Alternative History


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve, while agriculture continues developing in Castile. Meanwhile in Portugal, industrialization continues, and in Castile, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Rio da Prata, Paraguai expands 6000 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is expanded.
  • The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. The Mononobe clan continues losing influence, while the Rokkaku clan continues gaining influence.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km. President Rokkaku Hideki asks Neu Berlin/Germanica for a trade agreement.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand.
  • Apostolic Church: The Apostolic Church continues bringing the Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches in Tojiko into a union.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. Russia once again asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is expected to take ont-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We ask China if we can extend the train to Harbin.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop steel and glass around Constantinople, and also see it spread to Attaleia and the Hellenic Peninsula, specifically Athens. Cement begins to be used in Constantinople also, and some glass and steel begins to be used in government and other important buildings. The Athens - Constnatinople railway is finished and passengers, cargo, and military begin to be transported on the route. The railway is extended to Smyrna, Bodrum and Attaleia, and on the Hellenic side, Corinth, as well as two branches from Corinth to Patra and Corinth to Kalamata. Also, there is a new railway line from Ioannina to Thessaloniki. These railways are scheduled to be finished by 1817. In the colonies of Nea Lefkosia, Nea Athina and Nea Konstantinoupoli, fertiliser is spread around, and small railways are created, especially in Nea Lefkosia and Nea Konstantinoupoli, to encourage trade and also, in Nea Lefkosia, to make it easier to travel to the one port and capital of the colony, known as Tamanakia after a local Indian leader, because of the panhandle style of the colony. The railway of Nea Konstantinoupoli travels between the two cities of Doualia (situated on OTL Douala) and Prasinopolis, situated on OTL Libreville. Cloth factories also begin to be founded in Tamanakia, Doualia, Prasinopolis and Adamoupolis, the capital of the Nea Athina colony, as well as paper mills. Additionally, the city of Alexandrouplis tou Atlantia, founded in the centre of Nea Lefkosia, is given a train line to Tamanakia to improve exports to the Caribbean. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Konstantinoupoli expands by 12,000 sq km also.
  • Cyrenaica: Acquires paper mills and cloth factories in Benghazi, and expands 20,000 sq km southward.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. It assures the alliance to the Dutch Netherlands and prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main Capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse, most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker the construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. After much thought the trade agreement with Kasodani is accepted.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Persia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continues as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system developed by Chief Looks To The Sky has led to some tribesmen being employed under lesser chiefs as farmers for their large fields, but they hold more rights and respect than OTL European Serfs. Trade with the Mayan's, Normandy and the Apache continue, growing the Lakota tribal economy.
  • Saxony: The military expands with the passing of the Wehrpflicht (conscription) act in the Landtag. Death rates in the new industrial and mining towns decrease as the smallpox vaccine become even more widely spread. Tanimbarkai expands its military and its nascent telegraph network. Saxon Australis expands 1000 sq km toward the Welsh colony. Saxon West Africa expands 1000 sq km inland along the Kongolese border, and the Guinea Schutzgebiet expands 1000 sq km west along the coast. Anhalt and Cologne expand their militaries. Scandinavia is offered the Faroe Islands in exchange for a part of Denmark bordering Bavaria's Hamburg Kommisariat. The territory would have to include coastline and a decent port.
  • Imperium Africana expands its military, economy and infrastructure, including those of the dominions and vassals. The railway network of the empire continues to expand throughout the nation, and continues to lead the world in sheer size. The colonies of Mogäs and Tumaini are expanded by 750 km each, while Bärädä is expanded by 1000 km, and Dähnnät by 1500 km. The Emperor authorizes the invasion of Great Brython to punish it for its numerous invasions and conquests, especially against the Dutch with whom though the Ethiopians did not like for their conquest of their old lands, they sympathized with them as a conquered people, the event echoing such wars as the one with the Caliphate. The Emperor orders several thousands of troops to invade to complete the task. The adoption of a special Amharic-Hindi language is in the works, with development of the older hybrid language from the past to be used by the government. Already spoken by one-third of the population as a communication medium, the empire sees this as a good chance to bring the dominions and vassals closer together as a single unit, especially when it comes to building stronger regions with long-time ally, the United Maharajya.
    • Dean posted on the 28, so technically it's still a player nation, not an NPC.
    • Ah, okay. I thought he bailed. Sorry. ~Viva
    • Many merchants from the SOC begin to express interest in this new hybrid language being under discussion. They think this will help trading and make communication so much easier.
    • Hearing of the invasion of their brethren, the Dumas of the Russian realms decide to put off the census, and the nations of Russia, Ukraine, Riga, Suur-Suomi, Minsk and the Caucasus declare war on the Imperium Africana.
    • Read the fine print. I invaded the wrong nation. ~Viva
    • Riiight ...
  • The Iraqis continue to expand their influence in Kuwait. Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq.
  • ARK: Two more legions are trained and King Gopan puts all Apache Legions under his direct control. He makes it mandatory that each district keeps two Conscript Legions on active service and five Conscript Legions on standby. King Gopan sends a request to Saxony for the smallpox vaccine. King Gopan lets it be known to the Senete that he is a Shamanist and the Senate chambers erupts into chaos as the Catholics and Gaoist blame each other and the Shamans. Everyone is silenced when the Bishop of Ekta, Father Eknath shouts " Look at yourselves you argue like little children just because he believes in spirits instead of God. We all are children of God and God loves us all. Now stop your bickering because he became king on your VOTES AND BECAUSE OF HIS SKILL. SO BE QUIET AND ACCEPT IT." The Senators are silent and someone shouts "I am loyal to the King and God alone" and that is taken up by the entire Senate - just a little different for the Shamanists. The people are a little angrier but nothing spills over to full out rebellion just protests that soon die out.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south around the Ethiopian colony by another 8000 sq km. Haida Gwaii also expands by 2000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. The Myanmar request is accepted. After years of economic deals with Badakhstan. China vassalizes Badakhstan.
    • My Alaskan colonies actually cover a lot more ground, Crim. I just updated my Territories page and the map as well to the accurate sizes. With the size of your expansion, you'd only barely reach the colony, let alone surround it. ~Viva
    • The map is inaccurate regarding my colonies. Should have it fixed soon.
  • The Arabian Federation builds up its economy after the railway project sends the Federation into a deep depression which started in 1807. While the few small lines between the major cities remain, there is a lack of money to fund the running of the trains. Sultan Abdul-Hamid is criticized a lot for the railway bubble, and political circles for the re-forming of the Arabian colonial empire: though with no money to fund this expansion and a lack of highly desirable resources in the Federation to build strong trade pacts, the colonial expansion seems to be just an unobtainable dream.
  • EAF: The bureaucracy and federal presence increases in the north. Education, military and economy expand. Diplomats are sent to neighboring countries.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • After much consideration, Germanica decides to declare war against Great Brython, for several reason. The first is the failure to return Luxembourg into German hands. The second is to free the oppressed Germanic brothers known as the English, who have had their culture and language stripped of them. The third is the failure to respect the Germanic race within their lands. The Dominion of Neu Berlin follows suit to reclaim the lost lands on the Vinlandic continent (Greenland). The Dominion of Neu Prussen also engages in the war to gain the Caribbean possessions of this faux empire. The Dominion of Chimu also declares war in order to expand its influence on the Atlantian continent. The railway system helps transport massive troops and supplies to the Dutch front and the powerful navy of Germanica sails to England and makes massive headway in the region, landing on the coast not far from England. Neu Berlin also engages in its first full scale military conflict and unveils the massive military it has built up all this time, sailing to regain its rightful lands. Meanwhile, the Dominions of Mysore and Orientalia supply military aid to the effort. The Kaiser terms this the first step in redemption for the Germanic race and nation as a whole, and millions cheer and call for blood--Welsh blood--to be spilled on the soils of the world. Forces are also sent to Morocco by Georgia to regain what was once stolen from right under the nose of Gibraltar, now also in foreign control.
  • The United Maharajya amps up its army. Uttarshina expands 9200 km and projects continue.
  • The vassals and states in personal union expand economically and upgrade army. Naya Punjab expands 9200 km while Naya Bihar grows 15,000 km.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve. Meanwhile in Portugal, industrialization continues, with paper mills developing with the tech to produce large reels of paper and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Portugal, Afonso XII dies and is suceeded by his son João, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, João VI e IV, Emperor of Spain, King of Portugal, Galicia, Algarve, Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, of either side of the sea in Africa, Prince of Brasil, Duke of Viseu, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchess of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Count of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos and Lord of Guiné, of either side of the Rio da Prata, and of Commerce, Navigation of Conquest on India". Meanwhile, Afonso Anes de Lara, Prince of Galicia, marries Beatriz de Bragança, daughter of João IV, Duke of Bragança. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 6600 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
    • Neu Berlin offers to buy a part of Antilia up to the OTL New York border.
    • Portugal refuses again.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continues, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is expanded.
  • The Iraqis continue to expand their influence in Kuwait. Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq.
  • The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. The Mononobe clan continues losing influence, while the Rokkaku clan continues gaining influence.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km. President Rokkaku Hideki asks Neu Berlin/Germanica for a trade agreement.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand.
  • Apostolic Church: The Apostolic Church continues bringing the Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches in Tojiko into a union.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The railroads continue to be laid by workers. The Bhubaneswar to Lucknow line and Lucknow to Delhi line is taking a very long time to be completed and continues construction. Death rates begin to decline at a rapid rate. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. Rajput Banarjee dies this year, much to the mourning of his fans and readers of his excellent poems. There is much saddness and grief. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 9200 km. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military sees new inventions such as rifles and better cannons produced for the army. Old equipment is either sold or melted down and recycled into new rifles and cannons for the army. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam continues to see robust economic growth, surpassing even Orissa in the growth rate. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, interest begins to go toward rumours of a hybrid language being planned in Ethiopia. Many merchants express their excitement and would be willing to lend their support in the project. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". Growing more pro-Ethiopian attitudes leads to a small but steady stream of merchants and ordinary citizens beginning to travel to Ethiopian colonies. Many head to Ethiopia itself and begin top admire the Ethiopian culture. The Raja continues to contemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport goods across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military commissions Saxena Constructions to build its prototype warships in large number. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. Extensive schools begin to be built, roads begin construction and new canal plans are announced. The South is to become a heavy investment area. The United Maharajya declares its support for Ethiopia, their brothers, and declare war on the Welsh. Their first attack zone is former Patagoshina.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 9200 km. Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore continues construction at a good speed and is planned to bring in much better trading speeds. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Huge amounts of propaganda is put into play in the newly assimilated territories and many stories from the time of the just Orissans seeps through to the people as things told from mouth become confirmed in propaganda. Hindi becomes even more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. All declare support for the war.
  • ARK: King Gopan spearheads Operation Salvation. He leads three Apache Legions to the North and expands the northern borders by 6000 km and delegates the Legate of Apache Legio 4 to lead Legions 4-6 to expand the northwestern borders by 5000 km. One Legion is dispatched behind each army for peacekeeping efforts as the armies continue to move. King Gopan brings Indentured Servants to search for valuable minerals and set up the Senators Estate and irrigation system - also constructing roads to the new villages and towns.
  • Imperium Africana: Continues its invasion of Celtic lands, taking the Brython Isles during the first year of the war as the outnumbered Celtic defenders are overrun by the Ethiopian-led invasion force. The Emperor of the Imperium has come all the way from Africa to oversee the invasion, and lands shortly after the coast is taken from the enemy. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km. Numerous Ethiopian intellectuals consult on the idea of searching for geopoliticially viable lands to strengthen the Imperium's position in the world. The government commissions a number of thinkers, politicians and military commanders to come up with a new location for the capital, and authorize the search to even include other territories outside of the empire. The Emperor has stated his desire to set up a secondary capital in the event he should ever have to flee his homeland, so as to avoid the fate of his forefathers during the invasion of the Caliphate two centuries ago. A foreign capital (such as the one OTL Portugal had in Brazil), is deemed a viable asset during wartime. The nations of Scotland. Ireland, and England are established to govern the regions in the Emperor's name so as to deal with these problems for him.
  • Added the 2x colonization rates bonus of the third stage of industrialization.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to build the aforementioned railways, with a line from Athens to Corinth completed, with other lines close to completion. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 6000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 6000 sq km.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. It assures the alliance to the Dutch Netherlands and prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse, most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker the construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. After much thought the trade agreement with Kasodani is accepted.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Persia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We ask China if we can extend the train to Harbin. We continue using steam engines.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: Saxony, Bavaria, Anhalt, Cologne and Tanimbarkai expand their militaries. Work begins on a small railway line to connect Nuremberg to the main Dresden-Munchen line. The Bavarian navy does more exercises with the new steam-powered boats. The boats also have sails in order to save coal. Bavarian Indonesia improves its industry. Saxon and Bavarian Australis exand 1000 sq km west along the coast. Saxon West Africa sends another ambassador to Kongo, to re-recognise the Ethiopian administration there. A legation is sent to Germanica to enquire about the potential trading of Oldenburg (for a colony/part of a colony of equal size).
    • The Germanic Reich will consider this once the war is fully over.
  • Germanica continues to fight in the war. Morocco seems to be falling very quickly, and without Morocco, the Welsh Royal Coast begins to fold under the pressure. Neu Prussen overruns the defenders on the Welsh Antillian Islands with its massive and powerful navy. Neu Berlin and Germanica send more forces toward Wales proper, so as to open the way for other coalition nations to invade the other regions. The navy quickly captures the coastline of Wales and settles in during the winter to restart the war the next year. Oldenburg completely falls this year, and the march toward Amsterdam begins to prepare itself. The war seems to be as good as done, and generals expect three more years of warfare. The government begins to consider a dual-capital system as well, involving Berlin and Amsterdam. Meanwhile, Ludwig and Karl return to Neu Berlin this year, informing the government that there is no single east-west route. However, a new city is under construction near the location of OTL Chicago.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. The Census is expected to take one to two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. Russia once again asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is expected to take ont-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • Riga works on its economy. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.


An earthquake strikes the Cypriot colony of Nea Lefkosia, killing about 20,000 people.

For those that have not noticed, this week's Map Contest is based on Principia Moderni II itself. Please be sure to check it out - and don't hesitate to make your map, too.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, with paper mills developing with the tech to produce large reels of paper and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Navarra and León adopt the metric system. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 7600 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Iraqis continue to expand their influence in Kuwait. Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq.
  • The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. The Mononobe clan continues losing influence, while the Rokkaku clan continues gaining influence.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km. President Rokkaku Hideki again asks Neu Berlin for a trade agreement.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand.
  • Apostolic Church: The Apostolic Church finishes bringing the Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches in Tojiko into a union, and begins to install bishops. Two religious orders are set up, Saint Shintaro Ishihara from the Tojiko Jīdūhist Church and Saint Mikishi Daimon from the Amaterasuist Church.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We ask China if we can extend the train to Harbin. We continue using steam engines and begin using them in our silk plants.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. It assures the alliance to the Dutch Netherlands and prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse, most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker the construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. After much thought the trade agreement with Kasodani is accepted.
    • Dutch Netherlands is redundant and Morocco is still barely under Welsh control.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Persia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: Saxony, Bavaria, Tanmbarkai and Cologne build up their militaries. Anhalt and Bavarian Indonesia improve on their industry and infrastructure. Saxon and Bavarian Australis both expand 1000 sq km: SA to the east, and BA to the west. Bavarian Cyrenia also improves its infrastructure. Deaths due to smallpox continue to decline in number, and work continues on the Nuremberg connexion railway line. More steam boats for the navy are developed, all with sails for extra propulsion. Saxon West Africa expands 1000 sq km inland along the Kongolese border.
  • In the Hellenic Union, all industrialisation temporarily slows down to send aid to Nea Lefkosia. Industrialisation continues to happen at a slower rate. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • ARK: Operation Salvation is continued with the northern border expanding 7000 km and the northeastern borders are expanded by 9500 km. Two more legions are brought up for each army with a total of 12 legions dedicated. The idea of public schools is sent back to the homeland from the scholars in Europe and Northern Africa and the first public schools are opened in the capital of Ekta and the surrounding areas starting at age six to age 15 before they can go to advanced schools.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south around the Ethiopian colony by another 8000 sq km. Haida Gwaii also expands by 2000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. The Myanmar request is accepted.
  • Imperium Africana continues with its gains in Great Bython, capturing large cities largely abandoned by the residents who have been told rumours of Ethiopian soldiers killing men, raping women, and eating babies, something the soldiers now attribute to racist beliefs of their people. As a result, many of the civilians have been fleeing pass the mountains of Wales into newly declared German territory, leaving a good portion of England underpopulated with a small but aggressive resistance movement. The Emperor, leading from the front enters into the recently conquered city of Llundain (OTL London), which he renames Ländän, and informs his generals that he will be commanding the war from the city. With most of the former residents having fled or gone into hiding, the Emperor orders the non-combat personnel of the invasion force and their families to settle in the city and take over the positions needed to run the city infrastructure. With the usual tactic of moving to resettle the territory, the Ethiopians are once again moving large numbers of colony ships from the homeland in Africa to the new lands in Europe now that the European residents have been displaced. 50,000 Ethiopian subjects are expected to arrive by the end of next year to replace the workforce Great Brython, and any British inhabitants captured by the Ethiopian military by Imperial decree are sentenced to transportation for life. The Emperor wants Ethiopians to make up 10% of the population by 1850 (some 15 million people reside in the Britain already), meaning round the year transportation from Ethiopia to England is needed. Impressed with the land and the weather, the Emperor makes Ländän his secondary capital when visiting the northern half of the empire. He also reasons that the island is a good geopoliticial position to hold, and deems it worthy of the effort needed to hold it. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km. Troops from the homeland arrive to begin crushing the English resistance, while the military, economy and infrastructure are improved for the future years of growth and expansion.
  • Germanica continues to fight bravely in the war. Forces in Wales manage to break the defense of Avalon and enter the city, killing every armed Welshman inside the city borders. The Royal Family is captured and sent to Berlin to stand trial. Civilians are evacuated as Avalon is burned to the ground before their very eyes, and this is a testament to show the will to eradicate the Celtic culture. The "Brythonic" language is outlawed, and once it is discovered via a census that the English language is no longer spoken, German is introduced and becomes a mandatory language in school. The Welsh people begin to be forced into settlements in the north and toward the English border, while English refugees are given power. Avalon begins to be reconstructed in a Germanic-Gothic style. Another census is conducted to determine the population of Wales. Roughly six million people currently reside in Wales. Meanwhile, Neu Berlin and Neu Prussen are able to crush the defenders in Neu Zeeland (Puerto Rico), which is swiftly annexed to Neu Prussen. The war in Antillia is as good as done, and the focus is now on the Netherlands and Africa. The Welsh Royal Coast is defeated this year, thanks to the support of the oppressed locals. In the Netherlands, the defenders are slowly being reduced to a small coastline, while Luxembourg, Dutch Munster and other areas are slowly being captured.
    • I thought your war was supposed to last five, not three years.
    • We're not done fighting. Yes, I captured the capital, but the whole empire is not conquered yet. Ireland, Scotland and most of England and Wales are still alive and fighting.
  • Ometlacatl Copan Proposal

    Proposed sale highlighted in red

    The Mayan Empire
    continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. A delegation is sent to Neu Prussen to discuss the possible sale of Mayan portions of Copan and Ometlacatl back to the Mayan government. Germanica, please respond. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. The Census is completed. Russian population: 50 million. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. Russia once again asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. The Census is completed. Minskite population: 20 million
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is completed. Ukrainian population: 25 million
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Finnish population: 1.5 million
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Census is expected to take one to two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Duchy population: eight million
  • Riga works on its economy. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Rigan population: 0.5 million.
  • The United Maharajya gets into the war effort heavily. Troops sweep into the small enclave off Bengal and capture it with relative ease. Troops from Mataram swiftly move into Aceh-Pasai and make headway into the territory. The battered Welsh garrison - underarmed and undermanned, are no match for the superior Orissan forces. These forces quickly establish a perimeter and round up the Welsh soldiers. In Atlantia, the Welsh colonies int the south begin to be overrun as they become no match for the superior Orissan and Ethiopian forces. Through all this, troops also land on the Welsh mainland and assist in the attack on the territories, moving through the cold highlands at a slow rate. The colony of Uttarshina expands by 18,000 km (Stage 4), and there are signs of a small gold rush beginning in the mountains of Uttarshina. The Raja is pleasedd with how the war is going so far.
  • All the vassals and states in Personal Union expand army and work on economy. The colony of Naya Punjab expands by 18,000 km (Stage 4). Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km. Most help in the war effort.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, with paper mills developing with the tech to produce large reels of paper and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Aragon suppresses the Inquisition there, as the heresies have been eradicated there decades ago. Meanwhile in Portugal, Beatriz de Bragança gives birth to a girl, who is named Urraca. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 9200 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. The Mononobe clan continues losing influence, while the Rokkaku clan continues gaining influence.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km. President Rokkaku Hideki again asks Neu Berlin and/or Germanica for a trade agreement.
    • Neu Berlin accepts.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand.
  • Apostolic Church: The Apostolic Church continues to install a few more bishops.
  • The Iraqis officially vassalize Kuwait. Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. Kuwait sells the Mumbai colony to the United Maharajya.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south around the Ethiopian colony by another 8000 sq km. Haida Gwaii also expands by 2000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. The New Harbin colony, in the meantime, is offered to the Mayans in exchange for an alliance and trade pact.
    • The Mayan Empire agrees. The Empire also offers free trade in Zapotec, to compensate for the loss of New Habrin as a shipping port.
  • ARK: Operation Salvation continues with the northern border expanding 8500 km and the northeastern border expanding 8000 km ending Operation Salvation as two new provinces are added: one to the north, the other to the northeast. The Legions and political landscape of the provinces are swiftly met with six new senators in the Senate and more Legions. The public schools system is expanded upon to incorporate more cities and towns with a total of one province having it completely set up and six more working on it. The rest have failed to start. Father Eknath leaves the city of Ekta stating that " In this city I find only politics and few men that are pious and morally right and so I leave to search for answers that Christ has not bestowed upon me yet." The new Bishop of Ekta is a European clergyman who immigrated to Apache lands when young. His name is Father Christopher.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. The Census is completed. Russian population: 50 million. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. Russia once again asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Norwegian Dependancy becomes the Norwegian State, becoming henceforth a Russian vassal. The Tatar State is annexed into Russia after the death of their leader and becomes the province of Tatarstan.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. The Census is completed. Minskite population: 20 million.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is completed. Ukrainian population: 25 million
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Finnish population: 1.5 million.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Duchy population: 8 million
  • Riga works on its economy. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Rigan population: 0.5 million.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia: Officially create the position of Vozhd-Namestnik for their head of state (representative of Russian Tsar). They work on the military aspects of their existence.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. expand into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become rich.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km inland. While La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward, prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse. Most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker. The construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. After much thought the trade agreement with Kasodani is accepted.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Persia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up.
  • Italia declares war on Wales hoping to seize a few territories, specifically the northern part of Sumatra. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace - especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia decides to classify a large grouping of small planets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter as the Asteroid Belt as it is decided that they are too small to be proper planets. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desparately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government continues work on the Suez Canal. At the current rate of work, it is expected that the canal will be completed in late 1818. The Levantine Kingdom accepts the Orissan offer. With the added investment then the Suez Canal Company will be able to double the speed of the remaining construction. It is suggested that the canal should have one lock in the middle in order to continue to separate the two Seas and to equalize any imbalance between the oceans.
    • The Orissans are happy. They are also looking into a potential land swap.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Sorry that I'm late to the party ... I've been going nuts with development studies and economic theories at uni.
  • War's over next year, all land has been taken. You're giving yourself a -2 penalty for no reason.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to build the aforementioned railways, with a line from Athens to Corinth completed, with other lines close to completion. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: The Nuremberg rail extension is completed this year, and work begins on an ambitious project to link Cologne to Dresden (passing through Magdeburg and other cities on the way). Initial plans estimate the completion in seven to ten years. The Imperial Semaphore system continues to be used by the military, government and civilians. In some particularly busy corridors (such as Dresden to Munchen) there are three semaphore lines to eable faster speeds and less buildup of backlog. Bavaria and the Ruhr region of Saxony continue to industrialise, with many thousands leaving work on farms to live in the growing industrial centres. Coal mining also increases to reflect the growing demand. Despite the increasingly cramped living conditions in these industrial areas, smallpox takes very few lives, thanks in no small part to Jener's clinics, which now exist in every major town and city. Empress Charlotte, now aging, begins to delegate some powers and responsibilities to her son, Crown Prince Karl. Cologne, Anhalt and Tanimbarkai expand their militaries. Overseas now: Bavarian Indonesia expands its military greatly due to the brewing conflicts in the region. Saxon Australis expands East along the coast toward the Italian colony. Bavarian Australis expands West along the coast and its economy continues to grow at a sustainable rate thanks to the investment brought by pearling companies. Khmer Koch continues its profitable shipping practises, with bountiful jobs in the shipbuilding, supplying and navy. Bavarian Cyrenica improves its port facilities, and the Bavarian Mediterranean fleet is slightly increased by ships from other stations. Saxon West Africa expands 1000 sq km inland and the Royal African Regiment is expanded to cope with policing and guarding the entire colony. The governor asks the Imperial government to have a permanent rotation of Royal Ary units, and the colonial office agrees, with all colonies' militaries to e supplemented by Imperial or Royal forces from next year.
  • United Kingdom of Antillia: We build up the military and continue to industrialize. We expand 15,000 km squared in the south.
  • Lx took control of the UKA back.
  • Germanica continues to fight in the war. The last defenders of Wales begin to run while they still can. In the Netherlands, the siege of Amsterdam is beginning to wind down as protests on the inside are clearly visible. The Welsh Royal Coast collapses under the pressure of Germanica and Morocco is predicted to fall next year.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire is pleased at the sale of New Habrin, and the newfound alliance with China. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The railroads continue to be laid by workers. The Bhubaneswar to Lucknow line is completed with huge prompt. The Lucknow to Delhi line is also completed, yet its less grand due to its more outlying nature. Death rates continue declining. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 18,000 km. The small gold rush begins to attract many Orissans who arrive in growing numbers. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military sees new inventions such as rifles and better cannons produced for the army. Old equipment is either sold or melted down and recycled into new rifles and cannons for the army. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam continues to see robust economic growth, surpassing even Orissa in the growth rate. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, interest continues in the Ethiopian language project. Many merchants express their excitement and would be willing to lend their support in the project. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". Growing more pro-Ethiopian attitudes leads to a small but steady stream of merchants and ordinary citizens beginning to travel to Ethiopian colonies. Many head to Ethiopia itself and begin to admire the Ethiopian culture. The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military's prototypes are quickly taken for their shakedown cruise and then sent straight to the front line to tkae out the Welsh ships. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. Extensive schools begin to be built, roads begin construction and new canal plans are announced. The South is to become a heavy investment area. Patagoshina begins to be taken over at a rapid rate as the Welsh are pushed out and many Orissan descendants cheer. With complete control in Welsh territories in Asia, the Kongo is also invaded to be captured in the name of the Raja.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 18,000 km. Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore finishes construction after a good time being constructed. It is expected to sell tickets soon. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Huge amounts of propaganda is put into play in the newly assimilated territories. Hindi becomes even more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. All declare support for the war.
  • Imperium Africana continues its invasion of the Welsh lands, and continues to make gains in the British Isles. Concentration camps are created to intern any Welsh, Scottish or English fighters captured by the Ethiopian military. These are to be sentenced to transportation, sent to do hard labor in the cold lands of the Ethiopian colonies in Antillia, or to slave away in the mines of Borona. Cities captured by the government are renamed and reorganized into the imperial government structure, and Ethiopians moved to the conquered territory to support the newly vacant government and economic structures in the region. A blockade is set up by the government to capture any potential rebels that could return to fight against the new Ethiopian dominion. With the Emperor in the Ländän, those active rebels captured by the Imperial Guard are deemed guilty of treason and swiftly executed out of sight and under the most secretive of environments so as to prevent anyone from knowing about it. Brittany is swiftly brought under control as troops from neighboring Normandy move quickly to suppress the Welsh combatants in the area. Civilians are granted two days to leave the land if they do not wish to serve the Ethiopian monarch. Those who agree to stay are immediately granted classes to learn Ethiopian culture, language and social norms and taboos. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km.


I am seriously going to keep writing this. We have a PM based Map Contest up folks. We need maps and your ideas. Doesn't matter how biased it is, it just needs to look good!

Kanem-Bornu, Wadai and Baguirmi all expand outward. Farther south, a tribal chief called Modibbo Adama conquers nearby tribes and establishes his own kingdom, which starts to be known as Adamawa.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, with paper mills developing with the tech to produce large reels of paper and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Portugal, Garcia Anes de Lara, second son of the Emperor João VI, marries Leonor de Luna, daughter of Álvaro XIII de Luna, Duke of Trujillo in León. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 10,000 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile, Portugal refuses the Russian offer unless they have an equivalent quantity of territory to give in return.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. The Mononobe clan continues losing influence, while the Rokkaku clan continues gaining influence.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand.
  • Apostolic Church: The Apostolic Church continues to install a few more bishops.
  • Hey Kogasa - Sorry I'm just now posting notifications but could I please get you to delete the above posts and let me drive the Selk'nam and Apostolics this turn. I'm back from vacation and based on the mess from while I was gone I need to drive this year. LOL. Commandante Lemming (talk) 21:34, September 3, 2013 (UTC)
  • ARK: The public school system is improved with a total of five provinces having the basic model set up and two with an updated one and the rest still working on it. Two more legions are trained and the other legions go and improve the hastily created roadways. Books from Europe and Northern Africa are quickly filling the libraries and bookstores prompting the creation of the first publishers office in the Apache lands.
  • Selk'nam Diplomacy: Emissaries are urgently dispatched to attempt to save Selk'nam assets in the former Great Brython. Germanica in particular is asked to release the Apostolic Prime Bishop and the former Brythonic Royal Family into exile in the Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam, inquiries are also made about the great library of Mayan Kappelist writings in the Apostolic Court). King Atticus respects the result of the war, but wishes to save his father, mother and brother from a hard life and begs that they be allowed to take refuge far away in the Antarctic Haruwin, where they will be unable to influence the affairs of Europe. Imperium Africana is asked to intercede with their Germanic allies for the release of the Royal Family as a gesture of continued friendship to the half-Welsh Selk'nam king (Germanic and Ethiopian Responses).
    • ​The Mayan Empire will ensure that its ally Germanica preserves the Mayan Kappelist texts in the Apostolic Court.
    • Germanica releases the Bishop and all texts to the Selk'nam. However, only the females of the Royal Family will be released to the Selk'nam. The King and all of his sons who participated in the war will be tried in a court. (Don't worry, execution is illegal in Germanica.)
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. Infrastructure is expanded in both Iraq and Kuwait.
  • Switzerland: We invade Bavaria. Can you make me an algo? Sorry Andrew, just wanted to have FUN.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become richer than we were.
  • Bayern: The Prime Minister is furious at the completely unprovoked attack by Switzerland, and orders a massive and unforgiving invasion force to push into Switzerland. The rest of the Suddeutsches Reich also declares support. Artillery begins to shell the Swiss lines as Bavaria makes its advance. The public grow very disconcerted at such an unprovoked attack, fearing attacks from other neighbors, the military undergoes a massive recruitment campaign. In other news, the nation's railways grow as steam power grows ever more advanced, with small rail lines dotting the landscape. Josef Mechlemere, a Jewish artist in Vienna, develops the first camera. He sets up a device in the front of his flat. The photo took eight hours to complete. Germanica is approached with a renewal to the non-aggression pact. France is asked to renew the defense alliance. Overseas, all colonies (Bavarian Indonesia, Bavarian Australis, Bavarian Carthage) all expand to their max amount (15,000-20,000, I think?). Famous local poet, Raul Gressof, creates the Bilblia Germanic: A poet history of the German people, written by poets and novelists from all the Germanies. Another work is created called the Historiae libri - another poetic work that illustrates in three volumes the comprehensive history of Europe to date.
    • Germanica accepts. Also, we deny any involvement in this recent war. (My way of saying I will not get involved.)
  • Saxony: The Prime Minister, shocked by the unprovoked attack on sister-Kingdom Bavaria urges the Landtag to declare war on the aggressor, which is promptly done. The Imperial Corps of Signals and Communications takes immediate control of the Imperial Semaphore network and the army is called up and a large division put on a train to Munich. The Landwehr (militia) is called up to defend the homeland in case Switzerland's attack is some sort of nefarious scheme by another power. Work continues on the rail line connecting Cologne with Dresden. The colonies expand their usual amounts and directions.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south around the Ethiopian colony by another 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. In March, all trade routes with Africa are closed and cargo is inspected. The reason given is 'extreme uncleanliness in Africa'.
  • You have four times expansion now (Stage 4) so I think you can double those colonization rates.
    • No, the maximum expansion is 8000 sq km for country. If one of his colonies was Chinese, I could understand, but both are Manchurian. If he has four times expansion, he has to divide 32,000 sq km among his colonies, and he already uses 26,000.
    • Ah. Got it.
    • They actually fell under Chinese leadership upon Manchuria's vassalization and are Chinese territory. However, the industrialization map labels them as yellow. Perhaps it's either time to update that map or assume colonies are slightly lower tech than their mother nations due to the distance between them.
      • It doesn't matter, as it is beside my point. I'm not talking about industrialization. I'm just saying that you can't double your expansion rates to 52,000 sq km, as the other was suggesting, because the maximum number of expansion with no bonuses is 8000 sq km per country. In fact, most of your expansion numbers were invalid since you started expanding like that (16,000/8000/2000), as you were exceeding your expansion capabilities. Since 1810, this is valid, as your number with bonuses is 32,000, but I was just saying that you can't double your expansion rates, not the way you use them now, as then. You would continue to exceed your own limits. You already are using them close to the limit. Ah, and I ask you: where this Haida Gwaii is expanding to? Because the island is already taken.
      • It's been valid since 1800 actually, which is when I started the 16,000 sq km expansion. The colonies are yellow on the industrialization map. I couldn't do the 4x expansion until 1830. The Haida Gwaii colony thing was an accident. Meant to take it out, but I forgot, LOL .
        • No, even your highest-rated regions on the industrialization map are red. This means that you would have reached stage four in 1810. 1800 would be if your highest-rated regions were crimson, and only Venice has those.
        • Ah, I see.
  • Germanica begins to wrap up the Welsh War when the last defenders in Morocco, the Netherlands, and Wales surrender. More troops are moved into the newly gained territories. It is decided that the Netherlands and its associated territories will all become part of the greater Germanic Empire, as the Netherlands is found to have quite a massive Germanic inheritance. If you see the link under this post, you'll see the Netherlands is home to a massive West Germanic population. Meanwhile, Wales is renamed the Reichskommissariat Walisisch (Welsh Realm Commissariat). English refugees from Ethiopian oppression are given the right to redesign Avalon and it is decided that the new city will look like a miniature Berlin. As such, Wales builds up its military. The Apostolic Church is granted the right to continue its existence in Wales. Morocco is made into the Dominion of Marokko, and local Berbers and Arabs are given control of the region. The Welsh Royal Coast becomes the Crown Colony of Mauritanien and it expands 18,000 sq km inland. New Zeeland and Welsh Antillia are incorporated into Neu Prussen. Neu Berlin elects a new Prime Minister from the Liberal Party this year.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse. Most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker. The construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. After much thought the trade agreement with Kasodani is accepted.
  • Bavarian D: we ask for a defensive alliance pact.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Persia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up.
  • Italia seeing the war with Wales is over, withdraws and focuses its strength on training the army. Support is sent to Bavaria against the Swiss. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia decides to classify a large grouping of small planets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter as the Asteroid Belt as it is decided that they are too small to be proper planets. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government continues work on the Suez Canal. At the current rate of work, it is expected that the canal will be completed in 1818.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to take small amounts of customers for their train services. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 18,000 km (Stage 4). The small gold rush begins to attract many Orissans who arrive in growing numbers. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins a large innovation program. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam continues to see robust economic growth, and its economy begins become more stable and reliant on itself. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, interest continues in the Ethiopian language project. Many merchants express their excitement and would be willing to lend their support in the project. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". Growing more pro-Ethiopian attitudes leads to a small but steady stream of merchants and ordinary citizens beginning to travel to Ethiopian colonies. Many head to Ethiopia itself and begin to admire the Ethiopian culture. The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military continues to order more prototypes and sends them straight to do shakedown cruises and then to the war front. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina begins to be taken over at a rapid rate as the Welsh are pushed out and many Orissan descendants cheer. The Welsh hold over the Kongo begins to weaken as the Orissan Army makes rapid progress and captures the puppet state.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 18,000 km (Stage 4). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore finishes construction after a good time being constructed. It is expected to sell tickets soon. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Huge amounts of propaganda is put into play in the newly assimilated territories. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. All declare support for the war.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • EAF: Military expands. Economy and bureaucracy expand in the north.
  • Imperium Africana continues to tighten its grip on the British Isles, with an invasion force of 57,000 troops landing off the coast of Ireland. The capital of Dublin is quickly overwhelmed, and the militias sent to counter the Ethiopian invasion swiftly defeated thanks in no small part to their inexperience and inadequate firearms. A famine begins to grip countrysides of the Britain as the Ethiopian government introduces an insect that destroys potato crops in Ireland and kills sheep and goats in Scotland, artificially reducing the populations there. With overpopulation becoming an issue in Ethiopia proper, the conquest of more lands in Europe, and the collapse of the civilian population in fear of Ethiopian oppression and lack of food to support them, the Ethiopian subjects see a great opportunity to replace the British populations in the region, especially with the Imperial government offering money and jobs to any willing to move to Great Britain and Ireland. Suppression of the rebel forces becomes the main objective of the military, now that organized resistance from the Welsh army and navy have collapsed into a ramshackled resistance group. Intelligence reports for traitors of the resistance, offered a sizable sum of money and positions in the new government, betray the position of the Scottish, Irish, and English forces gathering outside of the town of Perth, Scotland. 15,000 troops taken from the garrisons in the south are sent to destroy this last bastion of organized resistance to Ethiopian conquest. The invasion force in Ireland have been similar orders to destroy the resistance groups there with the same voracious energy as in Great Britain. The Ethiopian population becomes more convinced that it is their duty to see it through to the end to bring the British Isles under their control. Many Ethiopians deem the conflict "Righteous War", denoting the country's belief that it is no mistake that the conflict is of the most importance to tightening Ethiopia's position in the European region. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km.


