsely populated and can support so few people that it wouldn't make much sense for the Marrikuwuyanga to have them.) Callumthered (talk) 07:35, June 22, 2014 (UTC)
  • Vorlayacor: Vorlayacor now has access to all modern technologies to at least some degree; the nation has guns, a modernizing economy, developed cities, knowledge of some modern science and mathematics, and the ability to traverse oceans. Jarvan, realizing that his country has broached all areas necessary to catch up to Europe, decides that the nation simply must become much bigger. As such, he organizes the military to push westward and along the coast 30 pixels each year. This includes a large recruitment campaign and the purchase of many wheellock guns. Heeding the masses, Jarvan calls upon Hispania to honor the Treaty of Buenos Aires and grant Vorlayacor its independence. The nations shall still retain an alliance with free trade between the countries and the promise to assist each other in military conflicts. Jarvan's health falters this year.
    • Hispania Dip: Hispania agrees as per the agreement to honor and allow the independence from the Empire of Hispania and will withdraw the small garrison from the new country. We also wish to establish much better relations with the former protectorate and in this regard we send a gift of funds to the country to finance to some degree its modernization.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance, and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Malta evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The navy also begins construction of three flagships for the navy two 200 guns massive war galleons and an even larger 366 gun War Galleon that can almost be considered its own class of ship. These ships are known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.2 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 170 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Italy deploys 15,000 troops to the Kongo on orders from the Colonial Authority. The Italians declare war on Nijiira and assault the fringes of Oyo along with Spain and the Netherlands.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships. Savoy deploys nearly 5000 troops to Morocco for the colonial authorities drills. Savoy moves with Morocco on the West African state declaring open war.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships. The Genoans supply nearly 5000 troops to the Colonial authority drills near the Kongo. Genoa declares war on Naijiria and moves on the West African state with its allies.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50. Morocco readies troops nearing 10,000 in its areas in preparation for a widescale drill from the colonial authority. Morocco instead conscripts the resident knights hispitaller into its army providing an extra 20,000 troops along with allied troops from Savoy and moves one the West African state declaring war.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this. Kongo readies itself for war but stands off allowing the more capable powers of getting involved in the war.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 235,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlersThe semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
  • County of Oldenburg: Countess Adelheid falls ill this year and although she recovers, she is not herself, and remains quite weakened. The economy expands this year. The Jade Bank decides to invest in the canal scheme which began last year. The other banks in Oldenburg soon follow suit. In Jacqueline, Neu Norderney, the settlement adds a few more houses, and the inhabitants begin a bit of farming, as well as extensive fishing in the rich seas offshore. There is little contact with the native population so far.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The Bishop sends his little "mission" of one priest and three monks to Jacqueline aboard a ship flying the episcopal colours. Upon their arrival, the clergymen are greeted by the inhabitants, and they build a small chapel/monastery (literally a tiny stone chapel with an adjacent wooden house). The university opens up more buildings as they are completed, and student numbers continues going strong.
Akuhuta's Domain (PMIII)

Lands of the Waikato Maori

  • Waikato Maori: After succeeding his father, Akuhata, now ruler of the Waikato Maori, seeks to expand the power and influence of his waka of across Te Ika-a-Māui (OTL North Island). Organizing his toa for combat, Akuhata leads his men into a war of expansion against the small Iwi around his own. In a series of pitched battles, Akuhata succeeds in expanding his nation by 5000 km, crushing and assimilating the defeated Iwi into his growing nation. Trade begins to expand across the area as the removal of the hostile tribes begins. Seeking to increase the size of his fighting force as the war continues, Akuhata instructs his people to expand the size of their pā, which shall accommodate new warriors and their families as the Iwi is expanded by Akuhata. Taking on the title "Whakakotahi", or "Unifier", Akuhata seeks to make known what his plans for Te Ika-a-Māui are, and that he bears no ill will for the rest of the Maori people. Instead, he seeks to bring them all under one ruler, under whom they shall all benefit greatly, though this is what Akuhata hopes will happen. The military, economy, and infrastructure are expanded.
    • As per the rules, only one of those three can be developed in a year w/o vassals.
      Tribal nations will start with the size of one tribe or 4 px, whichever is larger." Kinda doubt that ONE Maori tribe occupied that much of the island.
    • That's because it isn't one tribe. The Waikato Maori were a confederacy of multiple tribes. Perhaps if you looked it up like I did, you would have known that. ~Viva
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia begins to focus on its economy primarily. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The ships are to be sturdy enough to be able to travel to Britannia safely. With the Crusade against the Bosnian Church a success the power of the Frankopans and Šubićs grows. However, Jakov III abruptly dies without a heir, causing the cadet branch in Zrin to continue the plans of the two noble families. King Petar Krešimir V, knowing that he still must retain control over the kingdom, issues golden bulls simillar to the one issued to the free city of Zagreb. This turns the cities of Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Tomislavgrad into free cities that are not under the effect of the nobilty in the area. The purchase of Cres is offered to Austria.
  • Netherlands: With the African war over, the Netherlands offer Spain a trade of concessions with Spain getting central Oyo and the Netherlands gaining Benin. As relations increase with Malacca and other malay states so does the influence of Dutch trade. Dutch activities in the Orient continue to grow as their ties with local rulers steady improve. Trading in slaves with the Indian states continues to increase. The East India Company continues to produce large profits for the homeland, and Batavia slowly grows and more and more European houses are built in the city and its surroundings. The first westernized Sunda unit is formed under the command of Dutch officers. Naval and military expansion continue in the homeland as the new model army reforms move ahead and more frigates are made. Cultural and scientific development continue. The wealthy elite and middle class continue to make a massive profit and with the news of success in Africa adventurism and the national imagination go wild. The Guiana colony expands a total of 20 pixels from each side of the colony toward Paramaribo 10 pixels on each side. More sugar and tobacco is produced as land is alloted to their production. An offer to help the Bengali reform their army is offered. The dual cultural society of the Netherlands continue to grow with French and Dutch taking increasingly equal roles in society. Netherlander French continues to diverge a bit from French spoken south of the border. More frigates are built and Amsterdam continues to grow into the largest financial and trading centre of Europe.
    • Hispanian Dip: We agree to this.
    • Bengali Diplomacy: We agree to the Netherlands offer and request to start as soon as possible, considering the current situation in India.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: The war continues against the Ouchi and Shoni clans, with forces from the Theocracy making remarkable headway against the smaller armed forces of the Daimyos. The Emperor halts the subversion of the Uesugi clan, using the priests sent in to the area as enforcers of Theocratic control in newly conquered areas. The Imperial Navy mounts a successful blockade of shipping in the area, with massive naval superiority. Captured transport ships and warships are escorted to the port of Saijō in the Hosokawa province, with ships and crew pressed in to Imperial naval service and goods being auctioned at the Imperial warehouses to help fund the war.
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, and the Rupiya begins to be issued.
    • Safavid Dip: We accept the alliance.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nation around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south. We start to vassalize the Muzaffarid Dynasty.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
    • Mansuriyya Caliphate: We build up our military and navy.
    • Suri Empire Dip: We open relations with the Safavid Empire and hope they will improve in time.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: We continue influencing Brunei (Turn Three of 20). our economy grows with trade from the west and Bengal, making the area profit. The money is used on the university, the city and building more farms. Sultan Puwana I gives birth to a daughter, who is named Kinta. A boom in art happens, and a sculptor places a sculpture of the sultan in the front of his palace, a marvel for the Malay world. We continue improving our relations with the Dutch.
    • Netherlander Dip: Leaders of the SUltanate of Malacca are invited to take part in a dinner with Karl van Nassau-Orleans to discuss the future of relations between the Sultanate and the Kingdom. An invitation is also made for one of the Sultan's sons to learn military tactics as an officer of the East India Company forces stationed in Batavia.
    • Malaccan DIplomacy: Accepts.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: The military and economy improves. A new ship, the Jacqueline I, is assigned as the flagship of the growing Borealia Naval Division. A few hundred new colonists arrived in Neue Hamburg. The settlements size continues to grow as traffic through it increases. Duke Friedrich begins searching for a wife. Later, hearing of his mother's health, Friedrich decides to pay her a visit. Construction of the Kiel Canal progresses smoothly, even more so thanks to the new investments by the Bank of Oldenburg and the Bank of Hamburg. The canal now extends roughly eight miles inland, heading east from the North Sea coast. Hearing of the mobilization of Austro-Bavarian forces, Duke Friedrich commits 10,000 to aid them.
    • Holstein: Military and economy expanded. Canal construction continues.
    • Lübeck: Military and economy expanded.
    • Stade: Military and economy expanded. A Royal marriage with Holstein is arranged.
    • Bruchhausen: Military and economy expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Militia and trade increases.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Militia and trade increase.
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 4 px.
  • Hesse: We continue building forts around the nation, and conscripting men into the army. Grand Duke Phillip I, now 41, fears for his line of succession, and begins desperately searching for a wife.
    • Hamburger Dip: Duke Friedrich II offers his cousin, Margaret. In exchange, he wants the return of Lippe.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Ossel-Wiek also continues developing their economy.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. Zapoteca expands 100 px along the Gulf Coast. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military.
  • In China, consolidation efforts begin. The Emperor continues with his policy of anti-isolationism. While he is viewed as a wee bit insane by many of his courtiers, he has charisma and as a result manages to pull a large number of nobles over to his side, as are the Merchants, who supported anti-isolationism all along. However, many other governors and prominent religious folk begin to coaleasce against him. The military continues training manuvers, completely ditching cavalry in favour of large guns and quick, mobile movements. The army, too, is restructured, broken up into smaller, more mobile units. The economy continues to improve, as the ports are opened, with ships flowing in and out of China freely now, though with heavy taxes (free as a bird, not like beer). With Ayutthaya now more stable, the Emperor, Houcong, decides to take the province of Sukhothai back, thus reconnecting Pegu to the mainland. The Spanish colony there continues to grow, as does trade throughout the region, including with Malacca, with the Dutch, with the Spanish, with Bengal, and with the Fusahito Theocracy. The government being to use it's colonies in the Khmer and in Laos to grow spices and tea, selling them to the Europeans for massive markups. Gold and silver flow into the Empire, but are quickly spent on infrastrutcure and the military; new walls and roads are built, with the Royal Road being completed ahead of time, and the Grand Canal looking like finishing so too. Millions of taels (the Chinese currency, of silver) are spent on building up crop reserves, such that crises such as that in Heinan will never occur again. We make contact with the English, when a trade ship heading for the Spanish colony at Cape Ferdinand encounters an English ship, trading with them. When another English fleet come over, the result is a massively profitable trading trip. More to come.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duke Heinrich XVII and his council continue to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1541, Heinrich commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1541, as many as three hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Heinrich begins to ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Heinrich further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Heinrich continues implementing the Bavarian Commands. The war with Hesse has been ended, with Bavaria annexing a small section of Bremen to use as a port. Grand Duke Heinrich threatens war against Poland, in compliance with the Austrian alliance, and moves 35,000 troops and siege equipment toward Poland.
    • Munchen: By 1541, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 4500 men. Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A religious change begins occurring in Wurzburg upon the ascension of Franz-Albert, where many more Western Christians begin inhabiting the bishopric. The clergy begins being alarmed and they fear displacement. An envoy dispatched by Franz-Albert attempts to quell their fears.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion. Count Albert threatens war against Poland, in compliance with the Austrian alliance and the actions of Albert's sovereign, and moves 15,000 troops and siege equipment toward Poland.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion. Count Albert threatens war against Poland, in compliance with the Austrian alliance and the actions of Albert's sovereign, and moves 15,000 troops and siege equipment toward Poland.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
  • Yemen: After fighting since the fall of the Mamluks, a Christian warlond takes over the territory: Sameer Abdu takes the reigns of the nation. He begins to repair and expand the ports that are still under his control. He sends out letters of diplomacy to England, oftering trade and rare spices in exchange for blueprints for ships and weapons. It also asks for an alliance with Alexandria. On the border, an army is grown to try to take the rest of Arabia. No movements from it yet, though it eyes many Arabian areas that are yet unexplored.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. The Navy offers to sell frigates to Rome. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. In Eire, Bran is appointed as Emissary of Britannia and begins traveling Europe, eventually going to Rome and then Croatia. Irish nobles express concern as their King's health starts to fail due to the heir's mental state. Due to continued instability in Eire, as well as public support on the side of the Crown, Britannia steps in and removes the Irish monarchy. Eire is considered a client state of the Empire, the government begins the long transition, made easier due to the incredibly close ties between the two nations and Eire's treaties with Britannia (formerly Albion). The parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. The CCA expands control in Africa. Construction of two large Galleons, both with 200 guns commences, the Sovereign and the Intrepid, making them the largest vessels ever attempted by a European nation, work is expected to take the better part of a decade. Naval leaders are sent to Croatia as part of deal modernizing their navy. The Admiralty board is officially formed. The Army is expanded and a new Ministry of the Army is created to better manage land warfare.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colonies of Nuaphail and Banche Esterno both expand 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and West. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • The Tartary continues its expansion, growing by 5000 sq km this turn. The economy and military grow. More Tatars continue to be settled down in Liao areas to keep down the Dzunghars, preventing them from rebellion. The economy and military grow quickly, as more people are connected with the Silk Road because of a direct land connection to China as well as the ownership of several wealthy cities on the area. Some soldiers are redirected westward, together with Emperor Julian, who still has not had a coronation.
    • Perm improves its military and economy, as the population grows. Adyghea begins to be integrated on to the Tartary itself. Bukhara improves its economy with connections to China and Europe, as does Kazakhstan.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to military. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders, and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several bimereiches and caravels begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the South Imperial Sea. A small fort begins construction, overlooking a primitive port, constructed to better facilitate trade ships. We threaten to declare war on Poland, outraged by their removal of our family member through Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor. Siege equipment is moved east along with a large force.
  • You say meta, I say gaming. Meta! Gaming! Meta! Gaming!
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade as well as explore. Snaphaunce muskets from the Netherlands are imported and some are taken apart to be reverse-engineered. Frigates based off of British designs are also constructed, although only a few can be constructed at a time. More cultural and ethnic law is passed by the Emperor in order to be more inclusive for the Empire's minorities. The settlement at Atlantis continues to grow as it becomes a regional center for Roman trade and exploration. Theodore III appoints an Exarch to govern the territory as he deems appropriate, provided stability is maintained and taxes are paid. Cyrene is transfered from an Egyptian vassal to a Roman one.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: The military and navy expands to better protect Ragusan trading interests.
    • Egypt: Roman law continues to be integrated as other Roman ways make their way into Egyptian culture. Muslims are offered incentives to convert to any branch of Christianity. Wheat and trade goods from the canal expand the economy. Egyptian military forces continue to push into the Sinai peninsula by 200 px.
    • Cyrene: The military continues to be built up as Berber and Roman identities are supported. Muslims that convert to Chrisianity are given incentives.
    • Serbia: More Serbs continue to return to the homeland as more and more Croats leave to join Croatia. As more and more Serbs become Roman citizens, the benefits of Roman rule becomes even more apparant, combined with the fact that Rome saved the Serbs from the oppressive Hungarians.
  • Italian Thingy: Immigration continues to expand the population of the colony. The colony continues to expand along the coast to the north.
  • Romania: The economy grows this year. Transylvania grows more integrated, as the Romanian population swells and the Hunagrian shrinks.
    • Bulgaria:Economy grows as does the Romanian population.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, Delhi Sultanate and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is more fully understood. A new cannon design that allows for more mobility of the device, allowing it to be moved across battlefields, rather than being static once placed, is being worked on currently with the help of Spanish military advisors.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues
  • Mansuyrrian Sultanate: Military build up and the construction of the Grand Mosque of Baghdad continues.
  • Russia: The nation of Russia begins trading along routes routing through the nation of Novgorod and its vassals, and the nation of Pskov. Money collected through trade and taxation is saved this year in the Muscovite treasury in case of an emergency. Trade routes are established between the nations of Poland, Hungary, Rumania, and the Roman Empire, and we promote friendly relations with all these nations. We become closer to Novgorod through trade, relying on Novgorod for safe land routes into our northern territory. The nations of the Ukraine continue to be vassalized. In case of attack we expand our military, recruiting free levies from our cities to protect local regions of our nation. Pikes and crossbows become common equipment in some units after they begin to be produced locally to outfit local regiments. Bowmen continue to be an essential part of our military to provide support for melee units, with some gunpowder weaponry being used. In major cities Kremlins are upgraded and outfitted with modern equipment and dedicated garrisons to combat any threat or invasion. The largest Kremlin, located in Moscow, is especially upgraded, with new walls being added that are wider and can hold cannons. Italian architects are also invited to our courts to design certain aspects of the city. This turn in our nation and vassals is dedicated to infrastructure.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to infrastructure. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to infrastructure. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian Vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to infrastructure. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Scandinavian Empire: The military is expanded as ports and forts around Scandinavia are renovated. Supply lines through Scandinavia are redrawn in case of war or in case of a particularly harsh winter, which does not happen this year, luckily. Ships in the powerful Scandinavian navy are renovated, especially those blockading the Øresund. The vassalization of tribes against the New Jersey coast continues (Turn Five of 20). A massive cathedral in Copenhagen is planned. Slated to be finished by 1470, the cathedral will be the pride of Copenhagen and Scandinavia alike. Ground is slated to be broken next year, barring incident.
    • Vinland: The military is expanded.
    • Iceland: The military is expanded.
    • Schleswig: The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Strombek: Strombek expands its militia as the colony expands up and down the St Lawrence River by 1000 sq km.
    • Vinland: The militia is expanded as Vinland expands by 500 sq km.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. |onte's population rises to over 48,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north yet another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX enrolls at the University of Brussels and begins taking all possible courses related to literature, the classics (Greeks and the Romans), languages (French and German) and architecture.


The cave monastery of Vardzia, located in southern Georgia on the slopes of the Erusheti Mountain, on the left bank of the Mtkvari River thirty km from Aspindza, is attacked by Persian raiders. The monastery loses its reputation of being as "impregnable as the wall of Alexander the Great", as according to Muslim scholars.

Despite the presence of an Indian garrison, the people of Chagatai attempt a revolt against the Suri Empire. Realizing the cost of administering such a far away province, Jalal Shah Suri releases the state from his vassalge, causing the state to descend into civil war.

This, quite honestly, doesn't make any sense. Empires didn't go around letting vassals go because they were "too far away". The Qing crossed an entire mountain chain for Christ's sake to fight Nepal because it was attacking the Qing's vassal, Tibet. The Romans sent an entire army to subdue Britannia when it rebelled against Rome, and didn't let go of it until it was forced to protect its heartland from attacks and needed the troops. A book on Sumer I read explained that the Sumerians, without the aid of horses, routinely put down rebellions far from the heartlands as a common state of affairs. It doesn't matter at what point in time, how far away the vassal is, or what the circumstances are, the empire will always step in to make sure the vassal stays where it is no matter what. ~Viva

^ What he said. ~G

Actually, Master asked me to make this, but I will remove it if you want. - Mscoree

