Alternative History

The Treaty of New York was a treaty proposed by America to end WW1 and to decide the future of the world.

The Treaty[]

  1. Germany will be a client state of the American Union. It will not be allowed to build its military. It will cover OTL Germany except that the border will be ten miles in.
  2. France gets disputed areas of Germany.

French proposal[]

Division of germany[]

  • Germany will be split between France, Russia, Denmark, and the UK, but no other nations or entities are entitled to any part of Germany.
    • Map of the division of Germany:
      Germany division
  • Each of the following nations will be entitled to a portion of the German Treasury.
    • France will receive 40% of the German treasury.
    • Russia will receive 40% of the German treasury.
    • Denmark will receive 20% of the German treasury.
    • Instead of a portion of the German treasury, the UK will receive all offshore German colonies.
  • None of the Entente Powers are under any obligation to release their occupation zone at anytime, though they may do so at their own discretion, if they so chose.
  • The Entente Powers will agree never to reform the German Empire in the future, unless said reformed nation has a Pro-entente government, and has less than 1/2 the land that the per-war German Empire possessed.

Division of Spain[]

  • depends when and how Spain is collapsed.

Division of Austria-Hungary[]

  • Austria-Hungary will be split between France, Russia and Bulgaria, but no other nations or entities are entitled to any part of Austria-Hungary.
    • Map of the division of Austria-Hungary:
  • Each of the following nations will be entitled to part of the Austrian-Hungarian treasury:
    • France will receive 10% of the Austrian-Hungarian Treasury.
    • Bulgaria will receive 20% of the Austria-Hungarian Treasury.
    • Russia Will receive 20% of the Austrian-Hungarian Treasury.
    • The Remaining 50% of the Austrian-Hungarian treasury will go to the newly formed Entente Development Fund. This bank will be based in Paris, and be responsible for developing undeveloped regions controlled by, or allied with the Entente powers, through subsidies, trade deals, and loans. The bank's day to day operations will be controlled by France, but any major decisions must be agreed on by the other Entente powers.
  • None of the Entente Powers are under any obligation to release their occupation zone at any time, though they may do so at their own discretion, if they so choose.
  • The Entente Powers will agree never to reform the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in the future, unless said reformed nation has a Pro-entente government, and has less than one-half the land that the per-war Austrian-Hungarian Empire possessed.

Signatures for French treaty[]

Bulgaria: Kirbs01 (talk)


AH28 - SSo long as Article 1 and 2 stay the same.


why does Germany become a client state of the AU? why is the AU even involved in the negotiations? to my knowledge, they didn't even go to war. at the very most, they get east Prussia, but probably not. if you don't fight in a war, you don't get the benefits. There is a god... And his name is FIRES 19:41, September 16, 2015 (UTC)

I want Kimchatka, Chukotka, Magadan, and Manchuria and peace with Western Powers. Rev9

Denmark does not accept the proposal from the American Union. We do agree with the French proposal and sign that Matt121 ??? Matt125 (Talk) 01:40, September 17, 2015 (UTC)

How about the American Union should buy Berlin and Munich of France/Britain. Also, I think Britain should get a bigger bit. AH28

How about no, because you didn't do anything in the war against Germany Matt121 ??? Matt125 (Talk) 22:19, September 17, 2015 (UTC)

Same thing as I said and chould should to could and put buy in capital letters. aH28

French proposal is bad. Has no sense of realism and AU had nothing to do with war so it shouldn't be treaty of new york. -Rev9

Here's a map of what Europe could possibly look like realistically.


Post-War Europe New Nations Possibly -East Germany -West Germany -Slovakia -Hungary