Mount Tambora in Mataram blows its top explosively during an eruption, killing upward of 92,000 people The nearby islands are struck with waves up to four meters tall. Meanwhile, thousands of tons of aerosols (sulfide gas compounds) are propelled into the upper atmosphere, and the ashfall reaches Borneo and Java.


The Bateke people form a kingdom north of Kongo.

A Kingdom forms around the city of Kong, south of Mali. Meanwhile, north of the Hausa kingdoms, two states form: Dosso, on the border with Mali, and Damagaram, centered on the city of the same name, northwest of the Hausa.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3000 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 10,800 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is built up.
  • Nippon-koku builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Mononobe Kiyohito decides to resign as Shogun. With the other members of the Mononobe Clan not wanting to continue the Shogunate, due to loss of influence, Empress Meishō decides to elect Rokkaku Mitsuaki from the Rokkaku Clan for Shogun, in which he accepts. As a result, Rokkaku Mitsuaki becomes Shogun and the Mononobe Shogunate is succeeded by the Rokkaku Shoguante.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Byakuren expands by 8800 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand. King Atticus continues to push for the release of his father and brother from Germanic custody and petitions the Ethiopians and Germanics to treat the people of the former Great Brython well. Queen Natalia Nashrat has a daughter who is christened Perpetua Tuch'huelpe'hgichin'Nashrat'i'Selk'nam. The Selk'nam offer to buy the De Mor Tire Islands (OTL Falklands) from Maharajaya, citing the large number of ethnic Selk'nam on the East Idland and King Atticus' ancestry in the capital city, in exhancge for a half-years produce of the Ona Yagich gold mine (Maharajya response).
  • Apostolic Church: Prime Bishop Lando, sensing his impending death, issues an encyclical declaring that all future Prime Bishops may serve only ten years before a new Prime Bishop is elected - avoiding elderly and ineffective rulers like himself. On April 19, Prime Bishop Lando dies. An election is held, with Brother Patrick, head of the embattled Davidian Order of Wales, wins as a prime candidate. No Selk'nam candidates come forward citing a desire to rotate the leadership. (election on talk page)
  • Chinese spies discover the various atrocities being committed by Imperium Africana after their war with Great Brython. Brythonic immigrants and people of Brythonic descent, while rare in China, are outraged. This rage spreads to many other Europeans in China, who demand action be taken on Imperium Africana. China sees the actions taken by Imperium Africana to be dishonorable. News of the atrocities spreads around the world from Chinese traders, who are instructed to deliver this news.
    • Germanica is one of the first to hear of this oppression of their Germanic brothers known as the English and calls for blood become rampant with Germanica.
    • Myanmar: We declared war on Imperum Africana and we support the Chinese. Our Myanmese colony also gives way for Chinese and German soldiers.
  • Germanica, after much contemplation, decides to attack the Imperiaum Africana, which is accused of becoming a racist one-party police state. The public is whipped into a frenzy and Wales, the Netherlands and Neu Berlin are used as launchpads into Ethiopia. Chimu and Orientalia declare war on Ethiopia possessions near them while Germanica proper attacks the Brythonic mainland and Norman-Breton lands. China is invited to join this war.
    • China, which has been looking for an excuse to attack Ethiopia, uses this as its window of opportunity. War is declared on Imperium Africana and a fleet is sent to blockade Ethiopia and intercept any Ethiopian ships going to and from Ethiopia.
    • Imperium Africana doesn't understand how the Chinese got past the blockade of the island, or how the Orientals made it into tightly held territories, but we categorically deny any suspected atrocities claimed by the Chinese and our former allies the Germans. And the Imperium is not a republic, so we do not possess political parties, for the ignorant Germans. Also, we have granted many Britons positions within the new government.
    • One party can mean the Emperor and his inner circle. The Germanic Reich refuses to recognize this claims and provides evidence of the Anglo-Saxons being oppressed in England.
    • One party does not mean anything. If there is no political party, then by definition, it is not a one-party state. You need a party to have a one-party state. It is simply incorrect to use that term, even if that is what you believe. No evidence can be shown as the people fled under suspicion of oppression. We haven't even proven ourselves capable leaders since they all ran away. Imperium Africana has done nothing to the people that you can prove.
    • The people who fled to the WR (too lazy to write Walisisch blah blah blah) were clearly running from oppression.
    • During many conflicts, refugees flee the land due to either perceived risks to their own lives, to get away from the fighting and avoid perceived persecution. Any fool from any war at any point in history can tell you that. The Ethiopian people fled from the Caliphate but were turned away due to others stating that nothing bad would happen. Our perceived fears became fact. We have no plans to do the same to those that were in our place today.
  • ARK: The economy is improved along with the public school systems. King Gopan is almost killed by an assassin and there is talk around the nation that the Mayan might have tried to knock him down because of his militiarization and his goal of creating a strong Apache nation. Father Eknat enters the city of Ekta once more and confronts Bishop Christopher on the right of the Catholic Church to still exist for it does not look after its flock like it is supposed to. He denounces the celibacy of the priests saying the Holy Bible said nothing of us holy men of the public to remain unmarried and not continue our legecy. In the end Bishop Christopher has no answers for him and admits defeat. Father Eknat proclaims " The Roman Catholic Church died many years ago when it did not look after its flock. The true church of Christ is a new church. I proclaim the creation of the Judeo-Christian Church the true church of Christ.
    • The Mayan Empire ​declares that they had nothing to do with the attempted assassination. They wish for nothing but goodwill and peace with the Apache.
  • Switzerland: We build up the army. The invasion continues at full speed. Is there an algo for it?
    • Yes. You're losing like hell.
    • Technically, the Swiss can't expand the military while at war with me, and your invasion is crushed. Your scattered forces are trying to save what's left of your cities and your people. Be warned, Bavaria will hold no quarter to the enemy. (Worry not, the death penalty is outlawed in Bayern).
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The Byzantine Empire is contacted, and offered an alliance in order to establish more allied friendly nations in the east. The industrialization continues, and the first railway begins to be developed. It's a five-way railway connecting the main capitals of the French League, between Bordeaux, Paris, Lorraine, Toulouse, and Avignon. The plan is a basic faster connection between the main capital and residence of the French king to its main friendly leaders of the French peoples, the train would be to allow access of trade faster from Aquitaine to central France, and to move troops to the Atlantic coast or eastern France faster, Vassalization of Switzerland begins, some clothing factories begin to appear mainly near Paris, Bordeaux and Toulouse. Most of them are new ones, trying to use new means to increase the amount of cloth per worker. The construction of the league railways continues without little progress, however. War declaration occurs. Ethiopia's holdings in Gaul are invaded, Brittany and Normandy face the new onslaught, but as the French forces cross the farming fields of both nations entering as victorious releasers of the African invaders and offering to finally give the peace they previously had.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Declares war against Ethiopia.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Declares war against Ethiopia.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Declares war against Ethiopia.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Declares war against Ethiopia.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Declares war against Ethiopia.
  • Imperium Africana announces that the Chinese and the Germans have exaggerated their claims against the empire, and that it shall defend its territories to the death. Men volunteer to defend the empire as posters demanding their support appear across the Imperium. The war is considered a life and death struggle as the barbarians from across the seas attempt to occupy Ethiopia once again. The visions of what happened in the 1500s under the Caliphate, and the wanton slaughter of Ethiopians and the destruction of the nation as a unit runs through the minds of many. Ethiopians recall the Emperor's statements that the empire was a means to end, to prepare the nation for future invasion, and to prevent a repeat of the past. With the invasion fo the Arabians in the 1720s still fresh in the minds of the children of the veterans of that war, now grandparents and great grandparents, and they encourage their families to defend the empire with all they have, and state they will be joining them if it means expending the little youth they have left living up to defend the nation their own parents died to defend. The dominions of Kenya, Borona and Eritrea announce that they were fight and die alongside the empire. Borona being the most at rest of being annexed by the Chinese and far from Ethiopian lands, views the war as one of survival, and Kenya believes that only the heartland with be left standing if it does not join to protect its brothers and sisters. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km.
  • Italia is shocked at the actions of the Ethiopia military government in Britain and follows the honorable action of declaring limited support for the English, Irish and Scottish peoples. Aid is sent to attempt to relieve the famine but after an aid convoy is reportedly sunk by an Ethiopian flaged vessal. Italia decrees that they will send regiments to supplement the German forces and ships to blockade Ethiopian moves. Meanwhile in the universities of Italia, a political movement call liberalism begins. It threatens to destabilize the foundations of the class structure with the ideology that all men are equal. However, that is soon revised following the news of Ethiopian acts of genocide to only peoples of Atlantian or Eurasian decent being equal. North Africa is classified as being settled by European peoples. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia decides to classify a large grouping of small planets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter as the Asteroid Belt as it is decided that they are too small to be proper planets. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
    • Imperium Africana wishes the Italians to think before they act. The intelligence comes from an empire half a world away, and the information they took could be, no is indeed incorrect. Why would the Chinese be interested in what is happening in Ethiopian lands? And there is no military government in the British Isles, just the royal one we set up with British residents. You attacking without proper evidence.
    • Germanica thanks the Italians and a member of the Reichstag says that "All it takes for evil to succeed is for a few good men to do nothing."
    • Imperium Africana states that "All it takes for the stupid to succede is for the wise to stop thinking." We are dismayed by your choice, and hope for better relations in the future.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government continues work on the Suez Canal. At the current rate of work, it is expected that the canal will be completed in 1818.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically, due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk, we are bored and the nation need an excuse to invade some country to make it as exiting as it was in the Koori War. Hence, we declared war on Imperum Africana as a gesture to support our ally China. We send 100,000 soldiers there. Our population reached five million.
  • Saxony: Soldiers continue to fight the evil Swiss, and the government and people are reassured by Germanica's assurances. With the war in the Netherlands (presumably) over, Germanica is again asked about trading Oldenburg. A portion of the Australis Regiment is sent to help the parts of Tanimbarkai which were affected by the volcano/tsunami (if any). They're mainly there to maintain order, but they also assist the locals in rebuilding. In the light of the massive wars going on in Europe and the world, the military is greatly expanded (as is Anhalt's and Cologne's). Royal regiments are sent to each of the colonies to help the local regiments protect theie respective colonies. Saxon Australis expands 1000 sq km East toward the Italian colony. Saxon West Africa expands inland along the northern border 1000 sq km, and the Guinea Schutzgebiet expands West 100 sq km along the coast.
    • Germanica will negotiate a trade for the land once this recent war is over.
  • Bayern: The Kingdom continues to push forces into Switzerland, devastating enemy forces there. it is hoped to have locked up a nice win for Bavaria in the near future. Hearing of the horrors committed by Africa, the country grows worried. However, the Reichstag still declares neutrality in the conflict. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands 10,000 sq km west. Bavarian Indonesia declares martial law and state of emergency as the heavy ash plumes hit Borneo. The Bavarian 5th Fleet is dispatched to aid the colonies threatened by the volcanic ash clouds. In Bavaria, the economy is booming, the new steam engines, coupled with the massively successful war on the Swiss, is leading to a rapily growing economy. Cities like Stuttgart, Munchen and Vienna see large rises in population, with the population of Munchen rising to just under 1.3 million inhabitants (based on old British Empire figures for London in OTL). The Office of Judical Affairs offers world leaders to convene a trial in Nuremberg, a neutral city, to discuss and sentence war crime members of the Imperium if found guilty. (Like the Nuremberg trials - only sooner). Finally, the Bavarian Royal Forces (Army) expands this year due to the political unrest in the world. Chancellor Goring thanks Germanica for their co-operation in the renewal of the non-aggression pact and hopes that a continued peace can be maintained.
    • Imperium Africana shall attend this meeting if it will bring an honorable end to the conflict. Until then, we shall fight only to defend our lands during any potential breach of ceasefire if the invaders agree to it.
    • The government of Germanica will attend once this war is over and will turn over the evil Ethiopians to be tried.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire, dismayed at the oppresion of the people of the former Great Brython, enters the war against Ethiopia, in hopes that the Scottish, Irish, Welsh, and English people will be freed from other nations control (Ethiopian and Germanican alike) at the conclusion of the war. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
    • The English people ARE Germanic, so yeah.
    • We'll decide about other stuff like this later.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to take small amounts of customers for their train services. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 1000 km (Stage 4). The small gold rush begins to grow and the news spreads through ports. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins a large innovation program. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam continues to see robust economic growth, and its economy begins become more stable and reliant on itself. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military continues to order more prototypes. All prototypes are recalled and retro-fitted. This also enables them to be better prepared for the seas. The engines are replaced with a stronger model to make them better. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is completely conquered and this allows for the nation to begin to send its own citizens to colonise the lands once more. The north, being strongly Orissan influenced welcomes the Maharajya, yet the south is distrustful. However, Patagoshina is expanded by 17,000 km and cuts off the Japanese state from expanding.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 18,000 km (Stage 4). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes even more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is also captured and is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. The Census is completed. Russian population: 50 million. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. The Norwegian Dependancy becomes the Norwegian State, becoming henceforth a Russian vassal. The Tatar State is annexed into Russia after the death of their leader and becomes the province of Tatarstan.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. The Census is completed. Minskite population: 20 million.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is completed. Ukrainian population: 25 million.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi: Works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Finnish population: 1.5 million.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Duchy population: eight million.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The Census is expected to take one-to-two years to fully complete, as determined by the newly-created Bureau of Vital Statistics. Rigan population: 0.5 million.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia: officially create the position of Vozhd-Namestnik for their head of state (representative of Russian tsar). They work on the military aspects of their existance. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. expand into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State works on its economy


Severe summer climate abnormalities, partly caused by the eruption of the Tambora in 1815, result in major food shortages across the Northern Hemisphere. Food riots break out in France and the former Great Brython, and grain warehouses are looted. In Switzerland, riots also happen, partly due to the famine, and partly due to the unpopularity of the Swiss war against Bavaria. A typhus epidemic also happens in Ireland, precipitated by the famine.

The Teke kingdom expands.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Leon, Alfonso XVII dies, and is succeeded by his son Alfonso, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Alfonso XVIII, King of León, Córdoba, Sevilla and Asturias, Duke of Cádiz, Galisteo, Cea and Alba de Tormes, Marchess of Coria, Castrofuerte, Valdefuentes and Villamanrique, and Count of Coca and Palma del Río". Meanwhile in Portugal, Beatriz de Bragança gives birth to a boy, who is named Afonso. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 10,800 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is built up.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. The Buddhists and Taoists are a bit annoyed about Patagoshina blocking Byakuren off from expanding, but the Shintoist minority isn't bothered. President Mononobe Nobutsuna hearing about this, begins to calm down the Byakurenites.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. due to the success of the First Railway, plans for the Second railway are planned to be approved by next year. A wealthy Russian Citizen, Pavel Kerensky, while wanting to hunt birds, was annoye by all the smoke made by primers and flintlock mechanisms. So he invents the percussion cap. The Russian government is quick to cash in on it, and grants him a promise of 50% of the profits of the initial government contract to the first weaponsmith who can make a working rifle with the percussion cap design.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Census is completed. Ukrainian population: 25 million
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition.
  • Riga works on its economy. A rigan chemist, Benedete Ozolins, accidentally spills nitrogen and uses a cotton apron to dry it up. When he put it over the fireplace to dry out, it spontaneously combusted with no smoke. Thus, by accident, he got the idea for smokeless gunpowder.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia: officially create the position of Vozhd-Namestnik for their head of state (representative of Russian tsar). They work on the military aspects of their existance. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast population reaches 100,000. expand into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State works on its economy
  • Bayern: The Kingdom continues to push forces into Switzerland, devastating enemy forces there. it is hoped to have locked up a nice win for Bavaria in the near future. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands 10,000 sq km west. Bavarian Indonesia declares martial law and state of emergency as the heavy ash plumes hit Borneo. The Bavarian 5th Fleet is dispatched to aid the colonies threatened by the volcanic ash clouds. In Bavaria, the economy is booming, the new steam engines, coupled with the massively successful war on the Swiss, is leading to a rapily growing economy. Cities like Stuttgart, Munchen and Vienna see large rises in population, with the population of Munchen rising to just under 1.3 million inhabitants (based on old British Empire figures for London in OTL). The Nuremburg War Crimes Trial's date is set for after the war, there the Imperium will be tried by a neutral panel of judges from the Suddeutsches Reich, and Russia(if they accept) It will be determined whether the ethiopians violated human rights, and if so, carry out judgment on those found guilty.(the death penalty is outlawed, so the max sentence would be a life sentence to Die Festung, a massive fortress off the Carthagian coast, or a maximum security gulag in Russia. Finally, the Bavarian Royal Forces (Army) expands this year due to the political unrest in the world. The war with Switzerland is expected to end soon. In a show of humaitarian relief, food supplies are shipped to France and Bavarian controlled parts of Switzerland. The Vienna-Munchen line officially breaks ground. Smaller lines are planned, but not for some time. Coal extraction occurs at a faster rate to meet demand. In Australis, a new compnay called the Vanhaussen Gruppe incorporates the first large scale jewelry company in the world. Offices open throughout Australis and in the Reich proper, with offices in Munchen and Dresden.
  • Germanica continues the war, which is going very well. Food is shipped from the Netherlands and Germanica proper into Wales and to the front line. Prospective Celtic and Germanic immigrants are invited to escape to Wales, where there is food coming in from abroad. Neu Berlin continues to make gains in the Ethiopian colony bordering it, and Chimu continues to attack the Ethiopian colony in Atlantia. The Dominions continue to send military aid and the WR is able to continue making gains in England. Germanica agrees to attend the Nuremberg Trials once the war is over. Railways are of great use in this war as well as semaphore towers.
  • Nestorianism continues to expand in Iraq and Kuwait. Infrastructure improvements are begun in Iraq and Kuwait.
  • Imperium Africana continues to marshal forces for the empire to fight back the invasion, and calls upon all members of society to save their brothers and sisters overseas and for those in Britain, to defeat the tyrants raiding the shores. The Emperor makes it past the blockades of his territories, and back to the safety of Addis Ababa deep within the Ethiopian Highlands. Convinced of his victory over the forces arrayed against him, he celebrates the coming victory with his court, and sends a bottle of wine straight from the vineyards of Normandy to the Maharaja of Orissa. The empire continues to defend its territories, and publishes the efforts of Ethiopian sailors doing their best to get food to the starving people of the British Isles. In Ireland, one of the worst hit by the famine, Ethiopians deliever huge stocks of grain to the Irish people, parcelling out all that they have for the inhabitants. A number of Irish are impressed with the self-sacrificing efforts of the Ethiopian people, and have acknowledged their support for the government, which they had originally thought would have been oppressive and genocidal. Pesticides are brought in to kill of the potato killing pests, and the Ethiopians apologize for accidentally bringing the pest to the British Isles on their ships. They re-imburse the English merchants for crops lost, and do so in double for any people effected by the famine. Ethiopians donate generously to help the British people. When requested as to why their conquerors are being so kind, many Ethiopians send letters expressing the fact that they are Ethiopians, tooand that they are thus their brothers and sisters across the sea. While the majority of British citizens still resist Ethiopian control, a growing movement of sympathizers is growing on the isles, and a number enlist in the military, seeing a way to gain power within the new government. Rebels across the isles are given a chance to lay down their arms and receive immediate pardon. Those captured by Ethiopian troops are given a choice to lay down their arms and return to their homes, or risk a ten year prison sentence. A large portion of the rebel force considers the deal and accepts it, while others flat out refuse and attempt to escape into the mountains in Wales. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km.
    • The Raja is impressed with the vine.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. The implausible occurs, the war with Ethiopia, the food shortages and the though environment have done the inthinkable. The monarchy is abolished after the Senate and Assembly of France refer to the monarchy, coming directly from the Valois Burgundian family is deposed. The Last King Charles XIII Is imprisoned in Dijon. Quoting for the lack of action against the important threats from the empire, the Assembly after much deliberation and thought organizes into a Federation of Kingdoms, in which the King of France (or Consul of France as the monarchy has been abolished and the king is chosen by the Senate) would be an important member of the original Royal family from Southern France (Valois Burgundy-Bourboun) Jean Louis François de nimes Crown Jean Louis I of Gaul (the federation of kingdoms or the title of the new French League). Soon he declares the new monarchy outside of the war and declaring the dissolution of any alliance made by the previous king, directly for means of a war (against Wales, Germany or others), It as well continues the construction of the infrastructure within the country, and school system reformation led by his advisors - especially on German influenced regions - withdraws the troops from Normandy and Britanny.
  • That's against the rules. Both sides have to agree on a retcon.
  • It's not against the rules. The rules state that the player and can withdraw from the war. "L for leader (+4), M for military aid (+3), S for supplies (+2), V for vassalization or subordination (-1) and then W for withdrawal (-1)." He withdrew, so now that means your side gets withdrawal points. Can't argue with the rules man. ~Viva
    • Imperium Africana is moved by the plight of the French people. Given that the nations of Brittany and Normandy are still producing more food than they can consume, the Emperor and the Ethiopian people have been convinced that the French can better utilize the land than the Ethiopians can. And with the current war underway, we feel it prudent to focus on the islands of Britain rather than the mainland. We shall begin moving our subjects from the continent, and transfer the lands to you. We wish you and the French nation good health.
  • France D: Thanks to the impressive action of the Africans toward the new French government shocks the Senate of Paris and Bordeaux, the entrance of Normandy and Brittany into the French Confederation is made immediate and they are to be re-organized into republics (Brittany) while the Norman royal family will return to their territory to rule once again.
  • The same rules you would like to quote - oh so much - say that both sides have to agree to a retcon, the same rules YOU inforced in the Koori War.
  • I'm quitting because I want to invade another nation later and this war is not going to end soon enough for me to make the damage I want to make. Soo ... Sine dei gloriem (talk) 02:56, September 6, 2013 (UTC)
  • I stated that you could not retcon the war. I said nothing about you withdrawing from the war. Withdrawing and retconning are two completely different things if you have forgetten. ~Viva
  • Riiiiiiight. You keep your head in the clouds like you always do.
  • Yeah. it's so depressing below them. Besides, I wasn't the only one who wanted the war to continue. You can't blame me for supporting that side of the group. ~Viva
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La Marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
    • Aren't Moises the First and Ibn Jeshua getting old at this point? Might want to put some new names in there. Commandante Lemming (talk) 20:29, September 6, 2013 (UTC)
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk. We continue battling against the Ethiopians.
  • War's over. Ethiopia won. ~Viva
  • Not quite yet *mischievous laugh*.
  • Nope. It's been mod-locked already. ~Viva
  • *More mischievous laughter*.
  • Right ... ~Viva
  • Locked doesn't mean final. It was locked to prevent you from going crazy again.
  • Well, from what others have been saying, you're just as bad with the algorithm. I think it was more of a double-sword. ~Viva
  • The Hellenic Union continues to build the aforementioned railways, with a line from Athens to Corinth completed, with other lines close to completion. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia decides to classify a large grouping of small planets that orbit between Mars and Jupiter as the Asteroid Belt as it is decided that they are too small to be proper planets. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government continues work on the Suez Canal. At the current rate of work, it is expected that the canal will be completed in 1818.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Apostolic Church: Brother Patrick of Wales is enthroned as the new Prime Bishop (control shifts to Germanic/Welsh player for ten years, but I would remind the new Prime Bishop that he controls only the central hierarchy, while local bishops and religious orders remain under local control).
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy expand under the stewardship of Prime Minister Pantaleon. King Atticus warns the Apostolic Church to respect all sides in the ongoing war annd threatens action if the new Prime Bishop does not maintain neutrality. The King expressses deep concern at the state of the Old World and wonders in a speech about whether New World nations such as the Selk'nam and Maya will one day be forced to invade and pacify their European brothers as they enter a new dark age. (Seriously people, can we give it a rest for a few years? Some of us are trying to play a game about history and you're taking all the fun out of it. Can we just STOP?)
  • Selk'nam Diplomacy: The offer to buy the De Mor Tire Islands (OTL Falklands) is re-iterated to United Maharajya. (Maharajya response).
  • Sorry. The Maharajya accepts but would like a lot of money in exchange.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia. The Empire notes the irony that Ethiopia released a pest to destroy crops in Great Brython to cause famine and misery to the people, but is now claiming that it was an 'accident'. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to take small amounts of customers for their train services. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 2000 km (Stage 4). The small gold rush begins to grow and the news spreads through ports. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins a large innovation program. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military continues to order more prototypes. All prototypes are recalled and retro-fitted. This also enables them to be better prepared for the seas. The engines are replaced with a stronger model to make them better. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 30,000 km and cuts off the Japanese state from expanding (yeah folks, 200 years finally). The Raja sees that Ethiopia has won their war and sends them congratulations. The nation also begins to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4, 200 years). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is also captured and is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.


An earthquake strikes Palermo, in Italia.

The Irish typhus epidemic spreads to Scotland.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, Joan VI dies, and is succeeded by his son Alfons, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Alfons VII, King of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca, Duke of Segorbe and Tolosa, Marchess of Albi, Besièrs and Carcassona and Count of Agde, Ampurias, Berga, Besalú, Cervera, Cerdanya, Conflent, Foix, Melgueil, Osona, Pallars, Ribagorza, Roussillon, Sobrabe and Urgell". Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 11,600 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile, a revolt breaks out in Pernambuco, advocating more autonomy for the capitania. It is suppressed still in 1817. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state to the Portuguese sphere of influence begin.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is built up.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Tōkaidō expands by 4400 sq km, Kazami expands by 2400 sq km and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Most of the Byakurenites are calmed, but a handful of Buddhists continue to protest.
  • In Tōkaidō, Governor-General Mononobe Tsuneyuki has the colony declare independence on the fourteenth day in the third month as the Republic of Himekaidou. He soon is elected President of the new nation.
  • Nestorianism continues to expand in Iraq and Kuwait. Infrastructure improvements are begun in Iraq and Kuwait.
  • The WR closes its borders to England in fear of the typhus spreading. The WR proposes a ceasefire until the typhus is worn out (giving us time to solve the algorithm). Other regions continue fighting the war. The sale of Oldenburg is indefinitely postponed by the Reichstag. Meanwhile, Neu Berlin continues to make great gains.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to build the aforementioned railways, with a line from Athens to Corinth completed, with other lines close to completion. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: Imperial and Royal elections are held and a conservative government ousts the progressives from the Imperial government. The conservative policy platform is based on maintaining an armed neutrality and internal growth. Germanica is thanked for its speedy response to the Oldenburg issue. The really quite small detatchment of Bavarian and Saxon soldiers continue to thrash the Swiss fools (mods, when will Switzerland fall?). The rest of the militaries expand (Bavarian, Saxon, Cologner and Anhaltese), and Saxony's Landwehr is de-mobilized. Bavarian scientists invent a new method of wool refinement which is set to boost the ailing Suddeutsche wool industry. Tanimbarkai massively expands its military, and Bavarian Indonesia expands industrially. Saxon Australis expands 1000 sq km East, and Bavarian Australis expands the maximum area West. The three African colonies (SWA, GS, BA) expand their maximum extents inland, West and South respectively.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk. Our soldiers begin pulling out of Ethiopia.
  • ARK: The economy is improved and public school systems are created in 60% of the country. The attempted assaination of King Gopan has been linked to the same Senetors who blamed the attempt on the Mayans. King Gopan is furious and has the Senetors brutally beaten in public, given 20 lashes than hanged by their feet for a week before the survivors are taken down and imprisoned for life. The new church established by Eknath is slow to convert people because of how strict the rules are but still is becoming very popular. The converts form isloted communities all across the country. The Roman Catholic Church in Apache lands makes reforms without consulting the Pope and make changes as they see fit. Allowing priests to marry because the Holy Bible doesn't say that they can't, create a new order like OTL Jesuits called the Order of Paul to establish missions and religious learning all across the country and maybe expand farther. Is Novgorod the one who owns the colony to my east?
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia, and seems to be making relatively good progress. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government continues work on the Suez Canal. At the current rate of work, it is expected that the canal will be completed early next year.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up as Moises 1st, traders such as Ibn Jeshua, continue working for the French navy and the Judean navy, respectively.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to take small amounts of customers for their train services. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 2000 km (Stage 4). The small gold rush begins to grow and the news spreads through ports. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins a large innovation program. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring a new colony somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military continues to order more prototypes. All prototypes are recalled and retro-fitted. This also enables them to be better prepared for the seas. The engines are replaced with a stronger model to make them better. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 30,000 km and cuts off the Japanese state from expanding (yeah folks, 200 years finally). The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq.
    • Germanica proposes a renewed alliance with the Maharajya and its associated nations.
    • The United Maharajya declines. The people will not ally with a nation attacking its ally.
    • Errrrrm ... kden. Just thought you'd like a new partner in crime with the recent events.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4, 200 years). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is also captured and is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • Imperium Africana continues to fend off the invasion of the British Isles, stalling the enemy quite well until reinforcements from the homeland arrive to lighten the burden of the defense. The local governments make some headway in the recruitment of British troops, who state their reasons for fighting being to stop the Germans for themselves, not for Ethiopia. The Ethiopian government in Scotland quarantines the infected ports in southwest Scotland, and sends doctors to aid the people suffering for the disease. Their selfless devotion to the saving of lives has gained Ethiopia some support from the Scottish people. The legitimacy of the dominion governments in the British Isles continues to build thanks to the empire's consistent string of victories in protecting the islands from invasion. The war does much to build up a relationship between the Ethiopians the British, helping to remove the wedge the invasion created. Many children begin to look up to the Ethiopian soldiers protecting them from the Germans, and some even take a liking to the exotic-looking people from overseas. Food continues to pour in from Africa, helping to slow the famine, and the pesticides imported from India and Sudan begin to take effect in killing the potato bugs that were wiping out entire crops. Sadly, however, 1.7 million Britons die from the two-year long famine combined with mass emigration. The Ethiopian government spends 150,000 birr (£8.3 million today) paying for food imports to British Isles, reparations to the families of those killed in the war, famine and typhus outbreak, and troops expenditures. The vast sum spent on the islands has caused many Britons to take a form of delight in their level of importance in the new empire, and many begin to willingly join the military to fight for their new "king." Elsewhere, the dominions of Adal, Warsangali, Borona and Kenya approach the Emperor of Ethiopia with ideas to establish a commonwealth of nations, in which all members of the empire are treated equals within a network of laws that promote the culture and ideals of the Imperium throughout its territories. The Emperor agrees to this idea, and orders the integration of the lower vassals that have not yet joined the empire as dominions into this new government in 1820. The colonies of Bärädä and Mogäs are expanded by 2000 km each, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 1500 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1000 km.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The government waits to see their effectiveness before beginning construction on other lines. Many proposals pop up for the "Second Railway", one of them from Riga to Novgorod, and another from Minsk to Kazan via Moscow. due to the success of the First Railway, plans for the Second railway, from minsk to moscow to kazan, are approved and will begin construction next year.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The Wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. due to the success of the First Railway, plans for the Second railway, from minsk to Moscow toKkazan, are approved and will begin construction next year.
  • Ukraine: works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition.
  • Riga works on its economy.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia work on the military aspects of their existance. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast population reaches 100,000. expand into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State works on its economy


An Tswana state forms, after a tribal chief called Gaborone unites some other tribes of the area under his rule.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Rio Grande expands 12,400 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
    • Imperium Africana wishes to establishes a relationship with the Portuguese nation. It has been too long since our two peoples have worked together, and we wish to sign a trade pact with Portugal and its its many colonies if the Portuguese monarchy would be so kind as to allow it.
    • Portugal accepts.
    • The United Maharajya would like to discuss buying some land in Atlantia, and in exchange - give the Portuguese support in their wars for the next ten years, as well as a sum of money.
    • Portugal replies that the "Atlantian" (our name for these lands is "Southern Antília") lands are not for sale, but offers the Granadan colony near Tojiko for sale.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kazami expands by 6800 sq km, and Kochiya expands by 1150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
    • The Shogunate is asked whether Kazami can be bought by the United Maharajya for a good price.
    • Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki will sell Kazami for around 1,000,000 Yen to the United Maharajya.
    • After diving into the treasury, the Maharajya agrees and the Raja sends the shipment of money to the Japanese - heavily guarded by the navy.
    • Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki thanks the Maharajya for the payment and happily hands the Kazami colony over to them.
    • Imperium Africana would like to open official dialogue with the people of the Shogunate. We extend a hand of friendship and brotherhood to the Japanese people, and send a ship full of the choicest items of the His Imperial Majesty's domains across the globe as a gift to the Her Majesty the Empress Meishō of Rokkaku Shogunate as a gift. We patiently await your response.
    • Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki accepts the Imperium Africana's offers, and Empress Meishō thanks them for the gifts. In return she sends some gifts to the Ethiopians.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. The remaining Byakurenites are calmed, but tensions begin to arise.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou begins to build up its military and expands by 9900 sq km.
  • ARK: The economy is improved again and the public school system is in a total of 64% of the nation. The Kings Guard is created for King Gopan, the Guard has a total of 400 men and are the best trained, equibed and the most loyal of the entire army. King Gopan solidifies his descendents rule by getting the Royal Succession Act passed through the Senate. King Gopan is looking for a diplomatic marriage If any countries are interested please respond here or in your post. The Judeo-Christians send missionaries into Mayan, Lakota and Hellenic Union lands to convert them and the reformed Catholic church also sends missionaries into those lands. An offer is extended to Novgorod to sell a portion of their colony to the Apache so that they may have a port to the Atlantic. Novogorod, please respond.
  • Nestorianism continues to expand in Iraq and Kuwait. Infrastructure improvements are begun in Iraq and Kuwait.
    • The United Maharajya offer to buy Bombay from the Kuwaitis and will pay a good sum of money.
      • But they already have sold this territory to you.
      • Oh, sorry didn't see. :L
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Imperium Africana continues to hold off the invasion, and additional troops arrive in the British Isles to stave off the enemy forces. Ethiopian forces gain support of the British masses as protectors and defenders of Britannia, and though some still resent the actions of the Ethiopian military during the invasion, the Ethiopians make it clear that their war was against the Welsh, not the Briton people. Still habouring resentment toward the Welsh for their several decades long rule over them, the English, Scottish and Irish soon come to view the Ethiopians as liberators, and many are convinced that the Ethiopians may in fact be a better alternative to the Welsh, now the lackies of the German invaders. Ethiopia's open policy of intermarriage and intermingling within the communities of its dominions begins to take hold of the British Isles, with many Ethiopian soldiers marrying British women, and British men travelling abroad into Ethiopian domains looking for work and finding many intelligent and helpful friends whom they come to view as equals. The Ethiopian language begins to take root in the region, and the adopting of Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity to join the largest religion of the country, begins to spread across Britain and Ireland. The Ethiopians gain a number of powerful allies in Britain, and with their help, build their case against the Germans, who claim to be brothers seeking to "liberate" the British. Given the poor reputation of the Germans as fighters, their past defeats not yet forgotten, many English and Scotsmen begin to view the Ethiopians as a better choice in terms of wealth and protection. The Ethiopians diaspora in Britain and Ireland continues to grow, with more than 150,000 Ethiopians residing in Britain alone, and another 60,000 in Ireland. Many Britons who came to resent the Ethiopians have now come to see them as people like themselves, with a strong history of imperial might and glory, and much wealth that has long been spread to all classes within the empire. This results in dissedents coming to acknowledge that more can be gained from supporting Ethiopia than fighting it. Especially so is this case when many see the Ethiopian doctors fighting to save the lives of those in the ports fo Scotland and Ireland as they successfully contain the typhus outbreak. Ethiopia extends a hand of friendship to the Sukuma people south of Lake Zanj. Ethiopian merchants move into the region to begin trading with the natives, gaining the trust and support of many tribal leaders. The Ethiopians showcase their wealth and power, sporting the guns of their neighboring homeland. The first year of vassalization begins. Many Ethiopians begin migrating into the central lands south of Ethiopia proper and Adal, and settle in the region. The area is named Bado (ባዶ), symbolizing its emptiness. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Socialists number 60 in the Duma. Anti-socialist factions emerge, most notably "economic Liberals". The Socialists tend to congregate in the left wing of the Duma. Kazan-Moscow begins construction. and Moscow-Minsk as well.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway begins construction.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi: Works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition.
  • Riga: Works on its economy.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia work on the military aspects of their existance. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State works on its economy.
  • Nestorianism continues to expand in Iraq and Kuwait. Infrastructure improvements are begun in Iraq and Kuwait.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up Moises the first dies and is succeeded by his grandson, Alexander.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We lost the Ethiopian War and we suffered a small dip in our morale. However, the king and the chamber announced that there would be a giant memorial in memory of the dead soldiers in the Ethiopian War, the memorial kept everyones morale high again because a family said that they had a vision that the dead soldiers wanted to drink Palm Wine. Hence, all men and women drank palm wine and danced around, making them extremely happy. The memorial lasted for three days and the chamber debates whether or not to make it annual.
    • You didn't lose the Ethiopian war, the algorithm hasn't been completed.
    • Yes, we're still ironing out the final details of the war, though it'll take a minute before it's completed. ~Viva
  • Suddeutsches Reich: The militaries of Saxony, Bavaria, Anhalt and Tanimbarkai expand. A joint Bavarian-Saxon military science team invents the air rifle , an ingenious invention allowing for a reduction in gunpowder usage and for quieter shooting. Aristocrats purchase prototypes for use on the hunt, and are impressed with the (comparable) quiet of the new weapons. An experimental "Air Rifle Company" is established in the Saxon and Bavarian armies to test the effectiveness of the weapon in combat situations. The war against Switzerland continues, with Swiss resistance pretty much completely destroyed. Overseas, Bavarian Indonesia continues to industrialise, and the two Australia colonies do the same. Saxon West Africa expands 1000 sq km inland along the Northern border. The Guinea Schutzgebiet expands 1000 sq km west along the coast, and Bavarian Carthage expands south.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Suez canal is opened with great fanfare.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy expand. King Atticus works with his aging new prime minister, a 70 year-old Taoist named Changchun Zi A'a'a'Ctli, who was elected to succeed Pantaleon in 1814 (oops on missing my own term limits). Prime Minister Changchun Zi is considered weak and the much younger Pantaleon is widely seen as a power behind the political establishment. Queen Natalia Nashrat has twins, a second son who is named Prince Gavin Peter Pugh'i'Selk'nam'ichin afer King Atticus' imprisoned eleder brother Gavin, and a second daughter named Princess Frumentia Axum'i'OnaYagichin. The purchase of the De Mor Tir islands from United Maharajya is completed in exchange for a full year's produce of the Ona Yagich gold mine (put whatever dollar amount you want on that, as money is pretty much meaningless in this game).
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia, which seems to be coming closer to a resolution. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to take small amounts of customers for their train services. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 21000 km (Stage 4). The small gold rush begins to grow and the news spreads through ports. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins a large innovation program. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. The Raja knows he cannot do so as it is crucial that his military gets a rest due to the major war they recently fought. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers". The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring new colonies somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military continues to order more prototypes. All prototypes are recalled and retro-fitted. This also enables them to be better prepared for the seas. The engines are replaced with a stronger model to make them better. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 2000 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. The Kazami colony is expanded by 7000 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is also captured and is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada's economies improve and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Goiás expands 13,200 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
    • Prime Minister Soga no Motokuni of the Federal Republic of Tojiko is interested in buying the Granadan colony near the nation, and offers to pay a good price for it as well as a trade agreement.
      • Portugal accepts.
    • All we ask for (PMII)

      That's It!