  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Afonso VII dies and is succeeded by his son, Manuel, who is crowned King of Portugal and Algarves as Manuel I.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 42, and his brother, Radu, now 41, having heard the disastrous news from Poland raise the army, they gather together their siege masters. A declaration of war against the Ukrainian States and Russia is proclaimed, and they march across the Dniester, Odessa is seized. The army strikes north pillaging as they travel, thousands of Ukrainians are displaced and forced to flee north. Those who remain are given an ultimatum to leave. The move is part of a strategy for starving the enemy of supplies by forcing them to support thousands of refugees. Progress through southern Kiev is quick and resistance is dealt with swiftly. Much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Constantius and his wife Phillippa continues to raise their son both Vladimir and Lilliana continue to learn. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrating to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. After declaring war on the Ukraine and Russia the Bulgarian Legion, bolstered by levies and moves north to the Ukraine. They assist the Romanians in dealing with the Ukrainian forces.
  • Scandinavian Empire: Seeing the opportunity, Scandinavia declares war on and invades Russia, particularly Karelia. Siege equipment is set up as troops pour into Karelia as the First and Second fleets move in for an amphibious assault. The Scandinavian troops, hardened against harsh winters, are prepared to spend a long time in the war, should it come to such lengths. Scandinavia is willing to pay Hamburg and Austria handsomely for not getting involved in the war. This pay would essentially make up for any money prevented from entering Hamburg during the Øresund blockade. Ditto for Pomerania. In the meantime, the Cathedral of Copenhagen is postponed until further notice.
    • Finland: War is declared as Finnish troops join the Scandinavians in an invasion of Karelia.
    • Iceland: Iceland declares war on Russia, sending two Icelandic fleets to Russia.
    • Schlesig: The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Strombek: The economy is expanded as Strombek expands by 1000 sq km along the St Lawrence river.
    • Vinland: The economy is expanded as Vinland works to expand by 500 sq km along Long Island.
    • Hamburger Dip: While appalled at the invasion of its long-time partner, Hamburg is interested in the Scandinavian offer. A counteroffer is made: a slightly reduced pay, in exchange for land in southern Schleswig.
  • Seeing the beginning of the war against Russia by Scandinavia and Romania, the Tartary declares war on Russia. Soon enough, many thousands of Tatar soldiers move into Russia. From Nizhny Novgorod, the Tatar soldiers sail up the Moskva with heavy amounts of siege weaponry, including catapults, trebuchets and deceased bodies to spread plagues within the cities, and lay siege to Moscow itself, while another corps goes south to seize Ryazan. The soldiers, almost entirely composed of Siberian men, are completely accustomed to the Russian cold. Many Russians west of the Idel region flee to the Pskovian region; others die in the crossfire. The Tatars are very confident about victory, and filled with hatred at this Russian Union that has so constantly been at war with them.
    • Perm also declares war on Russia, sending in thousands of soldiers into Siberian territories in Novgorod, as well as besieging Ustyug, which falls during the summer.
    • Azov also declares war on Russia. Troops both help the Romanian armies armies and invade southern Russia.
    • Adyghea sends military support to the war. Many soldiers go fight, and the nation becomes even closer to that of the Tartary. Meanwhile, the economy grows.
    • Bukhara sends military support to the war. Around 2000 soldiers go fight in it. The infrastructure is improved to improve connection with the Tartary.
    • Kazakhstan, too far away to send military support, sends supplies to the war. The military continues to grow.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers.
  • Vorlayacor: The expansion campaign continues, adding another 30 pixels to Vorlayacor west and southwest. The government begins a propaganda campaign for local tribes and towns to convince them to join the nation; it is largely successful, as the locals are familiar with Europe's aggressive expansion and Vorlayacor's goal to become a great Hesperian nation. However, the financial gift from Spain to Vorlayacor does lessen public animosity toward European culture. Jarvan's health continues to falter.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
  • Waikato Maori: The Waikato under Akuhata continue push the boundaries of the waka out into the south by 5000 km, crushing all of the small Iwi that attempt to resist their control. Whereas, the other Iwi are only able to amass a few hundred men to combat the Waikato, Akuhata is able to mobilize thousands to fight for him, crushing the enemies of his people easily. Elsewhere, the Maori of Akuhata continue to expand their tradecrafts as well as their pā, which is planned to accommodate thousands of people instead of hundreds. The Waikato begin trading with the Maori of Te Waipounamu (South Island), who trade woodcrafts that Akuhata wishes to have for his home. Elsewhere, some of the Waikato have discovered ironsands, which the people don't know what to do with. They bring the strange mineral to Akuhata who has briefly return from a campaign to check on to progress at home, to see what he wishes to do with it. Completely confused by the material and believing it to be worthless, Akuhata throws the ironsands into a firepit nearby stating it has no worth to him, and orders the people back to work. Later in the day, one of Akuhata's servants by the name of Kahu puts the fire out to clean out the pit, only to find the ironsands have completely melted and transformed into a hardened slab of misshapen metal. He hides it until he can find out how to reproduce the effect with the rest of the iron sand his people discovered. The Waikato Maori expand their military as they continue their conquests of Te Ika-a-Māui.
    • A little slower, please, with the expansion. It took the British a long time, it's going to take you a long time. Remember that the Maori can only field armies for a small portion of the year as the men need to return home for farming, etc. As well as that: I know very little on metallurgy, but could iron actually melt in a campfire? I'm not entirely convinced ... But feel free to prove me wrong! Callumthered (talk) 06:59, June 23, 2014 (UTC)
    • Yep, 5000 sq km is WAAAY too much. That is for an advanced nation in the best of circumstances. Callum is right. Reximus | Talk to Me! 07:03, June 23, 2014 (UTC)
    • You can melt metals such as lead on a campfire, but iron would need a furnace of some kind to reach about 1500 degrees Centigrade. Ozymandias2 (talk) 10:21, June 23, 2014 (UTC)
    • First, the British were fighting in unfamiliar land and in a region where all of the natives were fighting a common threat, and were far more numerous than the British who were sending in dozens of men to fight thousands of Maori. The war they fought was slow and methodical. The one I'm fighting is swift and directed. Completely different story. Also, this isn't the 1800s. The Maori only recently colonized the island, and aren't that populous, and the Waikato Maori were the most powerful in New Zealand as well as the most numerous and organized. There are only about 100,000 Maori by this time, two-thirds of which live on the North Island, and only a quarter of the men, about 8500 can fight. Most of them fight for me (being the largest nation on the island), while the rest are spread across dozens of rival Iwi who share no love for one another. So the expansion isn't an issue I'd worry about. Second, it was ironsands, not a big piece of metal, it melts faster. Also, it wasn't a campfire this melted in, but the home of Akuhata, where the fire would have been much bigger and more intense to keep his entire home and family (both quite large) warm. Plus, it had been on the fire throughout the day, so it had plenty of time to melt in a nice strong fire. Not all of it would melt of course, but enough of it did that it was obvious something took place. ~Viva
    • Hmmm ... as I understand it, the latent heat of fusion of iron is too high to melt on a fire. For complete melting a furnace is needed with bellows, etc. One way to smelt iron from its oxides at lower temperatures is with a bloomery, but even this requires a method of applying air to raise the temperature and needs a closed furnace. Also, Viva, if the temperature of a fire isn't high enough to melt iron, it won't matter because the ironsands have the ability to melt faster due to their greater surface area - it's still not hot enough. Ozymandias2 (talk) 13:13, June 23, 2014 (UTC)
    • Allowed by the rules, and allowed by plausibility are a difference that needs to be learned here. Please slow down with the expansion. Also, the smelting of iron requires a specialized furnace and can't be done over a fire. As someone who's done legitimate work with large amounts of iron (worked in a place that smelted and worked iron into tools and other sort of useful crap) you most definitely need a furnace even for ironsands. -Feud
    • The iron aside, the plausibility of the expansion is covered. My expansion is completely legit since none of the other tribes of the Maori can stand against me, even if they did unite. United, they'd still be very tiny in comparison to the Waikato. There are too many warriors they'd have to fight, and way too many people who the Waikato could call upon to fight if they did need them. At this point, it's more a matter of what to do with all the land than how to take it or how fast. ~Viva
  • County of Oldenburg: Countess Adelheid dies early this year from pneumonia. Her enfeebled body cannot cope with the illness, and she dies surrounded by her friends and relatives. Her second son, Richard IV of Britannia succeeds his mother as Dietrich II, Count of Oldenburg. The military expands. Jacqueline in Neu Norderney does okay: the settlers are still alive and the small farms are starting to produce some sustenance to supplement the bounteous fish. There is a little more contact with the natives, but not enough to keep the missionary monks happy.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The Prince-Bishop suggests to Richard IV/Dietrich II that he might wish to appoint him (the bishop) as regent of Oldenburg during His Majesty's absences in Britannia. In other news, the university does swell!
    • Bavarian Dip: Grand Duke Heinrich sends his solemnest regards to Count Dietrich, noting that Adelheid had a long, successful reign, and Heinrich wishes to re-establish good relations and construct an embassy between Bavaria and Oldenburg.
  • Madagasikara continues to develop its unique culture, which is an ever-changing mixture of Spanish, Malagasy and Bantu cultures. The unique make-up of the culture emphasizes hard-work, and as such a number of farmers are starting to make great amounts of money as a result of their labors. Ignacio continues to focus on the full integration of all of his states as fully Madagasikaran lands, including al-Swahili and the newest member of the Madagasikaran League, al-Sumal. All of the firstborn sons of traders, powerful farmers and nobles of the coastal nations continue to study at the University of Mahajanga for at leas two years. The spice trade continues to fuel the economy of Madagasikara, and trade blossoms greatly. The work in shipyards to construct the most modern navy possible continues with great success. Madagasikara continues to influence the government in Mogadishu, both culturally, economically and politically. Shipbuilding along the west coast of Madagasikara continues to pick up as a vital industry, but intra-national competition from Coastal Madagasikaran states begins to also rise. The Emperor continues to fund Christian Arab migration to the region, focusing on Alexandria, Banu Sulaym, Morocco, Tunisia, Georgia, and Rome. Namibia expands along the coast by the maximum amount. Economy turn.
    • Mozambika sees Madagasikaran culture pour into former Mozambikan lands from former Pembaran lands.
    • Sofala continues to develop closer to Madagasikaran culture. Sofala is quickly evolving into a powerful trading center, with access to both the north and also to the south. Ignacio and his cadre of advisers work tirelessly to ensure that Sofala will never leave Madagasikara again, especially now that Maputo was added back to Sofala.
    • Kilwa, under some military control, experiences massive conversions to Christianity as missionaries pour into the city. Introduction of Latinized Malagasy continues, although a more Swahili dialect is implemented to ease the transition.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
    • Mudbarra: Eco and Mil improves [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
    • Gurindji: Eco and Mil improves [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while a new Palace in OTL Quetta is built. Sher Shah Suri resigns himself to the Chagatai independence, considering that the state is composed largely by Mongol people.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. |onte's population rises to over 51,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX enrolls at the University of Brussels and begins taking all possible courses related to literature, the classics (Greeks and the Romans), languages (French and German) and architecture.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: This year comes with interesting growth in military. First, many join the services, who march across Malacca in a joyous parade while also going through rigorous training. Also, a malaccan engineer creates a version of the Dutch rifles they already own, with slight modifications. This rifle is not yet distributed nor as possible as the Dutch rifles. We continue trading and impoving relations with the Dutch and Bengal. We coninue influencing Brunei (Four of 20). The University of Malacca continues construction, based on Dutch and Indian models.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nation around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south. We start to vassalize the Muzaffarid Dynasty.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
    • Mansuriyya Caliphate: We build up our military and navy.
  • Netherlands: With the war in West Africa over and the lands trade with Spain complete The new territory of Benin is put under military occupation and talks with local rulers begin to implement a protectorate system that would allow them to retain some degree of their autonomy as long as they provided troops for the Netherlands and as long as they abide by Netherlands laws and economic policies. Troops come home as their jobs are completed, though most of them return with large profits from pillaging Naijirian cities along the coast and in the east. A third of the total pillage is giving to the government to make up for some of the costs of the war. With the slave trade now exclusively under the control of the Netherlands a third chartee company is created with a the settlement of Louisville as the representative seat of the company and with the stocks in Amsterdam. The West Africa Company is founded from this arrangement and is giving the rights to trade in Ivory and slaves. However, the company is made a subsidary of the East India Company. In the Orient ties with Malacca and Bengal continue to grow as the trade network in the Spice Isles grows. The East India Company requests permission from Bengal to begin recruiting Indians to serve for the Company in the Orient and in Africa promising them large pay and the possibility to settle in parts of the Netherlander Empire after completing their service or to return to India set for life should they choose to. The system would be known as Indiase troepen or Indian troops. Pressure for the government of Sunda to give greater power to the Dutch advisors begins as more units loyal to Netherlander officers are raised as the so called native units are payed better then if they served under the Sunda flags. The University of Batavia continues to grow and flourish and the cultural and acedemic circles of the city blossom with a mix of oriental and western influence. The first native graduates come out of the univeristy and swiftly become part of the administrative body of the East India Company. The New Model Army is finally completed with the war in Africa proving the effectiveness of the new army. The entire royal army is now equipped along the lines of OTL early modern armies and revolving lines of mass infantry are fully implemented with the snaphaunce musket. The Army is increased to a standing army of 37,000 troops while the Royal Guard now known as the Royal Musketeers is established as a separate unit subject only to the crown. The New model army reforms are expanded to colonial troops and militias in Guiana. Naval expansion continues as more frigates are produced. Dutch shipwrights begin toying with the ideas of larger ships that would be equipped with more cannons and defences though at the cost of mobility, looking at the Spanish and Britannic galleons and their own frigates the new ship blueprints are started. The arts and sciences continue to flourish in the lowlands as Brussels, Mons, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and the Hague continue to evolve into academic and cultural centres of Europe, boasting some of the most progresive minds of the continent. Netherlander architecture continues to flourish as it develops into the Dutch and Wallon branches. Lowlands French continues to diverge from that spoken south of the border as it becomes tied to the academic and artistic movements of the lowlands and to the aristocratic elite who are of Dutch or Wallon heritage. In Guiana the settlements coninue to expand a total of 20 pixs along the coastline as more land is acquired for plantations and settlement. With the treaty of Namur signed The Netherlands acquire the islands of Curacao which are put under the authority of the West Indies Company, settlement of Dutch and Flemish begin. More slaves are sold to the French and Spanish empires. Raids against natives in Guiana continue as colonial troops set up forts to protect the settlers. A royal marriage is proposed between the Duke of Hesse and the youngest sister of Willem. while a trade offer is made to Croatia. Following the deal with Bengal Indians are recruited to serve in the armed forces of the Dutch East India Company. Explorers start heading down the Orinoco and Amazon rivers to map and explore the unknown interior.
    • ​Bengali Diplomacy: While we cannot expressily offer soldiers to our great ally, we will, as you have asked, allow you to recruit from our population on the condition that all those recruited will receive payment and fair treatment.
    • Netherlander Dip: The East India Company thanks Bengal and promises that they will be treated with the utmost respect and will be handsomely paid for their services and if they should choose land to settle on upon completing their contract, in Dutch possessions in Africa and Asia.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia begins to focus primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The ships are to be sturdy enough to be able to travel to Britannia safely. With the crusade against the Bosnian Church a success the power of the Frankopans and Šubićs grows. Due to the wish of the King to become a larger trade power than Hungary was, the trade routes to India are to be restored. Using the advantage of friendly nations on the way, such as the Roman Empire and Britannic Port Katrina, Croatian trade ships arrive in land owned by the Bengal Sultanate. A trade pact is offered to the nation. Moreover, knowing that some relations are to be improved, an envoy is sent to Scandinavia in order to improve relations through a trade pact. The trade pact with the Netherlands shall be accepted.
    • Scandinavian Dip: We accept.
    • Bengali Dip: We accept the trade agreement and hope to conduct more business with the Kingdom of Croatia.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: The war continues against the Ouchi and Shoni clans, with forces from the Theocracy making remarkable headway against the smaller armed forces of the Daimyos. With the destruction of the Daimyos navies, Fusahito naval superiority is complete, with warships free to land troops across the Ouchi and Shoni coasts. By Autumn 1542, the Ouchi Clan is on the brink of collapse, with only a few residual strongholds remaining after the fall of the castle town of Yamaguchi, the capital of the Ouchi domains. Similarly, the Shoni forces are in a similar state of disarray, with the routing of their forces at Nagasaki by Fusahito troops and the city's eventual fall after two days of bombardment by cannon and catapaults. However, the winter sees a withering counterattack from the Shoni Clan under the command of Shoni Yoshikatsu with their forces advancing back on Nagasaki. This comes as a surprise to the aging Fusahito Emperor, who believed them to be crushed. A relief column is quickly dispatched from Kyoto as soon as news reached the capital but arrives to find the garrison to have fallen the day before. In response, an army is fielded and sent to meet the Shoni troops in the foothills of Mount Tara to put a stop to Shoni resistance.
    • Netherlander Dip: The East India Company offers to sell arms and supply the Fusahito with military advisors.
    • Fusahito Dip: The Emperor accepts the generous Dutch offer.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: Friedrich grieves for the death of his mother, but manages to attend Dietrichs coronation as Count of Oldenburg. After negotiating with Scandinavia, Hamburg declares neutrality in Scandinavias invasion of Russia in exchange for a large sum of money and Scandinavian naval technology. Progress on the Kiel Canal progresses smoothly, with the canal now extending fifteen miles inland. In other news, Hamburg begins taking in interest in al-Sumal, in particular their city of Mogadishu. The HTSC soon makes the nation a stopping point between the Philiadelphi Canal and the Friedrich Isneln. The colony of Neue Hamburg sees more colonists arrive. Trade through the HTSC outpost of Neue Braunschweig also grows. While Friedrich continues to search for a wife, he sends a message to Hesse, offering his cousin, Margaret, to Phillip in the interest of improved relations.
    • Stade: Military and economy expanded.
    • Holstein: Military and economy expanded.
    • Lübeck: Military and economy expanded.
    • Bruchhausen: Military and economy expanded.
    • Scandinavian Dip: As stated above, we will offer a sum that would essentially make up for any money prevented from entering Hamburg during the Øresund blockade. Naval technology will be granted to Hamburg as well. The funds and tech will be transferred upon the conclusion of the war.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duke Heinrich XVII and his council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1542, Heinrich commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1542, as many as three hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Heinrich begins to ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Heinrich further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Heinrich continues implementing the Bavarian Commands. The war against Poland ends, with Grand Duke Heinrich XVII putting forth his eldest son Magnus as regent of Poland, in accordance with the Treaty of Krakow. Heinrich is also pleased with that fact that Magnus will be wed to a Habsburg princess, and his child will be the King of Poland and the first under a new dynasty, that of the Habsburg-Wittelsbach family. In 1542, Heinrich XVII officially announces his daughter Catherine as his heiress. Many courtiers are confused, as many had assumed that Magnus be declared heir. Heinrich makes another announcement in the Winter, stating that it would only be logical for Catherine to rule Bavaria while Magnus would rule Poland as regent for at least twenty years. Furthermore, naming Catherine as heiress would be in accordance of the Bavarian Commands, which Heinrich's grandmother had established nearly a century ago. In political news, several courtiers and nobles begin protesting the near absolute rule that the Grand Duke has in government. This is most likely due to the sudden declaration of war against Poland, which many found as unnecessary and random. In September, several nobles approach both the Grand Duke and heiress Catherine and ask them about the existence of a parliament in Bavaria. Princess Catherine is somewhat hostile to the idea and reportedly has them removed from her chambers. Grand Duke Heinrich reacted much more warmly, but gave the nobles a mixed, unclear response. In visiting the Grand Duke, however, the nobles saw that he was very weakly and had a pale, un-lively complexion. This contrasts with what is seen during court appearances, where Heinrich always seems youthful and energized. Whatever the case may be, the Grand Duke still seems to have a few years left on him, and plenty of time to debate the existence of a Bavarian legislature.
    • Munchen: By 1542, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 4500 men. Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A religious change begins occurring in Wurzburg upon the ascension of Franz-Albert, where many more Western Christians begin inhabiting the bishopric. The clergy begins being alarmed and they fear displacement. An envoy dispatched by Franz-Albert attempts to quell their fears.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance, and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The navy also begins construction of three flagships for the navy two 200 guns massive war galleons and an even larger 366 gun War Galleon that can almost be considered its own class of ship. These ships are known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.2 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 170 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Italy deploys 15,000 troops to the Kongo on orders from the Colonial Authority.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 235,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlersThe semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px.
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
  • China: Continues to consolidate its expansions. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 80%. As Dutch, Spanish, and English traders now flock to Chinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy, with almost no cost to the anti-isolationists; they were not in a position to launch any further conquests in any case, save for Sukhothai, which they must now abandon ("police force it is, boys."). The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues, now reaching almost all the major cities. In this year alone, Chengdu, Xi'an, and Liangshan are connected. A Chinese astronomer by the name of Lao Chan begins a chart of all the stars in the sky, including meteors and comets, soon charting almost all the known sky. This map is spread throughout China, and helps to foster support for exploration into the sciences. Simultaenously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in twn years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. In December, tragically, Emperor Houcong dies, at the age of 57, after contracting Cholera. His son, Yunwen, immediately orders this disease to be studied upon gaining power; as a result, over 1000 "volunteers" are taken, mostly beggars from the streets, and are studied around Cholera. The Emperor's scientists quickly discover that Cholera spreads by drinking dirty water, or by being exposed to certain infected fluids, and also determine several cures. The Emperor applauds their efforts, and funds several similar experiement for Dysentery, Leprosy, and several other dieseases. Hier Majesty, meanwhile, sets his official coronation date for the 19th of January, next year, one month after the death of his father.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade as well as explore. Snaphaunce muskets from the Netherlands are imported and some are taken apart to be reverse-engineered. Frigates based off of British designs are also constructed, although only a few can be constructed at a time. More cultural and ethnic law is passed by the Emperor in order to be more inclusive for the Empire's minorities. The settlement at Atlantis continues to grow as it becomes a regional center for Roman trade and exploration. Theodore III appoints an Exarch to govern the territory as he deems appropriate, provided stability is maintained and taxes are paid. Cyrene is transfered from an Egyptian vassal to a Roman one. The Empire acknowledges the debt it owes to Elsa and Scandinavia, and as such Roman forces are sent to fight against the Russians. 10,000 men along with five galleasses and 100 galleys are sent to the Black Sea to besiege Odessa with the Romanians. Along with these troops are some of the finest grenadiers and cannons to batter down the walls.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: The military and navy expands to better protect Ragusan trading interests.
    • Egypt: Roman law continues to be integrated as other Roman ways make their way into Egyptian culture. Muslims are offered incentives to convert to any branch of Christianity. Wheat and trade goods from the canal expand the economy. Egyptian military forces continue to push into the Sinai peninsula by 200 px.
    • Cyrene: The military continues to be built up as Berber and Roman identities are supported. Muslims that convert to Chrisianity are given incentives.
    • Serbia: More Serbs continue to return to the homeland as more and more Croats leave to join Croatia. As more and more Serbs become Roman citizens, the benefits of Roman rule becomes even more apparant, combined with the fact that Rome saved the Serbs from the oppressive Hungarians.
  • Mansuyrrian Sultanate: Military build up and the construction of the Grand Mosque of Baghdad continues.
  • Ghana: More military expanison is the key in the country with a five year plan to invade a part of their neighbour territory. They want to have an allaince with the Empire of Hispania in hope of traning from the best.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect ... A new cannon design that allows for more mobility of the device, allowing it to be moved across battlefields, rather than being static once placed, is being worked on currently with the help of Spanish military advisors.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues
    • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete.
    • Ottoman Sultanate: The great and aging sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, continues to further centralize the empire. As the passive state of Islam has seemed somewhat worthy, his son, now leading the armies, Sulimen, wishes to make the nation more aggressive. The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. We finish vassalizing Medina (Nine of Nine). We finish vassalizing Jalay (Seven of Seven). Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 22 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken.
      • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Regent.
      • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 190,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded.
      • Karaman (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the infrastructure is expanded, the vassal merges into the empire.
      • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Regent.
      • Damascan Regent (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 207,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch.
      • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the new vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
      • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Regent a handful of years later.
      • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The infrastructure is expanded.
      • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
    • Italian Colony thing: (Sky asked me to post for him): Immigration continues with more people coming in from Europe. The colony continues to expand north along the coast.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military. Itzapam expands 50 px along the Pacific Coast.


In Henan province, China a severe frost in the spring destroys the winter wheat crop. Torrential rains in mid summer cause massive flooding of farmland and villages, causing some places to be submerged by as much as one foot of water. In the fall a large tornado demolishes houses and flattens much of the buckwheat in the fields. Famine victims either flee, starve, or resort to cannibalism. The costly year in the province is regarded as the worst in the last few decades, and many hope with new changes it will be the last.

HOLY SHIT "POOP". Did we not establish that cannabalism is ASB, as it's a direct precursor to open revolt? Which seems kinda weird given that I'm going to deal with it this turn?

Let's be civil please. SwankyJ (talk) 23:42, June 24, 2014 (UTC)

  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan. Korea sends aid and support to China in wake of their recent disaster.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south. We start to vassalize the Muzaffarid Dynasty. We declare war on the Tartary Empire.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
    • Mansuriyya Caliphate: We build up our military and navy.
  • Just not, No metagame, you can invade later on if you desire though NUFF SAID - Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk)
  • Yemen: The leader of Yemen continues to build up its navy. Fifty miles of coast land going three miles inland on average are pretty much stolen from the Arab Peninsula Kingdom above it. Yemen continues to ofter trade proposals to Alexandria and any other nation with knowledge about Yemen that is willing.
    • ​In case I am not wrong, your post two years ago stated a Christian warlord had taken over. I would like to remind you that it is quite implausible especially since Yemen was led by a 'False Prophet' a while ago who was violently overthrown. Also, Alexandria no longer exists although the Alexandrian throne continues to rule over Ethiopia. In case you are talking about OTL Egypt, it is under the control of Romans.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities. The Prussians send a naval expedition to explore the "New World" that they heard of from Albion's merchants.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
    • I'm not sure if you can colonise yet ... I might be wrong. Other mods? Callumthered (talk) 06:39, June 24, 2014 (UTC)
    • According to the list he can, although I would appreciate it if he had some sort of plausible build up in which he began exploring and then settling. Prussia doesn't know that Florida exists, but somehow randomly put a colony there. I will cross it out for that reason.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 55,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX enrolls at the University of Brussels and begins taking all possible courses related to literature, the classics (Greeks and the Romans), languages (French and German) and architecture. Ships trading with Nikobara hear news of the troubles in Henan, and send ships to relieve parents of their children. They are promised safety and food in |onte. As result, up to 1000 Chinese children have reached |onte, a majority arriving at the Kunene.
  • County of Oldenburg: With Count Dietrich II in Britannia in his capacity as King Richard IV, he appoints the Prince-Bishop of Osnabruck to rule in his place as regent. He accepts Bavaria's offer to re-establish embassies and normalise relations. His first job is to improve the infrastructure connecting Oldenburg and Osnabruck (roads, little forts, toll pikes, canals, etc.) Meanwhile, in Jacqueline, the little community is going along fine. Their attempts at farming have come up with some success, but also some failure. Luckily they have such bountiful fisheries to keep them fed! The missionary monks finally manage to track down a few natives and proseletyze.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The University expands its Languages faculty to include English. Many up-and-coming students flock to the new language as they see much use for it thanks to the strong Oldo-Britannic ties.
  • Vorlayacor: The expansion campaign continues, with 30 more pixels being gained both west and southwest. Jarvan dies this year; the Grand Council names a successor, Garen. Garen begins studying European military tactics and technology; he concludes that while Vorlayacor has advanced far beyond other parts of Hesperia, there are still notable weaknesses that hamper the nation's ability to fight. He orders the creation of gun factories and a shipyard in Nov Xoryan to facillitate the manufacture of modern military equipment. The economy, fueled by the rapid western growth and influx of population, continues to roar. To further advance his goals, Garen asks the Roman Empire for an economic alliance. The nations shall have free access to each other's ports and diplomats shall be welcome in both nation's lands. While anti-European sentiment still burns hot toward most Europeans and particularly Spain, it is significantly less virulent in regard to the Romans, as they have been friendly in the past trade deal and they have relatively liberal laws.
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while the new Palace in OTL Quetta is inaugurated. (Dip.) We ask the Safavid Empire if we may build an embassy in the capital city.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. Bran, Britannic envoy, seems to be spending more time exploring the beauty of the lands and becomes a Jesuit priest. Because of his unique approach to the ways of life, he is proclaimed a man of true humility and faith. This causes a group of men to work closely with him, becoming Jesuit priests as well. Although they are Jesuits, they are known as Brothers of the Raven, or Fratres Corvi. This unofficial branch of Jesuits starts doing missionary actions in regions where Bosnian heretics are numerous. The Jesuits' influence grows and they, with support of the King prepare the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. The Brothers of the Raven send an envoy to the Holy See, requesting official recognition as a religious order.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: The Fusahito Imperial Army meets that of the Shoni Daimyo at the foot of Mount Tara. The Fusahito Army far outnumbers the Shoni forces and the battle is over in a matter of hours, marking the end of mass resistance to Fusahito rule from the two clans. Imperial troops continue to wipe up small militias and other continued resistance until around June, but it is clear that the the Daimyos forces have been broken. By July, the two states have completely collapsed and the Emperor hands power over to the Governor in the Shimazu Province. Military advisors sent by the Dutch begin to help to train Imperial troops especially new recruits to swell the ranks after the losses of the recent war. Also, the Emperor begins to buy firearms from the Dutch. Whilst these weapons had been looked down on in the past, the Emperor is convinced that although they are less accurate and slower to fire than bows, these new weapons will mean that ranged troops can be quickly trained, rather than the years taken to train an archer.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: The economy grows with trade exports as well as European trade flow throughout the area. The Malaccan rifles see their first use in target practice by the military, and are a hit!. The University of Malacca continues construction. Continues influencing Brunei (Five of 20).
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
    • Mudbarra: Eco and Mil improves. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
    • Gurindji: Eco and Mil improves. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
  • Waikato Maori: Akuhata continues to war against the smaller Maori tribes around his people, conquering their lands and forcing them to submit to his rule. With a much larger population base and warriors to call upon, none of the Iwi surround Akuhata's lands are able to form a united front against him, not helped by their constant warring against one another. Taking advantage of their rivalries, Akuhata expands his lands by 5000 km (Sine signed off on it, and I haven't been given a reason why the expansion was implausible yet), pushing deeper into the numerous lands of the enemy Iwi. The servant Kahu takes some of the ironsands home with him to figure out how he can reproduce the glowing effect of the metals his master threw onto the fire. He seeks to show the effect to his friends, and possibly see if he can do anything of worth with the ironsands later on. Elsewhere, the Maori continue to expand their military forces, with a large number of waka canoes to engage their enemies at sea. Some Iwi have attempted to relieve besieged Maori warriors by water, leading to Akuhata demanding his toa warriors put a stop to it. In the lands conquered by the Waikato Maori, the construction of roads to other pā takes places, to increase trade and to make travel between pā much easier for the people as well as the warriors, who may need to make use of the roads in the future. Akuhata devises a plan to create a stable food supply, establishing a series of largescale fishing centers across the coastline dominated by his people. The fishing and capture of mussels, scallops, salmon, and oysters, becomes the primary commission of the new fisheries backed by Akuhata himself. Also, seeking to increase the size of arable land on the island controlled by his people, Akuhata begins to devise a plan to answer the question of food security as the population increases. As the need for more food increases with the population, Akuhata understands that fishing alone is not the solution, and an alternative solution is desperately needed.
    • Just as a heads-up, the Maoris already cultivate kumara (sweet potato), taro and ti plants. Regarding your expansion, why are you expanding so quickly? The nearest player nation is the Marrikuwuyanga in Northern Australia, and they do not pose any threat to your eventual hegemony over New Zealand. No one is doubting that you will be able to unify NZ, but why not pace yourself? You have no competitors vying for NZ territory, and you've got a century or more before you're really going to be in contact with the rest of the world. Why not take it nice and slow, focusing on one Iwi at a time, either fully destroying them or integrating them into your confederation. Because the lightening-fast way you're going, you'll just end up with lots of not-quite-fully-subdued Iwis and nothing much to do for a long time until the outside world comes knocking. Callumthered (talk) 01:26, June 25, 2014 (UTC)
    • The food itself is nice, but it was plentiful enough even for the Maori population (it was the reason they fought so much OTL as population control). Also, why can't I expand quickly? I don't see Fed, Feud or Andrew pacing themselves, nor do I see a talk page that isn't filled with war algos every other day. I'm not holding myself to a standard that doesn't exist in the game. I'm fully aware of the fact that I can take New Zealand in a century, but I'd have to spend half a century taking the land, and I'm not waiting to the last moment to do that. Maori warfare was designed in such a way that victory meant the destruction of an Iwi. The men were killed off, and the women and children enslaved. There was no such thing as an uprising in Maori culture because you'd need warriors to fight, and they were killed off by the victor as tradition dictated. Moving lightning fast was the Maori way, so I'm not going to take it slow simply because a few players don't like it. ~Viva
    • Well, I pace myself. And I'm not saying you can't. I'm just saying that if you don't you will have nothing much to do for a very long time. Callumthered (talk) 05:45, June 25, 2014 (UTC)
    • Well, I kinda do have stuff planned after unifying New Zealand. Wouldn't have made the effort if I didn't. One does not simply conquer a land and call it complete. In the wise words of my ghetto neighbor, "there are levels to this." ~Viva
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: After a series of talks with advisors, it is decided to forgo peaceful influence of the al-Sumal state. As an invasion force is gathered, Friedrich sends a letter to his brother, the King of Britannia, asking if he would like to share in the conquest. Progress on the Kiel Canal continues, with the canal reaching 23 miles inland, over a third of the length across Holstein. The colony of Neue Hamburg sees great improvements as new settlers arrive. Phillip of Hesse is again offered Friedrich's cousin, Margaret, as a wife.
    • Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck: Military and economy expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Following the death of Duke Otto I, the Duchy passes to his daughter, who is married to the Count of Holstein, Otto, cousin of Friedrich II. He is crowned "Otto II, Duke of Stade" by the Archbishop of Bremen. Military and economy expanded.
    • County of Holstein: Count Otto inherits the Duchy of Stade. Military and economy expanded.
    • Bruchhausen: Military and economy expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Militia and economy expanded.
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 4 px.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Militia and economy expanded.
  • Netherlands: WIth the war in West Africa over and the lands trade with Spain complete The new territory of Benin is put under military occupation and talks with local rulers begin to implement a protectorate system that would allow them to retain some degree of their autonomy as long as they provided troops for the Netherlands and as long as they abide by Netherland's laws and economic policies. The Treaty of Benin is signed turning Benin into a formal part of the Netherlands colonial empire, inexchange limited autonomy is granted. Troops come home as their jobs are completed, though most of them return with large profits from pillaging Naijirian cities along the coast and in the east. A third of the total pillage is giving to the government to make up for some of the costs of the war. With the slave trade now exclusively under the control of the Netherlands a third chartee company is created with the settlement of Louisville as the representative seat of the company and with the stocks in Amsterdam. The West Africa Company is founded from this arrangement and is giving the rights to trade in Ivory and slaves. However, the company is made a subsidary of the East India Company. In the Orient ties with Malacca and Bengal continue to grow as the trade network in the Spice Isles grows. Pressure for the governemnt of Sunda to give greater power to the Dutch advisors begins as more units loyal to Netherlander officers are raised as the so called native units are payed better then if they served under the Sunda flags. The University of Batavia continues to grow and flourish and the cultural and academic circles of the city blossom with a mix of oriental and western influence. The first native graduates come out of the univeristy and swiftly become part of the administrative body of the East India Company. The New Model Army is finally completed with the war in Africa proving the effectiveness of the new army. The entire royal army is now equipped along the lines of OTL early modern armies and revolving lines of mass infantry are fully implemented with the snaphaunce musket. The Army is increased to a standing army of 37,000 troops while the Royal Guard now known as the Royal Musketeers is established as a separate unit subject only to the crown. The New model army reforms are expanded to colonial troops and militias in Guiana. Naval expansion continues as more frigates are produced. Dutch shipwrights begin toying with the ideas of larger ships that would be equipped with more cannons and defences though at the cost of mobility, looking at the Spanish and Britannic galleons and their own frigates the new ship blueprints are started. The arts and sciences continue to flourish in the lowlands as Brussels, Mons, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and the Hague continue to evolve into academic and cultural centres of Europe, boasting some of the most progresive minds of the continent. Netherlander architecture continues to flourish as it develops into the Dutch and Wallon branches. Lowlands French continues to diverge from that spoken south of the border as it becomes tied to the academic and artistic movements of the lowlands and to the aristocratic elite who are of Dutch or Wallon heritage. In Guiana the settlements continue to expand a total of 20 pixs along the coastline as more land is acquired for plantations and settlement. With the Treaty of Namur signed The Netherlands acquire the islands of Curacao which are put under the authority of the West Indies Company, settlement of Dutch and Flemish begin. More slaves are sold to the French and Spanish empires. Raids against natives in Guiana continue as colonial troops set up forts to protect the settlers. A royal marriage is proposed between the Duke of Hesse and the youngest sister of Willem. While a trade offer is made to Croatia. Following the deal with Bengal Indians are recruited to serve in the armed forces of the Dutch East India Company. Explorers start heading down the Orinoco and Amazon rivers to map and explore the unknown interior.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance, and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The navy also begins construction of three flagships for the navy two 200 guns massive war galleons and an even larger 366 gun War Galleon that can almost be considered its own class of ship. These ships are known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.2 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 170 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Italy deploys 15,000 troops to the Kongo on orders from the Colonial Authority.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 235,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlersThe semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px.
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
  • China deals with the famine easily, by using the newly extended Grand Canal to ship grains and other foods to Henan. The famine is easily solved, especially with the aid of the grain holds set up to deal with such a famine. The famine is easily dealt with, the grain reserves are able to hold out with only a litte trouble. The military trains, continuing it's reliance on guns, as well as pike and shot, and now completely abandoning the cavalry.(More to come)
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 867,000. military improves. Medical research continues. Peru, Chimu and Sican are developed. Anti-Spain riots settle down, though a strong anti-Europe sentiment remains in the empire. Population of Cuzco stands at 145,000 people, the largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 99,000, making it a distant second to Cuzco. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 70,000. Fourth Largest is Peru, with 55,000 people. The smallest of the Golden Cities, Sican, has a population of 30,000. Occupied Chiribaya is established as an interim government in the conquered territories. As the Sapa Inca's son, Apeac, has hit the age of 18, we send him to Spain to learn about the culture and history of Spain, making him the first Inca to willing go to Europe. The Sapa Inca's palace is attacked by workers, who align themselves with the Anti-Spain rioters ... He suffers a broken arm and cracked rib. Cuzco's infrastructure, which has been ignored in the process of developing Peru, Sican and Chimu, has degraded noticeably, causing conditions in the city to plummet. An Inca scholar predicts that this marks the beginning of the migration away from cities in the Inca Empire. Backing up his prediction, for the first time since the end of "the Great Plague", the population of the golden cities has had small decline rather than Growth. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca, and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 44, and his brother, Radu, now 43, resume growing the economy. Several nobles protest the withdrawal from Kiev and many more grumble about the willingness of the consuls to abandon their allies. As a result the senate demands the ability to ratify treaties. Facing a large internal revolt the consuls oblige the boyars. Moreover The senate continues to consolidate power. There is some fear of a coup d'etat. However, nothing comes to light. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Constantius and his wife Phillippa continues to raise their son both Vladimir and Lilliana continue to learn. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrate to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect ... A new cannon design that allows for more mobility of the device, allowing it to be moved across battlefields, rather than being static once placed, is being worked on currently with the help of Spanish military advisors.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great and aging sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, continues to further centralize the empire. As the passive state of Islam has seemed somewhat worthy, his son, now leading the armies, Sulimen, wishes to make the nation more aggressive. The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. With finishing the vassalization of Medina and Jalay, the Sultan Sulieman looks for more opportunities to spread his influence, options are slim, but strategies are in construction. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glassmaking and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 23 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next 10 years. The population rises to 22 million. The military is expanded.
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 92,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the third largest city.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 161,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and is the second largest city after Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the new vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. We slowly begin expanding into the black area, expanding 4 px along the edge. The military is expanded.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade as well as explore. Snaphaunce muskets from the Netherlands are imported and some are taken apart to be reverse-engineered. Frigates based off of British designs are also constructed, although only a few can be constructed at a time. More cultural and ethnic law is passed by the Emperor in order to be more inclusive for the Empire's minorities. The settlement at Atlantis continues to grow as it becomes a regional center for Roman trade and exploration. Theodore III appoints an Exarch to govern the territory as he deems appropriate, provided stability is maintained and taxes are paid. Cyrene is transfered from an Egyptian vassal to a Roman one. The Empire acknowledges the debt it owes to Elsa and Scandinavia, and as such Roman forces are sent to fight against the Russians. 10,000 men along with five galleasses and 100 galleys are sent to the Black Sea to besiege Odessa with the Romanians. Along with these troops are some of the finest grenadiers and cannons to batter down the walls.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: The military and navy expands to better protect Ragusan trading interests.
    • Egypt: Roman law continues to be integrated as other Roman ways make their way into Egyptian culture. Muslims are offered incentives to convert to any branch of Christianity. Wheat and trade goods from the canal expand the economy. Egyptian military forces continue to push into the Sinai peninsula by 200 px.
    • Cyrene: The military continues to be built up as Berber and Roman identities are supported. Muslims that convert to Chrisianity are given incentives.
    • Serbia: More Serbs continue to return to the homeland as more and more Croats leave to join Croatia. As more and more Serbs become Roman citizens, the benefits of Roman rule becomes even more apparant, combined with the fact that Rome saved the Serbs from the oppressive Hungarians.
    • Italian Thingy: Expansion continues to move the colony north as immigration increases.
  • Hesse: Work continues on infrastructure. Phillip I keeps searching for a wife.
  • Mansuyrrian Sultanate: Military build up and the construction of the Grand Mosque of Baghdad continues.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duke Heinrich XVII and his council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1543, Heinrich commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1543, as many as three hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Heinrich begins to ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Heinrich further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Heinrich continues implementing the Bavarian Commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland. In political news, Bavarian nobles continue drawing up plans for a Bavarian parliament, mostly composed of rich, landed gentry. Over the year, Heinrich is approached with various petitions and charters, all relating to the the proposed Parliament. Many of the propositions are left unanswered, or simply rejected, leading many to believe Heinrich has an ambivalent attitude towards a Parliament in Bavaria. This gives many hope, as an ambivalent Heinrich has not yet expressed negativity to such an institution. His daughter, however, continues to remain hostile. Princess Catherine sees a Bavarian Parliament as an affront the the divine rights of kings and the absolute rule of Bavarian dukes themselves. Regardless of the polarizing receptions in the royal family, nobles remain hopeful of establishing some sort of legislature. In sad news, Grand Duchess Wilhemina dies in her sleep on April 12. The Grand Duke holds a ceremony and funeral for his late wife the following month, after which occurs one full year of court mourning. In diplomatic news, Bavaria thanks the Oldenburger Duke for his friendliness and begins work on an embassy building immediately.
    • Munchen: By 1543, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A religious change begins occurring in Wurzburg upon the ascension of Franz-Albert, where many more Western Christians begin inhabiting the bishopric. The clergy begins being alarmed and they fear displacement. An envoy dispatched by Franz-Albert attempts to quell their fears.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. Zapoteca expands 100 px along the Gulf Coast. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military.


