Alternative History

Russia, officially the Tsardom of Russia, is a large sovereign nation on the border of Europe and Asia, located west of the Ural Mountains in Western Asia & Eastern Europe. Russia is bordered by Finland, Estland, Latvia, Vyatichia & Ukraine to the west, Kartvelia, Ossetia, Vainakha & Kumykia to the south, Kazakh Yeli, Siberia & Yugra to the east, and Bjarmaland to the north. The capital of Russia is situated in Moscow, and the nation has a very large population of ___ million, making it the most populous country in Europe.


Before 1917[]

Kramskoy Alexander III

Tsar Alexander III.

With Alexander II’s sudden assassination, Alexander III would succeed him as the ruling Tsar. Diverging from OTL, Alexander III would continue Russia’s liberalization policies, though the powers of the Tsar would now be overseen by the Ukase (Russian: Указъ, Ukaz’). The Ukase would essentially keep him in check, and was set up by Alexander II shortly before he died. In the habit of continuing the pursuit of liberalization as well as international cooperation, Russia and France would become major allies, who along with Britain would form the Triple Entente.

His reign would receive much more praise by it’s citizens and allies after a successful victory against Japan in 1904’s Russo-Japanese War. During this war, Russia was seeking a warm-water port on the Pacific and set it’s eyes on Manchuria. Japan, who had also set it’s eyes on the region would recognize Russian control over Manchuria if they did the same for Korea, which Russia refused. Russia would be granted Manchuria and the entirety of Sakhalin island. The wars success secured Alexander III’s reputation, and established Russia as a foremost power.

The Tsar himself, as well as the Ukase and the Duma of Russia would all ally themselves with the Kingdom of Serbia after refusing Austria’s 10 demands after Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo. Russia, while not obligated to defend Serbia chose to do so, as allowing their ally to be invaded would reduce the nation’s creditability and goals of influence in the Balkans. Much of Russia’s fighting in the war was concentrated in Prussia, Galicia-Volhynia, and Silesia. The army had a total of 1.3 Million troops, and 3.1 Million in reserves. Thanks to previous industrialization under Alexander II, Russia was better able to assist Serbia and France.

After 1917[]


Troops of a staunchly-Orthodox faction of the Whites, 1917.

In 1917, just a year before the end of WW1, Russia suffers a civil war, as the Marxist-Communist Reds (Bolsheviks) attempted to take control of the country in order to establish a republican communist state. At first, a Bolshevik victory seemed imminent, given the varied disorderment of the Whites, as well as much of the Reds support base being in urban centres. The disorganized Whites were comprised of a loose coalition of Republicans, Monarchists, Orthodox Christians and other such groups. Natutally, it would be hard for the many groups to unite, though through steady persuasion and promises, he was able to get ethnic minorities and even a few moderate leftists on the White Coalition. Finally, in 1919, Kolchak, Yudenich and many other delegates in Omsk (now Çat-Tora, Siberia) were finally able to agree on a unified form of government (being a mostly-authoritarian republic), captured Petrograd & Moscow respectively, ending the war by 1920.

Alexander Kolchak

Alexander Kolchak in 1918.

1918 would see the dissolution of the Tsardom of Russia, with Kolchak as it's President, became the Russian Republic. Kolchak's premiership was marked with extreme repression and turmoil, initiating a purge of the Bolsheviks (mostly those who were targeted as such or held left-wing views), and repression of secessionist movements in the Russian East & Far East. Despite harsh attitudes towards minority self-determination, the Baltic States and Finland were granted freedom as according to Yudenich's promise for assisting in the liberation of Saint Petersburg. Other states seceded on their own merit, such as Vyatichia which was supported by the Germans, and Ukraine.

This also saw the beginning of a conflict between Germany & it's Client States, and those of Russia starting from the 1920's onward. Russia itself was bordered by Finland, which had elected an increasingly pro-German government after their independence. Additionally, a failed attempt at another German client state was made in the form of the United Baltic Duchy, which fell apart due to ethnic reasons. Russia would assume a large hold of influence over it's 2 successor states, as well as that of the newly-independent Ukraine & Caucasian states to the south. This started an arms race & power struggle between both nations, which rapidly built up their armies in case of war.

World War 2[]

Stalingrad, 1942

Tsaritsyn during WW2. The city was almost entirely destroyed.