      We (the Orissans) were misunderstood. We were not asking for the whole colony to be sold, in fact, just small amounts of lands which make the expansion of our colonies problematic. We have even received reports that the Portuguese colony has many unexplored areas closer to the coast.
      • Portugal would like to agree to future borders before transferring any land.
      • What borders would Portugal like?
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military and expands by 9900 sq km.
  • ARK: The Order of Paul sets up Universities in many cities the most prominent located in White Mountain. The missionaries from the Reformed Catholic Church and the Judeo-Christian Church continue to preach and convert people in Apache lands and in other lands. Many missions are established in the Mayan northern border. An offer from the Senate to the Russian government they would like to purchase parts of the colony to the east of their borders. Russia, please respond. King Gopan is still looking for a wife. Any country interested, please repond. The economy is improved.
  • Bayern: In Bavaria the Nationalist Party wins the election, steering the nation to a more militaristic and nationalist stance. The war with Switzerland goes on, with Bavarian troops literally mopping up what's left of their weak defensive structure. The Bayerische Rifle Company is founded and begins to revolutionise rifling. Overseas, all colonies expand to their fullest extent. Bavarian Australis begins a massive building project in the capital city, Neu Munchen, complete with widened roadways and a very "European" Design. A new Prime Minister, Johann Forstopf is elected. The military is expanded. An economic trade deal is struck with Ethiopia. Bavaria aiding the Ethiopians in developing steam boats for the merchant navy, and Ethiopians trading more iron and resources needed to expand the Bavarian railways. A new line, the Prague-Vienna line is announced. (Potentially more things I forgot to add)
    • Imperium Africana is pleased with the trade, and is happy to trade in any raw materials your people may need. As we are pioneering in development of wide-gauge railways, we wish to test out a new version of these designs on the flat terrain of your country with your permission of course. Our engineers stationed in Britain await your response.
    • Bayern Dip: The Minister of Transportation, thanks the Ethiopians for their co-operation, despite these troubling times in the world.
    • Myanmar: We ask if we can co-operate with the train program, since Myanmar has completed 1750 km train rail.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We discover we haven'tlost and we have another celebration for that. We ask China if we can extend the train rail to Harbin.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Saxony: The Cologne to Dresden via Magdeburg railway is finally completed! Goods and coal from the industrial West can finally reach the markets of the East with a speed and cheapness previously unknown. In other news, the military is expanded and the Imperial Signals and Communications Corps improves its capabilities, particularly its codebreaking and mobile technologies. An entire regiment is equipped with the new air rifles, and a horse-drawn "air pressuriser" is provided for the regiment so soldiers do not need to hand-pump their air canisters with what are, effectively, OTL bicycle pumps. The colonies expand at the same rates. In Saxon West Africa, the most affluent of the colonies, work begins on a small railway to follow the telegraph lines.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 8000 km (Stage 4 - it's the colony in the middle). The small gold rush begins to grow and the news spreads through ports. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles. Hearing about the development of air rifles, the first batch of Orissan air rifles are produced in large quantities and are tested on field. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay begins to see a large number of migration to as well, with less heading to proper Bombay. (Fun fact: Von had actually taken a completely random piece on the coast and had called it Bombay, the real Bombay was with me - I wasn't going to point it out though). Plans of a rail route from Bombay to Arab Bombay begin to be thought of and funding begins to arrive. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. The Raja knows he cannot do so as it is crucial that his military gets a rest due to the major war they recently fought. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by colonising lands which the Ethiopians do not have a great population in. The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring new colonies somewhere in Africa. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military orders its first batch of fully tested ships to be bought for patrolling. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 12,000 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. The Kazami colony is renamed Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 12,000 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 5000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 5000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 8500 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 2000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region, during these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities Like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up Alexander begins the Organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North continues. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on developing its industrial capacity. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Suez canal brings great revenue to the Levant. However, due to the high costs of building it and the thousands of jobless after construction was finished; the Levantine economy collpases. It sells shares for the canal to Italia and Orissa keeping 30% and granting Italia 51% for ownership. The Levantine government also seeks to sell New Syria and some of the Nustrata islands.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. Nestorianism is quickly becoming the second most popular religion in the world.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia, which seems to be coming closer to a resolution. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Imperium Afriana: continues to stall the invasion of its territories, and its people acknowledge that an end to the conflict may be in sight. The legitimacy of the Ethiopian government in Great Britain reaches a fever pitch, as a German assault on the city of Bristol is defeated, and the Ethiopian-led forces save countless tens of thousands of lives. Britons throughout the island are delighted with the victory, and many soon come to agree that the Ethiopians are not as bad as they once thought. The war has come to bring the two people closer together, and has strengthened relations between the two nations as a single unit. Elsewhere, the typhus outbreak has been successfully eliminated, and the famine has come to an end with monthly food shipments having helped the population of Britain and Ireland survive while their crops are revitalized using Orissan-made fertilizers that bring life back to the land and help defeat the crop-destroying pests. A university teaching the Amharic-Hindi hybrid language is opened in Ländän, to teach the second-most widely spoken language of the Imperium in Great Britain. The ethnic Ethiopian population of Great Britain is tallied at 315,000 as of 1819. Elsewhere in the empire, the colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. Bado continues to fall under Ethiopian control, with tens of thousands of Ethiopians moving into the vast plains of the region, and establishing countless settlements within it. The second year of vassalizing Sukuma begins, as the tribal leaders begin to adopt Ethiopian's customs, language, religion and technology. Many marry into Ethiopian families, and some travel abroad, returning to their homeland with great tales of the wealth and might of the Ethiopian empire. The development of the rail network continues, with Ethiopia leading the rest of the world in the sheer level of railways in both size, complexity and sophistication. The military undergoes a major reform, in which dominion armies are established for each of the nations within the Imperium, and a single massive military force that is developed to defend the empire as a unit. Yorubaland's government renames the dominion to Nayjeriya (ናይጄሪያ). Plans to incorporate neighboring Oyo and Benin into the dominion are slated for 1830 (the three dominions actually occupy more land than they are shown to have on the map).


  • PMII1820
    Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Rio da Prata, Paraguai expands 13,200 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is updated.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military.
  • ARK: King Gopan at age 39 is still single with no heir and falls very ill and starts coughing up blood. The Senate fears that they will lose their beloved sovereign. Eknath visits the King along with Catholic priests and medicinemen to try to heal him. The military is built up and Gopan, hoping he doesn't die, sends his best friend Fredrick, a half Apachean, to find a women suitable for marriage. The economy is improved and the first Apache-made rifles are made and are a little worse than the European and Mayan counterparts.
    • Russia: Please put up a map of your proposal. I don't really know what you mean.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We continue fighting Ethiopians and we secretly ferry some of their industrial machines back to Myanmar. We ask China if we can extend the train rail to Harbin.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League.
  • Saxony: The Engineers Corps creates a special "Railway Battalion" whose job it is to ensure the safety of military railway travel, to repair railways and locomotives, and to destroy enemy lines or destroy lines to stop them from falling into enemy hands. More regiments are equipped with the new air rifles, and quite a large air-pump manufacturing industry establishes itself to meet the growing demand. The soldiers and officers like the new weapons with their relative quiet and 20-round magazine. The weapons are strictly controlled though, as the government does not want other countries getting wind (ha ha, pun) of the air rifle. The military generally expands. As does Anhalt's, Cologne's and Tanimbarkai's. The colonies, however, focus more on their economies. Saxon Australis starts another port upgrade project to attract yet more shipping to the already thriving port-city of Saint Boniface. Khmer Koch diversifies its shipbuilding-reliant economy to include things like furniture building, and plain wood supplying. Saxon West Africa continues working on its small railway line, which is set to greatly increase the speed with which farmers and hunters can get their produce to market. The Guinea Schutzgebiet expands its telegraph network, in the words of the Governor, "faster communications, faster money." Back in Europe, the Saxon presence in Switzerland winds down, as Bavaria annexes the completely defeated country.
    PMII1820 Russia railway map

    Map of the Russian Rail Network after this year's proposals are completed

  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Socialists number 60 in the Duma. Anti-socialist factions emerge, most notably "economic Liberals". The Socialists tend to congregate in the left wing of the Duma. Kazan-Moscow begins construction. and Moscow-Minsk as well. The Socialists continue to gain popularity. Plans for the "Third Railway" are approved, from riga, to Taalin, to Novgorod, to Arkhanglesk. Another railway is approved, from Novgorod to the Russian Navy HQ in Nikolaevsk (St Petersburg), and a line connecting the Third Railway with Nikolaevsk, nicknamed. The first Russian telegraph is opened along the first railway, connecting government offices in those three cities. The Russian Duma approves of legislation brought up by to create a joint-nation control of the Russian realm's railway network, to create a multinational organization controling railways (proposed name EvraZhDKom, Evraziyskoe Zhelezno Dorozhnaya Komissiya, Eurasian Railroad Commission, or ERC). All that Russia is waiting for is approval for all Russian realm nations for this to happen. Joint approval is issued for the "first Finnish railway", connecting Novgorod and Helsinki, the capital of Suur-Suomi. Legislation is approved that each major "numbered' railway must have accompanying telegraph lines.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Minsk approves of the ERC.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with partrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi: Works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia work on the military aspects of their existance. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under the rule of Kind Atticus and Prime Minister Changchun Zi. Former Prime Minister Pantaleon continues consolidating himself as the true power behind Changchun Zi's government and there is talk that he will return as Prime Minister when Changchun Zi's term expires. The De Mor Tir islands continue to be integrated into the haruwin as their infrastructure is rebuilt after their participation in the war. The capital, De Mor Tir City, instantly becomes the second largest city in the Haruwin with a population almost equal to that of Ona Yagich. The local people integrate well into the political life of the Haruwin, as despite the gap in culture, they are happy to be living under the benevolent rule of the last remaing royal from the former Brythonic Royal House of Pugh. King Atticus orders that special pains be taken in order to preserve the Brythonic culture and language in the city, rather than attempting to force Selk'nam culture on the inhabitants - in hopes that the Islands will become "a new Brython where our language is spoken and our children are told of the great deeds of our motherland before the war." However, Selk'nam immigrants (especially from Konip) are allowed to move to the southern half of the East Island, which had once been Selk'nam land and where the Selk'nam culture of the locals had been protected by a treaty with Wales. Limited numbers of Selk'nam are also allowed to relocate to the sparsely populated West Island, on the condition that they learn the Brythonic language and integrate into the local culture of Atticus' "New Brython". This policy does not go down well with some Selk'nam nationalists on the mainland, who believe the islands should be encouraged to adopt Selk'nam ways, but they are very popular in the islands themselves, which become very patriotic toward the Haruwin. Atticus declares that "In my view, De Mor Tir of Wales became one of the great cultures of Atlantia, and we should take them in with the same respect with which we took in Teushen and Tehuelche. The De Mor Tirians will be the seventh great tribe of the Haruwin, and like the other tribes we will respect their traditions as a native Atlantian people". However, there is mass education in the Selk'nam language to ensure that the islanders can communicate with theri new brothers on the mainland.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Current Rail networks of the Suddeutches Reich

    Current Rail Networks of the Suddeutches Reich *incomplete*

  • Bayern: The war wimds down with Bavarian forces officially annexing the entirety of Switzerland. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures, only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to the weaponry. The Royal Navy conducts naval exercises with Saxony as, showing off the improved steam boat modifactions. Specialists travel to Ethiopia to begin aiding the Ethiopians in developing a (peaceful ONLY) steamboat Merchantile Navy, in return, Ethiopian raw materials are shipped to Bavaria to aid in the massive industrial explosion. The Prague- Vienna line nears 25% complete. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. The Prime Minister meets in secret with Saxon leaders about "Operation Faust". The Stuttgart train line merges with the Saxon lines, fully linking the two nations together.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to repair the incorrect rail gauges in the North is finished linking most of Italia's cities and ports together. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia begins. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on recovering from its economic slump. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government also seeks to sell New Syria and some of the Nustrata islands.
    • The Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam would like to enquire about purchasing the portion of the Nusantara islands which do not lie on mainland Sulawesi. We have no interest in Sulawesi itself but the outlying islands would be a fine addition. But the price must be right.
    • The United Maharajya would like to buy the whole colony for a good price. The recently captured state of Aceh will also be thrown in, so the straight-up price will be less but they will receive a new area in exchange. We would also like to buy mainland Sulawesi, freeing up the islands for the Selk'nam.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. Nestorianism is quickly becoming the second most popular religion in the world.
  • Mayan Railroads 1820

    Map of the first Mayan railroad. Provinces serviced are in red.

    The Mayan Empire
    continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia. The first railroad is re-establishsed, going from Chichen Itza to Azteca. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Many smaller branch of lines are also constructed to attract goods from other areas. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 8000 km (Stage 4 - it's the colony in the middle). The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles. Hearing about the development of air rifles, the first batch of Orissan air rifles are produced in large quantities and are tested on field. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees a large number of people heading into the city. A huge number of Hindu missionaries follow and they begin to convert many who have made a life for themselves. A rail route from Bumbai to Arab Bombay begins to be constructed to ensure a large amount of trading between the two port cities can occur and that the city of Arab Bombay becomes Orissanised. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. The Raja sends large amounts of food to their troops and help seeing as the war might be over. Huge numbers demonstrate stating that the Raja did nothing and should have defended their brothers from the brutal warring. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by colonising lands which the Ethiopians do not have a great population in. The Raja continues to compemplate plans for acquiring new colonies somewhere in Africa, and the selling of the colony would be perfect for his needs. Steam boats continue to be built to transport good across rivers and from Maharajya to Dakshin Maharajya (collective name for Mataram and Brunei). Saxena Constructions begins to build bigger steam ships for heavier transportation duties. The military orders its first batch of fully tested ships to be bought for patrolling. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 12,000 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. The Kazami colony is renamed Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 12,000 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • Imperium Africana continues to repel invasion forces, and gains a number of victories which increase the loyalty of the British population within the empire. The development of the empire's assests ranging for the military, economy and infrastructure continues. The third year of the vassalization of Sukuma begins, with many tribal leaders and their followers now speaking Ethiopian and wearing Ethiopian clothing as they grew closer to their larger neighbor culturally and economically. Many Ethiopian merchants have started families with the native population, beginning the process of Ethiopification of the kingdom. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. Upon Bado's population reaches 150,000, the Ethiopian government declares the region a territory of Ethiopia, and annexes it into the empire (that empty space south of Ethiopia and north of Kenya).


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the building of a railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier starts to be planned. Meanwhile in León, Alfonso de Haro, Prince of Asturias, marries Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut, daughter of the Prince of Viana in Navarra, Garcia de Comminges-Guitaut. Meanwhile in Navarra, Sancho de Comminges-Guitaut, Octavia's brother, marries Catarina Téllez de Meneses, daughter of the Count of Meneses in Castille, Tello VII Téllez de Meneses Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Rio da Prata, Paraguai expands 13,200 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
    • What borders are the Portuguese interested in? This is because the border for Uttarshin and Naya Bihar has already been set by the United Maharajya.
      • Portugal will send a proposal soon.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is updated.
New colony location (PMII)

The location of where Ibaraki is set up in the purple circled area.

  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. A new colony is set up in West Africa between the Saxon and Portugal colonies called Ibaraki.
    • Why would you put a map of your new colony and not even mention its founding?
    • My bad, I thought I put the founding, but apparently I somehow took it out before I posted it. I posted it now. -Kogasa
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military.
  • Bayern: Switzerland is divided into two states, East and West Switzerland, and a new government elected by the people put in place. A small garrison remains to keep the peace until the local authorities take charge. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures, only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to the weaponry. The Royal Navy conducts naval exercises with Saxony as, showing off the improved steam boat modifactions. Specialists travel to Ethiopia to begin aiding the Ethiopians in developing a (peaceful ONLY) steamboat Merchantile Navy, in return, Ethiopian raw materials are shipped to Bavaria to aid in the massive industrial explosion. The Prague- Vienna line nears 25% complete. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. The Prime Minister meets in secret with Saxon leaders about "Operation Faust". The Stuttgart train line merges with the Saxon lines, fully linking the two nations together. Military exercises increase throughout the nation as a prevailing sense of nationalism spreads like wildfire. Some members of the population starts advocating a more aggressive stance in politics.
  • Why do I have a bad feeling that Operation Faust is you attacking me (Germanica)? Seriously. This is the most tension I've felt in years.
  • It's a military expansion project that involves a massive militarisation campaign. After being attacked, our people are resolved to not let that happen again.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League.
  • Germanic and Dominions expand military. Chimu expands 15,000 sq km inland.
  • Switzerland: We ask to join the Germaninic union.
  • You were conquered by Bavaria.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We continue fighting Ethiopians and we secretly ferry some of their industrial machines back to Myanmar. We ask China and India if we can extend the train rail to Harbin and Delhi. RNG Mod please.
  • Saxony: Continues discussing Operation Faust with the Bavarians. Pursuant of this, the Chief of the Forces conducts a strategic overview of all Saxon lands in the event of a war. One of the major weak spots is Saxon Australis' border with the colony to the south. Said colony has lurched from the Welsh to the Ethiopians to the Germanics in the course of ~20 years. When Germanica offers to trade it in return for the Guinea Schutzgebiet (Scraw did so on the talkpages) the offer is accepted. Troops immediately move in to take possession of the new territory (which is merged with the pre-existing Saxon colony) and the Governor of the Guinea Schutzgebiet (which does NOT include the islands recently bought from Portugal, they are part of Saxon West Africa) hands power over to the Germanicans. Although people are sad to let Guinea go, it is generally understood that it is in the best interests of the Empire's safety. The Suddeutsches Reich is now in possession of all of Australis from Broomestadt to Saint Thomas. The military is built up, and bolstered by the returning troops from Switzerlnd. Anhalt and Cologne and Tanimbarkai industrialise.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and steel and glass building, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Prime Minister Pantaleon,

    Yagich Pugh

    having returned to office following the term of the elderly puppet Changchun Zi, announces that after many years of secrecy the Third and Final Secret of the Explorer Zhangzi Hg'ich will finally be revealed. To much fanfare, King Atticus and Pantaleon announce that the Third Secret is the discovery of a group of Islands south of the Maori Lands that are green, overflowing with flowers, and devoid of men. These islands will be the final link of the chain of Selk'nam colonies ringingthe Antarctic - from Konip to Yagich Atticus in the Atlantic, to Yagich Rafael in the Indian Ocean. The new land will enable the Selk'nam to sail east from Yagich Rafael using the prevailing winds and be able to resupply on the long journey back to the Haruwin mainland. The new land will be named arfter the Royal House and will be known as Yagich Pugh. The first colonists land late in the year and declare that the land is the most beutiful of any yet seen by the Selk'nam. The settlement they build is named Nashrat Hgichin Axum after Atticus' queen. (colony located on OTL Auckland Island ).
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines passing through Zagreb and Southern Austria. Italia seeks to link the Italian and German railsystems with a proposal to connect a line from Grand Treviso Station (which services Venice) to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
    • Bayern Dip: Bavaria agrees to Italia's request and grants permission to link the Italian and German lines coming from Vienna.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on recovering from its economic slump. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence. The Levantine government agrees to sell mainland Sulawesi to Orissa as well as New Syria. In return they gain Aceh which is then sold to Italia along with the Nusatran islands.
    • The Levantines have themselves a deal. Control will be transfered over by the United Maharajya.
    • Please tell me New Syria is not the Bahamas ...
    • It's South Africa.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. The "Great Naval Road", between Nikolaevsk and the Third railway starts construction. The First Finnish Railway begins construction from Nikolaevsk (Novgorod-Nikolaevsk-Helsinki). Another railway begins construction, the "Locomotive" Railway, connecting Nizhniy Tagil, the producer of Russia's first steam locomotive, and where many of Russia's are made today, to help transportation, also adding a line to the urals. Meanwhile, a Russian innovator solves the rifle problem, by combining metal casings, instead of paper ones, rifled barrels, and standard calibre conic bullets, and reccently discovered smokeless gunpowder, to create a great business, The government then gives him a grant to create a corporation to fulfill a government contract for the construction of military rifles. and thus, Kalashnikov industries is born, created by Mihail Kalashnikov (sorry, couldn't resist)
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia work on the military aspects of their existence. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola. The Saamii approves of the ERC.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy. Norway approves of the ERC.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia. Smaller branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting several large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • The United Maharajya's army and economy are upgraded. Uttarshina is expanded by 8000 km (Stage 4 - it's the colony in the middle). Patagoshina is expanded by 12,000 km. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 12,000 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. The railway construction from Bumbai to Arab Bombay is completed.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,000 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • Imperium Africana continues to repel invasion forces, and gains a number of victories which increase the loyalty of the British population within the empire. The development of the empire's assests ranging for the military, economy and infrastructure continues. The fourth year of the vassalization of Sukuma begins, with many tribal leaders and their followers now speaking Ethiopian and wearing Ethiopian clothing as they grew closer to their larger neighbor culturally and economically. Many Ethiopian merchants have started families with the native population, beginning the process of Ethiopification of the kingdom. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the building of a railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be planned. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Rio da Prata, Paraguai expands 13,200 sq km. The conquered territory continues to be settled. Meanwhile in Brasil, most specifically, in the capitania of Pernambuco, another revolt happens, and one month later, inspired by the Pernambucan revolts, another revolt breaks out in São Vicente. The Sãovicentine revolt is largely defeated by the end of the year, but resistance still lingers. Meanwhile, Ceará, Rio Grande and Paraíba adhere to the Pernambucan revolt. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is updated.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km and Ibaraki expands by 50 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto Shrines and Buddhist Temples are built throughout the nation.
  • ARK: King Gopan recovers and marries an Apache women named Elina. The military is improved with the rifles becoming equals to the Mayn and European counterparts. Barrecks are built throughout the countries and the first military academy is established in Ekta. The Reformed Catholic Church set the foundations for a city called New Rome to be the seat of power for the reformed church. The first pure shaminist city has appeared and the shaminists start to embrace the modern aspects of life and the faith is changed a little. There are few tribes that are still nomads but the government doesn't bother with them they provide some of the best horse archers.
    • Selk'nam Diplomacy: Hearing of the new developments, Brother Anicetus, the new head of the Maugholdian order, sends emissaries to learn about the new faith. Based on what he has heard, he is instructed to invite the Reformed Catholic Church to joing the greater Apostolic Church, which has similar doctrines (message me on my wall if you want details but you are a really good fit for this project)
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans, Normandy and the Apache continue, growing the Lakota tribal economy.
  • Normandy is not a nation.
  • Normandy is a nation, Under French control currently.
  • Germanica begins to recover from the war. Moretania expands 16,000 sq km inland (4x colonial expansion) and the colony of Vinland (territories on Greenland gained from Ethiopia) expand 17,000 sq km along the coast. Plans to create a new railway for civilians rather than military and government purposes. New rails begin to be laid down along existing ones and some rails are also extended into the Dutch areas, hoping to connect Amsterdam and Luxembourg to the main system. Guinea Schutzgebiet is renamed Neu Mecklenburg after its predecessor Germanic colony. New Reichskomissariats are created (will be named after claims are completed).
    • You sincerely want me to expand a place that you never mentioned and I don't know where it is?
      • ​Perhaps he means Mauritania?
    • It was the Guinea Schutzgebiet (as in "protectorate") ;)
      • No, I'm talking about this "Mortenania". I already know that this Schutzgebiet is now Neu Mecklenburg.
        • ​I was just informing him of the correct spelling.
      • How does Moretania not translate to Mauritania for you? It's the former Welsh Royal Coast, which is now a colony. German names FTW.
        • Oh, so now I'm supposed to guess that "Mortenania" means Moretania, that means Mauritania? You could just admit that it was a spelling error.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We continue fighting Ethiopians and we secretly ferry some of their industrial machines back to Myanmar. We ask China and India if we can extend the train rail to Harbin and Delhi. RNG Mod please. We have another festival.
    • What RNG? They have players. You could just ask them.
  • ​Saxony: The militaries of Saxony, Anhalt, Cologne and Tanimbarkai are expanded due to the conservative government and Operation Faust. The newly-acquired Australis territories are given representation in the Saxon Australis Colonial House of Assembly, and the new population is given the status of "Saxon Subject"- the same as all Saxons. Saxon West Africa continues working on its small railway, and it expands 1000 sq km inland along the northern border.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and steel and glass building, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.

Yagich Avalon

  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: King Atticus and Prime Minister Pantaleon continue to expand the Military. Advances in kelp farming allow population booms in the Yagich Rafael and Yaghich Atticus colonies. Yagich Atticus (OTL Tristan de Cunha) in particular is becoming a heavily urbanized environment due to the small size of the island, but the needs of the population are met through the kelp and fishing induistries. It is said that Yaghich Atticsu capital city of Madoc and Parxedes on the Sea may soon surpass K'onip as the Haruwin's third city. Meanwhile, Yagich Rafeal (OTL Kerguelen) has evolved into a major center of Antarctic agriculture due to its size, which enables large fields of Rafael Bread and the safe cultivation of Penguin Lillies, in addition to the most developed and largest kelp-farming industry in the Haruwin. Yagich Rafael kelp-farms extend amost uninterrupted from the farthest islands in the colony to the mainland, and farmers are increasingly developing technology that allows them to stay in their kelp farms for weeks by anchoring houseboats in the ocean using long chains. Kelp farms are quickly set up at the Yagich Pugh colony. A new island is found and ships are diverted in the direction of the new land, which is named Yagich Avalon in honor of the former Brythonic capital. (Yagich Pugh expands 100 km sq onto OTL Campbell Island)
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). The ERC gains a headquarters in Moscow. The ERC, a supernational organization, is granted control of Russian realm's railways. More and more Russian political factions arise, one of them, based on the ideology if economic liberalism. The "Individualists" vie for less government controlled things, and want the ERC to be a private corporation. As more factories are built for Russia's industries, one of them steel and mining in the Urals, the socialists bring up more and more, the issue of child labour.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia work on the military aspects of their existence. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola. The Saamii approves of the ERC.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy. Norway approves of the ERC.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Small contingents of volunteers and troops continue to fight against Ethiopia. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Budapest and nearing Belgrade. Attempts to add Chuj, Sofia, Varna, Tirana and Bucharest to the network begin. The Italia Rail Company starts work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on recovering from its economic slump with the funds gained from the sale of its main colonies. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq.
  • Bayern: Switzerland is divided into two states, East and West Switzerland, and a new government elected by the people put in place. A small garrison remains to keep the peace until the local authorities take charge. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures, only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to the weaponry. The Royal Navy conducts naval exercises with Saxony as, showing off the improved steam boat modifactions. Specialists travel to Ethiopia to begin aiding the Ethiopians in developing a (peaceful ONLY) steamboat Merchantile Navy, in return, Ethiopian raw materials are shipped to Bavaria to aid in the massive industrial explosion. The Prague- Vienna line nears 25% complete. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. Operation Faust continues. Bavarian Australis is officially leveled to having representation in the Reichstag due to its vital importance and the urgings of the people. Bayern Steel Co. is formed and begins to manufacture tonnes of steel for use in the new factories and railways. The Suddeutches Rail Gruppe begins to expand the rail lines south to meet with italia's lines. A new, stronger form of cement is discovered by Adam Ferris, and is utilized in many new construction tasks.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The Empire continues the war against Ethiopia. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting several large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. Patriotic messages help keep the nations' people going. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Many smaller branch of lines are also constructed to attract goods from other areas. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 4150 km (Stage 4 - it's the colony in the middle). The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles. The new air rifles seem to be good to use, and are made standard issue for many regiments in the army. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Large roads continue to be built in Assam to help trading and ease movement. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees a large number of people heading into the city. A huge number of Hindu missionaries follow and they begin to convert many who have made a life for themselves. A rail route from Bumbai to Arab Bombay begins to be constructed to ensure a large amount of trading between the two port cities can occur and that the city of Arab Bombay becomes Orissanised. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. In the SOC, there is a huge cry to help out the Ethiopians from the position they are in. The Raja is finally able to do something seeing the war is over. Large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by colonising lands which the Ethiopians do not have a great population in. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and begins to show its superiority over wind powered ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 5150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. The land received near Matarami territories is put under vassalage, to be united with Mataram whent he time is right. It automatically becomes part of Dakshin Maharajya. The new South African colony is renamed Orissan Aprika and is expanded by 16,150 km. Yet some parts are actually created as vassals due to the fact that there is a large number oLevantine colonists not greatly happy with the Orissan rule. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. A map will be put up to show their positioning. There is still a huge cry to help the Ethiopians. The significant minority living in Orissan lands begin to petition the Raja to do something about the Germans in Ethiopian lands. He agrees, and decides something must be done. Close allies are consulted.
    • There are no Germans in traditional Ethiopian lands. Please don't be a dick and attack me. Please, just give me ten years. Not 15, ten is all I ask of you.
    • What about all those lands you conquered? Britain does. All other Ethiopian territories do.
    • Ethiopia ruled England for five years. Most of the other lands, ten to 15 years. Everything else is/will be traded off or sold. I might also offer you some stuff, like Ethiopian South America, if I have enough pixels. Also I'm not doing anything to the Ethiopians. I'm just letting them roll their way.
    • LOL. No. ~Viva
    • LOL. Yes. You owned England from 1815 - 1820.
    • And there were quite a lot of Ethiopian immigrants at the time.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh.
  • Imperium Africana continues to repel invasion forces, and gains a number of victories which increase the loyalty of the British population within the empire. The development of the empire's assests ranging for the military, economy and infrastructure continues. The Kingdom of Sukuma is vassalized by Ethiopia, and brought into the empire as a full-fledged dominion in accordance to recent Imperial law as requested of the governor-generals of the Imperium. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the building of a railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be planned. Meanwhile, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a boy, who is named Alfonso. Meanwhile, the Guadalquivir river overflows and floods Sevilla. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the Pernambucan rebellion continues. One of the rebel leaders, Manuel Paes de Andrade, after retrating from Recife, proclaims a republic in the island of Itamaracá with some 200 followers. Under heavy fire of the Portuguese forces, Andrade abandons Itamaracá after one month, and flees back to the mainland. Around the same time, another republic is proclaimed in Pernambuco. Eventually, by the end of the year, the Pernambucan rebellion is crushed, and the last focuses of resistance in São Vicente are defeated. The then-Viceroy of Brasil, Marcos de Noronha, Count of Arcos, is dismissed by the Emperor and replaced with Henrique de Lusignan, Viscount of Calhariz, who also is tasked with investigating and reporting on the causes of the rebellion. Meanwhile, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km, being out of the reach of the two rebellions. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km and Ibaraki expands by 50 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto Shrines and Buddhist Temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We continue fighting Ethiopians and we secretly ferry some of their industrial machines back to Myanmar. We ask China and India if we can extend the train rail to Harbin and Delhi.
  • Chinese Diplomacy: We accept.
  • Imperium Africana: Secret police discover and capture Burmese pirates stealing Ethiopian cargo bound for the high seas. We politely wish this criminal act to cease.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and steel and glass building, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Persia: A young 23-year old noble from Tehran, Aslan Askari, marches into New Persepolis with an elite army of 5000 troops, which he calls the Immortals. Claiming the crown of Persia as his birthright as a distant relative, but direct descendant, of Suleiman II, the last Shah of Persia, his men engage in direct combat with the Nunani Shah, and he flees into the countryside, and is expected to have gone all the way to the Arabian Federation by now. Aslan I, a devout Nestorian, is coronated by the Patriarch of Persepolis, and begins to really improve the nation's economy and infrastructure. Citing the Persian Empire as a long-lasting haven of prosperity, he arranges his marriage to the Dimurati Princess Bibigul, entering them into a Dynastic Union, soon to be a Personal Union, once the elderly Dimurati King passes away. Under urging from Aslan, the Dimurats begin to vassalize the Xwarezm and Mangyastan Kingdoms, and Persia itself expands 20,000 sq miles into the disorganized states to its west, and starts to vassalize Armenia. Furthermore, puppetization envoys are sent to Sanaa and Aden, to begin piquing their interested in Persia, a fellow Nestorian nation. Meanwhile, progress on a railroad from Tehran to New Persepolis is made, expected to be completed in five years. Military grows.