Rats make their first appearance in Borealia in the Britannic colony of New Cambridgeshire after being accidentally transported on ships from Britannia. Colonists are dismayed.

How sad ...

Um -- it isn't called Massachusetts. It is called New Cambridgeshire and England doesn't exist. It's called Britannia now.

OH SHOOT! Shots fired!

On the same note, aren't the Americas called Hesperia?

By now, I do believe that North America is Borealia, and South America is Hesperia. I fixed the names in the event. Cour *talk* PMII Mayan FlagCaborr Flag 14:17, June 25, 2014 (UTC)

No one person can name an entire two continents.

You're right. I used the names from previous mod events. These were also discussed on the talk page here . Cour *talk* PMII Mayan FlagCaborr Flag 03:11, June 26, 2014 (UTC)

The first Christian reformists based on the Dutch-Wallon reformist church begin to show up in Western Germany causing some problems with religious tolerance in the area.

Um -- Ludwigism has already had a major presence in West Germany, specifically in Hesse and Hamburg.

Um -- "major" wouldn't be the word I would use, not for Hamburg anyway. -Guy

  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Mecca (One of Five) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (One of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. With finishing the vassalization of Medina and Jalay, the Sultan Sulieman looks for more opportunities to spread his influence, options are slim, but strategies are in construction. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 24 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23 million. The military is expanded.
  • Mecca has a player.
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 51,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the third largest city.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 162,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and is the second largest city after Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the new vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. We slowly begin expanding into the black area, expanding 4 px along the edge. The military is expanded.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: an invasion fleet is completed and sets sail for al-Sumal (algo coming). Britannia is again asked if they would like some spoils of conquest in exchange for assistance. Back in the Empire, after the death of the Archbishop of Münster, Friedrich II begins pushing his own candidate for the position, one who takes a hard-line stance against the Reformist Church (Mod response please). Meanwhile, Friedrich is stunned by Hesses decision to marry a Croatian over his offer. But Friedrich continues searching for a wife. The army and navy see great improvements this year. In other news, a butcher in the City of Hamburg begins packing beef into circular patties and cooks them. He then places it between two pieces of bread and dubs it "the Hamburger", after the city. The canal construction progresses, now extending 31 miles across Holstein.
    • County of Holstein: Military and economy expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Military and economy expanded.
    • Free and Hanseatic City of Lübeck: Military and economy expanded.
    • Bruchhausen: Military and economy expanded.
    • Williamsburg and Neue Lüneburg: Trade and militias expanded.l
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 4 px.
      • Bavarian Dip: Heinrich XVII offers the hand of Crown Princess Catherine (26) to Duke Friedrich.
      • Mod response (permission to post it from MP): the Hamburger bishop rhetoric helps secure his popularity, and he is installed as the Archbishop of Münster.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Teresa Suárez de Figueroa gives birth to a girl, who is named Urraca.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
      • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
      • Mansuriyya Caliphate: We build up our military and navy.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
    • Fusahito Dip: The Emperor asks the Korean monarch to allow the Theocracy to finance the large scale building of Imperial Shinto temples and shrines throughout Korea. In return, the Emperor promises to send a barge to the Korean capital laden with the greatest weight of silks and silver as can be carried.
    • Korean Diplomacy: Monarch Yi Yeok accepts and allows the Fusahito Emperor to finance the building of Shinto temples and shrines in Korea.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
  • Grand Duchy of Moscow: We continues against the invaders. In total approximately 300,000 Russians are recruited, since the situation is so dire. Most of the men recruited are untrained peasants, but the high numbers help to overwhelm the enemy in some areas. With such a large amount of soldiers who are familiar with the terrain, we begin a guerrilla campaign to harass enemy supply lines and enemy formations.
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 873,000. Military improves. Medical research continues. Peru, Chimu and Sican are developed. Anti-Spain riots settle down, though a strong anti-Europe sentiment remains in the empire. Population of Cuzco stands at 144,000 people, the largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 99,000, making it a distant second to Cuzco. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 70,000. Fourth largest is Peru, with 53,000 people. The smallest of the Golden Cities, Sican, has a population of 30,000. Occupied Chiribaya is established as an interim government in the conquered territories. As the Sapa Inca's son, Apeac, has hit the age of 19, we send him to Spain to learn about the culture and history of Spain, making him the first Inca to willing go to Europe. The Sapa Inca's palace is attacked by workers, who align themselves with the Anti-Spain rioters ... He suffers a broken arm and cracked rib. Cuzco's infrastructure, which has been ignored in the process of developing Peru, Sican and Chimu, has degraded noticeably, causing conditions in the city to plummet. An Inca scholar predicts that this marks the beginning of the migration away from cities in the Inca Empire. Backing up his prediction, for the first time since the end of "the Great Plague", the population of the golden cities has had small decline rather than Growth. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood. Inca troops push into Chiribaya yet again, this time however, they achieve total victory in combat. Following a second costly and unpopular war, the Inca economy begins to show signs of decline. The Sapa Inca panics.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. The Navy offers to sell frigates to Rome. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. In Eire, Bran is appointed as Emissary of Britannia and begins traveling Europe, eventually going to Rome and then Croatia. Irish nobles express concern as their King's health starts to fail due to the heir's mental state. Due to continued instability in Eire, as well as public support on the side of the Crown, Britannia steps in and removes the Irish monarchy. Eire is considered a client state of the Empire, the government begins the long transition, made easier due to the incredibly close ties between the two nations and Eire's treaties with Britannia (formerly Albion). The parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. The CCA expands control in Africa. Construction of two large Galleons, both with 200 guns commences, the Sovereign and the Intrepid, making them the largest vessels ever attempted by a European nation, work is expected to take the better part of a decade. Naval leaders are sent to Croatia as part of deal modernizing their navy. The Admiralty board is officially formed. The Army is expanded and a new Ministry of the Army is created to better manage land warfare.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colonies of Nuaphail and Banche Esterno both expand 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and West. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect ... A new cannon design that allows for more mobility of the device, allowing it to be moved across battlefields, rather than being static once placed, is finished with the help of Spanish military. advisors. Following the decision of the renewed Indian League, we fully mobilize our forces, and our vassals forces, including our recently developed more-mobile cannons, and encourage other Indian Nations in agreement with the proposal to do the same.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 61,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north yet another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX enrolls at the University of Brussels and begins taking all possible courses related to literature, the classics (Greeks and the Romans), languages (French and German) and architecture. Ships trading with Nikobara hear news of the troubles in Henan, and send ships to relieve parents of their children. They are promised safety and food in |onte. As result, up to 2000 Chinese children have reached |onte this year, a majority arriving at the Kunene.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance, and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The navy also begins construction of three flagships for the navy two 200 guns massive war galleons and an even larger 366 gun war galleon that can almost be considered its own class of ship. These ships are known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.2 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 170 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Italy deploys 15,000 troops to the Kongo on orders from the Colonial Authority.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 250,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlersThe semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meansing ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • Vorlayacor: The expansion campaign continues with 30 more pixels' worth of expansion being gained west and southwest. The military implements new formations for flanking, marching and strafing, allowing for more utility on the battlefield. Pirates are becoming a nuisance for Vorlyacoran trade; plans are made for more protection vessels. They will be put into service next year. Considering the past trade deal and their relatively liberal laws, we ask the Roman Empire for a diplomatic and economic alliance.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a University at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial.
      • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
      • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
      • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing]
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while the city of Delhi begins to be barricated, in order to prevent damages to the city.
    • Bengali Diplomacy: We ask the Suri Empire, as a League nation, to read and decide their position on a recent proposal for the League.
      • Suri Diplomacy: We accept the request.
  • Hesse: We ask to marry Jelena of the Nelipić family in Croatia to Phillip I. Meanwhile, Friedrich I marries a peasant woman in Liechtenstein, and has Wilhelm III. Eva I also has her first child, Ludwig III. Shortly afterwards, the residence of the exiled Hessian nobles, including Eva I, Hermann IV, Friedrich I, and their respective spouses, burns down. Wilhelm and Ludwig are the only survivors of the fire. They are both put into a local peasant family. Meanwhile, due to rising tensions in Europe, we begin a conscription plan to conscript 2% of our population, to make the strength of our armies 52,000 men. We tolerate the Reformists coming to Hesse but we encourage people to remain Ludwigists.
    • Croatian Diplomacy: Accepted.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The influence of the Brothers grows and they, with support of the King issue the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. Because of increased relations with Bengal, Croatia partakes in an Indian war, sending 50 ships with 20,000 foot soldiers as well as 5000 cavalry. The Frankopans and Šubićs use the absence of the King's troops to use their influence to accuse the Garays of plotting with the Hungarian royal family in order to bring it back to the throne of Croatia. The King purposely ignores this, because the Garays are an issue to him as well. The Garays lose a portion of their lands and influence, allowing the King to control the land directly. The King sees an interesting opportunity in the Brothers of the Raven and sends envoys alongside Bran to Britannia to ask for approval as a Western Catholic Religious Organization. This would strenghten Croatian-Britannic ties and due to the unification of churches, wouldn't be an actual issue amongst the Catholic Croatian populace.
  • Waikato Maori: Akuhata continues to push his nation toward conquest, gaining countless tracts of new land as the Waikato continue to crush their enemies and take over their lands. As per Maori tradition, all of the enemy warriors captured by Akuhata's men are either killed, devoured, or sacrificed to the gods of the Maori. The women and children of the defeated are parceled out to the victorious Waikato toa warriors, who forcibly consummate their marriages during the victory celebrations. Akuhata takes the time to return to his lands and oversee the construction of roads and homes in the new territories, as well as enjoy himself with his wives at his residence. It is during this time that Kahu successfully recreates the effect he witnessed with the ironsands two years ago, creating a fire so powerful that the ironsands turn blindingly white before Kahu's eyes. Seeking to show his friends the effect, Kahu and his company are astonished to see the ironsands malform and melt in front of them, and turn into something akin to a liquid. Rather than risk touching it out of fear, Kahu instead attempts to retrieve the liquified ironsands, only to find that he can shape the melt metal in the process. Astonished by the action, Kahu and his friends spend the rest of the night playing with the metal while their people celebrate their recent victories over the neighboring Iwi. The next morning, with the fires having died out and the cool wind setting in, Kahu and his friends discovery that the melted ironsands they were playing with the other night have cooled and hardened into something else, remaining in the form of the shapes they made. Seeing an opportunity to become famous, as well as get the attention of the Maori girls, Kahu and his friends decide to spend the rest of the day gathering ironsands and melting them into all sorts of shapes such as jewelry, which they hope will get them noticed by the elite. Elsewhere, the Waikato lands have expanded by 5000 km, thanks to the stunning string of victories overseen by Akuhata. Seeking to continue their war next year during the planting season, Akuhata decides to rest for next during the havesting period, a time when the Maori lay down their arms and cease all fighting to ensure the food security of their people. The economy of the Waikato is expanded during this time.
    • This is worth a look if you haven't already. By "layers" you wouldn't mean anything to do with Australia, would you? Callumthered (talk) 22:09, June 25, 2014 (UTC)
    • Yes and no. But that's for a more private disscussion. Also, thanks for the link. ~Viva
  • Sultanate of Malacca: The military grows in numbers and technology. The new rifles become increasingly popular, and many more are produced. We continue trading with the Dutch and Bengali, and we continue influencing Borneo (Six of 20)
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them.
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military. Itzapam expands 50 px along the Pacific Coast.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: With the end of the war against the Daimyos to the South, the armies of the Theocracy are recalled to Kyoto to take part in a vast victory parade. Whilst this was to be led by the aging Emperor, his ailing health means that his adopted son leads the parade on horseback whilst the Emperor is confined to the palace in the capital. At the same time, the training of Imperial troops with newly bought Dutch gunpowder weaponry is continued, with new recruits showing remarkable ease learning to shoot rather than to fire a bow. However, the Emperor decides to continue using archers as an integral part of the army due to their fast rate of fire, greater accuracy and greater damage to enemy troops. Architects and builders are sent to Korea to begin the large scale construction of Imperial Shinto temples and shrines, with a four story pagoda temple built in the Korean capital Hanseong.
  • Caliphate of Mecca: After training our elite troops and our grand army that has soldiers from age 12 to 60, men and women for around three or four years, we finally decide to declare war on Yemen with the help of Madina. [Any mod, please help me do the algo!]
  • I never gave you the authority to attack with my troops, Medina is under my control. SwankyJ (talk) 03:26, June 26, 2014 (UTC)
  • Netherlands: With the Bengali and allied Indian forces getting ready for war. The Netherlands grant Karl the authority to bring the East India Company to support the Muslim war efforts sending the newly raised Indian corps under the command of Dutch general Johann Jansen and the Malay native corps under Dutch officers for a grand total 7000 troops, armed with snaphaunce muskets and Wallon Cannons. A sizable fleet of 45 ships including six frigates are also sent to help secure naval supremacy. The Dutch promise to take a leading role in the war to bring India under Bengali control.
  • In the Orient ties with Malacca and Bengal continue to grow as the trade network in the Spice Isles grows. Pressure for the governemnt of Sunda to give greater power to the Dutch advisors begins as more units loyal to Netherlander officers are raised as the so called native units are paid better than if they served under the Sunda flags. The University of Batavia continues to grow and flourish and the cultural and academic circles of the city blossom with a mix of oriental and western influence. The first native graduates come out of the univeristy and swiftly become part of the administrative body of the East India Company. The New Model Army is finally completed with the war in Africa proving the effectiveness of the new army. The entire royal army is now equipped along the lines of OTL early modern armies and revolving lines of mass infantry are fully implemented with the snaphaunce musket. The Army is increased to a standing army of 37,000 troops while the Royal Guard now known as the Royal Musketeers is established as a separate unit subject only to the crown. The New model army reforms are expanded to colonial troops and militias in Guiana. Naval expansion continues as more frigates are produced. Dutch shipwrights begin toying with the ideas of larger ships that would be equipped with more cannons and defences though at the cost of mobility, looking at the Spanish and Britannic galleons and their own frigates the new ship blueprints are started. The arts and sciences continue to flourish in the lowlands as Brussels, Mons, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and the Hague continue to evolve into academic and cultural centres of Europe, boasting some of the most progresive minds of the continent. Netherlander architecture continues to flourish as it develops into the Dutch and Wallon branches. Lowlands French continues to diverge from that spoken south of the border as it becomes tied to the academic and artistic movements of the lowlands and to the aristocratic elite who are of Dutch or Wallon heritage. In Guiana the settlements continue to expand a total of 20 pixs along the coastline as more land is acquired for plantations and settlement. With the Treaty of Namur signed The Netherlands acquire the islands of Curacao which are put under the authority of the West Indies Company, settlement of Dutch and Flemish begin. More slaves are sold to the French and Spanish empires. Raids against natives in Guiana continue as colonial troops set up forts to protect the settlers. A royal marriage is proposed between the Duke of Hesse and the youngest sister of Willem. While a trade offer is made to Croatia. Following the deal with Bengal Indians are recruited to serve in the armed forces of the Dutch East India Company. Explorers start heading down the Orinoco and Amazon rivers to map and explore the unknown interior.
  • County of Oldenburg: The Prince-Bishop (also Regent during Dietrich II's absence) is dismayed at the growing influence of the "Reformist" "Christian" groups, and puts measures into place to discourage people from turning to these new ideas. The military is improved. Jacqueline in Neu Norderney is gradually becoming pretty stable. The settlers have learnt the best ways and the best crops to plant, and the fishermen are now well in tune with the offshore fisheries. The OHG's whaling/sealing/hunting fleet is able to stay longer in Neu Norderney than before, improving the company's profits.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The new "Reformist" sects are completely outlawed. The university contemplates sending some students to Jacqueline to study the New World.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 45, and his brother, Radu, now 44, resume growing the economy. The Senate and the Consuls continue to vie for power, and it seems for now they have reached a stalemate. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Constantius and his wife Phillippa continues to raise their son both Vladimir and Lilliana continue to learn. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrate to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian Vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • I will be posting for Fritz for the next few days, until he returns from his absence.Stephanus rex (talk) 23:02, June 25, 2014 (UTC)
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duke Heinrich XVII and his council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1544, Heinrich commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1544, as many as three hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Heinrich begins to ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Heinrich further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Heinrich continues implementing the Bavarian Commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland. In political news, Bavarian nobles at Trausnitz continue to petition the Grand Duke for the creation of some sort of Bavarian parliament. After years of being pestered to do so, Heinrich finally submits and agrees to create a charter for a Bavarian legislature. The noble class is overjoyed with the news. By the year end, Heinrich presents to his court a charter formally creating the Curia Bavaria, or as commonly called by the Grand Duke himself, the Bavarian Parliament. As of 1544, the parliament would be unicameral, thus having only one chamber, which would be populated by Bavarian nobles. The parliament would have the ability to vote on the legitimacy of the Grand Duke's actions, including declarations of war, levying of taxes, levying of armies, and foreign diplomatic actions. Other than that, the Bavarian Parliament has little power, and may not author or vote on any laws, edicts, or other legislations. The Grand Duke himself is able to dismiss or open Parliament when he wishes, and may ignore votes of legitimacy passed by the Parliament. Although his powers over Parliament are great, the Grand Duke promises to respect the voices of all Parliamentarians and Bavarian nobles. On the opposite spectrum, Princess Catherine is greatly dismayed at the creation of the Curia Bavaria and openly voices her opinion. She sees it as an affront to her future rule. On the topic of rule, Heinrich XVII becomes gradually inert over the year, and by December is confined to his chambers. In other news, Princess Catherine begins looking for a European husband. Simultaneously, Heinrich XVII forges a claim on the Hessian nation, stating that the land would be better under Bavarian rule and that the current string of rulers have no right upon the land.
    • Munchen: By 1544, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A religious change begins occurring in Wurzburg upon the ascension of Franz-Albert, where many more Western Christians begin inhabiting the bishopric. The clergy begins being alarmed and they fear displacement. An envoy dispatched by Franz-Albert attempts to quell their fears.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade and influence around the known world. The alliance offer by the Mapuche nation of Volayacor is accepted, as the Empire is happy to receive a friendly port and trading partner in Hesperia. Construction of Frigates and now Galleons are is underway thanks to the British designs. These new ships allow the Romans to project their military influence farther than they were able to before. With the population of Atlantis now reaching the thousands due to its crucial position as an immigrant stopping post as well as a valuable trade center, a new expedition is sent north in search of new lands to colonize for the glory of the Empire. An expedition comprised of a few cargo ships, two cogs, one carro, and several passenger ships eventually come across a large bay after one of the cogs runs aground on the banks protecting the bay. The expedition decides to make a colony inside the bay, as the banks would offer perfect protection against enemy raiders and violent storms alike. The leader of the expedition, an ethnic Latin, names the newfound city Reme, saying that one Rome is enough for the Old World, so it is only fitting for a new Rome for the New World. The colony branches out, trying to survive. To do so, colonists make contact with nearby natives for advice regarding food and the local climate. Back in the Old World, the NAP with the Ottomans is again accepted, as the Romans have no dying interest to get involved in a bloody and costly war with the Ottomans at this time.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: More expansion into the Sinai, and by now the Egyptians rule over the entire area. More laws are enacted to reduce ethnic and religious strife, and Muslims continue to be converted.
    • Cyrene: More Berber and Roman identities are encouraged, as well as Christian conversion. Economy expands.
    • Serbia: More nobles become Roman citizens, and begin seeing the benefits of doing so. Military expands.
    • Italian Thingy: As immigration expands, the colony moves upward along the coast.
  • Mansuyrrian Sultanate: Military build up and the construction of the Grand Mosque of Baghdad continues.
  • Yemen: The country descends into a brief civil war as many of residents take arms against what is seen as a continuation of the "False Prophet" that had onced ruled the nation. The leader is deposed and flees into Africa, while a new leader comes to power. The new leader, Zaaid Hasan, reinstates Islam as the dominate religion. He keeps Christanity as a major religion, but Christians begin to slowly be marginalized. He continues to build the navy just as his predecessor had done. Still, the Christians are uneasy about the new leader. Meanwhile, most of the army is in tact, and is diverted to fight the Sultanate of Mecca. The navy is sent to attack the coast, while a small group of offensive troops is sent to attack the countryside.
  • Yemen is an entirely Muslim country. This makes no sense - not to mention you can't just seize territory. You need an algo. -Feud


PMIII 1545

The Tsardom of Russia puts up a heavy and costly defense against the invading nations, but eventually is defeated. The Russians make quick gains in the west, however, against the “Traitor State” of Pskov, overwhelming the small nation. The city, itself, is ransacked and burned with much of the nation’s wealth and technology stolen and taken back to Moscow. In the end defeats in the south of the nation and a bloody series of skirmishes in Karelia cause the Russians to be defeated.

