Alternative History
Republic of Florida
República de Florida
OTL equivalent: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, South Carolina and Roanoke Island, North Carolina.
Flag Florida
Location Florida
Florida in yellow and orange. The five "Indian Nations" (Cheroquí, Muscogí, Chocto, Chicaso and Seminola) in orange
La razón y la fuerza (Spanish)
("Reason and strength")
Capital San Agustín
Largest city Seminola
Other cities Orlando
  others English, Indigenous languages
Religion Roman Catholicism
Ethnic Groups
  others Native Americans
Demonym Floridian
Government Presidential Republic
President Joaquín Álvarez
Vice-President Felipe Johnson
Population 25,000,000 
Currency Floridian Peso

The Republic of Florida (Spanish: República de Florida, also called the Floridian Republic, República Florideña) is a nation in North America.


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Spanish Colony[]

Florida's history as a Spaniard nation began in 1512 when Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León was sent north in order to find land north of Cuba. He discovered the peninsula of La Florida, which he named after the season he discovered it in.

Small Spaniard explorations continued without success until the Narváez Expedition in 1527, which landed in northeastern Florida and founded the city of San Agustin, according to many the first in North America. The Floridian territory further expanded after the short War of Roanoke in 1585, in which it gained the English colony of Roanoke. Later, it expanded northwards through Native American territories, establishing large encomiendas.

Florida remained a Spanish colony, first as its own Captaincy General and then as part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada (together with the Spanish Caribbean as the Audience of San Agustín).


By 1821, most of the colonial holdings of Spain had gotten their independence from the mother nation. However, Florida remained part of the Spanish crown, even though dissent from the civilian population was boiling throughout the nation. The dissent could be especially felt in the inland and the north, where most of the nation was either composed of wilderness and small towns (the only large city being Móbil) or most of the Indian Nations, which back then were encomiendas, or church-owned territories controlled by Spaniard noblemen which more or less owned the indians in order to try and convert them to Christianity. However, calls for independence were also seen in the southern portion of the nation, supporting the adding of Cuba and the rest of the Audience of San Agustín to the Floridian state.

The first outbreak of fighting of Florida was the Bloody Massacre (Spanish: Masacre Sangrienta) in a small Spaniard town within the Seminola Encomienda where after several protests, the Spaniard army opened fire on a crowd in the city's square and killed 20 people.

The Floridian Revolution started in January 18, 1822 after the formation of a local milicia by former Spanish Army commander Juan Antonio Mosquera. After several years of (mostly guerrilla) fighting, the Floridian army was able to capture San Agustín, the capital of Florida, and declared an independent state. The Caribbean isles and the rest of the Audiencia, however, did not join the new nation.

Spain agreed to Floridian independence in the Treaty of Móbil in 1830.