Yagich Mervyn Gwilym

  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under King Atticus and Prime Minister Pantaleon. Trade envoys from Yagich Rafeal hear of the developments in Persia and send envoys to seek trade with the new Shah (Persia Response). Scouts from Yagich Pugh discover yet another new island South of Yagich Avalon with a climate similar to Yagich Rafael. A ship is sent to settle the new land, which is named Yagich Mervyn Gwilym (Yagich Pugh expands 150 km sq onto OTL Macquarie Island) . Noting that Prime Bishop Patrick's turn will soon expire, Selk'nam clerics begin searching for a Selk'nam cleric to run, but none steps forward other than the radical Bishop of Konip, Brother Siricius. Siricius is seen as too strict in his pro-Kappelist doctine and it is worried he would alienate conservatives and the Eastern Rites, so many Selk'nam bishops do not support him.
  • NOTE TO APOSTOLIC CHURCH NATIONS: The Prime Bishop's term expires in 1825, start lining up your candidates if you plan to run.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: Saxony, Bavaria, Anhalt, Cologne, Bavarian Indonesia and Tanimbarkai declare war on Germanica. Propaganda posters with a map of "Germany" (the German countries) and the phrase "There can only be one" are distributed throughout the empire. Troops are rapidly deployed with the railway, and communication is swift thanks to the telegraph and the signal corps. The Empire calls on other nations dissatisfied with Germanica to help and defeat them once and for all. (Sorry Scraw, it's not personal, it's just the war of unification which has been inevitable from the start.)
    • Shah Arslan asks the King of South Germany to grant Germanic Armenia and regions to Persia following the end of the war.
    • Ass(es).
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Many smaller branch of lines are also constructed to attract goods from other areas. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 4150 km (Stage 4 - it's the colony in the middle). The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles. The new air rifles seem to be good to use, and are made standard issue for many regiments in the army. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Many roads are finally completed and the nation can see a good flow of traffic. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. A rail route from Bumbai to Arab Bombay is finished and the railway line begins to gain importance due to its nature. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and begins to show its superiority over wind powered ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The newly conquered areas continue to be assimilated into the Maharajya. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 5150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 16,150 km. The two vassals continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. A map will be put up to show their positioning. The Raja knows that he must strike now to avenge all the Ethiopian brothers the nation has lost. Ships from the Maharajyan Navy strike out from South German ports, while Italian ports are also used to launch the Navy. The German fleets are caught by complete surprise and heavy defeats are infliced on them. The Souther Germans are helped as ground forces are landed to help in their land campagin. War is declared on Germany, to avenge Orissans and Ethiopians alike and finish the 100 year task.
  • Orissan Aprika (PMII)
    Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The states declare military support for the campaign.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and begin to industrialize. We begin sending lavish gifts to Mangystau, hoping to rekindle relations since Arabias collapse and since we have a similar culture and heritage. We begin several projects to build up our roadways. We send an envoy to Persia asking to use their ports for trade. Sultan Omali II orders the rebuilding up the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We declare neutrality in all conflicts.
  • Italia builds more ships for its navy. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Budapest and nearing Belgrade. Attempts to add Chuj, Sofia, Varna, Tirana and Bucharest to the network begin. The Italia Rail Company starts work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. Attitude toward the Germans is at an all time negative as the nation debates following their allies into the war.
    • Germanica pleads Italia to not join the war, and offers Neu Mecklenburg (which contains the former Saint John colony of Italia) in compensation should the Italians retain a stance of neutrality, alongside its associate states.
    • Sorry Scraw, but Neu Mecklenburg isn't yours to give anymore. ~Viva
    • Actually, I traded it with Saxony.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on recovering from its economic slump with the funds gained from the sale of its main colonies. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Imperium Africana develops its military infrastructure and economy, as well as those of its vassals. Ethiopia and its dominions declare their support for the Bavarian conflict against Germanica, and establish a number of foreign fighter legions to assist the Bavarians in the war against Germany to free their trapped brethren in England under German rule. The development of the empire's assests ranging for the military, economy and infrastructure continues. The Kingdom of Sukuma is vassalized by Ethiopia, and brought into the empire as a full-fledged dominion in accordance to recent Imperial law as requested of the governor-generals of the Imperium. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km.


The Germanican states of Courland and Lithuania take advantage of Germanica's preoccupation with the War of German Unity to declare independence. However, knowing that they are between two incredibly strong nations, they officially join together as the Kingdom of Baltica. Resentment with the Prussians over the theft of the Lithuanian coast leads to them declaring war with the Prussians. The Baltics, armed with Germanican weapons, handily defeat the tattered Prussian army. Both Prussia and their Lithuanian puppet are annexed into Baltica.

Just have them go to Russia.

I seriously doubt that they want to be dominated by anyone. Hence their decision to unite. Plus I think LX has enough puppets that he does barely anything with.

The Kurds annex the divided eastern remnants of the former nation of Turkestan. The western remnants stabilize as the new Sultanate of Turkey, with its capital in the city of Kayseri. A distant descendant of the Ottoman Royal House takes the throne as Sultan Osman I of Turkey.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the building of a railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be planned. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Henrique de Lusignan finishes his report about the causes of the rebellion, and on it, advises Portugal to grant what he calls responsible government, meaning that Portuguese-appointed viceroys should bow to the will of elected colonial assemblies, to the colony. The proposal is refused. Meanwhile, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kochiya expands by 3150 sq km and Ibaraki expands by 50 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki decides that being neutral is getting boring, and sends limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also sends limited military aid. A few clans, notably the Yamana, Kagawa, Mogami, and even the Mononobe, are a bit angered about the Rokkaku's involvement, but decide to let it be, for now.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built. Bishop Enchi Kazuo from the Amaterasuist branch, is chosen by the Tojikans to be a candidate for the Apostolic Church.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. Hearing about the Rokkaku Shogunate's involvement to help the United Maharajya, the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites demand the President to do something against the Maharajya. President Mononobe Nobutsuna, hearing this, decides to send supplies to help Germania/Bradenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We continue sending lavish gifts to Mangystau, hoping to rekindle relations since Arabia's collapse and since we have a similar culture and heritage. We continue to build up our roadways. We send several envoys to China asking them for a trade deal. King Omali II orders the rebuilding up the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We declare neutrality in all conflicts.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. The wealth brought in from the Orissan lease of Bombay is used to improve the infrastructure of Iraq and Kuwait.
  • Persia: The youthful Shah Aslan Askari begins a large-scale series of construction operations, and looks to the west at Iraq and Kuwait, which have been greatly weakened under their current regimes. Ever the opportunist, Aslan declares war on Germany in order to take their lands in Georgia. Persia continues to expand 20,000 sq km into the land to Persia's west. He continues to work with the Dimurat Kingdom, which is in a Dynastic Union, and continues to support their vassalization of Mangyastau and Xwarezm. In Persia proper, vassalization of Armenia continues unabated, and Persia itself expands 20,000 sq miles into the disorganized states to its west. Furthermore, puppetization envoys are sent to Sanaa and Aden, to continue piquing their interested in Persia, a fellow Nestorian nation. Meanwhile, progress on a railroad from Tehran to New Persepolis is made, expected to be completed in four years. Economy grows.
  • The Hellenic Union completes all railways, and passenger as well as cargo trains are now used. Cement continues to be spread around Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula, with slow use in government buildings and other buildings of importance, as well as the autocrat's houses. Steel and glass are also used within buildings, specifically in large cities. On Cyprus and Crete, paper mills continue to be develop, as well as cloth factories, and steel and glass building, and much the same occurs on the colonies, as well as continual building of railway lines. The Hellenic economy is expanded and Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km, and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Continues to implement fertiliser and hospitals, and expands southward by 20,000 sq km.
  • Bayern: The War of Germanic Unification goes as planned. The combined power of the Suddeutches Reich and her allies begin pushing back the long hated "other Germans" Rallies in support of unification spread throughout the Reich. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures, only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to the weaponry. The Royal Navy conducts naval exercises with Saxony as, showing off the improved steam boat modifactions. Specialists travel to Ethiopia to begin aiding the Ethiopians in developing a (peaceful ONLY) steamboat merchantile navy, in return, Ethiopian raw materials are shipped to Bavaria to aid in the massive industrial explosion. The Prague- Vienna line nears 67% complete. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. Bayern Steel Co. is formed and begins to manufacture tonnes of steel for use in the new factories and railways. The Suddeutches Rail Gruppe begins to expand the rail lines south to meet with italia's lines. A new, stronger form of cement is discovered by Adam Ferris, and is utilized in many new construction tasks. Bayern, of behalf of the Reich, thanks her allies for the valiant support in the war.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We end the war and everyone celebrate for peace and industrial equipment. We ask India if we can extend the train rail to Mumbai. We send workers to China and we begin working on the part from Guilin to Changsha.
  • Dude, the war is over. Stop stealing my junk before I come over there and backhand you with my ring hand. ~A Pimp Named Viva
  • What he said. ~ S
  • Italia declares war on Germany with troops crossing the Bela river into Neu Berlin and taking the border garrisons by surrpise. Memories of the last war where Germany catapulted diseased corpses across the river are recalled spurring the Italian army on. The Italian navy with its new steam-powered boats and a now huge fleet of midget submarines conducts raids and attacks on Germany's coastal areas. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km in Australia and another 8500 sq km in Nuovo Guinea where missionaries desperately attempt to save the souls of the cannibals. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Belgrade and Chuj. Attempts to add Sofia, Varna, Tirana and Bucharest to the network continue. The Italia Rail Company cntinues work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
    • Apologies for the late entry. I was unable to post for myself last night ...
    • Ometlacatl Copan Proposal
      What happened to giving Scraw Neu Berlin to control
    • Neu Berlin is my fall back nation. Feel free to attack Hispaniola and my land in Central America tho.
    • The Mayan Empire wishes to purchase Mayan land that was previously acquired by Germania.
    • Italia agrees to sell the mainland area occupied by Germanica.
    • You'll still get Neu Berlin in the treaty.
  • Romania and Padang work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom works on recovering from its economic slump with the funds gained from the sale of its main colonies. They expand the New Syria colony by 4500 sq km. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both work on their navies. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • ARK: After long debate in the Council of Bishops for the Reformed Catholic Church they choose to join the Apostolic Church. The first royal child is born. He is named Ekta in hopes that he will aspire to be like his namesake. The military is improved with the first graduates of the new military academies graduating. The 1st Merc Legion is created. The Merc Legions are government soldiers who are approved to fight any country as long as they don't fight Apache or Apache Allies. The Merc Legions are created to give eperiance to Apache soldiers. More military academies are built throughout the country and the Order of Paul builds more schools and Universities.
  • Imperium Africana regains its footing in England with the aid of Bavaria and Orissa, and with the support of its British allies, marches into Wales to remove the last bastion of Germany in Europe. Ethiopian-led forces along with troops from Scotland and England support the conquest of the Welsh lands. These are parcelled out to Britons who state they had suffered under Welsh rule in the past, and with the blessings of the Emperor of the Imperium, the territory is divided into small landed and absorbed into England as part of the dominion. Governor-General Oscar Falconer announced to his fellow Britons that the final years of Wales have been cut short in the name of the empire. Celebrations are held now that the war is over, and their Ethiopian leaders are hailed as heroes for liberating the islands from both Wales and Germany. With that, the Emperor grants the island home rule as a reward for their loyalty, doing much to bring the two nations closer as a result of the conflict and the victory. With a sizable Ethiopian population in the islands, the Britons ultimately come to acknowledge the lasting presence of Ethiopian power in Great Britain. With many of their own spread across the empire, the British see themselves as part of a much larger and wealthier unit that they can benefit from, especially with the defeat of two region enemies with Ethiopia's help. With Wales larger depopulated from the nearly twenty year long conflict, and larger occupied by Ethiopian and British troops, Wales as a unit has been effectively erased from the empire's records as a separate nation. With wealth landowners and middle-class farmers moving in from neighboring England and Scotland, and fisheries established by the Irish in Wales, the Welsh population has been thoroughly diluted to a point of total defeat. With a population of only 350,000 (bit lower than the OTL 650,000 population of the time), the Welsh resisters have little hope of standing against the much larger military forces of the Imperium, determined to hold onto the territory. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. Borona's government announces that it has found a large quantity of opals within its lands, and calls upon other members of the Imperium to join them in unearthing the profits of the precious opal mines. Ethiopia begins the process of vassalizing the territory neighboring Oyo, enticing many of its tribal leaders with their wealth and knowledge, and dazzling them with their displaying of medical knowledge and superiority.
    • Great Brython has a population of 35 million, so wherever your estimate of 350 k comes from is way off ... Also, get it through you guys' heads that Wales doesn't have a national image anymore - it is the Brythonic national image, just as it is in Scotland, Ireland, Brittany, and England. Brythonica Forever!
    • Actually, in OTL Scotland doesn't like being British, as a German-Scotsman, I can attest having been there. Scotland is Scotland! and Ireland is Ireland! They are both VERY independent spirited, to call a Scot a Brit is a high insult.
    • Some of the population fled the islands after Scraw and I conquered them, plus there is a horrendous mod-scripted typhus outbreak that killed a good portion of the population, plus the famine that rocked the islands for years when Ethiopia accidentally brought crop-destroying pests to the islands. So the British population has dropped significantly to a point where they are controllable. As for Scotland, I don't care. When they become an independent country (which they won't), I'll call them whatever they want to be called. However, since they live on an island called Britain, I shall call them British. But since I'm shooting for an independent Scotland, I shall call them Scottish out of respect. I've spoken to enough Scotsmen to get the point. ~Gentleman Viva
      • I don't know what you are calling horrendous: my events or the typhus epidemic, but let it be known that I, when adding a disaster event like that, is because I saw that it really happened in OTL. And I said nothing about this epidemic being particularly deadly. This part was added by your posts, if it was added at all. I don't remember you addressing the epidemic in your posts when it happened.
      • I did address it, and I even noted the Ethiopian doctors fighting the disease numerous times. I simply played it up as horrendous to increase my rep with the peeps of Britain and Ireland, as well as to cull the population to make it easier for me to control them once the gracious and lovable Ethiopian people stamped out the outbreak of typhus. Just read the turn after the event to see the campaign against the diesease.~Viva
    • You can't vassalize a fragmented state. You would have to stabilize it first.
    • Understood. ~Viva
  • Germanic Royal Family and Reichstag flee to Neu Berlin, taking official control of the area and merging the Neu Berlin Reichstag into the Germanic Reichstag. Everyone hopes that these changes are only temporary.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km Inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion. It surprises itself at the War occuring in Germany, but declares neutral in the war. However, the French government openly prefers and embraces the idea of a Bavarian-led government friendlier to France than it had been previously.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows and the nation builds from the war.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Haut Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League.
  • The Scandianavian Imperium crowns a new loses their founder, Emperor William I in January, a devastating blow to the Imperium, which saw him establish both the Iceland and Scandinavian Imperiums, and he was a revolutionary leader and changed the lives of millions of people for the better. His son, William II of Orange, the heir to the House of Orange and the Scandinavian Imperium is crowned Emperor immediately, and he decides to continue his father's impressive legacy and increases the Scandinavian military. He also gets all five nations of the Imperium working on rapid expansion in what is being called Vinland, and has the potential of being added as a state of the Imperium. We establish contact with Baltica, and Emperor William II's eldest son, Prince William III begins to court the princess and heiress of that kingdom. Growth occurs in Greenland, Alaska, Vinland, and the Sapmi Peninsula. William II, a devout Pietist, which is the main religion in the Imperium reaches out to the Apostolic Church to seek admission of the Pietist movement in Scandinavia (A Kappelist/Anapaptist Faith) into the Church. (Apostolic Response)
    • ​Scandinavia seeks to reaffirm alliances with: Italy, France, South Germany, Orissa, Russia, and the Selk'nam.
    • Scandinavia begins to seek an audience with the Emperor of the Imperium Africana about potentials for buying land in Scotland or Ireland, both of which hold heavy Scandinavian influences.
    • Imperium Africana: We cannot part with these lands after so much blood of our young men has been shed and so recently as well. We cannot comply with your request.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Many smaller branch of lines are also constructed to attract goods from other areas. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 2150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles. The new air rifles seem to be good to use, and are made standard issue for many regiments in the army. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Many roads are finally completed and the nation can see a good flow of traffic. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and begins to show its superiority over wind powered ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 5150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The war against the Germans successfully continues. Some of the fighting takes place in the South too, as the war is fought. The war seems to be going very well and the Navy shows its dominance.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The states declare military support for the campaign.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.


  • PMII1825
    Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier starts to be built. Meanwhile in León, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a boy, who is named Fernando. Meanwhile in Navarra, Catarina Téllez de Meneses gives birth to a girl, who is named Joana. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Minas Gerais expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue. Meanwhile, after years of negotiation, Portugal signs a border treaty with Orissa, and gives to the Naya Punjab colony a piece of land beyond the Purus river, thus abandoning the settlements in the Juruá river.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 50 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki continues to send limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also continues to send limited military aid.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built. Bishop Enchi Kazuo runs as a candidate for the Apostolic Church.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. President Mononobe Nobutsuna continues to send supplies to help Germania/Bradenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Nestorianism and Zoroastrianism continue to expand in Iraq. The Iraqis continue to expand their infrastructure using the funds being obtained from the Orrissans. The Iraqis begin to expand their industry, with machinery being imported from Italy and Orrissa.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion. It surprises itself at the war occuring in Germany, but declares itself neutral in the war. However, the French government openly prefers and embraces the idea of a Bavarian-led government friendlier to France than it had been previously. Declares war against the Hellenic Union. The French army soon sails from the Occitanian naval ports and the Venaissin and so do the French soldiers in Carthage since the Welsh war. Soon Aquitaine and Occitania join the war.
  • The Hellenic Union, caught off guard by this sudden declaration of war by the French, formerly seen as allies, quickly mobilises its troops to attack the French in Carthage and its colonies. The Hellenic Union asks its allies for help, including Italia, the Levantine Kingdom, the Mayans, and also others such as Orissa, Portugal and Russia.
  • Cyrenaica also declares war on France and also Carthage and begins to prepare for war.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under Kind Atticus and Prime Minister Pantaleon. The heade of the Maugholdian Order, Brother Linus, hears of the Scandinavian desire to join the Apostolic Church and strongly supports the move. Selk'nam bishops openly express disdain for the Prime Bishop candidate Brother Siricius but do no want to see another Prime Bishop for war-torn Brython, many Maugholdians demands that a Tojikan candidate frome one of the Eastern Rites step forward. (Tojiko Response).
    • Bishop Enchi Kazuo, from the Amaterasuist branch and from Tojiko, steps forward in running as candidate for the Apostolic Church.
  • Apostolic Prime Bishop has been in office ten years, election for new Prime Bishop on the back page, feel free to submit candidates.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Haute Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We end the war and everyone celebrate for peace and industrial equipment. We ask India if we can extend the train rail to Mumbai. We send workers to China and we continue working on the part from Guilin to Changsha.
  • Italia defeats the German colonial troops in several key battles while the Italian navy with its steam-powered boats and midget submarines seizes the German Caribbean territories as well as capturing Rotterdam and Amsterdam, incusions to seize Brussels and other cities in the former Netherlands are put together. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Bucharest and Tirana. Attempts to add Sofia and Varna to the network continue. The Italia Rail Company cntinues work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. Italia, embroiled in the war against Germany is only able to send supplies to the Hellenic Union but asks its vassals and unions to help.
    • Midget submarines? ~Viva
    • Designed and invented in the 17th century. Highly kept secret of the Italian navy.
  • Padang works on its economy. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary declare war on France in defense of the Hellenic Union.
  • The Levantine Kingdom declares war on France in support of the Hellenic Union. The Suez Canal blocks all French shipping. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both declare war on France sending their navies to join the main Levantine fleet. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Suddeutsches Reich: All the constituent nations continue to fight the Final War of Unification, and the superior railway, telegraph and militaries -as well as the generous assistance from coalition partners- helps to turn the tide on the Germanicans. Saxon troops manage to break through Germanic defences to reach the North Sea, whilst Bavarians take Berlin.
  • Imperium Africana develops its military infrastructure and economy, as well as those of its vassals. Development of the rail network continues, and the development of new canals to support increased agricultural efforts in the deserts of Sudan begin. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. The dominion of Borona is expanded by 20,000 km into the deserts of Australis, and the opal mining in the region continues. The second year of vassalizing the Akan state (west of Oyo) begins, as the Ethiopians insert their merchants into positions of power as the tribal chieftains seek to learn more about this Ethiopia.
  • Bayern: The War of Germanic Unification goes as planned. The combined power of the Suddeutches Reich sees the capture of Berlin. The Bundestag releases the map of the Greater Germanic Reich, and her ten constituent states. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures. Only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to have the weaponry. The Prague- Vienna line nears 80% completion. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. Bayern Steel Co. is formed and begins to manufacture tonnes of steel for use in the new factories and railways. The Suddeutches Rail Gruppe begins to expand the rail lines south to meet with italia's lines. A new, stronger form of cement is discovered by Adam Ferris, and is utilized in many new construction tasks. Bayern, of behalf of the Reich, thanks her allies for the valiant support in the war. France is supported verbally, but military aid cannot be given. Bavaria announces an alliance with the Mayan Empire. The previous alliance with Scandinavia is reaffirmed.
    • The Mayan Empire affirms the alliance.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We continue sending lavish gifts to Mangystau for the third year now, hoping to rekindle relations since Arabia's collapse and since we have a similar culture and heritage. We continue to build up our roadways. We send several envoys to China asking them for a trade deal. King Omali II orders the rebuilding up the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We declare neutrality in all conflicts. Also we state to Persia we are NOT IN DYNASTIC UNION. We cut relations with Persia. King Omani II recognizes Turkey.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The three major railway lines begin to receive more customers and the idea of travelling by rail becomes more accepted. Many smaller branch of lines are also constructed to attract goods from other areas. Paper mills continue to make great rolls of paper and with cheap paper now being sold on the market. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 2150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. The nation continues its large propaganda campaigns while Hindi continues to grow in strength as the trading language in all of the Maharajyan territories. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles, with more air rifles produced. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and begins to show its superiority over wind powered ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 5150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The war against the Germans successfully continues. Some of the fighting takes place in the South too, as the war is fought. The war seems to be going very well and the Navy shows its dominance. The Germans take heavy losses on their mainland and their colonies. Many cannot stand the huge forces of the allies, with the Orissans having the largest number of troops.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore also begins to see its first few customers. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The states declare military support for the campaign.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). The Russian Navy builds the first Russian Ironclad steamship. Designs for Ironclad Bogatyrs are in the works, as more budget money is pooled into the navy's R&D. Work on improving on the Submarines for Spetsnaz is in progress. The Individialist faction in the Duma grows to 30 members by the end of the year, rivaling the socialist's 60 members, while the majority of the Duma remain independant. The Idea of technocracy, governing by experts, begins to circle around in academic circles, and the Tsar's life Rule is put into question.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the missisipi The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The UKA expands outward in Kanada as well.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola. The Saamii approves of the ERC.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari continues his construction projects, and decides to continue work aimed at his neighboring states - Baghdad, Kuwait, the Dimurats, and Turkestan. The war against German lands in Georgia continue, and we make good progress due to help from our allies, which have bolstered our success. He continues to work with the Dimurat Kingdom, which is in a Dynastic Union, and continues to support their vassalization of Mangyastau and Xwarezm. In Persia proper, vassalization of Armenia continues unabated. Furthermore, puppetization envoys are sent to Sanaa and Aden, to continue piquing their interested in Persia, a fellow Nestorian nation. By the end of the year, both Sanaa and Aden have agreed to treaties handing leverage over to Persia, effectively making them Persian puppets. Meanwhile, progress on a railroad from Tehran to New Persepolis is made, expected to be completed in three years. Military grows. (Posting late due to mod decision.)


The Sultan of Iraq dies, and a small succession crisis erupts. The closest relative, and therefore rightful heir, is the Shah of Persia, but he is Nestorian, causing the Sultan of Kuwait to challenge the birthright of the Persian king. In the ensuing battle outside of Baghdad, the Nestorian and Liberal minorities defeat the Muslim and Conservative factions, leading to Persia and Iraq entering a Personal Union.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be built. Meanwhile in León, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a girl, who is named Urraca. Meanwhile in Navarra, Catarina Téllez de Meneses gives birth to a girl, who is named Octavia. Meanwhile in Portugal, João VI dies, And is succeeded by his son Afonso, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Afonso XIII e XVII, Emperor of Spain, King of Portugal, Galicia, Algarve, Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, of either side of the sea in Africa, Prince of Brasil, Duke of Viseu, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchess of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Count of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos and Lord of Guiné, of either side of the Rio da Prata, and of Commerce, Navigation of Conquest on India"."By the Grace of God, Alfons VII, King of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca, Duke of Segorbe and Tolosa, Marchess of Albi, Besièrs and Carcassona and Count of Agde, Ampurias, Berga, Besalú, Cervera, Cerdanya, Conflent, Foix, Melgueil, Osona, Pallars, Ribagorza, Roussillon, Sobrabe and Urgell". Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Minas Gerais expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
    • The United Maharajya thank the Portuguese for the border discussion and their outcome.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military expands.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 50 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki continues to send limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also continues to send limited military aid.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built. Bishop Enchi Kazuo runs as a candidate for the Apostolic Church.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. President Mononobe Nobutsuna continues to send supplies to help Germania/Bradenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. We end the war and everyone celebrate for peace and industrial equipment. We ask India if we can extend the train rail to Mumbai. We send workers to China and we continue working on the part from Changsha to Wuhan.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We continue sending lavish gifts to Mangystau for the fourth year now, hoping to rekindle relations since Arabia's collapse and since we have a similar culture and heritage. Courting by King Omani II of the Mangystau Empress continues, We continue to build up our roadways. We send several envoys to China asking them for a trade deal. King Omali II orders the rebuilding of the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We declare neutrality in all conflicts. Also, we state to Persia we are NOT IN DYNASTIC UNION. We do, however, offer a trade pact. King Omani II recognizes Baltica. United Maharajya is offered a trade pact.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). The Navy begins on its first Iron Bogatyr prototype. The White Sea fleet, after the success of the ironclad, begin working on an improved koch in the north, using iron plating, and steam power, to better break the ice. The Planned steam paddles would be in back as to not get in the ice's way. The Nation is set into mourning as Tsar Anton dies in his sleep at 75. Elections are to be held next year, and possibilities of electing a foreigner to secure an alliance become very likely, like Germanic Reich and Italia the century before It is expected that the veches will be larger than ever this year, and expectations surpass one million outsiders, to add to the one million and a half Novgorodiansl. A law is passed calling for a census before each "National Election Year".(This is an open invitation to temporary personal union with the Russian realms for the duration of your king/emperor's life).
    • High Lord Leopold Aba of Hungary would like to run in the election. He is the fourth in line to the Hungarian throne and a good friend to the heir of Italia.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the missisipi The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The UKA expands outward in Kanada as well.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola. The Saamii approves of the ERC.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy.
  • Apostolic Church Election Results: Bishop Enchi Kazuo of the Amaterasuist Rite of Tojiko is elected as Prime Bishop in Avalon. Former Prime Bishop Patrick wishes Prime Bishop Enchi a long and prosperous reign. (Church to be controlled by Kogasa until 1836, please posts as the church to ensure its continued evolution).
  • Bayern: The war draws to a close. The Bundestag releases the map of the Greater Germanic Reich, and her ten constituent states. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures. Only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to have the weaponry. The Prague- Vienna line is completed to much fanfare, allowing goods and services to travel faster than before. The military is expanded after the war. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands the last little bit of coast remaining, the rest of the pixels (10,000) go toward the east. Borneo refits its aging ports, designing a massive port capable of handling the cargo load of the Bavarian Empire. Bayern Steel Co. is formed and begins to manufacture tonnes of steel for use in the new factories and railways. The Suddeutches Rail Gruppe begins to expand the rail lines south to meet with Italia's lines. A new, stronger form of cement is discovered by Adam Ferris, and is utilized in many new construction tasks. The Italia- Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months.
  • You actually have to fight longer. Me and Viva made peace, so not only do you not get 30%, three years give you about 20%, which isn't really enough to take mainland Germanica. You'd need at least two, three more years for that, by my calculations.
  • Whoa, whoa, whoa. When I agreed to peace, I thought it was in the case of me not pursuing you into the woods with an axe. Cal can have his five year war. Ethiopia is just supporting the Saxons in their conflict from afar, its still in the war until the five years are up. ~Viva
    • ​Phewph. I was scared for a minute there! Also, your opinion on getting the Guinea Schutzgebiet in compensation for the Australis colony? (I discussed more in-depth on the talk page) Callumthered (talk) 10:05, September 16, 2013 (UTC)
    • We only need 23% to win this. Remember my 10.3% from about 29 years ago was it? :P
    • Since the Talk Page is kinda dead about the German War, and since I am sticking with Persia now, I want to remind you that I am in the war, and that I expect his two German/Georgian States. Thanks, Reximus Maximus 
    • That is part of his backup nation. It's not allowed.
    • I'd much rather get all of my old lands back, Cal. That was the only reason I helped in the war. And Rex, your contribution to the war isn't enough to justify you gaining both states when they would most likely break away instead. Though that is something I feel Cal should consider himself. ~Viva
    • Whoa! Who's said I was winding down - not done. I didn't say it was finished. Everybody take a chill pill, jeez.~ Andrew
  • Saxony: Saxon troops and their Anhaltese and Colognese counterparts continue fighting the Germanicans. With Bavaria handling the North-Eastern front, our troops turn our attention to helping the Italians liberate the Netherlands and North-Sea-Germany. Diplomats are sent to the Congress occurring to discuss the aftermath of the war. Saxon West Africa assists the war effort by fighting Germanican colonial forces in Kongo and Guinea. Troops and a naval squadron based out of Khmer Koch assist with liberating the Philippines.
  • The Hellenic Union thanks its allies for the support against the French and hopes to make breakthroughs soon. More and more troops are diverted to attack areas of Carthage and France. The Hellenic Union also calls on more countries to help defend the Hellenic Union in the face of French warmongering.
  • Cyrenaica also continues to attack the French.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari continues his construction projects, and decides to continue work aimed at his neighboring states - Baghdad, Kuwait, the Dimurats, and Turkestan. The war against German lands in Georgia continue, and we make good progress due to help from our allies, which have bolstered our success. We send an envoy to Europe to ensure that Persia gets what it came for during the war. He continues to work with the Dimurat Kingdom, which is in a Dynastic Union, and continues to support their vassalization of Mangyastau and Xwarezm, which appear on track for 1828. In Persia proper, vassalization of Armenia continues unabated, also on track for 1828. Meanwhile, progress on a railroad from Tehran to New Persepolis is made, expected to be completed in two years. The Shah of Persia musters a large army and marches into Iraq. He meets the Kuwaiti sultan in a battle neat Baghdad, and wins decisively, killing the Sultan. Shah Aslan is crowned Sultan of Baghdad, and appoints one of his ministers to be Sultan of Kuwait. Economy grows.
    • REX!!! THE DIMURATS are not in Dynastic Union with you, they are my country, please accept that. And how the hell did you get so many puppets???
  • Baghdad is engulfed in civil war, but eventually the Shah of Persia wins, defeating the Sultan of Kuwait. It is then deemed needed for Persia to build a continuation of the New Persepolis-Tehran line of the railroad to expand to reach the city of Baghdad. The economy grows.
  • Sanaa and Aden, both now Persian puppets, begins to exert pressure on the other Yemeni state to consider joining Persia's sphere of influence. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely, and many think Haramaut will eventually join Persia. The same pressure is placed upon Socotra, which is less Nestorian, but still interested. Economy grows.
  • The Scandinavian Emperor dies, and his son Charles is crowned as Emperor Charles I of the Scandinavian Empire. The Empire continues to expand its rail network, with the Stockholm line being slowly extended up the Baltic coast. More factories are built in the cities of Oslo and Stockholm to further augment this expansion. The Scandinavians begin to expand their military, with many aging vessels being replaced.
    • Dimurats offer Scandinavia a trade pact.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion. It surprises itself at the war occuring in Germany, but declares itself neutral in the war. However, the French government openly prefers and embraces the idea of a Bavarian-led government friendlier to France than it had been previously. The French army soon sails from the Occitanian naval ports and the Venaissin and so do the French soldiers in Carthage since the Welsh war. Soon Aquitaine and Occitania join the war.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Haute Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The railway lines begin to grow as smaller railroads spread from cities like Bhubaneswar. An ambitious railway project begins construction, from Bhubaneswar to Bumbai. It is predicted to bring in a lot of money. As well as this, a route to directly Delhi is also planned to take place. Great rolls of paper begin to become a common site as factories successfully churn out paper. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 2150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. Hindi becomes the dominant language in most Maharajyan territories. The exceptions to this are the newly bought colonies of Orissan Aprika and Dakshin Aprika. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles, with more air rifles produced. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and showly begin to become more popular over wind driven ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 5150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals next to Orissan Aprika continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The war against the Germans successfully continues. Mysore begins to falter against the relentless attacks by the Orissan Armed Forces. Much of their cavalry is defeated by square formations of troops, and when the Orissan Cavalry counter-attacks, their response is weak. The war seems to be going very well and the Navy shows its dominance. The Germans take heavy losses on their mainland and their colonies. West Africa becomes a big theatre for Orissan forces. The Orissan Navy takes on the Germans for the control of the two nations, with huge naval encounters taking place. The Germans are pushed back, and land forces move swiftly to capture much land.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore begins to become quite popular, and more plans to connect Delhi are also discussed. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The states declare military support for the campaign. Mataram and Brunei also declare military support for the Cypriots, due to their clause for helping them when the sale of their colony was passed. It is being debated whether the states should get fully involved in the war.
  • Much of the Netherlands and Luxembourg falls to Italia's hands this year with Brussels, Bruges, Liege and Luzembourg all captured. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Bucharest and Tirana. Attempts to add Sofia and Varna to the network continue. The Italia Rail Company cntinues work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang works on its economy. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary send troops against France in defense of the Hellenic Union.
  • The Levantine Kingdom sends troops into Carthage in support of the Hellenic Union. The Suez Canal blocks all French shipping. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both conduct raids on French shipping. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
Antipodes South Bay

Yagich Enchi Kazuo

  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand. Relations with the Apache are deepened due to the Apache entrance into the Apostolic faith, and Apache clerics are invited to learn in Ona Yagich. It is discreetly mentioned through emissaries that, at some point in the future, there may be interest in a royal marrriage between the two nations to cement their ties. (Apache Response). One small island is found North of Yagich Pugh and is named Yagich Enchi Kazuo in honor of the new Prime Bishop. A group of settlers is dispatched. (Yagich Pugh expands 22 km sq onto OTL Antipodes Island)
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Imperium Africana develops its military infrastructure and economy, as well as those of its vassals. Development of the rail network continues, and the development of new canals to support increased agricultural efforts in the deserts of Sudan begin. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. The dominion of Borona is expanded by 20,000 km into the deserts of Australis, and the opal mining in the region continues. The third year of vassalizing the Akan state (west of Oyo) begins, as the Ethiopians insert their merchants into positions of power as the tribal chieftains seek to learn more about this Ethiopia.


