Alternative History
Yavukian Oblast Republic
Timeline: Russian America Expansion
Flag of Yavukia
Location of Yavukia
The location of Yavukia within North America.
Capital New Archangel
Largest city Ross
Other cities Oregon City, Shelikhov, Los Angeles, San Antonio, Unalaska, Pavlovskaia, Levanov City, Marie, Kalan, New Alexandrowsk, Alesandrovsk, Svyatoy Dionysius, New Svyatoy Petersburg,
  others Indigenous languages
Orthodox,Catholic Church
  others Indigenous religions
Ethnic Groups
European Russians, Mezhikans (In the southern areas)
  others Chinese, Korean, Indigenous, Non Russian Europeans
Demonym Yavukian
Government Single-party state

Military dictatorship


Great General Matvey Orlov
President Yuri Nikitin
Established Independence from Russia: April 26, 1879

Military Coup d'état: October 8, 1905

Currency Yavukian Lialev (YVL)
Time Zone -10 to -6
Calling Code +71
Internet TLD .yv (used only for government agencies)
Organizations PEMA (original founder)

The Yavukian Oblast Republic (Russian: Явукийская Республики Oбласти) (Spanish: Yávukia Óblast República) is a nation which has the majority of the Pacific Ocean Coastline in North America under its control. It is commonly referred to as Yavukia. Yavukia is divided up into 12 Oblasts and four Krais. No flags are allowed in the country except flags of countries in or claimed to be in P.E.M.A.



In 1784 Grigory Ivanovich Shelikhov arrived in Three Saints Bay. He slaughtered hundreds of Koniag and set up Russia's first permanent settlement in the Americas. In 1790 Shelikhov led an expedition to the coasts of northern Yavukia on the whim of Catherine II. When Shelikhov arrived there he found an abundance of raw materials which would greatly benefit the Russian Empire. He returned to Catherine II and was almost immediately sent back to the Yavukian coasts to begin colonization. Shelikhov arrived again in 1792 and founded the settlement Shelikhov. Spain viewed Russia's advancements as encroachment onto Spanish territory. The colonies become hugely profitable to the Russian Empire and further expeditions were led into what is now the Milyajona Oblast, East Yukon Oblast, and Orlov Oblast. England viewed this as encroachment on British territory causing worse relations between Russia and England. In 1801 Spain finally relinquished claims to OTL Alaska. Fort Ross was built in 1812 escalating tensions between Russia and Spain even greater. Russia stayed neutral in the Napoleonic Wars causing them to last many years longer than they would have had to. Russia saw this as an opportunity and capitalized on Spain's war in Europe and the Mezhikan Independence War. Russia took the side of Mezhiko in the Mezhikan Independence War. Many historians consider the Mezhikan Independence War to be the beginning of the Russo-Iberian War. Spain was beaten in a few short years and in 1816 Mezhiko was declared an independent nation under the guidance of the Russian Empire. The territory now known as the Ross Oblast, California Krai, and Bexar Krai were ceded to the Russian American Company by Spain. With Mezhiko's independence many other South American nations declared independence from the Spanish Empire. By 1823 Russia and its puppet states spanned the two American continents. With the Brazilian War for Independence already underway all Russia needed to do is intervene to help the Brazilians win. Some historians consider the Brazilian War for Independence to be the end of the Russo-Iberian War. On February 23, 1824 Russia added Brazil to its list of puppet states. The last place Russia looked


The areas which were occupied by the Rupert's Land, the United States, and Russian America, and the dates in which they occurred.

to is the Oregon Country. The two halves of Russian America would be connected if Russia controlled Oregon. The United States and England feared Russian occupation of Oregon and quickly sent troops and colonists into Oregon, Russia also occupied the Northern and Southern areas of Oregon. In the 1850's while the aggression between the Southern United States and Northern United States the American president Franklin Pierce of the time withdrew all claims and troops from Oregon. Russia rushed in and claimed most of the former U.S. claims. During the U.S. Civil War Russia purchased the rest of Oregon from England finally connecting North and South Russian America. The transaction was made official in 1864 in Toronto. This transaction greatly weakened the Russian economy. Many wars which involved Russia occurred also greatly weakening the economy and causing them to be a financial crisis. Since the Russian economy was sinking lower and lower Russian America declared independence peacefully in 1879 as the Yavukian Commonwealth. The Latin American Russian puppet states which relied heavily on Russian American imports sided with Yavukia. The Yavukian Commonwealth was formed on April 13, 1879.


