Alternative History
Iran-Iraq War (Great Salum)
Israeli Fighter Jets in Iraqi Air Space
Israeli Fighter Jets in Iraqi Air Space
Date February 4th, 1983 - June 25th, 1987
Place Iraq, Iran, Israel, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Persian Gulf
Result Indiscisive
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 Iraq

Flag of Syria Syria
Flag of Jordan Jordan
Flag of Palestine PLO
Flag of Hezbollah Hezbollah

Flag of Iran Iran

Flag of the United States United States
Flag of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia
Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union
File:Flag of the British Union.png British Union
Flag of Kuwait Kuwait
Flag of SFR Yugoslavia Yugoslavia
Flag of Bahrain Bahrain
Communist flag of turkey Turkey
Flag of the People's Republic of China China
Flag of North Korea Korea
Flag of the Sangheili Union Sangheili Union
Flag of Qatar Qatar

Flag of Israel Israel

(Alleged Airstrikes)

Flag of the United States United States

Commanders and leaders
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 Saddam Hussein

Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 Ali Hassan Al-Majid
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 Taha Yassin Ramadan
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 Salah Aboud Mahmond

Flag of Iran Ruhollah Khomeini

Flag of Iran Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
Flag of Iran Abulhassan Banisadr

Flag of Israel Ariel Sharon
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 4,230,000 Flag of Iran 6,700,000
Casualties and losses
Flag of Iraq, 1991-2004 600,000

The Iran-Iraq War was an armed conflict between Ba'athist Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran. This was also known as the First Persian Gulf War and it lasted from February 1983 to June 1987 thus making the war shorter and way before then in our timeline today.

The war started when after Saddam Hussein took over Iraq and started to use weapons to murder innocent Israeli and Kurdish people. Iran declared war on Iraq and invaded some of the Eastern Provinces of Iraq. Arab States except for Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were for Saddam and his plans to destroy Kurdistan and Israel. The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to work together for the first time since World War 2 and provide military and financial support for Iran after when the Soviet Union and the United States signed a peace treaty. The Israeli Government warned both sides that Israel would launch air strikes on both Iranian and Iraqi troops if any missile hits any Israeli territory.

Other nations came along after Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar leading to Saudi Arabia to liberate those countries and providing convoys through the Persian Gulf to Iran, In 1985, Iraq launched a missile and it landed on the United States Embassy in Tei Aviv and Ariel Sharon, The Prime Minister of the State of Israel reacted by having the Israeli Air Force to launch airstrikes on Iraq and Iran. The United States Government said they would also help Israel for security measures.

Origins of the war[]

After Saddam Hussein became the President of Iraq during an Anti-Government Protests, he had the Iraqi Military prepare for war to conquer Iran and Israel. Iran to take over control to form a Greater Iraq and Israel to liberate Palestine from Israeli Control. Hussein also decided to act like a wild animal because he wanted to exterminate Israeli and Kurdish People. Akebar Hashemi, The President of Iran thought that this was unaccepted and he warned Saddam that if he kept doing it, Iran would go to war with Iraq. 



During this war, Iranian and Iraqi forces are passing on to each others borders one by one until 1984, Saddam Hussein ordered his troops to attack Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain by navy to increase power and oil production for the Iraqi Army. Things got totally worse for the neighboring nations that Syria and Jordan forced themselves to ally with Iraq while Saudi Arabia declared war on Iraq to provide support for Iran.

Operation Doha[]

Operation "Doha" was an Iraqi mission to conquer Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar to increase power. The Iranian led coalition took charge to send troops to defend Bahrain and Qatar. Kuwait and Bahrain were easily occupied by Iraqi forces and Qatar was heavily defended by Saudi, American, Soviet, Sangheili and British Troops.

Chemical Weapons[]

Iraq (except for Iran in our timeline) was held responsible for launching chemical weapons into Iran leading to the United States and the Soviet Union to provide support to Iran. Akebar was relieved to see the two superpowers help Iran take Iraq for it's chemical weapons.

Israel intervenes with the war[]

Saddam Hussein in 1985 ordered the Iraqi Army to launch a missile into Tei Aviv, Israel. It landed in the HaTikva neighborhood in the city. The Israeli Government and Sharon reacted by issuing airstrikes on the Coalition and Iraq. Soviet Leader Boris Yelten warned Israel not to intervene with troops and Sharon agreed to launch airstrikes on Iraq and Iran with permission from Yelten, Sangheili President Vladimir Kraskosky, and U.S President Ronald Reagen. Multiple Casualties were reported by the Coalition Forces.

Iraqi surrender[]

Before coalition forces reached Baghdad, the Capital of Iraq, Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Army surrendered and he was forced to pay $3 Billion Dollars in damage, especially to Tei Aviv, Kuwait City, and Manama. The Iranian Government after the war decided to establish relations with the United States and Israel then in our timeline