A massive fire guts the Scandinavian capital of Reykjavik. Tragically the Imperial Palace is destroyed, with only one major building remaining standing in the entire complex. Thankfully Emperor Charles is safe and sound, as he was visiting the Scandinavian mainland.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be built. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military expands.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways begin to be studied upon. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki continues to send limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also continues to send limited military aid.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. President Mononobe Nobutsuna continues to send supplies to help Germania/Brandenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We finally enter into a dynastic/personal union with Mangystau, and we begin to slowly unify the two countries' militaries as the two nations sign an alliance. We continue to build up our roadways. We send several envoys to China asking them for a trade deal. We continue the rebuilding of the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We begin to industrialize. We begin to influence Xwarezm.
  • Sultanate of Mangystau: We begin building up roads and postal services throughout the country, and we begin to modernize and industrialize the country. The infrastructure of the country is built up as is the military. We begin merging our military with that of the Dimurats, and we begin training Dimurats in the Mangystau Navy on the Caspian Sea, allowing them to learn about sailing and naval warfare.
  • The Scandinavian Emperor Charles, dismayed by the destruction of the Imperial capital, establishes a temporary capital in the city of Stockholm, which had served as the capital of Germanica's Swedish province for years. The former Germanican Governor's Palace is used as a temporary royal residence until further notice. It's unlikely that the capital will return to Reykjavik, as most of the city's homeless residents had fled to other parts of Iceland and the rest of the Empire. It has also been decided that it would be too expensive to restore the Imperial Palace, and most of the effort is put into stabilizing the one remaining building. A new rail line is established through Aarhus to what is soon to be the Greater German border.
  • Bayern: The war continues on. Troops occupy strategic areas in and around Berlin. The Germanican Hall of Records is raided, then razed to the ground. Troops also set fire to their Houses of Parliament and the Kaiser's offices. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures. Only Bavaria and Saxony are allowed to have the weaponry. The Prague- Vienna line is completed to much fanfare, allowing goods and services to travel faster than before. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. A new flag for the Greater Germanic Reich is proposed. The actual design is being decided on by popular referendum.
    • I already evacuated the government and took important things. You've got nothing left to do except rape women and eat babies! :D
    • LOL, Scraw. That's funny. No, I was trying an 1814 style event. No eating babies, even if they are yummy ...
    • The Scandinavians ask that the Germans link up with their southern rail line when the war to unify their people is over.
    • The Reich agrees.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans and the Apache continues, growing the Lakota tribal economy.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We send workers to China and we continue working on the part from Changsha to Wuhan.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion. It surprises itself at the war occurring in Germany, but declares itself neutral in the war. However, the French government openly prefers and embraces the idea of a Bavarian-led government friendlier to France than it had been previously. The French army soon sails from the Occitanian naval ports and the Venaissin and so do the French soldiers in Carthage since the Welsh war. Soon Aquitaine and Occitania join the war.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Tyrol: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Tyrol is divided in two districts, Rhaetian and German district: The Germans occupying the north while the Rhaetian, the south. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Haute Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up. Declares war against the Hellenic Union.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League. Sends aid into the war with Greece.
  • The Hellenic Union thanks its allies for the support against the French and hopes to make breakthroughs soon. More and more troops are diverted to attack areas of Carthage and France. The Hellenic Union also calls on more countries to help defend the Hellenic Union in the face of French warmongering.
  • Cyrenaica also continues to attack the French.
    • It's a tie. Could we finish this war? No side will win and both will get the war penalty. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 10:45, September 17, 2013 (UTC)
  • Saxony: Saxon, Anhaltese and Cologner forces push through the Netherlands, liberating towns and cities along the way. The Asian front also goes well, with most of the Philippines liberated. Saxon West Africa expands 1000 sq km inland. Diplomats continue to discuss what the results of the war will be.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). Russia spends more money on R&D. War declared on central asia, steamroll starts.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them War declared on Central Asia, steamroll starts.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. War declared on central asia, steamroll starts.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks. War declared on Central Asia, steamroll starts.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC waits out on the ERC. War declared on Central Asia, steamroll starts.
  • Riga works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. War declared on Central Asia, steamroll starts.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi. The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The UKA expands outward in Kanada as well.
  • Saami Autonomous Oblast: Population reaches 100,000. Expands into Kola. The Saamii approves of the ERC.
  • The Norwegian State: Works on its economy.
  • Imperium Africana develops its military infrastructure and economy, as well as those of its vassals. Development of the rail network continues, and the development of new canals to support increased agricultural efforts in the deserts of Sudan begin. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. The dominion of Borona is expanded by 20,000 km into the deserts of Australis, and the opal mining in the region continues. The fourth year of vassalizing the Akan state (west of Oyo) begins, as the Ethiopians insert their merchants into positions of power as the tribal chieftains seek to learn more about this Ethiopia.
    • Don't you remember that they (the state the you're trying to vassalize right now, it is called Dahomey) fought against your domination just some years ago?
    • That was actually a century or two ago. Ways off. ~Viva
  • Italia secures the former Netherlands and sends troops to link up with Saxon and Bavarian contingents in Germany. Meanwhile, the war effort in Antilia stalls as the colonial forces are pushed to the Germanican river garrisons. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Sofia. Italia seeks to link a line from Chuj to Kiev. The Italia Rail Company continues work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang works on its economy. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary send troops against France in defense of the Hellenic Union.
  • The Levantine Kingdom sends troops into Carthage in support of the Hellenic Union. The Suez Canal blocks all French shipping. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria both conduct raids on French shipping. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under Kind Atticus and Prime Minister Panatleon. Nobles begin jostling for position as the Prime Minister's post will become vacant in 1830 and many are keen not to allow him to retain influence in the saame way he did the first time he left power. Overcrwoding in the city of K'onip has subsided due to the repeated exodus of K'ionipians to the new colonies, most recently Yagich Pugh, although the city remains crowded. The colonies are themselves becoming full, with the city of Madoc and Praxedes on the Sea now covering almost all of the available land on the main island of Yagich Atticus (OTL Tristan de Cunha). It is decreed that the main island is closed for settlement and the future setters in the colony must go to the outlying isslands of Yagich Rachel (OTL. St, Helena) and Yagich Gavin (OTL Gough Island). Yagich Rachel is becoming a bustling port in its own right thanks to its warm climate and access to points farther north in Africa. Hence, emphasis is placed on increasing the numbers of settlres on the relatively inhospitable Yagich Gavin, which the governor of the colony - Icarus Ichin'hgogich - hopes will become a breadbasket of kelp-farming. The oldest colony, Yagich Rafael, begins to develop a cultural identity separate from the main Haruwin due to its isolation and the fact that the large landmass has allowed it to develop a large and self-sustaining population. Some nobles on the island begin agitating for independence, stating that they are tiered of dealing with their isolated homeland and desire to develop closer ties with allies such as United Maharajya. This causes some fear in the homeland, as the colony serves as the main information and transportation hub in the Haruwin's increasingly important relationship with Imperium Africana. It is announced that 19 year-old Prince David Menelik, heir to the throne, seeks a bride in the Selk'nam tradition of marrying near the age of 20.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The railway lines begin to grow as smaller railroads spread from cities like Bhubaneswar. The two ambitious routes from Bhubaneswar to Bumbai and Bhubaneswar to Delhi begin construction and gather a lot of attention. Many believe it will be a failed project and that it will be a white horse - generate more losses than the money it makes. Great rolls of paper begin to become a common site as factories successfully churn out paper. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. Hindi as the main language grows in the new colonies of Orissan Aprika and Dakshin Aprika. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles, with more air rifles produced. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and showly begin to become more popular over wind driven ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 6150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals next to Orissan Aprika continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The war against the Germans successfully continues. Mysore sees its last days as the Orissan Army moves toward the South to capture the last strongholds from the Germans. The war has almost finished and people know they are nearly there. The war seems to be going very well and the Navy shows its dominance. The Germans take heavy losses on their mainland and their colonies. West Africa sees even more successful battles carried out and the colony on the Golden Coast is captured successfully. Plans are made to use it.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore begins to become quite popular, and more plans to connect Delhi are also discussed. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The states declare military support for the campaign. Mataram and Brunei decide against fully participating. They, however, get ready for a new campaign which is quite far from home.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.


The pressures of organising 19 different states in a war strains the French War Ministry to the limits and the French Treasury too. France is forced to declare bankruptcy and is faced with the decision to seize funds from the other nations in the French League and centralize (annex them); or to allow the multiple members of the French League full independence and to break away from France; or to sell its colonies for funds. In Carthage, Aquitaine and Angoulême, Normandy and Brittany, pro-independence activists revolt forcing their nations to withdraw from the war on the Hellenic Union. Meanwhile, the lord of La Marche decides to break away from all relations with France and seeks Portuguese or Ethiopian protection. Tyrolia also decides to break away with the barriers of Switzerland, Bavaria and Italia protecting it.


I was thinking the same thing, Scraw.

In the first place, the only leaders are France, Occitania and the big states, and seriously, France has one big war and loses everything and the other nations don't. Isn't that kind of Implausible? Furthermore, the other states are only giving some troops. The war is only led by seven nations, which shouldn't be as hard as other wars that have occurred. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 17:09, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

Furthermore, the event is made by a player that joins the fight against me. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 17:17, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

You had too many small states in mainland France. Feudalism would be on its death knell, and this post finishes it completely. Plus, notice how Scan made it after the date you said you were going to end the war. 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 19:08, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

I'm giving you a chance to do what other players have already done ... Centralize. Italia did it in the 1600s, Germany in the 1700s. It's about time you unified your 12 micronations in and near Europe. Also, as France OTL united in the 1500s, you have ethnic minorities in France with a distinct culture now. In essence, you control the ATL Balkans ... Good luck is all I can say ... Good luck. Scandinator (talk) 22:44, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

And to think Yugoslavia united in the 1600s. I really do wish you luck, Sine. Get a murderous king on the throne, or you might never be able to wipe their culture to keep them French. 1 Imp (Say Hi?!) 20:33, September 19, 2013 (UTC)
  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be built. Meanwhile in León, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a boy, who is named Juan, while in Navarra, Catarina Téllez de Meneses gives birth to a boy, who is named Garcia. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile, Afonso XIII reevaluates Henrique de Lusignan's 1824 proposal, and decides to start implementing it. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue. Meanwhile, later, Afonso XIII receives the Marchois proposal. he accepts, despite not understanding well why La Marche would want to break away.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways begin to be studied upon. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki continues to send limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also continues to send limited military aid.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. President Mononobe Nobutsuna continues to send supplies to help Germania/Brandenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Imperium Africana states that it will be honored to accept La Marche into the Imperium as a member of the empire. Several thousands of troops are sent to protect the territory, and begin establishing infrastructures within the territory. The military, economy and infrastructure of the empire and its vassals are expanded. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. The dominion of Darfur is expanded by 20,000 km to west of Ethiopia toward the small Central African kingdoms. Dahomey is annexed as a member of the Imperium after the government of the kingdom is infiltrated and converted to join the Ethiopians. Military personnel from neighboring Oyo are sent to enforce the new laws of the empire, and begin industrilizing the territory in accordance with Ethiopian standards. The development of the Hindi-Amharic language known as Sankala has grown to a point where the majority of the Ethiopian population speaks it in their daily lives, and many even teach it as an alternative to their children than Amharic. Such is its popularity, that many of the Emperor's nobles speak it as their court language over Ge'ez. As such, the Emperor declares that the language, 200 years after its inception as a secondary language, Sankala shall now possess co-equal status with Amharic and Ge'ez within the Imperium.
  • Bayern: (stupid freaking edit conflicts!!!!!!! Fifth time in a row!!!!!)The war begins to wind down (right?) Troops occupy strategic areas in and around Berlin. The city council of Berlin is opened for elections. The Central government reveals plans to re-organize the Suddeutches Reich into the Greater Germanic Reich. The Bayernishe Rifle Company continues to produce the air rifle, supplies are restricted due to security measures. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian- Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. A new flag for the Greater Germanic Reich is being voted on, and a tentative map drawn. A Constitutional Convention is expected to be held next year.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The railway lines begin to grow as smaller railroads spread from cities like Bhubaneswar. The two ambitious routes from Bhubaneswar to Bumbai and Bhubaneswar to Delhi continues construction. The railroads are hot topics of discussion among the common folk of Maharajyan citizens. Great rolls of paper begin to become a common sight as factories successfully churn out paper. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. Hindi as the main language grows in the new colonies of Orissan Aprika and Dakshin Aprika. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles, with more air rifles produced. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic continues to gain prominence in many people's lives. The Ethiopians are helped as large amounts of food and equipment are sent in a steady stream to help the nation recover from the horrible war. Propaganda continues to spur the citizens to view the Ethiopians akin to Orissans and as cultural "brothers" and that the people must help their brothers by fighting for the Ethiopians. A hybrid language developed, called Sankala, begins to get sway in the SOC. Many merchants begin learning the language immediately. It quickly becomes put into schools as a second language choice, and schools indicate that it has begun to become the second most popular second language, after Amharic. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and showly begin to become more popular over wind driven ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 6150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals next to Orissan Aprika continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The war against the Germans reaches its successful conclusion. The two states in West Africa are made into vassals of the United Maharajya. The Gold Coast is declared a colony of the United Maharajya, and troops are immediately stationed there. The subcontinent is finally united under the banner of the United Maharajya, and people rejoice in happiness at the fact. The South begins to see a large need for many areas to be reconstructed. Hyderabad is to become a major city. Large numbers of Hindu missionaries head into Mysore to convert people.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore begins to become quite popular, and more plans to connect Delhi are also discussed. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes evem more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. Mataram and Brunei realise that they need to extend their influence onto Australis. They quickly ready up their navies and with support from the SOC and the United Maharajya, invade New Oman. They realise the gold would be useful for many things and they could look to buy colonies with it and help pay off much debt of the United Maharajya.
  • Neu Berlin is attacked by millions of Germanic immigrants flowing in globally, with the population booming massively to 15 million, with three million coming from Germanic proper, one million from Neu Prussen, two million from Chimu, four million from Mysore (mostly non-Hindus; ie, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, etc), three million from Orientalia, one million from Maroko and 500,000 each from Neu Mecklenburg and Moretania. Georgia also suffers immigration from the dead states, inflating its population to ten million. These cause massive expansion in the militaries of Neu Berlin and Georgia, as well as the expansion of Neu Berlin 15,000 sq km along the Mississippi River. After trading correspondence, the government of Georgia agrees to recognize the government-in-exile in Neu Berlin as the official successor state to the now dead Reich. Georgia and Neu Berlin are placed into personal union this year, and the Reichstag, which is currently based in Neu Berlin, vows to one day rebuild the Germanic Reich from the ashes and to crush its enemies underfoot, promising three deaths for the death of every Germanic citizen or soldier. This is met by uproarous support across Neu Berlin and Georgia. The last loyal forces in Germanica burn down whatever small abandoned infrastructue they can to screw over the conquerors. Neu Berlin is itself forced to build up its own industry, and plans to connect the capitals of each province via a railway are drafted. Neu Berlin, forced to expand even more, sends a small fleet to the Pacific coast, to the west of Baitudu, and this new colony is deemed Neu Germanica, and it expands 800 sq km (4x industrial bonus) inland.
    • The Mayan Empire wishes to re-negotiate the alliance it had with the former Germanica with its successor state, Neu Berlin.
    • Neu Berlin is more than happy to do so.
    • 'Dimurats and Mangystau ''''offer a defensive alliance and trade deal to Neu Berlin and Georgia.
    • I have access to the Caspian Sea. Still not a major ocean, but I'm big enough to offer a defensive alliance.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
  • It's decided to permanently change the Scandinavian capital to Stockholm, as the now greatly reduced Reykjavik is still far from rebuilt. The city now only serves as the capital of Iceland. The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout the nation. The railways continue to expand throughout the nation with the Stockholm Line continuing to expand up the Baltic, The Aarhus Line continuing to expand south toward Germany, and a new line being started in Oslo and going east.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We send workers to China and we begin working on the part from Wuhan to Jinan.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari continues his construction projects, and decides to continue work aimed at his neighboring states - many of which are now his realms or vassals. The war against German lands in Georgia continue, and we make good progress due to help from our allies, which have bolstered our success. We send an envoy to Europe to ensure that Persia gets what it came for during the war. In Persia proper, vassalization of Aq Qoyunlu is finished, and the Qoyunlu state becomes the first Persian vassal. The railroad project from New Persepolis is finished, but a series of extensions is planned to make travel much more efficient throughout the Empire. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. During the war against Germania, a lot of progress is made, and the eastern Georgian state is completely under the military control of Persia. After gaining access through Qoyunlu, an assault on the southern half of the western Georgian state begins, aimed at rolling the Germans up. Qoyunlu joins the war, also. Military grows.
  • Yeah, no. Georgia's a part of my fallback nation, and you can't vassalize countries with an NPC bonus so fast. Shoutout to Von and Imp.
  • Baghdad continues to be busy on the Tehran-Baghdad line of the rail system. Following recovery after the war with the Sultan of Kuwait, construction projects begin to take place in other cities between the Tigris and Euphrates, like Kirkuk and Karbala. The Baghdadis send troops to fight Germany, as does Kuwait. A large suggestion, the vassalization of Khafji, is undertaken. Aslan Askari is viewed as attempting to recreate the earlier Askari Shahdom. The military grows.
  • Sanaa and Aden, Persian puppets, continue to exert pressure on the other Yemeni state to consider joining Persia's sphere of influence. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely, and many think Haramaut will eventually join Persia. The same pressure is placed upon Socotra, which is less Nestorian, but still interested. Economy grows.
    • I just noticed it now, but you can't just vassalize those two states in one year like you did.
  • The Hellenic Union, hearing of French bankruptcy, leaves its troops stationed where they are for the moment, and tries to rebuild the border regions of Cyrenaica as well as some of the Nea Lefkosia colony which also incurred heavy damage. The economy, now reviving after the war, grows and the military expands to make up for the war losses.
  • Cyrenaica does much the same as the Hellenic Union. The Cyrenaican army and navy is expanded, as well as the economy, and rebuilding begins.
  • Saxony: With most of the Netherlands liberated, a small force is sent to help mop up any remaining Germanic forces in Brython, In the Orient, colonial troops continue fighting the Germanics in the Philippines. Saxon Australis expands into the tiny gap separating the original part from the newly traded section. Saxon West Africa expands inland 1000 sq km.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We complete unifying our military with that of Mangyastau, and we now begin to merge our economies together. We continue to build up our roadways. We continue the rebuilding of the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We continue to influence Xwarezm (year two). The Dimurat Postal Service is established, with regular mail deliveries twice a week. We also extend the public school systems from ages eight to 12 to five to 16, and this creates a new job industry in education. We offer a defensive alliance and trade deal to Neu Berlin and Georgia.
  • Sultanate of Mangystau: We begin building up roads and postal services throughout the country, and we begin to modernize and industrialize the country. The infrastructure of the country is built up as is the military. We complete merging our military with that of the Dimurats, and we now have a unified military command. We begin to merge our economies together. We begin to indsutrialize. We adopt the Dimurats system of public eduacation. The University of Mangystau is established, with sience and philosophy being the two main courses. We offer a defensive alliance and trade deal to Neu Berlin and Georgia.
  • France: Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. prompts the Carthaginian army to build up defenses along the Mauritanian-Morocco border in Africa. Military is built up. Entering the fourth stage and getting the 4x colonial rate expansion. It surprises itself at the war occurring in Germany, but declares itself neutral in the war. However, the French government openly prefers and embraces the idea of a Bavarian-led government friendlier to France than it had been previously. The French army soon sails from the Occitanian naval ports and the Venaissin and so do the French soldiers in Carthage since the Welsh war. Troops from the front return home. The government decides to first put a 15 years economic parole period in order for all the states to begin an industrial growth and economic regularization. While this, it offers to the pro-independence activists to come to the negotiating table to discuss about future plans to leave their respectives zones or to integrate more the local peoples into the government.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Sends aid into the war with Greece. Troops from the front return home.

Bavaria would like to buy part of Carthage or another territory to help you with your debts. We offer 11,000,000 Reichsmarks.

  • Carthage Elissa III's reign proves worthy, the Nestorian church grows back to its power, as the Roman Catholicism lose part of its power on the region. During these events Elissa is crowned as Queen of Africa and Numidia. Military is built up. Elissa begins the process of urban Carthage, with the foundation of several new coastal cities like Nova Burdigala, Nova Lutetia and Nova Massilia, in the northwestern coast of Carthage, most of this cities using steam powered boats in the coast for the new fishing industries. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Troops from the front return home.
    • Persia and Baghdad, the two largest states where Nestorianism is the primary religion, begin to consider the potential advatages of uniting the Carthaginian Nestorian Church with that of Persia. The current Patriach of New Persepolis is interested in merging the two churches.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Troops from the front return home.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Troops from the front return home.
  • Occitania: Military is built up and school system continues growing and navy expands. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Troops from the front return home.
  • La marche: Military is built up and school system continues growing. Troops from the front return home.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Troops from the front return home.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Expansion toward the south starts at 10,000 sq km. Aids Aquitaine in the war. Troops from the front return home.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean Monarchy after some months of rule. Troops from the front return home.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. Troops from the front return home.
  • Haute Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Troops from the front return home.
  • Basse Bourgogne: Military and navy are built up. Troops from the front return home.
  • Picardy: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Troops from the front return home.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Troops from the front return home.
  • Aquitaine: Military and navy are built up. Troops from the front return home.
  • Angouleme: Military and navy are built up. Withdraws from the war and recognizes the new French king. Troops from the front return home.
  • Normandy: Military and navy are built up. The Kingdom is re-organized to enter the French League. Troops from the front return home.
  • Britanny: Military and navy are built up. The Republic of Britanny becomes a member of the French League. Troops from the front return home.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under Kind Atticus and Prime Minister Pantaleon. Pantaleon rams legislation through rescheduling the election of his successor for 1830 to align the election of a Prime Minister with the beginning and end of a decade. This is highly controversial but the disorganized opposition factions allow it to pass in hopes of having more time to build their own campaigns for the office. Yagich Rafael continues to boom, although local leaders become more vocal about the political dysfunction in the mainland. Yagich Atticus continues to establish itself as a thriving port under Icarus Ichin'Hgogich and it is said that Madoc and Praxedes on the Sea has become the wealthiest city in the Haruwin, which greatly angers many in Ona Yagich. King Atticus becomes highly concerned with finding a bride for his son and heir Prince David Menelik, who by Selk'nam tradition should be married around the age of 20. Atticus also becomes concerned that his son may not be "Atlantian" enough for the taste of the locals, and as such sends emissaries to the Maya, Apache and Aymara in the hopes that a royal bride may be found among the natives or either Antillia or Atlantia (Maya, Apache and/or Aymara responses - will entertain offers from elsewhere as well).
    • Portugal, attempting to further relations with the Selk'nam, and hearing that there is a precedent for this situation, offers Urraca Manrique de Lara, 16 years of age, daughter of Garcia Manrique de Lara, Count of Treviño, and niece of the Emperor of Spain.
  • Italia re-organizes the low countries into the states of the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium which are collectively known as the Union of Benelux. Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Sofia.Italia seeks to link a line from Chuj to Kiev. The Italia Rail Company continues work on the line from Treviso to Vienna. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia, and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval build-up. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.


Brittany and Normandy ignore French attempts at co-operation and declare independence. To add insult to injury they seek an alliance with the Benelux and Italia. Picardy considers following suit.

This is what happens when you ignore mod events, Sine, and continue copy pasting and pretending that everything will be fine if you ignore it. You need to centralize NOW. Every other nation in Europe and others around the world have already done it.

I am going to centralize, but I didn't have much time in the morning, hence the copypasting. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 00:07, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

And you can't blame the Balkanized France all over me. Scraw also blockaded my path after his conquest of Aquitaine, and I even asked him to allow Aquitaine to join the French League. and I still think the bankruptcy event is biased. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 00:09, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

Then why didn't you unify France after you got Aquitane? You're bad at making excuses.
I didn't because by then I had expanded my expansion plan (LOL) so I needed the most score I could get. LOL. Still, German occupation of Aquitaine did block my plan to unify France. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 01:00, September 19, 2013 (UTC)
So you did this to cheat in the algo?

New post, France unified done.

You guys also forgot Brython. After gaining every single little state in the British Isles, they united to form Great Brython. The rules say it - A nation in full unity is less likely to rebel. Reximus Maximus 

What he said, you've been forgetting the British for a while. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 01:00, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

Scan, when you said that La Marche asked for protection, you meant that it was asking for alliances or you meant what I thought (vassalage)? Because if it is really vassalage, or something similar, you should choose who La Marche will accept.--Collie Kaltenbrunner (talk) 16:21, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

Alliance. Scandinator (talk) 23:16, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be built. Meanwhile in Aragon, an earthquake happens in the comarca of Alicante, killing about 400 people. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" starts to be gradually established. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the country expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Shogun Rokkaku Mitsuaki continues to send limited military aid to help the United Maharajya in its war. The Okinawa Kingdom also continues to send limited military aid. Gold is discovered in Sado and soon a mine is set up (Yes there's gold in Sado. See here for more information).
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites. President Mononobe Nobutsuna continues to send supplies to help Germania/Brandenburg.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Bayern- State of the German Empire- Berlin elects its new leaders. The state of Brandenburg is formed officially. The states of the German Empire are as follows: Anhalt, Bayern, Saxony, Swiss, Nord Tyrol, Nord Osterreich, Polen, Brandenburg, Hamburg and the Rhineland. Each state is given equal representation in the Senat, in the Reichshaus each state is to send representatives based on population. The High Chancellor elections will be held next year Empire wide, with candidates from the Socialist Party, the Christian Party, the Democratic Party, and the Labour Party. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian- Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. Access to Kiev is granted through Bavaria to Italia. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. Bayern asks France if it may buy all or part of Carthage, in part to help France eliminate its debt.
    • France D: wants to discuss how much land Bavaria would get in exchange for the money amount they are offering. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 02:57, September 19, 2013 (UTC)
    • Bavaria will offer 28 million Reichsmarks for Carthage, price is negotiable.
  • France: Realizing that the events wouldn't success the Gaul Republic is proclaimed and Charles XII abdicates in favor of the republic and unifying France excluding a small region in Southern France where the Pope continues having some remnant power in the region, yet now heavily under the new democratic government and Lorraine (to be annexed in the future), the Constitution finally redacted after several years of debate in the senate and assembly including secularism as one basic principle, as human equality. While this, the Capital is set in Paris, the biggest and most developed city within the entire republic, The Germanic peoples inAaquitaine are allowed to keep its culture, but a new imperative and tendence begins with several French inhabitants fleeing toward the fields and medium sized cities of France. While this, in order to avoid conflicts with its neighbours, France asks the Rhaetians (South Tyrol inhabitants) to be allowed to return to France if they wish to do so. In other news, it offers the Normans and Bretons to rejoin as members of the Gaul Republic with local ruling so that their government may only be reached by a citizen born in the region and with local citizenship. In other news, La Marche is approached with a similar offering to the Normans Bretons, and the French government of the republic being fairly clear, if you don't accept our offer, we will not hesitate nor less to use force to reunify our once glorious nation, military is built up and colonies expand Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, while Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 2000 sq km inland and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 15,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. The French Senate is divided in four main parties, Republicans, Federalists, Consulars and Democrats each leading a different perception of the meaning of republic. By last, although tempted and in the need of them, France declines the offer of Bayern claiming that the land and resources of Carthage should only be of Carthage. Military is built up.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Following the fall of the Valois-Burgundy family Lorraine own small senate has elections, the questioning of the current time, Should we become a republic, the answer is clear as 85% of the senators says yes, hence starting the Small Republic of Lorraine.
  • Carthage: Elissa III faces the biggest crisis in the Carthaginian history since the construction of their empire in late 1500 early 1600, She choose to remain with France, due to the ties that now share with the Republic, and due to the diaspora of many French toward the Mediterranean coast of Carthage. She also agrees with a much more open government for the people, impulsed by the French republicans and the French Carthaginians, the senate is divided in three parties, French republicans, Carthaginian Conservatives and Tuareg Muslim Radicals each party having its own branch within itself. The military is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander begins the organization of a Judean monarchy after some months of rule.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. Organizes the new government in the smaller region.
    • The capital of Venaissin is Avignon, which is nowhere near that scrap of land you gave it.
    • LOL. Well, the Pope moved. I want the Pope to have the chance to flee in case of siege from land. Although I'll probably add a small dot in the position of Avignon to give it to the Papal remaining domains.
    • As opposed to leaving them open to an amphibious invasion? And why would the Pope leave the only official Papal residence outside of Rome?
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • France-1829

    Gaul's Republic.

  • First time I've posted something completely new in a while.
  • A lot of those terrritories have revolted.
  • Not really, he only mentioned Brittany, Normandy and La Marche.
  • Aquitane and Angouleme too. And Venaissin and Carthage.
  • The Neu Berlin Reich offers to buy the French colony of Baie d'Eric for seven million francs, pulling French funds into the positive.
  • France declines the offer. Sine dei gloriem (talk) 01:08, September 19, 2013 (UTC)
  • Then you are still bankrupt and prone to more revolution.
  • In Carthage, Aquitaine and Angoulême, Normandy and Brittany, pro-independence activists revolt forcing their nations to withdraw from the war on the Hellenic Union. It only mentions Aquitaine and Carthage to have independentist movements, never that they declared independence, and vennaisin was never mentioned, nor angouleme. and I didn't annex nations that declared independence from me , nor added them on the map as mine.
  • Can you read English? 'pro-independence activists revolt! 'Each of those countries has had revolution.
  • Brittany: A new constitution is written declaring us the National French Republic. We build up our military and ask for an alliance with Neu Berlin and Persia.
    • Neu Berlin accepts.
  • Following the concerning reports across continental Europe, Imperium Africana sends a request to the four governors general in the British Isles to form a unified state under a personal union with the Emperor of Ethiopia. The 1.2 million Ethiopians residing in the isles are concerned with the news of what happened in France, and push their governors to abide by the decree from the Emperor. Elsewhere, the development of the industrial base in the homeland continues, with railroads, canals and dams built throughout Ethiopia and Sudan, bringing water and grasslands to once barren regions of the country. Back in Europe, the Ethiopian government seeks to reclaim Brittany and Normandy, and reaches out to the considerable Ethiopian diaspora still holding positions of power in the two nations to rejoin the empire for the benefit of both countries. The Emperor orders a census to take place in 1830, and the military to increase its size to 500,000 as part of his reorganization schemes. With the decrease of the empire's size due to the German betrayal, the Ethiopians are now able to focus more on their British territories, and their African holdings at home. The vassalization of Nyamwezi begins, with the young Emperor of Ethiopia begins to court the daughter of the King of Nyamwezi for his eldest son, while he himself requests the hand of the Maharaja's daughter in Orissa. The colony of Bärädä is expanded by 3500 km, while the colonies of Tumaini and Wädäb are expanded by 2000 km each. Dähnnät is expanded by 1500 km. The dominion of Darfur is expanded by 20,000 km to west of Ethiopia.
  • Mali is kind of ... over expanding ... it basically gives you control of Africa.
  • Well, that's kinda like ... the plan. Not like I can expand anywhere else, and I was told repeatedly that I had all of Africa to expand into, by AP, Von and numerous other mods. I'm just doing what they said I could and should do. ~Viva
    • Mali is about your size in itself. This would already disqualify it for diplomatic vassalizing, as it shouldn't be more than half your size. And there's also the fact that you don't even border them.
    • I do have a border with them. I vassalized the state next to them. Also, they have the same size as Ethiopia, but not the same population. They have about 15 million people witihn their borders, but Ethiopia has more than 80 million. That also doesn't consider the fact that they are technologically and economically backward by many decades, and Ethiopia could easily steamroll over them in the future if they were not to accept the proposal. So in short, they're a big ol' paper tiger. ~Viva
      • Yes, on war, but just because you have better technology doesn't mean that they are going to surrender just like that. The Matabele still fought the British in OTL even with smaller population, equivalent size and lesser technology.
      • Point taken. ~Viva
  • Neu Berlin expands its military. The Great Reich Railway connects to Tagnveta and Aegila. Plans to extend it into Frakik and Junkerstadt are drafted. Urbanization continues rapidly in Neu Berlin and Nye Norge. More government buildings are built on Klien Islen, while Lange Islen becomes a place for housing for immigrants from former Germanic lands, and jobs are created on Manhattan Island. It asks to buy Baie d'Eric. Georgia builds up its military.
    • France D: After much concern and some time to think the Senate chooses to give half of the territory of Baie d'Eric to Germany, mostly inland territory.
    • Neu Berlin will only pay three million francs for this (which means you're still bankrupt).
    • France D: We are aware of that, but most of inland Baie d'Eric is wilderness, and the money would be good to us - although we would rather it be given in gold and silver to later be made into francs (new coin to be made by the next few years so ...)
    • We'll give you silver for the whole thing.
    • France D: Agreed then
      Gaul Rep1829

