Alternative History
Great Pacific War



Asia and Oceania


Victory of Allied Council


Allied Council
US flag 48 stars United States
Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom and Imperial Commonwealth Federation
Flag of France France
Naval Ensign of the Soviet Union 1923 Federation of Socialist Republics
Flag of the Republic of China Republic of China
Flag of the People's Republic of Mongolia (1949-1992) Mongolia
Flag of the Dutch Commonwealth of States Commonwealth of States

Flag of Japan Empire of Japan and allies of GreaterAsia Seal Greater East Asian Prosperity Alliance

Casualties and Losses

The Great Pacific War, broadly refers to the war campaigns that took place in the Pacific Ocean, its islands, and in the Far East. It encompass the Second Sino-Japanese War, also including the Russian-Japanese conflict.

The Pacific War begins with the attack on the Philippines and East Indies (1942) by the Empire of Japan and the invasion of British Malay. It ends with the Japanese Revolution and armistice of 1946.

The United States, the United Kingdom, along the Imperial Commonwealth Federation and the Commonwealth of States declared the War, being joined the following months by the French Union. In 1943, the Federation of Socialist Republics and Mongolia would join the conflict. The Supreme political and military command would be exercised by the Allied Council.

The stages of the War where the Japanese Invasion of the Philippines, British Malay and East Indies (1942-1943), occupation of French Indochina (1942-1944), the war for the control of the islands on the Pacific Ocean (1942-1945), the liberation of Philippines, British Malay and East Indies (1943), French Indochina (1943), Manchuria (1944), Taiwan (1945) and Korea (1946).