' Oy! Well, that's not fair. I have Scandinavia on my side and during an offensive land leading to Pskov is a natural invasion path ... which means occupied territory had to be traversed ... Scandinavian troops helped Pskov ... Probably ... no need to burn the entire city ... I have allied armies with me and it's not probable to have the entire armies of a nation go against one state ... although for gain and wealth maybe ... first time since ever I got to Internet and this stuff is done to me ... anyway, this is the only amount I am possibly going to be able to protest so ... try to lessen the damage. Somehow I don't think that in an area where the coalition is winning some cities should be burned ... also ... I kind have notified my leaving to a place with no Internet ... and asked 'Crim to take care of me on chat ... (this war included). -Lx (leave me a message)Azarath Flag
We're talking about angry Slavs here and since the Scandinavians are primarily fighting for Karelia, I'm guessing most of their troops are there. FirstChairmanLogo(Sky)SkyGreen24 - Join the partyFirstChairmanLogo(Sky) 11:14, June 26, 2014 (UTC)
Cutting your opponent's only access to the sea is usually a good strategy though especially after three years of fighting. That cutting off Novgorod from the Baltic path just so happens to also co-incide with Pskov's (logical) advances ... so odds are, that after three years that territory would be occupied ...
I would like to point out this event creates a small counterbalance for the negotiations. I point to the 1866 Austro-Prussian War, while Austria proved to be hardly a match for Prussia, it scored several decisive victories against Italy, who were trying to take Venetia. As a result, Prussia or Italy itself couldn't successfully demand the area ceded. Here. It means Pskovian gains (if any) would be greatly minimized due to Russia's success against them. -Guy
RUSSIA CANNOT ANNEX PSKOV, sack it yes, Destroy it yes, burn it to the ground maybe, but annex it its a no, Else I see revolts in Russia. Clear Enough. Only Lx can relinquish his nation and he has not done it. Moscow will not have Pskov, Change the treaty please Sine dei gloriem "Ex Initio Terrae" (talk) 01:07, June 27, 2014 (UTC)
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Makuria (One of Nine) and Alodia (One of Nine) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (Two of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 25 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23.2 million. The military is expanded. We inform the Caliphate of Mecca if they attempt to use soldiers from Medina, we will attack them for incurring onto our lands.
  • Apparently Mecca is owned by CaptainJohnRex, his name was listed prior. But I have seen my folly. I will therefore invade him if he dares not be a protectorate, as I looked at some of his turns and they were quite ridiculous. SwankyJ (talk) 03:28, June 26, 2014 (UTC)
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 164,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and continues to as it is now the second largest city after the capital of the Ottoman Sultanate centered in Anatolia, Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 52,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the fourth largest city.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Teresa Suárez de Figueroa gives birth to a girl, who is named Teresa.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: the economy sees great improvements. Now in position, roughly 20,000 troops and accompanying siege equipment from Hamburg and Mecklenburg Storm the shores of al-Sumal. Their superior tactics and weaponry prove crucial in establishing their position. After a few days, the army begins sieging Mogadishu. The Kiel Canal now reaches 42 miles across Holstein, progressing faster each year. With his candidate secured for Münster, he begins cracking down on the Reformists in the country. Friedrich begins to send money for roads and other infrastructure projects. In other news, Lübeck is annexed to the Duchy of Hamburg. And the Bavarian Royal marriage offer is accepted.
    • County of Holstein: Military and economy improved.
    • Duchy of Stade: Military and economy expanded.
    • Bruchhausen: Military and economy expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Trade increases.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Trade increases.
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 4 px.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Regular (read: not Imperial) Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 66,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX excells in all of his courses, but hears of his grandfather's death, and promptly raps up his studies. Mon IX begins making preparations to leave for Kunene, and invite the King of Netherlands, to come with him. Ships trading with Nikobara hear news of the troubles in Henan, and send ships to relieve parents of their children. They are promised safety and food in |onte. As result, up to 1000 Chinese children have reached |onte this year, a majority arriving at the Kunene.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The navy begins a huge update in order to establish a stronger control over overseas territories such as the colonies and to have further control over Africa. While this, the king seeks the French influence to grow in unexpected territories. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The French government begins a measure to avoid the sweating disease attacking French domains, mostly by sending the infected back to their lands. We agree on the slave trade within the empire by the Dutch. While this, the lake just in front of the colony of Nouvelle Rouen is called Rouenelle after the colony, and OTL Maracaibo Lake is called the Lake of Sableville.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up. Burgundy follows as well declaring war on Oyo.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
  • Vorlayacor: The expansion campaign continues, multiplying the economy's growth in virtually all sectors. 30 more pixels are gained west and southwest this year. Rumor has it that tribes farther west are not as friendly to the Mapuche nation as those who have joined so far, so expansion may focus in other directions in the future. Several new doraks are built and fit with cannons to protect Vorlayacor's fledging merchant fleet. We ask Tawatinsuyu if they would be willing to collaborate to build a road connecting our two nations; this would improve our relations as fellow Hesperian nations and provide a large boost to our trade.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. The Navy offers to sell frigates to Rome. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. In Eire, Bran is appointed as Emissary of Britannia and begins traveling Europe, eventually going to Rome and then Croatia. Irish nobles express concern as their King's health starts to fail due to the heir's mental state. Due to continued instability in Eire, as well as public support on the side of the Crown, Britannia steps in and removes the Irish monarchy. Eire is considered a client state of the Empire, the government begins the long transition, made easier due to the incredibly close ties between the two nations and Eire's treaties with Britannia (formerly Albion). The parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. The CCA expands control in Africa. Construction of two large galleons, both with 200 guns commences, the Sovereign and the Intrepid, making them the largest vessels ever attempted by a European nation, work is expected to take the better part of a decade. The first frigates of the Rome deal sets sail for its new home in Constantinople. Several older ships are sold to Croatia and other nations to make way for the modern ships. In London, in effort to perserve beer, a local brewer names James Walsh, adopts glass as a method of sealing in the beer, thus preserving it. Richard IV, hearing of the death of William I of the Netherlands, travels to the state funeral and delivers a touching eulogy. The Holy Father of the Western Church receives Bran and grants Croatia the right to form the Order of the Raven.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colony of Nuaphail expands 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and west. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 100 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a university at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial.
      • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
      • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
      • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while the city of Delhi continues to be barricaded, in order to prevent damages to the city. Sher Shah died, with his son, Islam Shah, succeeding him.
  • ​County of Oldenburg: The economy grows thanks to increased North Sea profits. Jacqueline in Neu Norderney is gradually becoming pretty stable. The settlers have learnt the best ways and the best crops to plant, and the fishermen are now well in tune with the offshore fisheries. The OHG's whaling/sealing/hunting fleet is able to stay longer in Neu Norderney than before, improving the company's profits.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: The University sends a small team of students to Borealia to study the animals, plants and savages. They are joined by more missionary monks.
  • Waikato Maori: The Waikato continue their campaign of conquest against the neighboring Iwi of North Island, progressively subduing all of those Iwi who have refused to join them willingly. The borders of the Waikato have been expanded by 5000 km, placing all of the northern peninsula under the control of the tribe. Once again, the Waikato wait out the winter months to rebuild their forces and move on for their next fight. The military of the Waikato is expanded. Akuhata's concern about the food supply continues to grow, as the harvests have not been keeping pace with the growing population of the Waikato, a recent census of which showed a total population of 44,142 people. Though this counts as two-thirds of the total population on North Island, it does not make Akuhata feel any better as the food sources of the Maori have not been stable, and the fisheries have yet to produce any sizable catches. This is further compounded by fact that the other Iwi have been raiding and destroying sizable tracts of Waikato farmland in an attempt to strike at the greatly valued commodity in North Island, their food, and weaken the much larger Waikato population through starvation. As he cannot spare the warriors to protect the farmland as he still seeks to unify the island, Akuhata finds himself in a tight spot. Greatly concerned by this information, Akuhata instructs his finest warriors to begin a journey to search the neighboring lands for additional food sources as well as any arable land that can be used as a source of farmland far from the dangers of the warring tribe of Aotearoa. Twenty waka canoes are sent out with fifty men and supplies each to search for prospective lands away from the fighting, which also possess a stable food supply that can be exploited by the Waikato. Back home, Kahu and his friends gain much popularity with their metal jewelry and arts, telling many of their discovery and gaining the respect of the warriors and the priests who regard their arts as the crafts of the gods. Gathering large amounts of ironsands and melting them over a great and hot fire on a stone slab, Kahu and his friends cut elaborate shapes into the stone, and let the melted metal flow into it to take shape, and let it cool overnight, afterwhich they polish the metal and present it to those how have asked them for it.
  • China: Continues to deal with the famine, using the grain storages and the expanded Grand Canal, as well as the Royal Road, to easily transport food to Henan, ending the crisis. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 50%. This completely ends the issues. As Dutch, Spanish, and English traders now flock to CHinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy. The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues, now reaching almost all the major cities. In this year alone, Yulin, Ordos, and Jilin are connected. A Chinese astronomer by the name of Lao Chan begins a chart of all the stars in the sky, including meteors and comets, soon charting almost all the known sky. This map is spread throughout China, and helps to foster support for exploration into the sciences. Simultaenously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in ten years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. The projects to continue medical research continue; people are offered money sums if they volunteer to be exposed to various diseases, and then various cures. The program works fast, experimenting with dysentery, cholera and leprosy in a single year and easily dealing with them.
    • Fusahito Dip: Merchants from the Theocracy attempt to negotiate a lower rate of export taxes for Japanese traders, pointing out that minimal taxes would increase Chinese profit overall due to greater willingness to buy Chinese goods at lower prices. In return, China is offered completely free, untaxed use of any Fusahito port.
  • Hesse: With the nation's conscription policy of having the army at 2% of the nation, the Hessian Army's numbers are raised to 52,000. This brings the once fledgling Hessian Army up to near full possible strength. The Hessian Army begins replacing it's older rifles with newer snaphaunces. Phillip has a son with his wife, Wilhelm IV. The economy continues to improve. The Landsknecht divisions are expanded, to the extent of being a section of the Hessian Army. We congratulate the victors in the Russian war. Our agricultural aspects of the nation have a great crop this year. All seems so tranquil in Hesse. The older noblewomen, daughters of Ludwig II, finally are laid to rest when they pass away this year. Wilhelm III and Ludwig III do well in their new family, a local family, the Hartensteins. The Hartensteins have knowledge that the children are of Hessian nobility, and raise them accordingly.
  • Fusahito Theocracy: The health of the first Fusahito Emperor continues to deteriorate and he is completely confined to his sickbed in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. His adopted son begins to take up more and more Imperial duties, effectively running the Theocracy in place of his father by the end of the year. Temples continue to be built throughout Korea, with priests converting citizens to belief in Shinto. At the same time, the training of Imperial troops with newly bought Dutch gunpowder weaponry is continued, with new recruits showing remarkable ease learning to shoot rather than to fire a bow. However, archers enjoy continued supremacy in the ary hierachy due to their fast rate of fire, greater accuracy and greater damage to enemy troops. Fusahito merchants continue to build a trade presence in the Spice Islands to the South, trading mainly with the Dutch and indigenous tribes.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: The economy booms with trade from the Dutch and Indian League. Continues influencing Brunei (Seven of 20)
    • Fusahito Dip: Merchants from the Theocracy ask to open up trade with the Sultan.
    • Malaccan Diplomacy: Accepts.
    • Dutch Diplomacy: The East India Company requests permission to start recruiting Malay from Malacca to serve in the East India Company.
    • Malaccan Diplomcy: Accepts.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 46, and his brother, Radu, now 45, resume growing the economy. A new form of trade ship begins to appear, the Sunbeci (Xebec). The ships are very fast, and are capable of out-running most larger galleons and such especially if they must sail close hauled to the wind. The navy request funds to conduct research into the new ships and they are given the required money. It quickly becomes apparent that they could serve extremely well in the Romanian navy as they handle very well. The Senate and the Consuls continue to vie for power, and it seems for now they have reached a stalemate. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Vladimir, now 18, begins the search for a wife, preferably of a nation close to Romania. His sister Lilliana continues to growup, and attends school with Mircea. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea, who now turns
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrate to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian Vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The influence of the Brothers grows and they, with support of the King issue the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. The King sees an interesting opportunity in the Brothers of the Raven and sends envoys alongside Bran to Britannia to ask for approval as a Western Catholic Religious Organization. This would strenghten Croatian-Britannic ties and due to the unification of churches, wouldn't be an actual issue amongst the Catholic Croatian populace.
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them.
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
      • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 880,000. Economy improves. Medical research continues. Population of Cuzco stands at 115,000 people, the largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 99,000, making it a distant second to Cuzco. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 70,000. Fourth largest is Peru, with 33,000 people. The smallest of the Golden Cities, Sican, has a population of 30,000. Chiribaya is established as a vassal of the Inca, under the name Chiribayasuyu. As the Sapa Inca's son, Apeac, has hit the age of 20, we send him to Spain to learn about the culture and history of Spain, making him the first Inca to willing go to Europe. The Sapa Inca's palace is attacked by workers, who align themselves with the Anti-Spain rioters ... He suffers a broken arm and cracked rib. Cuzco's infrastructure, which has been ignored in the process of developing Peru, Sican and Chimu, has degraded noticeably, causing conditions in the city to plummet. An Inca scholar predicts that this marks the beginning of the migration away from cities in the Inca Empire. Backing up his prediction, for the first time since the end of "the Great Plague", the population of the golden cities has had small decline rather than growth. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood. Following a second costly and unpopular war, the Inca economy begins to show signs of decline. As an act of gratitude, the Inca grant Spain a piece of Chiribaya as their own territory. This outrages the Inca population. While walking in the area near the Royal Palace, the Sapa Inca is ambushed by three Anti-Spanish rioters. While his guards fight off the attackers, the attack makes the Sapa Inca paranoid and he begins to withdraw from the public.As the economy begins to fall apart and the current government of the Inca is extremely unpopular, Peru and Cuzco fall victims to extreme violence. Large parts of Cuzco burn down in a fight between the Inca Army, and the Inca Nationals. In Peru, the Nationals target mixed bloods, killing 7000 in the span of a week. Spanish within the empire are moved to Machu Picchu for protection. People, regardless of their ethnicities, begin to flee the cities for safety, causing Cuzco and Peru to lose many people.
    • Chiribayasuyu: Military improves. Some troops are moved to quell rebellions on the home front. Transitional stuff continues as the old government is demolished and replaced with a new one. Population stands at 50,000, less than half of the pre-war's population.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The flagships known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively are completed and see their first forays into the open ocean.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.3 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 200 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 70 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 80 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Magistrates, however, are fully re-instated to continue as they were just under direction of the monarch of Spain The Kingdom of Morocco begins construction of a sizeable navy and adds nearly 30 ships, many purchased from private builders from abroad bringing its fleet up from 20 ships to nearly 50.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Castilians. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 250,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlers. The semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meaning ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. Zapoteca expands 100 px along the Gulf Coast. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military.
  • Netherlands: Troops continue to support the Bengali forces and operate in an orderly form leading several of the allied forces in Western and Central India. Areas that fall to Dutch control are usually treated with respect. However, certain incidents of rape by Muslims against Hindus occur. However, those responsible are generally given a slap on the wrist. More Indian and Malay are recruited into the East India Company armed forces. Naval activities against the Hindu States continue. The western educated elite in Sunda and Batavia continue to become more loyal to the western authorities as presure on the Sultan of Sunda to cede more power to the Company grows. Bribing of the Sultan's closest advisor begin and more troops loyal to the Dutch are raised. Trade and comercial ties with the East Indies rulers continue to grow. Influence over southern sumatra continues to grow. In the Netherlands Willem I passes away due to old age and helath complications. His death is mourned by the whole nation for his religious tolerance, support of the sciences and humanities, and for the glory he brought to the Netherlands. The great leaders of Europe are invited to his funeral. His eldest son Christoffel van Nassau-Orleans Adopts the name Willem II of the Netherlands after discussing the matter with the States-General. Due to his young age (20) he agrees to a cede certain powers to the States-General until he is 25. As per the agreement arranged with France in the treaty of Namur, Willem II marries Sophie of France (15) the daughter of the current ruler of France. Sophie is soon found to be pregnant with the couple's first child. It is soon seen that Willem II is like his father a man of the arts and science but lacks signicantly in ruling capacity and has little to no interest in the military, as he is happy to leave the ruling of the state to the States-General and the royal council as he spends most of his time in the theatres and the University. Under the agreement of the government Military and naval expansion continue. The Royal Army continues to develop along the new model lines as more troops are recruited, while the Royal Musketeers are expanded to 1000 men. More frigates are built as the older ship models are scuttled, while the capital ship designs continue. Smaller ship designs are also made based on speed mainly (OTL Brigantes). Cutlural and scientific development continue and floursih under progressive and open minded Netherlander culture and policies. The riches of the Netherland's trade and banking grow and flow into the cities of the lowlands. Dutch and Wallon architecture continue to develop and become more and more prevelant in the Lowlands as well in the colonies. Wallon Steel work continues to expand and retains its place as the best in Europe. Lowlands French continues to distance itself from that of France, and it continues to be important for the political and diplomatic circles of the Kingdom, not to mention the arts. The continued adventures of Dutch troops, and explorers in India, the East Indies, Africa and HIsperia continue to fuel the imagination of Dutch and Wallon literature providing greater incentive for trading, sailing and exploring. The Guiana Settlements continue to expand along the coastline and slowly down the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers 20 Pixels in total. Relations with the natives continue to deteriorate and fighting continues to grow. More plantations and farm estates are carved out of the jungle to provide an economy and food source for the settlers, while the cash crops mainly tobacco and sugar are sold to the homeland and finished products are purchased. Paramaribo continues to develop into the cultural and economic capital of the colony. The Colony now stands at a population of 1200 in total with 750 whites of both Dutch and Wallon origins, and 450 slaves mainly from the Niger and Cameroon regions. Macaba and New Antwerp also continue to grow. The Garrison now holding 400 men who make up a large part of the land owners and settlers hold down the frontier. Dutch explorers continue traveling down the Rivers of the Guiana Shield mapping and documenting the region. Dutch explorers formally name the Orinoco river the Nieuwe Rijn (or the New Rhine River.) More slaves are sold to India, Persia, and to the European colonies in the New World. consolodation of Benin is finalized as a local regiment under the command of local rulers is established to help control the reason.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade and influence around the known world. The alliance offer by the Mapuche nation of Volayacor is accepted, as the Empire is happy to receive a friendly port and trading partner in Hesperia. Construction of Frigates and now Galleons are is underway thanks to the British designs. These new ships allow the Romans to project their military influence farther than they were able to before. With the population of Atlantis now reaching the thousands due to its crucial position as an immigrant stopping post as well as a valuable trade center, a new expedition is sent north in search of new lands to colonize for the glory of the Empire. An expedition comprised of a few cargo ships, two cogs, one carro, and several passenger ships eventually come across a large bay after one of the cogs runs aground on the banks protecting the bay. The expedition decides to make a colony inside the bay, as the banks would offer perfect protection against enemy raiders and violent storms alike. The leader of the expedition, an ethnic Latin, names the newfound city Reme, saying that one Rome is enough for the Old World, so it is only fitting for a new Rome for the New World. The colony branches out, trying to survive. To do so, colonists make contact with nearby natives for advice regarding food and the local climate. Back in the Old World, the NAP with the Ottomans is again accepted, as the Romans have no dying interest to get involved in a bloody and costly war with the Ottomans at this time.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: More expansion into the Sinai, and by now the Egyptians rule over the entire area. More laws are enacted to reduce ethnic and religious strife, and Muslims continue to be converted.
    • Cyrene: More Berber and Roman identities are encouraged, as well as Christian conversion. Economy expands.
    • Serbia: More nobles become Roman citizens, and begin seeing the benefits of doing so. Military expands.
    • Italian Thingy: As immigration expands, the colony moves upward along the coast.
    • Roanoke: The colony begins to expand as initial food shortages are overcome by the generosity of the natives and more regular shipments from Atlantis. The colony expands by four pixels along the coast and outer banks.
  • Mansurryian Sultanate: With news of the potential collapse of the great Savafid Empire, we now see the fruits of our labor into building up the military for five years, as now we have a formidable fighting force, the Mansurryian Army, and thus there is a military parade in the capital of Baghdad, showing off our great might. The Sultan also declares mass moblization, especially on the border of the Savafid Empire, for the time of war is soon. As a result of the roads and towns built from the Mosque Model, our Army is well supplied. Mil turn We also send our remorse to the Netherlands for the deceased Wilhem 1 and we congratulate Willhem II for succeeding his father as King and we also congratluate Willhem II and Sophie for their new child.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duke Heinrich XVII and his council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1545, Heinrich commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1545, as many as three hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Heinrich begins to ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Heinrich further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Heinrich continues implementing the Bavarian Commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland. In political news, Bavarian nobles continue to be overjoyed in the fact that a Bavarian Parliament exists. However, not all is calm with the royal family. To begin with, Princess Catherine is all but Grand Duchess, seeing as her father is so sickly he has become despondent and totally confined to his bedchamber. Catherine demands that she have a permanent post in the Bavarian Parliament. She threatens that if she is not, in some form or another, a president of the parliament, she would dissolve the parliamentary charter as soon as she becomes Grand Duchess. The nobles wave her off initially, but as Catherine continually makes demands and uses heavy dialogue, they begin to slowly submit to her demands. In October, several nobles present to the Grand Duchess a document, allowing her to be named Supreme Chancellor of the Curia Bavaria, giving her the freedom to appoint or depose any parliament member she wishes, a power not given in the earlier charter. However, the monarchy may not dissolve any laws or proposals voted upon by the parliament. Wary, Catherine agrees to these terms. In diplomatic news, Princess Catherine drops, in its entirety, the claim forged upon the nation of Hesse. Princess Catherine is also thrilled to be married to Duke Friedrich II of Hamburg. She notes that their first child together will be a Wittelsbach and therefore heir to Bavaria, and the second child will be the heir to the duchy of Hamburg, and thus be a member of the von Hamburg dynasty. The year ends on a solemn note, as Heinrich XVII dies on the 18th of December. A funeral procession is held by the new Grand Duchess, Catherine.
    • Munchen: By 1545, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. A religious change begins occurring in Wurzburg upon the ascension of Franz-Albert, where many more Western Christians begin inhabiting the bishopric. The clergy begins being alarmed and they fear displacement. An envoy dispatched by Franz-Albert attempts to quell their fears.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Heinrich and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Heinrich continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect. The war continues to rage against the Indian states that chose division over unity and petty self interests over what is good for many. Due to many different Indian nations bordering different Indian nations at war with each other, each nation at war is having to lead themselves and others because of the multitude of fronts that seem to be quickly falling into the Indian League's favor.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.


Not even Muslim, the majority of the Mazandarani have resented Muslim rule through the last few decades. They rebel and take up defences on the most defendable part of the Iranian Plateau.

The continued spread of the Dutch-Wallon Reformation Church into Germany and now into Northern France begins to see notable tension in these new areas which are traditionally Catholic. Co-incidentally a small sect of these have also begun cropping up in Gibraltar, one of Spain's heaviest trade areas.