      Papal states fix

      (and new map for France.)
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We send workers to China and we begin working on the part from Wuhan to Jinan. We now own the world's largest private railroad company: Rangoon Railways - and they hired people to build the Chinese railroads, speeding it up by 50%. We now have a population of six million.
  • Saxony: The Landwehr (militia) is stood down from active duty and the military focuses on providing the majority of the army with the air rifles which proved so beneficial in the war. A new Naval HQ (Saxon Division) is established at OTL Wilhelmshaven, and ships are redistributed to the new port. The government focuses on rebuilding infrastructure in conquered areas, as well as propaganda assuring the new population that the government is their friend, and that the Saxons and Bavarians welcome their Brandenburger brothers with open arms. In Khmer Koch, a small but potentially immensely profitable poppy-growing industry is established, and receives some funding from the colonial authorities. Saxon Australis expands again into the tiny gap between the old and new territories, finally filling the gap. New Territory settlers from previous Welsh, Ethiopian and Germanic waves of immigration are given assurances of their rights to their property, and work begins on a road from Boniface to the regional centre of the New Territory. The central government gifts the Sumba Residency back to Tanimbarkai, and said kingdom works on industry and infrastructure. Saxon West Africa expands inland 1000 sq km, and works on roads, etc.
  • The Hellenic Union: Pulls out of France and Carthage and tries to rebuild the border regions of Cyrenaica as well as some of the Nea Lefkosia colony which also incurred heavy damage. The economy, now reviving after the war, grows and the military expands to make up for the war losses. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica does much the same as the Hellenic Union. The Cyrenaican army and navy is expanded, as well as the economy, and rebuilding begins. Cyrenaica is also expanded southward by 15,000 sq km.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans and the Apache continues, growing the Lakota tribal economy. Chief Looks to the Sky calls the lesser tribal chiefs together to organize several scouting parties to monitor the ever-growing colonies.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We continue to merge our economies together with Mangyastau We continue to build up our roadways. We continue the rebuilding of the country and the construction of several new cities using modern technology. We continue to influence Xwarezm (year 3). . We offer a defensive alliance and trade deal to China.
  • Sultanate of Mangystau: We continue building up roads and postal services throughout the country, and we continue to modernize and industrialize the country. The infrastructure of the country is built up as is the military. We complete merging our military with that of the Dimurats, and we now have a unified military command. We continue to merge our economies together. The University of Mangystau is expanded. We offer a defensive alliance and trade deal to China.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). Russia spends more money on R&D. Russia creates the vassal of the Kazakhstan Federation out of the old Kazakh Khanate. The government is "asked" to build a Duma. The EZhK decides to build a more extensive railway network in Russia, and one of its plans include a Trans-Siberian railway. Due to the incredible profitability of railways, and the growing towns, the Russian government approves of these plans for Europe, in addition to the Trans-Siberian, connecting Novgorod and Moscow/Minsk with Thikheokeanovsk and Okhotsk. The projected completion date of all connections is essentially 1850-1860.
    • Dimurat Diplomacy: We offer Russia a trade and Non-Aggression Pact.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC finally joins the ERC, as it was the only real way to build rail connections to the entirety of the Russian realm.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples).
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The UKA expands outward in Canada as well.
  • The Scandinavians officially renounce their claims to any territory outside of Scandinavia proper. The Emperor creates a new system of provinces based on geography rather than ethnicity as a way to improve national unity. Each province has a Duke who is subservient to the Emperor in Stockholm. The railways continue expanding with the Stockholm Line expanding north, the Aarhus Line expanding south, and the Oslo Line expanding east. The continuing rail expansion sparks a further increase in overall industry.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam:' Military and economy continue to expand. Reviewing his options King Atticus accepts the Portuguese proposal that Crown Prince David Menelik be wed to 'Urraca Manrique de Lara. The wedding takes place with great pomp in the Ona Yagich Cathedral, and the prince is said to be totally entranced by his young bride. However, Prime Minister Pantaleon privately expresses reservations that the public may become opposed to a monarch with so little Atlantian blood. Atticus himself just over a quarter Selk'nam and mostly Welsh, while David Menelik is half Ethipioan and less than a quarter Selk'nam - and his children will be half Portuguese. However, Atticus is firm that this does not differ from European Royalty, noting that his own "Welsh" blood is in fact a mixture of European nobility. Icarus Ichin'hgogich continues to be very successful at building the Yagich Atticus colony, and is increasingly lauded for his development of Yagich Gavin (Gough Island), which had previously been considered to mountainous for major settlement. Icarus, with the help of architect Caius Yagich'in'Hgog, devises a plan for a terraced city to over come the terrain and a terraced agriculture system. Word of Icarus's accomplishments creates a stir in Ona Yaghich. Meanwhile in Yagich Rafael, continued prosperity continues fueling calls for independence.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve. China denies the Dimurat and Mangystau defensive offers for now, but trade deals are accepted.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The railway lines begin to grow as smaller railroads spread from cities like Bhubaneswar. The two ambitious routes from Bhubaneswar to Bumbai and Bhubaneswar to Delhi continues construction. The railroads are hot topics of discussion among the common folk of Maharajyan citizens. Great rolls of paper begin to become a common sight as factories successfully churn out paper. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. Hindi as the main language grows in the new colonies of Orissan Aprika and Dakshin Aprika. The military begins to receive better cannons and rifles, with more air rifles produced. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Proper Amharic starts to lose sway as the new hybrid Sankala gains more and more sway with the people. With the Ethiopians recovered and well, the people see a better future with them. Sankala continues to be introduced in schools all over the United Maharajya, with many finding it interesting and useful to learn. It is hoped this will inspire older people to learn the language. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and showly begin to become more popular over wind driven ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 6150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The two vassals next to Orissan Aprika continue to see growth as many decide they do not want to live with the arriving numbers of Orissans. These two vassals expand 15,000 km. The two West African vassals (someone fill me in on their names please?) begin to expand by 15,000 km each. This is due to the fact that with a large number of Orissan traders arriving, the nation can expand its borders. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km. The South continues to see large number of construction taking place as its people work hard to rebuild what is theirs. A new propaganda campaign is begun, telling the people that it is good to be united under a Bharati and not foreign power. Hyderabad sees major construction and the Orissan industrialists bring with them the secrets of industry and begin constructing major factories, attracting large numbers of migrants into the city. Large amounts of people begin to be reached by the missionaries who quickly begin their work and begin to try to conver people. However, a couple million did leave the area - those who do not want to like under the Orissan rule. The Raja (I will need to add to this bit)
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore begins to become quite popular, and more plans to connect Delhi are also discussed. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes even more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. Mataram and Brunei continue to wage war and plan to involve Butung into the war. Butung agrees and declares war.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network into Hungary and Yugoslavia continues with the lines reaching Varna. The line to Vienna is completed with much fanfare linking the two largest rail networks of Europe. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia, and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux accepts the alliance offers of Brittany and Normandy and the states co-operate in improving their infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval build up. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues. Meanwhile in Aragon, the railroad from Tolosa to Montpellier continues to be built. Meanwhile in Navarra, Joana IV dies, and the throne passes to her nephew, Garcia, who is crowned King of Navarra as Garcia XI. Meanwhile, Catarina Téllez de Meneses gives birth to a boy, who is named Felipe. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Santa Catarina expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" starts to be gradually established. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is expanded.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Some more mines are set up in Sado.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • French Nationial Republic: We work on our military and begin to influence Normandy.
  • The Scandinavians continue to centralize their government, and the old system of ethnocentric member states is discontinued. They are replaced by provinces that are subordinate to the national government in Stockholm. Sweden is divided into nine provinces, Norway is divided into five provinces, Denmark is divided into five provinces, Iceland is divided into four provinces and only mostly unpopulated Svalbard remains intact. The Emperor creates a new Parliament in Stockholm, which is populated by provincial representatives sent to Stockholm by their Dukes. The existing flag is temporarily replaced by the former flag of the Kalmar Union as a stopgap measure. Efforts are being made to emphasize the the use of the growing Scandinavian language instead of the exclusive Icelandic language.
    • Bayern, on behalf of the German Empire, offers an alliance to the Imperium.
    • The Scandinavian Empire accepts your offer. NOTE: That Imperium bullshit ended when I took over.
  • Bayern- Statten of the German Empire-. Elections for high chancellor are finished with the isolationist Conservative Party leader, Owen Shlieling elected. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian-Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. Access to Kiev is granted through Bavaria to Italia. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. Bayern asks France if it may buy all or part of Carthage, in part to help France eliminate its debt. Bavaria's offers 16 million Reichsmarks, price negotiable. The military for the states of Bayern, Salzburg, Palatinate and Die Sweiss are expanded.
  • ARK: The military is improved and a royal marriage proposal is sent to the Selk'nam. One of King Gopans adopted sons is of age. Selk'nam, please repond.
    • Selk'nam Response: There are many fine young women among the Selk'nam nobility and it would greatly please King Atticus to offer any one of them. The King's eldest daughter, Princess Perpetua, will come of age in 1830, but would only be fit for an heir to the Apache throne. The King wishes to know where this prince sits in the line of succession. If he is to become King, Perpetua herself would be offered. If not, several young ladies from another branch of the House of Tuch'huelpe are of age, specifically one might consider Lady Leocadia Tuch'heulpe'ichin'OnaYagichin'i'i'i'Chongat'nam, who is second cousin to Perpetua and a trained acrobat of the Royal Circus of Ona Yagich.
    • Dang man, that name ... ~Viva
    • LOL it's far from the worst one I've produced. Go back to when my Crown Prince was born for that. Actually, there is a logic behind my crazy naming conventions - I explained it all on Rex's wall once. Selk'nam do not have surnames, just a Christian given name and a Selk'nam given name. My aristocracy has taken to giving themselves extremely long and self-referential Selk'nam names in the same way that European royalty have an absurd number of given names (Leocadia is HIGH aristocracy, note her name references two kingly ancestors and her city of birth). It helps that Selk'nam refer to people using only their Christian name (note that all of my Prime Ministers and Great Chiefs were only ever referenced by their first names.) At this point, it would be weird for a high-born Selk'nam not to have a huge name. Yes I've put way too much thought into this. Commandante Lemming (talk) 04:56, September 20, 2013 (UTC)
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
  • Imperium Africana expands its military, economy and infrastructure, including those of the vassals and dominions. Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km, while Wädäb and Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km each. The second year of Nyamwezi's vassalization begins, with Ethiopian clerics and merchants implanting themselves into the fabric of Nyamwezi society, and taking over commanding positions of power in the East African kingdom. The census planned by the Emperor of Ethiopia for 1830 takes place, and reveals that the Imperium has a total population of some 200 million citizens, with the populations of the major territories of the empire are as follows: 81 million in Ethiopia proper, five million in Darfur, 15 million in Adal, four million in Eritrea, 18 million in Britanya (Great Britain), 12 million in Kenya; for a total of 135 million.
  • Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km, and expands its military, economy and infrastructure. A second colony known as Baridi is established at OTL Provideniya in Siberia, and expands it by 25 km. It is planned to serve as a secondary fishing port for Ethiopian sailors in the region.
  • After expressing its interests in establishing its own colony, Eritrea is granted permission by the Imperial government to establish the colony of Buruk (ቡሩክ) at OTL Nome, Alaska, where a whaling and fishing center is to be established for the benefit of the empire. It is expanded by 25 km upon its foundation.
  • Following the devastating invasion of their homeland, and the weakening of the German nation, the British people demand vengeance for the death and destruction caused by the Germans in the 1820s. This pushes the government of Britanya to declare war on Neu Berlin to punish the German rulers for their folloy. Seeking an increase of prominence within the Imperium, Dahomey, Sukuma and Bado join in the conflict against Neu Berlin. Also joining the conflict are Warsangali, and the Somali nations of Hobyo Somalia and the Majeerteen and Ajuuraan Sultanates. The war has popular support throughout the Imperium, giving the collective suffering experienced by the Ethiopian people following the end of the fighting, and the loss of their territories in back room dealings to their allies during the end conflict without their consent.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari continues his construction projects, and decides to continue work aimed at his neighboring states - many of which are now his realms or vassals. We have taken over all of German Georgia, and it becomes the Persian vassal of Georgia (the two states were combined). A series of rail extensions through Aq Qoyunlu and Georgia are planned. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Economy grows.
  • Baghdad continues to be busy on the Tehran-Baghdad line of the rail system. Following recovery after the war with the Sultan of Kuwait, construction projects begin to take place in other cities between the Tigris and Euphrates, like Kirkuk and Karbala. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. The Baghdadis send troops to fight Germany, as does Kuwait. A large suggestion, the vassalization of Khafji continues. Aslan Askari is viewed as attempting to recreate the earlier Askari Shahdom. The economy grows.
  • Sanaa and Aden, Persian puppets, have convinced Haramaut to join the empire as a puppet, and Socotora continue to be convinced of the pros of joining a large empire. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Economy grows.
  • You can't vassalize these Von states so fast. You don't even border them.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We begin the part from Jinan to Beijing.
  • Gaul Republic: The Military is built up and navy expand, La Marche continues to be plead alongside with Normandy to rejoin the Gaul Republic, while this the infrastructure is built as in the south the Greek raidings were sufficient to cause important damages. However, the damage was minimum, the crisis inside the country pushes the creation of smaller amount of railways throughout the country, mainly through the capital and auxiliary cities within the country. While this, colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Following the fall of the Valois-Burgundy family Lorraine own small senate has elections, the questioning of the current time, Should we become a republic, the answer is clear as 85% of the senators says yes, hence starting the Small Republic of Lorraine. Gold is found in the mountains of Nouvelle Bourgogne.
  • Carthage: The choice made by Elissa seems to be right. Carthage begins to thrive again, although the mighty nation is injured, the senate backs the choices of Elissa. Carthage rule is asserted in North Africa, although the comfort zone from many militarist and senators of Carthage is fairly tight as they see Carthage caught between one nation. The military is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand,
  • Basotho: Military and navy is built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander I dies of a stroke leaving the rule as protector of Nouvelle Judea to his son Frederick I of Judea, being the youngest ruler in all of the Neo Judean history
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope continues to live in Avignon but his power nows decreased shows the change of times. The once mighty ruler of Europe is now caught in the walls of a small kingdom, only due to the choice of some politics far from his sight.
  • The Hellenic Union's economy, now reviving after the war, grows and the military expands to make up for the war losses. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Konstantinoupoli is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica does much the same as the Hellenic Union. The Cyrenaican army and navy is expanded, as well as the economy, and rebuilding begins. Cyrenaica is also expanded southward by 15,000 sq km.
  • United Sultanate of the Dimurats: The Dimurats build up their military and infrastructure, and continue to industrialize. We complete merging our economy with Mangyastau, and we begin the final step toward unification, we begin to unify our governments by merging our National Assemblies together into one. The new National Assembly passes a law unifying the Dimurats with Mangystau, and creating the United Sultanate of the Dimurats and Mangystau (USDM) From now on I will post as the USDM.
  • Sultanate of Mangystau: The economy is completely merged with that of the Dimurats. With this done, the two nations take the final plunge and unite their National Assemblies, which vote overwhelmingly to unite into the United Sultanate of the Dimurats and Mangystau (USDM), or United Sultanate for short.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: With the merger of Dimurats and Mangystau having been completed in October, the new nation is born and the United Sultanate is officially organized as the succesor to both Mangystau and Dimurats. The new nation declares November 3rd to be Union Day, to celebrate the official joining of the Dimurats and Mangystau. The Sultan Omani II and his wife have their first child, and he is named Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne. Industrialization and modernization begins in the contry, and we continue to influence Xwarezm (year four). The United Sultanate offers a trade deal and Non-Aggression Pact to the Russians and Chinese.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans and the Apache continues, growing the Lakota tribal economy. Chief Looks to the Sky begins to lead various scouting parties into nearby colonial lands.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany and Normandy co-operate in improving infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval buildup. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia, especially Brandenburg. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • The Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand under King Atticus and supposedly-retiring Prime Minister Pantaleon, who is term-limited. In preparation for the election, nobles have poured into Ona Yagich from even the farthest colonies. Pantaleon, keen on retaining behind-the-scenes power as in he did the last time he termed out, pushes the canidacy of a 72 year old Ona Yagich noble of the House or Tuch'huelpe - Jacob Tuch'huelpe'hgogichin'Yagich'i'iYachichin'i'i'OnaYagich'Navich. Jacob takes 40% on the first ballot but many nobles become angry at Pantaleon's refusal to cede control to a younger generation. At lease five other highly-ambitious candidates split votes from their own region and the election deadlocks. On the fifth ballot, ten votes suddenly appear for Icarus Ichin'hgogich, the charismatic

    Prime Minister Icarus Ichin'hgogich

    Governor of the Yagich Atticus colony (OTL Tristan da Cunha)
    . This surprises all, as no one had even considered electing a Prime Minister from a far-flung island colony. However, Icarus' exploits as governor have made him famous throughout the Haruwin for several years and once suggested, the idea quickly gains traction. Elected on the sixth ballot, a stunned Prime Minister Icarus is enthroned in Ona Yagich. Ex-Prime Minster Pantaleon is said to be furious. King Atticus has never met Icarus due to his origin in the colonies, but is impressed with the young leader and counsels his old friend Pantaleon to come along side him. Icarus tells the crownd at his enthronement, "I am a man of the colonies, and have not seen the soil of the homeland in my life, but like you I am Selk'nam, Atlantian to my bones, and a lover of of our Haruwin which has become an Empire. My comrades elected me because they heard of the great things we achieved in Yagich Atticus through creativity, and I say to you today that we will now achieve greater things for the entire Selk'nam Haruwin! We will assert ourselves as the great culture of the South, the guardians of a great legacy, and the only rightful protectors of the Antarctic Seas!". Many are entralled by the new leader but some privately worry about his soaring rhetoric, while still other note that his name comes from Greek mythology rather than the Bible, and wonder what sort of bizarre ideas from the colonies would lead to such a thing occuring,
  • Propaganda continues to play a major part in the everyday person's life. The railway lines begin to grow as smaller railroads spread from cities like Bhubaneswar. The two ambitious routes from Bhubaneswar to Bumbai and Bhubaneswar to Delhi continue construction. Their progress is good and it seems to be that they will be completed very soon (hopefully in the next two years). Great rolls of paper begin to become a common sight as factories successfully churn out paper. The SOC continues ferrying the settlers into Atlantia. As a result Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km. The small gold rush grows as large numbers of citizens arrive to mine gold and earn a better life. Hindi as the main language grows in the new colonies of Orissan Aprika and Dakshin Aprika. The military continues to become better in their jobs and their new rifles do them much good. Bhutan, Kamapura and Dahod continue to expand their economies as trading with the Maharajya helps create growth. Assam's growth continues at a good pace and helps to better its citizen's lives. Much migration also takes place between Orissa and the vassals, creating a metropolitan environment in the cities of Bhubaneswar, Delhi and Lucknow. Arab Bombay sees Hindu missionaries and immigrants arrive in large numbers. Sankala continues to be introduced in schools all over the United Maharajya. Its growth is expodential and children begin to enjoy the language (if that is even possible, lol). Many parents begin to wonder what their children and their friends are talking about as they speak in Sankala when they don't want their parents to know what they are planning. This leads to parents becoming interested in learning the language. Many schools offer up evening classes for adults to learn the new language. The SOC frantically begins to learn how to speak Sankala as it will benefit them hugely. Steam ships begin to run many routes in Orissan territories and showly begin to become more popular over wind driven ships. Saxena Constructions earns large profits as its ships become common sights over the extending shipping network. The South sees a large network of roads being built while canal construction also continues at a good pace. Patagoshina is expanded by 6150 km. The nation continues to to secretly fund the Nestorian missionaries in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika and is expanded by 7150 km as a new wave of merchants arrive to do business with the existing colonists and those not happy with the sale move inland. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km. The vassal next to Orissan Aprika which can still expand does so and expands 15,000 km. The two West African vassals (Morocco and Mauritania) expand by 15,000 km each. This is due to the fact that with a large number of Orissan traders arriving, the nation can expand its borders. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km. The South sees propaganda in huge amounts, telling the people that it is good to be united under a Bharati and not foreign power. Hyderabad sees major construction and the Orissan industrialists bring with them the secrets of industry and begin constructing major factories, attracting large numbers of migrants into the city. Large amounts of people begin to be reached by the missionaries who quickly begin their work and begin to try to convert people.
  • Rajputana expands its army and economy heavily, and Naya Punjab grows by 32,150 km (Stage 4 - Northern Colony). Rajputana sees a large industrial boom of its own. The dual railway line of Amritsar to Lahore begins to become quite popular. In a revolutionary move, the line to Delhi is approved and the line begins construction. Not only will this provide direct trade with the "Jewel of the North", it will indirectly open a line straight to Bhubaneswar. The Khmers expand their economy and army, so do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km inland and they build up their army. Naya Bihar sees growth on its coast as cities begin to grow and rival some in the Maharajya itself. Naya Bihar's economy grows. The natives begin to be converted into the ways of Hinduism by the arriving colonists and citizens. Butung also builds up its infrastructure. Hindi becomes even more commonly spoken and most people when visiting other cities regularly speak Hindi to other folk. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km as many flee from the arriving Orissan administrators due to the false propaganda spread by the Welsh. The Dakshin Matarami Alliance win the war against the New Omani. They quickly begin to restart the mines and get the gold extracted from the ground to help pay of their and the United Maharajya's debts.
  • Neu Berlin is shocked by the invasion from overseas. The military is mobilized and roughly a million able bodied men from the exile groups take up arms, adamant to retain their nationalist attitudes and their last home. Neu Germanica, however, expands 800 sq km as several people flee once more.


The common folk of Great Britain and Ireland, revolt from Ethiopian rule. They are tired of being played and used as Europe's battlegrounds and seek to join Normandy and Brittany and the Benelux in a neutral co-prosperity sphere. The states of Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, Brittany, Normandy, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands sign a series of trade and military agreements whereby there will no longer be territorial disputes between them and that all nations will aid each other in times of need. They demand Italia to protect them at the cost of losing trade opportunities in the North Sea.

OK, most of this is plausible except the last sentence. I say they would lean toward Portugal or Germany.

Considering Italia is already protecting the Benelux with full autonomy except an alliance and trade agreement and that Normandy and Brittany jumped in, the British Isles would seek Italian protection. And I can vouch for myself, none of these nations will enter an aggressive war on my part. Scandinator (talk) 04:37, September 21, 2013 (UTC)

Point taken.

Now why would the nations that request the invasion from Ethiopia rebel against Ethiopia? You just came up with a cheap excuse to weaken the nation that refused to bow to you. If this isn't an example of your clear arrogance and one-sided attempts to punish others, then I don't know what is. Thank you though, as this actually gives me even more power. And you do realize that you gave the territories from one nation you claimed to be ridiculously powerful, to a nation that legitimately is ridiculously powerful, right? ~Viva

They didn't "request" it nor would they. You only needed some form an excuse to start the war and you bent them into metagamingly doing something that accomplished your goals without hindering your efforts. He is powerful and has every right to do so. He simply capitalized on the wealth and fortune of several Italian provinces in the 15th and 16th centuries.

So then the Chinese spies didn't magically appear in Britain in 1815 overnight to justify a war with Ethiopia for Crimson. Nice spin on "facts" Yank. So Crimson metagamed as much as I did, but you wouldn't admit that now would you? Now how can you say I'm going to take over half the globe and do everything you can to stop me, when Scan already and actively tries to take over half the globe? You contridict yourself. ~Viva

Now now, let's not go pointing fingers. Anyway, any sane nation would have spies everywhere and anywhere. Scan is the center of the Industrial Revolution for Pete's sake. He's our Britain, and you're our Sick Man of the World.

You just took a blow at my ego. Fine, if anything I am America then, late to the party - but ends up making it his party. :P ~Imp

The event about the disorganization is horribly OP. Nice try, though. ~Viva

I have to agree. Disorganised or not, the Ethiopians will be pissed off and will take with them a huge number of things. Plus to say that the Ethiopian Navy will assist and so will the Army, it makes sense that they will manage a lot of looting. :P 1 Imp (Say Hi?!)
That's really fair. First the Ethiopians waltz into a place they never should have been in the first place, but they steal everything not nailed down when they leave.
Same could be said for every other nation on the planet. Ethiopia and Britain were no different. ~Viva
I think the British have more right to anger than Ethiopia, who decided to enforce their will on those peoples for several years. Make no mistake, thanks to your actions the Ethiopian is hated in Britain for good reasons.
Yoo mean like saving the people from famine and hungry at expense to themselves, and liberating them from the Welsh and defending them against the Germans? In the end it doesn't matter. You made it clear you'd like to ''''stick "loosely" to OTL, keeping people from invading whatever lands they chose. I get it, and I no longer feel like debating the issue. ~Viva
Said people didn't do that, the government did that. Now that that government has failed, they too have failed in the eyes of the British. And the British needed no defending from the Germans, it was the Germans who sought to free them.
Whatever. They belong to Scan now. So it's over. ~Viva
  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues, now approaching completion. Meanwhile in Aragon, the Tolosa-Montpellier railroad is finished. Meanwhile in Portugal, Afonso XIII dies, and the throne passes to his son, Afonso, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Afonso XIV e XVIII, Emperor of Spain, King of Portugal, Galicia, Algarve, Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, of either side of the sea in Africa, Prince of Brasil, Duke of Viseu, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchess of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Count of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos and Lord of Guiné, of either side of the Rio da Prata, and of Commerce, Navigation of Conquest on India". Meanwhile, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a girl, who is named Joana. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" continues to be gradually established. Meanwhile in Índia, attempts to bring the Surendranagar state into the Portuguese sphere of influence continue.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia's efforts to establish Christianity in his kingdom continue, and more people continue to convert to Christianity. The infrastructure is developed in the cities of the realm, and the military is expanded.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns two years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Xwarezm (year five). The United Sultanate offers a trade deal and Non-Aggression Pact to the Russians and Chinese. We build up the military.
  • ARK: King Gopans adopted son Louis who was an orphan because of a revolt in a district. Louis stands second in line for the throne with Gopan's biological son first in line. Louis led a succesful campaign against a rebel stronghold in the north reconquering the land with only 300 losses and inflicting 2000 losses. This is the adopted son that is offered up in marriage to the Selk'nam. Selk'nam, please repond. Alchemy is now actively studied in the universities and engineering is put onto the forefront of academic pursuit to hopefully soon begin industrialzation. "Scholars" are sent to all the industrialized countries to learn about the machines. The economy is improved.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Some more mines are set up in Sado.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples. Tensions continue to rise with Patagoshina from the Buddhist and Taoist Byakurenites.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • United Ethiopia (PMII)
    In the Imperium Africana, an Ethiopian military commander learns about the revolutionary telegraph from his allies - The Germans. He quickly presents implementing this all over the Imperium's teriitories to speed up communication and relay problems and events on a vastly superior speed than what is at present possible. The first telegraph cable begins to be laid down between Addis Ababa and Axum, and plans to test its effectiveness are contemplated as soon as construction is ready. The Ethiopian Emperor feels it necessary to inform the Orissans (their most trusty allies ;) of this development and offers to work with them to develop this new technology. An Ethiopian man develops a way to capture a moment in time using a device known as a daguerreotype. He takes numerous pictures with his device, and sends them to the Emperor, who requests one of himself. The daguerreotype of the Emperor of Ethiopia becomes the first daguerreotype of a person in the world. The loss of Great Britain his the Ethiopian people hard. There is a feeling of muted rage spreading in the populace as the Ethiopians come back from the islands, telling tales of horrendous crimes committed by the British. The Ethiopians returning do not arrive empty handed. They arrive with many pieces of artwork, new weapons designs and many new ideas on lifestyle. They ensure that they spread chaos in the lands, making the British pay. Many thousands also return with families built while living abroad. While fleeing the British Isles, many loyal British citizens fleeing with the Ethiopians set alight many buildings, loot numerous stores, and destroy countless priceless items of worth. A large number of the British who married into Ethiopian families flee into Ethiopia, where they are welcomed as brothers, and not as traitors to the Emperor or the empire. The Navy is ordered to assist in the evacuation, and fire on any hostile targets, ensuring Ethiopians get out in large numbers. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. It is made into a language which has to be learnt all over the Imperium's schools. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The government announces that Ethiopia will be merging with many of the smaller states next to it. These states include Adal, etc. This news is met with widespread celebration, giving the people glimmers of hope in this turbulent time. A huge new propaganda campaign is unleased as a direct result of the events in Britain. It tells the Ethiopia people that they are stonger together, and promotes them to work harder and do better in their lives. Many are advised to set up new lives in the colonies too. It tells the people that its enemies will be destroyed and Ethiopia should look toward a brighter future. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the Navy begins to work with its Orissan counterpart and begin to gain new ship schematics.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km, while Wädäb and Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km each. The third year of Nyamwezi's vassalization begins. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 6000 km and Baridi by 2000 km. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward, so does Kitara - north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval buildup. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We begin the part from Beijing to Harbin. We ask who currently owns Borneo, Java and Northern Australia.
  • Gaul Republic: The Military and navy are built up, while this La Marche continues as Normandy to be asked and be diplomatically talked about rejoining the French people into the Gaul republic. Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Following the fall of the Valois-Burgundy family Lorraine own small senate has elections, the questioning of the current time, Should we become a republic, the answer is clear as 85% of the senators says yes, hence starting the Small Republic of Lorraine. Gold is found in the mountains of Nouvelle Bourgogne.
  • Carthage: The choice made by Elissa seems to be right. Carthage begins to thrive again, although the mighty nation is injured, the senate backs the choices of Elissa. Carthage rule is asserted in North Africa, although the comfort zone from many militarist and senators of Carthage is fairly tight as they see Carthage caught between one nation. The military is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand,
  • Basotho: Military and navy is built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Alexander I dies of a stroke leaving the rule as protector of Nouvelle Judea to his son Frederick I of Judea, becoming the youngest ruler in all of the Neo Judean history
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope continues to live in Avignon but his power, now decreased, shows the change of times. The once mighty ruler of Europe is now caught in the walls of a small kingdom, only due to the choice of some politics far from his sight.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout the country. The Stockholm line continues expanding north, the Aarhus continues expanding south and the Oslo line continues expanding east. The Scandinavians begin trading industrial machinery with the new nations of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales to replace the industrial infrastructure damaged or destroyed during the Ethiopian Exodus. The Scandinavians also begin applying their influence on those nations, hoping to potentially bring them into the Scandinavian sphere of influence. It is hoped that the act of using the diplomatic approach, rather than invasion, would warm the various new nations to Scandinavia.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
    • The Ethiopians would like an explination on why the Chinese invaded Ethiopian Alaska and would like an apology. The Imperium feels that if they had been on the negotiating table, then maybe Chinese concerns could have been sorted out through diplomatic channels.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: The war was caused by Ethiopian genocide. The colony of Baitudu saw the nearby colony as a threat and the governor acted accordingly. The colonies had been on the negotiating table before and diplomacy initiated by China had been unsuccessful time and again.
    • The Ethiopians understand the Chinese viewpoint, but would still like an apology for the war.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: We will apologize once peaceful diplomacy has been underway to our satisfaction. For now, let's start with a few trade routes.
    • The Ethiopians will be willing to open trade routes with the Chinese. They will also recognise the Chinese gains in Alaska in return for the Chinese recogition of Ethiopian gain in the South of the African continent. However, they too wouldlike routes to China and its territories open.
  • Bayern - Statten of the German Empire: Elections for high chancellor are finished with the isolationist Conservative Party leader, Owen Shlieling elected. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian-Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. Access to Kiev is granted through Bavaria to Italia. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. Bayern asks France if it may buy all or part of Carthage, in part to help France eliminate its debt. Bavaria's offers 16 million Reichsmarks, price negotiable. The military for the states of Bayern, Salzburg, Palatinate and Die Sweiss are expanded.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russian military gains a new shipment of newly dubbed VK-21s (Vintovka Kalashnikova 21-goda). Russia spends more money on R&D. Russia is infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin (I couldn't help you last war due to the fact of me being gone, so I'm not going to let you die twice.).
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. Infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. The Diet of Suur-Suomi debates the ERC proposal from socialists in their ranks. Infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The FDC finally joins the ERC, as it was the only real way to build rail connections to the entirety of the Russian realm. Infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples).
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. Infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. The Antillian Duma approves of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The UKA expands outward in Canada as well. Infuriated by the warmongering of Imperium Africana, and the Russian realm declares war on Ethiopia in defence of Neu Berlin.
  • War is retconned. Although I appreciate the notion. ~ S
  • Neu Berlin experiences a new population boom as the birth rate more than doubles from its previously low number. The population increases from 15.8 million to 16.1 million by the end of the year. A census is planned for 1835. Neu Germanica expands 800 sq km. More jobs are created on Manhattan thanks to industrialization and more people are living on Lange Islen, while the government remains stationed on Klien Islen. Construction begins in Klien Islen to make it reminiscent of Berlin under the Reich's former government. Many exiles begin to aid via memory and art. Klien Islen, however, has greater security measures and the entire coastline is permanently defended, while Kaiser Islen (Governor's Island) becomes a major naval base due to its proximity of all the isles. Construction begins on the Erokee Canal (Erie Canal) as proposed by the last Prime Minister of Neu Berlin.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. A series of railways are built, with a major line heading south to west to be built, linking Delhi to the city of Kochi, which will bring the new territories closer to the heartlands of Hindustan. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. Many industrial centers are established in the south in cities such as Bangalore and Chennai, where major shipbuilding industries are established by businessmen seeking to extend their profits into the prime lands of Mysore. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland takes place, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia sees many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation abroad, encouraging growth and development there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Hindi is effectively the sole language spoken in the colonies as apart of their daily routines, religion and economy. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay begin adopting Hinduism as their primary religion, seeing the unity the religion is creating within the empire. Because of the growth of Sankala within the nation, the SOC has come to adopt the language as a major tongue of trade, especially when trading with the Ethiopians, who too have adopted Sankala. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya, and the expansion of the telegraph cables within the nation become a major priority, thanks to the support of the Ethiopians' offering to provid the technology ;). The steamship navy continues to grow, especially with the discovery of Italian submarines abroad. Seeking to utilize such technology, the Orissan government commissions the development of such submarines so as not to be left behind. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. The "Unnamed Colony" in Antillia is renamed Rajata by the government in light of vast silver deposits found there. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions. New Oman begins its integration into the Maharajya, and its many gold mines begin to pay for the recent war.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues, now approaching completion. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" continues to be gradually established. Meanwhile in Índia, the king of Surendranagar signs a treaty with Portugal, effectively making Surendranagar a client state of Portugal.
  • Mwenemutapa Garcia dies, as is suceeded by his son, Pedro. Meanwhile, Pedro attempts to focus more on expansion, as the Orissans and the Portuguese are expanding on close areas. As such, Mutapa expands 5000 sq km.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Some more mines are set up in Sado.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns three years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Xwarezm (year six). The United Sultanate offers a trade deal and Non-Aggression Pact to the Russians and Chinese. We build up the military.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout their nation. The Stockholm Line continues expanding north, the Oslo Line continues expanding east, and the Aarhus Line has reached the German border. A movement begins in the notably liberal city of Copenhagen to revive the practice of the pagan Norse religion, which becomes known as Odinism. Roman Catholic missionaries arrive from Normandy as a result of increased trade with Normandy. Both religions see massive upswings in popularity in the face of mass dissatisfaction with the Apostolic Church. The shipyards of Gothenburg and Bergen build the first experimental steamships as a way to improve Scandinavian trade in the North Sea. The Scandinavians continue to export industrial machinery to the British nations, which in turn fosters further growth of local industry. The Scandinavians continue to expand their diplomatic influence with the British nations. The Scandinavians also begin doing the same to the Kingdom of Baltica.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari continues his construction projects, and decides to continue work aimed at his neighboring states - many of which are now his realms or vassals. A series of rail extensions through Aq Qoyunlu and Georgia begin to make progress, and a few cities are now connected to Tehran and New Persepolis. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Military grows.
  • Baghdad finishes the the Tehran-Baghdad line of the rail system, which now encompasses Baghdad. Construction projects begin to take place in other cities between the Tigris and Euphrates, like Kirkuk and Karbala. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. Vassalization of Khafji is almost completed, and a ceremony is planned for late next year. Aslan Askari is viewed as attempting to recreate the earlier Askari Shahdom. The military grows.
  • Sanaa, Hadramaut and Aden, Persian puppets, have convinced Socotra to join the "Persian Yemen" as skeptics refer to the region that is a series puppet states loyal to the Shah by varied contracts. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Nestorianism grows to become a unifying factor in the Persian realms. Military grows.
    • These are only puppets. Furthermore, puppetization isn't out of the question since Yemen (for a reason I still don't understand) is largely Nestorian, a religion controlled largely by the Shah.
  • You have to border a vassal, and the rules of vassalization apply to all forms of subordination, including puppetry, tributarism and client state creation. Also, these are Von states and Von states are hard to vassalize except by any other Von state.
  • And you puppetised those countries in one year. Sorry, but I can't allow that to happen.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve. The Ethiopian request is accepted.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we begin to work on the part from Shanghai to Lhasa. We ask who currently owns Borneo, Java and Northern Australia.
  • Gaul Republic: The Military and navy are built up, while this la marche continues as Normandy to be asked and be diplomatically talked about rejoining the French people into the Gaul republic. Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 10,000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 10,000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward. Economy is built up.
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. The State declares itself secular after the senate agrees on stating it in the constitution. Economy is built up.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire, and the creation of the University of Constantine and Kairouan are important events in the empire. The military is built up. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. The University of Leptis is founded by French scholars. Economy is built up.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Frederick begins the formation of a constitutional state based on the previous kingdom of France in its small territory in Atlantia. Economy is built up.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope meets with the leader of Catholic Orthodox religion of the Nea Thrakia region to discuss about the events in Europe. Economy is built up.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems. The first telegraph cable between Addis Ababa and Axum is fnished with quick construction time. Tests begin on how effective it is and to ensure it works. Many things with have been looted from Great Britain are either kept in museums or in peoples' personal collection of artwork and pottery. The evacuation of Ethiopians from the British Isles is completed, with the navy returning from Europe and landing people back into Ethiopia safely. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. It is made into a language which has to be learnt all over the Imperium's schools. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. A plan is made to link major Ethiopian cities together using rail and to promote unity between its peoples. This should not be hard as the idea of plurocontinentalism is already widely accepted in the Imperium and the people believe to be one. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. On the coast, many new port towns begin to spring up as a need for more ports begins to become evident. Road construction begins in earnest as all these new towns need to be linked up with the rest of the nation. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. It asks the Ethiopian people: "ask not what the Imperium can do for you, but what you can do for the Imperium". This helps inspire people to work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. New ships begin to be produced by the Imperium Shipyards. Ships of bigger size, armament and crew capability. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to farm using new methods, and industrialists bring with them new construction in many of the small towns. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab begin to come into contact with the Inuit and begin to help solidify their peoples. They begin to learn their language and become interested in the ways of the Inuit. In Baridi, the adminstration realises that the colony cannot function as a colony, being so far fetched and instead will become "Company lands". This will allow private companies to be able to buy and sell the fur and timber they collect and earn a profit. The company soon realises that they can now claim land much quicker due to the fact explorers can claim the land for them and notify them of areas to build suitable outposts and settlements. The Imperium makes an offer to buy the Orissan New Oman from them, and in exchange will promise to give the Orissans a 40% cut on the gold extracted.
    • The United Maharajya is pleased to accept the request in exchange for the rights to nearly half the gold. We shall begin transferring the territory to the Ethiopian government, while our gold mine foremen prepare to assign visas to our workforce in the region.
    • The Ethiopians are delighted, and to make sure the deal goes ahead, they will throw in Ethiopian Zululand too.
    • We are pleased with your satisfication with the trade, and we thank you for the transfer of Ethiopian Zululand to our administration.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi continues to be vassalised, with Ethiopians helping to buy small businesses and make them bigger and more profitable. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make aprofit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km. The Ethiopians open up trading with the Hellenic Union and offer a trading sale and rights exchange.
  • ARK: The economy is improved. King Gopan warns the Lakota chief that he should move away from feudalism and centrlize the government. The feudal system will bring disunity in times of great trouble or from an invasion. King Gopan also petitions the Mayans to ally with the Lakota.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The Italian navy rushes to protect the assets of the British peoples and searches all vessels leaving the country. Some items still escape but riots and protests by the Ethiopians are put down harshly.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval buildup. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand. The Apache prince is given the hand of Lady Leocadia Tuch'heulpe'ichin'OnaYagichin'i'i'i'Chongat'nam, daughter of King Atticus' first cousin who leads the Royal Circus (that's not an insult, the circus is the most respected cultural institution in the country). Prime Minister Icarus is said to not get along well with the Apostolic Church hierarchy and it is rumored that he does not attend church. One Ona Yagich newspaper publishes the scathing headline, "Icarus is an Atheist!" but Icarus himself does not respond. In a speech, the Prime Minister articluates what becomes known as "The Icarus Doctrine", declaring that "The Selk'nam are the only great civilization of the Antarctic regions, and control almost all the Antarctic islands and as such, it is our birthright to claim exclusive influence over all waters south of 50 degrees latitude."
    • King Gopan is thankful that King Atticus gave Lady Leocadia's hand in marriage to Prince Louis. King Gopan feared that the people of the Selk'nam would not appreciate there being a Shamanist in the family. Prince Louis also would like to see if any of the Selk'nam generals can hold their own in a sword fight and announces that there will be a tournament for that called the Warrior Games. An invitation is sent to the Selk'nam, Mayan and Lakota. All nations that want to participate please message me and in your next post announce four champions and pick one to win a challenge when the games begin. Moderators, is this okay?
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. New technologies arrive in the southern part of the Empire, mainly large paper mills and cloth factories. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 10,300 km and Haven expands 6200 km.
  • Neu Berlin expands its military. Neu Germanica expands 800 sq km inland. More jobs are created by industrialization and the railway expands into the northern provinces. Urbanization continues in most of the capitals.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues, and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion,with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.
  • Bayern - Statten of the German Empire: Elections for high chancellor are finished with the isolationist Conservative Party leader, Owen Shlieling elected. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian-Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. Access to Kiev is granted through Bavaria to Italia. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. Bayern asks France if it may buy all or part of Carthage, in part to help France eliminate its debt. Bavaria's offers 16 million Reichsmarks, price negotiable. The military for the states of Bayern, Salzburg, Palatinate and Die Sweiss are expanded.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues, now approaching completion. Meanwhile in León, Octavia de Comminges-Guitaut gives birth to a girl, who is named Octavia. Meanwhile in Navarra, Catrina Téllez de Meneses gives birth to a boy, who is named Alfonso. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" continues to be gradually established.
  • Mutapa expands 5000 sq km. Infrastructure is built up around the biggest cities and the capital.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Some more mines are set up in Sado.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns four years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Almaty and Cosapact (year one). The United Sultanate officialy takes over as protector of Xwarezm, and the country becomes a United Sultanate vassal. The United Sultanate offers a trade deal and Non-Aggression Pact to the Russians and Chinese. We build up the military.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: Accepted.
    • United Sultanate Diplomacy: We thank mighty China.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • ARK: The economy is improved upon. Did the industrialization map get updated? If so, is it accurate?
  • Both the Oslo Line and the Stockholm Line reach their respective destinations. New rail lines sprout off of the three main rail lines. Odinism and Roman Catholicism continue to expand in Scandinavia, prompting Emperor Charles to issue a proclamation of religious tolerance. Churches all over Scandinavia revert back to Catholicism as their worshippers convert to Catholicism en masse. Urbanization continues in Stockholm, Oslo, and Aarhus as people flock to the growing number of factories in each city.
    • Pope Arcadius wants to meet with the Emperor of Scandinavia to discuss the regrowth of Roman Catholicism in Scandinavia.
    • Emperor Charles agrees, and will send an envoy to meet the Pope in Avignon.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we begin to work on the part from Shanghai to Nanking.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km. The Hellenic Union accepts the Ethiopian trading alliance and hopes to see Ethiopian-Hellenic relations grow stronger.
    • The Ethiopians agree to and hope to have Hellenic Ships busy its ports. We hope to be able to earn better profits on both our sides.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The Italian navy continues to protect the assets of the British peoples and searches all vessels leaving the country. Some items still escape but riots and protests by the Ethiopians are put down harshly.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval buildup. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Bayern - Statten of the German Empire: the rail line from hamburg meets the Scandinavian portion, completing the railway. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. Bavarian-Australis begins petitioning the new government for statehood status next to Bayern. Borneo finishes the port upgrade. Now merchant ships the world over can fit comfortably. The Italia-Vienna line is announced and is set to meet the Italian line in the coming months. More advances are made technologically - mainly just small improvements on existing technology. Access to Kiev is granted through Bavaria to Italia. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. The military for the states of Bayern, Salzburg, Palatinate and Die Sweiss are expanded. An economic care package is sent to Neu Berlin as a gesture of goodwill between the two nations, while relations remain frosty, it is hoped that over time, these two nations will live in peace.
    • I would advise you to centralise your nation and get rid of the smaller vassals.
    • I don't know who you are, but all my states are centralised, since the late 1700's. I'm using the term states (like the US) so I have no idea what you mean ...
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
    • The Ethiopians will be willing to open trade routes with the Chinese. They will also recognise the Chinese gains in Alaska in return for the Chinese recogition of Ethiopian gain in the South of the African continent. However, they too would like routes to China and its territories open.
    • Chinese Diplomacy: Accepted.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. Tests prove that the first cable line from Addis Ababa to Axum works successfully and it is a viable way of communication. With the tensions surrounding the return of the Ethiopian Naval vessels from Britain (yep, if Scan searched Naval Warships, that would have been an act of war), the Ethiopian Emperor knows he must defuse the situation. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. It is made into a language which has to be learnt all over the Imperium's schools. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The first railroads begin to be built in the southern half of the nation as the cities generate more money and trade than the less developed north. This should not be hard as the idea of plurocontinentalism is already widely accepted in the Imperium and the people believe to be one. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. The port towns begin to boom as fishing and trading brings in a lot of money. Road construction continues as these towns begin to be linked up to other major cities. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. New ships begin to be produced by the Imerpium Shipyards. Ships of bigger size, armament and crew capability. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to farm using new methods, and industrialists bring with them new construction in many of the small towns. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. They learnt hat they are many far-flung tribes and the move around a lot. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The Orissans are thanked for their sale and Ethiopians soon move in. They offer all Orissans present a chance to keep on working without much interference. The Orissan Rajkumari (Crown Princess) was touring Ethiopia with her giude being none other than the Emperor himself. The two has been in contact with each other for the better part of ten years. The Emperor begins to become romantically attached to the Rajkumari, and proposes to her, asking her to marry him. Response is awaited. The government asks to meet with its Italian counterparts to defuse the not-so pleasant situation going on between the two nations. They would like to hope to sort out troubles and get back to trading once more.
    • United Sultanate Diplomacy: We offer the Imperium a trade deal.
    • The Imperium would be willing to... Wait Dean, how can you even trade with me?
    • I have a trade deal with China, so I can get my goods there. I need access to the Black Sea or the Indian Ocean, and the Indian doesn't seem even slightly likely.
    • The Rajkumari would be delighted to offer her hand in marriage. The United Maharajya is overjoyed with this development, and shall prepare the nation for the news of this joyous occasion.
    • Italia agrees to talks and demands that Ethiopia stop its citizens from rioting and looting Britain or Italia will be forced to stop peaceful migration.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi continues to be vassalised, with Ethiopians helping to buy small businesses and make them bigger and more profitable. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make aprofit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. With the addition of New Oman, it too expands 15,000 km inward.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russia spends more money on R&D. This money pays off, as Kalashnikov Industries produces the first gunpowder rifle with a ten-round magazine. This new rifle, dubbed the MVK-33 (Mnogopulnaya Vintovka Kalashnikova 33-goda). Kalashnikov Industries is given a new contract for SVKs, phasing out the older VK-21s. This MVK-33 is a bolt-action rifle using smokeless gunpowder, still a secret of the Russian government.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them. The White Russian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. The Ukrainian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Suur-Suomi approves of the third and first Finnish railways, and begins construction. Joins ERC. The Greater Finnish government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Caucasian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples). The Astrakhani government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. The Rigan government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. Construction continues of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The Antillian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. The Hellenic Union is contacted to talk about relations between the Gaul-Greek peoples. The Republic continues diplomatic talks with La Marche and Normandy about the unification of France. Military is built up
  • Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire, the foundation of universities continues along the empire territories. The military is built up. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope and the patriarch agree on many points between their religious views yet the basis of the two religions continue going as complex as they have been in the last three hundred years. Economy is built up.
  • Neu Berlin: expands military. Urbanization and industrialization continue. Neu Germanica expands 4000 sq km inland (year six x four for industrialization).
  • The Mayan Empire: continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel, and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The people of Orissa greatly mourn the death of their Raja, who passed away at the age of 74. Ruling for some 52 years, the Raja had the most illutrious reign of any other previous ruler from the Maharajya, and presided over the most prosperous era in Orissan history. Millions march in the streets in rememberence of their former leader, but look forward to the enthronement of his only surviving child and daughter, Induvadana. Because of the numerous wars fought by the Raja in the past, all of his sons were killed in action against enemies around the world, leaving only his youngest daughter as his heir. She is to be enthroned the next year, a year the population earnestly looks forward to. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.