On April 13 1879 the Yavukian Commonwealth Constitution was written and Yavukia's independence finalized. The Latin American countries quickly followed and by 1882 had all became democratic nations. The new nation didn't do well and their economy crumbled within a few years of their independence. The economy of Russian America had relied heavily on the hunting of sea otters and with the sea otters near extinction Yavukia was unable to capitalize on the otters. One the only companies stimulating the Yavukian economy was Levanov's Natural Resources, with its mines and oil wells acroos the country, but despite this the Yavukian economy collapsed. With the collapse of the Yavukian economy the Latin American countries followed. Even with the collapsed economy Yavukia remained a democracy for 20 years, but couldn't hold up when there was a coup d'état. The Yavukian Freedom Party had under 50 members from its formation in 1870 until the early 1890's. With a majority of the population in poverty the Yavukian Freedom Party was able to gain over five million members. The Yavukian Freedom Army was formed in 1895 and grew to its full potential in the early 1900's. on October 3, 1905 the Yavukian Freedom Army bombarded Baranov Island and marched into the capital midnight October 4, 1905. A new constitution was constructed four days later. Alik Orlov the leader of the Yavukian Freedom Party was named Great General and head of the military. Many of the democratic governments of Latin America tried to sustain themselves. They didn't want to defect to the United States, because World War I was brewing and they didn't want to get involved. One by one they fell without the support of the Yavukian Commonwealth and new Yavukian satellite states emerged. With the United States concentrated on Europe they couldn't help the Yavukian Commonwealth during the coup or help any of the Latin American states remain democratic.

Military Dictatorship[]

After World War I Yavukia began to develop close ties with the Japanese Empire. Both nations disapproved of the new Russian government and had similar governments. Yavukia joined the League of Nations upon its formation, but left in 1927 with the Japanese Empire. When both countries left the League of Nations in 1927 they further distancing themselves from what would be the allies and improved relations with themselves. Four years later in 1931 Yavukia, Japan, and their puppet states formed PEMA, World War II broke out eight years later. Yavukia convinced Japan to remain neutral in the war.

Without the United States bordering the pacific Japan didn't

Yavukian Civil War

The territory controlled by the various people claiming to be the Great General of Yavukia as of 1961.

even contemplate attacking the United States. The United

States remained neutral in the war, yet England and the Soviet Union were more than a match for Germany and Italy. Following the war P.E.M.A. remained relatively neutral while tensions escalated between the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. Alik Orlov's death was a heavy blow to Yavukia and its puppet states. Debates about the next Great General raged in Yavukia until it erupted in Civil war on March 15, 1961, the war raged for two years until January 23, 1963 when Alik Orlov's son Veniamin Orlov was able to regain control of the country and win the Yavukian Civil War, the only conflict which Yavukia has initiated to date. Ten years later in 1973 with tensions high between the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union. Yavukia and Japan met in Kyoto for a conference. It was decided at the Kyoto Conference that P.E.M.A. would remain neutral. The collapse of the United Kingdom eight years later had relatively no effect on P.E.M.A. Veniamin Orlov was murdered three years later. His son Matvey Orlov took control of the country. Matvey had been suspected of the murder, but there has been no evidence of this.&nbsp Since then, tensions have slowly been growing between P.E.M.A. and the League of Nations.

Foreign Relations[]


Relations between Yavukia and the Japanese Empire were neutral from 1879-1921. Neither countries had many dealings with each other until 1921 when the two countries started trading with each other. Relations continued to grow throughout the years. Neither of the countries were involved in any major conflicts since their formation of P.E.M.A. in 1926. The formation of P.E.M.A. also helped improve relations greatly. Since 1905 both countries have had similar governments. Today Japan and Yavukia have great relations their militaries and economies work together in P.E.M.A.

Soviet Union[]

Since the Russian Revolution in 1917 Yavukia has disapproved in the Soviet Union's government. Relations were worsened when Japanese-Yavukian relations began improving in 1919. Neither country has been on the opposite side of a war, but nonetheless they haven't had any trade or military agreement in the 93 years they have co-existed. Relations have escalated since the earthquake in South Caribbean which devastated their capital Port-au-Prince. P.E.M.A. troops haven't allowed any access from League of Nations troops or Comecon troops to the South Caribbean to provide aid.

United States[]

The United States was supportive of Yavukia's independence from the Russian Empire in 1879. Relations between the two nations grew from Yavukia's independence until the military coup of 1905. The United States tried to intervene in the Yavukian coup, but was unable to do so, because of the war brewing in Europe. After the coup the United States tried to diplomatically approach the new government for help in World War 1. Yavukia refused saying that their new country couldn't afford a war. This was followed by the increase of importance in the Continental Divide Dispute when a large copper vain was discovered in the disputed territory. The United States had always disapproved of the Japanese Empire and when Yavukia began to develop relations with them and formed P.E.M.A. Since the United States and Yavukia were both neutral during the Cold War between the United Kingdom and Soviet Union the only event to escalate tensions between the two nations was the dispute of who controlled the copper vein in the disputed territory. Recently tensions have been growing tense with the South Caribbean earthquake in January 2010. P.E.M.A. troops (mainly Yavukian, Mezhikan, and New Granadan) not allowing the United States to give medical support to the millions of people trapped in the capital city of Port-au-Prince.