  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: In al-Sumal, the armies continue to make major gains throughout the nation, with Mogadishu itself falling in March. By this time, most opposition is in the north of the country, but begin putting up less of a fight as the battles wear on. Back home, the increasing presence of the Reformists leads to cracking down harder on them. Missionaries spread throughout Hamburg, Mecklenburg, and Münster, preaching that the Reformists wish to lead the masses away from the path of righteousness. In Münster especially, the rhetoric is pushed even harder. Meanwhile, the Kiel Canal reaches 51 miles in length, and is expected to be completed next year. Bruchhausen is annexed.
    • County of Holstein: Military and economy expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Military and economy expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Trade increases.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Trade increases.
    • Neue Hamburg: Trade increases, expands by 20 px.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Teresa Suárez de Figueroa gives birth to a boy, who is named Manuel.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Regular (read: not Imperial) Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
  • China: Continues to deal with the famine, using the grain storages and the expanded Grand Canal, as well as the Royal Road, to easily transport food to Henan, ending the crisis. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 50%. This completely ends the issues. As Dutch, Spanish and English traders now flock to CHinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy. The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues. Simultaenously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in ten years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. The projects to continue medical research continue; people are offered money sums if they volunteer to be exposed to various diseases, and then various cures. China will think about Fusahito's offer from last year.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. The parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. The CCA expands control in Africa. Construction of two large galleons, both with 200 guns commences, the Sovereign and the Intrepid, making them the largest vessels ever attempted by a European nation, work is expected to take the better part of a decade. The first frigates of the Rome deal sets sail for its new home in Constantinople. Several older ships are sold to Croatia and other nations to make way for the modern ships. In London, in effort to perserve beer, a local brewer names James Walsh, adopts glass as a method of sealing in the beer, thus preserving it. The massive war Galleons Sovereign and Intrepid continue ahead of schedule. The Admiralty Board, pleased with the success of the construction, commissions a third ship called the HMS Royale, a 368-gun war galleon with added mortar capabilities. British troops continue to aid the Bengalis in India.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colony of Nuaphail expands 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and west. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • Pskov: The Pskovian military pours into Russia, especially Novgorod, as the brutal war in Russia continues. Will add more later.
  • County of Oldenburg: The military expands. By now, all the units of the regular army are kitted out with the new uniform; yellow doublet with a breastplate and morion helmet. The navy is joined by another warship, equipped with twenty cannon. In Jacqueline, the settlement expands 50 px south along the coast.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: "Reformists" and other religious dssidents are hunted down with a passion. The students who went to Jacqueline present lectures describing the animals, plants and native peoples of the New World. Infrastructure improves.
    • I won't be able to post for the next two days. Callumthered (talk) 04:13, June 27, 2014 (UTC)
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The government decides to move on the Dutch reformists by allowing to remain on the French territory, however, putting some taxes for allowing them free passage in French land. However, the French government makes clear that their beliefs are with the Catholicism and that any attempt of violent expansion will be considered as an act of aggression and hence the Dutch-Wallon reformist may be persecuted. The vassalage of bar begins.
    • Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
    • French Mali: Military and economy are built up.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty-five elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 70,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX excells in all of his courses, but hears of his grandfather's death, and promptly wraps up his studies, and brings massive amount of litterature with him. Mon IX travels to Kunene, the city of marble, and invited the King of the Netherlands to come with him.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
  • Vorlayacor: The five-year expansion campaign has reached the border of the Spanish realm, marking the end of an unprecedented period of growth that doubled Vorlayacor's territory. The population of the country, due to the annexation of local peoples, has risen to over 170,000. A program is begun to modernize the newly acquired realm by building roads; teachers are sent to help spread Mapuche language and writing. Vorlayacoran leaders, remembering the rage of their people at the Spanish demolition of their old homes and ways, leave the new citizens to their own religious beliefs. Building roads and other modern facilities necessary to the new territory's economic output will take approximately three years. Garen personally visits the new West and delivers a speech promising that Vorlayacor fights for the glory and advancement of all native Hesperians. not just Mapuche, and that all new citizens of the nation have all the rights of original Mapuche families. Cultural tensions exist, but are contained to a reasonable degree.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Catherine and her council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1546, Catherine commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1546, as many as five hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Catherine begins to seriously ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Catherine further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Catherine continues implementing the Bavarian commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland and his wife delivers a son, named Albrecht. Albrecht will be the future King of Poland, and the first member of the Habsburg-Wittelsbach Dynasty. In political news, Catherine begins her first year as Grand Duchess of Bavaria. She continues to mediate the Treaty of Pskov and the conclusion of the Russian War. Catherine also plans on becoming active in the Reichsregiment, planning to push forth several laws or treaties aimed at bringing Hesse more closely under the Bavarian and Hamburger spheres. This is an effort aimed at strengthening the power and structure of Germany, and Catherine hopes that a distinct, powerful political realm can arise within a few decades. In domestic news, Catherine is content with her role as Chancellor of the Curia Bavaria. As it is more commonly called, the Bavarian Parliament operates well this year. In 1546, the members of Parliament, which number about ninety-eight, draft several basic laws concerning the Parliament itself. The first of which they propose is an official seat for the Parliament. Initially, in January, many members voted upon the castle Alter Hof, situated in Munich. As votes began being cast, however, Catherine made somewhat of a stir, not wanting to have Parliamentary headquarters so far from Landshut. Knowing that she was prohibited to ignore or dismiss any law voted upon by Parliament, Catherine made a quick deal with the ninety-eight parliamentarians. Sitting from her newly crafted throne, the Grand Duchess proposed the following to the nobles: The seat of the Curia Bavaria would be situated within the city of Landshut. Furthermore, the nobles had the choice of where exactly in Landshut it would be, as long as it was within appropriate distance to Trausnitz. Catherine closed out her compromise with stating that the Crown would pay for the construction of a Parliamentary house, large enough to easily house the nearly one hundred parliamentarians, and many more. Happy with the deal, the nobles vote to have their seat be in Landshut. After voting on an official seat, the nobles began voting the various Bavarian Commands and Collegiate Writs into law. Before, things such as the Bavarian Commands and Collegiate Writs were similar to royal edicts, passed only by the absolute authority of the monarch. Because of this, they were not formal laws within the Bavarian government. Because of the Curia Bavaria, the Bavarian Commands and Collegiate writs are now codified laws of the Bavarian nation. In dynastic news, Catherine reveals to the court she is pregnant in early March. The baby is born on December 18th, making Catherine cheerful as it is her ascension day. The baby is a boy, whom Catherine names Albert. This child will be of the Wittelsbach family, while the second child will be a von Hamburger.
    • Munchen: By 1546, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The influence of the Brothers grows and they, with support of the King issue the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. The King sees an interesting opportunity in the Brothers of the Raven and sends envoys alongside Bran to Britannia to ask for approval as a Western Catholic Religious Organization. This would strenghten Croatian-Britannic ties and due to the unification of churches, wouldn't be an actual issue amongst the Catholic Croatian populace. (I, TheMaster001, posted this in behalf of SkyGreen24.)
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them. (Posted this as well.)
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future. (Posted this as well.)
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while more mosques are built. A state funeral (for the late Sher Shah Suri) is announced.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 400 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a university at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go.
    • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firemans and are trained [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
    • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firearms and are trained [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • Malaccan Sultanate: The university of Malacca is finished, and sees enrollment from many Malays and South East Asians. The economy grows with continued trade. We continue influencing Brunei (Eight of 20).
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 860,000. Military improves. Medical research continues. Population of Cuzco stands at 60,000 people, the second largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 100,000, making it the largest in the Nation. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 20,000. Fourth largest is Peru, with 19,000 people. Sican has a population of 30,000. Chiribaya is established as a vassal of the Inca, under the name Chiribayasuyu. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood. Following a second costly and unpopular war, the Inca economy begins to show signs of decline. . This outrages the Inca population.As the economy begins to fall apart and the current government of the Inca is extermly unpopular, Peru and Cuzco fall victims to extreme violence. Large parts of Cuzco burn down in a fight between the Inca Army and the Inca Nationals. In Peru, the Nationals target mixed bloods, killing 7000 in the span of a week. Spanish within the empire are moved to Machu Picchu for protection. People, regardless of their ethnicity, begin to flee the cities for safety, causing Cuzco and Peru to lose many people. Inca Nationals raid an army near Machu Picchu, gaining access to a large quantity of firearms and ammo. After acquiring said weapons, they storm the capital. Numbering 600, the Battle of Machu Picchu, as it is called, leads to the death of 8000 people, mostly non-combatants. One of those non-combatants is none other than the Sapa Inca himself. People flee the cities by the thousands, barring Chimu and Sican. This change causes Chimu to become the largest city in the Empire. Apeac returns to claim the throne, taking the name Apeac the First, mixing European monarchy with Inca monarchy. This change to the system sparks panic in the Inca elite, causing them, along side Apeac I, to draw up laws of secession.
    • 'Chiribayasuyu:'Economy improves. Some troops are moved to quell rebellions on the home front. Transitional stuff continues as the old government is demolished and replaced with a new one. Population stands at 50,000, less than half of the pre-war population.
  • Netherlands: Troops continue to support the Bengali forces and operate in an orderly form leading several of the allied forces in Western and Central India. Areas that fall to Dutch control are usually treated with respect. However, certain incidents of rape by Muslims against Hindus occur. However, those responsible are generally given a slap on the wrist. More Indian and Malay are recruited into the East India Company armed forces. Naval activities against the Hindu States continue. The western educated elite in Sunda and Batavia continue to become more loyal to the western authorities as presure on the Sultan of Sunda to cede more power to the Company grows. Bribing of the Sultan's closest advisor begin and more troops loyal to the Dutch are raised. Trade and comercial ties with the East Indies rulers continue to grow. Influence over southern sumatra continues to grow. It is soon seen that Willem II is like his father a man of the arts and science but lacks signicantly in ruling capacity and has little to no interest in the military, as he is happy to leave the ruling of the state to the States-General and the royal council as he spends most of his time in the theatres and the University. Under the agreement of the government Military and naval expansion continue. The Royal Army continues to develop along the new model lines as more troops are recruited, while the Royal Musketeers are expanded to 1000 men. More frigates are built as the older ship models are scuttled, while the capital ship designs continue. Smaller ship designs are also made based on speed mainly (OTL Brigantes). Cutlural and scientific development continue and floursih under progressive and open minded Netherlander culture and policies. The riches of the Netherland's trade and banking grow and flow into the cities of the lowlands. Dutch and Wallon architecture continue to develop and become more and more prevelant in the Lowlands as well in the colonies. Wallon Steel work continues to expand and retains its place as the best in Europe. Lowlands French continues to distance itself from that of France, and it continues to be important for the political and diplomatic circles of the Kingdom, not to mention the arts. The continued adventures of Dutch troops, and explorers in India, the East Indies, Africa and HIsperia continue to fuel the imagination of Dutch and Wallon literature providing greater incentive for trading, sailing and exploring. The Guiana Settlements continue to expand along the coastline and slowly down the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers 20 Pixels in total. Relations with the natives continue to deteriorate and fighting continues to grow. More plantations and farm estates are carved out of the jungle to provide an economy and food source for the settlers, while the cash crops mainly tobacco and sugar are sold to the homeland and finished products are purchased. Paramaribo continues to develop into the cultural and economic capital of the colony. The Colony now stands at a population of 1200 in total with 750 whites of both Dutch and Wallon origins, and 450 slaves mainly from the Niger and Cameroon regions. Macaba and New Antwerp also continue to grow. The Garrison now holding 400 men who make up a large part of the land owners and settlers hold down the frontier. Dutch explorers continue traveling down the Rivers of the Guiana Shield mapping and documenting the region. Dutch explorers formally name the Orinoco river the Nieuwe Rijn (or the New Rhine River.) More slaves are sold to India, Persia, and to the European colonies in the New World. consolodation of Benin is finalized as a local regiment under the command of local rulers is established to help control the reason. Willem II intrigued by the Ionte offer sends his youngest brother with the African ruler to see the marble city.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military Administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The flagships known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively are completed and see their first forays into the open ocean. The reformists in Gibraltar are given some degree of tolerance as the Spanish people converted previously and went as far as creating their own pope at some point.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.3 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 200 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 120 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 100 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Moroccan navy increases to nearly 110 ships.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Spanish. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 270,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlers. The semi-hostile climate has left Cape Ferdinand with barely 22,000 colonists in comparison to New Spain in Hesperia. The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin to be contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meansing ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • Waikato Maori: The Waikaton continue on their campaign against the neighboring iwi, conquering 5000 km of land in the south, pushing deeper and deeper into enemy territory. The Waikato destroy countless pa, rooting out resisters and killing the male populations wherever they are found to destroy all future resistance to their rule. Akuhata orders the construction of a great road leading from the northern tip of his lands to the southern half, allowing trade to flourish along the paths of the road by increasing the ease of transportation in the region. Elsewhere, the warriors sent off by Akuhata encounter a wide stretch of land they name Ahitereiria (OTL Australia), which the land on and begin exploring in accordance with their mission to search for safe, farmland the Maori can exploit in the future. Disembarking at the Brisbane River, the warriors transport their supplies and canoes inland to search for food and inhabitants. So far the land appears uninhabited, but the Maori warriors continue search for any natives who can help them in their quest. The other waku run into several islands in the north, one of which is name Whītī (OTL Fiji), which the native Fijians welcome them with open arms, especially after it is discovered that their languages are somewhat similar allowing much conversation and negotiation without the need for a translator. The Maori request the aid of the Fijians in acquiring foodstuffs that can help diversify the diet of the Maori people back home, opening up a safe place to acquire food that the enemy tribes of North Island cannot destroy. Back home, Kahu continues with his molding of ironsands in jewelry and statuettes, improving his techniques to that of creating molds within stone slabs put together and placed within the ground, allowing him to produce much larger and higher quality wares. Akuhata asks Kahu to make a metal mere for him, as a ceremonial tools, expressing his delight in the much stronger qualities of the metal, as well as his desire to replace the one broken in combat. Kahu complies with the wish, creating the mere for Akuhata, and gives him the weapon. Akuhata smooths the edges after he was dismayed by the blunt edges, only to discover that the shape edges are perfect for cutting. After testing the weapon on an animal later in the day, the clean cut produced by the iron mere delights Akuhata, who proclaims iron to be superior to the wooden and jade meres used by his chieftains and warriors. Almost immediately, Kahu receives countless requests for iron meres and other weapons, leading to Akuhata also proclaiming Kahu to be the chief armorer of the Waikato Maori, granting Kahu the title of chief as well as granting him more than a dozen women captured during Waikato campaigns, in additional to a pa of his very own to carry out his works and live in safety from enemy attacks. He also receives farmland and servants to support his ironworks, as well as a personal bodyguard of fifty men to protect him from attack. Kahu's dreams of fame and glory have been fulfilled, and in delight, Kahy begins the next phase of his life, no longer a several, but a leader in his own right. The military of the Waikato is expanded.
  • Madagasikara continues to develop its unique culture, which is an ever-changing mixture of Spanish, Malagasy and Bantu cultures. The unique make-up of the culture emphasizes hard-work, and as such a number of farmers are starting to make great amounts of money as a result of their labors. Ignacio continues to focus on the full integration of all of his states as fully Madagasikaran lands, including al-Swahili and the newest member of the Madagasikaran League, al-Sumal. All of the firstborn sons of traders, powerful farmers and nobles of the coastal nations continue to study at the University of Mahajanga for at leas two years. The spice trade continues to fuel the economy of Madagasikara, and trade blossoms greatly. The work in shipyards to construct the most modern navy possible continues with great success. Madagasikara continues to influence the government in Mogadishu, both culturally, economically and politically. Shipbuilding along the west coast of Madagasikara continues to pick up as a vital industry, but intra-national competition from Coastal Madagasikaran states begins to also rise. The Emperor continues to fund Christian Arab migration to the region, focusing on Alexandria, Banu Sulaym, Morocco, Tunisia, Georgia, and Rome. Namibia expands along the coast by the maximum amount. Economy turn.
    • Mozambika sees Madagasikaran culture pour into former Mozambikan lands from former Pembaran lands.
    • Sofala continues to develop closer to Madagasikaran culture. Sofala is quickly evolving into a powerful trading center, with access to both the north and also to the south. Ignacio and his cadre of advisers work tirelessly to ensure that Sofala will never leave Madagasikara again, especially now that Maputo was added back to Sofala.
    • Kilwa, under some military control, experiences massive conversions to Christianity as missionaries pour into the city. Introduction of Latinized Malagasy continues, although a more Swahili dialect is implemented to ease the transition.
    • Copy pasta for rex -Feud
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military. Itzapam expands 50 px along the Pacific Coast.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 46, and his brother, Radu, now 45, resume growing the economy. A large Cannon Foundry is constructed by a rising weapons firm, known as the Constanta Fabrică de Tun. The Sunbeci continue to be developed, and a small craft is contracted by a shipyard in Constanta. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Vladimir, now 19, begins the search for a wife, preferably of a nation close to Romania. His sister Lilliana continues to grow up, and attends school with Mircea. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea, who now turns
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrate to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian Vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Makuria (Two of Thirteen) and Alodia (Two of Thirteen) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (Three of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 26 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23.3 million. The military is expanded. We inform the Caliphate of Mecca if they attempt to use soldiers from Medina, we will attack them for incurring onto our lands.
  • Apparently Mecca is owned by CaptainJohnRex, his name was listed prior. But I have seen my folly. I will therefore invade him if he dares not be a protectorate, as I looked at some of his turns and they were quite ridiculous. SwankyJ (talk) 03:28, June 26, 2014 (UTC)
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 166,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and continues to as it is now the second largest city after the capital of the Ottoman Sultanate centered in Anatolia, Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 53,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the fourth largest city.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade and influence around the known world. The alliance offer by the Mapuche nation of Volayacor is accepted, as the Empire is happy to receive a friendly port and trading partner in Hesperia. Construction of Frigates and now Galleons are is underway thanks to the British designs. These new ships allow the Romans to project their military influence farther than they were able to before. With the population of Atlantis now reaching the thousands due to its crucial position as an immigrant stopping post as well as a valuable trade center, a new expedition is sent north in search of new lands to colonize for the glory of the Empire. An expedition comprised of a few cargo ships, two cogs, one carro, and several passenger ships eventually come across a large bay after one of the cogs runs aground on the banks protecting the bay. The expedition decides to make a colony inside the bay, as the banks would offer perfect protection against enemy raiders and violent storms alike. The leader of the expedition, an ethnic Latin, names the newfound city Reme, saying that one Rome is enough for the Old World, so it is only fitting for a new Rome for the New World. The colony branches out, trying to survive. To do so, colonists make contact with nearby natives for advice regarding food and the local climate. Back in the Old World, the NAP with the Ottomans is again accepted, as the Romans have no dying interest to get involved in a bloody and costly war with the Ottomans at this time.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: More expansion into the Sinai, and by now the Egyptians rule over the entire area. More laws are enacted to reduce ethnic and religious strife, and Muslims continue to be converted.
    • Cyrene: More Berber and Roman identities are encouraged, as well as Christian conversion. Economy expands.
    • Serbia: More nobles become Roman citizens, and begin seeing the benefits of doing so. Military expands.
    • Italian Thingy: As immigration expands, the colony moves upward along the coast.
    • Roanoke: The colony begins to expand as initial food shortages are overcome by the generosity of the natives and more regular shipments from Atlantis. The colony expands by four pixels along the coast and outer banks.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.


The German states of Brandenburg and Pomerania revolt en masse defeating a commander loyal to Austria and killing nearly his entire army. These rebels declare all foreign influence intolerable and both states turn independent (Scores 14 econ, 14 mil, 5 inf, their scores will be fully doubled and they receive 1.5 popular revolt bonus).

Pskov, feeling the full effects from the sacking during the war, sees a drastic decrease in its local economy and populace within the year forcing the city's leader to figure out how to cut back costs or suffer even further.

The Maori scouts on OTL mainland Australia are completely wiped out by natives and no report is sent back leading Maori leadership to believe that they have been lost at sea or killed stifling any further expansion beyond New Zealand proper.

And pray tell, how that would even be possible if the aborigines were terrible warriors compared to the Maori? Also, why are you killing them off? And I don't know if you're blind or just ignorant of the fact, but I never stated anywhere I was expanding into Australia. ~Viva

Following years of coverup the natives in OTL Northern Australia show clear signs of suffering from diseases such as smallpox.

  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: with the revolts in Pomerania and Brandenburg, the borders are fortified to prevent violence spilling over. In late January, the Hamburg expeditionary forces in al-Sumal eliminate the last organized resistance. The nation is declared as the colony of "Ostland", as to complement Austria's Westenland. A colonial governor is installed, but he rules with a local ruler, who also is allowed to take part in the Madigaskara League. In Hamburg, new snaphauce muskets begin to be introduced to the army. Meanwhile, the outposts in the Friedrich Inseln prove to be valuable assets in trading in Southeast Asia. Meanwhile, the Kiel Canal is completed at last, and the first ever ships sail from the North Sea to the Baltic without passing through the Øresund.
    • County of Holstein: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Militia expanded.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Militia expanded.
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 20 px.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Regular (read: not Imperial) Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
  • China: Continues to deal with the famine, using the grain storages and the expanded Grand Canal, as well as the Royal Road, to easily transport food to Henan, ending the crisis. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 50%. This completely ends the issues. As Dutch, Spanish and English traders now flock to Chinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy. The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues. Simultaenously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in ten years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. The projects to continue medical research continue; people are offered money sums if they volunteer to be exposed to various diseases, and then various cures.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Makuria (Three of Thirteen) and Alodia (Three of Thirteen) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (Four of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 27 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. Karaman merges into the empire. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23.3 million. The military is expanded. We declare war on the Caliphate of Mecca and invade their nation. (MOD ALGO, PLEASE <3 YOU)
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, has a son with his new wife A'shad the son is named Suleiman II, and incorporates a tradition for all future sultan firstborns to be named Suleiman, after his father who has revived the Ottoman Empire into a booming powerhouse. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 168,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and continues to as it is now the second largest city after the capital of the Ottoman Sultanate centered in Anatolia, Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 54,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the fourth largest city.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. The infrastructure is expanded.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities. The Prussian colonial expedition makes landfall and establishes the New Pomerania colony at the site of OTL St Augustine, Florida. The colony is named after what is regarded as the "lost province of Prussia".
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
    • Neu Pomerania: The first settlers arrive and name the first settlement and name in Neu Gdansk. The colony is made up of about 300 settlers, most of them proper Germanic Prussians weary after the long voyage. Some farms mainly consisting of wheat and pork are set up to attempt bring in a sustainable food source, but for the most part the population now relies on fishing and some supplies brought from overseas. Contact is made with the natives but little comes of it besides limited trade and the occasional misunderstanding that results in death. We expand 10 pixels along the south coast, 5 pixels to the north, and 5 inland.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect. The war continues to rage against the Indian states that chose division over unity and petty self interests over what is good for many. Due to many different Indian nations bordering different Indian nations at war with each other, each nation at war is having to lead themselves and others because of the multitude of fronts that seem to be quickly falling into the Indian League's favor. Gains continue to be made during the war. The League forces continue to push into secessionist territory, using the advantage of better technology and superior numbers to excessive victories.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The government decides to move on the Dutch reformists by allowing to remain on the French territory, however, putting some taxes for allowing them free passage in French land. However, the French government makes clear that their beliefs are with the Catholicism and that any attempt of violent expansion will be considered as an act of aggression and hence the Dutch-Wallon reformists may be persecuted. The vassalage of bar begins.
    • D. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • C. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
    • French Mali: Military and economy are built up.
    • Savoie: Military and economy are built up.
    • Valois: Military and economy are built up.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Catherine and her council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1547, Catherine commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1547, as many as five hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Catherine begins to seriously ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Catherine further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Catherine continues implementing the Bavarian commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland and his wife delivers a son, named Albrecht. Albrecht will be the future King of Poland, and the first member of the Habsburg-Wittelsbach Dynasty. In political news, the Curia Bavaria continue to implement the Bavarian Commands and Collegiate Writs into a codified, national law. Catherine is pleased by this development, and becomes less wary of the Parliament. Work on the Parliamentary House begins in the city of Landshut. In Imperial news, Catherine presents the first of her Hessian acts to the Reichsregiment. The first act is an act that would bring Hesse and Bavaria under dynastic union, where the heir of future duke Wilhelm von Hessen will be a Wittelsbach. Catherine formally presents this to the legislature, to a positive vote from herself, Count Albert, and the current Duke of Hesse himself, Philip I. Catherine announces that she will visit Augsburg next year, in 1548, to gather support for and better explain her proposed act. Even though Landshut is not far from Augsburg, travel takes time, especially for a Grand Duchess who has to more or less be glued to the throne. Furthermore, after Duke Friedrich visited in July, there is a high likelihood that Catherine is pregnant. Instead of traveling there to simply present an act, Catherine sends an envoy composed of nobles and messengers. In domestic news, the Grand Duchess orders a census to be taken of all the people in Bavaria. Results are expected next year.
    • Munchen: By 1547, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
      • Hessian Dip: We request an alliance with Bavaria.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga deported the 1000 Ayutthaya soldiers back to their homelands after the Emperor faced pressure from the Supreme Council of Twelve. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 400 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. The new Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil showed his desire to meet with the Dutch East Indies and secure a deal for the purchase of the much more modern, Dutch cannons. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. Meanwhile, the Chinese merchants initially ignored due to their resemblance with the Ayutthaya were, however, soon treated in a proper way. The Supreme Council had realized that the Marrikuwuyanga had become quite weak when they started depending on the Ayutthaya too much, and thus too much dependence on the Dutch, too, would harm the Marrikuwuyanga. But to make sure the Dutch are not offended, the Chinese are not given too much importance either. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a university at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial. Smallpox starts to spread and the people affected are ordered to be put to death although this decision does not stop smallpox from spreading.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go. The people have developed immunity to smallpox due to interaction with other nations for hundreds of years
    • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firemans and are trained. Smallpox start to spread. [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
    • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firearms and are trained. Smallpox starts to spread [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The influence of the Brothers grows and they, with support of the King issue the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. The King sees an interesting opportunity in the Brothers of the Raven and sends envoys alongside Bran to Britannia to ask for approval as a Western Catholic Religious Organization. This would strenghten Croatian-Britannic ties and due to the unification of churches, wouldn't be an actual issue amongst the Catholic Croatian populace. (I, TheMaster001, posted this in behalf of SkyGreen24.)
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them. (Posted this as well.)
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future. (Posted this as well.)
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while more mosques are built. A state funeral (for the late Sher Shah Suri) is announced.
  • Waikato Maori: Akuhata continues his campaigns against his enemies, gaining 5,000 km of land in the process. With much of the enemy dealt with, and now nothing but empty space to expand into, Akuhata continues his focus on searching for lands outside of his own to farm and forage on for food. Though some dissenting voices in his waku believe the warriors that were sent to Ahitereiria died at sea, Akuhata and his chieftains find the rumor to be entirely dubious at best, given that his people are superb navigators, and moving throughout the calm waters of the area was too easy for it to have been such a foolish assumption as the one given them. Undeterred, Akuhata puts together a great force of three hundred men one twenty waka canoes, and sends them off back to Ahitereiria, not only to continue the mission of their predecessors, but to discover what happened to them. Armed with the new iron weapons created by Kahu's foundry pa, and veterans of the recent campaigns, these warriors are both numerous and armed to the teeth, and Akuhata expects them to deal with any hostile forces that may exist in Ahitereiria easily. Also, to ensure that word of their progress is successful transferred back to the home island, Akuhata sends three ten-man teams on canoes of their out out to shadow the war party, and ensure that if one group falls, the other can immediately return home with word of the event. Akuhata wishes to risk nothing in that mysterious land within reach of their canoes, nor do his chieftains, who too are quite concerned about the land of Ahitereiria. Work in Polynesia continues with much great success, with Whītī agreeing to work with the Maori in terms of trade and cultural exchange, to rediscover their lost roots, as well as a pact to protect one another out of brotherly friendship, given their shared culture and language. Elsewhere, exploration parties discover the island nations of Hāmoa (OTL Samoa) and Tonga, who also speak derivatives of the same language. Peaceful negotiations are conducted by the Maori and their new friends, and trade pacts are set up in response. Rejoining greatly over this, Maori exploration parties send word back to Aotearoa of their discoveries, and implore the chieftains to send out more search teams to seek out additional cultures in the region who may be long lost brothers of the Maori people. The economy of the Waikato is improved.
  • These require mod response and your starting to go beyond your range. SLOW DOWN. -Feud
  • If the Maori colonized the other islands, something researchers have stated themselves, how in God's name am I going beyond my OTL range? Surely a person who goes to college, has access to deans, and does more than "Google s***", as you said yourself, would know that. ~Viva
  • Malaccan Sultanate: The Marble building that is the university of malacca becomes a beacon of education in the East indies. The military it improved, and grows in size. By now most of the military has been armed with the new Dutch-based Malaccan Snapahaunce. Statues of the King are erected by his palace in the capital. He is shown as a liberator. We continue influencing Brunei (Nine of 20)
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • Caliphate of Mecca: We apologize to Madina for trying to use their troops in battle. Therefore, we send gold, resources, treasure and spices etc. to them. We ask a peace treaty and furthermore to have trades with Madina and so as Ottoman Sultanate. We continue to trade with Safavid Empire and we declare war on Yemen again. [Can anyone help me do an algo again?]
  • ​You have to AT LEAST start the algo. It is literally plugging in numbers.
  • Vorlayacor: The new territories continue to be integrated into mainstream Vorlayacoran society, with Mapuche settlers building towns, natives being educated, and roadways being constructed. Our northwest borders expand by 20 pixels. The shipyard is complete and is now manufacturing doraks; there are 25 merchant doraks and five protection vessels.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade and influence around the known world. The alliance offer by the Mapuche nation of Volayacor is accepted, as the Empire is happy to receive a friendly port and trading partner in Hesperia. Construction of Frigates and now Galleons are is underway thanks to the British designs. These new ships allow the Romans to project their military influence farther than they were able to before. With the population of Atlantis now reaching the thousands due to its crucial position as an immigrant stopping post as well as a valuable trade center, a new expedition is sent north in search of new lands to colonize for the glory of the Empire. An expedition comprised of a few cargo ships, two cogs, one carro, and several passenger ships eventually come across a large bay after one of the cogs runs aground on the banks protecting the bay. The expedition decides to make a colony inside the bay, as the banks would offer perfect protection against enemy raiders and violent storms alike. The leader of the expedition, an ethnic Latin, names the newfound city Reme, saying that one Rome is enough for the Old World, so it is only fitting for a new Rome for the New World. The colony branches out, trying to survive. To do so, colonists make contact with nearby natives for advice regarding food and the local climate. Back in the Old World, the NAP with the Ottomans is again accepted, as the Romans have no dying interest to get involved in a bloody and costly war with the Ottomans at this time.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: More expansion into the Sinai, and by now the Egyptians rule over the entire area. More laws are enacted to reduce ethnic and religious strife, and Muslims continue to be converted.
    • Cyrene: More Berber and Roman identities are encouraged, as well as Christian conversion. Economy expands.
    • Serbia: More nobles become Roman citizens, and begin seeing the benefits of doing so. Military expands.
    • Italian Thingy: As immigration expands, the colony moves upward along the coast.
    • Roanoke: The colony begins to expand as initial food shortages are overcome by the generosity of the natives and more regular shipments from Atlantis. The colony expands by four pixels along the coast and outer banks.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 48, and his brother, Radu, now 47, resume growing the economy. A large Cannon Foundry is constructed by a rising weapons firm, known as the Constanta Fabrică de Tun. The Sunbeci continue to be developed, and a small craft is contracted by a shipyard in Constanta. More disputes occur in the senate and some senators Advocate for aggressive action against Russia, though they are denounced by many others. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Vladimir, now 20, continues the search for a wife, preferably of a nation close to Romania. His sister Lilliana continues to grow up, and attends school with Mircea. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrating to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Lithuania: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Ukraine (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
    • Russian Vassals (various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.7 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well. The Spanish fleet lands troops on Matla evicting the pirates and freeing the hostages and begins a blockade of the Algerian coast as well as sporadic cannon raids on coastal cities and settlements in order to strike fear in the hearts of the Algerians. The Spanish begin to work on fixing the issues with the Bengali cannon. The Spanish East India Company begins to recruit men with barely any housing or funding as private security and soldiers for the Empire of Hispania managing to gain about 1000 with little issues. They are led by Spanish officers and are housed in a newly built barracks. Their training begins. The flagships known as La Dama Negra, the Impolluto and the Invicto respectively are completed and see their first forays into the open ocean. The reformists in Gibraltar are given some degree of tolerance as the Spanish people converted previously and went as far as creating their own pope at some point.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.3 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 200 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Some smaller towns and cities in coastal italy see the first real merging of Spanish and Italian culture.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 120 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 100 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Moroccan navy increases to nearly 110 ships.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Spanish. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 310,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlers. the population of Cape Ferdinand reaches 30,000 colonists . The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin being contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px. The colony's population reaches around 2000.
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meaning ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty-five elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 74,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX excells in all of his courses, but hears of his grandfather's death, and promptly wraps up his studies, and brings massive amount of literature with him. Mon IX arrives in Kunene and throws a wild party for Willem's brother, then shows him through the city of marble. He starts with the library, which is many stories high and very long, made completely out of marble. Surrounding it is a pleasant garden, with little streams running through every so many metres. This is the basically the city centre, and the farther one goes from the centre, the less things are made out of marble, though construction is ongoing.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. Zapoteca expands 100 px along the Gulf Coast. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military.