The Kingdom of England has mostly recovered from the centuries of Brython negligence and the massive amounts of property damage caused by the evacuation of the Ethiopians. The city of London has joined the great capitals of Edinburgh, Dublin and Avalon.

  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues, now approaching completion. Meanwhile in Aragon, Alfons VII dies, and, having no issue, is succeeded by his 61-year old cousin, Jaume de Cardona, Count of Teruel, son of Jaume de Cardona, brother of Joan VI of Aragon,who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Jaume III, King of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca, Duke of Segorbe and Tolosa, Marchess of Albi, Besièrs and Carcassona and Count of Agde, Ampurias, Berga, Besalú, Cervera, Cerdanya, Conflent, Foix, Melgueil, Osona, Pallars, Ribagorza, Roussillon, Sobrabe and Urgell". Meanwhile in Portugal, Customs charges are abolished at borders within the Spanish Empire, and later on the year, Afonso XIV dies, and is succeeded by his sister Urraca, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Urraca III, Empress of Spain, Queen of Portugal, Galicia, Algarve, Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, of either side of the sea in Africa, Princess of Brasil, Duchess of Viseu, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchess of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Countess of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos and Lady of Guiné, of either side of the Rio da Prata, and of Commerce, Navigation of Conquest on India". Meanwhile in León, Alfonso XVIII dies, and is succeeded by his son Alfonso, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Alfonso XIX, King of León, Córdoba, Sevilla and Asturias, Duke of Cádiz, Galisteo, Cea and Alba de Tormes, Marchess of Coria, Castrofuerte, Valdefuentes and Villamanrique, and Count of Coca and Palma del Río". Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" continues to be gradually established.
  • Mwenemutapa Pedro dies in battle against the nearby peoples outside of the country. Pedro is eventually succeeded by his nephew Afonso.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout their country, fueled by the income created by the healthy industrial trade with the nations on the Atlantic Archipelago (another name for the British Isles). The rail network continues to spread across Scandinavia. Odinism and Roman Catholicism continue to expand in Scandinavia, and the first major Catholic cathedral in centuries is built in Stockholm. Emperor Charles officially establishes a new currency, which he calls the Scandinavian Riksdaler.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we begin to work on the part from Nanking to Wuhan.
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic begins.
  • Lorraine-Picardy: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. The government of Lorraine and Picardy face some revolt from pro-monarchists and loyalist groups, mostly in Southern Lorraine, but most of the people continue backing the democrats.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire, the foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. The creation of internal region mosques begins as many Muslims begin to settle in the regions and swear allegiance to Carthage. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope asks the Scandinavian empire to visit its territories and sanctify the task that many bishops have started to bring scandinavia to Roman Catholicism. Economy is built up.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The Italian navy rushes to protect the assets of the British peoples and searches all vessels leaving the country. Some items still escape but riots and protests by the Ethiopians are put down harshly.
    • The Ethiopians would like to remind the Italians that we don't have influence over those pointless islands anymore. We got most our people out over two years ago. We are trying to peacefully ferry the last Ethiopians and we are not causing riots.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives and Nya Syria resume naval buildup. Many Nya Syriacs are encouraged to return to the Levant where life is a lot easier than in the Caribbean Sea.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns five years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Almaty and Cosapact (year two). The United Sultanate offers a trade deal and Non-Aggression Pact to the Russians. We build up the military. We merge our militaries with Xwarezm. We beginto influence the nation of Akmola (year one).
  • Sultanate of Xwarezm: We merge our military with that of the USDM. We begin to modernize and industrialize while the merging of our economy with the United Sultanates begins. Roads are built across the country.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russia spends more money on R&D. More shipments of Kalashnikovs are brought to Russia. Russia presents an ultimatum to Cossapact, either join the Kazakhstan Federation, or face the same fate as the Kazakh Khanate. The Cossapact will have the same rights as the member states of the Federated Duchy of the Caucassus. Russia claims the rest of the Arctic islands and Siberia ... defined as the rest of norhtern asia. Military uniforms are updated, and pockets are created for extra magazines of the new "Standard Calibre", which is close to OTL Russian bullet sizes. RosPuli corporation is founded as the first industry dedicated to the production of bullets and casings. The Atomic theory emerges.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between the four largest cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them. The White Russian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Scientific advances become up-to-date with OTL. Battery invented.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. The Ukrainian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military. Avogadro's gas law discovered, named the Nestorov Law after Demid Nestorov.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Railway constructions continue. The Greater Finnish government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Caucasian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples). The Astrakhani government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military. Railway constructions begin.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. The Rigan government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. Construction continues of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The Antillian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve.
  • The German Empire (States of Bayern and Saxony): The Empire expands its military throughout the entirety of the Empire. New railways continue to pop up, especially in the state of Polen. Overseas, Bavarian Australis and Saxon Australis expand into the interior of the continent by 15,000 sq km. All German colonies are expanded. Russia is asked for a defense alliance. Telegraph technology expands. Jakob Leuirs invents the icebox, a method of chilling foodstuffs. Heinrich Reeding works on a prototype for a new weapon called a "revolving gun", A gun that has a chamber that carries 6 bullets, that revolves around a pivot, enabling faster shots, and an improvment on accuracy and reloading times. Camera tech is still being researched. England is asked if the German Trade Organisation can establish a presence in London. Germany recognises the new nations of Scotland, England, Wales, and Ireland. ( whom ever keeps telling me to centralise, The German Empire has been unified since the third Unification war. I am posting as the separate member state of Bayern, and Callum, Saxony. We are the same nation that follows the same central government.)
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continue to expand. Prime Minister Icarus remains popular, and gets along well with King Atticus, although he is said to favor the company of Taoists from Miyako Yagich and Maugholdians complain of being excluded from the Prime Minesterial residence. Relations with Ethiopia continue to deepen, and emmissaries are sent to Maharajya to seek deeper ties with India. Icarus is said to have studied much India literature and publicly praises Majarajya as "the greatest and most reasonable of civilizations," which alarms many who note that Orissa is not Christian. The head of the Maugholdian Order, Brother Paul, is said to be interested in the role of Prime Bishop of the Apostolic Church, which comes vacant in two years. Paul is a radical in the tradition of Brother Polycarp and is unhappy that missionary activity has not been more aggressively pursued in Atlantia as the Orissans have taken large swaths of the continent, and publicly condemns Icarus for his apparent lack of faith.
  • Apostolic Nations Take Note: Prime Bishop election in 1836, line up your candidates now. Member nations include Sellk'nam, Apache, Tojiko, and whoever has a stake in Britain or former Brythonic areas.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel, and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. With the success of the cable lines, many other areas see its benefit and await the finishing of construction of the lines. The Ethiopian government continues talking with the Italians. They would like the last Ethiopians to be able to leave the nation and then let the area become Italian waters. They hold no desire to return. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. It is made into a language which has to be learnt all over the Imperium's schools. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The railroads begin to be completed in many sections of the nation and the first lines are hoped to be able to transport a good amount of people. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. The port towns begin to boom as fishing and trading brings in a lot of money. Road construction continues as these towns begin to be linked up to other major cities. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. New ships begin to be produced by the Imerpium Shipyards. Ships of bigger size, armament and crew capability. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. They begin contemplating helping the Inuits to settle down into stable villages and give them a chance to communicate with the outside world. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The acceptance of the Rajkumari causes huge celebrations all across Ethiopia as the people celebrate. There is some mourning, but many are very happy that the great nations of Ethiopia and Orissa will come under personal union. Rumours of the wedding are already heated topics of discussion. Talks with the Italians continue and prove to be working as some decisions are agreed upon.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi continues to be vassalised, with Ethiopians helping to buy small businesses and make them bigger and more profitable. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make aprofit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. With the addition of New Oman, it too expands 15,000 km inward.
  • ARK: The first air furnace is constructed in Ekta. Universities switch from teaching alchemy to teaching chemistry and King Gopan sends scholars out to learn about the industrialized economies. Prince Louis is starting to put the finishing touches on the Warrior Games It will be hosted on my page and will occur in two turns. All competitor nations put competitors down. Voting will happen in two turns. Father Kusagra wishes to run for the position of Prime Bishop. A wise and tolerant man, Father Kusagra also loves the sciences and astronomy the most, he believes that education is the most important thing that God has given man.
    • Selk'nam Diplomacy: The finest Selk'nam champions will be sent to the Apache Warrior games as a gesture of friendship.
    • The Mayan Empire: will send its fiercest competitors as well.
  • Neu Berlin continues to build up its military. Neu Germanica expands 4000 sq km inland. Urbanization and industrialization continue. Neu Berlin decides that it will join the ranks of its deceased ancestors and sends out three fleets to approach Wolof and Gabu on trade pacts and/or vassalization.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction continues, now approaching completion. Meanwhile in Aragon, Jaume III dies, and is succeeded by his uncle, Ramon XII Folc de Cardona, Duke of Cardona, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Ramon IV, King of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca, Duke of Segorbe and Tolosa, Marchess of Albi, Besièrs and Carcassona and Count of Agde, Ampurias, Berga, Besalú, Cervera, Cerdanya, Conflent, Foix, Melgueil, Osona, Pallars, Ribagorza, Roussillon, Sobrabe and Urgell". Meanwhile in Portugal, Urraca III is married to Nuno Nunes de Lara, grandson of Nuno XIII Nunes de Lara, Count of Lara, in an attempt to keep the Imperial throne within the House of Lara. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, the "responsible government" continues to be gradually established.
  • Mwenemutapa Afonso continues the policies of his grandfather Garcia, especially when it comes to the extension of Christianity in Mutapa. The military is built up.
  • Normandy: The military expands greatly. The economy also expands. A colony is sent to settle ATL Seward Peninsula. Requests for royal marriages are sent to Brittany, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Scandinavia, for when a new monarch would assume the throne. The Royal Council convenes in mid-January of who would be that new monarch. Most of the documents pertaining to the Norman Line of succession were destroyed or stolen under Ethiopian rule. The Royal Council soon resolves to electing any Norman noble of high prestige to be monarch.
    • Normandy is a republic within the Alliance of the North Sea which is under Italian protection.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist Churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • Apostolic Church: Bishop Enchi Kazuo sends a few missionaries to inland Africa peacefully. Meanwhile, he looks for possible candidates for the next year's election.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • ARK: Air furnaces are constructed throughout the cities. Chemistry discovers fertilizers and they are put into use for the first time. The economy is improved and King Gopan establishs the Guild of Industry. Prince Louis receives all the competitors and is honored that so many honorable men attand his competition of skill.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we begin to work on the part from Nanking to Wuhan.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic continues. Gaul see's enraged the action of the Mauretanian Nestorians but it hesitates on taking action as the coup d'etat is seen as a rather local situation that the government of Carthage should deal with.
  • Lorraine-Picardy: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. The government of the revolts in Lorraine continue, as the events in Lorraine continue asking for the return of the monarchists. Follows the same side that Gaul, and dissagrees with the Mauretanian Government.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire, the foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Carthage reluctantly agree on the change of government to the theocracy of Mauretania. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up. Remains neutral on the events in Mauretania.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The expansion starts southward of the empire by 10,000 sq km. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up a sudden revolt occur leading toward a theocratic government in Mauretania, lead by extremist groups of Nestorianism form a theocracy where Muslims and Catholics are second level peoples. The government, however, remains aligned with Carthage. and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region. War preparations continue as fears of an upcoming war continue.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. The Pope asks the Scandinavian empire to visit its territories and sanctify the task that many bishops have started to bring scandinavia to Roman Catholicism. Economy is built up.
    • The Scandinavian Emperor Charles sends his younger son Johann as an envoy to negotiate the restoration of Scandinavian archdioceses. The younger son was chosen because he had converted to Catholicism earlier in the year.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand. Relations with the Zunghar Khanate improve. The nation is reorganized into the Dominion of Zunghar as a dominion of China.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry. The Scandinavian railway continues to expand over Scandinavian territory. Roman Catholicism and Odinism continue to expand through Scandinavia, as more and more people turn away from the Germanic Church. In quite a few provinces the Germanic Church ceases to exist entirely. The Pietist movement, an earlier attempt to join the Apostolic Church, founds the independent Nordic Church. The Nordics adapt the use of the Odinist Shield Knot as the symbol of their new church. The Scandinavian government approves the construction of a new Scandinavian education system, with the new schools teaching the use of the Scandinavian nationality and language before the use of those of the various ethnicities as a way to further solidify national unity. More and more official government functions begin using Scandinavian instead of Icelandic.
    • The Apostolic Church never existed in Scandinavia. I wish it had, but it hadn't. Commandante Lemming (talk) 14:43, September 25, 2013 (UTC)
    • Rex's aborted attempt to be Scandinavia implied that. I'll just need to replace it with the Germanic Church.
    • Well, technically we never approved his application so you have a "Pietist movement" that wanted to join us but never did. Thanks. Commandante Lemming (talk) 15:03, September 25, 2013 (UTC)
    • I'm going to have the Pietist movement found a new church, and call it the Nordic Church or something else.
    • I fail to see how and why people are just giving up their religion for a near identical one.
    • They tried to join the Apostolic Church and failed. Now they made their own church as the next best thing.
  • United Sultanate of Dimurats and Mangystau: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns six years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Almaty and Cosapact (year three). We build up the military. We complete the merger of our economy with that of Xwarsezm, and we begin the final stages of unification by merging their National Assembly with our own, and Xwarezm becomes a province of the United Sultanate. With the joining of Xwarzem, however, it is decided that the country needs a new name, and it is decided to rename the country the United Sultanate of Asya (Asia in Turkish). (Will post United Sultanate of Asya from now on)
  • Sultanate of Xwarezm: We merge our military with that of the USDM. We begin to modernize and industrialize while the merging of our economy with the United Sultanates is completed. Roads are built across the country. We merge our National Assembly with that of the United Sultanate, and we officially vote to join the USDM.
  • United Sultanate of Asya: We continue to influence Almaty and Cosapact (year three). Achmed, heir to the throne turns six years of age. We build up the military and continue to modernize and industrialize. We continue to influence the nation of Akmola (year two).
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The situation in Britain calms down with almost all the Ethiopian population deported.
  • A lord in Antilia incites Nuovo Venexia, Nya Gyptios, Nuovo Treviso, Nuovo Firenze and Nya Syriac to declare independence from Italia. The three colonies and two vassals unify into the Empire of Antilia. Due to the demographic changes throughout history the nation is primarily composed of Italian colonists with some African, Levantine and Egyptian minorities. The capital is Belacitta which is located far inland and is a central location.
    • Neu Berlin seeks trade agreements with Antillia.
    • The Mayan Empire seeks to open relations with Antillia.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure. Scotland and Ireland are highly successful in eradicating the last vestiages of the Penguin Lillies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives continues naval buildup.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans and the Apache continues, growing the Lakota tribal economy. The scouting of nearby colonies continues.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. The cable lines prove very successful and small communication stations begin to be set up in the towns which hold cable lines. With almost all of the Ethiopians returning from Britain, the government begins to declare the area as a bad zone to go to, whose people do not understand the benefits of Ethiopian civilisation. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. As a first language, pupils learn it dedicatidly as they know it would become the language which could be communicated fluently with Orissans. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The railroads begin to be completed in many sections of the nation and the first lines are hoped to be able to transport a good amount of people. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. The port towns begin to boom as fishing and trading brings in a lot of money. Road construction continues as these towns begin to be linked up to other major cities. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. New ships begin to be produced by the Imperium Shipyards. Ships of bigger size, armament and crew capability. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. They continue contemplating helping the Inuits to settle down into stable villages and give them a chance to communicate with the outside world. They hope to learn more about the Inuit. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The nation continues to see a bright future. The propaganda continues to encourage different tribes to co-operate and intermarry. This will help cause stability and peace in the empire and unite its peoples' even more. This is already happening in the cities as people from different areas move in and work.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi is finally vassalised. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make aprofit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. With the addition of New Oman, it too expands 15,000 km inward.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military and economy continure to expand.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel, and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russia spends more money on R&D. More shipments of Kalashnikovs are brought to Russia. Russia presents an ultimatum to Cossapact, either join the Kazakhstan Federation, or face the same fate as the Kazakh Khanate. The Cossapact will have the same rights as the member states of the Federated Duchy of the Caucassus. Russia claims the rest of the Arctic islands and Siberia ... defined as the rest of Northern Asia. RosPuli is granted a governement contract for military ammunition. The first icebreaker is produced, and named the ldovity Kit (icewhale), is launched and commisioned at the Arkhangelsk shipyards.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between many cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them. The White Russian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Scientific advances become up-to-date with OTL.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. The Ukrainian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Railway constructions continue. The Greater Finnish government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Caucasian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples). The Astrakhani government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military. Railway constructions begin.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. The Rigan government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. Construction continues of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The Antillian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari seeks to marry his eldest son to the most powerful noble in the nearby regions, and looks to Arabia for a suitable wife. Aq Qoyunlu and Georgia continue to be benefitted by railroads that have crisscrossed the entirety of the Persian Empire. In Persia, a growth of the importance of literature begins, and wealthy and influential citizens turn to literature to express their era in words. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Economy grows.
  • Baghdad has grown into an immensely powerful city, and begins to rival New Persepolis in splendor. Many Bagdadis feel that the grandeur of Babylon is greater than the old Persian Empires, and a competition of the arts, notably literature, begins to engulf both nations. This sense of competition feeds to a greater nationalism, since Persia and Baghdad are now under the same leader. Proposals for a more successful integration of the two nations begin to be announced. Kirkuk and Karbala are both now also decent sized cities in the Mesopotamian region. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. Khafji is now also a Baghdadi vassal. Economy grows.
  • Sanaa, Socotra, Hadramaut and Aden, Persian puppets, begin to experience "Persification," which leads to a transformation into a stringent Nestorian series of states. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Nestorianism grows to become a unifying factor in the Persian realms. Economy grows.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.
  • Neu Berlin expands military. Urbanization and industrialization continue. Neu Germanica expands 4000 sq km inland.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues, and in Castille, the canal's construction is finally completed, after 83 years. Meanwhile, stronger cements start to be produced in Aragon. Meanwhile in Portugal, Urraca III dies in childbirth and the child also does not survive. The throne passes to her uncle, Garcia Afonso de Lara, Lord of the House of the Infantado, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Garcia III and V, Emperor of Spain, King of Portugal, Galicia, Algarve, Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, of either side of the sea in Africa, Prince of Brasil, Duke of Viseu, Ferrol, Lugo, Pontevedra, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchess of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Count of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos and Lord of Guiné, of either side of the Rio da Prata, and of Commerce, Navigation of Conquest on India". Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km.
  • Mwenemutapa Afonso continues the policies of his grandfather Garcia, especially when it comes to the extension of Christianity in Mutapa. The military is built up.
  • APOSTOLIC PRIME BISHOP ELECTION ON BACK PAGE - Member nations include Apache, Selk'nam, Tojiko, and all successor states of the former Brython.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built. The Jīdūhist and Amaterasuists vote for Father Kusagra to become head of the Apostolic Church.
  • Apostolic Church: Elections begin to take place for a new Prime Bishop.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • ARK: More fertilizors are used on farms and plantations are starting to be constructed and the cash crops of indigo, tobacco, cotton and a couple dyes. King Gopan has the air furnaces improved and chemists create a primitive form of guncotton. The infrastructure is improved to increase trade between the provinces.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we begin to work on the part from Wuhan to Chongqing.
  • Apostolic Church Election Results: After winning in a landslide, Father Kusadra of the Apache is enthroned in Avalon (now a small city populated mainly by the church hierarchy) as the Sixth Prime Bishop of the Apostolic Church. Prime Bishop Kusadra will control the church until 1846. (Grantzu will play the church for ten years. Please remember to post as the Church along with your normal post.)
  • The German Empire expands military in the states of Batern and Saxony. Overseas all Saxon and Bavarian colonies expand to their fullest extent. The Reichstag votes on officially removing the government from the Germanic Church, citing the new Constitution which encourages freedom of religion, all religions are tolerated in the Empire. Diplomats are sent to Scandinavia to help bolster relations between the two nations. Bavaria asks Italia if there is any land or colony that we may purchase. We can pay handsomely for it. The Queen passes quietly in the night and her son Karl Shmidt is crowned as King Karl II of the German Empire, King of Bavaria, sovereign of Saxony, protector of the realms of the Empire, Duke of Neu Munchen, and the defender of the Rights of Germany
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic continues. The Gaul government continues seeing powerless the actions of the Carthaginian Nestorianism, yet their politics stand. It's a Carthaginian issue rather than a concern for the Gauls. The interest the Gaul government sees in it is only political, yet many fear it may be a sign of something worse.
  • Lorraine-Picardy: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. The government of the revolts in Lorraine continue, as the events in Lorraine continue asking for the return of the monarchists. Follows the same side that Gaul, and disagrees with the Mauretanian Government.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire, the foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Carthage is outraged, Numidia is soon equally taken by Nestorian theocrats, yet the actions are kept low as many in the senate agree with this actions. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the university of Leptis. Economy is built up. remains neutral on the events in Mauretania.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. a coup d'etat occurs by Nestorian militant priests to restore the greatness of Nestorianism in Numidia leading against the Muslims and Catholics in the region. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up a sudden revolt occur leading toward a theocratic government in Mauretania, lead by extremist groups of Nestorianism form a theocracy where Muslims and Catholics are second level peoples. The government, however, remains aligned with Carthage. and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region. War preparations continue as fears of an upcoming war continue.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. After the meeting with Johann, the Pope agrees on local administration from the Scandinavian Catholics, and blesses the work of the bishops and the Empire itself for recognizing Catholicism faith. Economy is built up.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The situation in Britain calms down with almost all the Ethiopian population deported.
  • The Empire of Antilia adopts an isolationist view on the world and rejects the relation agreements of other nations much to the displeasure of the populace.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure. Scotland and Ireland are highly successful in eradicating the last vestiages of the Penguin Lillies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives continues naval buildup.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Lakota Tribes: Expansion of Lakota agriculture continues along the Pekitanoui River and its tributaries. Irrigation begins to spread along the Pekitanoui River, mainly in the southern portion, increasing the amount of farm and grazing lands, increasing agriculture production and attracting more buffalo. Hunting of the buffalo continue as more of their skins are used as clothing and teepee coverings, and more of their meat is used to feed the growing population. The palisade wall idea has been completed on smaller towns closer to the capital Wiconwico U and has now also completed on more outlying towns. The tribal feudal system continues its expansion into more parts of Lakota lands, expanding the system. Trade with the Mayans and the Apache continues, growing the Lakota tribal economy. The scouting of nearby colonies continues.
    • Selk'nam Diplomats note the increased presence of Lakota scouts in Apache lands and seek to send emmissaries to the Lakota capital at Wiconwico U.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry through the country, with the Danish provinces being especially industrialized. A Danish entrepreneur founds the first public passenger rail line in Denmark, and becomes incredibly wealthy due to the passenger income. Roman Catholicism, Odinism and now Nordicism continue to expand in Scandinavia at the expense of the Germanic Church.
  • United Sultanate of Asya: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns 7 years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Almaty (year four). We build up the military. We continue to influence the nation of Akmola (year three) Sultan Omani I declares that Asya will not interfere with Russias actions against Cossapact. The Sultanate offers Persia a Non-Aggression Pact and trade deal.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel, and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. The cable lines prove very successful and small communication stations begin to be set up in the towns which hold cable lines. The opinion of the British Isles continues to be hugely negative, and it seems this feeling will not die down for a long time. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. As a first language, pupils learn it dedicatedly as they know it would become the language which could be communicated fluently with Orissans. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The railroads begin to be completed in many sections of the nation and the first lines are hoped to be able to transport a good amount of people. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. Port towns continue to grow and fishing becomes a large source of income. The new roads to these towns help spread trade and make it easier for traders to enter and leave the towns for fish. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. The first ship in the "Imperium Class" is launched from the Imperium Shipyards. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. The tribal people learn how to communicate by writing in Sankala, as the Ethiopians begin to implement it in schools and start to teach the Bado how to write with it. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. They continue contemplating helping the Inuits to settle down into stable villages and give them a chance to communicate with the outside world. They hope to learn more about the Inuit. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The nation continues to see a bright future. The propaganda continues to encourage different tribes to co-operate and intermarry. This will help cause stability and peace in the empire and unite its peoples' even more. This is already happening in the cities as people from different areas move in and work.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi is also expanded by 15,000 km eastward to make contact with other tribes. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make a profit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. New Oman expands 15,000 km inward, with the gold helping pay off various Ethiopian debts around the world and help create a boom. The military, economy and infrastructure of all territories are expanded.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: King Atticus instructs his emmissaries abroad to inform royal families tha both his elder and younger daughters, Perpetua and Frumentia, have reached marriageble age and that his younger son Gavin will reach marriage age in two years - he also expressly makes known that he would like to see one of his daughters married to a future king, and desires more closeness with Europe. Perpetua is said to be stong willed and intelligent, but perhaps a bit temperamental, while the younger Frumentia is said to be of great beauty and evne temper, and extremely skilled in music and acrobatics. Prime Minister Icarus continues to give speeches about the "great Selk'nam destiny" and implies heavily the the Haruwin should seek a break from European influence. He markedly refuses to congratulate the new Prime Bishop, despite the fact that many in the Haruwin are devoutly Apostolic. King Atticus grows concerned but recognizes the limits of his office. Aging former Prime Minister Pantaleon is publicly critical of his successor but there are rumblings that he may be charged with sedition should he go too far. Icarus becomes obsessed with expanding the colonial empire and turns his sights toward the Austrlian continent, noting that the West Coast remains largely unsettled. He orders that construction of a new colony at OTL Shark Bay, which he names "Yagich Chongat Yagich" after the founder of the Haruwin, pointedly omitting the Christian name "David". Many in the Haruwin protest that Australis is too warm for the Selk'nam temperament, and that the location of the colony is desert, but Icarus is insistent and asks that settlers be supplied from convicts at Yagich Rafael and K'onip.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari seeks to marry his eldest son to the most powerful noble in the nearby regions, and looks to Arabia for a suitable wife. Kurdistan and Georgia continue to be benefitted by railroads that have crisscrossed the entirety of the Persian Empire. In Persia, a growth of the importance of literature begins, and wealthy and influential citizens turn to literature to express their era in words. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Military grows. Note: Reference of "Aq Qoyunlu" really meant Kurdistan. My apologies.
  • Baghdad has grown into an immensely powerful city, and begins to rival New Persepolis in splendor. Many Bagdadis feel that the grandeur of Babylon is greater than the old Persian Empires, and a competition of the arts, notably literature, begins to engulf both nations. This sense of competition feeds to a greater nationalism, since Persia and Baghdad are now under the same leader. Proposals for a more successful integration of the two nations begin to be announced. Kirkuk and Karbala are both now also decent sized cities in the Mesopotamian region. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. Khafji is now also a Baghdadi vassal. Military grows.
  • Sanaa, Socotra, Hadramaut and Aden, Persian puppets, begin to experience "Persification," which leads to a transformation into a stringent Nestorian series of states. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Nestorianism grows to become a unifying factor in the Persian realms. Military grows
  • How can they be your puppets if you don't even border them? There is no other way to vassalize them other than by war. ~Viva
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. Rajputana also beings to mobilize for war, with tens of thousands of young men signing up for military duty in light of their leader's orders. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.
  • Neu Berlin expands military and Neu Germanica expands 4000 sq km inland. Urbanization, industrialization, capitalism, and commercialism continue to grow.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues. Meanwhile, other railroads start to be planned in Aragon, particularly one that would go from Barcelona to Montpellier. Meanwhile in Castille, Garcia V abdicates from the Castillian throne and leaves it to his sister Urraca Alfonso de Lara, Duchess consort of Nájera, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Urraca IV, Queen of Castille, Toledo, Jaén, Murcia, Cantabria, Duchess of Nájera, Huete, Pastrana, Peñafiel, Soría and Villalba, Marchioness of Auñón, La Adrada, Malagón, Countess of Alcaudete, Bañares, Castrojeriz and Villalobos" Her husband, Garcia VII Manrique de Lara, Duke of Nájera now jure uxoris King of Castille, takes the corresponding titles as Garcia VI. Meanwhile in Portugal, Garcia III starts to take more centralizing measures for the Empire. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km.
  • Mwenemutapa Afonso continues the policies of his grandfather Garcia, especially when it comes to the extension of Christianity in Mutapa. The military is built up.
  • ARK: The scholars send schmatics of blueprints back to the homeland and the engineers there start to try to build it. The air furnace is leading to a boom in the economy and more plantations are being set up and some plantation owners start growing hemp. The refining of guncotton continues and chemistry is devolping rapidly. Prince Louis is given commision of the first Royal Legion under royal control 24/7. The Royal Legion is named the Blackfoot Legion name of the royal line. King Gopan is getting sick and weak in old age and fears that Ekta at the age of 13 will not be able to rule the country.
  • Apostolic Church: Prime Bishop Kusagra continues to have the missionaries peacefully convert people in Africa but also encourge them to build schools to educate the new converts. An observatory is built outside of Avalon and is used to chart the stars path. Prime Bishop Kusagra wishes to speak to Prime Minister Icarus and ask if he holds any ill feelings toward him. An envoy is sent to the Mayans to allow missionaries to work in Mayan lands.
    • Selk'nam Diplomacy: Prime Minister Icarus ignores Prime Bishop's request and does not respond. However, King Atticus is informed of the request and personally send his apologies for Icarus' behavior.
    • Apostolic Diplomacy: Prime Bishop Kusagra is by no means offended but worries about what the public will think of the Prime Minister about him completely ignoring him and hopes no protests happen.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we continue to work on the part from Wuhan to Chongqing.
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic continues. The Gaul government continues seeing powerless the actions of the Carthaginian Nestorianism, yet their politics stand. It's a Carthaginian issue rather than a concern for the Gauls. The government - although concerned -accepts the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Lorraine. It retains its concern about them, however
  • Lorraine-Picardy: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. The government is overthrown by the monarchists. The government of the confederation goes to the exile in the Gaul Republic. The kingdom of Great Lorraine is established.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire. The foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Carthage is outraged, Numidia is soon equally taken by Nestorian theocrats, yet the actions are kept low as many in the senate agree with this actions. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up. Rremains neutral on the events in Mauretania.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. a coup d'etat occurs by Nestorian militant priests to restore the greatness of Nestorianism in Numidia leading against the Muslims and Catholics in the region. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up a sudden revolt occur leading toward a theocratic government in Mauretania, lead by extremist groups of Nestorianism form a theocracy where Muslims and Catholics are second level peoples. The government, however, remains aligned with Carthage. and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region. War preparations continue as fears of an upcoming war continue.
  • Venaissin: The military is built up and the navy expands. After the meeting with Johann, the Pope agrees on local administration from the Scandinavian Catholics, and blesses the work of the bishops and the Empire itself for recognizing Catholicism faith. Economy is built up.
  • United Sultanate of Asya: Achmed, Crown Prince and heir to the throne, turns eight years of age. Industrialization and modernization continues in the contry, and we continue to influence Almaty (year five). We build up the military Almaty becomes an Asyan vassal state. We begin to merge our militaries and economies together. We continue to influence the nation of Akmola (year four). The population reaches 37,241,813 people. The National Assembly passes a bill approving the construction of several state-run farms, commercial factories, weapon factories, and highways. Construction begins immediately and mass stretches of crops, both food and commercial crops, begin to be grown while several factories begin to be built, with an iron smelting factory being built in Asyopolis (a fortified city in the Pamir Mountains on Ismail Samani Peak, albeit with the mountain having been blown a bit lower to allow for construction of the city. It is elevated at roughly 12,000 feet, with a large chunk of the city, namely the National Assemly and Royal Chambers, hidden inside the mountainside, which took 12 years to hollow out using dynamite and thousands of workers.) The Sultanate offers Persia a Non-Aggression Pact and trade deal.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout the country, with the Danish provinces being especially industrialized. Roman Catholicism, Odinism and Nordicism continue to expand in the Germanic Church's expanse. The Scandinavian language continues to grow in popularity as a common language, and more and more people think of themselves as Scandinavians first rather than their respective ethnic groups.
    • Germany seeks to renew our allaince pact as well as offer a new trade deal. (What is Nordicism? I know that your odinism is the old Norse religion, but what is Nordic then?)
    • Nordicism is just the local pseudo-protestant movement (Like Germanicism) Commandante Lemming (talk) 18:03, September 27, 2013 (UTC)
    • Scandinavia accepts the generous trade agreement from their dearest ally, Germany. NOTE: Nordicism is a more legitimate name for the Pietists who attempted to join the Apostolics. Them joining the Apostolics in the future isn't out of the question, Lemming.
  • The German Empire expands military in the states of Bayern and Saxony. Overseas all Saxon and Bavarian colonies expand to their fullest extent. Diplomats are sent to Scandinavia to help bolster relations between the two nations. Bavaria asks Italia if there is any land or colony that we may purchase. We can pay handsomely for it. King Karl is officially coronated this year to great fanfare. The German Empire (Bayern and Saxony) continues to industrialise. Offers of alliance are sent the the United Sultanate of Asya. France is asked about the state of Carthage, and re-offers purchasing it. Diplomats are sent to China to discuss an alliance and trade pact. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands industry at a breakneck pace. Edmund Bunting, a British national that moved to Bavarian Australis invents a better method of taking a photograph using light sensitive paper. The road between Munchen and Vienna becomes the first road covered in tarmac, instead of the bumpy cobblestones used previously. Rail continues to be laid throughout the Empire. France is asked if a connection from Saxony can be established to Paris. Odinism, a religion from Scandinavia makes its way to Germany, it already has a following in Hamburg.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The situation in Britain calms down with almost all the Ethiopian population deported.
  • The Empire of Antilia works on its interal infrastructure.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure. Scotland and Ireland are highly successful in eradicating the last vestiages of the Penguin Lillies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives continues naval buildup.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military sees a massive buildup. Yagich Chongat Yagich expands by 1000 km sq into the barren Australian dessert. King Atticus continues the search for grooms for his two daughters (see previous post for details). Prime Minister Icarus consolidates power, removing non-loyalists from key positions in government. Former Prime Minister Pantaleon continues to forcefully object and goes so far as to call Icarus "a dictator". Icarus orders Pantaleon arrested for sedition, but King Atticus issues a royal pardon to prevent his arrest and seeks input on how to remove Pantaleon from his positon, but the council of Chiefs has been mostly stacked with Icarus loyalists and refuses to act. Discontent grows in Yagich Rafael as its citizens become annoyed with the aggressive pressure to populate the new colony at Yagich Chongat Yagich and ask that settlers be sent from the mainland. A pro-independence riot breaks out on Christmas Day but is put down by the military.
    • ARK Diplomacy: King Gopan sends a letter to King Atticus saying he'd better oust Prime Minister Icarus before he drives the Selk'nam into civil war. He will try to overthrow you. He has all the power in the Council of Chiefs.
    • Portugal inquires about the age of Atticus' daughters, as the Emperor is interested in finding a wife for the Prince of Galicia, Afonso Garcia de Lara (19 years of age in 1838).
    • Selk'nam Diplomacy: It is suggested that Prince Alfonso take the hand of the younger daughter, Frumentia, who is the same age.
  • Warrior Games: The Selk'nam will be holding the next Warrior Games in seven years. In Jousting, the Mayan champion Teyacapan Macehual, Swordsmanship Selk'nam champion Laozi Ctl'hg, Noble of Miyako Yagich, Marksmanship Apache champion Lolotea Bird, Obstacle Course Selk'nam champion Lord Zephyrinus Tuch'huelpe'Htlachinenur'Yachichin'OnaYagcichin'ichin'Selk'nam, acrobat of the Royal Circus of Ona Yagich.
  • The Selk'nam will be honored to host the next games. Commandante Lemming (talk) 02:28, September 28, 2013 (UTC)
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. Teyacapan Macehual is celebrated as the first Mayan champion in the Warrior Games. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • Persia: Shah Aslan Askari seeks to marry his eldest son to the most powerful noble in the nearby regions, and looks to Arabia for a suitable wife. Kurdistan and Georgia continue to be benefited by railroads that have crisscrossed the entirety of the Persian Empire. In Persia, a growth of the importance of literature begins, and wealthy and influential citizens turn to literature to express their era in words. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Military grows. Note: Reference of "Aq Qoyunlu" really meant Kurdistan. My apologies.
  • Baghdad has grown into an immensely powerful city, and begins to rival New Persepolis in splendor. Many Bagdadis feel that the grandeur of Babylon is greater than the old Persian Empires, and a competition of the arts, notably literature, begins to engulf both nations. This sense of competition feeds to a greater nationalism, since Persia and Baghdad are now under the same leader. Proposals for a more successful integration of the two nations begin to be announced. Kirkuk and Karbala are both now also decent sized cities in the Mesopotamian region. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. Khafji is now also a Baghdadi vassal. Military grows.
  • Sanaa, Socotra, Hadramaut and Aden, Persian puppets, begin to experience "Persification," which leads to a transformation into a stringent Nestorian series of states. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Nestorianism grows to become a unifying factor in the Persian realms. Military grows
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. The cable lines prove very successful and small communication stations begin to be set up in the towns which hold cable lines. The opinion of the British Isles continues to be hugely negative, and it seems this feeling will not die down for a long time. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. As a first language, pupils learn it dedicatedly as they know it would become the language which could be communicated fluently with Orissans. The Imperium also sees railroad construction as the technology arrives and industrialists begin to see it as the way forward. The railroads begin to be completed in many sections of the nation and the first lines are hoped to be able to transport a good amount of people. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. Port towns continue to grow and fishing becomes a large source of income. The new roads to these towns help spread trade and make it easier for traders to enter and leave the towns for fish. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. The tribal people learn how to communicate by writing in Sankala, as the Ethiopians begin to implement it in schools and start to teach the Bado how to write with it. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. They continue contemplating helping the Inuits to settle down into stable villages and give them a chance to communicate with the outside world. They hope to learn more about the Inuit. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The nation continues to see a bright future. The propaganda continues to encourage different tribes to co-operate and intermarry. This will help cause stability and peace in the empire and unite its peoples' even more. This is already happening in the cities as people from different areas move in and work.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi is also expanded by 15,000 km eastward to make contact with other tribes. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make a profit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. New Oman expands 15,000 km inward, with the gold helping pay off various Ethiopian debts around the world and help create a boom. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues. Meanwhile, the Montpellier-Barcelona railroad is still being planned. Meanwhile, a royal marriage proposal is sent to the Selk'nam, with Garcia III being interested in marrying his eldest son, Afonso Garcia de Lara, to the youngest daughter (Frumentia) of the King of the Selk'nam. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 13,200 sq km.
  • Mwenemutapa Afonso continues the policies of his grandfather Garcia, especially when it comes to the extension of Christianity in Mutapa. The military is built up.
  • Normandy: The military expands. The economy also expands. Normandy offers the Government of Wales economic access to the city of Rouen, allowing Welsh shops and businesses to operate in foreign land. This move is primarily a move meant to stimulate both the Norman and Welsh economies. In other news, the Australian Colony expands by 250 sq. km. Domestically, rumors circle around the National Council of a vote which would re-instate the Monarchy. Rumors find their way into the public, where there is a mixed reception. Many people find that the monarchy led to the downfaill of Normandy, while others believe the Republic is too unorganized. Normandy sends diplomats to France to talk about joining the French League, and further diplomats are sent to Italia to discuss whether or not Normandy holding a dual union with Italia and France is acceptable.
    • Gaul Republic: The Government of Paris is glad to hear news of their Equals in normandy; However, the Entity of the french league is gone, and has been replaced by the Gaul confederacy (as its unique successor) the Gaul Republic would be interested to .
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon. Empress Meishō dies this year, and the Rokkaku clan, as well as the rest of Japan, pays their respects. She is succeeded by Hachiko, who becomes Emperor. Also, Rokkaku Mitsuaki steps down and Rokkaku Masamitsu becomes Shogun.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • ARK: Crown Prince Ekta, age 14 (Ekta is very nationalistic and loves Greek philosophy and mythology) visits the Selk'nam in a state visit and wishes to meet King Atticus and Prime Minister Icarus. The first steam engine is succesfully tested and water wheels - though sparce - are being used more. Guncotton is starting to be widely used in the military. Academias start teaching anatomy even though it is widely frowned upon. Displaced farmers from the construction of plantations led many to go cities to find work. King Gopan slips into a coma and Prince Louis is estated as Regent. The economy is experiencing a boom from industrialization but the lower classes are growing. The Silent Brigade is established by Regent Louis as a special forces sniper unit to take out rebel leaders.
    • King Atticus has a pleasant meeting with Ekta, who he describes to an aid as "a fine young man but slightly overzealous." Prime Minister Icarus is extremely happy to meet the young prince, in whom he sees a kindred spirit. He gives the prince a large scientific library as a lavish gift and spends several hours telling him how science is the way of the future, but religion is a vanishing tool of the weak minded.
  • Apostolic Church: Prime Bishop Kusagra encourges missionaries to teach converts and help out in state building in Africa. A request is sent to the Rokkaku Shogunate to allow missionaries in their lands Rokkaku Shogunate. A church-established university is constructed in the capital of every member nation. Prime Bishop Kusagra sends a request to Icarus to speak with him and see where his hatred of him lies.
    • Shogun Rokkaku Masamitsu kindly declines.
    • Icarus sends a courier to Avalon with a one sentence note scribbled hastily on a piece of paper. It reads, "Tend your sheep, but leave the wolves to themselves lest they bite."
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we continue to work on the part from Chongqing to Chengdu.
  • Persia declares war on Asya, after Shah Aslan has sought the approval of the Raj of Orissa. All Persian-affiliated states send supplies. Aslan continues the search for a wife for his eldest son, and a good deal of progress is made toward the marriage. Kurdistan and Georgia continue to be benefitted by railroads that have crisscrossed the entirety of the Persian Empire. In Persia, a growth of the importance of literature begins, and wealthy and influential citizens turn to literature to express their era in words. The Shah spends a lot of time in Baghdad, where Nestorianism has eclipsed Islam as the predominant religion. Economy grows.
  • Baghdad has grown into an immensely powerful city, and begins to rival New Persepolis in splendor. Many Bagdadis feel that the grandeur of Babylon is greater than the old Persian Empires, and a competition of the arts, notably literature, begins to engulf both nations. This sense of competition feeds to a greater nationalism, since Persia and Baghdad are now under the same leader. Proposals for a more successful integration of the two nations begin to be announced. Kirkuk and Karbala are both now also decent sized cities in the Mesopotamian region. Kuwait continues to help Baghdad out as a powerful vassal. Khafji is now also a Baghdadi vassal. Economy grows.
  • Sanaa, Socotra, Hadramaut and Aden, Persian puppets, begin to experience "Persification," which leads to a transformation into a stringent Nestorian series of states. The presence of Yemeni Nestorians as a majority is felt widely. Nestorianism grows to become a unifying factor in the Persian realms. Economy grows. A process of puppetization begins, directed at the Arabian state north of Yemen, where Nestorianism is growing after the fallen Federation.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout the country, with the Danish provinces being especially industrialized. Roman Catholicism, Odinism and Nordicism continue to expand in the Germanic Church's expanse. The Scandinavian language continues to grow in popularity as a common language, and more and more people think of themselves as Scandinavians first rather than their respective ethnic groups.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Prime Minister Icarus follows his massive army buidup with a massive naval building project. Yagich Chongat Yagich expands anouther 1000 km sq along the coast and more kelp farms are planted - the colony proves self-sustaining on the kelp trade alone but remains unpopular as the climate is hot and agriculture is near-impossible, with imported guanacos dying in the heat. King Atticus worries about his Prime Minister's ambitions but does not act against him for fear of sparking war. Pro-independence movements in Yagich Rafael continue gaining strength. Icarus surprises the Haruwin by announcing that the Warrior Games in five years will not be held in Ona Yagich, but in his home colony of Yagich Atticus, which he calls "a gleaming edifice of Selk'nam modernity, free of the shackles of the past."
  • Apostolic Maugholdian Order: Brother Paul, head of the order chooses to focus his efforts outside the Selk'nam Haruwin due to the political climate, and hearing of the founding of the Nordic Church from his contacts in Avalon, sends emmissaries to Iceland to seek common ground (I'm assuming the Pietist movement is concentrated in the old capital rather than the new.) (Scandinavian Response)
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic continues. The Gaul government continues seeing powerless the actions of the Carthaginian Nestorianism, yet their politics stand. It's a Carthaginian issue rather than a concern for the Gauls. The government extends the hand to Lorraine in order to establish a steady government in the region.
  • Great Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. The government is overthrown by the monarchists. The tense situation continues, but many continue agreeing in with the Loyalists who took over and Put Louis XII in charge of the Kingdom.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire. The foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Carthage is outraged, Numidia is soon equally taken by Nestorian theocrats, yet the actions are kept low as many in the senate agree with this actions. Economy is built up.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up. Remains neutral on the events in Mauretania.
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. a coup d'etat occurs by Nestorian militant priests to restore the greatness of Nestorianism in Numidia leading against the Muslims and Catholics in the region. Economy is built up.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up a sudden revolt occur leading toward a theocratic government in Mauretania, lead by extremist groups of Nestorianism form a theocracy where Muslims and Catholics are second level peoples. The government, however, remains aligned with Carthage. and navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Zululand: Military is built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up.
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region. War preparations continue as fears of an upcoming war continue.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara and Nya Gyptios expand at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 17,000 sq km in Australia. Nuovo Venexia and Treviso expand by 8500 sq km. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The situation in Britain calms down with almost all the Ethiopian population deported.
  • The Empire of Antilia works on its interal infrastructure.
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure. Scotland and Ireland are highly successful in eradicating the last vestiages of the Penguin Lillies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives continues naval buildup.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. The cable lines prove very successful and small communication stations begin to be set up in the towns which hold cable lines. The opinion of the British Isles continues to be hugely negative, and it seems this feeling will not die down for a long time. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. As a first language, pupils learn it dedicatedly as they know it would become the language which could be communicated fluently with Orissans. The Imperium continues its railroad projects. The aim is to be able to connect the major Ethiopian cities in each corner of the nation to Addis Abbaba to make sure that trading spreads all throughout the nation. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. Port towns continue to grow and fishing becomes a large source of income. The new roads to these towns help spread trade and make it easier for traders to enter and leave the towns for fish. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. The tribal people learn how to communicate by writing in Sankala, as the Ethiopians begin to implement it in schools and start to teach the Bado how to write with it. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. The first Ethiopian-Inuit relationship begins as an Ethiopian man and an Inuit women fall in love and become married. This creates a bit of a stir in the colony. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The nation continues to see a bright future. The propaganda continues to encourage different tribes to co-operate and inter-marry. This will help cause stability and peace in the empire and unite its peoples' even more. This is already happening in the cities as people from different areas move in and work. The nation's propaganda begins to tell its people that the first stage to revenge is close, and citizens could help the nation in any way they can. Many join up the army after reading the propaganda messages.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi is also expanded by 15,000 km eastward to make contact with other tribes. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make a profit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. New Oman expands 15,000 km inward, with the gold helping pay off various Ethiopian debts around the world and help create a boom. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded.
  • Neu Berlin declares war on France to gain their colony. Ground forces quickly move into Baie d'Eric and large fleets are sent to mainland France. We invite Ethiopia to join.
  • Propaganda within the Maharajya continues as the government continues to convince its people that their hard work and loyalty is necessary to the survival of their people and state. The north-south railways of India continue with their construction, with the major line linking Delhi to the city of Kochi completed by the government-backed companies. Government propaganda begins to take hold in the lives of the people of Mysore, telling them that integration within the subcontinent is vital to the security of the nation and its culture. Sankala continues to grow in power and popularity, with millions in the north and the south adopting it in their everyday lives for communication with others of different groups and nationalities, breaking down the language barriers wherever it is found. A major shipbuilding center is established in the city of Bombay, where the strategy is used to advance work on expanding the Maharajya's blue-water navy. Integration of Sri Lanka into the mainland continues to progress, with many on the island coming to appreciate the wealth and glory of the United Maharajya. The SOC's promotion of Atlantia continues and many thousands of Indians seeking to move into the colonies of the nation continue abroad, seeking additional opportunies there. Uttarshina is expanded by 1150 km inland toward Brasil, increasingly closing the final gap between the two territories. Many of the citizens in Arab Bombay continue adopting Hinduism as their primary religion with much progress made by the government in promoting its adoption. Major construction projects continue as the government seeks to expand the wealth of the nation into all parts of the Maharajya. Several miles of telegraph cables continue to span the width and breadth of the nation, with any cities quickly falling within the range of the telegraph cables thanks to Orissa's plentiful manpower. The steamship and submersible navy continues to grow with government backing and subsidies. Patagoshina is expanded 6150 km to the north, seeking to gain access to the precious resources in the region. Aid continues to secretly flow to the Nestorian movements in Iraq. Dakshin Aprika continues to expand its borders, doing so by expanding 15,000 km inland. Morocco and Mauritania are expanded by 15,000 km each into the Sahara to gain access to the desert trade routes. The Gold Coast is expanded by 650 km to cater to the growing population and immigration to the territory. Orissan Aprika is expanded by 18,150 km, while the vassal in the center of it is expanded by 15,000 km by the administrators. The United Maharajya finishes its war against the Dimuratis, successfully defeating them and incorporating newly captured territories into their fold.
  • Rajputana continues to expand its army, economy and infrastructure, supporting numerous development schemes throughout the nation, and promoting migration into the land. Rajputana makes public its declaration of war against the French. The colony of Naya Punjab is expanded by 32,150 km, with a major industrial base supporting its rapid growth. The rails between Delhi and Amristar become very popular, with hundreds of thousands visiting the capital, and funding the expansion of rail lines elsewhere. The Khmers and expand their military, economy and infrastructure, as do Mataram and Brunei. The puppet state of Naya Bihar expands by 15,000 km, and the military, economy and infrastructure there are expanded. Hinduism continues to spread in the territory, as many see more to gain from joining the religion of the many and the powerful, than to stay in darkness and ignorance. Butung develops its infrastructure, and its military and economy are expanded. Kongo is expanded by 15,000 km, and tens of thousands continue to flee, as the Welsh propaganda has taken root with the people, giving false belief of the Orissan administrators' intentions.
  • China expands its military, economy and infrastructure. Work on the Bing Railway continues. New Manchuria expands north around the French colony by 16,000 sq km this year while Baitudu expands south by 8000 sq km. Meanwhile in China, several iron mills are created as industry in China continues to expand.


