Alternative History
Deutsches Reich
German Reich
<---- Flag of Germany 1933
<---- Flag of Saar 1920-1935 1935
Flag of Austria 1938
Timeline Split
OTL equivalent Nazi Germany
Flag of Germany (1935–1945)
Capital Berlin
Official Language German
Government Single-party state, Totalitarian autocratic national socialist dictatorship,


Religion Roman_Catholic
Fuher - 1933 - 1940
Established January 30, 1933
Disestablishment May 9, 1940

Nazi Germany and the Third Reich are the English names for Germany under the regime of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP), which established a totalitarian dictatorship that existed from 1933 to 1940. The state was a major European power in the 1930s. Its significance lies mainly in its responsibility for escalating political tensions in Europe such as uniting with or . In 1938, Germany was bounded on the north by the North Sea, , and the Baltic Sea; to the east by , The , and ; to the south by , , , and ; and to the west by , , and the .


On the 12th March, , united with Germany, breaking the Treaty of Versailles. declared war. soon declared war in support of Germany.