With the increased polarization of the 2 major powers, Germany under the German Republic (which had overthrown Kaiser Wilhelm II), lead by Heimrich Himmler who forcefully took power using the democracy of Weimar Germany, would initiate an invasion of Russia through the installed clientele states, as well as through Poland. In response, Russia invaded the independent Ukraine & Vyatichia in May of 1920, in retaliation of German control over the Finnish, Lithuanian and attempted take-over of Poland. The war would officially be declared on 1 September 1939. The Germans would expand on 2 fronts, with Russia amassing troops to the borders of Finland, and Russian-allied states.

Russia would see the Germans attempt to invade in 3 fronts: through the north via Finnish Lapland in order to obtain mineral resources, through Poland and Vyatichia to take Moscow, and through Ukraine & Crimea to obtain the oilfields near the Caucasus. Germans would officially enter Russia through Ukraine in 22 June 1941, as part of Germany's Operation Barbarossa. A goal was made by the Germans to first capture all of Russia from Arkhangelsk to Astrakhan to properly achieve their plans of assuming control over Europe.


Russian soldier waving a flag over the Reichstag, signaling the end of the European theatre of war.

Ukraine, which had been independent for some time now, was invaded by the Germans on their way to Russia, saw massive conflicts between Russians, supporters for an independent Ukraine, and the supporters of a German client state. The fall of Ukraine in September 1941 would see the beginning of German advances into Russia itself. The following years saw heavy fighting in Russian hinterlands & occupied lands, such as the ones in Smolensk, Kiev and Tsaritsyn. 1944 would see the tide of the war change, with a Russian-lead invasion through Ukraine, the Baltic States, Poland and Finland, until finally reaching Germany with the Fall of Berlin in 1945, ending the European front of the war.

During the fighting, many states formed out of Russian Governorates in the east over a period of 2 years, gradually shrinking the nation’s territory. Alaska would secede on 5 December of 1941, though many of these rebellions in Russia west of the Urals were crushed. Siberia being the last of these to separate in 27 October of 1945. As Russia was pre-occupied with the war effort, independence was recognized as to not incite chaos in the region, as major conflicts from both the west and east would destroy or severely cripple Russia. Additionally, Russia was not interested in reconquering lost territories. A select few of nations would send troops over to the European front, while also sending resources and manpower to assist them.

Vladimir kirilovich

Vladimir Kirillovich as he appeared after WW2.

Elections were held in 1945 immediately after the European front ended to decide leadership. Through popular vote, the monarchist Constitutional Democrats was able to take power in the Duma, and Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia, the issue of Kirill Vladimirovich Romanov would gain the title of Tsar, and the Tsardom would formally be re-instated some months later. Russia would be ruled under a strict royal government, constantly stamping out attempts at freedom as Russians became weary that their "Empire" may apart further (seeing as the territories east of the Urals seized the opportunity to secede when Russia was weakened).

The Modern Day[]


Peaceful protests during the 1980's.

The 1960's saw relations between Saxony & Alemannia, the 2 successor states of Germany and Russia gradually cool down, as democracy began to take control across much of Europe. The democracy movement, which along brought sentiments for self-determination would reach Russia in this era, as the nation gradually installing increasingly more liberal policies on economics, social life and so on.

The late 1980's saw increased demand for liberal changes, reflecting those seen in post-war Western Europe, culminating in a series of protests demanding for greater reform in the Duma, as well as amendments to the nation's constitution, and increased minority rights. Gradually, a policy of Openness was assumed (Russian: гласность, glastnost'), and 1989 saw the nation largely peaceful. The Commonwealth of Independent States would be formed as part of deals with nations formerly administrated by Russia, to foster co-operation with Russia and former territories. The Russian living standards would see a rise, as investment into Russia and associated states sharply rose.


Russian GRU Troops in the Terel, 1996.

Though accused of retaining control in the parliaments of the newly-independent nations, Russia retained strong relationships with these states. All seemingly went well until 1995, when a violent insurgency occurred in the Terek Governorate. Terrorism would occur in Russia and other CIS states, and this wildly strengthened both left and right-wing sentiments. The insurgency saw Islamic hardliners occupying southern border territories as well as the key city of Pyatigorsk. Spillovers into Ossetia, Vainakha and Kumykia were frequent.

Flag of the CIS

Flag of the CIS, formed in 1989.