  • Portugal, León, Aragon, Castille, Navarra and Granada prepare their militaries and industrialization continues. Meanwhile, the Montpellier-Barcelona railroad is still being planned. Meanwhile, the 1838 royal marriage proposal to the Selk'nam is sent again. Meanwhile in Aragon, Ramon IV dies, and is succeeded by his son Joan Ramon de Cardona, who is crowned as "By the Grace of God, Joan VII, King of Aragon, Valencia and Majorca, Duke of Segorbe and Tolosa, Marchess of Albi, Besièrs and Carcassona and Count of Agde, Ampurias, Berga, Besalú, Cervera, Cerdanya, Conflent, Foix, Melgueil, Osona, Pallars, Ribagorza, Roussillon, Sobrabe, Teruel and Urgell". Meanwhile, his second son, Ramon Folc de Cardona, becomes Duke of Cardona as Ramon XIII. Meanwhile in Navarra, Infante Garcia de Comminges-Guitaut, son of Sancho de Comminges-Guitaut, the Prnce of Viana, dies. Meanwhile, Sofala expands 3800 sq km, and Angola expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, Maranhão expands 5,250 sq km and in Rio da Prata, Santa Maria expands 8450 sq km.
    • The United Maharajya wishes to purchase the Portuguese colony south of Dakshin Aprika (the colony where OTL Maputo is located). You will be generously compensated.
      • Portugal demands a equivalent quantity of territory from any Orissan colony that borders a Portuguese colony to be given in return, in order to accept..(You know, with the system we have, if you give me money, i'll be essentially giving away that part for free).
    • Selk'nam Diplomacy: Last year's royal marriage offer for the hand of Princess Frumentia is accepted with glee by King Atticus after the messengers were delayed at sea (Saturday is the one day of the week I can't read this page in detail.)
      • What is Frumentia's full name? i'll need it.
  • Mwenemutapa Afonso continues the policies of his grandfather Garcia, especially when it comes to the extension of Christianity in Mutapa. The military is built up.
  • The Rokkaku Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist temples and Shinto shrines are built throughout the nation. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Ibaraki expands by 7950 sq km. Shinto shrines, Taoist temples and some Buddhist temples are built throughout the colonies. More funding is put into science and agriculture. More fertiliser is created and used on fields. More air furnaces are also built. Meanwhile, urbanisation continues throughout the nation. More steam power is built, and a few water wheels are built. Aid and clean up continues to areas affected by the volcanoes. Railways continue to be studied upon.
  • The Federal Republic of Tojiko continues to build up its military and expands by 9950 sq km. Some Jīdūhist and Amaterasuist churches are built. A few Shinto shrines are also built.
  • The Federal Prefectures of Kasodani continues to build up its military. More Shinto shrines and Taoist temples are built. A few Buddhist temples are also built. Kasodani expands by 8500 sq km.
  • The Republic of Byakuren continues to build up its military. Meanwhile, Buddhism continues to rise in popularity and gains more followers. More Taoist temples are turned into Buddhist temples.
  • The Republic of Himekaidou continues to build up its military. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples are built throughout the nation.
  • The Scandinavians continue to expand their industry throughout the country, with the Danish provinces being especially industrialized. Roman Catholicism, Odinism and Nordicism continue to expand in the Germanic Church's expanse. The Scandinavian language continues to grow in popularity as a common language, and more and more people think of themselves as Scandinavians first rather than their respective ethnic groups.
  • The German Empire: expands military in the states of Bayern and Saxony. Overseas all Saxon and Bavarian colonies expand to their fullest extent. Diplomats are sent to Scandinavia to help bolster relations between the two nations. The German Empire (Bayern and Saxony) continues to industrialise. Overseas, Bavarian Australis expands industry at a breakneck pace. Edmund Bunting's camera becomes widly marketed in Australis and in the Empire, with many people begining to use his invention. The Weitzuhr celebrates its 150 year anniversary and becomes the first newspaper in Europe to begin using photos in articles as well as sketches. The Deutshes Science Monitor is printed, a new comprehensive journal on all scientific developments of importance. More roads begin to be resurfaced in tramac. A new programme is developed to expand the road networks and upgrade them. Rail continues to be laid throughout the Empire. France is asked if a connection from Saxony can be established to Paris. Odinism, continues its moderate growth.
  • ARK: King Gopan is still in a coma and the doctors can not find a reason why he unexpectly slipped into a coma. A form of communism starts to take root in Apache lands slowly but steadily rising. Chemistry and anatomy is continued to be studied in the universities across the country and displaced farmers continiue to funnel into the cities to find a work. Crown Prince Ekta on his return trip back to Apache lands is attacked by pirates but defeats them and brings them to the capital and makes a gruesome example of them by cutting pirates' stomachs open then dragging them around the city. Ekta sends a letter to his brother stating this year will be his last year as regent because he will be of age soon. "Father is sick and will return to the spirits soon and by law I am to succeed the throne please honorable brother do not let power blind you". A breech-loading rifle is constructed This is plausible. Countries had breech-loading rifles in the OTL early 1800's. but because of the complecity of the rifle means that they are used only by the Silent Brigade and the Royal Legion.
  • Apostolic Church: Missionaries are sent to inland Africa and envoys are sent to Mayan and Lakota to allow missionaries to preach in their lands Mayan and Lakota, please respond. An envoy is also sent to Scandinavia asking if the missionaries can preach and teach in their lands Scandinavia, please respond. Observatories are built in Apache, Selk'nam and Tojiko lands to continue studing the heavens.
    • The Mayan Empire will accept the missionaries, and will allow them to preach so long as they do not disrupt civil order.
    • The Scandinavians accept the missionaries, and will allow them to preach. They also remind them that the Nordic Church is forming a distinctive identity, and will not unite with the Apostolics quietly.
  • The Hellenic Union continues to develop its railways, and steel and glass are developed all over Anatolia and the Hellenic peninsula. In Cyprus and Crete, cloth factories and paper mills are built and in the colonies, hospitals and health care continue to be widespread. The Hellenic Union continues to expand both its economy and its military and its colonies are expanded. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 12,000 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 12,000 sq km.
  • Cyrenaica: Expands 20,000 sq km into the desert and continues to develop paper mills and cloth factories.
  • Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 2100 sq km. Myanmar Guinea expands by 2000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. Industrialization begins to speed up dramatically due to the rise of personal enterprises and the steam engine. More rifles are built. We continue expanding our navy. We become really rich from selling silk and scientists began researching an industrialised way of making silk. The scientists have developed a way of raising the silkworms in small baskets to utilize space and produce silk more efficiently. We finish the trans-China railway and we continue to work on the part from Chongqing to Chengdu. Chengdu to Qamdo.
  • Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam: Military buildup continues at breakneck pace. Yagich Chongat Yagich expands 100 km sq. There is great rejoicing at the wedding of the beautiful Princess Frumentia and Prince Afonso Garcia de Lara. However, Frumentia's older sister Perpetua is devastated that her younger sister has married before her to a royal heir - and with one of his daughters married to the son of a king, Atticus begins fielding offers from non-heirs for Perpetua's hand (despite having told her since childhood she would be a great queen one day). Prime Minister Icarus rams through legislation allowing him tor run for a third term, triggering widespread protests. The independence movement in Yagich Rafael continiues to grow.
  • Italia works on its economy, seeking to regain a surplus after the costly war. Urbanization continues across Italia at a rapid pace especially in the Western port cities. Venice begins to make a name for itself in tourism for the upper class, education and naval construction in some of the farther islands with the lagoon's sheltered and settled condition proving to be perfect for shipbuilding. Florence and a few other cities in central Italia become industrial centres as huge cloth weaving factories spring up to serve the growing demands of an expanding population. The University of Venice continues chemical experimentation. Meanwhile, the University of Milan and the University of Istria continue to lead in the study of human anatomy with near daily dissections much to the displeasure of the local populace. The University of Southern Tyrolia continues observing the skies and discovers more astronomical objects. Italia and its subject nations continue to experience a declining death rate as a result of greater understanding of how the human body works. Printing presses in the major cities churn out daily newspapers for the people reporting on various news across the Italian dominions. Aymara expands at 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 34,000 sq km in Australia. Work to extend the network continues with minor lines springing up. Passenger and freight trains break social and cultural barriers and make travel a lot more affordable. Many factories of different types continue to be set up around Italia. The situation in Britain returns to normal tranquility.
  • The Empire of Antilia collapses in the face of popular revolt. A closer inspection reveals that a brutal dictatorship had taken hold of the empire and pro-Italia revolutionaries declare the nation of Nuovo Italia to be born. The new nation seeks close ties and an alliance with Italia and its allies.
    • The Mayan Empire seeks to establish formal relations with Nuovo Italia
  • Padang and Romania work on their economies. Siam and Malacca work on their navies. Yugoslavia and Hungary work on their armies.
  • The Union of the Benelux, Brittany, Normandy and the British states of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales co-operate in improving infrastructure. Scotland and Ireland are highly successful in eradicating the last vestiges of the Penguin Lillies.
  • The Levantine Kingdom continues further strengthening of infrastructure. The Nile sees the rise of factories similar to those in Florence.
  • The Maldives continues naval buildup.
  • The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. More branch lines are created for the railroad, connecting more large markets. As a result of the expanding rail network, the economy booms. Glass, steel and concrete become common building materials in the southern provinces. Some of these establishments also appear in Mutul and Azteca. Trade throughout North Maori and New Ceatl continues, allowing for more trade with Asian nations. Infrastructure in Zapotec continues to be updated. The colony of Halakin continues trading with the nations in Atlantia. The Juun family continues improving the national public school system. More universities are established in lower class provinces. Roads in the northern part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Greater Kaliforno expands 20,600 km and Haven expands 12,400 km.
  • Gaul Republic: The Colonies expand. Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 9000 sq km around the territory of Chimu, and Brasilea expands by 9000 sq km inland underneath the Cypriot colony and Baie d'Notre Dame expands by 17,000 sq km inland, while La Riviere expands by 3000 sq km northward, Baie d'Eric expands into western Canada, north to the Ethiopian colony. Economy is built up. Military is built up, the organization of the departments of the republic continues. The Gaul government continues seeing powerless the actions of the Carthaginian Nestorianism, yet their politics stand,. It's a Carthaginian issue rather than a concern for the Gauls. The government extends the hand to Lorraine in order to establish a steady government in the region a response is made in front of the events in South Africa, Eastern Carthage and Baie d'Eric and the local troops respond fast to the crisis in the colonies border. Gaul republic asks the German empire to aid them in the war with orissa and to do aid that it agrees with the connexion of Paris and Saxony.
  • Great Lorraine: Military is built up. School system grows. Economy is built up. in a fast move the situation turn its tide, as Republicans from Picardy throw a surprise attack into Lorraine forcing the Kingdom to send troops to fight them, by the end of the year the king is executed and the Monarchy is overthrown, the Republic of Lorraine-Picardy is again re-established. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Carthage: School system is updated all over the empire. The foundation of universities continues along the empire territories The military is built up. Carthage is outraged, Numidia is soon equally taken by Nestorian theocrats, yet the actions are kept low as many in the senate agree with this actions. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Leptis: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The creation of pluricultural churches starts in the south of Leptis begins. French scholars continue populating the region, many coming for the University of Leptis. Economy is built up. Remains neutral on the events in Mauretania. Declares war on the coalition
  • Numidia: Military is built up and school system continues growing. The coup d'etat: the Numidians overthrow the Nestorian government as Muslims and Catholic groups force the Nestorian leadership to fight in the streets of the small duchy, in the end reaching the capital and setting the new government the republic of Numidia. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Mauretania: Military is built up. The events occurring in Numidia cause similar events in Mauretania and soon the Nestorian militants are executed by the people of Mauretania the Republic is declared yet allegiance is sworn to the Carthaginians. and navy expands. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Zululand: Military is built up. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Basotho: Military and navy are built up. Many French begin to settle the region as planned during the Vassalization of Basotho and Zululand. The expansion starts by 10,000 sq km to the north. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition.
  • Muiscas: The military is built up and the navy expands. Economy is built up. Declares war on the coalition
  • Nouvelle Judea: Military and navy are built up. Trading with Portuguese, Italian and French colonies in Antilia and Atlantia continue and with it, continues the expansion of the Judean trading company in Antilia. Economy is built up. The military inland in the mainland begins developing fortresses along the coast preparing themselves in the case of pirate or external invasion into the region. War preparations continue as fears of an upcoming war continue. Declares war on the coalition.
  • In the Imperium Africana, work progresses at a breakneck speed as the cable lines continued to be laid down to ease communication problems all over the nation's main cities. The cable lines prove very successful and small communication stations begin to be set up in the towns which hold cable lines. The opinion of the British Isles continues to be hugely negative, and it seems this feeling will not die down for a long time. The language of Sankala continues to become very popular. As a first language, pupils learn it dedicatedly as they know it would become the language which could be communicated fluently with Orissans. The Imperium continues its railroad projects. The aim is to be able to connect the major Ethiopian cities in each corner of the nation to Addis Abbaba to make sure that trading spreads all throughout the nation. Consolidation of the many new lands integrated continues. Port towns continue to grow and fishing becomes a large source of income. The new roads to these towns help spread trade and make it easier for traders to enter and leave the towns for fish. The propaganda continues, fuelling Ethiopian rage and helping its people to work harder and better for the nation. People work for their nation and for greater prosperity. The army is upgraded with new rifles produced and given to the army, while the navy continues to work with the Orissan navy and train together. In Bado, the process of establishing thriving towns and villages continues. The locals under Ethiopian aid begin to learn of the ideas of plurocontinentalism and quickly begin to accept it. Already a demand for jobs arises in Bado and many tribes' people migrate into the towns to work and construct new housing and factories as well as build roads in the nation. The tribal people learn how to communicate by writing in Sankala, as the Ethiopians begin to implement it in schools and start to teach the Bado how to write with it. In Northern Antillia, colonists from Wahab continue to co-operate with the Inuit, providing them medicine and new goods in exchange for being able to learn more about them. Baridi sees many small outposts constructed and business opportunists head to the lands to be able to get new furs and wood. The nation continues to see a bright future. The propaganda continues to encourage different tribes to co-operate and inter-marry. This will help cause stability and peace in the empire and unite its peoples' even more. This is already happening in the cities as people from different areas move in and work. The nation's propaganda begins to tell its people that the first stage to revenge is close, and citizens could help the nation in any way they can. Many join up the army after reading the propaganda messages.
  • Wärqama is expanded by 10,000 km and it focuses its expansion on the borders of Tojiko. Wädäb expands by 12,000 km inland, trying to get to the Northern Lakes. Dähnnät are expanded by 12,000 km on the Portuguese colonial borders. Nyamwezi is also expanded by 15,000 km eastward to make contact with other tribes. Kenya expands the colony of Taimaini by 8000 km on the coasts. Baridi expands by 15,000 km as the company brings in its workers to work the land and help make a profit out of this experimental endeveour. Eritrea expands its colony of Buruk by 2000 km as well. Dafur expands 15,000 km westward and Kitara expands 15,000 km north and southward. Oyo, Benin and Yuroboland also all expand by 15,000 km into the civil disarray of the two states to its north. New Oman expands 15,000 km inward, with the gold helping pay off various Ethiopian debts around the world and help create a boom. The military, economy, and infrastructure of all territories are expanded.
  • Russia: works on its military. Industrial production is amped up, and more funds are given to scientists. The death rate is rapidly decreasing as a result of better understanding of anatomy. Russia grudgingly continues its stance on Scandinavia. Socialism grows. Russian railroads begin to be used more and more by the wealthy. Work on all railways continues. Russia spends more money on R&D. More shipments of Kalashnikovs are brought to Russia. Russia claims the rest of the Arctic islands and Siberia ... defined as the rest of Northern Asia. RosPuli is granted a governement contract for military ammunition. The first icebreaker is produced, and named the ldovity Kit (icewhale), is launched and commisioned at the Arkhangelsk shipyards. Cossapact accepts russia's ultimatum, becoming a state in the Kazakhstan Federation.
  • Minsk: works on its economy. Industry builds up at an exponential rate. More textile factories emerge all around the nation, as the resource of the twin-piston steam engine is being used exquisitely well. The wealthy begin using railways to ferry resources and personnel between many cities in Russia. Moscow-Minsk railway continues construction. Railways become profitable due to more businesses using them. The White Russian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Scientific advances become up-to-date with OTL.
  • Ukraine: Works on its military to improve defence as it is now tasked with patrolling its borders. The first railway is used primarily to ferry resources by the wealthy. The Ukrainian Duma approves of constructing the railways. The Ukrainian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Grand Principality of Suur-Suomi works on its military. Orthodoxy becomes a major religion in major cities such as Helsinki and Taalinn. Railway constructions continue. The Greater Finnish government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military.
  • The Federated Duchy of the Caucasus: works on its economic ties, and tries to stay open to trade competition. The Caucasian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Astrakhan: Joins the ERC after a railway proposal was presented to them, and work on either military or economy (whatever makes it equal with other Russian realm peoples). The Astrakhani government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year. Contract awarded to Kalashnikov Industries for 1000 of their newest rifles per year, along with an initial shipment of half their military. Railway constructions begin.
  • Riga: Works on its economy. The "third railway" begins construction. Riga approves of the ERC, wanting more control of railways in their territory. The Rigan government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • The United Kingdoms of Antillia expand themselves along the Mississippi: The UKA asks to purchase the Portuguese colony in Antillia on behalf of the UKA. Construction continues of two railways, the Mississippi and Rusalka (St Lawrence) railways, along their respective rivers. The Antillian government spends money to buy MVK-33s, with a shipment coming this year.
  • Neu Berlin continues fighting France.