The Maori scouts sent to Australia suffer nearly total casualties as their party is either driven off course into the sea and sunk or killed by more natives on the continent leaving the 15 survivors to return to the tribal leaders and tell them of their gods totally forsaking and cursing the journey permeating the Maori society with a stigma of never returning to this cursed land. This coincides with many doubting the leadership of the confederation for its campaigns of constant war and high grade expansion showing its first signs of wear and tear on the society. Smallpox in Northern Australia continues to permeate and kill thousands.

This discussion has been moved to the talk page. - Cour

The first purely religious settlements spring up in French and Spanish colonies bent on converting the natives.

The Ottoman Sultanate sees some issues in its vassal state in the Levant with some seeking to become independent. However, this remains a mystery how.

Oooooh -- interesting :) SwankyJ (talk) 19:07, June 29, 2014 (UTC)

  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Makuria (Four of Thirteen) and Alodia (Four of Thirteen) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (Five of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 28 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23.4 million. The military is expanded. We deny the terms of the Caliphate of Mecca. We do not support Caliphs, and therefore will deny their gestures of goodwill and invade them still. (algo, please).
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, sees much rallying to become an independent nation of the Ottoman Sultanate, wishing to become the Damascan Sultanate. Suleiman II now at the age of 8 begins training to become a regent sultan. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 172,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and continues to as it is now the second largest city after the capital of the Ottoman Sultanate centered in Anatolia, Bursa. The military is expanded.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 55,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the fourth largest city. Ramazan begins to slowly integrate into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The infrastructure is largely increased. Levant rallies to becoming an independent nation from the Ottoman Sultanate and being under the jurisdiction powers of the Damascan Sultanate. They begin merging into the Damascan Sultanate to reform the previous Burjid region, although planning to remain as the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. The infrastructure is expanded. Iraq begins to integrate into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded. Jalay begins merging into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Infrastructure is expanded as the new vassal sends mountains of gold to Damascus in return for Janissaries and military support. Medina begins merging into the Damascan Sultanate.
  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: the military and economy improves. The Kiel Canal proves to be a great investment, as traffic through it increases. Eager to further reap the benefits of it, Britannia-Oldenburg is offered use of it in exchange for paying a tax. Meanwhile, the HTSC establishes a headquarters for their Africa-India routes in Mogadishu. The settlements of and around Neue Hamburg see new immigrants eager for opportunity in the New World. The Navy's growth slows and levels off this year, keeping around 275 warships. The Hanover-based parliament petitions Duke Friedrich this year, wanting more power, especially to check that of the Duke. Friedrich ignores it. In Münster, the Hamburger-backed Prince-Archbishop continues to combat the reformist heretics: reformist groups are banned, hiding people practicing the reformist religion becomes criminal, and known reformists are stripped of their privileges. During this, the Münsterian military takes a hit as some troops are arrested as reformists. The Prince-Archbishop asks Hamburg for some troops to be stationed in Münster for defense, and is accepted. In October, hoping to at least partially secure the eastern border, diplomats are sent to Pomerania. It is offered assistance in establishing their new government, as well as economic and military aid and protection from possible Brandenburger, Austrian, or Prussian threats on their sovereignty (Prussia recently called Pomerania "the Lost Province") . In exchange, Pomerania and Hamburg would form a north German federation, based in Lübeck, committed to mutual defense and economic success, called the Hanseatic Confederation. Pomerania would not be a vassal, but an equal to Hamburg in it. (Mod response, please)
    • County of Holstein: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Williamsburg: Militia and economy expanded.
    • Neue Lüneburg: Militia and economy expanded.
    • Neue Hamburg: Expands 20 px.
    • Ostland: Infrastructure is improved following the war.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, Teresa Sárez de Figueroa gives birth to a boy, which is called João.
  • The Empire of Britannia: Many ships are modernized and replaced to keep the British Royal Navy a powerful force on the high seas. Port Edmundburg continues to experience a growth in population. Albionic settlers continue to explore the surrounding areas. The pocket watch is invented by Peter Royce. James Graff invents the use of etching. The British Navy continues the construction of frigates and galleons. Plans to upgrade other parts of the navy are continued. Port Katrina continues to expand. Britannia also fully adopts the snaphauce rifle. The parliament forms the Crown Colonial Authority to better monitor Britannia's colonial holdings. The CCA expands control in Africa. Construction of two large galleons, both with 200 guns commences, the Sovereign and the Intrepid, making them the largest vessels ever attempted by a European nation, work is expected to take the better part of a decade. The first frigates of the Rome deal sets sail for its new home in Constantinople. Several older ships are sold to Croatia and other nations to make way for the modern ships. In London, in effort to perserve beer, a local brewer names James Walsh, adopts glass as a method of sealing in the beer, thus preserving it. The massive war Galleons Sovereign and Intrepid continue ahead of schedule. The Admiralty Board, pleased with the success of the construction, commissions a third ship called the HMS Royale, a 368-gun war galleon with added mortar capabilities.
    • Calais: Military and navy are expanded. Calais experiences a remodel of its port facilities to help with trade.
    • Eire: The Irish colony of Nuaphail expands 1000 sq km west. Nuaphail is renamed New Dublin after the capital of the united Eire.
    • Scotland: Expands navy and military. Military support is declared against the Oyo.
    • Port Edmundburg: Expands by 1000 sq km south and east down the coast. The African colonists begin looking toward mining and other ventures to generate profit.
    • New Cambridgeshire: New Cambridgeshire expands by 1000 sq km south and west. Colonists begin to explore around the region and begin to have a large fishing boom. The Port of New Oxford is expanded to handle excess ships from Britannia and other European nations. The people of New Oxford also begin an attempt to gain knowledge of farming in Borealia from Native Peoples. Explorers seek to travel farther west.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
    • Neu Pomerania: The second smaller wave of colonists arrive, about 200, most are Estonians fleeing persecution with a small minority of Lithuanians and a decent minority of proper Prussians. Self-sustainability has not been completely reached, but fishing and farming is more common, though few cattel are brought over (if I understand correctly this should help reduce smallpox outbreaks) and chickens are mainly used to replace them. Hunting in the swamp also becomes more common as a sport and for interesting foods. A Catholic Prussian priest named Erich Zann attempts to make further contact with the Natives and encourages converting them peacefully and respectfully, and manages to negotiate a deal creating an orange orchard (in attempt to make a good sailors need and finally make something that produces cash) Native-power the Saturiwa tribe tends to and in return get a fair share of the harvest in attempt to bring the settlers and Natives closer. The population of the colony reaches 500 including children by the end of the year, but suffers from a high male-female ratio. Expansion continues 5 pixels on the north shore, 10 pixlels on the south shore, and 5 pixels inland.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Regular (read: not Imperial) Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
  • China: Continues to deal with the famine, using the grain storages and the expanded Grand Canal, as well as the Royal Road, to easily transport food to Henan, ending the crisis. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 50%. This completely ends the issues. As Dutch, Spanish and English traders now flock to Chinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy. The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues. Simultaneously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in ten years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. The projects to continue medical research continue; people are offered money sums if they volunteer to be exposed to various diseases, and then various cures.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty-five elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 79,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX proclaims himself Rikisi.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The government decides to move on the Dutch reformists by allowing to remain on the French territory, however, putting some taxes for allowing them free passage in French land. However, the French government makes clear that their beliefs are with the Catholicism and that any attempt of violent expansion will be considered as an act of aggression and hence the Dutch-Wallon reformist may be persecuted. The vassalage of bar begins.
    • D. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • C. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
    • French Mali: Military and economy are built up.
    • Savoie: Military and economy are built up.
    • Valois: Military and economy are built up.
  • County of Oldenburg: Regent Prince-Bishop of Osnabruck orders the construction of a new ship for the fleet. It will have three masts and twenty-five guns, making it a reasonably powerful vessel; at least by Oldenburger standards. A number of Frisians and South Oldenburgers make the crossing to Jacqueline. Upon reaching the settlement, many decide to remain, but about half move further South to set up their own village and farms (Neu Norderney expands 50 px south). There are some small violent clashes with the natives, but there are also some peaceful ones between them and the missionary monks.
    • Prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Further measures are taken against converts to the new "reformist" sects. The Episcopal Bank invests money in improving the road between Osnabruck and Oldenburg. The University purchases its own printing press, so that the scholars and professors can print their finest works for circulation.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The influence of the Brothers grows and they, with support of the King issue the construction of universities in Split, Rijeka, Zadar and Zagreb. The King sees an interesting opportunity in the Brothers of the Raven and sends envoys alongside Bran to Britannia to ask for approval as a Western Catholic Religious Organization. This would strenghten Croatian-Britannic ties and due to the unification of churches, wouldn't be an actual issue amongst the Catholic Croatian populace. (I, TheMaster001, posted this in behalf of SkyGreen24.)
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them. (Posted this as well.)
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military. (Posted this as well.)
    • Karelia: We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future. (Posted this as well.)
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while a bank in Delhi is built.
  • After the ousting of the previous ruler, because he caused the burning of Pskov, and the migration of a majority of the population to Nizhnigorodsk-na-narve, The current Knyaz gains his position by promising that Pskov will return from the ashes as a phoenix stronger than ever. Meanwhile, Pskov looks at its antiquated military in despair, but decides to put it on the back burner in exchange for reconstruction progress. Running on basically reserves and interest money, with much of its giant coffers gone, Pskov decides that the old wooden city will be removed and rebuilt out of stone. The Pskov bank is forced to give out promisary notes en lieu of actual zolotniks, and the bank is convinced by the Knyaz to lie about the balance to the people in order to justify this exchange. Meanwhile, most funds going to the university are diverted, and due to this some professors are removed from their posts. Most government contracts are cancelled for the time being and the Bank of Pskov is encouraged to invest in more and more. Rysbank suffers minor setbacks but after reparations money starts flowing Pskov decides to not get itself into that much debt, but nonetheless asks Scandinavia for a bit of help. Meanwhile, merchants need little convincing to start looking for foreign markets, and after paying taxes at the border, they are free to pass, giving Pskov more gold to use. Rysbank opens more branches across europe and especially Scandinavia, helping the economic recovery of Pskov. The University and the Library were the only real institutions left untouched by the war, as they were made of stone. the Governement initiates public projects to enlarge the Kremlin and the city itself, encouraging new settlers. A census conducted in Nizhnigorodsk notes its population rose to 140 000 people, drawing them form Pskov and Orstrov.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • Sultanate of Malacca: Economy improves with trade in the area. We continue influencing Brunei (Ten of 20).
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to expand its trade and influence around the known world. The alliance offer by the Mapuche nation of Volayacor is accepted, as the Empire is happy to receive a friendly port and trading partner in Hesperia. Construction of Frigates and now Galleons are is underway thanks to the British designs. These new ships allow the Romans to project their military influence farther than they were able to before. With the population of Atlantis now reaching the thousands due to its crucial position as an immigrant stopping post as well as a valuable trade center, a new expedition is sent north in search of new lands to colonize for the glory of the Empire. An expedition comprised of a few cargo ships, two cogs, one carro, and several passenger ships eventually come across a large bay after one of the cogs runs aground on the banks protecting the bay. The expedition decides to make a colony inside the bay, as the banks would offer perfect protection against enemy raiders and violent storms alike. The leader of the expedition, an ethnic Latin, names the newfound city Reme, saying that one Rome is enough for the Old World, so it is only fitting for a new Rome for the New World. The colony branches out, trying to survive. To do so, colonists make contact with nearby natives for advice regarding food and the local climate. Back in the OldWworld, the NAP with the Ottomans is again accepted, as the Romans have no dying interest to get involved in a bloody and costly war with the Ottomans at this time. Seeing a chance to accelerate its trade interests and also bring more Christians back into the fold, the Empire sends a small force to aid the nation of Bengal in its war.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: More expansion into the Sinai, and by now the Egyptians rule over the entire area. More laws are enacted to reduce ethnic and religious strife, and Muslims continue to be converted.
    • Cyrene: More Berber and Roman identities are encouraged, as well as Christian conversion. Economy expands.
    • Serbia: More nobles become Roman citizens, and begin seeing the benefits of doing so. Military expands.
    • Italian Thingy: As immigration expands, the colony moves upward along the coast.
    • Roanoke: The colony begins to expand as initial food shortages are overcome by the generosity of the natives and more regular shipments from Atlantis. The colony expands by four pixels along the coast and outer banks. The colony becomes large enough to begin shipping a small number of cash crops.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 400 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a university at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial. Smallpox starts to spread and the people affected are ordered to be put to death although this decision does not stop smallpox from spreading.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go. The people have developed immunity to smallpox due to interaction with other nations for hundreds of years
    • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firemans and are trained. Smallpox start to spread. [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
    • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firearms and are trained. Smallpox starts to spread [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 862,000. Economy improves. Medical research continues. Population of Cuzco stands at 60,000 people, the second largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 100,000, making it the largest in the Nation. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 20,000. Fourth largest is Peru, with 19,000 people. Sican has a population of 30,000. Chiribaya is established as a vassal of the Inca, under the name Chiribayasuyu. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood. Following a second costly and unpopular war, the Inca economy begins to show signs of decline. . This outrages the Inca population.As the economy begins to fall apart and the current government of the Inca is extermly unpopular, Peru and Cuzco fall victims to extreme violence. Large parts of Cuzco burn down in a fight between the Inca Army and the Inca Nationals. In Peru, the Nationals target mixed bloods, killing 7000 in the span of a week. Spanish within the empire are moved to Machu Picchu for protection. People, regardless of their ethnicity, begin to flee the cities for safety, causing Cuzco and Peru to lose many people. Inca Nationals raid an army near Machu Picchu, gaining access to a large quantity of firearms and ammo. After acquiring said weapons, they storm the capital. Numbering 600, the Battle of Machu Picchu, as it is called, leads to the death of 8000 people, mostly non-combatants. One of those non-combatants is none other than the Sapa Inca himself. People flee the cities by the thousands, barring Chimu and Sican. This change causes Chimu to become the largest city in the Empire. Apeac returns to claim the throne, taking the name Apeac the First, mixing European monarchy with Inca monarchy. This change to the system sparks panic in the Inca elite, causing them, along side Apeac I, to draw up laws of secession.
    • 'Chiribayasuyu: Military improves. Some troops are moved to quell rebellions on the home front. Transitional stuff continues as the old government is demolished and replaced with a new one. Population stands at 52,000, less than half of the pre-war population.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.8 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.3 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 200 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Some smaller towns and cities in coastal italy see the first real merging of Spanish and Italian culture.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 120 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 100 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Moroccan navy increases to nearly 110 ships.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Spanish. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 310,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlers. the population of Cape Ferdinand reaches 30,000 colonists . The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin being contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px. The colony's population reaches around 2000.
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meaning ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • Greater Zimbabwe: We expand our military. We start constructing a palace.
  • Netherlands: Troops continue to support the Bengali forces and operate in an orderly form leading several of the allied forces in Western and Central India. Areas that fall to Dutch control are usually treated with respect. However, certain incidents of rape by Muslims against Hindus occur. However, those responsible are generally given a slap on the wrist. More Indian and Malay are recruited into the East India Company armed forces. Naval activities against the Hindu States continue. The western educated elite in Sunda and Batavia continue to become more loyal to the western authorities as presure on the Sultan of Sunda to cede more power to the Company grows. Bribing of the Sultan's closest advisor begin and more troops loyal to the Dutch are raised. Trade and comercial ties with the East Indies rulers continue to grow. Influence over southern sumatra continues to grow. It is soon seen that Willem II is like his father a man of the arts and science but lacks signicantly in ruling capacity and has little to no interest in the military, as he is happy to leave the ruling of the state to the States-General and the royal council as he spends most of his time in the theatres and the University. Under the agreement of the government Military and naval expansion continue. The Royal Army continues to develop along the new model lines as more troops are recruited, while the Royal Musketeers are expanded to 1000 men. More frigates are built as the older ship models are scuttled, while the capital ship designs continue. Smaller ship designs are also made based on speed mainly (OTL Brigantes). Cutlural and scientific development continue and floursih under progressive and open minded Netherlander culture and policies. The riches of the Netherland's trade and banking grow and flow into the cities of the lowlands. Dutch and Wallon architecture continue to develop and become more and more prevelant in the Lowlands as well in the colonies. Wallon Steel work continues to expand and retains its place as the best in Europe. Lowlands French continues to distance itself from that of France, and it continues to be important for the political and diplomatic circles of the Kingdom, not to mention the arts. The continued adventures of Dutch troops, and explorers in India, the East Indies, Africa and HIsperia continue to fuel the imagination of Dutch and Wallon literature providing greater incentive for trading, sailing and exploring. The Guiana Settlements continue to expand along the coastline and slowly down the Amazon and Orinoco Rivers 20 Pixels in total. Relations with the natives continue to deteriorate and fighting continues to grow. More plantations and farm estates are carved out of the jungle to provide an economy and food source for the settlers, while the cash crops mainly tobacco and sugar are sold to the homeland and finished products are purchased. Paramaribo continues to develop into the cultural and economic capital of the colony. The Colony now stands at a population of 1200 in total with 750 whites of both Dutch and Wallon origins, and 450 slaves mainly from the Niger and Cameroon regions. Macaba and New Antwerp also continue to grow. The Garrison now holding 400 men who make up a large part of the land owners and settlers hold down the frontier. Dutch explorers continue traveling down the Rivers of the Guiana Shield mapping and documenting the region. Dutch explorers formally name the Orinoco river the Nieuwe Rijn (or the New Rhine River.) More slaves are sold to India, Persia, and to the European colonies in the New World. consolodation of Benin is finalized as a local regiment under the command of local rulers is established to help control the reason. Willem II intrigued by the Ionte offer sends his youngest brother with the African ruler to see the marble city.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 49, and his brother, Radu, now 48, resume growing the economy. A large Cannon Foundry is constructed by a rising weapons firm, known as the Constanta Fabrică de Tun. The Sunbeci continue to be developed, the small craft built last year is tested. More disputes occur in the senate and some senators Advocate for aggressive action against Russia, though they are denounced by many others. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount. Vladimir, now 21, continues the search for a wife, preferably of a nation close to Romania. His sister Lilliana continues to grow up, and attends school with Mircea. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile, intermarriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrating to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
    • Lithuania: Preparations are made for the rejoining of Poland and Lithuania. The economy recovers from the war.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Volhynia: This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Bengal Sultanate: Cash crops continue to be grown in large amounts. With our merchants traveling to Ava, Kamarumpa and Arakan regularly, Islam continues to grow in their areas. Merchants also travel exclusively to Multan, Sind, Ladakh, and Kangra. Due to Bengal having control over lands of multiple ethnicities and religions, literary works in the form of poems continue to take influence from all three religions of the Sultanate. Urdu, also called Hindi by some, becomes more common in the Sultanate due to the mixing of Hindu and Islamic ideals. We continue to help finance the Plutocratic State of Jaunpur, and Bahamani Sultanate by sending gifts directly to the nobles/sultans, offering loans from powerful trade bankers, and decreasing the trade taxes over all of Bengal, allowing more of our merchant goods to travel into those states. We also raise a portion of the Sultan's personal levy and then divide it to be sent out to the states' leaders, so that they can do with them what they wish in order to maintain order in their nation. The construction of schools and universities several years ago has led to an increase in scholars and literacy in our nation. Due to the removal of trade barriers among a majority of states in the Indian League, their merchants and ours begin to travel with increased mobility and goods, thereby increasing the trade income and output in the agreeing nations. Several Bengali merchants continue to sponsor gem mines in the Mogok area of Ava, due to the high concentration of gems such as rubies, sapphires, garnets and moonstones, and the first of many mines begin to return with more successes. Construction of ships based upon Castilian designs, granted to us by them, continues, in order to further our efforts to explore and trade. New crops continue to enter into several plantations, opium and cannabis. The increasing need for an anesthetic due to many more surgeries in Bengal, simply due to an increasing population, leads opium cultivation to become very lucrative and results in many plantations including it in their crops. Cannabis becomes more popular, not simply due to its cultural history in Muslim societies, but also because of its popular use in several poetic works. The coastlands gained by Bengal continue to receive excessive shipments of Bengali goods, nobles, people, religion, soldiers, and ideals. The Bengali tax cuts, as well as plantations begin to take effect in the newly acquired lands, and woodblock printing is spread to Bengal proper as its use and replication is now fully understood, and Bengali-produced woodblock printing presses are in effect. The war continues to rage against the Indian states that chose division over unity and petty self interests over what is good for many. Due to many different Indian nations bordering different Indian nations at war with each other, each nation at war is having to lead themselves and others because of the multitude of fronts that seem to be quickly falling into the Indian League's favor. Gains continue to be made during the war. The League forces continue to push into secessionist territory, using the advantage of better technology and superior numbers to excessive victories.
      • Rajya of Orissa: Kalua Deva continues to listen to his advisers and bring about several reforms to his nation that make it more Islamic friendly, one of which is new, and calls for the creation of one mosque for each Hindu temple in the name of tolerance, when in reality, his advisers have prescribed this to bring about larger Islamic influence. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
      • Swargadeo of Kamarupa: Now vassalized by Bengal, the Swargadeo of Ahom continues to receive extensive help in creating viable farmland. They do this by continuing a process of land reclamation in the northern part of the state, which is largely marshy and thinly populated. This process of reclamation begins by using dikes, embankments and irrigation systems. The land reclamation, having been going on for decades, is extremely successful in creating viable farmland for rice, grain and other staple crops, increasing Kamarupa's population and their yearly trade output. Training of levies by Bengali advisors continues.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Catherine and her council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1547, Catherine commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1547, as many as five hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Catherine begins to seriously ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Catherine further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Catherine continues implementing the Bavarian commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland and his wife delivers a son, named Albrecht. Albrecht will be the future King of Poland, and the first member of the Habsburg-Wittelsbach Dynasty. In political news, the Curia Bavaria continue to implement the Bavarian Commands and Collegiate Writs into a codified, national law. Catherine is pleased by this development, and becomes less wary of the Parliament. Work on the Parliamentary House continues in the city of Landshut. In February, Catherine travels to Augsburg to address the Reichsregiment. In doing so, she attempts to gather support for the Hessian Dynasty Act. One of the key princes is Friedrich II, Duke of Hamburg and Catherine's husband, who is present in Augsburg. Catherine hopes that her husband will vote positively on the act. In other news, Catherine gives birth to two identical twin boys. She names one Friedrich, after her husband, and the other Wilhelm. Friedrich is chosen as the Von Hamburger, and thus, the heir to the Hamburger throne. In domestic news, results of the 1547 census are obtained, and it is revealed that 4,689,124 people live in Bavaria. Bavaria accepts the Hessian offer of military alliance.
    • Munchen: By 1547, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). The Ehrbar settlements begin expanding northwards. A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.
  • Scandinavian Empire: The Scandinavian Empire wraps up the war with Russia this year, forcing them to sign the Treaty of Tver. The people of Scandinavia rejoice as Karelia returns to the rightful ownership of the Scandinavian Empire. Many people assumed Karelia would be combined with Finland, but it is announced that the two vassals would remain separate. The Duchy of Greater Ingria is also created. The rest of the year sees the return of some of the soldiers in Scandinavia's army, though many men remain in Karelia and Ingria to keep the peace. The naval technology and funds are transferred to Hamburg as promised and economic aid is sent to Pskov in the wake of their financial turmoil. Queen Elsa travels to Westminster this year to sign the Treaty of Westminster, placing Scandinavia as one of the great powers in Europe. In October, however, her health begins to decline, the elderly Queen becoming bedridden in her palace in Stockholm. In early December, she is moved to the seclusion and comfort of the Winter Palace, where she passes away at the age of eighty. Her rule has seen hard times and prosperity. Queen Elsa will be remembered as one of the great monarchs of Scandinavia. She receives two funeral processions; one in Stockhom and one in Constantinople. She is buried in a room under the Winter Palace. Her son, Thomas II, becomes King of Scandinavia.
    • Finland: Expands by 3500 sq km.
    • Greater Ingria: The military is established
    • Karelia: The military is re-established.
    • Schleswig: The military is expanded.
    • Strombek: The military is expanded. Strombek expands by 2000 sq km.
    • Vinland: The military is expanded. Vinland expands by 1000 sq km.
  • Waikato Maori: The Waikato continue their advance on the enemy iwi, with resistance lower greatly, as none of their rivals number more than a hundred in size. The borders are expanded by 5000 km with little issue, and the security of the lands strengthened. The war party dispatched to the land of Ahitereiria, discover the bodies of their fellow Maori. The leader of the party determines that the scars on their remains are the result of weapons, and concludes that there are natives amongst them. In the Maori way, this injustice cannot go unpunished, and the bodies are returned home for a proper funeral. The warriors continue the mission of their predecessors, and move deeper into Ahitereiria by way of the rivers. Any natives that cross them are dealt with hostilely, murdered in accordence with Maori traditions (seriously, it was the custome to kill those who crossed pathes with a war party to prevent their location from being exposed). Kahu teaches his expanded metallurgy skills to pupils, who begin to expand the ironsmithies of the land. As warriors return home with injuries and the like, Kahu decides that the warriors need protection from attacks, and presents some of them with sheets of metal to cover parts of their flesh from attack. This new armor proves extremely successful against the wooden weapons of their opponents, making the Waikato arriors neigh invincible as the wooden blades of their enemies cannot penetrate the armor. Waikato casualties become negligible almost overnight. The military is expanded. Trade with their Polynesian cousins increases, and increasing expansion of Maori culture and ideals begins to take place.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military. Itzapam expands 50 px along the Pacific Coast.