Greater reforms were made by Russia and the member states of the CIS in 1996, allowing the group's members to practice mutual protection (if 1 member is attacked, other members can send protection) following intensified fighting in the Caucasus. Calls for inclusion into the European Union were rejected by many Russians, as Russia was integral to the CIS, though friendly relations with Europe were assumed. Today, Russia faces multitudes of problems, especially issues regarding minorities.


Kremlin Senate in the Moscow Kremlin

The Russian Duma, located in the Kremlin of Moscow.

Currently, Russia governs itself as a Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy. The parliament of Russia is known as the Duma (Russian: Дума), which is a unicameral parliament with 434 seats. Russia's Constitution dates back to 1832, with as the Fundamental Laws of the Empire (Russian: ​Основные​ законы имперіи, Osnovnye zakonyi imperiy). Major changes were made in 1906, though the constitution was effectively ignored during the Interwar period. Later reforms to the constitution would be made in 1989 & 2015.


Tsarina Maria Vladimirovna as of 2017.

The ruling house of Russia is the Romanov Family, which has reigned since 1613, when Michael Romanov was elected Tsar by a Zemsky Sobor. The family had to flee in 1917 during the Civil War, and were permitted to return once the war was over. The family lived comfortably despite the authoritarian nature of the republic. Re-interest in the Tsardom grew as the Republic became increasinly difficult to live in, and was eventually reinstated in 1948. The current regnant is Tsarina Maria Vladimirovna, Vladimir Kirillovich's daughter.

The primary first-level subdivisions of Russia are known as Governorates (Russian: Губернія, Guberniya), which is ruled by a governor (Russian: губернаторъ, gubernator’). Asides from the Governorates, there are 2 Districts (Russian: Oкругъ , Okrug’) equating with the cities of Moscow & Saint Petersburg, and Regions (Russian: Область, Oblast') for areas with a significant ethnic minority population (such as Tatarstan). Note that Oblasts do not function differently from Governorates, and the main distinction is solely based on the fact that Oblasts have a significant ethnic minority. Calls are being made to upgrade the statuses of these regions to autonomous.

1200px-Svoboda, Kadet symbol

Old logo of Russia's KD party.

The current politics of Russia is dominated by the centre-left, monarchist Constitutional Democrats or KD (Russian: Конституціонно-демократическая партія, Konstitutsionno-demokratičeskaya partiya), and the right-wing, republican National Alliance (Russian: Національный Альянсъ, Natsional'nyy Al'yans’), which both split off the coalition White Movement during the 1917 Civil War. Secessionist movements do exist, though many were suppresed by the government during the 1917-1980's period, and only made a comeback recently.


Russia's treatment of the Circassians is subject to wide scrutiny.

Progress towards divisive issues in Russia continues, with the most important issues being the the future of the CIS, dealing with corruption, the actions of Russians abroad, the status of Russia's LGBT community, the past genocides in former territories, the status of Russia's ethnic minorities & secessionism from Russia. Attitudes towards these issues vary with each of Russia's individual citizens, constituencies and political groups. Many Russians tend to support the status quo of the CIS, marriage equality to replace the Civil Partnership system, increased protection of minority languages in regional institutions, but are wildly divided over other issues such as the potential future of CIS, relations with the EU, the role of the Orthodox church in daily life and so on.


As of 2020, Russia had a population of 176.2 million people. Although the population of Russia is very large for European standards, the size of the nation gives it an average density. Russia is a highly urbanized society, with 78.3% of the national population residing in urban areas, with the remaining 21.7% residing in small towns and rural areas. Major metropoles include Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novgorod, Suzdal, & Kazan among others. The population is growing at a slow rate due to a stabilizing birth rate. The population is expected to continue stabilizing, though aging poses a direct threat to the Russian economy and demography.


Ethnic Russians are Europe's largest ethnic group by population.

The titular ethnic group of Russia are the Russians, an East Slavic group. It comprises the largest ethnicity in Europe. Alongside the "proper Russians", there are also related subgroups such as the Pomors, and the Cossacks. Despite the dominance of Russians in everyday life, a very large population of minority groups exist. Some examples include Slavs (Vyatichi, Ukrainians), Uralic (Cheremis, Udmurt, Mordvin, Merya, etc.), Turkic (Volga Tatars, Bashkirs, Nogais, Chuvashes, etc.) & many assorted groups associated with the growing migrant community.
