Alternative History

Duchy of Pontus
1995 –
Pontus our friend
Pontus, Our Lord and Friend
Map of duchy of pontus

Pontus by 1995.
Capital Ordu
Official language Pontian
Religion Islamic
Government Duchy and Monarchy
Head of state
"Muhammed Amarojaii"
Legislature National Assembly
Population 3,560
Historical era
March 3rd, 1995

The Duchy of Pontus, or commonly known as Pontus, is a small country bordering Russia and the Turkish States. It is one of the world's most important Post-Apocalyptic refugees at its time since 1985. The little country is also known to be a member of the Turkish Union, a semi-republic based on an alliance and union between Turkey's city states. Pontus is one of Russia's main allies and partners, and as well is allied to all other Turkish states, along with Alaska and East Romania. Its capital, Ordu, was rebuilt in 1986 and then expanded its borders by 1988. It was conquered by the Romans until 1993. It is also aligned with Byzantium, Egypt, and Persia, despite its need for food, water, electricity, and salt.