  • Duchy of Hamburg-Mecklenburg: the army fully adopts the snaphaunce musket, made by the local Heckler & Koch Co. Trade between Hamburg, the New World settlements, the African colonies and the Friedrich Inseln continues to increase. In Ostland (al-Sumal), the infrastructure is improved, and its territory expands by 20 px north. Williamsburg and Neue Lüneburg both see trade and their militias expanded. Neue Hamburg expands by 20 px as colonists continue to arrive. Britannia, Oldenburg and other German states are offered use of the Kiel Canal for a tax. Again, diplomats are sent to Pomerania. It is offered assistance in establishing their new government, as well as economic and military aid and protection from possible Brandenburger, Austrian, or Prussian threats on their sovereignty (Prussia recently called Pomerania "the Lost Province") . In exchange, Pomerania and Hamburg would form a north German federation, based in Lübeck, committed to mutual defense and economic success, called the Hanseatic Confederation. Pomerania would not be a vassal, but an equal to Hamburg in it. (Mod response, please. Again)
    • County of Holstein: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Duchy of Stade: Infrastructure expanded.
    • Pomeranian (mod) diplomacy: While Pomerania wants to retain closer relations with Hamburg, it refuses to join in a federation.
  • Portugal: Continues a notable buildup in military strength and allows for a vigorous training program on the existing military forces attempting to train them up heavily. Meanwhile, the administration continues to be reformed, and agriculture and commerce are encouraged. Meanwhile, Portugal continues to develop its navy. Meanwhile, the colony in Lenhame continues exporting wheat to Portugal. Meanwhile, trade intensifies in the African coast. The Açores continue to be settled. Meanwhile, the naus continue to be used. Naval explorations directed to the west continue. Meanwhile, Santa Cruz expands north by 2500 sq km. Meanwhile, sugarcane continues to be planted in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile, pau-brasil (brazilwood) starts to be extracted in the colony. Meanwhile, the colony of São Sebastião expands 2500 sq km.
  • Ottoman Sultanate: The great Sultan continues to promote industry as the land sees much economic profit. Sulieman the Magnificent begins vassalizing Makuria (Five of Thirteen) and Alodia (Five of Thirteen) and we begin vassalizing the Eastern Caspian Coast aka Muzaffarid (Six of Seven). The great militaristic unit, the Janissary, continues to be the backbone of the force, while more cannon and gunpowder units are implemented. Textiles begin to be produced on a larger scale, as well as glass making and asphalt mining. Suleiman the Magnificent now ruling for 28 years is very well versed in his order, small cultural uprisings have begun to sprung up. A small line is beginning to be drawn between the Turkic and Arabic peoples. With many of the new vassals wishing to become a part of a united Damascan Sultanate. As this has only begun to occur, the Sultan is easily able to smite the small rebellions using the experienced Janissary as the task force. From hearing troubling tales from the Safavids, if any Turks are killed, action will be taken. Erzincan, Mardin, and Dulkadir leave Anatolia and merge into the Damascan Sultanate, as it is at this point majoritly Arabic. The Sultan offers the Roman Empire another NAP which would entail a treaty to not attack one another and trade for the next ten years. The population rises to 23.4 million. The military is expanded. We deny the terms of the Caliphate of Mecca. We do not support Caliphs, and therefore will deny their gestures of goodwill and invade them still. (algo, please).
    • Kara Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate. In the next three years Kara Koyunlu is expected to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ak Koyunlu (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Janissaries are sent to establish bases in order to guard against any resistance from the Kingdom of Armenia. A period of centralization is underway as the military is expanded, the vassal slowly begins to merge into the Damascan Sultanate. In the next three years Ak Koyunlu is expected to merge into the Damascan Sultanate
    • Damascan Sultanate (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): Sulimen, the acting regent sultan, sees much rallying to become an independent nation of the Ottoman Sultanate, wishing to become the Damascan Sultanate. Suleiman II now at the age of 8 begins training to become a regent sultan. Sulimen takes charge if the Damascan Regent in order to prove himself he can rule. He does exceedingly well with speeding the restoration of Damascus, and promoting much migration to the great city. Damascus now numbers 174,000 and is happy to surpass Antioch. Damascus has grown huge now, and continues to as it is now the second largest city after the capital of the Ottoman Sultanate centered in Anatolia, Bursa. The military is expanded. As it receives much rallying support from the other Ottoman vassals, the Damascan Sultanate begins to become more of rally for the Arabic people than the Turkic peoples, leading Dulkadir, Erzincan, and Mardin now leave Anatolia and merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Ramazan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the great city of Antioch sees much population growth, and a large "throw out" of any left over Christian characteristics, the great city of Antioch now numbers at 56,000. The population is still growing but not expected to climb too high. The infrastructure is expanded. Antioch now is the fourth largest city. Ramazan begins to slowly integrate into the Damascan Sultanate. In the next three years Ramazan is expected to join the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Levant (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As the Burjid Sultanate merges into the empire, the vassal of the Ottoman Empire begins to grow. With the economy being forefronted by the Sultanate's treasury, the money is spent on building roads, implementing large taxes on non-Christians, and building up the cities. The military begins to expand as much support is received in training new soldiers from the assistance of the Damascan Sultanate. Levant rallies to becoming an independent nation from the Ottoman Sultanate and being under the jurisdiction powers of the Damascan Sultanate. They begin merging into the Damascan Sultanate to reform the previous Burjid region, although planning to remain as the Damascan Sultanate. In the next year Levant is expected to merge into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Iraq (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With the disorganized state being invaded successfully by the Ottomans, the Sultanic ways are quickly incorporated into the quickly established government. Much Turkic culture is implemented into the region although Arabic culture still wavers proudly, and the two seem to sink in together like puzzle pieces. Infrastructure is expanded as the region is being rebuilt and repaired to become an organized vassal. Centralization begins, as the region is to join the great Damascan Sultanate a handful of years later. The infrastructure is expanded. Iraq begins to integrate into the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Jalay (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): With Jalayid people joining the empire, they begin to be more centered around the sub capital of Damascus. The military is expanded. Jalay begins merging into the Damascan Sultanate. In the next year Jalay is expected to join the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Medina (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): The city of Medina is reinforced, and expanded with new military reserves which have been being trained by Damascus. Medina begins merging into the Damascan Sultanate. In the next year Medina is expected to join the Damascan Sultanate.
    • Dulkadir (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As previously being annexed into Anatolia with the sudden change and recent rallying cry of the Arabic peoples the newly reformed vassal beings and hopes to join the Damascan Sultanate. The military is expanded.
    • Erzincan (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As previously being annexed into Anatolia with the sudden change and recent rallying cry of the Arabic peoples the newly reformed vassal beings and hopes to join the Damascan Sultanate. The military is expanded.
    • Mardin (vassal of the Ottoman Sultanate): As previously being annexed into Anatolia with the sudden change and recent rallying cry of the Arabic peoples the newly reformed vassal beings and hopes to join the Damascan Sultanate. The military is expanded.
  • Prussia: The Prussians continue to develop their economy. The Prussians continue to build their new navy. Prussia continues to Germanize their ethnic minorities.
    • Courland: The Curonians also continue developing their economy.
    • Estland: Estland also continues developing their economy.
    • Neu Pomerania: A third large wave of colonists arrive, this time 315, the same size as the original wave. Of these 300 a decent amount are leaving to flee persecution from the German administration back in Europe, mainly Lithuanians, Poles, and Estonians. 20 of these colonists were also converted Natives who were converted by Erich Zann and decided to integrate into the colony, but five died of diseases not long after. Self-sustainability is close to being achieved, and several fisheries begin opening up, the colonists also begin to think of new recipes for crawfish and even some snakes. To make more money in the short-term two cash-crop plantations are created, a cannabis plantation for making paper, ships sails, and other stuff, as well as a cotton plantation. The native Saturiwas decide to go to war against a smaller tribe to the north and asked to buy weapons, and iron and steel blades are sold to them in exchange for some land and an agreement to arrange for a sugar plantation that is to be constructed next year to have a mostly-Native workforce and receive a small fraction of the product (as they don't really want it that much anyway). A dock is built and market set up near by in attempt to incourage passing trades, but the goods sold on the market are few, mainly naval supplies, salted meats, and aligator hides, (and soon oranges and). Of the occasional trader that arrives are some Dutch and French of whom a group of colonists bougth mallasses from and decided to build a small rum distillary. Expansion continues 5 pixels on the north shore, 10 pixlels on the south shore, and 5 pixels inland.
  • Korea: Korea continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, more Taoist, Neo-Confucian and Buddhist temples are built. Taoism rises in popularity and gains followers. Regular (read: not Imperial) Shinto gains a few followers as well, mainly along the coastline in Southeastern Korea, particularly in Busan and Jejudo.
  • China: Continues to deal with the famine, using the grain storages and the expanded Grand Canal, as well as the Royal Road, to easily transport food to Henan, ending the crisis. With the growing factions for ending isolationism now clashing with the factions wishing to keep isolationism, the Emperor agrees to cease his conquests in exchange for keeping the ports open and removing the bans on traders inside China. Traders are now allowed to sell in ANY city in China, on two conditions; their cargo must be searched for contraband, and they must pay import taxes of 20% and export taxes of 50%. This completely ends the issues. As Dutch, Spanish and English traders now flock to Chinese ports, along with Japanese and Indians, the result is a massive boost to the economy. The Manchus expand northward 500 px, into Siberia, using the land to grow crops on significantly larger farms. The project to expand the Grand Canal continues. Simultaenously, the Emperor decides to conduct a census of his peoples. It is expected to be finished in ten years, because China is HUGE. We announce support for the Fusahito Theocracy in their war against the other Daimyos. All vassals expand their militaries. The projects to continue medical research continue; people are offered money sums if they volunteer to be exposed to various diseases, and then various cures.
  • |onte: Continues to have a large surplus of grain. Though adopting "western farming", the idea of "the tribe" is still very much so alive, as people always share the crops they have grown, or the animals they have hunted amongst the community. Due to the policy of planting tree groves, desert reclamation has started taking serious effect in some parts of |onte. This year has resulted in thirty-five elephants being killed. An expansion to the elephant pen is done. |onte is rich with money made from elephant hunting, as they have nothing to spend the money on. Mon II tours the country teaching children in their playtime how to read. Most of the recent generation can read. However, only a small majority. Mon II continues expanding the project that will be his life's work: the Kunene library, progress over the years has been slow, however, as Mon II insists that the library be built of ivory and marble. Mon II assembles his best students and begins translating many Dutch documents, and filling the completed section of the library with the translations. The whole city has gone under a trend, subsidised by Mon II, of building everything out of marble. |onte's population rises to over 84,000. There is a population centre that is beginning to appear around the mouth of the Kunene, and is simply referred to as Kunene. Debarubo expands north yet another 150 sq km (3 pixels) with the newly equipped Eheresito hu Kunene, then dies towards the end of the year. Mon III continues combining the many narratives heard into one coherent story, called the Sahaka. Mon IX begins to lead the expansion North.
  • France: Military, navy and economy are built up. The colony continues expanding and growing by 1000 among both colonies The colonies continue growing as expected. The colony of Nouvelle Rouen continues to expand eastward by 1000 px. The government decides to move on the Dutch reformists by allowing to remain on the French territory, however, putting some taxes for allowing them free passage in French land. However, the French government makes clear that their beliefs are with the Catholicism and that any attempt of violent expansion will be considered as an act of aggression and hence the Dutch-Wallon reformist may be persecuted. The vassalage of bar begins.
    • D. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • C. Burgundy: Military, economy and navy are built up.
    • Bourbon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Lorraine: Military and economy are built up.
    • Saluzzo: Military and economy are built up.
    • Sardinia: Military and economy are built up.
    • Andorra: Military and economy are built up.
    • Africa: Military and economy are built up
    • Aurienne: Military and economy are built up. The nation expands both west and east toward the colonies of the French.
    • Guaxirenne: The country expands southward and military and economy are built up.
    • Anjou: Military and economy are built up.
    • Vendome: Military and economy are built up.
    • Provence: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Alencon: Military and economy are built up.
    • Narbonne: Military, navy and economy are built up.
    • Avignon: Military and economy are built up.
    • French Mali: Military and economy are built up.
    • Savoie: Military and economy are built up.
    • Valois: Military and economy are built up.
  • The Tartary comes out from a long period of mild interventionism as the war finally ends. Chernihiv and Hyrcania's independence are guaranteed by the nation. Chernihiv begins to be influenced by the Tatars, with Mastoravic priests and Tatar and Permic merchants flooding the nation's borders. The purpose of the Tartary seems to acquire the wealthy fields of Chernihiv, where great amounts of grain, rye, and the new crop coming to the nation, potatoes, can be built. Speaking of potatoes, in the country, potatoes are for the first time distilled. The new drink is named vodka by the Slavic people; the Mordvins adopt from the Ugric tribes the term vizecske; the Tatars name it aroq. Alcohol is not too popular in the Tartary (as part of the Mastoravic faith, inherited from Islam, frowns on drinking), but it still makes mild inroads, especially amongst the Slavics. The economy grows as confidence is high, the soldiers return from war and a record crop is held. Emperor Julian sends his regards to the new emperor of Scandinavia and his condolences for the death of Queen Elsa. Julian marries a local Udmurt girl, which falls pregnant within the year. The nation expands 5000 sq km as returning soldiers are given incentives to settle the east. The first Ket and Kott tribes are reached and begin being settled down throughout their homeland in the Yenisey. First and foremost is their settlement of ki-hush, or "new house", in the west of the settled area.
    • Perm continues to expand. The economy improves. Merchants from Perm continue spreading far and wide, popularising the ruble across the nation. Bukhara now enters the direct sphere of influence of the Permic merchant. The economy and population quickly grow. Kolvakvar continues to be developed, and a new city, Uhta, is born.
    • Adyghea's khan Arslan III dies in his sleep peacefully. While determining who will succeed to the government, something incredible happens; all the nobles agree to crown Julian as King of the Adyghe and Ossetes. Once this happens, Julian sees no point in having an independent nation in Adyghea, as it is almost entirely dependent on the rest of the Tartary. It is annexed into two autonomous regions of the nation.
    • Azov expands its economy as the war draws to a close. Ozu-Cale, important for receiving supplies from Rome and Rumania into the nation, has shown its great importance as main port. The military is also developed. The small port owned by the Tartary in Crimea is given to the Romans as a gesture of good faith.
    • Kazakhstan is integrated into Bukhara after much thinking by the Manghit ruling family. They retain their titles and power over the east, but are subjects of the Khan of Bukhara.
    • Bukhara continues to develop. The army grows, as does the economy. Cotton, apples and other such goods are planted in great amounts, giving a large agricultural output for the nation. Mastoravism grows. The Tajik language develops a written script in the Permic alphabet, while Uzbek is first written down in this alphabet for the Mastorava's translation.
  • Marrikuwuyanga Empire: The wheat surplus had steadily increased which had allowed the Marrikuwuyanga to increase their population. The Marrikuwuyanga continued their trade with the Dutch East India Company after the Supreme Council of Twelve had allowed the Dutch to create a trade outpost [1 px] at West Timor. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was steadily growing after the shock it had faced when the Ayutthaya faced rebellion. The Marrikuwuyangan economy was the strongest in the region and hundreds of men from other tribal states would migrate to Marrikuwuyanga annually to live in better conditions. The Marrikuwuyanga now produced muskets in large number, although training in using spears was still provided. The development of a cannon brought a new era for the Marrikuwuyangans who had never seen such a decisive weapon. The navy is developed. Marrikuwuyanga expand 400 px along the eastern coast. The Emperor faced with the threat of Buddhism undermining his position, started mass conversions of Buddhists to Yadaism [Yadaism is a combination of Buddhism and the worship of Emperor Yada Gulpilil], and the Supreme Council openly declared that Ayutthaya and Buddhists were demons, not celestial beings the Marrikuwuyanga had previously considered them to be and the Buddhists were now persecuted. Emperor Yada Gulpilil's soul had left his vessel (he is dead) and now would enter the body of Gulalin Gulpilil and fulfill the eternal rebirth or so the followers of Yadaism had said. For others, it appeared the nationalist Emperor Yada Gulpilil had been murdered and replaced by his Pro-Dutch son who was now controlled by the Supreme Council as a puppet ruler. The others as in Buddhists, however, were quite few in number and heavily persecuted; thus there seemed little point in anyone believing them. A deal for the purchase of Dutch cannons had been secured which had turned out to be extremely effective since there were barely any tribe that possessed firepower while the Marrikuwuyanga had the most modern firearms. This certainly increased Marrikuwuyanga's influence in the region. After the pledge of allegiance had been taken by the tribal leaders of the Gurindji and Mudbarra, Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil delighted; visited them along with a small force of 1000 men to discuss trade, co-operation, sale of firearms, Yadaism, etc. Emperor Gulalin Gulpilil was accompanied by the Tipuriririririmuta, one of the 12 members of the Supreme Council. The Emperor supplied the new tribal states of Mudbarra and Gurindji with the firearms and deployed 250 troops to each tribal state. They were assured that they would retain their culture and traditions and their tribal elders would be respected as long as they believed in Yadaism and they did not revolt, at which point they would suffer eternal pain. The Dutch East Indies Company is requested to build a university at Tapu and teach the Marrikuwuyangans [No anti-Yadaism stuff though >->]. This request was sent by the Supreme Council who considered the Dutch a great ally and believed learning from the Dutch would be certainly beneficial. Smallpox starts to spread and the people affected are ordered to be put to death although this decision does not stop smallpox from spreading. One of the members of the Supreme Council of Twelve dies by smallpox. Following this incident, the royal family and Supreme Council retreat to safer areas whilst at the same time trying their best to reduce the spread of smallpox. At least 10,000 people have died.
    • Timor: The extensive work on developing Timor's navy and military had proved beneficial after the Dutch had started providing the Marrikuwuyanga with their warships for the Marrikuwuyanga to examine and build. The Marrikuwuyangan Emperor, Yada Gulpilil was worshipped by many natives and his power continued to increase over the tribes of Timor. Development of Timor's infrastructure had started with the aid of Dutch, and the construction of a major port for the Dutch to utilize, too, had started. The Marrikuwuyangan navy was by now the second strongest in the region, surpassed only be the Dutch and the pirates that had acquired Ayutthayan warships but with the recent arrival of the Spanish navy, it appeared that Marrikuwuyangan navy still had a long way to go. The people have developed immunity to smallpox due to interaction with other nations for hundreds of years
    • Mudbarra: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firemans and are trained. Smallpox start to spread. [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
    • Gurindji: Eco and mil improve. Men were recruited from villages to be trained on how to use firearms. Approximately 500 men are equipped with firearms and are trained. Smallpox starts to spread [These are not vassals, rather puppet states. Yes, somewhat same thing].
    • I have expanded literally 2750 px along the Eastern coast that needs to be added to the map. Seriously, add it •-•
  • Suri Empire: Military is built up, while a university is open in Delhi.
  • Great Zimbabwe: We expand our military and economy. We continue building the palace.
  • ​Caliphate of Mecca: We are aggitated that the Ottomans do not accept our apology. We prepare for war, too. We create a union called Arabian-Union and welcome any countries in the middle east or countries that share the same religion with us, Muslim. We invite Safavid Empire and their vassals, Oman, Bukhara, Egypt, Oyo, Georgia, Roman Empire, Bengal, Lithuania and Mughal Empire and their vassals. We make this union because we want to defend the Ottomans from attacking us and further Muslim countries. We continue to trade with our great ally, the Safavid Empire.
  • Many of these aren't even Muslim... -Feud
  • County of Oldenburg: Infrastructure improves. More people settle in Neu Norderney, some in Jacqueline, and some in other, smaller settlements. The missionaries have moderate success in converting some natives.
    • prince-Bishopric of Osnabruck: Work continues on the Osnabruck-Oldenburg road.
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.
  • The Consulate of Romania: Constantius, now 50, and his brother, Radu, now 49, resume growing the economy. A large Cannon Foundry is constructed by a rising weapons firm, known as the Constanta Fabrică de Tun. The Sunbeci continue to be developed, the small craft built last year is tested. More disputes occur in the senate and some senators Advocate for aggressive action against Russia, though they are denounced by many others. Aside from the politicking of the capital much work is put into strengthening bonds with Transylvania, and thousands of Romanians travel to the new province. Hungarians are asked to leave Transylvania, their cost of passage to be paid in part by Romania. At the same time many Romanians, still within Hungary, and fearing persecution, flee to the safely of Romania. Pressure from Catholics in Transylvania begins to mount, as religious diversity leads to some conflict. Romania begins to exert political pressure on Kiev, while also providing them with aid after the devastating war. Vladimir, now 22, continues the search for a wife, preferably of a nation close to Romania. His sister Lilliana continues to grow up, and attends school with Mircea. Radu and his wife continue to raise their son Mircea.
    • The Consulate of Bulgaria: Thousands of Romanians move into the country, seeking cheap and productive land. Meanwhile inter-marriage becomes very common. Bulgarians also begin to migrating to trade towns in Romania to seek more economic opportunities. The economy is improved and times are good.
    • Lithuania: Preparations are made for the rejoining of Poland and Lithuania. The economy recovers from the war with Romanian aid.
  • Grand Duchy of Russia: This turn in Moscow and all vassals is officially dedicated to economy. We begin recovering from the war and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure and defenses. Surprised by the sudden betrayal we faced by our neighbors, we put aside resources for new fortifications and an undated military. Ship production continues, as does trade along our many trade routes.
    • Volhynia (Various): This turn is officially dedicated to economy. Trade between Moscow, Prussia, and other nations helps to amass wealth, which is partially used to finance infrastructural projects and military fortifications.
  • Vorlayacor: Expansion continues with 30 more pixels' worth of land being gained northwest. The propaganda campaign continues to convince natives of the glory of Vorlayacor, the hope of Hesperia. The military begins manufacturing wheelock rifles and distributing them among the troops; commanders also initiate new formations and tactics for more efficient use of firearms.
  • Waikato Maori: The Waikato continue their war of expansion at home, which doesn't appear to be much of a war, but more of a leisurely expansion into the uninhabited lands of North Island. With nearly all of the iwi surrounding the Waikato conquered, the Waikato Maori are now expanding to settle and cultivate land instead of secure it. The borders of the Waikato are expanded by 5,000 km. Trade with the neighboring islands in Polynesia continues without issue, and cultural exchange between the Maori and the Polynesians progresses. The economy of the Maori is expanded. With much land under their control, and the food supply strengthening, the Maori leader Akuhata promotes the ideology "Whānau Tuatahi", or "Family First", encouraging Maori warriors to build large families to settle the lands around them. Akuhata encourages this by offering large tracts of land to those Maori men who have more than seven children of their own, adding five acres to their land for every additional child they have. The goal as Akuhata puts it, is to increase the adult population to 250,000 by 1475, a goal easily reachable by his people thanks to the decrease in fighting because of his inititives. Being 34 years of age himself, Akuhata states that he will lead the mission to increase the population of his people. To aid in the mission as well, Akuhata legalizes polygamy, especially due to the fact that the war saw the creation of countless widows in line with Maori tradition to kill the men and enslave the women. With so many women and children without any economic support and food security, Akuhata acknowledges that this inititive could help them as well as his population increase plan.
  • Kingdom of Croatia: Croatia focuses primarily on its economy. Trade routes are revived after the war and the salt mines around Tuzla are explored. Using irrigation from the Danube, Sava, Drava, Drina, Cetina, Una, Vrbaš, Kupa, Neretva and other rivers the fields in the kingdom are developed, used for crops such as wheat, rye and barley. With trade routes increasing and Croatia entering a peace of stability, the development of new trade ships is issued. The universities are finished and with the Frankopan-Zrinski and Šubić families gaining power as the Garays lose it due to accusations of plotting to bring back a Hungarian known as Ivan Zapolja on the Croatian throne. This calls for the Sabor of Cetin, which ends with these terms. Ivan Zapolja will acknowledge King Petar Krešimir V and his house as the only legitimate claimants to the throne of Croatia, Ivan Nelipić is proclaimed ban of all of Croatia, the Garays, now abandoning their Hungarian names in all scriptures will be called exclusively the Gorjanski and shall abolish all ties with the Hungarian royalty. This causes a shift of powers as the Nelipićs, recently a family under total control of the King, gain prestige and even help the king in supporting the urbanization, with the creation of more free cities which are only to answer to the King and the Ban. This is the start of a period unofficially known as Neizrečeno dvovlašće or the Unspoken Diarchy. Although it is acknowledged that the King and the Ban are nearly equal in power, it is a fact that is never mentioned.
  • Lombardy: Work continues on the Certosa di Pavia, the Castle Visconteo, and on the extensive Milan Cathedral. We continue training a proper standing army, utilizing Swiss mercenaries and local recruits. With border disputes now settled between the nations of Austria and Switzerland, we continue opening friendly relations with both nations in hopes of repairing our diplomatic relations and protecting our northern border. We continue constructing cogs and galleys to strengthen our navy and protect our interests on the seas. Our turn is dedicated to military in both our nation and our vassals. Wallis is declared a vassal of our nation, and we continue influencing them.
  • Novgorod: We continue the production of ships, cannons, muskets, advanced crossbows, swords, and composite bows, increasing our military capabilities in case of war. The nation’s training and advancement of military continues. The recent classes of Koch ships are being manufactured in Novgorod. The town of St Patriksburg’s population grows a bit more that last year. As the construction of the town improves, the Kremlin finishes, trade becoming more in demand, the town gains slightly. Because of the trade road built with Tver our economy increases. After seeing a great success with the private schools in the cities of Novgorod, St Patriksburg, Staraya Russa, and Nizhny Novgorod. We start building another private school in Rostov and Yaroslavl. We complete building private schools in Torzhok and a private school in Staraya Ladoga. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Tver: We complete the construction of the private school in Tver and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Yaroslavl, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Yaroslavl: We complete the construction of the private school in Yaroslavl and we start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Rostov: We completed the construction of the private school in Rostov and start the new one. We expand our economy because of the trade established between Tver, Yaroslavl, Muscovy. We dedicate this turn to military.
    • Karelia: We expand our military because of the trade established between Tver, Rostov, Muscovy and Novgorod. We dedicate this turn to economy. As fur traders and hunters begin to move into Karelia, the land becomes more settled. We are pleased that peaceful terms have been met between us and Scandinavia, and we hope to improve relations in the future.
  • Sultanate of Malacca:cThe military grows at an astonishing pace with a population increase and nationalistic self pride that has spread like smallpox. We continue influencing Brunei (11 of 20). We ask the Suri and the Fusahito as well as the Ottomans
    • Suri Diplomacy: We accept the alliance request.
    • Ottoman Sultanate dip: We accept the alliance request, now linking us to an alliance with Suri as well.
  • Tawatinsuyu: As the population continues to pull out of the plague, the growth rate remains extremely low, with the population just climbing above 868,000. Military improves. Medical research continues. Population of Cuzco stands at 60,000 people, the second largest in the nation. Chimu currently has a population of 100,000, making it the largest in the Nation. Third largest goes to Machu Picchu, with a population of 20,000. Fourth largest is Peru, with 19,000 people. Sican has a population of 30,000. Chiribaya is established as a vassal of the Inca, under the name Chiribayasuyu. Census results are as followed: ~42% Native Inca culture (mostly Cuzcan, Inca and Chimu) , ~18% Spanish Mixed Bloods, 26% Spanish, 7% French, and 7% French Mixed Blood. Following a second costly and unpopular war, the Inca economy begins to show signs of decline. . This outrages the Inca population.As the economy begins to fall apart and the current government of the Inca is extermly unpopular, Peru and Cuzco fall victims to extreme violence. Large parts of Cuzco burn down in a fight between the Inca Army and the Inca Nationals. In Peru, the Nationals target mixed bloods, killing 7000 in the span of a week. Spanish within the empire are moved to Machu Picchu for protection. People, regardless of their ethnicity, begin to flee the cities for safety, causing Cuzco and Peru to lose many people. Inca Nationals raid an army near Machu Picchu, gaining access to a large quantity of firearms and ammo. After acquiring said weapons, they storm the capital. Numbering 600, the Battle of Machu Picchu, as it is called, leads to the death of 8000 people, mostly non-combatants. One of those non-combatants is none other than the Sapa Inca himself. People flee the cities by the thousands, barring Chimu and Sican. This change causes Chimu to become the largest city in the Empire. Apeac returns to claim the throne, taking the name Apeac the First, mixing European monarchy with Inca monarchy. This change to the system sparks panic in the Inca elite, causing them, along side Apeac I, to draw up laws of secession.
    • 'Chiribayasuyu:'Economy improves. Some troops are moved to quell rebellions on the home front. Transitional stuff continues as the old government is demolished and replaced with a new one. Population stands at 54,000, less than half of the pre-war population.
  • Hispania: The Spanish populace reaches about 13.8 million and growing thanks to the addition of the Aragonian populace and other growth. The economy, thanks to the aggressive colonialism, continues to expand immensely and the Spanish economy becomes the most powerful in Europe passing the French economy by leaps and bounds with the massive influx of gold, silver and jewels contributing heavily and its administration preventing heavy inflation of the Spanish economy. The armed forces continue their push to remain the most modern and begins to build a host of new ships to replace older ones which are sold to its vassals, trade companies and other territories of the Empire. The integration of Aragon into Castile and the formation of Spain is seen as relatively popular and the now majority Spanish population shows overwhelming support for their Queen. The Queen of Spain on the direction of an advisor incorporates the title of King of Italy as an integral part of Spain as well ruling over it in a personal union in which the monarch of Spain may rule as the King of Italy in a personal union but the title may not pass to any other than the Spanish monarch. Queen Alexis begins to push toward consolidation of new territories acquired and begins to increase troop amounts in Italy, Genoa and Savoy. Spanish general Alejandro Cortez writes a book on Spanish military history and with this writes a detailed doctrine describing the brilliant general Carlos's tactic of line infantry. The general manages to get "Carolingian Infantry" a force of men five-to-seven ranks deep rotating to keep a continuous volley of fire on the enemy pushing its adoption by the Spanish Army. Phillip has a child named Alejandro now age 12. The Spanish continue to escort major trade convoys with warships to increase likelyhood of surviving. and investigation into the criminal underworld is undertaken to find out who hired these privateers. Alexis, finally seeing wisdom in creating a Spanish Parliament to prevent a foolish or insane monarch from ruining her accomplishments, creates the Parliament and enforces the first elections through landowners and influential traders who vote in the first Parliament led by Prime Minister Rodrigo Gonzales. Their first acts are to create a law system dealing with voting restricting it to the landed people and certain merchants but leaving it open to change with later amendments. The Parliament - also with authority of the queen - splits executive power between the Parliament and the monarchy. Finally, the Parliament creates the Colonial Administration Authority, which is a dedicated office to managing the colonies with offices in each colony and a budget dealing with expansion, maintenance and protection. The Colonial Administration authority seeing massive success in organizing the creation of a new colony in Borealias West Coast, and the West African campaign Parliament grants the CAA the ability to create the Colonial Military administration in order to keep tabs on colonies armed forces, garrisons and other protectorates armed forces as well.
    • Kingdom of Italy: Italy reaches its troops amount of 30,000 with it being armed and trained by Spanish troops in tactics. The Italian kingdom integrates Florence as an integral part and begins to push toward more movement toward involvement with the Spanish trade empire and Italian trade ships begin visiting Spain en masse. The Italian army is expanded moderately with some naval ships being purchased to replace losses. However, the Invulnerable Spanish army discourages any from speaking their mind and most deal with the relatively benevolent rule of the Spanish. The population of the Kingdom of Italy reaches about 13.3 million with growth falling short due to many men being killed in the war. The Italian navy reaches nearly 200 ships and growing. The people of Italy begin to see Spain as much more benevolent than before and are more than happy with Spanish rule. However, this also may have to do with the fact that many nobles have been replaced with Spaniards or loyal Italians who helped Spanish forces in the invasion. Some Hispanicized Italians (Italians who have adopted Spanish culture) are allowed to settle in the Spanish colonies. Some smaller towns and cities in coastal italy see the first real merging of Spanish and Italian culture.
    • Savoy: Savoy is stabilized. The Savoyan people accept their new overlords as the increased trade has left traders and many other with much more money than they had before. The economy, thanks to trade with Spain, expands moderately but much is spent rebuilding Savoy from the conflict. Savoy agrees to cede portions of territory to France due to the war and many people in Savoy are angered but powerless. The rulers of Savoy - realizing that inclusion into the Spanish empire is much better than being a target of it - manage to pacify the populace and begin to rebuild raising a small force of about 10,000 to handle security. The people of Savoy begin to work toward building up a trade fleet now at 120 ships.
    • Genoa: Now being free of Italy, but now a vassal of Spain, Genoa looks to rebuild its trade empire under the rising Spanish empire. The Genoan people and traders widely consider this to be a turning point with their people and begin to push for the mass acquisition of trade ships to rebuild their trade empire. Genoa begins to expand its military moving up to nearly 8000 troops with 5000 Spanish troops housed in Genoa. The Genoan people more than not show welcoming attitudes toward the Spanish as they have felt relatively oppressed by the Italians. However, some Genoans remain disenfranchized with the Spanish but the reputation of invincibility of the Spanish army makes any attempt at independence a far cry from possibility. These people more than not decide to find ways to live under the Spanish empire in a more prosperous way, by establishing multiple trade companies. These companies begin to be common throughout Spanish lands as the Genoans begin to build up a trade fleet of a sizable amount now at 100 ships.
    • Kingdom of Morocco: The country begins the construction of various canals and cultivates trees farther inland to help increase arable farmland. The Moroccan economy continues to expand with greater trade coming from Spain and the Canaries all the way down to Capo Verde increasing the relative wealth. The Kingdom, with many canals having been completed, has vastly expanded its farmland among other things. Morocco's total population reaches one million with Christianity becoming dominant in the area. Calne-Vicuna is finished and is opened as a center for Christianity in North Africa with a library said to rival old Alexandria's. The Moroccan Assassins Guild forms and spreads keeping the peace and killing the corrupt as well as making Morocco much more peaceful for Spain. The Kingdom of Morocco officially enters into a personal union with Castile following the magistrates and princes deeming it unnecessary for the King to not have full control in the country. The Moroccan navy increases to nearly 110 ships.
    • Kongo: The Kingdom begins to work toward a trade and production economy focusing on helping provide resources for Castile's burgeoning West African trade network. The King of the Kongo converting to Christianity and being baptised begins to call for the expansion of ports to the best of the Kongolese architects' abilities. The Kingdom of the Kongo in an attempt to increase economic output and trade begins to export a large amount of raw materials to Castile and begins to push toward heavy exploitation methods if possible. Kongo due to its backwardness in technology and administration puts itself in a protectorate/vassal situation in order to advance itself. The Kongolese population reaches about one million and beginning to grow much more rapidly. The King of the Kongo manages to calm down the people. The Kongo itself begins to see a noticeable improvement in the way of life. Kongo Adds the Former Oyo Gabonese colony to its domain. Kongo Expands 2500 sq km up the Congo River finally reaching supply and population levels to support this.
    • Mapuche: With the defeat by the Spanish a royal governor is appointed by the Spanish. These people are immediately transferred onto available ships and throughout the year are sent up the coast via Spanish ships to a location unknown to the Mapuche. The Mapuche also continue to see major issues from European contact are given orders to isolate themselves if they are sick to prevent further expansion of the disease. The Mapuche people begin to see the first mixed children between Spanish and Mapuche people. The Spanish institute the Ecomienda system. However, the Spanish governor, in order to keep control of the people, orders the Spanish heads of the system to treat the natives fairly in order to prevent mass deaths from overworking and resentment. Spanish farming techniques have definitely prevented starvation as the Mapuche continue to expand toward the coast building a road to connect it all. The Spanish governor, also using the local Mapuche as scouts, is able to expand much more than the Buenos Aires colony and uses this to his advantage to secure more land to be able to turn over to Spanish settlers. The Royal Governor ramps up expansion for some of the new plantation owners setting up expanding the the territory by 2500 sq km as well as using the Rio de Toro river to expand heavily. The Mapuche territory sees for the first time a majority of Spanish settlers who officially form the city of Salta (not OTL Salta) with a population of about 9000 with various Spanish peoples scattered through the countryside or helping in the exploration of pathways across the expansive continent.
    • Morelia: The former Mayan kingdom is renamed Morelia by the royal governor to reflect its new Spanish culture as thousands of settlers have settled in the major cities with the population reaching about 675,000 in total with a large amount of traders and people from across Europe reaching An insightful priest says that destroying the cities will result in long term resentment that could never be repaired and instead they should be made Spanish-Maya hybrid. The new Royal Governor seeing wisdom in this declares that the cities will not be ransacked and a moderate tribute of gold and silver is demanded by the Spanish. The 2000 troops remain in the country and begin to establish areas along the coast suitable for Spanish settlement. The military and economy of the Maya under Spain is developed and roads are upgraded to Spanish standards. The Spanish begin to sponsor settlers in Morelia to begin expanding on the continent down the coast. (2500 sq km). The Spanish troops are brought from all over the region equaling nearly 5000, with 1000 being regulars, 3000 being troops formerly used in the conflict, and another 1000 opportunist settlers looking to make more money are used against the Mayan revolters with great effect. The Spanish troops continue to push through and wipe out remaining rebels clearing out the highlands by the end of the year.
    • Aztecs: With full control of the Aztec now reverting to the Spanish the Spanish begin to implement their Ecomienda system from the Mapuche in the south to the Aztec areas to extract gold and silver. Along with this many of the remaining Aztec people become infected decreasing population further. The economy of the Aztecs becomes entirely reliant on the Spanish Empire and the military remains non-existent with areas being occupied by Zapotec and remaining Spanish forces. However, its garrison is made up of Spanish forces who are settling the territory. Almost 5000 Spaniards come to the Aztec nation. The royal governor is appointed and after conversation with Morelias governor decides eventually he will embark on a large expansion campaign up the Mexican area. The Aztecs expand by 2500 sq km. The Colonial authority sends a fleets of settlers north to the colony of San Francisco.
    • Kingdom of Venezia: With the establishment of the Kingdom of Venezia following the previous war and with the loss of a large portion of the fleet the Venezian people seem to believe that much can be rebuilt through utilization of the dynamically rising Spanish empire for its own benefit. The businessmen and high level economists, bankers and multiple other fully knowledgeable individuals of Venezia remaining after the war go on a trip to Spain's vibrant trade cities and after careful negotiations many of these men take over one of Spain's newest rising trade companies, the Buenos Aires trade company, with some offices based out of the Buenos Aires colony in Hesperia. The Venezians, unable to select a king from their remaining nobles, delegate to the Queen of Spain (Castile and Aragon) who chooses a man named Antonio Lo Grato to rule as Prince of Venice in place of the Queen of Spain. A well acclaimed and respected man, he immediately enacts reforms. The Venezian economy with access to the Spanish economy begins to recover and for the first time in years due to this. The Venezians begins its long road to naval recovery and begins to use its vast knowledge to begin building ships not only for itself but acquires the blueprints to improve on Spanish ships to allow for sale back to the Queen. The Venezian military is also raised to a token force of about 10,000 due to its location but remains lightly armed and unable to project power or fight any unsupported offensives. The Prince of Venezia, Antonio, begins the drift toward Spanish culture.
    • Viceroyalty of New Spain: The Viceroyalty of new Spain is established with a massive amount of coastal territory secured begins to expand its major settlements seriously with Buenos Aires maintaining the most with nearly 27,000 people and growing The colony proper reaches nearly 310,000 in population seeing large amounts of Colonial immigration now from both Spain and Hispanicized Italians. The Viceroy implements the first cattle ranches (they are not modern ranches) in order to expand the food supply of the large colony. The Spanish inhabitants of the colonies form their first militia under command of a Spanish officer which is trained only to fight off native attacks. The Colony specifically expands the areas around its main settlements by 50 px at its northern settlement with the Colonial Administration Authority making it a priority to get an explored built up trail toward their Incan protectorate in order to transport troops and goods much more easily. and extends its borders south by 20 px reach the Straits of Torez (OTL Straits of Magellan). The viceroyalty seems extremely happy with the colonial status and support its received from Spain as well as the massive re-investment for the betterment of the colony giving a huge boost to the construction of a few forts and a road system. The first ships begin to arrive from Spain African colonies bringing goods and a few slaves. Ranching is taken up by men previously accustomed to this in Spain.
    • Cape Ferdinand: The Cape Ferdinand colony expands its population hoping to attract more settlers. the population of Cape Ferdinand reaches 30,000 colonists . The area itself begins to show up as a trade hub. Zulu Africans in the area begin being contacted with missionaries looking to speak to these people.
    • San Francisco: The new colony of San Francisco sees limited immigration but has become a sort of hub for Colonial adminstration fleets coming through the area to trade and explore as well as a staging point for those looking to sail to the Philippines hoping to reach them via the Pacific Ocean. The colony itself expands by 5 px. The colony's population reaches around 2000.
    • Philippines: Spanish continue to establish majority control over the area through trade and other means. The Spanish then begin to send in a royal governor who makes plans to expand the island nation, and begins work on its economy and military to do so. Gold and silver from Spain is sent to facilitate buying materials to build up the area as the Philippines are garrisoned by mercenaries hired by Spain and nearly 300 of Spain's most well trained troops.
    • Protectorate of Oyo: The Colonial authority finally ends the proper occupation of Oyo and pushes towards restoring the power to any oppressed ethnicities living in the area. From any of the disenfranchised troops are recruited who are more than happy to act as a military force over the people that once ruled them. The economy of the area is turned towards an extraction economy as the nobility in the area is replaced with Spaniards, some Italians and a few opportunistic African people. This leads to unusually harsh system of the Econmienda in the areas run by opportunists. The Colonial Military Administration under the Authority establishes a fiercely loyal force of nearly 10,000 troops who were downtrodden by the prevous rulers or who were entirely oppressed and enslaved. The training of these troops is handled by Spanish officers who along with retinues of a few hundred troops give the troops drills in superior warfare.
    • Chile: With the Incan protectorate conquering the Chiribaya peoples some small portion of territory is given to the Spanish who establish Chile run by Spanish traders and a small offshoot of the Incan Colonial administration office. The area's name gains its source from a Mapuche word meaning ends of the earth but is corrupted by the Spanish into the name "Chile" The small populace of the locals is evaluated and are immediately joined by a few hundred Spanish settlers who begin to establish some terraced farms and a small town. The area is militarily supported by the CMA located in the Inca and a force of about 1500 is used to maintain order in the area. The Chilean royal governor along with the Colonial authority begins to increase the economy of the area and is planning on a period of expansion coming up in the next few years.
  • ​Netherlands:The Indian campaign continues as Dutch forces now standing at 10,000 from local recruits of both Indian and Malay origins. East India troops are now split into two categories the Indische Regimenten and the Imheemse Regimenten (Indian and native regiments). Pillaging is larger put under control with forces raiding Hindu settlements only when giving the green light by officers. The Indianse Troepen show a larger amount of dicipline and prove a lot more capable under pressure and in dire situations leading to an emphasis on them for spearheading charges or to take positions. More muskets and cannons are produced as demands for them locally and abroad grow. The Royal Army continues to grow and under go reforms to take full advantage of the new tactics and technology availible. In the East Indies troops loyal to the East India Company back the Dutch as they force the current sultan of Sunda to resign in favor of his younger brother who is more deemed more favorable to Dutch interests and control. The Capital of Sunda Pakuan Pajajaran is stormed by East Indies troops and the new sultan is forced to sign a new protectorate treaty effectively ending all autonomy of the Javanese kingdom. With this the East India Company is now in control of the territory completely however a revolt occurs in areas loyal to the old sultan and troops from Jakarta and Kawali are sent to quell the revolt through fear if possible and through force if necessary. Influence over trade in the East Indies continue to grow. In Europe the arts and science continue to grow and flourish as the acedemic circles become larger and more and more important. The new government completes the transition of power leaving WIllem II with most of his traditional responsibilities in name but under the strict guidence and care of the States-General, despite this adjustment the old regime remains intact for the time being. (It's not a new government but a new government structure is in the making now). Willem and Sofia have their second child a girl named Charlotte after Willem's mother. Their first child the young Willem prince of Holland begins his formal education. Willem II takes on a lover who is the daughter of the Britannic ambassador to the Netherlands much to the disgust and disapproval of his family having a child with the girl, a healthy boy named Johann. Karl van Nassau-Orleans passes away in his sleep while with his Bengali wife. His entire family mourns his passing and despite the rivalry between his two wives his children agree to share the estates and in Jakarta and all join the East India Company as officers and administrators to honor their father's legacy. The rulers of Bengal, Malacca and other Asian states are invited to atend Karl's funeral. Karl's eldest son Maurice proves quite effective in adminstration and is put incharge of clove production and trade. Meanwhile Shriya van Nassau-Orleans along with the other Muslim daughters (all Muslim, mixed blood Indian-Dutch) are offered to the leaders of Dutch trading partners in the orient to improve relations with them while the Christian daughters (children of Asha who are Christian) move back to the Netherlands with their mother with Jaqueline (the eldest 24) going to the courts of the Netherlands to see the Eternal City herself. Johann van Nassau-Orleans the younger brother of Willem II is enchanted by the Ionte Marble city and writes about it extensively sending the papers back to The Hague while he chooses to stay in the African nation for a few more years. Dutch and Wallon architecture continue to grow and they start influencing parts of Western Germany and Northern France (OTL Dutch architecture influenced the rest of Europe). The stock exchange continues to develop and expand with new actions created from the French colonial empire. Trade with the French colonies expand and both France and the Netherlands see huge returns from the joint venture. The Guiana settlements continue to expand along the coastline and along the amazon and New Rhine rivers a total of 20 pixels. Paramaribo, New Antwerp and Macaba continue to grow in size and cultural develop continues as they are heavily influenced by the artistic trends of the motherland. The plantation and large farm estates continue to prove quite profitable. Curacao continues to grow as Dutch and Wallon settlers move to the island. Lowlands French continues to separate from the French spoken south of the border. More slaves are sold to India and the New World.
  • Roman Empire: The Empire continues to try to consolidate its considerable gains and recover from the costs of so many wars in such a recent period of time. The funds from the canal do much to cover the costs of the wars, along with reparation money from the war in Russia. Construction of a few frigates and galleons continues in order to project Roman power across the seas. However, there is intrigue in the royal court. Due to his dedication towards making the Empire great and stable again, Theodore III has not taken a wife nor has he been seen courting by most of the nobles. With his mother Elsa now dead, she cannot convince the court that he is interested in such affairs, leading to some rumors that he is homosexual. This does not appeal to the twin Patriarchies of both Constantinople and Alexandria as well as most of the nobles. While his friends know that he is extremely dedicated to the running of the Empire and is not into such "sinful" desires, rumors still abound. This changes later in the year when Jaqueline of the Netherlands arrives in Constantinople. During the dinner hosted at the Imperial Palace to celebrate the arrival of a relative of such an important business partner, Theodore III is spellbound by her beauty and begins courting her at once. After several months of such courting, Theodore III sends emmissaries to the King of the Netherlands asking for her hand in marriage. Atlantis continues to grow as a naval base and a settlement.
    • Albania: Military expands.
    • Ragusa: Navy expands.
    • Egypt: Influence of Roman culture and law continues to affect Egyptian society. The first Egyptian nobles become Roman citizens and begin seeing the benefits of such action. Incentives for converting to Christianity for Muslims continues. Judea is transfered from Egyptian control to Roman control as an Exarchate.
    • Cyrene: Due to Roman influence, military control, and conversion from Arabic and Islam to Christianity and Berber, the nation becomes closer to Rome.
    • Serbia: The nation continues to expand its military and become closer to Rome due to influence.
  • Zapoteca: Zapotecan troops patrol captured Aztec territory. Zapoteca expands 100 px along the Gulf Coast. The Spanish aid is greatly appreciated. The Emperor continues financing Spanish settlers to come to the kingdom and marry into the population. Trade increases and continues with the Spanish. The Emperor expands roadways connecting cities in the alliance to help merchants and soldiers move freer between them. The military, which had been outdated for many years, continues to be upgraded. The economy booms with trade as a result of the roads. Naval technology is rapidly advanced under the Spanish. The Emperor orders more to be manufactured to bring in goods from the sea. Itzapam continues prospering under Zapotecan rule, improving their military.
  • Grand Duchy of Bavaria: Bavaria expands its economy. The population continues to rise. Grand Duchess Catherine and her council continues to allow the training of new troops. Several markets are constructed in Landshut as well as trade houses for Austrian and Castilian traders. In Austria, several new ships begin being constructed, with twenty-five very large cogs being finished. We begin using an established trade route, with important stops in the trade route include Rome, Athens, Constantinople, Gibraltar, and the coasts of Brittany, due to a longstanding trade deal. Continuing in 1549, Catherine commissions six cogs to sail around western Mediterranean coasts. The market center in Landshut continues to attract Bavarian and Venetian traders. In religious news, around 76% of the country adheres to the Western Church. Most adherents live around Munchen and Landshut. In other news, Bavaria continues implementing the Alliance and Merchant Act as well as the Militia and Navy Act. The Bavarian Court continues hosting a largely Venetian composition. However, many Bavarian families have intermingled with the Venetians, creating a distinct social class and gentry. In national news, the common courts continue to be implemented around Bavaria as several of the lower class make use of it. The serf laws begin to be used as well. Skeptics who theorized that the serf laws would mark no profound change in society begin to be proven wrong. In 1549, as many as five hundred serfs sue for their freedom. Catherine begins to seriously ponder a law that would fully abolish serfdom, seeing how it has more or less deteriorated in Bavaria. The wild unpopularity of these laws begin to wear off as well. Catherine further incorporates the Collegiate Writs, allowing many more lower class men to enter college. In legal news, Catherine continues implementing the Bavarian commands. Magnus continues to rule as regent in Poland and his wife delivers a son, named Albrecht. Albrecht will be the future King of Poland, and the first member of the Habsburg-Wittelsbach Dynasty. In political news, the Curia Bavaria continue to implement the Bavarian Commands and Collegiate Writs into a codified, national law. Catherine is pleased by this development, and becomes less wary of the Parliament. Work on the Parliamentary House continues in the city of Landshut. In February, Catherine travels to Augsburg to address the Reichsregiment. In doing so, she attempts to gather support for the Hessian Dynasty Act. One of the key princes is Friedrich II, Duke of Hamburg and Catherine's husband, who is present in Augsburg. Catherine hopes that her husband will vote positively on the act. In other news, Catherine sends letter out to all European princes, letting it be known that Prince Albert, heir to the Bavarian throne, is available for betrothal to any suitable princess. Albert is three years old.
    • Munchen: By 1549, the total class of Queen Isabell University amounts to about 5100 men. Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. The Collegiate Writs begin to draw more men to college.
    • Straubing: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Ingolstadt: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burgau: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Nurnburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Burggrafschaft: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Bamberg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Wurzburg: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders.
    • Thuringia: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Saxony: Troops authorized by Catherine and Count Albert continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Countess Elisabeth normalizes taxes in an effort to subset any rebellion.
    • Bremen Port: Troops authorized by Catherine continue training. Several markets are constructed as well as trade houses for European traders. Several cogs are constructed, and plans are drafted to construct many larger ships.
  • Hesse: Grand Duke Phillip I has twins, Ludwig IV and Phillip II. He also has a daughter a few months later, naming her Eva. The von Hessens in Liechtenstein turn five this year. They continue to work as normal peasants, not knowing of their connection to Hesse.
    • Austria: This turn in both our nation and the nations of Bohemia, Moravia, Luxembourg, Brandenburg, Pomerania, Silesia, Lusatia, Salzburg, Augsburg, Swabia, Elsaß-Lothringen, Mainz, Palatinate, and our colonial territories and possessions is dedicated to economy. We train and expand our military using new experience from recent wars, and grow our nation economically. In Morocco our position in Melilla is fortified. All fortifications around the region are rebuilt and manned by stationed guards in case of an attack. To protect Melilla the construction of a fortress outside the city is considered, although postponed for now. The port of Melilla is rebuilt to begin operation as a trade port and military outpost. Construction continues on a shipyard in the Melilla port to facilitate the construction and repair of friendly ships. Melilla is granted a permanent naval garrison in the city’s port, to respond to dangers in the area and to support the small garrison on land who mans the fortifications. Our position in Morocco is fortified by re-inforcements, bringing Melilla operational against attacks. For now a small fleet is stationed in its harbor, while its garrison continues to hold the north and its supply lines, supporting our Christian brethren. With much of the Muslim population of Melilla left dead after the war against Morocco, the local government attempts to entice settlers by offering large quantities of land to Christian settlers. Many Europeans, particularly of German descent and/or from central Europe begin settling the area around Melilla. With finances from Augsburg-based banking establishments, the Trieste Company continues to launch expeditions to West Africa. Abrechtburg has grown to a decently sized settlement, supporting a population of farmers, traders and a small garrison of soldiers. The town also houses a well furbished fort, armed with a small amount of cannons intended to defend the settlement and the harbor from any attack. Built out of necessity, the port at Abrechtburg is refurbished and expanded to support more trade ships, and allied countries are welcomed to trade and stay in the town. The second largest settlement in Westenland, Dominusburg, follows suit, finishing the construction of a port similar to Abrechtburg‘s. Trade posts continue to be built and exploited, now numbering several dozen along the coast of Westenland and into allied territory. Our reliance on the Wolof becomes less so, but we sign a trade agreement with their nation to continue our positive relationship. Deals are made with the Wolof for slaves and other goods. Conversion of the natives begin around the settlement. Several ships begin construction in Trieste, Melilla, Corfu, and other ports, to further facilitate and protect overseas trade. Trade is increased with the Grand Duchy of Bavaria and other trade partners, bringing about new avenues of trade and commerce. Expeditions to the New World continue to increase trade with Spanish possessions, establishing a trade route between Westenland and colonies in the Yucatan. Trade posts in the Caribbean are expanded and grow as they become more frequently visited. A trade agreement is signed with the local Nacotchtank people, who we begin to trade goods with. Work also begins on a settlement on Vultsburg, it being the hub of Austrian trade in the south Imperial Sea. The settlement continues to grow and with the construction of a fort complete, the first settlers begin moving to the island. Schlossburg, and the area around it, expands. Settlers explore areas along the large river in the area, which they name the Ehrbar River (OTL Potomac). The Ehrbar settlements begin expanding northwards. A more permanent trade post is established in Schlossburg, with fortifications being complete. In vassal news, the bishopric of Salzburg is annexed into Austria proper, after the Bishop agrees to become a vassal of the Archduke. Furthermore, the crowns of Bohemia, Brandenburg and Pomerania consolidate to be staple vassals of the Archduchy.
  • Scandinavian Empire: King Nikolaus is crowned in January as King of Scandinavia, successor to Queen Elsa, and Jarl of the Realms. He immediately takes the opportunity to draw Pomerania closer to Scandinavia, appealing to their identity and economic needs. The vassalization process begins (turn 1 of 3).
    • Finland: The economy expands. Finland expands by 3500 sq km.
    • Greater Ingria: The economy is established.
    • Karelia: The economy is expanded. Karelia expands by 350p sq km into Saami territory.
    • Schleswig: The economy is expanded.
    • Strombek: Strombek expands by 2000 sq km down the St Lawrence river. The economy expands.
    • Vinland: The economy expands. Vinland expands north by 2000 sq km into uninhabited territory.
  • Pretty sure this is waaaaayyy past the time limit we have in place for late posts.
  • It's pretty flexible. Other circumstances present themselves, and that's okay. As long as it's not obscenely late, it's okay if there's a little bit of a delay. - Cour
  • Safavid Empire: We build up our military and navy. Port cities are being rebuilt. More ships are being made for our navy. Our own version of guns is being made. Farming is becoming one of the most important industries, besides blacksmithy, trading and fishing. Guns are now mass produced in our country. We continue to make more woodblock printing presses for our libraries. Cannons at three feet long are being built for our military. Bigger cannons are also being built for our military. Cannon balls are made out of iron. A trade route from our home country to Oirat is mapped out. People are now trading with each other on this trade route. Foreign exchange banks are becoming popular in our country due to the ETA (Eurasian Trade Agreement). Trade has increased due to the ETA. A new art form is continuing to be drawn. It is a mix of Safavid, Oirat and Mughal art. Our art is continuing to be popular with all of the nations around us. Trade goes well with the Dutch merchants. All slaves that come from the Oyo nation are continuing to be converted to Shi'ite Islam. We continue to trade with the Roman Empire. The awesome trade routes to Caliphate of Mecca are continuing to be drawn on maps. Our new colony of Free Port sends back a ship to our home lands with stuff found from this land. We continue to build up our new port city. Ships continue to go back and forth from our new colony sending resources to our homeland and people to our colony. We expand our colony 10 px north, west and south.
    • Khanate of Khiva: We improve our relations with the Safavid empire. We build up our military and navy. Trade routes are continuing to be mapped into the Safavid empire.


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